0001: /*
0003: *
0004: * Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
0005: *
0006: * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
0007: * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common
0008: * Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
0009: * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
0010: * License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
0011: * http://www.netbeans.org/cddl-gplv2.html
0012: * or nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. See the License for the
0013: * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
0014: * License. When distributing the software, include this License Header
0015: * Notice in each file and include the License file at
0016: * nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. Sun designates this
0017: * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
0018: * by Sun in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
0019: * accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the
0020: * License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
0021: * your own identifying information:
0022: * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
0023: *
0024: * Contributor(s):
0025: *
0026: * The Original Software is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
0027: * Software is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun
0028: * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
0029: *
0030: * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL
0031: * or only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding
0032: * "[Contributor] elects to include this software in this distribution
0033: * under the [CDDL or GPL Version 2] license." If you do not indicate a
0034: * single choice of license, a recipient has the option to distribute
0035: * your version of this file under either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or
0036: * to extend the choice of license to its licensees as provided above.
0037: * However, if you add GPL Version 2 code and therefore, elected the GPL
0038: * Version 2 license, then the option applies only if the new code is
0039: * made subject to such option by the copyright holder.
0040: */
0041: package com.sun.rave.web.ui.renderer.template.xml;
0043: import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.util.descriptors.ComponentType;
0044: import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.util.descriptors.LayoutAttribute;
0045: import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.util.descriptors.LayoutComponent;
0046: import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.util.descriptors.LayoutDefinition;
0047: import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.util.descriptors.LayoutElement;
0048: import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.util.descriptors.LayoutFacet;
0049: import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.util.descriptors.LayoutForEach;
0050: import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.util.descriptors.LayoutIf;
0051: import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.util.descriptors.LayoutMarkup;
0052: import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.util.descriptors.LayoutStaticText;
0053: import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.util.descriptors.LayoutWhile;
0054: import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.util.descriptors.Resource;
0055: import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.util.event.Handler;
0056: import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.util.event.HandlerDefinition;
0057: import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.util.event.IODescriptor;
0058: import com.sun.rave.web.ui.util.IncludeInputStream;
0060: import java.io.IOException;
0061: import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
0062: import java.io.InputStream;
0063: import java.net.URL;
0064: import java.util.ArrayList;
0065: import java.util.HashMap;
0066: import java.util.Iterator;
0067: import java.util.List;
0068: import java.util.Map;
0070: import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
0071: import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
0072: import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
0074: import org.w3c.dom.Document;
0075: import org.w3c.dom.Element;
0076: import org.w3c.dom.Node;
0077: import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
0078: import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
0080: import org.xml.sax.EntityResolver;
0081: import org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler;
0082: import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
0084: /**
0085: * <p> This class is responsible for doing the actual parsing of an XML
0086: * document following the layout.dtd. It produces a {@link LayoutElement}
0087: * tree with a {@link LayoutDefinition} object at the root of the tree.</p>
0088: *
0089: * @author Ken Paulsen (ken.paulsen@sun.com)
0090: */
0091: public class XMLLayoutDefinitionReader {
0093: /**
0094: * Constructor.
0095: *
0096: * @param url A URL pointing to the {@link LayoutDefinition}
0097: * @param entityResolver EntityResolver to use, may be (null)
0098: * @param errorHandler ErrorHandler to use, may be (null)
0099: * @param baseURI The base URI passed to DocumentBuilder.parse()
0100: */
0101: public XMLLayoutDefinitionReader(URL url,
0102: EntityResolver entityResolver, ErrorHandler errorHandler,
0103: String baseURI) {
0104: _url = url;
0105: _entityResolver = entityResolver;
0106: _errorHandler = errorHandler;
0107: _baseURI = baseURI;
0108: }
0110: /**
0111: * Accessor for the URL.
0112: */
0113: public URL getURL() {
0114: return _url;
0115: }
0117: /**
0118: * Accessor for the entityResolver.
0119: */
0120: public EntityResolver getEntityResolver() {
0121: return _entityResolver;
0122: }
0124: /**
0125: * Accessor for the ErrorHandler.
0126: */
0127: public ErrorHandler getErrorHandler() {
0128: return _errorHandler;
0129: }
0131: /**
0132: * Accessor for the base URI.
0133: */
0134: public String getBaseURI() {
0135: return _baseURI;
0136: }
0138: /**
0139: * <p> The read method opens the given URL and parses the XML document
0140: * that it points to. It then walks the DOM and populates a
0141: * {@link LayoutDefinition} structure, which is returned.</p>
0142: *
0143: * @return The {@link LayoutDefinition}
0144: *
0145: * @throws IOException
0146: */
0147: public LayoutDefinition read() throws IOException {
0148: // Open the URL
0149: InputStream inputStream = new IncludeInputStream(
0150: new BufferedInputStream(getURL().openStream()));
0151: Document doc = null;
0153: try {
0154: // Get a DocumentBuilderFactory and set it up
0155: DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory
0156: .newInstance();
0157: dbf.setNamespaceAware(true);
0158: dbf.setValidating(true);
0159: dbf.setIgnoringComments(true);
0160: dbf.setIgnoringElementContentWhitespace(false);
0161: dbf.setCoalescing(false);
0162: // The opposite of creating entity ref nodes is expanding inline
0163: dbf.setExpandEntityReferences(true);
0165: // Get a DocumentBuilder...
0166: DocumentBuilder db = null;
0167: try {
0168: db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
0169: } catch (ParserConfigurationException ex) {
0170: throw new RuntimeException(ex);
0171: }
0172: if (getEntityResolver() != null) {
0173: db.setEntityResolver(getEntityResolver());
0174: }
0175: if (getErrorHandler() != null) {
0176: db.setErrorHandler(getErrorHandler());
0177: }
0179: // Parse the XML file
0180: try {
0181: doc = db.parse(inputStream, getBaseURI());
0182: } catch (SAXException ex) {
0183: throw new RuntimeException(ex);
0184: }
0185: } finally {
0186: try {
0187: inputStream.close();
0188: } catch (Exception ex) {
0189: // Ignore...
