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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » J2EE » Enhydra Application Framework » org.enhydra.logging 
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001:        /*
002:         *
003:         *
004:         * @ author Igor Smirnov
005:         */
007:        package org.enhydra.logging;
009:        import;
010:        import;
011:        import java.util.Enumeration;
012:        import java.util.Hashtable;
013:        import java.util.Iterator;
014:        import java.util.Locale;
015:        import java.util.Properties;
016:        import java.util.ResourceBundle;
017:        import java.util.Set;
018:        import java.util.Vector;
020:        import;
021:        import;
022:        import;
024:        import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
025:        import org.apache.commons.logging.LogConfigurationException;
026:        import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
027:        import org.objectweb.util.monolog.Monolog;
028:        import org.objectweb.util.monolog.api.Logger;
029:        import org.objectweb.util.monolog.api.LoggerFactory;
030:        import org.objectweb.util.monolog.wrapper.common.Configurable;
032:        import com.lutris.util.ConfigException;
034:        /**
035:         * <p>Concrete subclass of {@link LogFactory} specific to log4j.
036:         *
037:         * @deprecated Per discussion on COMMONS-DEV, the behind-the-scenes use
038:         *  of this class as a proxy factory has been removed.  For 1.0, you
039:         *  can still request it directly if you wish, but it doesn't really
040:         *  do anything useful, and will be removed in 1.1.
041:         *
042:         * @author Costin Manolache
043:         */
044:        public final class MonologFactory extends LogFactory {
045:            public org.objectweb.util.monolog.api.LoggerFactory lf;
046:            public String traceproperties;
047:            //   private Logger logger = null;
048:            //   private String path, jonas, fileName;
049:            private static ResourceBundle rb = null;
050:            public static String PROPERTY_FILE;
051:            static ObjectName objectName;
053:            public MonologFactory() throws ConfigException {
055:                super ();
056:                try {
057:                    configure();
058:                    //              this.logger = lf.getLogger("MonologFactory");
059:                } catch (ConfigException ex) {
060:                    throw new ConfigException(
061:                            "Cannot configure logger. Logger not initialized.");
062:                }
063:            }
065:            /**
066:             * The configuration attributes for this {@link LogFactory}.
067:             */
068:            private Hashtable attributes = new Hashtable();
070:            // previously returned instances, to avoid creation of proxies
071:            private Hashtable instances = new Hashtable();
073:            // --------------------------------------------------------- Public Methods
075:            /**
076:             * Return the configuration attribute with the specified name (if any),
077:             * or <code>null</code> if there is no such attribute.
078:             *
079:             * @param name Name of the attribute to return
080:             */
081:            public Object getAttribute(String name) {
082:                return (attributes.get(name));
083:            }
085:            /**
086:             * Return an array containing the names of all currently defined
087:             * configuration attributes.  If there are no such attributes, a zero
088:             * length array is returned.
089:             */
090:            public String[] getAttributeNames() {
091:                Vector names = new Vector();
092:                Enumeration keys = attributes.keys();
093:                while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
094:                    names.addElement((String) keys.nextElement());
095:                }
096:                String results[] = new String[names.size()];
097:                for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
098:                    results[i] = (String) names.elementAt(i);
099:                }
100:                return (results);
101:            }
103:            /**
104:             * Convenience method to derive a name from the specified class and
105:             * call <code>getInstance(String)</code> with it.
106:             *
107:             * @param clazz Class for which a suitable Log name will be derived
108:             *
109:             * @exception LogConfigurationException if a suitable <code>Log</code>
110:             *  instance cannot be returned
111:             */
112:            public Log getInstance(Class clazz)
113:                    throws LogConfigurationException
115:            {
116:                Log instance = (Log) instances.get(clazz.getName());
117:                if (instance != null)
118:                    return instance;
119:                instance = new CommonLoggingMonologLogger(lf.getLogger(clazz
120:                        .getName()));
121:                instances.put(clazz.getName(), instance);
122:                return instance;
123:            }
125:            public Log getInstance(String name)
126:                    throws LogConfigurationException {
127:                Log instance = (Log) instances.get(name);
128:                if (instance != null)
129:                    return instance;
131:                instance = new CommonLoggingMonologLogger(lf.getLogger(name));
132:                instances.put(name, instance);
133:                return instance;
134:            }
136:            /**
137:             * Release any internal references to previously created {@link Log}
138:             * instances returned by this factory.  This is useful environments
139:             * like servlet containers, which implement application reloading by
140:             * throwing away a ClassLoader.  Dangling references to objects in that
141:             * class loader would prevent garbage collection.
142:             */
143:            public void release() {
145:                instances.clear();
147:                // what's the log4j mechanism to cleanup ??? 
148:            }
150:            /**
151:             * Remove any configuration attribute associated with the specified name.
152:             * If there is no such attribute, no action is taken.
153:             *
154:             * @param name Name of the attribute to remove
155:             */
156:            public void removeAttribute(String name) {
157:                attributes.remove(name);
158:            }
160:            /**
161:             * Set the configuration attribute with the specified name.  Calling
162:             * this with a <code>null</code> value is equivalent to calling
163:             * <code>removeAttribute(name)</code>.
