001: /**
002: * JOnAS: Java(TM) Open Application Server
003: * Copyright (C) 1999 Bull S.A.
004: * Contact: jonas-team@objectweb.org
005: *
006: * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
007: * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
008: * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
009: * version 2.1 of the License, or any later version.
010: *
011: * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
012: * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
014: * Lesser General Public License for more details.
015: *
016: * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
017: * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
018: * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
019: * USA
020: * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
021: * $Id: J2EEServer.java 9642 2006-09-29 14:01:14Z danesa $
022: * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
023: */package org.objectweb.jonas.server;
025: // Java imports
026: import java.util.ArrayList;
027: import java.util.List;
029: import javax.management.JMException;
030: import javax.management.MBeanServer;
031: import javax.management.MBeanServerNotification;
032: import javax.management.Notification;
033: import javax.management.NotificationFilter;
034: import javax.management.NotificationListener;
035: import javax.management.ObjectName;
037: import org.objectweb.jonas.common.Log;
038: import org.objectweb.jonas.container.EJBService;
039: import org.objectweb.jonas.ear.EarService;
040: import org.objectweb.jonas.jmx.JmxService;
041: import org.objectweb.jonas.management.AttributeAddNotification;
042: import org.objectweb.jonas.management.AttributeRemoveNotification;
043: import org.objectweb.jonas.management.ListenerJavaBean;
044: import org.objectweb.jonas.management.ReconfigException;
045: import org.objectweb.jonas.management.j2eemanagement.J2EEManagedObject;
046: import org.objectweb.jonas.resource.ResourceService;
047: import org.objectweb.jonas.service.ServiceManager;
048: import org.objectweb.jonas.web.JWebContainerService;
049: import org.objectweb.jonas_timer.TimerEvent;
050: import org.objectweb.jonas_timer.TimerEventListener;
051: import org.objectweb.jonas_timer.TimerManager;
052: import org.objectweb.util.monolog.api.BasicLevel;
053: import org.objectweb.util.monolog.api.Logger;
055: /**
056: * MBean class for Server management.
057: * Two classes are used to provide all management services : J2EEServer and J2EEServerMBean.
058: * This class provide the notification's process when add or remove resources.
059: * @author Guillaume Riviere
060: * @author Michel Bruno
061: * <br>contributors Adriana Danes, Michel-Ange Anton
062: *
063: */
064: public class J2EEServer extends J2EEManagedObject implements
065: TimerEventListener, NotificationListener {
066: /**
067: * object to manage
068: */
069: private Server server = null;
070: private String serverName = null;
071: private String serverVersion = null;
072: private String serverVendor = null;
073: private String protocols = null;
074: private ArrayList deployedObjects = null;
075: private ArrayList resources = null;
076: private ArrayList javaVMs = null;
077: private String versions = null;
078: private String jonasBase = null;
079: /**
080: * monitoring objects
081: */
082: private boolean activated = true;
084: private int sizeTableMeasures = 120;
085: private int range = 10;
086: private Long[] tableMeasures;
087: private long maxtotalmemory;
088: private TimerEvent mytimer = null;
090: /**
091: * Management logger
092: */
093: private static Logger mgtLogger = Log
095: /**
096: * Management logger
097: */
098: private static Logger evtLogger = Log
101: /**
102: * Notifications variables
103: */
104: // sequence number needed when sending notifications
105: private long sequenceNumber = 0;
107: /**Support JMX notification
108: /*-- temporary solution allowing to support one listener (the ManagementListener MBean)
109: */
110: private ListenerJavaBean myListener = null;
112: // Services used to deploy J2EE modules and applications
113: /**
114: * EJB Container service
115: */
116: private EJBService ejbService = null;
117: /**
118: * EAR service
119: */
120: private EarService earService = null;
121: /**
122: * Resource service
123: */
124: private ResourceService rarService = null;
125: /**
126: * War service
127: */
128: private JWebContainerService warService = null;
130: private MBeanServer jmxServer = null;
