001: /*
002: * Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Lutris Technologies, Inc. All Rights
003: * Reserved.
004: *
005: * This source code file is distributed by Lutris Technologies, Inc. for
006: * use only by licensed users of product(s) that include this source
007: * file. Use of this source file or the software that uses it is covered
008: * by the terms and conditions of the Lutris Enhydra Development License
009: * Agreement included with this product.
010: *
011: * This Software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF
012: * ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific terms
013: * governing rights and limitations under the License.
014: *
015: * Contributor(s):
016: *
017: * $Id: OrderPage1.java,v 1.1 2006-09-11 12:29:26 sinisa Exp $
018: */
020: package com.lutris.airsent.presentation.customer;
022: import com.lutris.airsent.presentation.BasePO;
023: import com.lutris.appserver.server.httpPresentation.*;
024: import com.lutris.appserver.server.session.*;
025: import com.lutris.util.*; //import com.lutris.xml.xmlc.*;
026: //import com.lutris.xml.xmlc.html.*;
027: import org.w3c.dom.*;
028: import org.w3c.dom.html.*;
029: import org.enhydra.xml.xmlc.XMLObject;
031: import com.lutris.airsent.spec.AirSentException;
033: import com.lutris.airsent.presentation.AirSentPresentationException;
034: import com.lutris.airsent.presentation.AirSentConstants;
035: import java.util.*;
036: import com.lutris.airsent.spec.address.*;
037: import com.lutris.airsent.spec.customer.*;
038: import com.lutris.airsent.spec.*;
040: import com.lutris.airsent.spec.delivery.*;
042: /**
043: * Presentation object for order page 1
044: */
045: public class OrderPage1 extends BasePO {
047: /**
048: * Constants
049: */
050: private static final int AUTH_LEVEL = AirSentConstants.CUSTOMER_USER;
052: /**
053: * Superclass method override.
054: * returns the authorization level necessary to access this po.
055: *
056: * @return int required authorization level
057: */
058: public int getRequiredAuthLevel() {
059: return AUTH_LEVEL;
060: }
062: /**
063: * displays default page
064: *
065: * @return html page
066: * @exception if an error occurs
067: */
068: public XMLObject handleDefault() throws HttpPresentationException {
069: try {
070: String id = getComms().request
071: .getParameter(AirSentConstants.DELIVERYID);
072: OrderForm d = getOrder(id);
073: getSessionData().setOrderForm(d);
074: return showPage1(null, d);
075: } catch (Exception e) {
076: throw new AirSentPresentationException(
077: "System error finding user", e);
078: }
079: }
081: /**
082: * process the form submission
083: *
084: * @return html page
085: * @exception if an error occurs
086: */
087: public XMLObject handleOrder1() throws AirSentPresentationException {
088: try {
089: String p;
090: OrderForm orderForm = getOrder(null);
092: p = getComms().request
093: .getParameter(AirSentConstants.PICKUP_NAME);
094: if (checkField(p, Address.MAX_NAME) == false) {
095: return showPage1("Please provide a pickupname",
096: orderForm);
097: }
098: orderForm.setPickUpName(p);
100: p = getComms().request
101: .getParameter(AirSentConstants.PICKUP_ADDRESS);
102: if (checkField(p, Address.MAX_ADDRESS) == false) {
103: return showPage1("Please provide a pickupaddress",
104: orderForm);
105: }
106: orderForm.setPickUpAddress1(p);
108: p = getComms().request
109: .getParameter(AirSentConstants.PICKUP_PHONE);
110: if (checkField(p, Address.MAX_PHONE) == false) {
111: return showPage1("Please provide a pickupphone",
112: orderForm);
113: }
114: orderForm.setPickUpPhone(p);
116: p = getComms().request
117: .getParameter(AirSentConstants.PICKUP_DIRECTIONS);
118: if (checkField(p, Address.MAX_DIRECTIONS) == false) {
119: return showPage1("Please provide a pickupdirections",
120: orderForm);
121: }
122: orderForm.setPickUpDirections(p);
124: getSessionData().setOrderForm(orderForm);
125: throw new ClientPageRedirectException(
126: AirSentConstants.ORDERSTEP2_PO);
128: //We need to allow AirSent_pres to be functional , response will be default HTML page
129: } catch (NullPointerException e) {