164:             *
165:             * @param name Name of the attribute to set
166:             * @param value Value of the attribute to set, or <code>null</code>
167:             *  to remove any setting for this attribute
168:             */
169:            public void setAttribute(String name, Object value) {
170:                if (value == null) {
171:                    attributes.remove(name);
172:                } else {
173:                    attributes.put(name, value);
174:                }
175:            }
177:            /**
178:             * Configure the logger. All current configuration is discarded.
179:             * This is a simplistic initial implementation that just allows
180:             * directing to a single log file or stderr on a level basis.
181:             * A more complete interface will be provided in the future.
182:             *
183:             * @param logFile The log file to write to.  
184:             * @param fileLevels List of levels that will be written to the file.
185:             * @param stderrLevels List of levels that will be written to stderr.
186:             *  The same level may appear in both lists.
187:             * @exception If an error occurs opening the log file.
188:             */
189:            public synchronized void configure(String monologConfFile) {
191:                // Load the configuration in a Properties object
192:                String b = null;
193:                Properties p = new Properties();
194:                FileInputStream fis = null;
195:                try {
196:                    fis = new FileInputStream(monologConfFile);
197:                    p.load(fis);
198:                    // Search the class name of the LoggerFactory which must be instanciated
199:                    b = p.getProperty("log.config.classname", null);
200:                    // Instanciate the LoggerFactory
201:                    lf = (LoggerFactory) Class.forName(b).newInstance();
202:                    // Configure with the properties
203:                    p.put(Configurable.LOG_CONFIGURATION_TYPE,
204:                            Configurable.PROPERTY);
205:                    p.put(Configurable.LOG_CONFIGURATION_FILE, monologConfFile);
207:                    ((Configurable) lf).configure(p);
209:                    fis.close();
210:                } catch (Exception e) {
211:                    try {
212:                        fis.close();
213:                    } catch (IOException e1) {
214:                        e1.printStackTrace();
215:                    }
216:                }
217:            }
219:            /**
220:             * Default configuration of the logger. A JMX search for logger configuration file name.
221:             * This file must be present in the classpath
222:             */
223:            public synchronized void configure() throws ConfigException {
224:                String b = null;
225:                String propkey;
226:                String propvalue;
227:                Properties props = new Properties();
229:                try {
230:                    findMBeanServer();
231:                    findObjectName();
232:                    if (objectName != null)
233:                        PROPERTY_FILE = objectName.getKeyProperty("fname");
234:                    // Search the classpath for the logger configuration file        
235:                    rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle(PROPERTY_FILE, new Locale(
236:                            "en", "US"), ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader());
238:                    Enumeration enumeration = rb.getKeys();
240:                    while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
242:                        propkey = (String) enumeration.nextElement();
243:                        propvalue = rb.getString(propkey);
244:                        props.setProperty(propkey, propvalue);
245:                    }
247:                } catch (Exception e) {
248:                    throw new ConfigException(
249:                            "Logger configuration file could not be found:  logger could not be initialized!");
250:                }
252:                try {
254:                    // Search the class name of the LoggerFactory which must be instanciated
255:                    b = props.getProperty("log.config.classname", null);
256:                    if (b == null) {
257:                        throw new ConfigException(
258:                                "Malformed configuration log file:"
259:                                        + " log.config.classname not available");
260:                    }
262:                    // Instanciate the LoggerFactory
264:                    props.put(Configurable.LOG_CONFIGURATION_TYPE,
265:                            Configurable.PROPERTY);
266:                    //         lf = Monolog.getMonologFactory(props);
268:                    lf = Monolog.getMonologFactory(b);
270:                } catch (Exception e) {
271:                    throw new ConfigException(
272:                            "Malformed configuration log file:"
273:                                    + " log.config.classname not available");
274:                }
276:            }
278:            private MBeanServer findMBeanServer() throws Exception {
279:                MBeanServer mBeanServer;
280:                try {
281:                    java.util.ArrayList server = MBeanServerFactory
282:                            .findMBeanServer(null);
283:                    if (server == null) {
284:                        throw new Exception("MBeansServer not found");
285:                    } else {
286:                        mBeanServer = (MBeanServer) server.get(0);
287:                        //System.err.println("domain:" + mBeanServer.getDefaultDomain());
288:                    }
289:                } catch (Exception e) {
290:                    throw new com.lutris.appserver.server.session.SessionException(
291:                            e);
292:                }
293:                return mBeanServer;
294:            }
296:            /**
297:             * finds the ObjectName which correspondes to the MBean of the jonas logger
298:             */
299:            private void findObjectName() throws Exception {
300:                try {
301:                    objectName = new ObjectName("jonas:type=service,name=log,*");
302:                    MBeanServer mBeanServer = findMBeanServer();
303:                    Set mBeans = mBeanServer.queryNames(objectName, null);
304:                    int l;
305:                    if ((l = mBeans.size()) > 1) {
306:                        throw new Exception("MBean set size not equal 1: " + l);
307:                    } else if (l == 0) {
308:                        objectName = null;
309:                        return;
310:                    }
311:                    Iterator i = mBeans.iterator();
312:                    objectName = (ObjectName);
313:                } catch (Exception e) {
314:                    throw new Exception(e);
315:                }
316:                return;
317:            }
319:        } | Contact Us
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