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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » IDE Netbeans » swingapp » applicationpackage 
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001:        /*
002:         *
003:         */
005:        package applicationpackage;
007:        import org.jdesktop.application.Action;
008:        import org.jdesktop.application.ResourceMap;
009:        import org.jdesktop.application.SingleFrameApplication;
010:        import org.jdesktop.application.FrameView;
011:        import org.jdesktop.application.TaskMonitor;
012:        import org.jdesktop.application.Task;
013:        import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
014:        import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
015:        import java.util.ArrayList;/* DETAIL_ONLY */
016:        import java.util.Collection;
017:        import java.util.Iterator;
018:        import java.util.LinkedList;/* DETAIL_ONLY */
019:        import java.util.List;
020:        import javax.persistence.RollbackException;
021:        import javax.swing.Timer;
022:        import javax.swing.Icon;
023:        import javax.swing.JDialog;
024:        import javax.swing.JFrame;
025:        import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent;
026:        import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener;
027:        import org.jdesktop.beansbinding.AbstractBindingListener;
028:        import org.jdesktop.beansbinding.Binding;
029:        import org.jdesktop.beansbinding.PropertyStateEvent;
031:        /**
032:         * The application's main frame.
033:         */
034:        public class ShellView extends FrameView {
036:            public ShellView(SingleFrameApplication app) {
037:                super (app);
039:                initComponents();
041:                // status bar initialization - message timeout, idle icon and busy animation, etc
042:                ResourceMap resourceMap = getResourceMap();
043:                int messageTimeout = resourceMap
044:                        .getInteger("StatusBar.messageTimeout");
045:                messageTimer = new Timer(messageTimeout, new ActionListener() {
046:                    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
047:                        statusMessageLabel.setText("");
048:                    }
049:                });
050:                messageTimer.setRepeats(false);
051:                int busyAnimationRate = resourceMap
052:                        .getInteger("StatusBar.busyAnimationRate");
053:                for (int i = 0; i < busyIcons.length; i++) {
054:                    busyIcons[i] = resourceMap.getIcon("StatusBar.busyIcons["
055:                            + i + "]");
056:                }
057:                busyIconTimer = new Timer(busyAnimationRate,
058:                        new ActionListener() {
059:                            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
060:                                busyIconIndex = (busyIconIndex + 1)
061:                                        % busyIcons.length;
062:                                statusAnimationLabel
063:                                        .setIcon(busyIcons[busyIconIndex]);
064:                            }
065:                        });
066:                idleIcon = resourceMap.getIcon("StatusBar.idleIcon");
067:                statusAnimationLabel.setIcon(idleIcon);
068:                progressBar.setVisible(false);
070:                // connecting action tasks to status bar via TaskMonitor
071:                TaskMonitor taskMonitor = new TaskMonitor(getApplication()
072:                        .getContext());
073:                taskMonitor
074:                        .addPropertyChangeListener(new java.beans.PropertyChangeListener() {
075:                            public void propertyChange(
076:                                    java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
077:                                String propertyName = evt.getPropertyName();
078:                                if ("started".equals(propertyName)) {
079:                                    if (!busyIconTimer.isRunning()) {
080:                                        statusAnimationLabel
081:                                                .setIcon(busyIcons[0]);
082:                                        busyIconIndex = 0;
083:                                        busyIconTimer.start();
084:                                    }
085:                                    progressBar.setVisible(true);
086:                                    progressBar.setIndeterminate(true);
087:                                } else if ("done".equals(propertyName)) {
088:                                    busyIconTimer.stop();
089:                                    statusAnimationLabel.setIcon(idleIcon);
090:                                    progressBar.setVisible(false);
091:                                    progressBar.setValue(0);
092:                                } else if ("message".equals(propertyName)) {
093:                                    String text = (String) (evt.getNewValue());
094:                                    statusMessageLabel
095:                                            .setText((text == null) ? "" : text);
096:                                    messageTimer.restart();
097:                                } else if ("progress".equals(propertyName)) {
098:                                    int value = (Integer) (evt.getNewValue());
099:                                    progressBar.setVisible(true);
100:                                    progressBar.setIndeterminate(false);
101:                                    progressBar.setValue(value);
102:                                }
103:                            }
104:                        });
106:                // tracking table selection
107:                masterTable.getSelectionModel().addListSelectionListener(
108:                        new ListSelectionListener() {
109:                            public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) {
110:                                firePropertyChange("recordSelected",
111:                                        !isRecordSelected(), isRecordSelected());