0190: }
0191: }
0193: // Populate the LayoutDefinition from the Document
0194: return createLayoutDefinition(doc);
0195: }
0197: /**
0198: * This method is responsible for extracting all the information out of
0199: * the supplied document and filling the {@link LayoutDefinition} structure.
0200: *
0201: * @param doc The Document object to read info from
0202: *
0203: * @return The new {@link LayoutDefinition} Object
0204: */
0205: private LayoutDefinition createLayoutDefinition(Document doc) {
0206: // Get the document element (LAYOUT_DEFINITION_ELEMENT)
0207: Node node = doc.getDocumentElement();
0208: if (!node.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(
0210: throw new RuntimeException("Document Element must be '"
0212: }
0214: // Create a new LayoutDefinition (the id is not propagated here)
0215: LayoutDefinition ld = new LayoutDefinition("");
0217: // Do "resources" first, they are defined at the top of the document
0218: List childElements = getChildElements(node, RESOURCES_ELEMENT);
0219: Iterator it = childElements.iterator();
0220: if (it.hasNext()) {
0221: // Found the RESOURCES_ELEMENT, there is at most 1
0222: addResources(ld, (Node) it.next());
0223: }
0225: // Do "types", they need to be defined before parsing the layout
0226: childElements = getChildElements(node, TYPES_ELEMENT);
0227: it = childElements.iterator();
0228: if (it.hasNext()) {
0229: // Found the TYPES_ELEMENT, there is at most 1
0230: addTypes(ld, (Node) it.next());
0231: }
0233: // Do "handlers" next, they need to be defined before parsing the layout
0234: childElements = getChildElements(node, HANDLERS_ELEMENT);
0235: it = childElements.iterator();
0236: if (it.hasNext()) {
0237: // Found the HANDLERS_ELEMENT, there is at most 1
0238: cacheHandlerDefs((Node) it.next());
0239: }
0241: // Look to see if there is an EVENT_ELEMENT defined
0242: childElements = getChildElements(node, EVENT_ELEMENT);
0243: it = childElements.iterator();
0244: if (it.hasNext()) {
0245: // Found the EVENT_ELEMENT, there is at most 1
0246: // Get the event type
0247: Node eventNode = (Node) it.next();
0248: String type = (String) getAttributes(eventNode).get(
0251: // Set the Handlers for the given event type (name)
0252: List handlers = ld.getHandlers(type);
0253: ld.setHandlers(type, getHandlers(eventNode, handlers));
0254: }
0256: // Next look for "layout", there is exactly 1
0257: childElements = getChildElements(node, LAYOUT_ELEMENT);
0258: it = childElements.iterator();
0259: if (it.hasNext()) {
0260: // Found the LAYOUT_ELEMENT, there is only 1
0261: addChildLayoutElements(ld, (Node) it.next());
0262: } else {
0263: throw new RuntimeException("A '" + LAYOUT_ELEMENT
0264: + "' element is required in the XML document!");
0265: }
0267: // Return the LayoutDefinition
0268: return ld;
0269: }
0271: /**
0272: * This method iterates throught the child RESOURCE_ELEMENT nodes and
0273: * adds new resource objects to the {@link LayoutDefinition}.
0274: *
0275: * @param ld The LayoutDefinition
0276: * @param node Parent Node containing the RESOURCE_ELEMENT nodes
0277: */
0278: private void addResources(LayoutDefinition ld, Node node) {
0279: // Get the child nodes
0280: Iterator it = getChildElements(node, RESOURCE_ELEMENT)
0281: .iterator();
0283: // Walk children (we only care about RESOURCE_ELEMENT)
0284: while (it.hasNext()) {
0285: // Found a RESOURCE_ELEMENT
0286: ld.addResource(createResource((Node) it.next()));
0287: }
0288: }
0290: /**
0291: * This method takes the given Resource Element node and reads the
0293: * attributes. It then instantiates a new Resource with the values of
0294: * these two attributes.
0295: *
0296: * @param node The Resource node to extract information from
0297: * when creating the Resource
0298: */
0299: private Resource createResource(Node node) {
0300: // Pull off the attributes
0301: Map attributes = getAttributes(node);
0302: String id = (String) attributes.get(ID_ATTRIBUTE);
0303: String extraInfo = (String) attributes
0305: String factoryClass = (String) attributes
0308: // Make sure required values are present
0309: if ((factoryClass == null) || (id == null)
0310: || (extraInfo == null)
0311: || (factoryClass.trim().equals(""))
0312: || (id.trim().equals(""))
0313: || (extraInfo.trim().equals(""))) {
0314: throw new RuntimeException("'" + ID_ATTRIBUTE + "', '"
0315: + EXTRA_INFO_ATTRIBUTE + "', and '"
0317: + "' are required attributes of '"
0318: + RESOURCE_ELEMENT + "' Element!");
0319: }
0321: // Create the new Resource
0322: return new Resource(id, extraInfo, factoryClass);
0323: }
0325: /**
0326: * This method iterates through the child COMPONENT_TYPE_ELEMENT nodes
0327: * and adds new ComponentTypes to the {@link LayoutDefinition}.
0328: *
0329: * @param ld The LayoutDefinition
0330: * @param node Parent Node containing the COMPONENT_TYPE_ELEMENT nodes
0331: */
0332: private void addTypes(LayoutDefinition ld, Node node) {
0333: // Get the child nodes
0334: Iterator it = getChildElements(node, COMPONENT_TYPE_ELEMENT)
0335: .iterator();
0337: // Walk the COMPONENT_TYPE_ELEMENT elements
0338: while (it.hasNext()) {
0339: ld.addComponentType(createComponentType((Node) it.next()));
0340: }
0341: }
0343: /**
0344: * This method takes the given ComponentType Element node and reads the
0345: * ID_ATTRIBUTE and FACTORY_CLASS_ATTRIBUTE attributes. It then
0346: * instantiates a new ComponentType with the values of these two
0347: * attributes.
