01: package dinamica;
03: /**
04: * This interface may be implemented by classes
05: * that need to make very custom modifications the the
06: * generated rows when producing a table with the TemplateEngine
07: * class. This way can be produced special effects like
08: * alternate row colors.
09: *
10: * <br>
11: * Creation date: 29/10/2003<br>
12: * Last Update: 29/10/2003<br>
13: * (c) 2003 Martin Cordova<br>
14: * This code is released under the LGPL license<br>
15: * @author Martin Cordova
16: * */
17: public interface IRowEvent {
19: /**
20: * This method is called before appending the
21: * row template to the table template
22: * @param rs Recordset used to fill the table, the record
23: * position will the the current record
24: * @param rowTemplate Row buffer
25: * @return Modified row template
26: * @throws Throwable
27: */
28: public String onNewRow(Recordset rs, String rowTemplate)
29: throws Throwable;
31: }