112:                            }
113:                        });/* DETAIL_ONLY */
114:                detailTable.getSelectionModel().addListSelectionListener(
115:                        new ListSelectionListener() {
116:                            public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) {
117:                                firePropertyChange("detailRecordSelected",
118:                                        !isDetailRecordSelected(),
119:                                        isDetailRecordSelected());
120:                            }
121:                        }); /* DETAIL_ONLY */
123:                // tracking changes to save
124:                bindingGroup.addBindingListener(new AbstractBindingListener() {
125:                    @Override
126:                    public void targetChanged(Binding binding,
127:                            PropertyStateEvent event) {
128:                        // save action observes saveNeeded property
129:                        setSaveNeeded(true);
130:                    }
131:                });
133:                // have a transaction started
134:                entityManager.getTransaction().begin();
135:            }
137:            public boolean isSaveNeeded() {
138:                return saveNeeded;
139:            }
141:            private void setSaveNeeded(boolean saveNeeded) {
142:                if (saveNeeded != this .saveNeeded) {
143:                    this .saveNeeded = saveNeeded;
144:                    firePropertyChange("saveNeeded", !saveNeeded, saveNeeded);
145:                }
146:            }
148:            public boolean isRecordSelected() {
149:                return masterTable.getSelectedRow() != -1;
150:            }
152:            /* DETAIL_ONLY */
153:            public boolean isDetailRecordSelected() {
154:                return detailTable.getSelectedRow() != -1;
155:            }/* DETAIL_ONLY */
157:            @Action
158:            public void newRecord() {
159:                _masterClass_ _masterEntityInitial_ = new _masterClass_();
160:                entityManager.persist(_masterEntityInitial_);
161:                list.add(_masterEntityInitial_);
162:                int row = list.size() - 1;
163:                masterTable.setRowSelectionInterval(row, row);
164:                masterTable.scrollRectToVisible(masterTable.getCellRect(row, 0,
165:                        true));
166:                setSaveNeeded(true);
167:            }
169:            @Action(enabledProperty="recordSelected")
170:            public void deleteRecord() {
171:                int[] selected = masterTable.getSelectedRows();
172:                List<_masterClass_> toRemove = new ArrayList<_masterClass_>(
173:                        selected.length);
174:                for (int idx = 0; idx < selected.length; idx++) {
175:                    _masterClass_ _masterEntityInitial_ = list
176:                            .get(/* JDK6ONLY */masterTable
177:                                    .convertRowIndexToModel(/* JDK6ONLY */selected[idx]/* JDK6ONLY */)/* JDK6ONLY */);
178:                    toRemove.add(_masterEntityInitial_);
179:                    entityManager.remove(_masterEntityInitial_);
180:                }
181:                list.removeAll(toRemove);
182:                setSaveNeeded(true);
183:            }
185:            /* DETAIL_ONLY */
186:            @Action(enabledProperty="recordSelected")
187:            public void newDetailRecord() {
188:                int index = masterTable.getSelectedRow();
189:                _masterClass_ _masterEntityInitial_ = list
190:                        .get(/* JDK6ONLY */masterTable
191:                                .convertRowIndexToModel(/* JDK6ONLY */index/* JDK6ONLY */)/* JDK6ONLY */);
192:                Collection<_detailClass_> _detailEntityInitial_s = _masterEntityInitial_
193:                        .get_joinCollectionCapital_();
194:                if (_detailEntityInitial_s == null) {
195:                    _detailEntityInitial_s = new LinkedList<_detailClass_>();
196:                    _masterEntityInitial_
197:                            .set_joinCollectionCapital_(_detailEntityInitial_s);
198:                }
199:                _detailClass_ _detailEntityInitial_ = new _detailClass_();
200:                entityManager.persist(_detailEntityInitial_);
201:                _detailEntityInitial_.set_joinCapital_(_masterEntityInitial_);
202:                _detailEntityInitial_s.add(_detailEntityInitial_);
203:                masterTable.clearSelection();
204:                masterTable.setRowSelectionInterval(index, index);
205:                int row = _detailEntityInitial_s.size() - 1;
206:                detailTable.setRowSelectionInterval(row, row);
207:                detailTable.scrollRectToVisible(detailTable.getCellRect(row, 0,
208:                        true));
209:                setSaveNeeded(true);
210:            }
212:            @Action(enabledProperty="detailRecordSelected")
213:            public void deleteDetailRecord() {
214:                int index = masterTable.getSelectedRow();
215:                _masterClass_ _masterEntityInitial_ = list
216:                        .get(/* JDK6ONLY */masterTable
217:                                .convertRowIndexToModel(/* JDK6ONLY */index/* JDK6ONLY */)/* JDK6ONLY */);
218:                Collection<_detailClass_> _detailEntityInitial_s = _masterEntityInitial_
219:                        .get_joinCollectionCapital_();
220:                int[] selected = detailTable.getSelectedRows();
221:                List<_detailClass_> toRemove = new ArrayList<_detailClass_>(
222:                        selected.length);
223:                for (int idx = 0; idx < selected.length; idx++) {/* JDK6ONLY */
224:                    selected[idx] = detailTable
225:                            .convertRowIndexToModel(selected[idx]);/* JDK6ONLY */
226:                    int count = 0;
227:                    Iterator<_detailClass_> iter = _detailEntityInitial_s
228:                            .iterator();
229:                    while (count++ < selected[idx])
230:              ;
231:                    _detailClass_ _detailEntityInitial_ =;