0348: *
0349: * @param node The ComponentType node to extract information from
0350: * when creating the ComponentType
0351: */
0352: private ComponentType createComponentType(Node node) {
0353: // Pull off the attributes
0354: Map attributes = getAttributes(node);
0355: String id = (String) attributes.get(ID_ATTRIBUTE);
0356: String factoryClass = (String) attributes
0359: // Make sure required values are present
0360: if ((factoryClass == null) || (id == null)
0361: || (factoryClass.trim().equals(""))
0362: || (id.trim().equals(""))) {
0363: throw new RuntimeException("Both '" + ID_ATTRIBUTE
0364: + "' and '" + FACTORY_CLASS_ATTRIBUTE
0365: + "' are required attributes of '"
0366: + COMPONENT_TYPE_ELEMENT + "' Element!");
0367: }
0369: // Create the new ComponentType
0370: return new ComponentType(id, factoryClass);
0371: }
0373: /**
0374: * <p> This method iterates through the child HANDLER_DEFINITION_ELEMENT
0375: * nodes and caches them, so they may be retrieved later by Handlers
0376: * referring to them.</p>
0377: *
0378: * @param node Parent Node containing HANDLER_DEFINITION_ELEMENT nodes
0379: */
0380: private void cacheHandlerDefs(Node node) {
0381: HandlerDefinition def = null;
0383: // Get the child nodes
0384: Iterator it = getChildElements(node, HANDLER_DEFINITION_ELEMENT)
0385: .iterator();
0386: while (it.hasNext()) {
0387: // Found a HANDLER_DEFINITION_ELEMENT, cache it
0388: def = createHandlerDefinition((Node) it.next());
0389: _handlerDefs.put(def.getId(), def);
0390: }
0391: }
0393: /**
0394: * <p> This method takes the given HANDLER_DEFINITION_ELEMENT node and
0396: * METHOD_NAME_ATTRIBUTE attributes. It then instantiates a new
0397: * HandlerDefinition object.</p>
0398: *
0399: * <p> Next it looks to see if the HandlerDefinition has child inputDef,
0400: * outputDef, and/or nested handler elements. If so it processes
0401: * them.</p>
0402: *
0403: * @param node The HANDLER_DEFINITION_ELEMENT node to extract
0404: * information from when creating the HandlerDefinition.
0405: *
0406: * @return The newly created HandlerDefinition.
0407: */
0408: public HandlerDefinition createHandlerDefinition(Node node) {
0410: // Create he HandlerDefinition
0411: Map attributes = getAttributes(node);
0412: String value = (String) attributes.get(ID_ATTRIBUTE);
0413: HandlerDefinition hd = new HandlerDefinition(value);
0415: // hd.setDescription(_description)
0417: // Check for a className
0418: value = (String) attributes.get(CLASS_NAME_ATTRIBUTE);
0419: if ((value != null) && !value.equals("")) {
0420: // Found a className, now get the methodName
0421: String tmpStr = (String) attributes
0423: if ((tmpStr == null) || tmpStr.equals("")) {
0424: throw new IllegalArgumentException(
0425: "You must provide a '" + METHOD_NAME_ATTRIBUTE
0426: + "' attribute on the '"
0428: + "' element with "
0430: + " atttribute equal to '" + value
0431: + "'.");
0432: }
0433: hd.setHandlerMethod(value, tmpStr);
0434: }
0436: // Add child handlers to this HandlerDefinition. This allows a
0437: // HandlerDefinition to define handlers that should be invoked before
0438: // the method defined by this handler definition is invoked.
0439: List handlers = hd.getChildHandlers();
0440: hd.setChildHandlers(getHandlers(node, handlers));
0442: // Add InputDef objects to the HandlerDefinition
0443: addInputDefs(hd, node);
0445: // Add OutputDef objects to the HandlerDefinition
0446: addOutputDefs(hd, node);
0448: // Return the newly created HandlerDefinition object
0449: return hd;
0450: }
0452: /**
0453: * <p> This method creates a List of Handlers from the provided Node. It
0454: * will look at the child Elements for HANDLER_ELEMENT elements.
0455: * When found, it will create a new Handler object and add it to a
0456: * List that is created internally. This List is returned.</p>
0457: *
0458: * @param node Node containing HANDLER_ELEMENT elements.
0459: * @param handlers List of existing handlers.
0460: *
0461: * @return A List of Handler objects, empty List if no Handlers found
0462: */
0463: private List getHandlers(Node node, List handlers) {
0464: // Get the child nodes
0465: Iterator it = getChildElements(node, HANDLER_ELEMENT)
0466: .iterator();
0468: // Walk children (we only care about HANDLER_ELEMENT)
0469: if (handlers == null) {
0470: handlers = new ArrayList();
0471: }
0472: while (it.hasNext()) {
0473: // Found a HANDLER_ELEMENT
0474: handlers.add(createHandler((Node) it.next()));
0475: }
0477: // Return the handlers
0478: return handlers;
0479: }
0481: /**
0482: * <p> This method creates a Handler from the given HandlerNode. It will
0483: * add input and/or output mappings specified by any child Elements
0485: *
0486: * @param handlerNode The Node describing the Handler to be created.
0487: *
0488: * @return The newly created Handler.
0489: */
0490: private Handler createHandler(Node handlerNode) {
0491: // Pull off attributes...
