001: /**
002: * Title: AdminGui
003: * Description: Obtaining DatabaseManager parameters from DatabaseManager and
004: * configuration file.
005: * @Author tufeX, tufex@uns.ns.ac.yu & Vladimir Radisic
006: * @Version 1.1.1
007: */package org.enhydra.server;
009: import java.util.Date;
011: import com.lutris.appserver.server.Application;
012: import com.lutris.appserver.server.sql.DatabaseManager;
013: import com.lutris.appserver.server.sql.DatabaseManagerException;
014: import com.lutris.util.Config;
015: import com.lutris.util.KeywordValueException;
017: /**
018: * This class is used for obtaining information about particular application
019: * connected to its database properties. Information are provided from the
020: * DatabaseManager instance associated to specified application.
021: */
022: public class DatabaseInfo {
024: /**
025: * Array of database names used within application.
026: */
027: private String[] logicalDbNames = null;
029: /**
030: * Current database. This variable points to database, which parmeters are
031: * currently holding in the temporary private variables of the object.
032: */
033: private String currentDatabase = null;
035: /**
036: * Temporary storage for current database parameters obtained from
037: * DatabaseManager.
038: */
039: private String defaultLogicalDbName = "N/A";
040: private String type = "N/A";
041: private String dbType = "N/A";
042: private String activeConnections = "N/A";
043: private String peakConnections = "N/A";
044: private Date maxConnectionCountDate = null;;
045: private String totalRequests = "N/A";
047: /**
048: * Application databaseManager reference
049: */
050: private DatabaseManager dm;
052: /**
053: * Storage for application configure parameters represented as Config object
054: */
055: private Config config;
057: /**
058: * Construction with asociated application and coresponded configuration
059: * parameters represented via Config object.
060: * @param app associate aplication
061: * @param appConfig cofiguration file parameters represented as Config object
062: * @exceptions DatabaseManagerException
063: * @exceptions KeywordValueException
064: */
065: public DatabaseInfo(Application app, Config appConfig)
066: throws DatabaseManagerException, KeywordValueException {
068: if (app != null) {
069: dm = app.getDatabaseManager(); // getting DatabaseManager
070: if (dm != null) {
071: this .logicalDbNames = dm.getLogicalDatabaseNames();
072: if (logicalDbNames == null
073: || logicalDbNames.length == 0)
074: return;
075: else if (appConfig != null
076: && appConfig
077: .containsKey("DatabaseManager.DefaultDatabase")) {
078: this .config = appConfig;
080: String tempDefaultDb = (String) appConfig
081: .get("DatabaseManager.DefaultDatabase");
082: if (this .existDbName(tempDefaultDb)) {
083: this .defaultLogicalDbName = tempDefaultDb;
084: this .currentDatabase = tempDefaultDb;
085: } else {
086: this .defaultLogicalDbName = logicalDbNames[0];
087: this .currentDatabase = logicalDbNames[0];
088: }
089: } else {
090: this .defaultLogicalDbName = logicalDbNames[0];
091: this .currentDatabase = logicalDbNames[0];
092: }
094: // if(dm instanceof com.lutris.appserver.server.sql.StandardDatabaseManager)
095: if (dm
096: .getClass()
097: .getName()
098: .equals(
099: "com.lutris.appserver.server.sql.StandardDatabaseManager"))
100: this .type = "Enhydra Standard Database Manager"; //FIXME, hard coded
101: else
102: this .type = "N/A";
104: this .getDatabaseManagerParameters(currentDatabase);
105: } else
106: log("WARNING: DatabaseManager = null !");
107: } else
108: log("WARNING: app = null !");
109: }
111: /**
112: * Fills the private arguments with parameters obtained from application
113: * Databasemanager for specified database name.
114: * @param dbName given database name.
115: * @exceptions DatabaseManagerException
116: */
117: private void getDatabaseManagerParameters(String dbName)
118: throws DatabaseManagerException {
119: if (this .existDbName(dbName) && dm != null) {
120: this .currentDatabase = dbName;
122: long temp = dm.getActiveConnectionCount(dbName);
123: if (temp == -1)
124: this .activeConnections = "N/A";
125: else
126: this .activeConnections = String.valueOf(temp);
128: temp = dm.getRequestCount(dbName);
129: if (temp == -1)
130: this .totalRequests = "N/A";
131: else
132: this .totalRequests = String.valueOf(temp);
134: temp = dm.getMaxConnectionCount(dbName);
135: if (temp == -1)
136: this .peakConnections = "N/A";
137: else
138: this .peakConnections = String.valueOf(temp);
140: this .maxConnectionCountDate = dm
141: .getMaxConnectionCountDate(dbName);
143: String tempString = dm.getType(dbName);
144: if (tempString == null)
145: this .dbType = "N/A";
146: else
147: this .dbType = tempString;
148: } else {
149: this .currentDatabase = null;
150: this .activeConnections = "N/A";
151: this .totalRequests = "N/A";
152: this .peakConnections = "N/A";
153: this .maxConnectionCountDate = null;
154: this .dbType = "N/A";
155: }
156: }
158: /**
159: * Checks existence of given database name in the list of databases which
160: * correspond to application and which are obtained from DatabaseManager.
161: * @param dBname the name of the database which is checked.
162: * @return true = database name exists, false = database name does not exist.