132: /**
133: * MBean constructor
134: * @param objectName object name of the managed object
135: * @param server Server object
136: * @param serverName server name
137: * @param serverVersion JOnAS version
138: * @param serverVendor is JOnAS
139: * @param protocols protocols supported
140: */
141: public J2EEServer(String objectName, Server server,
142: String serverName, String serverVersion,
143: String serverVendor, String protocols, String versions) {
144: super (objectName);
145: this .server = server;
146: this .serverName = serverName;
147: this .serverVersion = serverVersion;
148: this .serverVendor = serverVendor;
149: this .protocols = protocols;
150: this .versions = versions;
151: initTable();
152: deployedObjects = new ArrayList();
153: resources = new ArrayList();
154: javaVMs = new ArrayList();
155: //Launch Timer
156: mytimer = TimerManager.getInstance().addTimerMs(this ,
157: range * 1000, new Integer(1), true);
158: // Get services references
159: // In case one of these services is not running, a ServiceException is thrown
160: // No exception treatement is provided, only keep reference null
161: try {
162: ejbService = (EJBService) ServiceManager.getInstance()
163: .getEjbService();
164: } catch (Exception e) {
165: }
166: try {
167: earService = (EarService) ServiceManager.getInstance()
168: .getEarService();
169: } catch (Exception e) {
170: }
171: try {
172: rarService = (ResourceService) ServiceManager.getInstance()
173: .getRarService();
174: } catch (Exception e) {
175: }
176: try {
177: warService = (JWebContainerService) ServiceManager
178: .getInstance().getWebContainerService();
179: } catch (Exception e) {
180: }
181: try {
182: JmxService jmxService = (JmxService) ServiceManager
183: .getInstance().getJmxService();
184: jmxServer = jmxService.getJmxServer();
185: } catch (Exception e) {
186: }
187: // Add myself as listner to MBeanServerNotifications. Use for this the MBeanServerDelegate ObjectName as
188: // argument in the addNotificationListener method (see JMX API for more info).
189: // Use null NotificationFilter and null handback object.
190: try {
191: ObjectName delegate = new ObjectName(
192: "JMImplementation:type=MBeanServerDelegate");
193: jmxServer.addNotificationListener(delegate, this , null,
194: null);
195: } catch (JMException me) {
196: // MalformedObjectNameException should not occur if the JMX implementation is correct
197: // InstanceNotFoundException should not occur as we use MBeanServerDelegate ObjectName
198: throw new ReconfigException(
199: "ReconfigManager can't listen to MBeanServerNotifications because of exception: "
200: + me.toString());
201: }
202: }
204: /**
205: * Server name
206: * @return String JOnAS server name
207: */
208: public String getServerName() {
209: return serverName;
210: }
212: /**
213: * Server version
214: * @return String JOnAS server version
215: */
216: public String getServerVersion() {
217: return serverVersion;
218: }
220: /**
221: * Server vendor
222: * @return String JOnAS server version
223: */
224: public String getServerVendor() {
225: return serverVendor;
226: }
228: /**
229: * Return the list of MBean names corresponding to the deployed J2EEModules and J2EEApplications
230: * @return java.util.ArrayList list of the deployed objects' MBean names
231: */
232: public List getDeployedObjects() {
233: return deployedObjects;
234: }
236: /**
237: * Add an object name to the <code>deployedObjects</code> list.
238: * @param objectName Object name corresponding to a J2EEDeployedObject MBean
239: */
240: public void addDeployedObject(String objectName) {
241: deployedObjects.add(objectName);
242: }
244: /**
245: * Remove an object name to the <code>deployedObjects</code> list.
246: * @param objectName Object name corresponding to a J2EEDeployedObject MBean
247: */
248: public void removeDeployedObject(String objectName) {
249: deployedObjects.remove(objectName);
250: }
252: /**
253: * Return the list of MBean names corresponding to the resources available on this server
254: * @return java.util.ArrayList list of the resources' MBean names
255: */
256: public List getResources() {
257: return resources;
258: }
260: /**
261: * Return the list of MBean names corresponding to the JVMs on which this server has running threads
262: * @return java.util.ArrayList list of the JVMs' MBean names
263: */
264: public List getJavaVMs() {
265: return javaVMs;
266: }
268: /**
269: * Add an object name to the <code>javaVMs</code> list.
