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001:        /*
003:         *
004:         * Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
005:         *
006:         * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
007:         * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common
008:         * Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
009:         * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
010:         * License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
011:         *
012:         * or nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. See the License for the
013:         * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
014:         * License.  When distributing the software, include this License Header
015:         * Notice in each file and include the License file at
016:         * nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP.  Sun designates this
017:         * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
018:         * by Sun in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
019:         * accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the
020:         * License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
021:         * your own identifying information:
022:         * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
023:         *
024:         * Contributor(s):
025:         *
026:         * The Original Software is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
027:         * Software is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2006 Sun
028:         * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
029:         *
030:         * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL
031:         * or only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding
032:         * "[Contributor] elects to include this software in this distribution
033:         * under the [CDDL or GPL Version 2] license." If you do not indicate a
034:         * single choice of license, a recipient has the option to distribute
035:         * your version of this file under either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or
036:         * to extend the choice of license to its licensees as provided above.
037:         * However, if you add GPL Version 2 code and therefore, elected the GPL
038:         * Version 2 license, then the option applies only if the new code is
039:         * made subject to such option by the copyright holder.
040:         */
041:        /*
042:         *
043:         *
044:         * Created on May 14, 2002, 9:34 AM
045:         */
047:        package org.netbeans.xtest.pes.xmlbeans;
049:        import*;
050:        import org.netbeans.xtest.pes.XSLTransformers;
051:        import org.netbeans.xtest.util.*;
052:        import*;
053:        import*;
054:        import java.util.*; // logging stuff
055:        import org.netbeans.xtest.pes.PESLogger;
056:        import java.util.logging.Level;
058:        /**
059:         *
060:         * @author  breh
061:         */
062:        public class PESProjectGroup extends XMLBean {
064:            public static final int ALL_BUILDS = -1;
065:            public static final int NO_MATRICES = 0;
067:            /** Creates a new instance of ProjectGroup */
068:            public PESProjectGroup() {
069:            }
071:            // attributes
072:            // name of the project group
073:            public String xmlat_name = null;
074:            // description of the project group
075:            public String xmlat_description = null;
076:            // is it main project group - main is displayed on the first page
077:            public boolean xmlat_main = false;
078:            // are history matrices generated for this web
079:            public int xmlat_historyMatrices = PESProjectGroup.NO_MATRICES;
080:            // number of current builds to be available on the first
081:            // page - older builds are moved to a separate page
082:            public int xmlat_currentBuilds = PESProjectGroup.ALL_BUILDS;
083:            // are old builds truncated ?
084:            public int xmlat_detailedData = PESProjectGroup.ALL_BUILDS;
085:            // are any very old builds deleted ?
086:            public int xmlat_deleteAge = 0;
088:            // is this project group uploaded to database (default = yes if there was specified database upload path )
089:            public boolean xmlat_uploadToDatabase = true;
091:            // elements
092:            // projects in the group
093:            public PESProject xmlel_PESProject[];
095:            // business methods
096:            // name of the group
097:            public String getName() {
098:                return xmlat_name;
099:            }
101:            // description of the group
102:            public String getDescription() {
103:                return xmlat_description;
104:            }
106:            // is this group current - the main one, where all unsorted results are published
107:            public boolean isMain() {
108:                return xmlat_main;
109:            }
111:            // transform matrices
112:            public int getHistoryMatricesAge() {
113:                return xmlat_historyMatrices;
114:            }
116:            // truncate Old builds ?