163: */
164: private boolean existDbName(String dBname) {
165: if (dBname == null || logicalDbNames == null)
166: return false;
167: for (int i = 0; i < this .logicalDbNames.length; i++) {
168: if (logicalDbNames[i].equalsIgnoreCase(dBname))
169: return true;
170: }
171: return false;
172: }
174: /**
175: * Returns list of logical database names obtained from application DatabaseManager
176: * object.
177: * @return list of logical database names represented as array of Strings, or null
178: * if application has no corresponding databases.
179: */
180: public String[] getLogicalDbNames() {
181: return logicalDbNames;
182: }
184: /**
185: * Gets the type of DatabaseManager instance.
186: * @return type of DatabaseManager instance represented as String, or N/A if
187: * this property is not available.
188: */
189: public String getDbManagerType() {
190: return this .type;
191: }
193: /**
194: * Gets database type for given database name from DatabaseManager instance.
195: * @param dBname name of database.
196: * @return database type represented as String, or N/A if this property is not
197: * available.
198: * @exceptions DatabaseManagerException
199: */
200: public String getDbType(String dBname)
201: throws DatabaseManagerException {
202: if (this .existDbName(dBname)) {
203: if (this .currentDatabase == null
204: || !dBname.equalsIgnoreCase(this .currentDatabase))
205: this .getDatabaseManagerParameters(dBname);
206: return this .dbType;
207: } else
208: return "N/A";
209: }
211: /**
212: * Gets the number of currently active connections for the supplied logical
213: * database name.
214: * @param dBname name of database.
215: * @return number of currently active connections represented as String, or
216: * N/A if this property is not available.
217: * @exceptions DatabaseManagerException
218: */
219: public String getActiveConnections(String dBname)
220: throws DatabaseManagerException {
221: if (this .existDbName(dBname)) {
222: if (this .currentDatabase == null
223: || !dBname.equalsIgnoreCase(this .currentDatabase))
224: this .getDatabaseManagerParameters(dBname);
225: return this .activeConnections;
226: } else
227: return "N/A";
228: }
230: /**
231: * Gets the maximum number of concurent connections that existed at any time
232: * since this object was created.
233: * @param dBname name of database.
234: * @return maximum number of concurent connections represented as String, or
235: * N/A if this property is not available.
236: * @exceptions DatabaseManagerException
237: */
238: public String getPeakConnections(String dBname)
239: throws DatabaseManagerException {
240: if (this .existDbName(dBname)) {
241: if (this .currentDatabase == null
242: || !dBname.equalsIgnoreCase(this .currentDatabase))
243: this .getDatabaseManagerParameters(dBname);
244: return this .peakConnections;
245: } else
246: return "N/A";
247: }
249: /**
250: * Gets the date and time when maximum number of concurent connections occurs
251: * since this object was created.
252: * @param dBname name of database.
253: * @return date and time when maximum number of concurent connections occurs
254: * represented as Date object, or null if this property is not implemented
255: * @exceptions DatabaseManagerException
256: */
257: public Date getPeakConnectionsDate(String dBname)
258: throws DatabaseManagerException {
259: if (this .existDbName(dBname)) {
260: if (this .currentDatabase == null
261: || !dBname.equalsIgnoreCase(this .currentDatabase))
262: this .getDatabaseManagerParameters(dBname);
263: return this .maxConnectionCountDate;
264: } else
265: return null;
266: }
268: /**
269: * Gets the number of requests made to the database since startup time
270: * @param dBname name of database.
271: * @return number of requests made to the database represented as String, or
272: * N/A if this property is not available.
273: * @exceptions DatabaseManagerException
274: */
275: public String getTotalRequests(String dBname)
276: throws DatabaseManagerException {
277: if (this .existDbName(dBname)) {
278: if (this .currentDatabase == null
279: || !dBname.equalsIgnoreCase(this .currentDatabase))
280: this .getDatabaseManagerParameters(dBname);
281: return this .totalRequests;
282: } else
283: return null;
284: }
286: /**
287: * Sets the default logical database name.
288: * @param dBname name of database which will be set as default.
289: * @exceptions DatabaseManagerException
290: * @exception KeywordValueException
291: */
292: public void setDefaultLogicalDbName(String dBname)
293: throws DatabaseManagerException, KeywordValueException {
294: if (this .existDbName(dBname)) {
295: this .dm.setDefaultDatabase(dBname);
296: this .defaultLogicalDbName = dBname;
297: this .config.set("DatabaseManager.DefaultDatabase", dBname);
298: }
299: }
301: /**
302: * Gets the default logical database name.
303: * @return name of database which is set as default.
304: */
305: public String getDefaultLogicalDbName() {
306: return this .defaultLogicalDbName;
307: }
309: /**
310: * Reset the maximum connection count for the given logical database name.
311: * @param dBname name of database which connection count will be reset.
312: * @exceptions DatabaseManagerException
313: */
314: public void resetMaxConnectionCount(String dBname)
315: throws DatabaseManagerException {
316: if (this .existDbName(dBname)) {
317: this .dm.resetMaxConnectionCount(dBname);
318: this .getDatabaseManagerParameters(dBname);
319: }
320: }
322: /**
323: * Used for logging of messages.
324: * @param msg message for logging represented as String.
325: */
326: private void log(String msg) {
327: // FIXME.DEBUG.Log to file
328: System.err.println("EnhydraServer, Database Info: " + msg);
329: }
330: }