0492: String id = (String) getAttributes(handlerNode).get(
0494: if ((id == null) || (id.trim().equals(""))) {
0495: throw new RuntimeException("'" + ID_ATTRIBUTE
0496: + "' attribute not found on '" + HANDLER_ELEMENT
0497: + "' Element!");
0498: }
0500: // Find the HandlerDefinition associated with this Handler
0501: HandlerDefinition handlerDef = (HandlerDefinition) _handlerDefs
0502: .get(id);
0503: if (handlerDef == null) {
0504: throw new IllegalArgumentException(
0506: + " elements "
0508: + " attribute must match the "
0510: + " attribute of a "
0512: + ". A HANDLER_ELEMENT with '"
0513: + id
0514: + "' was specified, however there is no cooresponding "
0516: + " with a matching " + ID_ATTRIBUTE
0517: + " attribute.");
0518: }
0520: // Create new Handler
0521: Handler handler = new Handler(handlerDef);
0523: // Add the inputs
0524: Map attributes = null;
0525: Node inputNode = null;
0526: Iterator it = getChildElements(handlerNode, INPUT_ELEMENT)
0527: .iterator();
0528: while (it.hasNext()) {
0529: // Processing an INPUT_ELEMENT
0530: inputNode = (Node) it.next();
0531: attributes = getAttributes(inputNode);
0532: handler.setInputValue((String) attributes
0533: .get(NAME_ATTRIBUTE), getValueFromNode(inputNode,
0534: attributes));
0535: }
0537: // Add the OutputMapping objects
0538: it = getChildElements(handlerNode, OUTPUT_MAPPING_ELEMENT)
0539: .iterator();
0540: while (it.hasNext()) {
0541: // Processing an OUTPUT_MAPPING_ELEMENT
0542: attributes = getAttributes((Node) it.next());
0543: handler.setOutputMapping((String) attributes
0544: .get(OUTPUT_NAME_ATTRIBUTE), (String) attributes
0545: .get(TARGET_KEY_ATTRIBUTE), (String) attributes
0547: }
0549: // Return the newly created handler
0550: return handler;
0551: }
0553: /**
0554: * <p> This method adds InputDefs to the given HandlerDefinition object.
0555: * It will look at the child elements for those named
0556: * INPUT_DEF_ELEMENT. It will create an IODescriptor for each and add
0557: * it to the HandlerDefinition.</p>
0558: *
0559: * @param hd HandlerDefinition
0560: * @param hdNode HandlerDefinition Node, its children will be searched
0561: */
0562: private void addInputDefs(HandlerDefinition hd, Node hdNode) {
0563: // Get the child nodes
0564: Iterator it = getChildElements(hdNode, INPUT_DEF_ELEMENT)
0565: .iterator();
0567: // Walk children (we only care about INPUT_DEF_ELEMENT)
0568: while (it.hasNext()) {
0569: // Found a INPUT_DEF_ELEMENT
0570: hd.addInputDef(createIODescriptor((Node) it.next()));
0571: }
0572: }
0574: /**
0575: * <p> This method adds OutputDefs to the given HandlerDefinition object.
0576: * It will look at the child elements for those named
0577: * OUTPUT_DEF_ELEMENT. It will create an IODescriptor for each and
0578: * add it to the HandlerDefinition.</p>
0579: *
0580: * @param hd HandlerDefinition
0581: * @param hdNode HandlerDefinition Node, its children will be searched
0582: */
0583: private void addOutputDefs(HandlerDefinition hd, Node hdNode) {
0584: // Get the child nodes
0585: Iterator it = getChildElements(hdNode, OUTPUT_DEF_ELEMENT)
0586: .iterator();
0588: // Walk children (we only care about OUTPUT_DEF_ELEMENT)
0589: while (it.hasNext()) {
0590: // Found a OUTPUT_DEF_ELEMENT
0591: hd.addOutputDef(createIODescriptor((Node) it.next()));
0592: }
0593: }
0595: /**
0596: * <p> This method will create an IODescriptor from the given node. The
0597: * node must contain atleast a NAME_ATTRIBUTE and a TYPE_ATTRIBUTE
0598: * attribute. It may also contain a DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE and a
0599: * REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTE. These are only meaningful for input
0600: * IODescriptors, however -- this method does not know the difference
0601: * between input and output descriptors.</p>
0602: *
0603: * @param node The node holding info used to create an IODescriptor.
0604: *
0605: * @return A newly created IODescriptor.
0606: */
0607: private IODescriptor createIODescriptor(Node node) {
0608: // Get the attributes
0609: Map attributes = getAttributes(node);
0610: String name = (String) attributes.get(NAME_ATTRIBUTE);
0611: if ((name == null) || name.equals("")) {
0612: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Name must be provided!");
0613: }
0614: String type = (String) attributes.get(TYPE_ATTRIBUTE);
0615: if ((type == null) || type.equals("")) {
0616: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Type must be provided!");
0617: }
0618: Object def = attributes.get(DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE);
0619: String req = (String) attributes.get(REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTE);
0621: // Create the IODescriptor
0622: IODescriptor ioDesc = new IODescriptor(name, type);
0623: ioDesc.setDefault(def);
0624: if (req != null) {
0625: ioDesc.setRequired(Boolean.valueOf(req).booleanValue());
0626: }
0627: // ioDesc.setDescription(attributes.get(DESCRIPTION_ATTRIBUTE))
0629: // Return the new IODescriptor
0630: return ioDesc;
0631: }
0633: /**
0634: * This method adds ...