130: OrderStep2HTML defaultPage = (OrderStep2HTML) myComms.xmlcFactory
131: .create(OrderStep2HTML.class);
132: defaultPage.setTextErrorText("This is a default HTML page");
133: return defaultPage;
134: } catch (Exception e) {
135: throw new AirSentPresentationException(
136: "System error processing OrderStep1.", e);
137: }
138: }
140: /**
141: * creates the html page
142: *
143: * @param errorMsg error message to display
144: * @param orderData data to populate the page with
145: * @exception if an error occurs
146: */
147: private XMLObject showPage1(String errorMsg, OrderForm orderForm)
148: throws AirSentPresentationException {
150: OrderStep1HTML page = (OrderStep1HTML) myComms.xmlcFactory
151: .create(OrderStep1HTML.class);
152: try {
153: if (null != errorMsg
154: || null != (errorMsg = getSessionData()
155: .getAndClearUserMessage())) {
156: page.setTextErrorText(errorMsg);
157: } else {
158: page.getElementErrorText().getParentNode().removeChild(
159: page.getElementErrorText());
160: }
161: if (orderForm.getOrderId() == null) {
162: Node n = page.getElementNavDestination()
163: .getParentNode();
164: n.removeChild(page.getElementNavDestination());
165: n.removeChild(page.getElementNavDetails());
166: }
167: populatePage1(page, orderForm);
168: //We need to allow AirSent_pres to be functional , response will be default HTML page
169: } catch (NullPointerException e) {
171: OrderStep1HTML defaultPage = (OrderStep1HTML) myComms.xmlcFactory
172: .create(OrderStep1HTML.class);
173: defaultPage.setTextErrorText("This is a default HTML page");
174: return defaultPage;
175: } catch (Exception e) {
176: throw new AirSentPresentationException(
177: "System error showing page 1", e);
178: }
179: return page;
180: }
182: /**
183: * populates the page
184: *
185: * @param page to populate
186: * @param orderData data to populate it with
187: * @exception if an error occurs
188: */
189: private void populatePage1(OrderStep1HTML page, OrderForm orderForm)
190: throws AirSentPresentationException {
192: try {
193: if (orderForm.getOrderId() != null) {
194: page.setTextOrderHeader("Order");
195: page.setTextOrdernumber(orderForm.getOrderId());
196: page.getElementPickupname().setValue(
197: orderForm.getPickUpName());
198: page.getElementPickupaddress().setValue(
199: orderForm.getPickUpAddress1());
200: page.getElementPickupphone().setValue(
201: orderForm.getPickUpPhone());
202: } else {
203: page.setTextOrdernumber("");
204: }
205: // page.getElementPickupname().setValue(orderForm.getPickUpName());
206: // page.getElementPickupaddress().setValue(orderForm.getPickUpAddress1());
207: // page.getElementPickupphone().setValue(orderForm.getPickUpPhone());
209: if (orderForm.getPickUpDirections() != null) {
210: Text commentText = (page.getDocument())
211: .createTextNode(orderForm.getPickUpDirections());
212: page.getElementPickupdirections().appendChild(
213: commentText);
214: }
215: } catch (Exception e) {
216: throw new AirSentPresentationException(
217: "System error populating page1", e);
218: }
219: }
221: /**
222: * gets the order data from session or persisten store
223: */
224: private OrderForm getOrder(String id)
225: throws AirSentPresentationException {
226: try {
227: OrderForm orderForm = getSessionData().getOrderForm();
228: if ((orderForm == null) && (id == null)) {
229: // new order session
230: // System.out.println("new order session");
232: orderForm = OrderFormFactory
233: .getOrderForm("com.lutris.airsent.business.delivery.OrderFormImpl");
235: } else if (id != null) {
236: // editing previous order session
237: // System.out.println("editing previous order session: id = " + id);
238: HomeManager homeManager = getApplication()
239: .getHomeManager();
240: Delivery d = homeManager.getDeliveryManager()
241: .findByHandle(id);
243: orderForm = OrderFormFactory
244: .getOrderForm(
245: "com.lutris.airsent.business.delivery.OrderFormImpl",
246: d);
247: }
248: return orderForm;
250: } catch (Exception e) {
251: throw new AirSentPresentationException(
252: "System error getting order", e);
253: }
254: }
255: }