001: /*
002: * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
003: *
004: * "The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
005: * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
006: * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
007: * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
008: *
009: * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
010: * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
011: * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under
012: * the License.
013: *
014: * The Original Code is ICEfaces 1.5 open source software code, released
015: * November 5, 2006. The Initial Developer of the Original Code is ICEsoft
016: * Technologies Canada, Corp. Portions created by ICEsoft are Copyright (C)
017: * 2004-2006 ICEsoft Technologies Canada, Corp. All Rights Reserved.
018: *
019: * Contributor(s): _____________________.
020: *
021: * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
022: * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"
023: * License), in which case the provisions of the LGPL License are
024: * applicable instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your
025: * version of this file only under the terms of the LGPL License and not to
026: * allow others to use your version of this file under the MPL, indicate
027: * your decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with
028: * the notice and other provisions required by the LGPL License. If you do
029: * not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of
030: * this file under either the MPL or the LGPL License."
031: *
032: */
034: package com.icesoft.faces.component;
036: /**
037: * Created by IntelliJ IDEA. User: rmayhew Date: Apr 21, 2006 Time: 11:31:36 AM
038: * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
039: */
040: public class CSS_DEFAULT {
041: //------------------------------------------------------------------
042: // CSS style naming rules:
043: // 1. All styles start with 'ice'
044: // 2. Don't end with Class (redundant)
045: // 3. Look for existing abbreviations, and reuse them
046: // 4. Try to keep new abbreviations to 3 letters
047: //------------------------------------------------------------------
049: public static final String COMMAND_BTN_DEFAULT_STYLE_CLASS = "iceCmdBtn"; // Originally was "iceButton"
050: public static final String COMMAND_LINK_DEFAULT_STYLE_CLASS = "iceCmdLnk"; // Originally was "iceLink"
051: public static final String INPUT_SECRET_DEFAULT_STYLE_CLASS = "iceInpSecrt"; // Originally was "iceInputtext"
052: public static final String INPUT_TEXT_DEFAULT_STYLE_CLASS = "iceInpTxt"; // Originally was "iceInputtext"
053: public static final String INPUT_TEXT_AREA_DEFAULT_STYLE_CLASS = "iceInpTxtArea"; // Originally was "iceTextarea"
054: public static final String OUTPUT_LABEL_DEFAULT_STYLE_CLASS = "iceOutLbl"; // Originally was "iceOuputtext"
055: public static final String OUTPUT_LINK_DEFAULT_STYLE_CLASS = "iceOutLnk"; // Originally was "iceOuputLink"
056: public static final String OUTPUT_TEXT_DEFAULT_STYLE_CLASS = "iceOutTxt"; // Originally was "iceOuputtext"
057: public static final String SELECT_BOOLEAN_CHECKBOX_DEFAULT_STYLE_CLASS = "iceSelBoolChkbx"; // Originally was "iceBooleanCheckbox"
058: public static final String SELECT_MANY_CHECKBOX_DEFAULT_STYLE_CLASS = "iceSelMnyCb"; // Originally was "iceCheckbox"
059: public static final String SELECT_MANY_LISTBOX_DEFAULT_STYLE_CLASS = "iceSelMnyLb"; // Originally was "iceSelect"
060: public static final String SELECT_MANY_MENU_DEFAULT_STYLE_CLASS = "iceSelMnyMnu";// Originally was "iceSelect"
061: public static final String SELECT_ONE_LISTBOX_DEFAULT_STYLE_CLASS = "iceSelOneLb"; // Originally was "iceSelect"
062: public static final String SELECT_ONE_MENU_DEFAULT_STYLE_CLASS = "iceSelOneMnu"; // Originally was "iceSelect"
063: public static final String SELECT_ONE_RADIO_DEFAULT_STYLE_CLASS = "iceSelOneRb"; // Originally was "iceRadiobutton"