0635: *
0636: * @param ld
0637: * @param node
0638: */
0639: private void addChildLayoutElements(LayoutElement layElt, Node node) {
0640: // Get the child nodes
0641: Iterator it = getChildElements(node).iterator();
0643: // Walk children (we care about IF_ELEMENT, ATTRIBUTE_ELEMENT,
0647: Node childNode = null;
0648: String name = null;
0649: while (it.hasNext()) {
0650: childNode = (Node) it.next();
0651: name = childNode.getNodeName();
0652: if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(IF_ELEMENT)) {
0653: // Found a IF_ELEMENT
0654: layElt.addChildLayoutElement(createLayoutIf(layElt,
0655: childNode));
0656: } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(ATTRIBUTE_ELEMENT)) {
0657: // Found a ATTRIBUTE_ELEMENT
0658: layElt.addChildLayoutElement(createLayoutAttribute(
0659: layElt, childNode));
0660: } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(MARKUP_ELEMENT)) {
0661: // Found a MARKUP_ELEMENT
0662: layElt.addChildLayoutElement(createLayoutMarkup(layElt,
0663: childNode));
0664: } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(FACET_ELEMENT)) {
0665: // Found a FACET_ELEMENT
0666: layElt.addChildLayoutElement(createLayoutFacet(layElt,
0667: childNode));
0668: } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(STATIC_TEXT_ELEMENT)) {
0669: // Found a STATIC_TEXT_ELEMENT
0670: layElt.addChildLayoutElement(createLayoutStaticText(
0671: layElt, childNode));
0672: } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(COMPONENT_ELEMENT)) {
0673: // Found a COMPONENT_ELEMENT
0674: layElt.addChildLayoutElement(createLayoutComponent(
0675: layElt, childNode));
0676: } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(EVENT_ELEMENT)) {
0677: // Found a EVENT_ELEMENT
0678: // Get the event type
0679: name = (String) getAttributes(childNode).get(
0681: // Set the Handlers for the given event type (name)
0682: List handlers = layElt.getHandlers(name);
0683: layElt.setHandlers(name, getHandlers(childNode,
0684: handlers));
0685: } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(FOREACH_ELEMENT)) {
0686: // Found a FOREACH_ELEMENT
0687: layElt.addChildLayoutElement(createLayoutForEach(
0688: layElt, childNode));
0689: } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(WHILE_ELEMENT)) {
0690: // Found a WHILE_ELEMENT
0691: layElt.addChildLayoutElement(createLayoutWhile(layElt,
0692: childNode));
0693: } else {
0694: throw new RuntimeException("Unknown Element Found: '"
0695: + childNode.getNodeName() + "' under '"
0696: + node.getNodeName() + "'.");
0697: }
0698: }
0699: }
0701: /**
0702: * <p> This method creates a new {@link LayoutIf}
0703: * {@link LayoutElement}.</p>
0704: *
0705: * @param parent The parent LayoutElement.
0706: * @param node The {@link IF_ELEMENT} node to extract information from
0707: * when creating the LayoutIf
0708: */
0709: private LayoutElement createLayoutIf(LayoutElement parent, Node node) {
0710: // Pull off attributes...
0711: String condition = (String) getAttributes(node).get(
0713: if ((condition == null) || (condition.trim().equals(""))) {
0714: throw new RuntimeException("'" + CONDITION_ATTRIBUTE
0715: + "' attribute not found on '" + IF_ELEMENT
0716: + "' Element!");
0717: }
0719: // Create new LayoutIf
0720: LayoutElement ifElt = new LayoutIf(parent, condition);
0722: // Add children...
0723: addChildLayoutElements(ifElt, node);
0725: // Return the if
0726: return ifElt;
0727: }
0729: /**
0730: * <p> This method creates a new {@link LayoutForEach}
0731: * {@link LayoutElement}.</p>
0732: *
0733: * @param parent The parent {@link LayoutElement}.
0734: * @param node The {@link #FOREACH_ELEMENT} node to extract
0735: * information from when creating the
0736: * {@link LayoutForEach}.
0737: *
0738: * @return The new {@link LayoutForEach} {@link LayoutElement}.
0739: */
0740: private LayoutElement createLayoutForEach(LayoutElement parent,
0741: Node node) {
0742: // Pull off attributes...
0743: String list = (String) getAttributes(node).get(LIST_ATTRIBUTE);
0744: if ((list == null) || (list.trim().equals(""))) {
0745: throw new RuntimeException("'" + LIST_ATTRIBUTE
0746: + "' attribute not found on '" + FOREACH_ELEMENT
0747: + "' Element!");
0748: }
0749: String key = (String) getAttributes(node).get(KEY_ATTRIBUTE);
0750: if ((key == null) || (key.trim().equals(""))) {
0751: throw new RuntimeException("'" + KEY_ATTRIBUTE
0752: + "' attribute not found on '" + FOREACH_ELEMENT
0753: + "' Element!");
0754: }
0756: // Create new LayoutForEach
0757: LayoutElement forEachElt = new LayoutForEach(parent, list, key);
0759: // Add children...
0760: addChildLayoutElements(forEachElt, node);
0762: // Return the forEach
0763: return forEachElt;
0764: }
0766: /**
0767: * <p> This method creates a new {@link LayoutWhile}
0768: * {@link LayoutElement}.</p>
0769: *
0770: * @param parent The parent {@link LayoutElement}.
0771: * @param node The {@link #WHILE_ELEMENT} node to extract information
0772: * from when creating the LayoutWhile.
0773: *
0774: * @return The new {@link LayoutWhile} {@link LayoutElement}.
0775: */
0776: private LayoutElement createLayoutWhile(LayoutElement parent,
0777: Node node) {
0778: // Pull off attributes...
0779: String condition = (String) getAttributes(node).get(
0781: if ((condition == null) || (condition.trim().equals(""))) {
0782: throw new RuntimeException("'" + CONDITION_ATTRIBUTE
0783: + "' attribute not found on '" + WHILE_ELEMENT
0784: + "' Element!");
0785: }
0787: // Create new LayoutWhile
0788: LayoutElement whileElt = new LayoutWhile(parent, condition);
0790: // Add children...
0791: addChildLayoutElements(whileElt, node);
0793: // Return the while
0794: return whileElt;
0795: }
0797: /**
0798: *
0799: *
0800: * @param parent The parent {@link LayoutElement}.
0801: * @param node The ATTRIBUTE_ELEMENT node to extract information from
0802: * when creating the LayoutAttribute
0803: */
0804: private LayoutElement createLayoutAttribute(LayoutElement parent,
0805: Node node) {
0806: // Pull off attributes...
0807: Map attributes = getAttributes(node);
0808: String name = (String) attributes.get(NAME_ATTRIBUTE);
0809: if ((name == null) || (name.trim().equals(""))) {
0810: throw new RuntimeException("'" + NAME_ATTRIBUTE
0811: + "' attribute not found on '" + ATTRIBUTE_ELEMENT
0812: + "' Element!");
0813: }
0814: String value = (String) attributes.get(VALUE_ATTRIBUTE);
0815: String property = (String) attributes.get(PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTE);
0817: // Create new LayoutAttribute
0818: LayoutElement attributeElt = new LayoutAttribute(parent, name,
0819: value, property);
0821: // Add children... (event children are supported)
0822: addChildLayoutElements(attributeElt, node);
0824: // Return the LayoutAttribute
0825: return attributeElt;
0826: }
0828: /**
0829: *
0830: *
0831: * @param parent The parent {@link LayoutElement}.