117:            public int getDetailedDataAge() {
118:                return xmlat_detailedData;
119:            }
121:            // get number of builds to be on the first page
122:            public int getNumberOfCurrentBuilds() {
123:                return xmlat_currentBuilds;
124:            }
126:            // get age after which are builds considered for removal
127:            public int getDeleteAge() {
128:                return xmlat_deleteAge;
129:            }
131:            // validator
132:            public void checkValidity() throws PESConfigurationException {
133:                if (xmlat_name == null)
134:                    throw new PESConfigurationException(
135:                            "PESConfig: PESWeb: PESProjectGroup: name is not set");
136:                if (xmlat_description == null)
137:                    throw new PESConfigurationException(
138:                            "PESConfig: PESWeb: PESProjectGroup: description is not set");
139:                if (!isMain()) {
140:                    if ((xmlel_PESProject == null)
141:                            | (xmlel_PESProject.length == 0))
142:                        throw new PESConfigurationException(
143:                                "PESConfig: PESWeb: PESProjectGroup: group is not main and no projects are defined within");
144:                }
145:                if (xmlel_PESProject != null) {
146:                    for (int i = 0; i < xmlel_PESProject.length; i++) {
147:                        xmlel_PESProject[i].checkValidity();
148:                    }
150:                }
151:            }
153:            // business methods 
155:            // pesWeb
156:            private PESWeb parentWeb;
157:            private ManagedGroup myManagedGroup;
159:            // all incoming reports belonging to this group
160:            private Collection incomingReports = new ArrayList();
162:            public boolean addIncomingReport(IncomingReport report,
163:                    boolean always) {
164:                // check whether the incoming report does belong to any of the 
165:                // included projects in this web        
166:                if (isThisReportMine(report) | (always & isMain())) {
167:                    // include it to incomings ....
168:                    PESLogger.logger.finer("processing incoming report from :"
169:                            + report.getReportRoot());
170:                    incomingReports.add(report);
171:                    // are hostnames mapped ?
172:                    if (parentWeb.areHostnamesMapped()) {
173:                        String mappedHostname = parentWeb
174:                                .getMappedHostname(report);
175:                        report.setMappedHostname(mappedHostname);
176:                        PESLogger.logger.finer("Mapping hostname "
177:                                + report.getHost() + " to "
178:                                + report.getMappedHostname());
179:                    }
181:                    return true;
182:                }
183:                return false;
184:            }
186:            // process this part of web
187:            public ManagedGroup processResults() throws IOException {
188:                PESLogger.logger
189:                        .fine("processing results in group" + getName());
190:                Iterator i = incomingReports.iterator();
191:                Collection failedReports = new ArrayList();
192:                // copy reports and retransform them
193:                while (i.hasNext()) {
194:                    Object o =;
195:                    if (o instanceof  IncomingReport) {
196:                        // this is what we need
197:                        IncomingReport report = (IncomingReport) o;
199:                        if (!report.isReconfiguration()) {
200:                            PESLogger.logger
201:                                    .finer("processing incoming report from :"
202:                                            + report.getArchiveFile().getPath());
203:                            // get output directory
204:                            File outputDir = parentWeb.assignDirectory(report);
205:                            PESLogger.logger
206:                                    .finest("outputdir is:" + outputDir);
207:                            // set the webLink attribute
208:                            report.setWebLink(parentWeb.getWebLink(outputDir));
209:                            PESLogger.logger.finest("weblink is:"
210:                                    + report.getWebLink());
212:                            try {
213:                                // unpack the whole report
214:                                if (report.isReplace()) {
215:                                    FileUtils.deleteDirectory(outputDir, true);
216:                                }
217:                                File zipFile = report.getArchiveFile();
218:                                PESLogger.logger.finer("unpacking zip");
219:                                ZipUtils.unpackZip(zipFile, outputDir);
221:                                // try to get the whole report in one bean -> if it fails 
222:                                // then this zip is invalid ...