270: * @param objectName Object name correspondig to a JVM MBean
271: */
272: public void addJavaVM(String objectName) {
273: javaVMs.add(objectName);
274: }
276: /**
277: * Protocols supported by this Server
278: * @return String protocols supported
279: */
280: public String getProtocols() {
281: return protocols;
282: }
284: /**
285: * Stop server (with stopping the JVM)
286: */
287: public void stop() throws Exception {
288: server.stop();
289: }
291: /**
292: * run the garbage collector
293: */
294: public void runGC() {
295: Runtime.getRuntime().gc();
296: }
298: /**
299: * get jvm used memory
300: * @return Long - current used memory
301: */
302: public long getCurrentUsedMemory() {
303: return usedMemory();
304: }
306: /**
307: * get jvm total memory
308: * @return Long - current total memory
309: */
310: public long getCurrentTotalMemory() {
311: return totalMemory();
312: }
314: /**
315: * set range
316: * @param range range for free memory measurement
317: */
318: public void setRange(int range) {
319: if (this .range != range) {
320: synchronized (this ) {
321: if (range < 10) {
322: throw new IllegalArgumentException(
323: "range could not be < 10");
324: }
325: this .range = range;
326: // reset table values
327: initTable();
328: /// change range
329: mytimer.change(this .range * 1000, new Integer(1));
330: }
331: }
332: }
334: /**
335: * get range
336: * @return Integer - range
337: */
338: public int getRange() {
339: return range;
340: }
342: /**
343: * Set the size of the table of measures
344: * @param sizeMeasuresTable Number of measures
345: */
346: public void setSizeTableMeasures(int sizeMeasuresTable) {
347: if (sizeMeasuresTable != this .sizeTableMeasures) {
348: synchronized (this ) {
349: if (sizeMeasuresTable <= 1) {
350: throw new IllegalArgumentException(
351: "number of measures could not be <= 1");
352: }
353: this .sizeTableMeasures = sizeMeasuresTable;
354: initTable();
355: }
356: }
357: }
359: /**
360: * Get the size of the table of measures
361: * @return Number of measures
362: */
363: public int getSizeTableMeasures() {
364: return sizeTableMeasures;
365: }
367: /**
368: * get the table of value
369: * @return Long[] measures table
370: */
371: public Long[] getTableMeasures() {
372: return tableMeasures;
373: }
375: // ===============================================================
376: // TimerEventListener implementation
377: // ===============================================================
378: /**
379: * The measures timeout has expired
380: * Do not synchronize this method to avoid deadlocks!
381: * @param arg Object
382: */
383: public void timeoutExpired(Object arg) {
384: int argvalue = ((Integer) arg).intValue();
385: switch (argvalue) {
386: case 1:
388: //timeout expired
389: long uvalue = usedMemory();
390: long tmvalue = totalMemory();
392: // put the max total memory
393: if (tmvalue > maxtotalmemory) {
394: maxtotalmemory = tmvalue;
395: }
396: for (int i = 0; i < tableMeasures.length; i++) {
397: if (i != tableMeasures.length - 1) {
398: tableMeasures[i] = tableMeasures[i + 1];
399: } else {
400: tableMeasures[i] = new Long(uvalue);
401: }
402: }
403: break;
404: default:
406: //timeoutExpired do nothing;
407: break;
408: }
409: }
411: /**
412: * set monitoring activation
413: * @param pActivated true is activated
414: */
415: public void setActivated(boolean pActivated) {
416: if (pActivated) {
417: if (!activated) {
418: synchronized (this ) {
419: activated = true;
420: initTable();
421: }
422: // launch timer
423: mytimer = TimerManager.getInstance().addTimerMs(this ,
424: range * 1000, (Object) new Integer(1), true);
425: }
426: } else {
427: if (activated) {
428: synchronized (this ) {
429: activated = false;
430: initTable();
431: // stop timer
432: mytimer.stop();
433: mytimer.unset();
434: }
435: }
436: }
437: }
439: /**
440: * get monitoring activation
441: * @return Boolean is activated
442: */
444: public boolean isActivated() {
445: return activated;
446: }
448: /**
449: * private function for monitoring
450: * @return long used memory
451: */
453: private long usedMemory() {
454: long result = -1;
455: while (result < 0) {
456: result = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory()
457: - Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory();
458: }
460: return result / 1000;
461: }
463: /**
464: * private function for monitoring
465: * @return long total memory
466: */
468: private long totalMemory() {
469: return Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() / 1000;
470: }
472: /**
473: * private init table
474: */
476: private void initTable() {
477: tableMeasures = new Long[sizeTableMeasures];
478: // init max totalmemory
479: maxtotalmemory = totalMemory();
480: for (int i = 0; i < tableMeasures.length; i++) {
481: tableMeasures[i] = new Long(0);
482: }
483: // init the first value
484: tableMeasures[tableMeasures.length - 1] = new Long(usedMemory());
485: }
487: /**
488: * Deploy a stand-alone J2EE module packaged in a JAR file
489: * @param fileName the file name of the JAR to be be deployed.