0832: * @param node The MARKUP_ELEMENT node to extract information from
0833: * when creating the LayoutMarkup
0834: */
0835: private LayoutElement createLayoutMarkup(LayoutElement parent,
0836: Node node) {
0837: // Pull off attributes...
0838: Map attributes = getAttributes(node);
0839: String tag = (String) attributes.get(TAG_ATTRIBUTE);
0840: if ((tag == null) || (tag.trim().equals(""))) {
0841: throw new RuntimeException("'" + TAG_ATTRIBUTE
0842: + "' attribute not found on '" + MARKUP_ELEMENT
0843: + "' Element!");
0844: }
0845: String type = (String) attributes.get(TYPE_ATTRIBUTE);
0847: // Create new LayoutMarkup
0848: LayoutElement markupElt = new LayoutMarkup(parent, tag, type);
0850: // Add children...
0851: addChildLayoutElements(markupElt, node);
0853: // Return the LayoutMarkup
0854: return markupElt;
0855: }
0857: /**
0858: *
0859: *
0860: * @param parent The parent {@link LayoutElement}.
0861: * @param node The FACET_ELEMENT node to extract information from
0862: * when creating the LayoutFacet
0863: */
0864: private LayoutElement createLayoutFacet(LayoutElement parent,
0865: Node node) {
0866: // Pull off attributes...
0867: // id
0868: String id = (String) getAttributes(node).get(ID_ATTRIBUTE);
0869: if ((id == null) || (id.trim().equals(""))) {
0870: throw new RuntimeException("'" + ID_ATTRIBUTE
0871: + "' attribute not found on '" + FACET_ELEMENT
0872: + "' Element!");
0873: }
0875: // isRendered
0876: String rendered = (String) getAttributes(node).get(
0878: boolean isRendered = true;
0879: if ((rendered == null) || rendered.trim().equals("")
0880: || rendered.equals(AUTO_RENDERED)) {
0881: // Automatically determine if this LayoutFacet should be rendered
0882: rendered = AUTO_RENDERED;
0883: LayoutElement layoutComponent = parent;
0884: while (layoutComponent != null) {
0885: if (layoutComponent instanceof LayoutComponent) {
0886: isRendered = false;
0887: break;
0888: }
0889: layoutComponent = layoutComponent.getParent();
0890: }
0891: } else {
0892: isRendered = Boolean.getBoolean(rendered);
0893: }
0895: // Create new LayoutFacet
0896: LayoutFacet facetElt = new LayoutFacet(parent, id);
0897: facetElt.setRendered(isRendered);
0899: // Add children...
0900: addChildLayoutElements(facetElt, node);
0902: // Return the LayoutFacet
0903: return facetElt;
0904: }
0906: /**
0907: * <p> This method returns true if any of the parent
0908: * {@link LayoutElement}s are {@link LayoutComponent}s.</p>
0909: *
0910: * @param elt The LayoutElement to check.
0911: *
0912: * @return true if it has a LayoutComponent ancestor.
0913: */
0914: private static boolean hasLayoutComponentAncestor(LayoutElement elt) {
0915: elt = elt.getParent();
0916: while (elt != null) {
0917: if (elt instanceof LayoutComponent) {
0918: return true;
0919: } else if (elt instanceof LayoutFacet) {
0920: // Don't consider it a child if it is a facet
0921: return false;
0922: }
0923: elt = elt.getParent();
0924: }
0926: // Not found
0927: return false;
0928: }
0930: /**
0931: *
0932: *
0933: * @param node The COMPONENT_ELEMENT node to extract information from
0934: * when creating the LayoutComponent
0935: */
0936: private LayoutElement createLayoutComponent(LayoutElement parent,
0937: Node node) {
0938: // Pull off attributes...
0939: Map attributes = getAttributes(node);
0940: String id = (String) attributes.get(ID_ATTRIBUTE);
0941: String type = (String) attributes.get(TYPE_ATTRIBUTE);
0942: if ((type == null) || (type.trim().equals(""))) {
0943: throw new RuntimeException("'" + TYPE_ATTRIBUTE
0944: + "' attribute not found on '" + COMPONENT_ELEMENT
0945: + "' Element!");
0946: }
0948: // Create new LayoutComponent
0949: LayoutComponent component = new LayoutComponent(parent, id,
0950: getComponentType(parent, type));
0952: // Check for overwrite flag
0953: String overwrite = (String) attributes.get(OVERWRITE_ATTRIBUTE);
0954: if ((overwrite != null) && (overwrite.length() > 0)) {
0955: component.setOverwrite(Boolean.valueOf(overwrite)
0956: .booleanValue());
0957: }
0959: if (hasLayoutComponentAncestor(component)) {
0960: component.setFacetChild(false);
0961: } else {
0962: // Need to add this so that it has the correct facet name
0963: // Check to see if this LayoutComponent is inside a LayoutFacet
0964: while (parent != null) {
0965: if (parent instanceof LayoutFacet) {
0966: // Inside a LayoutFacet, use its id... only if this facet
0967: // is a child of a LayoutComponent (otherwise, it is a
0968: // layout facet used for layout, not for defining a facet
0969: // of a UIComponent)
0970: if (hasLayoutComponentAncestor(parent)) {
0971: id = parent.getUnevaluatedId();
0972: break;
0973: }
0974: }
0975: if (parent instanceof LayoutComponent) {
0976: // Not inside a LayoutFacet
0977: break;
0978: }
0979: parent = parent.getParent();
0980: }
0981: // Set the facet name
0982: component.addOption(LayoutComponent.FACET_NAME, id);
0983: }
0985: // Add children... (different for component LayoutElements)
0986: addChildLayoutComponentChildren(component, node);
0988: // Return the LayoutComponent
0989: return component;
0990: }
0992: /**
0993: *
0994: */
0995: private void addChildLayoutComponentChildren(
0996: LayoutComponent component, Node node) {
0997: // Get the child nodes
0998: Iterator it = getChildElements(node).iterator();
1000: // Walk children (we care about FACET_ELEMENT and OPTION_ELEMENT)
1001: Node childNode = null;
1002: String name = null;
1003: while (it.hasNext()) {
1004: childNode = (Node) it.next();
1005: name = childNode.getNodeName();
1006: if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(COMPONENT_ELEMENT)) {
1007: // Found a COMPONENT_ELEMENT
1008: component.addChildLayoutElement(createLayoutComponent(
1009: component, childNode));
1010: } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(FACET_ELEMENT)) {
1011: // Found a FACET_ELEMENT
1012: component.addChildLayoutElement(createLayoutFacet(
1013: component, childNode));
1014: } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(OPTION_ELEMENT)) {
1015: // Found a OPTION_ELEMENT
1016: addOption(component, childNode);
1017: } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(EVENT_ELEMENT)) {
1018: // Found a EVENT_ELEMENT
1019: // Get the event type
1020: name = (String) getAttributes(childNode).get(
1023: // Set the Handlers for the given event type (name)
1024: List handlers = component.getHandlers(name);
1025: component.setHandlers(name, getHandlers(childNode,
1026: handlers));
1027: } else {
1028: throw new RuntimeException("Unknown Element Found: '"
1029: + childNode.getNodeName() + "' under '"
1030: + COMPONENT_ELEMENT + "'.");
1031: }
1032: }
1033: }
1035: /**
1036: * This method adds an option to the given LayoutComponent based on the
1037: * information in the given OPTION_ELEMENT Node.
