001: // OrderEntryClerkSFR.java
002: // Stateful Session Bean
004: package org.objectweb.jonas.stests.appli;
006: import java.rmi.RemoteException;
007: import java.sql.Connection;
008: import java.sql.ResultSet;
009: import java.sql.SQLException;
010: import java.sql.Statement;
011: import java.util.Vector;
013: import javax.ejb.CreateException;
014: import javax.ejb.EJBException;
015: import javax.ejb.SessionBean;
016: import javax.ejb.SessionContext;
017: import javax.naming.Context;
018: import javax.naming.InitialContext;
019: import javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject;
020: import javax.sql.DataSource;
022: import org.objectweb.jonas.common.Log;
023: import org.objectweb.util.monolog.api.BasicLevel;
024: import org.objectweb.util.monolog.api.Logger;
026: /**
027: *
028: */
029: public class OrderEntryClerkSFR implements SessionBean {
031: static private Logger logger = null;
032: SessionContext ejbContext;
033: private transient Connection dbConn = null;
034: private static String whid = "0001";
035: private static String did = "1";
037: // table names
038: private static String customersTable = null;
039: private static String stocksTable = null;
040: private static String itemsTable = null;
041: private static String ordersTable = null;
042: private static String orderlinesTable = null;
044: // Following is the state in this stateful session bean
045: public Integer custID;
046: public Vector items;
048: // (The DataSource can be shared among all instances)
049: protected static DataSource dataSource = null;
051: // ------------------------------------------------------------------
052: // SessionBean implementation
053: // ------------------------------------------------------------------
055: public void setSessionContext(SessionContext ctx) {
056: if (logger == null) {
057: logger = Log.getLogger("org.objectweb.jonas_tests");
058: }
059: logger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "");
060: ejbContext = ctx;
061: if (customersTable == null) {
062: try {
063: InitialContext initialContext = new InitialContext();
064: customersTable = (String) initialContext
065: .lookup("java:comp/env/CustomerTableName");
066: stocksTable = (String) initialContext
067: .lookup("java:comp/env/StockTableName");
068: itemsTable = (String) initialContext
069: .lookup("java:comp/env/ItemTableName");
070: ordersTable = (String) initialContext
071: .lookup("java:comp/env/OrderTableName");
072: orderlinesTable = (String) initialContext
073: .lookup("java:comp/env/OrderlineTableName");
074: } catch (Exception e) {
075: logger.log(BasicLevel.ERROR, "cannot lookup env-entry "
076: + e);
077: System.exit(2); // stop all
078: }
079: }
080: }
082: public void ejbRemove() {
083: logger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "");
084: }
086: public void ejbCreate() throws CreateException {
087: logger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "");
088: items = new Vector();
089: custID = null;
090: }
092: public void ejbPassivate() {
093: logger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "");
094: }
096: public void ejbActivate() {
097: logger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "");
098: }
100: // ------------------------------------------------------------------
101: // OrderEntryClerk implementation
102: // ------------------------------------------------------------------
104: // Set the current customer
105: public void setCustomer(Integer cid) throws RemoteException {
106: logger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "customer = " + cid);
107: if (verifyCustomer(cid)) {
108: custID = cid;
109: } else {
110: throw new CpwejbException("Customer id " + cid
111: + " not valid");
112: }
113: }
115: // Find all available customers
116: public Vector findAllCustomers() throws RemoteException {
117: logger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "");
118: Vector customerVector = new Vector();
120: Customer customer = null;
121: try {
122: Connection con = getConnection();
123: Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
124: ResultSet rs = stmt
125: .executeQuery("select cid, cfirst, clast, cinit, caddr1, caddr2, ccity, cstate, czip from "
126: + customersTable);
127: while (rs != null && rs.next()) {
128: String customerString[] = new String[9];
129: customerString[0] = new Integer(rs.getInt("cid"))
130: .toString();
131: customerString[1] = rs.getString("clast");
132: customerString[2] = rs.getString("cfirst");
133: customerString[3] = rs.getString("cinit");
134: customerString[4] = rs.getString("caddr1");
135: customerString[5] = rs.getString("caddr2");
136: customerString[6] = rs.getString("ccity");
137: customerString[7] = rs.getString("cstate");
138: customerString[8] = rs.getString("czip");