223:                                PESLogger.logger
224:                                        .finer("loading the whole report (checking it's validity)");
225:                                XTestResultsReport xtr = ResultsUtils
226:                                        .loadXTestResultsReport(outputDir);
227:                                // now try to save the report to a uploadworkdir (only if this projectgroup should be uploaded)
228:                                if (isUploadToDatabase()) {
229:                                    prepareDatabaseData(report, xtr);
230:                                }
231:                                // clean not needed stuff (if required)
232:                                if (parentWeb.isTruncated()) {
233:                                    report.deleteDetailedData(outputDir, false,
234:                                            false);
235:                                }
237:                                // retransform if needed
238:                                try {
239:                                    boolean indexExists = (new File(outputDir,
240:                                            "index.html")).isFile();
241:                                    PESLogger.logger
242:                                            .finest("Does index exist = "
243:                                                    + indexExists);
244:                                    boolean retransform = parentWeb
245:                                            .isTruncated()
246:                                            | (!indexExists);
247:                                    PESLogger.logger.finest("Retransform = "
248:                                            + retransform);
249:                                    String mappedHostname = parentWeb
250:                                            .getMappedHostname(report);
251:                                    XSLTransformers.transformResultsForServer(
252:                                            outputDir, parentWeb.isTruncated(),
253:                                            parentWeb.includeIDELogs(),
254:                                            parentWeb.includeExceptions(),
255:                                            mappedHostname, this , retransform);
256:                                } catch (Exception e) {
257:                                    PESLogger.logger
258:                                            .log(
259:                                                    Level.WARNING,
260:                                                    "Results retransformation failed for report from"
261:                                                            + report
262:                                                                    .getReportRoot(),
263:                                                    e);
264:                                }
265:                            } catch (Exception e) {
266:                                PESLogger.logger.log(Level.WARNING,
267:                                        "Caught exception when processing report from "
268:                                                + report.getReportRoot()
269:                                                + " report is not valid", e);
270:                                // exception - delete the directory
271:                                FileUtils.deleteDirectory(outputDir, false);
272:                                // this report cannot be added to web
273:                                failedReports.add(report);
274:                                report.setValid(false,
275:                                        "Caught exception when processing report from "
276:                                                + report.getReportRoot() + ". "
277:                                                + e.getMessage());
278:                            }
280:                        } else { // reconfiguration stuff
281:                            // we need to retransform the main navigator ...
282:                            try {
283:                                //PESLogger.logger.finer("this report is going to reconfigured");
284:                                File outputDir = report.getReportDir();
285:                                PESLogger.logger
286:                                        .finer("Retransforming result in "
287:                                                + outputDir);
288:                                String mappedHostname = parentWeb
289:                                        .getMappedHostname(report);
290:                                XSLTransformers.transformResultsForServer(
291:                                        outputDir, parentWeb.isTruncated(),
292:                                        parentWeb.includeIDELogs(), parentWeb
293:                                                .includeExceptions(),
294:                                        mappedHostname, this , parentWeb
295:                                                .isTruncated());
296:                            } catch (Exception e) {
297:                                PESLogger.logger.log(Level.WARNING,
298:                                        "Results retransformation failed for report from"
299:                                                + report.getReportRoot(), e);
300:                                failedReports.add(report);
301:                            }
302:                        }
303:                    } else {
304:                        // hey - how is this possible ?????
305:                    }
306:                }
307:                // Ok, we're done - remove failed results from incoming reports
308:                // and save this the group's report        
309:                incomingReports.removeAll(failedReports);
310:                IncomingReport[] icArray = (IncomingReport[]) incomingReports
311:                        .toArray(new IncomingReport[0]);
312:                myManagedGroup = ManagedGroup.loadManagedGroup(parentWeb, this );
313:                myManagedGroup.addIncomingReports(icArray);
314:                // now what to so with failedReports ????
315:                // move failed reports to invalids to invalid and removed from this place
316:                moveInvalidReports(failedReports);
317:                // is saving really necessary ? I don't think so ..
318:                // myManagedGroup.saveManagedGroup();            
319:                return myManagedGroup;
320:            }
322:            public void processWebPages() throws IOException {
323:                if (myManagedGroup != null) {
324:                    myManagedGroup.processWebPages();
325:                }
326:                myManagedGroup.saveManagedGroup();
327:            }
329:            // get all projects available in this group
330:            public String[] getProjectsIDs() {
331:                if (xmlel_PESProject == null)
332:                    return null;
333:                String projects[] = new String[xmlel_PESProject.length];
334:                for (int i = 0; i < xmlel_PESProject.length; i++) {
335:                    projects[i] = xmlel_PESProject[i].xmlat_project;
336:                }
337:                return projects;
338:            }
340:            // does this report belong to this web
341:            private boolean isThisReportMine(XTestResultsReport xtr) {
342:                if (xmlel_PESProject != null) {
343:                    for (int i = 0; i < xmlel_PESProject.length; i++) {
344:                        if (xmlel_PESProject[i].isThisReportMine(xtr)) {
345:                            return true;
346:                        }
347:                    }
348:                }
349:                return false;
350:            }
352:            // set parent web
353:            public void finishInitialization(PESWeb web) {
354:                if (xmlel_PESProject != null) {
355:                    for (int i = 0; i < xmlel_PESProject.length; i++) {
356:                        if (xmlel_PESProject[i] != null) {
357:                            xmlel_PESProject[i].finishInitialization();
358:                        }
359:                    }
360:                }
361:                // finish initialization of this object
362:                this .parentWeb = web;
363:            }
365:            /** are results from this project group uploaded to database ?