490: * @return The ObjectName of the MBean associated to the deployed module
491: * @throws Exception Management operation could not be executed or failed
492: */
493: public String deployJar(String fileName) throws Exception {
494: if (ejbService != null) {
495: return ejbService.createContainer(fileName);
496: } else {
497: throw new Exception("Service ejb not started on "
498: + serverName);
499: }
500: }
502: /**
503: * Test if the specified filename is already deployed or not.
504: * @param fileName the name of the jar file.
505: * @return true if the jar is deployed, otherwise false.
506: * @throws Exception Management operation could not be executed
507: */
508: public Boolean isJarDeployed(String fileName) throws Exception {
509: if (ejbService != null) {
510: return ejbService.isJarDeployed(fileName);
511: } else {
512: throw new Exception("Service ejb not started on "
513: + serverName);
514: }
515: }
517: /**
518: * Uneploy a stand-alone J2EE module packaged in a JAR file
519: * @param fileName the file name of the JAR to be be undeployed.
520: * @throws Exception Management operation could not be executed or failed
521: */
522: public void unDeployJar(String fileName) throws Exception {
523: if (ejbService != null) {
524: ejbService.removeContainer(fileName);
525: } else {
526: throw new Exception("Service ejb not started on "
527: + serverName);
528: }
529: }
531: /**
532: * Test if the specified filename is already deployed or not.
533: * @param fileName the name of the war file.
534: * @return true if the war is deployed, otherwise false.
535: * @throws Exception Management operation could not be executed
536: */
537: public Boolean isWarDeployed(String fileName) throws Exception {
538: if (warService != null) {
539: return new Boolean(warService.isWarLoaded(fileName));
540: } else {
541: throw new Exception("Service web not started on "
542: + serverName);
543: }
544: }
546: /**
547: * Deploy a stand-alone J2EE module packaged in a WAR file
548: * @param fileName the file name of the WAR to be be deployed.
549: * @return The ObjectName of the MBean associated to the deployed module
550: * @throws Exception Management operation could not be executed or failed
551: */
552: public void deployWar(String fileName) throws Exception {
553: if (warService != null) {
554: warService.registerWarMBean(fileName);
555: } else {
556: throw new Exception("Service web not started on "
557: + serverName);
558: }
559: }
561: /**
562: * Uneploy a stand-alone J2EE module packaged in a WAR file
563: * @param fileName the file name of the WAR to be be undeployed.
564: * @throws Exception Management operation could not be executed or failed
565: */
566: public void unDeployWar(String fileName) throws Exception {
567: if (warService != null) {
568: warService.unRegisterWarMBean(fileName);
569: } else {
570: throw new Exception("Service web not started on "
571: + serverName);
572: }
573: }
575: /**
576: * Deploy a J2EE application packaged in a EAR file
577: * @param fileName the file name of the EAR to be be deployed.
578: * @return The ObjectName of the MBean associated to the deployed J2EE Application
579: * @throws Exception Management operation could not be executed or failed
580: */
581: public String deployEar(String fileName) throws Exception {
582: if (earService != null) {
583: return earService.deployEar(fileName);
584: } else {
585: throw new Exception("Service ear not started on "
586: + serverName);
587: }
588: }
590: /**
591: * Test if the specified filename is already deployed or not. This
592: * method is defined in the EarService interface.
593: * @param fileName the name of the ear file.
594: * @return true if the ear is deployed, else false.
595: * @throws Exception Management operation could not be executed or failed
596: */
597: public Boolean isEarDeployed(String fileName) throws Exception {
598: if (earService != null) {
599: return earService.isEarDeployed(fileName);
600: } else {
601: throw new Exception("Service ear not started on "
602: + serverName);
603: }
604: }
606: /**
607: * undeploy a J2EE application packaged in a EAR file
608: * @param fileName the file name of the EAR to be be undeployed.
609: * @throws Exception Management operation could not be executed or failed
610: */
611: public void unDeployEar(String fileName) throws Exception {
612: if (earService != null) {
613: earService.unDeployEar(fileName);
614: } else {
615: throw new Exception("Service ear not started on "
616: + serverName);
617: }
618: }
620: /**
621: * Deploy a J2EE application packaged in a RAR file
622: * @param fileName the file name of the RAR to be be deployed.