232:                    toRemove.add(_detailEntityInitial_);
233:                    entityManager.remove(_detailEntityInitial_);
234:                }
235:                _detailEntityInitial_s.removeAll(toRemove);
236:                masterTable.clearSelection();
237:                masterTable.setRowSelectionInterval(index, index);
238:                setSaveNeeded(true);
239:            }/* DETAIL_ONLY */
241:            @Action(enabledProperty="saveNeeded")
242:            public Task save() {
243:                return new SaveTask(getApplication());
244:            }
246:            private class SaveTask extends Task {
247:                SaveTask(org.jdesktop.application.Application app) {
248:                    super (app);
249:                }
251:                @Override
252:                protected Void doInBackground() {
253:                    try {
254:                        entityManager.getTransaction().commit();
255:                        entityManager.getTransaction().begin();
256:                    } catch (RollbackException rex) {
257:                        rex.printStackTrace();
258:                        entityManager.getTransaction().begin();
259:                        List<_masterClass_> merged = new ArrayList<_masterClass_>(
260:                                list.size());
261:                        for (_masterClass_ _masterEntityInitial_ : list) {
262:                            merged.add(entityManager
263:                                    .merge(_masterEntityInitial_));
264:                        }
265:                        list.clear();
266:                        list.addAll(merged);
267:                    }
268:                    return null;
269:                }
271:                @Override
272:                protected void finished() {
273:                    setSaveNeeded(false);
274:                }
275:            }
277:            /**
278:             * An example action method showing how to create asynchronous tasks
279:             * (running on background) and how to show their progress. Note the
280:             * artificial 'Thread.sleep' calls making the task long enough to see the
281:             * progress visualization - remove the sleeps for real application.
282:             */
283:            @Action
284:            public Task refresh() {
285:                return new RefreshTask(getApplication());
286:            }
288:            private class RefreshTask extends Task {
289:                RefreshTask(org.jdesktop.application.Application app) {
290:                    super (app);
291:                }
293:                @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
294:                @Override
295:                protected Void doInBackground() {
296:                    try {
297:                        setProgress(0, 0, 4);
298:                        setMessage("Rolling back the current changes...");
299:                        setProgress(1, 0, 4);
300:                        entityManager.getTransaction().rollback();
301:                        Thread.sleep(1000L); // remove for real app
302:                        setProgress(2, 0, 4);
304:                        setMessage("Starting a new transaction...");
305:                        entityManager.getTransaction().begin();
306:                        Thread.sleep(500L); // remove for real app
307:                        setProgress(3, 0, 4);
309:                        setMessage("Fetching new data...");
310:                        java.util.Collection data = query.getResultList();
311:                        for (Object entity : data) {
312:                            entityManager.refresh(entity);
313:                        }
314:                        Thread.sleep(1300L); // remove for real app
315:                        setProgress(4, 0, 4);
317:                        Thread.sleep(150L); // remove for real app
318:                        list.clear();
319:                        list.addAll(data);
320:                    } catch (InterruptedException ignore) {
321:                    }
322:                    return null;
323:                }
325:                @Override
326:                protected void finished() {
327:                    setMessage("Done.");
328:                    setSaveNeeded(false);
329:                }
330:            }
332:            @Action
333:            public void showAboutBox() {
334:                if (aboutBox == null) {
335:                    JFrame mainFrame = ShellApp.getApplication().getMainFrame();
336:                    aboutBox = new ShellAboutBox(mainFrame);
337:                    aboutBox.setLocationRelativeTo(mainFrame);
338:                }
339:                ShellApp.getApplication().show(aboutBox);
340:            }
342:            /** This method is called from within the constructor to
343:             * initialize the form.
344:             * WARNING: Do NOT modify this code. The content of this method is
345:             * always regenerated by the Form Editor.
346:             */
347:            @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
348:            // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Code ">//GEN-BEGIN:initComponents
349:            private void initComponents() {
350:            }// </editor-fold>//GEN-END:initComponents
352:            // Variables declaration - do not modify//GEN-BEGIN:variables
353:            private javax.swing.JPanel mainPanel;
354:            private javax.swing.JMenuBar menuBar;
355:            private javax.swing.JProgressBar progressBar;
356:            private javax.swing.JLabel statusAnimationLabel;
357:            private javax.swing.JLabel statusMessageLabel;
358:            private javax.swing.JPanel statusPanel;
359:            // End of variables declaration//GEN-END:variables
361:            private final Timer messageTimer;
362:            private final Timer busyIconTimer;
363:            private final Icon idleIcon;
364:            private final Icon[] busyIcons = new Icon[15];
365:            private int busyIconIndex = 0;
367:            private JDialog aboutBox;
369:            private boolean saveNeeded;
370:        } | Contact Us
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