064: public static final String TABLE_STYLE_CLASS = "iceDatTbl"; // Originally was "dataTableOutlineClass"
065: public static final String TABLE_HEADER_CLASS = "Hdr"; // Originally was "headerClass"
066: public static final String TABLE_HEADER_CLASS1 = "Hdr1"; // Originally was "headerClass"
067: public static final String TABLE_HEADER_CLASS2 = "Hdr2"; // Originally was "headerClass"
068: public static final String TABLE_FOOTER_CLASS = "Ftr"; // Originally was "headerClass"
069: public static final String TABLE_ROW_CLASS = "Row"; // Originally was "rowClasses1"
070: public static final String TABLE_ROW_CLASS1 = "Row1"; // Originally was "rowClasses1"
071: public static final String TABLE_ROW_CLASS2 = "Row2"; // Originally was "rowClasses2"
072: public static final String TABLE_COLUMN_CLASS1 = "Col1";
073: public static final String TABLE_COLUMN_CLASS2 = "Col2";
074: public static final String TABLE_COLUMN_CLASS = "Col"; // Originally was "columnClasses"
075: public static final String TABLE_COLUMN_HEADER_CLASS = "ColHdr"; // Originally was "columnClasses"
076: public static final String TABLE_COLUMN_HEADER_CLASS1 = "ColHdr1"; // Originally was "columnClasses"
077: public static final String TABLE_COLUMN_HEADER_CLASS2 = "ColHdr2"; // Originally was "columnClasses"
078: public static final String PANEL_GROUP_DEFAULT_STYLE_CLASS = "icePnlGrp";
079: public static final String PANEL_GRID_DEFAULT_STYLE_CLASS = "icePnlGrd";
080: public static final String ROW = "Row";
081: public static final String COLUMN = "Col";
082: public static final String HEADER = "Hdr";
083: public static final String FOOTER = "Ftr";
084: public static final String OUTPUT_CONNECTION_STATUS_DEFAULT_STYLE_CLASS = "iceOutConStat"; // Originally was "outputConnectionStatusStyleClass"
085: public static final String OUTPUT_CONNECTION_STATUS_DEFAULT_INACTIVE_CLASS = "Inactv"; // Originally was "outputConnectionStatusInactiveClass"
086: public static final String OUTPUT_CONNECTION_STATUS_DEFAULT_ACTIVE_CLASS = "Actv"; // Originally was "outputConnectionStatusActiveClass"
087: public static final String OUTPUT_CONNECTION_STATUS_DEFAULT_CAUTION_CLASS = "Caution"; // Originally was "outputConnectionStatusCautionClass"
088: public static final String OUTPUT_CONNECTION_STATUS_DEFAULT_DISCONNECT_CLASS = "Disconnect"; // Originally was "outputConnectionStatusDisconnectClass"
089: public static final String PANEL_BORDER_DEFAULT = "icePnlBrdr";
090: public static final String PANEL_BORDER_DEFAULT_NORTH_CLASS = "North"; // Originally was "pageNorth"
091: public static final String PANEL_BORDER_DEFAULT_WEST_CLASS = "West"; // Originally was "pageWest"
092: public static final String PANEL_BORDER_DEFAULT_EAST_CLASS = "East"; // Originally was "pageEast"
093: public static final String PANEL_BORDER_DEFAULT_CENTER_CLASS = "Center"; // Originally was "pageCenter"
094: public static final String PANEL_BORDER_DEFAULT_SOUTH_CLASS = "South"; // Originally was "pageSouth"
095: public static final String COMMAND_SORT_HEADER_STYLE_CLASS = "iceCmdSrtHdr";
096: public static final String FORM_STYLE_CLASS = "iceFrm";
097: public static final String GRAPHIC_IMAGE_STYLE_CLASS = "iceGphImg";
098: public static final String MESSAGE_STYLE_CLASS = "iceMsg";
099: public static final String MESSAGES_STYLE_CLASS = "iceMsgs";
100: public static final String ERROR_STYLE_CLASS = "Error";
101: public static final String FATAL_STYLE_CLASS = "Fatal";
102: public static final String INFO_STYLE_CLASS = "Info";
103: public static final String WARN_STYLE_CLASS = "Warn";
104: public static final String OUTPUT_CHART_DEFAULT_STYLE_CLASS = "iceOutChrt";
105: public static final String OUTPUT_FORMAT_DEFAULT_STYLE_CLASS = "iceOutFrmt";
106: //public static final String PANEL_BORDER_DEFAULT_STYLE_CLASS = "Style"; // Originally was "pageStyleClass"
108: public static final String POPUP_BASE = "icePnlPop"; // Originally was "panelPopup"