139: customerVector.addElement(customerString);
140: }
141: stmt.close();
142: releaseConnection(con);
143: } catch (Exception e) {
144: throw new RemoteException(e.getMessage());
145: }
146: return customerVector;
148: }
150: // Add an item and quantity to the order
151: public void addOrderLine(Integer iid, int quantity)
152: throws RemoteException {
153: logger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "item = " + iid + " qty = "
154: + quantity);
155: if (custID == null) {
156: throw new CpwejbException(
157: "OrderEntryClerkBean: Customer ID must be set first");
158: }
160: if (items.size() == 25) {
161: throw new CpwejbException(
162: "OrderEntryClerkBean: Maximum of 25 lines per order reached");
163: }
164: Item item = null;
165: try {
166: InitialContext initCtx = new InitialContext();
167: ItemHome home = (ItemHome) PortableRemoteObject.narrow(
168: initCtx.lookup("ItemHome"), ItemHome.class);
169: item = home.findByPrimaryKey(iid);
170: } catch (Exception e) {
171: throw new RemoteException(e.getMessage());
172: }
173: OrderDetail ol = new OrderDetail(iid, item.getItemPrice()
174: * quantity, quantity);
175: items.addElement(ol);
176: }
178: // Reset the bean state ie the current customer and the current order
179: public void undoAll() throws RemoteException {
180: logger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "");
181: // Clear out the state of the session bean at this point
182: items = new Vector();
183: custID = null;
184: }
186: // Verify an existing customer
187: public boolean verifyCustomer(Integer cid) throws RemoteException {
188: logger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "cid = " + cid);
189: Customer customer = null;
190: boolean retval = false;
191: try {
192: Connection con = getConnection();
193: Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
194: ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select cid from "
195: + customersTable + " where cid = '" + cid + "'");
196: if (rs != null && rs.next())
197: retval = true;
198: stmt.close();
199: releaseConnection(con);
200: } catch (Exception e) {
201: throw new RemoteException(e.getMessage());
202: }
203: return retval;
204: }
206: // Place an order
207: public String placeOrder() throws RemoteException {
208: logger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "");
209: String orderNumber = null;
210: if (custID == null) {
211: throw new CpwejbException(
212: "OrderEntryClerkBean: Customer ID must be set before placing an order");
213: }
214: if (items.size() == 0) {
215: throw new CpwejbException(
216: "OrderEntryClerkBean: No order lines. Cannot place order.");
217: }
219: try {
220: InitialContext initCtx = new InitialContext();
221: OrderPlacementHome home = (OrderPlacementHome) PortableRemoteObject
222: .narrow(initCtx.lookup("OrderPlacementHome"),
223: OrderPlacementHome.class);
224: OrderPlacement placement = home.create();
225: float number = placement.placeOrder(whid, did, custID,
226: items);
227: orderNumber = Float.toString(number);
228: orderNumber = orderNumber.substring(0,
229: orderNumber.length() - 2);
230: // Clear out the state of the session bean at this point
231: items = new Vector();
232: custID = null;
233: } catch (Exception e) {
234: throw new RemoteException(e.getMessage());
235: }
236: return orderNumber;
237: }
239: // Find a range of items
240: public Vector findRangeOfItems(Integer lowID, Integer highID)
241: throws RemoteException {
242: logger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "low = " + lowID + " high = "
243: + highID);
244: Vector itemVector = new Vector();
246: Item item = null;
247: try {
248: Connection con = getConnection();
249: Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
250: ResultSet rs = stmt
251: .executeQuery("select iid, iname, iprice, idata, stqty from "
252: + itemsTable
253: + " , "
254: + stocksTable
255: + " where iid = stiid and iid >= '"
256: + lowID
257: + "' and iid <= '" + highID + "'");
258: while (rs != null && rs.next()) {
259: String itemString[] = new String[5];
260: itemString[0] = rs.getString("iid");
261: itemString[1] = rs.getString("iname");
262: itemString[2] = "$"
263: + Float.toString(rs.getFloat("iprice"));
264: itemString[3] = Integer.toString(rs.getInt("stqty"));
265: itemString[4] = rs.getString("idata");
266: itemVector.addElement(itemString);
267: }
268: stmt.close();
269: releaseConnection(con);
270: } catch (Exception e) {
271: throw new RemoteException(e.getMessage());
272: }
273: return itemVector;
274: }
276: public Vector findAllItems() throws RemoteException {
277: logger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "");
278: Vector itemVector = new Vector();
279: Item item = null;
280: try {
281: Connection con = getConnection();