623: * @return The ObjectName of the MBean associated to the deployed J2EE Application
624: * @throws Exception Management operation could not be executed or failed
625: */
626: public String deployRar(String fileName) throws Exception {
627: if (rarService != null) {
628: return rarService.deployRar(fileName);
629: } else {
630: throw new Exception("Service resource not started on "
631: + serverName);
632: }
633: }
635: /**
636: * Test if the specified filename is already deployed or not.
637: * @param fileName the name of the rar file.
638: * @return true if the rar is deployed, else false.
639: * @throws Exception Management operation could not be executed or failed
640: */
641: public Boolean isRarDeployed(String fileName) throws Exception {
642: if (rarService != null) {
643: return rarService.isRarDeployed(fileName);
644: } else {
645: throw new Exception("Service resource not started on "
646: + serverName);
647: }
648: }
650: /**
651: * undeploy a J2EE application packaged in a RAR file
652: * @param fileName the file name of the RAR to be be undeployed.
653: * @throws Exception Management operation could not be executed or failed
654: */
655: public void unDeployRar(String fileName) throws Exception {
656: if (rarService != null) {
657: rarService.unDeployRar(fileName);
658: } else {
659: throw new Exception("Service resource not started on "
660: + serverName);
661: }
662: }
664: /**
665: * Add an object name to the <code>resources</code> list.
666: * @param pObjectName Object name correspondig to a J2EEResource MBean
667: */
668: public void addResource(String pObjectName) {
669: synchronized (resources) {
670: if (resources.contains(pObjectName)) {
671: if (mgtLogger.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG)) {
672: mgtLogger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "The object name: "
673: + pObjectName
674: + " is already in the resources list");
675: }
676: } else {
677: // Add
678: resources.add(pObjectName);
679: // Send the notification
680: AttributeAddNotification notification = new AttributeAddNotification(
681: getObjectName(), sequenceNumber++, System
682: .currentTimeMillis(), "", "resource",
683: pObjectName.toString());
684: sendNotification(notification);
685: if (evtLogger.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG)) {
686: evtLogger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG,
687: "AttributeAddNotification emitted: resource added to the J2EEServer: "
688: + pObjectName.toString());
689: }
690: }
691: }
692: }
694: /**
695: * Remove an object name from the <code>resources</code> list.
696: * @param pObjectName Object name correspondig to a J2EEResource MBean
697: * @return Object name to the removed J2EEResource MBean
698: */
699: public String removeResource(String pObjectName) {
700: String sRet = null;
701: synchronized (resources) {
702: int index = resources.indexOf(pObjectName);
703: if (index > -1) {
704: // Remove
705: sRet = (String) resources.remove(index);
706: // Send the notification
707: AttributeRemoveNotification notification = new AttributeRemoveNotification(
708: getObjectName(), sequenceNumber++, System
709: .currentTimeMillis(), "", "resource",
710: pObjectName.toString());
711: sendNotification(notification);
712: if (evtLogger.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG)) {
713: evtLogger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG,
714: "AttributeRemoveNotification emitted: resource removed from the J2EEServer: "
715: + pObjectName.toString());
716: }
717: }
718: }
719: return sRet;
720: }
722: /**
723: * Send a notification to the listener.
724: * @param notification The notification to send
725: */
726: public void sendNotification(Notification notification) {
727: // if registered listener(s)
728: if (myListener != null) {
729: NotificationListener listener = myListener.getListener();
730: Object handback = myListener.getHandback();
731: listener.handleNotification(notification, handback);
732: if (evtLogger.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG)) {
733: evtLogger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "Notification sent");
734: }
735: }
736: }
738: /**
739: * Add a new listener.
740: * @param listner Listener to notify
741: * @param filter Notification filter
742: * @param handback ??
743: * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
744: */
745: public void addNotificationListener(NotificationListener listner,
746: NotificationFilter filter, java.lang.Object handback)
747: throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException {
748: // Create new listener
749: ListenerJavaBean lmb = new ListenerJavaBean(listner, filter,
750: handback);
751: myListener = lmb;
752: if (evtLogger.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG)) {
753: evtLogger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG,
754: "Listener added for J2EEServer MBean: "
755: + getObjectName().toString());
756: if (handback != null) {
757: evtLogger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, " - with handback: "
758: + handback.toString());
759: }
760: }
761: }
763: /**
764: * Treat the notifications emitted by the JMX server.
765: * This method determines the type of the notification and calls the specific treatement.