109: public static final String POPUP_DEFAULT_HEADER_CLASS = "Hdr"; // Originally was "panelPopupHeader"
110: public static final String POPUP_DEFAULT_BODY_CLASS = "Body"; // Originally was "panelPopupBody"
112: public static final String PANEL_TAB_DEFAULT_STYLECLASS = "icePnlTb"; // Originally was "panelTabClass"
114: public static final String PANEL_TAB_SET_DEFAULT_TAB_SET = "icePnlTbSet"; // Originally was "tabSet"
115: public static final String PANEL_TAB_SET_DEFAULT_TABONCLASS = "On";// Originally was "TabOnClass"
116: public static final String PANEL_TAB_SET_DEFAULT_TABOVERCLASS = "Over";// Originally was "tabOverClass"
117: public static final String PANEL_TAB_SET_DEFAULT_TABOFFCLASS = "Off";// Originally was "TabOffClass"
118: public static final String PANEL_TAB_SET_DEFAULT_TABSPACER = "Spcr";// Originally was "TabSpacer"
119: public static final String PANEL_TAB_SET_DEFAULT_TABPANEL = "TbPnl";// Originally was "TabPanel"
120: public static final String PANEL_TAB_CONTENTS_CLASS = "Cnt";// Originally was "TabPanel"
121: public static final String PANEL_TAB_HEADER_ICON_DEFAULT_CLASS = "HdrIcon";
122: public static final String PANEL_TAB_HEADER_LABEL_DEFAULT_CLASS = "HdrLbl";
123: public static final String PANEL_TAB_SET_DEFAULT_LEFT = "Lft";
124: public static final String PANEL_TAB_SET_DEFAULT_RIGHT = "Rt";
125: public static final String PANEL_TAB_SET_DEFAULT_MIDDLE = "Mid";
126: public static final String PANEL_TAB_SET_DEFAULT_TOP = "Top";
127: public static final String PANEL_TAB_SET_DEFAULT_BOTTOM = "Btm";
128: public static final String PANEL_SERIES_DEFAULT_CLASS = "icePnlSrs";
129: public static final String POSITIONED_PANEL_DEFAULT_CLASS = "icePnlPos";
131: public static final String ICE_FILE_UPLOAD_DEFAULT_BUTTON_CLASS = "Btn"; // Originally was "Button"
132: public static final String ICE_FILE_UPLOAD_DEFAULT_INPUT_TEXT_CLASS = "Txt"; // Originally was "Text"
133: public static final String ICE_FILE_UPLOAD_BASE_CLASS = "iceInpFile"; // Originally was "fileUpload"
134: public static final String OUTPUT_PROGRESS_BASE_CLASS = "iceOutProg"; // Originally was "outputProgress"
135: public static final String OUTPUT_PROGRESS_INDETERMINATE_ACTIVE_CLASS = "IndetActv"; // Originally was "IndeterminateActiveClass"
136: public static final String OUTPUT_PROGRESS_INDETERMINATE_INACTIVE_CLASS = "IndetInactv"; // Originally was "IndeterminateInactiveClass"
137: public static final String OUTPUT_PROGRESS_TEXT_STYLE_CLASS = "Txt"; // Originally was "Text"
138: public static final String OUTPUT_PROGRESS_BG_STYLE_CLASS = "Bg"; // Originally was "Background"
139: public static final String OUTPUT_PROGRESS_FILL_STYLE_CLASS = "Fill"; // Originally was "Fill"
140: public static String MENU_BAR_STYLE = "iceMnuBar";
141: public static String MENU_BAR_ITEM_STYLE = "Item";
142: public static String MENU_BAR_ITEM_LABEL_STYLE = "ItemLabel";
143: public static String MENU_BAR_SUB_MENU_STYLE = "SubMenu";
144: public static String MENU_BAR_SUB_MENU_INDICATOR_STYLE = "SubMenuInd";
145: public static String MENU_BAR_VERTICAL_SUFFIX_STYLE = "Vrt";
147: public static String MENU_ITEM_STYLE = "iceMnuItm";
148: public static String MENU_ITEM_LABEL_STYLE = "Label";
149: public static String MENU_ITEM_IMAGE_STYLE = "Image";
151: public static String MENU_ITEM_SEPARATOR_STYLE = "iceMnuItmSep";
153: public static String SUBMENU_DIVIDER_VERTICAL_STYLE = "iceSubMenuDividerVert"; // Originally was "submenuDividerVert"
154: public static String SUBMENU_DIVIDER_STYLE = "iceSubMenuDivider"; // Originally was "submenuDivider"
155: public static String SUBMENU_INDICATOR_STYLE = "iceSubMenuInd"; // Originally was "submenuIndicator"
156: public static final String STYLE_TREEROW = "Row";// Originally was "treerow"
157: public static final String TREE_DEFAULT_STYLE_CLASS = "iceTree";
158: /**
159: * Calendar Constants. Now based on calendar style name
160: * <p/>
161: * The default style class name for the row containing the month, year and
162: * navigation buttons.