1038: *
1039: * @param component The LayoutComponent
1040: * @param node The OPTION_ELEMENT node
1041: */
1042: private void addOption(LayoutComponent component, Node node) {
1043: // Pull off the attributes
1044: Map attributes = getAttributes(node);
1046: // Get the name
1047: String name = (String) attributes.get(NAME_ATTRIBUTE);
1048: if ((name == null) || (name.trim().equals(""))) {
1049: throw new RuntimeException("'" + NAME_ATTRIBUTE
1050: + "' attribute not found on '" + OPTION_ELEMENT
1051: + "' Element!");
1052: }
1053: name = name.trim();
1055: // Get the value
1056: Object value = getValueFromNode(node, attributes);
1058: // Add the option to the component (value may be null)
1059: component.addOption(name, value);
1060: }
1062: /**
1063: * <p> This method reads obtains the VALUE_ATTRIBUTE from the given node,
1064: * or from the child LIST_ELEMENT element. If neither are provided,
1065: * null is returned. The attribute takes precedence over the child
1066: * LIST_ELEMENT element.</p>
1067: *
1068: * @param node Node containing the value attribute or LIST_ELEMENT
1069: * @param attributes Map of attributes which may contain VALUE_ATTRIBUTE
1070: *
1071: * @return The value (as a String or List), or null if not specified
1072: */
1073: private Object getValueFromNode(Node node, Map attributes) {
1074: Object value = attributes.get(VALUE_ATTRIBUTE);
1075: if (value == null) {
1076: // The value attribute may be null if multiple values are supplied.
1077: // Walk children (we only care about LIST_ELEMENT)
1078: List list = new ArrayList();
1079: Iterator it = getChildElements(node, LIST_ELEMENT)
1080: .iterator();
1081: while (it.hasNext()) {
1082: // Add a value to the List
1083: list.add(getAttributes((Node) it.next()).get(
1085: }
1086: if (list.size() > 0) {
1087: // Only use the list if it has values
1088: value = list;
1089: }
1090: }
1091: return value;
1092: }
1094: /**
1095: *
1096: *
1097: * @param node The STATIC_TEXT_ELEMENT node to extract information
1098: * from when creating the {@link LayoutStaticText}
1099: */
1100: private LayoutElement createLayoutStaticText(LayoutElement parent,
1101: Node node) {
1102: // Create new LayoutComponent
1103: LayoutStaticText text = new LayoutStaticText(parent, "",
1104: getTextNodesAsString(node));
1106: // Add all the attributes from the static text as options
1107: // component.addOptions(getAttributes(node));
1109: // Add escape... FIXME
1111: // Return the LayoutStaticText
1112: return text;
1113: }
1115: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1116: // Utility Methods
1117: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1119: /**
1120: * This method returns a List of all child Elements below the given Node.
1121: *
1122: * @param node The node to pull child elements from.
1123: *
1124: * @return List of child elements found below the given node.
1125: */
1126: public List getChildElements(Node node) {
1127: return getChildElements(node, null);
1128: }
1130: /**
1131: * <p> This method returns a List of all child Elements below the given
1132: * Node matching the given name. If name equals null, all Elements
1133: * below this node will be returned.</p>
1134: *
1135: * @param node The node to pull child elements from.
1136: * @param name The name of the Elements to return.
1137: *
1138: * @return List of child elements found below the given node matching
1139: * the name (if provided).
1140: */
1141: public List getChildElements(Node node, String name) {
1142: // Get the child nodes
1143: NodeList nodes = node.getChildNodes();
1144: if (nodes == null) {
1145: // No children, just return an empty List
1146: return new ArrayList(0);
1147: }
1149: // Create a new List to store the child Elements
1150: List list = new ArrayList();
1152: // Add all the child Elements to the List
1153: Node childNode = null;
1154: for (int idx = 0; idx < nodes.getLength(); idx++) {
1155: childNode = nodes.item(idx);
1156: if (childNode.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
1157: // Skip TEXT_NODE and other Node types
1158: continue;
1159: }
1161: // Add to the list if name is null, or it matches the node name
1162: if ((name == null)
1163: || childNode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
1164: list.add(childNode);
1165: }
1166: }
1168: // Return the list of Elements
1169: return list;
1170: }
1172: /**
1173: * This method returns the String representation of all the
1174: * Node.TEXT_NODE nodes that are children of the given Node.
1175: *
1176: * @param node The node to pull child elements from.
1177: *
1178: * @return The String representation of all the Node.TEXT_NODE type nodes
1179: * under the given node.