282: Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
284: ResultSet rs = stmt
285: .executeQuery("select ProdId, Name, Price, Descrip, stqty from "
286: + customersTable
287: + " , "
288: + stocksTable
289: + " where ProdId = stiid");
291: logger
292: .log(
293: BasicLevel.DEBUG,
294: "select ProdId, Name, Price, Descrip, stqty from itemtable,stocktable where ProdId = stiid");
295: while (rs != null && rs.next()) {
296: String itemString[] = new String[5];
297: itemString[0] = rs.getString("ProdId");
298: itemString[1] = rs.getString("Name");
299: String price = "$"
300: + Float.toString(rs.getFloat("Price"));
301: // make sure the price ends with .00 for even dollar amounts
302: if (price.endsWith(".0")) {
303: price += "0";
304: }
305: itemString[2] = price;
306: itemString[3] = Integer.toString(rs.getInt("stqty"));
307: itemString[4] = rs.getString("Descrip");
308: itemVector.addElement(itemString);
309: }
310: stmt.close();
311: releaseConnection(con);
312: } catch (Exception e) {
313: throw new RemoteException(e.getMessage());
314: }
315: return itemVector;
316: }
318: public String[] getCustomerForOrder(String wid, int did, int oid)
319: throws RemoteException, CpwejbException {
320: logger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "oid = " + oid);
321: Integer customerID = null;
322: String custInfo[] = new String[4];
323: try {
324: Connection con = getConnection();
325: Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
326: String stmtString = "select ocid from " + ordersTable
327: + " where owid = '" + wid + "' and odid = " + did
328: + " and oid = " + oid;
329: ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(stmtString);
330: if (rs != null && rs.next()) {
331: customerID = new Integer(rs.getInt("ocid"));
332: custInfo[0] = custID.toString();
333: if (rs.next()) {
334: // There were multiple orders with the same key -- severe error
335: throw new RemoteException("Duplicate Key Error: "
336: + wid + "/" + did + "/" + oid);
337: }
338: InitialContext initCtx = new InitialContext();
339: CustomerHome cHome = (CustomerHome) PortableRemoteObject
340: .narrow(initCtx.lookup("CustomerHome"),
341: CustomerHome.class);
342: Customer customer = (Customer) cHome
343: .findByPrimaryKey(customerID);
344: custInfo[1] = customer.getFirstName();
345: custInfo[2] = customer.getMiddleInitials();
346: custInfo[3] = customer.getLastName();
347: } else {
348: // order does not exist
349: throw new CpwejbException(
350: "Order does not exists for warehouse " + wid
351: + " district " + did + " order " + oid);
352: }
353: stmt.close();
354: releaseConnection(con);
355: } catch (Exception e) {
356: throw new RemoteException(e.getMessage());
357: }
358: return custInfo;
359: }
361: public Vector getItemsForOrder(String wid, int did, int oid)
362: throws RemoteException, CpwejbException {
363: logger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "oid = " + oid);
364: Vector itemVector = new Vector();
365: try {
366: Connection con = getConnection();
367: Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
368: String stmtString = "select oliid, olqty, olamnt from "
369: + orderlinesTable + " where olwid = '" + wid
370: + "' and oldid = " + did + " and oloid = " + oid;
371: ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(stmtString);
372: InitialContext initCtx = new InitialContext();
373: ItemHome iHome = (ItemHome) PortableRemoteObject.narrow(
374: initCtx.lookup("ItemHome"), ItemHome.class);
375: while (rs != null && rs.next()) {
376: String itemInfo[] = new String[4];
377: Integer ItemID = new Integer(rs.getInt("oliid"));
378: itemInfo[0] = ItemID.toString();
379: itemInfo[2] = Integer.toString(rs.getInt("olqty"));
380: itemInfo[3] = Float.toString(rs.getFloat("olamnt"));
381: Item item = (Item) iHome.findByPrimaryKey(ItemID);
382: itemInfo[1] = item.getItemName();
383: itemVector.addElement(itemInfo);
384: }
385: stmt.close();
386: releaseConnection(con);
387: } catch (Exception e) {
388: throw new RemoteException(e.getMessage());
389: }
390: return itemVector;
391: }
393: public void createAllTables() {
394: logger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "");
395: createCustomersTable();
396: createItemsTable();
397: createStocksTable();
398: createDistrictsTable();
399: createOtherTables();
401: }
403: public void createOtherTables() {
404: createOrdersTable();
405: createOrderlinesTable();
406: }
408: public void createOrdersTable() {
409: logger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "");
410: // Drop table
411: Connection conn = null;
412: Statement stmt = null;
413: try {
414: conn = getConnection();
415: stmt = conn.createStatement();
416: stmt.execute("drop table jt2_appli_order");
417: } catch (Exception e) {
418: // The first time, table will not exist.
