01: /*
02: * Created on December 10, 2003
03: *
04: * JtestInteraction.java is used to test the J2EE Connector
05: * as implemented by JOnAS.
06: *
07: */
08: package ersatz.resourceadapter;
10: import javax.resource.cci.InteractionSpec;
11: import javax.resource.cci.Record;
12: import javax.resource.cci.ResultSet;
14: /**
15: * @author Bob Kruse
16: *
17: * Jtest Resource Adapter
18: *
19: * used to test the J2EE Connector as implemented by JOnAS. This is an empty
20: * class used to avoid an error of missing "implements InteractionSpec".
21: *
22: */
23: public class InteractionSpecImpl implements InteractionSpec,
24: java.io.Serializable {
26: private boolean closed = false;
27: private ConnectionImpl con;
28: private ManagedConnectionImpl mcon;
29: String cName = "InteractionSpecImpl";
31: /****************************
32: * InteractionSpec methods
33: ****************************/
34: public InteractionSpecImpl() {
35: Utility.log(cName + ".constructor");
36: }
37: }