163: */
164: public final static String DEFAULT_CALENDAR = "iceSelInpDate";
166: public final static String DEFAULT_YEARMONTHHEADER_CLASS = "MonthYear"; // iceCalMonthYear Originally was "monthYearRowClass"
167: /**
168: * The default style class name for the row containg the names of the days
169: * of the week.
170: */
171: public final static String DEFAULT_WEEKHEADER_CLASS = "Week"; // iceCalWeek Originally was "weekRowClass"
172: /**
173: * The default style class name for the cell containing the currently
174: * selected day.
175: */
176: public final static String DEFAULT_CURRENTDAYCELL_CLASS = "Cur"; // iceCalCur Originally was "currentDayCellClass"
177: /**
178: * The default style class name for the cells containing the days of the
179: * month.
180: */
181: public final static String DEFAULT_DAYCELL_CLASS = "Day"; // iceCalDay Originally was "dayCellClass"
182: /**
183: * The default style class name for the input text field part of the date
184: * picker
185: */
186: public final static String DEFAULT_CALENDARINPUT_CLASS = "Input"; // Did not have an original name
188: public static final String DEFAULT_SELECT_INPUT = "iceSelInpTxt";
189: /**
190: * The default style calss name for this components input text element.
191: */
192: public static final String DEFAULT_SELECT_INPUT_TEXT_CLASS = "Txt"; // Originally was "autoCompleteInputTextClass"
193: /**
194: * the default style class name for this components list element.
195: */
196: public static final String DEFAULT_SELECT_INPUT_LIST_CLASS = "List"; // Originally was "autoCompleteListClass"
197: /**
198: * The default style class name for this components list row elements.
199: */
200: public static final String DEFAULT_SELECT_INPUT_ROW_CLASS = "Row";// Originally was "autoCompleteRowClass"
201: /**
202: * The default style class name for this components list selected row
203: * element.
204: */
205: public static final String DEFAULT_SELECT_INPUT_SELECTED_ROW_CLASS = "SelRow"; // Originally was "autoCompleteSelectedRowClass"
207: // DataPaginator
208: public static final String DATA_PAGINATOR_BASE = "iceDatPgr";
209: public static final String DATA_PAGINATOR_SCROLL_BUTTON_CELL_CLASS = "ScrBtn"; // Originally was "scrollButtonCellClass"
210: public static final String OUTLINE_CLASS = "ScrOut"; // Originally was "dataScrollerOutlineClass"
211: public static final String PAGINATOR_ACTIVE_COLUMN_CLASS = "ScrCol"; // Originally was "paginatorActiveColumnClass"
212: public static final String PAGINATOR_COLUMN_CLASS = "Col"; // Originally was "paginatorColumnClass"
213: public static final String PAGINATOR_TABLE_CLASS = "Tbl"; // Originally was "paginatorTableClass"
215: public static final String PANEL_STACK_BASE = "icePnlStk";
216: public static final String PANEL_STACK_ROW = "Row";
217: public static final String PANEL_STACK_COL = "Col";
218: // position constants
220: // Row Selection Constants
221: public static final String ROW_SELECTION_BASE = "iceRowSel";
222: public static final String ROW_SELECTION_SELECTED = "Selected";
223: public static final String ROW_SELECTION_MOUSE_OVER = "MouseOver";
224: public static final String ROW_SELECTION_SELECTED_MOUSE_OVER = "SelectedMouseOver";
226: // PanelCollapsible constants
227: public static final String PANEL_COLLAPSIBLE_DEFAULT_STYLE_CLASS = "icePnlClpsbl";
228: public static final String PANEL_COLLAPSIBLE_HEADER = "Hdr";
229: public static final String PANEL_COLLAPSIBLE_CONTENT = "Cnt";
230: public static final String PANEL_COLLAPSIBLE_CONTAINER = "Cont";
231: public static final String PANEL_COLLAPSIBLE_STATE_COLLAPSED = "Colpsd";
232: public static final String DIS_SUFFIX = "-dis";
233: }