419: logger
420: .log(BasicLevel.INFO, "Exception in dropTable : "
421: + e);
422: }
424: // Create table.
425: try {
426: stmt
427: .execute("create table jt2_appli_order(owid varchar(4),odid integer,ocid integer,ooid float,olines integer,primary key (owid,odid,ooid))");
428: stmt.close();
429: conn.close();
430: logger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "jt2_appli_order created");
431: } catch (SQLException e) {
432: logger.log(BasicLevel.ERROR,
433: "Exception in createOrderTable : " + e);
434: throw new EJBException("Exception in createOrderTable");
435: }
436: }
438: public void createOrderlinesTable() {
439: logger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "");
440: // Drop table
441: Connection conn = null;
442: Statement stmt = null;
443: try {
444: conn = getConnection();
445: stmt = conn.createStatement();
446: stmt.execute("drop table jt2_appli_orderline");
447: } catch (Exception e) {
448: // The first time, table will not exist.
449: logger
450: .log(BasicLevel.INFO, "Exception in dropTable : "
451: + e);
452: }
454: // Create table.
455: try {
456: stmt
457: .execute("create table jt2_appli_orderline (OLOID float not null, OLDID integer not null, OLWID varchar(4) not null, OLNBR integer not null,OLIID integer, OLQTY integer, OLAMNT float,primary key (OLWID,OLDID,OLOID,OLNBR))");
458: stmt.close();
459: conn.close();
460: logger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "jt2_appli_orderline created");
461: } catch (SQLException e) {
462: logger.log(BasicLevel.ERROR,
463: "Exception in createOrderlinesTable : " + e);
464: throw new EJBException("Exception in createOrderlinesTable");
465: }
466: }
468: private void createDistrictsTable() {
469: logger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "");
471: try {
472: InitialContext initCtx = new InitialContext();
473: DistrictHome home = (DistrictHome) PortableRemoteObject
474: .narrow(initCtx.lookup("DistrictHome"),
475: DistrictHome.class);
476: home.create(1, "0001", "Belgique", 0);
477: home.create(2, "0001", "Espagne", 0);
478: home.create(3, "0001", "Finlande", 0);
479: home.create(4, "0001", "Irlande", 0);
480: logger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "jt2_appli_district created");
481: } catch (Exception e) {
482: logger.log(BasicLevel.ERROR, "Exception in createTable : "
483: + e);
484: throw new EJBException("Exception in createTable");
485: }
486: }
488: private void createCustomersTable() {
489: logger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "");
491: try {
492: InitialContext initCtx = new InitialContext();
493: CustomerHome home = (CustomerHome) PortableRemoteObject
494: .narrow(initCtx.lookup("CustomerHome"),
495: CustomerHome.class);
496: home.create(new Integer(1), "Paul", "Desgranges", "PD",
497: "1 rue du bourg", "", "Nice", "06", "", "04050607",
498: 1000);
499: home.create(new Integer(2), "François", "Exertier", "FE",
500: "16 avenue J. jaures", "", "Grenoble", "38", "",
501: "0476276115", 1000);
502: home.create(new Integer(3), "Florent", "Benoit", "FB",
503: "20 place de la gare", "", "Lyon", "69", "",
504: "04286745", 1000);
505: home.create(new Integer(4), "Gérard", "Vandome", "GV",
506: "13 rue A. Einstein", "", "Marseille", "13", "",
507: "04122436", 1000);
508: home.create(new Integer(5), "Philippe", "Coq", "PC",
509: "3 rue du Village", "", "Nice", "06", "",
510: "0405060713", 1000);
511: home.create(new Integer(6), "Philippe", "Durieux", "PD",
512: "6 avenue J. Valles", "", "Grenoble", "38", "",
513: "0476276115", 1000);
514: home.create(new Integer(7), "Hélène", "Joanin", "HJ",
