01: package dinamica;
03: /**
04: * Represents a field marker in a text template. This
05: * is a utility class to be used by TemplateEngine. The attribute
06: * "extraInfo" may represent the output format or the sequence name, depending on
07: * the marker type (field or sequence)
08: * <br>
09: * Creation date: 23/09/2003<br>
10: * Last Update: 23/09/2003<br>
11: * (c) 2003 Martin Cordova<br>
12: * This code is released under the LGPL license<br>
13: * @author Martin Cordova
14: */
15: public class Marker {
17: private String name = null;
18: private String extraInfo = null;
19: private int pos1 = 0;
20: private int pos2 = 0;
22: public Marker(String name, String extraInfo, int pos1, int pos2) {
23: this .name = name;
24: this .extraInfo = extraInfo;
25: this .pos1 = pos1;
26: this .pos2 = pos2;
27: }
29: /**
30: * @return
31: */
32: public String getExtraInfo() {
33: return extraInfo;
34: }
36: /**
37: * @return
38: */
39: public String getName() {
40: return name;
41: }
43: /**
44: * @param string
45: */
46: public void setExtraInfo(String string) {
47: extraInfo = string;
48: }
50: /**
51: * @param string
52: */
53: public void setName(String string) {
54: name = string;
55: }
57: /**
58: * @return Start position of marker
59: */
60: public int getPos1() {
61: return pos1;
62: }
64: /**
65: * @return End position of marker
66: */
67: public int getPos2() {
68: return pos2;
69: }
71: }