766: * @param notification received notification
767: * @param handback received handback object
768: */
769: public void handleNotification(Notification notification,
770: java.lang.Object handback) {
771: if (notification instanceof MBeanServerNotification) {
772: // This notification is sent by the jmx server.
773: //
774: // ObjectName of the MBean that caused the notification
775: ObjectName causeObjectName = ((MBeanServerNotification) notification)
776: .getMBeanName();
777: String causeJ2eeType = causeObjectName
778: .getKeyProperty("j2eeType");
779: if (causeJ2eeType != null) {
780: // The MBean that caused the notification is a J2EEManagedObject
781: // Check for server name being the current server name
782: String serverName = causeObjectName
783: .getKeyProperty("J2EEServer");
784: if (serverName != null) {
785: if (!serverName.equals(getServerName())) {
786: return;
787: }
788: } else {
789: return;
790: }
791: // Check for J2EEResource MBeans
792: boolean j2eeResource = false;
793: if (causeJ2eeType.equals("JavaMailResource")
794: || causeJ2eeType.equals("JNDIResource")
795: || causeJ2eeType.equals("JDBCResource")
796: || causeJ2eeType.equals("JMSResource")
797: || causeJ2eeType.equals("JTAResource")
798: || causeJ2eeType.equals("JCAResource")
799: || causeJ2eeType.equals("RMIIIOPResource")
800: || causeJ2eeType.equals("URLResource")) {
801: j2eeResource = true;
802: }
803: if (j2eeResource) {
804: String notificationType = notification.getType();
805: handleResourceNotification(causeObjectName,
806: notificationType);
807: }
808: // Check for J2EEDeployedObjects
809: boolean j2eeDeployed = false;
810: if (causeJ2eeType.equals("J2EEApplication")
811: || causeJ2eeType.equals("AppClientModule")
812: || causeJ2eeType.equals("EJBModule")
813: || causeJ2eeType.equals("WebModule")
814: || causeJ2eeType
815: .equals("ResourceAdapterModule")) {
816: j2eeDeployed = true;
817: }
818: if (j2eeDeployed) {
819: String notificationType = notification.getType();
820: handleDeployedNotification(causeObjectName,
821: notificationType);
822: }
823: }
824: }
825: }
827: /**
828: * Treat the registration/unregistration of J2EEResources.
829: * @param resourceObjectName object name of the J2EEResource MBean that caused the notification
831: */
832: private void handleResourceNotification(
833: ObjectName resourceObjectName, String notificationType) {
834: if (notificationType
835: .equals(MBeanServerNotification.REGISTRATION_NOTIFICATION)) {
836: addResource(resourceObjectName.toString());
837: if (evtLogger.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG)) {
838: evtLogger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "Resource "
839: + resourceObjectName.toString()
840: + " added to J2EEServer " + getServerName());
841: }
842: } else if (notificationType
843: .equals(MBeanServerNotification.UNREGISTRATION_NOTIFICATION)) {
844: removeResource(resourceObjectName.toString());
845: if (evtLogger.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG)) {
846: evtLogger
847: .log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "Resource "
848: + resourceObjectName.toString()
849: + " removed from J2EEServer "
850: + getServerName());
851: }
852: }
853: }
855: /**
856: * Treat the registration/unregistration of J2EEDeployedObjects.
857: * @param deployedObjectName object name of the J2EEDeployedObject MBean that caused the notification
859: */
860: private void handleDeployedNotification(
861: ObjectName deployedObjectName, String notificationType) {
862: if (notificationType
863: .equals(MBeanServerNotification.REGISTRATION_NOTIFICATION)) {
864: addDeployedObject(deployedObjectName.toString());
865: if (evtLogger.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG)) {
866: evtLogger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "J2EEDeployedObject "
867: + deployedObjectName.toString()
868: + " added to J2EEServer " + getServerName());
869: }
870: } else if (notificationType
871: .equals(MBeanServerNotification.UNREGISTRATION_NOTIFICATION)) {
872: removeDeployedObject(deployedObjectName.toString());
873: if (evtLogger.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG)) {
874: evtLogger
875: .log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "J2EEDeployedObject "
876: + deployedObjectName.toString()
877: + " removed from J2EEServer "
878: + getServerName());
879: }
880: }
881: }
883: /**
884: * @return Returns the versions.
885: */
886: public String getVersions() {
887: return versions;
888: }
890: public String getJonasBase() {
891: return jonasBase;
892: }
894: public void setJonasBase(String jonasBase) {
895: this.jonasBase = jonasBase;
896: }
897: }