515: "30 place du Tramway", "", "Lyon", "69", "",
516: "0428674513", 1000);
517: home.create(new Integer(8), "Adriana", "Danes", "AD",
518: "23 rue Galilé", "", "Marseille", "13", "",
519: "0412243613", 1000);
520: home.create(new Integer(9), "Jacques", "Cayuela", "JC",
521: "29 rue de la Clef", "", "Nice", "06", "",
522: "0405060717", 1000);
524: home.create(new Integer(10), "Eric", "Hardesty", "EC",
525: "41 rue de la gare", "", "Nancy", "54", "",
526: "0302060627", 1000);
527: home.create(new Integer(11), "Goulven", "Lejeune", "GL",
528: "37 rue du Hameau", "", "Nice", "06", "",
529: "0405060717", 1000);
530: home.create(new Integer(12), "Christophe", "Loridan", "CL",
531: "26 avenue Gambetta", "", "Grenoble", "38", "",
532: "0476276117", 1000);
533: home.create(new Integer(13), "Jerome", "Camilleri", "JC",
534: "30 place des VFD", "", "Lyon", "69", "",
535: "0428674519", 1000);
536: home.create(new Integer(14), "Guillaume", "Sauthier", "GS",
537: "37 rue B.Giordano", "", "Marseille", "13", "",
538: "0412243196", 1000);
539: logger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "jt2_appli_customer created");
540: } catch (Exception e) {
541: logger.log(BasicLevel.ERROR, "Exception in createTable : "
542: + e);
543: throw new EJBException("Exception in createTable");
544: }
545: }
547: private void createItemsTable() {
548: logger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "");
550: try {
551: InitialContext initCtx = new InitialContext();
552: ItemHome home = (ItemHome) PortableRemoteObject.narrow(
553: initCtx.lookup("ItemHome"), ItemHome.class);
554: home.create(new Integer(1), "Beaujolais 95", 19,
555: "Grumage - Domaine des Averlys");
556: home.create(new Integer(2), "Beaujolais 95", 20,
557: "Domaine des Averlys");
558: home.create(new Integer(3), "Beaujolais 96", 18,
559: "Cuvée Antique - Domaine de Rochecorbière");
560: home.create(new Integer(4), "Beaujolais 96", 19,
561: "Vin de garde - Domaine des Averlys");
562: home.create(new Integer(5), "Beaujolais 96", 22,
563: "Domaine des Fortières");
564: home.create(new Integer(6), "Beaujolais 97", 28,
565: "Médaille Or - Paul Champier Producteur");
566: home.create(new Integer(7), "Beaujolais 97", 21,
567: "Domaine du Berret");
568: home.create(new Integer(8), "Beaujolais 98", 21,
569: "Domaine des Fortières");
570: home.create(new Integer(9), "Beauj Rosé 96", 19,
571: "Domaine de Rochecorbière");
572: home.create(new Integer(10), "Beauj Rosé 96", 19,
573: "Domaine de la Croix Ange");
574: home.create(new Integer(11), "Beauj Rosé 97", 21,
575: "Domaine de la Chambarde");
576: home.create(new Integer(12), "Beauj Rosé 97", 18,
577: "Domaine des Averlys");
578: home.create(new Integer(13), "Beauj Blanc 96", 24,
579: "Domaine de Rochcorbière");
580: home.create(new Integer(14), "Beauj Blanc 96", 21,
581: "Domaine du Berret");
582: home.create(new Integer(15), "Beauj Nouveau", 20,
583: "Domaine du Berret");
584: home.create(new Integer(16), "Beauj Nouveau", 21,
585: "Domaine des Fortières");
586: home.create(new Integer(17), "Beauj Nouveau", 19,
587: "Domaine de la Chambarde");
588: home.create(new Integer(18), "Beauj Nouveau", 18,
589: "Domaine de la Croix Ange");
590: home.create(new Integer(19), "Beauj Villages", 25,
591: "Agrément Terra Vitis");
592: home.create(new Integer(20), "Brouilly", 22,
593: "Paul Champier Producteur");
594: home.create(new Integer(21), "Brouilly 1994", 35,
595: "Domaine dit Barron");
596: home.create(new Integer(22), "Brouilly 1996", 28,
597: "Médaille de Bronze - Paul Champier Producteur");
598: home.create(new Integer(23), "Brouilly 1997", 71,
599: "Médaille Or - Paul Champier Producteur");