366:             * @return Value of property xmlat_uploadToDatabase.
367:             *
368:             */
369:            public boolean isUploadToDatabase() {
370:                if (parentWeb.isUploadToDatabase()) {
371:                    return xmlat_uploadToDatabase;
372:                } else {
373:                    return false;
374:                }
375:            }
377:            // 
378:            private void moveInvalidReports(Collection invalidReports) {
379:                if (invalidReports == null)
380:                    return;
381:                if (invalidReports.isEmpty())
382:                    return;
383:                PESLogger.logger
384:                        .info("Proecssing invalid results found when processing zips");
385:                Iterator i = invalidReports.iterator();
386:                try {
387:                    File invalidDir = parentWeb.pesConfig
388:                            .getIncomingInvalidDir();
389:                    while (i.hasNext()) {
390:                        Object o =;
391:                        if (o instanceof  IncomingReport) {
392:                            IncomingReport report = (IncomingReport) o;
393:                            try {
394:                                PESLogger.logger
395:                                        .warning("found invalid archive: "
396:                                                + report.getArchiveFile()
397:                                                + ", moving it to "
398:                                                + invalidDir
399:                                                + "\nThe reason is: "
400:                                                + report.getInvalidMessage());
401:                                FileUtils.moveFileToDir(
402:                                        report.getArchiveFile(), invalidDir);
403:                            } catch (IOException ioe) {
404:                                PESLogger.logger.log(Level.WARNING,
405:                                        "Caugth IOException when moving invalid zips to 'invalid':"
406:                                                + ioe.getMessage(), ioe);
407:                            }
408:                        }
409:                    }
410:                } catch (IOException ioe) {
411:                    PESLogger.logger
412:                            .log(
413:                                    Level.WARNING,
414:                                    "IOException cautgh when getting incoming/invalid dir",
415:                                    ioe);
416:                }
417:            }
419:            // preapres data for database upload (creates files in the upload workdir)
420:            public void prepareDatabaseData(IncomingReport ir,
421:                    XTestResultsReport xtr) throws IOException {
422:                PESLogger.logger.finer("report will be uploaded to database");
423:                // save report
424:                String localHostName = NetUtils.getLocalHostName();
425:                // wait one second, so we can be 100% sure the filename is unique
426:                try {
427:                    Thread.sleep(1000);
428:                } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
429:                }
430:                String timeStamp = (new java.text.SimpleDateFormat(
431:                        "yyMMdd-HHmmss")).format(new java.util.Date());
432:                String baseFilename = "pr-" + localHostName + "-" + timeStamp
433:                        + ".";
434:                File xtrFile = new File(parentWeb.pesConfig
435:                        .getDBUploadsWorkdir(), baseFilename + "xtr.xml");
436:                xtr.saveXMLBean(xtrFile);
438:                // prepare and save metadata report
439:                IncomingReport uploadedIR = new IncomingReport();
440:                uploadedIR.readIncomingReport(ir);
441:                // set report root to show to the xml file name
442:                uploadedIR.setReportRoot(xtrFile.getName());
443:                // set weblink to the http:// format
444:                String webURL = parentWeb.getWebURL();
445:                // set team (if not set)
446:                if (uploadedIR.getTeam() == null) {
447:                    String pesTeam = parentWeb.pesConfig.getTeam();
448:                    PESLogger.logger
449:                            .warning("Team is not specified in the report from ${pes_web_home}/"
450:                                    + ir.getWebLink()
451:                                    + " Assigning team to this PES default:"
452:                                    + pesTeam);
453:                    uploadedIR.setTeam(pesTeam);
454:                }
456:                if (webURL != null) {
457:                    uploadedIR.setWebLink(webURL + ir.getWebLink());
458:                } else {
459:                    PESLogger.logger
460:                            .warning("webURL is not specified in PESWeb ->  results will not be reachable from database ");
461:                }
463:                File irFile = new File(parentWeb.pesConfig
464:                        .getDBUploadsWorkdir(), baseFilename + "ir.xml");
465:                uploadedIR.saveXMLBean(irFile);
466:            }
468:        } | Contact Us
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