1180: */
1181: public String getTextNodesAsString(Node node) {
1182: // Get the child nodes
1183: NodeList nodes = node.getChildNodes();
1184: if (nodes == null) {
1185: // No children, return null
1186: return null;
1187: }
1189: // Create a StringBuffer
1190: StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("");
1192: // Add all the child Element values to the StringBuffer
1193: Node childNode = null;
1194: for (int idx = 0; idx < nodes.getLength(); idx++) {
1195: childNode = nodes.item(idx);
1196: if ((childNode.getNodeType() != Node.TEXT_NODE)
1197: && (childNode.getNodeType() != Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE)) {
1198: // Skip all other Node types
1199: continue;
1200: }
1201: buf.append(childNode.getNodeValue());
1202: }
1204: // Return the String
1205: return buf.toString();
1206: }
1208: /**
1209: * This method returns a Map of all attributes for the given Node. Each
1210: * attribute name will be stored in the map in lower case so case can be
1211: * ignored.
1212: *
1213: * @param node The node to pull attributes from.
1214: *
1215: * @return Map of attributes found on the given node.
1216: */
1217: public Map getAttributes(Node node) {
1218: // Get the attributes
1219: NamedNodeMap attributes = node.getAttributes();
1220: if ((attributes == null) || (attributes.getLength() == 0)) {
1221: // No attributes, just return an empty Map
1222: return new HashMap(0);
1223: }
1225: // Create a Map to contain the attributes
1226: Map map = new HashMap();
1228: // Add all the attributes to the Map
1229: Node attNode = null;
1230: for (int idx = 0; idx < attributes.getLength(); idx++) {
1231: attNode = attributes.item(idx);
1232: map.put(attNode.getNodeName().toLowerCase(), attNode
1233: .getNodeValue());
1234: }
1236: // Return the map
1237: return map;
1238: }
1240: /**
1241: * This utility method returns the requested component type. If it is
1242: * not found, it throws an IllegalArgumentException.
1243: *
1244: * @param elt A LayoutElement whose root is {@link LayoutDefinition}
1245: * @param type The String type to lookup
1246: *
1247: * @return the ComponentType
1248: */
1249: public ComponentType getComponentType(LayoutElement elt, String type) {
1250: // Find the ComponentType
1251: ComponentType componentType = elt.getLayoutDefinition()
1252: .getComponentType(type);
1253: if (componentType == null) {
1254: throw new IllegalArgumentException("ComponentType '" + type
1255: + "' not defined!");
1256: }
1257: return componentType;
1258: }
1260: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1261: // Constants
1262: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1264: public static final String ATTRIBUTE_ELEMENT = "attribute";
1265: public static final String COMPONENT_ELEMENT = "component";
1266: public static final String COMPONENT_TYPE_ELEMENT = "componenttype";
1267: public static final String EVENT_ELEMENT = "event";
1268: public static final String FACET_ELEMENT = "facet";
1269: public static final String FOREACH_ELEMENT = "foreach";
1270: public static final String HANDLER_ELEMENT = "handler";
1271: public static final String HANDLERS_ELEMENT = "handlers";
1272: public static final String HANDLER_DEFINITION_ELEMENT = "handlerdefinition";
1273: public static final String IF_ELEMENT = "if";
1274: public static final String INPUT_DEF_ELEMENT = "inputdef";
1275: public static final String INPUT_ELEMENT = "input";
1276: public static final String LAYOUT_DEFINITION_ELEMENT = "layoutdefinition";
1277: public static final String LAYOUT_ELEMENT = "layout";
1278: public static final String LIST_ELEMENT = "list";
1279: public static final String MARKUP_ELEMENT = "markup";
1280: public static final String OPTION_ELEMENT = "option";
1281: public static final String OUTPUT_DEF_ELEMENT = "outputdef";
1282: public static final String OUTPUT_MAPPING_ELEMENT = "outputmapping";
1283: public static final String STATIC_TEXT_ELEMENT = "statictext";
1284: public static final String TYPES_ELEMENT = "types";
1285: public static final String RESOURCES_ELEMENT = "resources";
1286: public static final String RESOURCE_ELEMENT = "resource";
1287: public static final String WHILE_ELEMENT = "while";
1289: public static final String CLASS_NAME_ATTRIBUTE = "classname";
1290: public static final String CONDITION_ATTRIBUTE = "condition";
1291: public static final String DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE = "default";
1292: public static final String DESCRIPTION_ATTRIBUTE = "description";
1293: public static final String EXTRA_INFO_ATTRIBUTE = "extrainfo";
1294: public static final String FACTORY_CLASS_ATTRIBUTE = "factoryclass";
1295: public static final String ID_ATTRIBUTE = "id";
1296: public static final String KEY_ATTRIBUTE = "key";
1297: public static final String LIST_ATTRIBUTE = "list";
1298: public static final String METHOD_NAME_ATTRIBUTE = "methodname";
1299: public static final String NAME_ATTRIBUTE = "name";
1300: public static final String OUTPUT_NAME_ATTRIBUTE = "outputname";
1301: public static final String OVERWRITE_ATTRIBUTE = "overwrite";
1302: public static final String PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTE = "property";
1303: public static final String RENDERED_ATTRIBUTE = "rendered";
1304: public static final String REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTE = "required";
1305: public static final String TAG_ATTRIBUTE = "tag";
1306: public static final String TARGET_KEY_ATTRIBUTE = "targetkey";
1307: public static final String TARGET_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE = "targettype";
1308: public static final String TYPE_ATTRIBUTE = "type";
1309: public static final String VALUE_ATTRIBUTE = "value";
1311: public static final String AUTO_RENDERED = "auto";
1313: /**
1314: * This is used to set the "value" option for static text fields.
1315: */
1316: // public static final String VALUE_OPTION = "value";
1317: private URL _url = null;
1318: private EntityResolver _entityResolver = null;
1319: private ErrorHandler _errorHandler = null;
1320: private String _baseURI = null;
1322: private Map _handlerDefs = new HashMap();
1323: }