600: home.create(new Integer(24), "Côte de Br 94", 30,
601: "Paul Champier Producteur");
602: home.create(new Integer(25), "Côte de Br 97", 32,
603: "Les Muses - Château de Briante");
604: home.create(new Integer(26), "Morgon 1997", 29,
605: "Domaine dit Barron");
606: home.create(new Integer(27), "Régnié", 26,
607: "Cercle des Bulliats");
608: home.create(new Integer(28), "Régnié 1998", 26,
609: "Cercle des Bulliats");
610: logger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "jt2_appli_item created");
611: } catch (Exception e) {
612: logger.log(BasicLevel.ERROR, "Exception in createTable : "
613: + e);
614: throw new EJBException("Exception in createTable");
615: }
616: }
618: private void createStocksTable() {
619: logger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "");
621: try {
622: InitialContext initCtx = new InitialContext();
623: StockHome home = (StockHome) PortableRemoteObject.narrow(
624: initCtx.lookup("StockHome"), StockHome.class);
625: home.create("0001", new Integer(1), 1000);
626: home.create("0001", new Integer(2), 1000);
627: home.create("0001", new Integer(3), 1000);
628: home.create("0001", new Integer(4), 1000);
629: home.create("0001", new Integer(5), 1000);
630: home.create("0001", new Integer(6), 1000);
631: home.create("0001", new Integer(7), 1000);
632: home.create("0001", new Integer(8), 1000);
633: home.create("0001", new Integer(9), 1000);
634: home.create("0001", new Integer(10), 1000);
635: home.create("0001", new Integer(11), 1000);
636: home.create("0001", new Integer(12), 1000);
637: home.create("0001", new Integer(13), 1000);
638: home.create("0001", new Integer(14), 1000);
639: home.create("0001", new Integer(15), 1000);
640: home.create("0001", new Integer(16), 1000);
641: home.create("0001", new Integer(17), 1000);
642: home.create("0001", new Integer(18), 1000);
643: home.create("0001", new Integer(19), 1000);
644: home.create("0001", new Integer(20), 1000);
645: home.create("0001", new Integer(21), 1000);
646: home.create("0001", new Integer(22), 1000);
647: home.create("0001", new Integer(23), 1000);
648: home.create("0001", new Integer(24), 1000);
649: home.create("0001", new Integer(25), 1000);
650: home.create("0001", new Integer(26), 1000);
651: home.create("0001", new Integer(27), 1000);
652: home.create("0001", new Integer(28), 1000);
653: logger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "jt2_appli_stock created");
654: } catch (Exception e) {
655: logger.log(BasicLevel.ERROR, "Exception in createTable : "
656: + e);
657: throw new EJBException("Exception in createTable");
658: }
659: }
661: // ------------------------------------------------------------------
662: // Internal methods
663: // ------------------------------------------------------------------
665: private Connection getConnection() throws SQLException,
666: RemoteException {
667: if (dataSource == null) {
669: Context initialContext = null;
670: try {
671: initialContext = new InitialContext();
672: } catch (Exception e) {
673: throw new RemoteException("Cannot get InitialContext ",
674: e);
675: }
676: String dataSourceName = "java:comp/env/jdbc/OrderEntryClerk";
678: try {
679: dataSource = (DataSource) initialContext
680: .lookup(dataSourceName);
681: } catch (Exception e) {
682: throw new RemoteException("cannot lookup "
683: + dataSourceName, e);
684: }
685: }
686: return dataSource.getConnection();
687: }
689: // Return a JDBC connection to the pool
690: private void releaseConnection(Connection con) {
691: try {
692: con.close();
693: } catch (Exception ignore) {
694: }
695: }
697: }