001: /**
002: * JOnAS: Java(TM) Open Application Server
003: * Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Bull S.A.
004: * Contact: jonas-team@objectweb.org
005: *
006: * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
007: * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
008: * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
009: * version 2.1 of the License, or any later version.
010: *
011: * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
012: * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
014: * Lesser General Public License for more details.
015: *
016: * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
017: * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
018: * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
019: * USA
020: *
021: * Initial developer(s):
022: * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
023: * $Id: ServletTest2.java 4618 2004-04-19 06:39:30Z benoitf $
024: * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
025: */package servlets;
027: import java.io.IOException;
028: import java.io.PrintWriter;
029: import java.text.DateFormat;
030: import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
031: import java.util.Calendar;
032: import java.util.Collection;
033: import java.util.Date;
034: import java.util.HashSet;
035: import java.util.Iterator;
036: import java.util.Set;
038: import javax.naming.Context;
039: import javax.naming.InitialContext;
040: import javax.servlet.ServletException;
041: import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
042: import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
043: import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
044: import javax.transaction.UserTransaction;
046: import com.titan.cabin.CabinHomeLocal;
047: import com.titan.cabin.CabinLocal;
048: import com.titan.cruise.CruiseHomeLocal;
049: import com.titan.cruise.CruiseLocal;
050: import com.titan.customer.CustomerHomeLocal;
051: import com.titan.customer.CustomerLocal;
052: import com.titan.customer.Name;
053: import com.titan.reservation.ReservationHomeLocal;
054: import com.titan.reservation.ReservationLocal;
055: import com.titan.ship.ShipHomeLocal;
056: import com.titan.ship.ShipLocal;
058: /**
059: * This servlet is used to test O'Reilly examples
060: * @author JOnAS team
061: */
062: public class ServletTest2 extends HttpServlet {
064: /**
065: * Called by the server (via the service method) to allow a servlet to
066: * handle a GET request.
067: * @param request an HttpServletRequest object that contains the request the
068: * client has made of the servlet
069: * @param response an HttpServletResponse object that contains the response
070: * the servlet sends to the client
071: * @throws IOException if an input or output error is detected when the
072: * servlet handles the GET request
073: * @throws ServletException if the request for the GET could not be handled
074: */
075: public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
076: HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException,
077: ServletException {
079: boolean ok = true;
080: response.setContentType("text/html");
081: PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
082: out.println("<html>");
083: out.println("<head>");
084: out.println("<title>");
085: out.println("O'Reilly Examples (Suite)</title>");
086: out.println("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"style.css\" />");
087: out.println("</head>");
088: out
089: .println("<body style=\"background : white; color : black;\">");
090: out
091: .println("<h1>Example Showing Cruise/Ship and Cruise/Reservation Relationships</h1>");
092: Context initialContext = null;
093: try {
094: initialContext = new InitialContext();
095: } catch (Exception e) {
096: out
097: .println("<p>ERROR: Cannot get initial context for JNDI: "
098: + e + "</p>");
099: return;
100: }
102: // Connecting to ShipHomeLocal thru JNDI
103: ShipHomeLocal shiphome = null;
104: CruiseHomeLocal cruisehome = null;
105: ReservationHomeLocal reservationhome = null;
106: CustomerHomeLocal customerhome = null;
107: CabinHomeLocal cabinhome = null;
108: UserTransaction tran = null;
109: try {
110: shiphome = (ShipHomeLocal) initialContext
111: .lookup("java:comp/env/ejb/ShipHomeLocal");
112: cruisehome = (CruiseHomeLocal) initialContext
113: .lookup("java:comp/env/ejb/CruiseHomeLocal");
114: reservationhome = (ReservationHomeLocal) initialContext
115: .lookup("java:comp/env/ejb/ReservationHomeLocal");
116: customerhome = (CustomerHomeLocal) initialContext
117: .lookup("java:comp/env/ejb/CustomerHomeLocal");
118: cabinhome = (CabinHomeLocal) initialContext
119: .lookup("java:comp/env/ejb/CabinHomeLocal");
120: tran = (UserTransaction) initialContext
121: .lookup("java:comp/UserTransaction");
122: } catch (Exception e) {
123: out
124: .println("<p>ERROR: Cannot lookup java:comp/env/ejb/XXHomeLocal: "
125: + e + "</p>");
126: return;
128: }
130: out.println("<a href=\"index.html\"><b>Back to Menu</b></a>");
132: out
133: .println("<H2>Example Showing Cruise/Ship Relationship (Fig 7-12)</H2>");
134: out
135: .println("<p>(ie Sharing a bean reference in a Many-to-One Relationship)</p>");
137: out.println("<H3>Creating Ships</H3>");
138: // Create some Ship beans - manually set key
139: ShipLocal shipA = null;
140: ShipLocal shipB = null;
141: try {
142: shipA = shiphome.create(new Integer(1001), "Ship A",
143: 30000.0);
144: shipB = shiphome.create(new Integer(1002), "Ship B",
145: 40000.0);
146: } catch (Exception e) {
147: out.println("<p>ERROR: Exception caught " + e + "</p>");
148: return;
149: }
150: out.println("<ul>");
151: out.println("<li>id = '" + shipA.getId() + "', name = '"
152: + shipA.getName() + "', tonnage = '"
153: + shipA.getTonnage() + "'</li>");
154: out.println("<li>id = '" + shipB.getId() + "', name="
155: + shipB.getName() + "', tonnage = '"
156: + shipB.getTonnage() + " </li>");
157: out.println("</ul>");
159: out.println("<H3>Creating Cruises</H3>");
160: // Create some Cruise beans - automatic key generation by CMP engine
161: // Link 1-3 to Ship A, 4-6 to Ship B
162: CruiseLocal[] cruises = new CruiseLocal[7];
163: try {
164: cruises[1] = cruisehome.create("Cruise 1", shipA);
165: cruises[2] = cruisehome.create("Cruise 2", shipA);
166: cruises[3] = cruisehome.create("Cruise 3", shipA);
167: cruises[4] = cruisehome.create("Cruise 4", shipB);
168: cruises[5] = cruisehome.create("Cruise 5", shipB);
169: cruises[6] = cruisehome.create("Cruise 6", shipB);
170: } catch (Exception e) {
171: out.println("<p>ERROR: Exception caught " + e + "</p>");
172: return;
173: }
174: out.println("<ul>");
175: for (int jj = 1; jj < 7; jj++) {
176: CruiseLocal cc = cruises[jj];
177: out.println("<li>'" + cc.getName() + "' is using '"
178: + cc.getShip().getName() + "'</li>");
179: }
180: out.println("</ul>");
182: out
183: .print("<H3>Changing 'Cruise 1' to use same ship as 'Cruise 4'</H3>");
184: ShipLocal newship = cruises[4].getShip();
185: cruises[1].setShip(newship);
186: out.println("<ul>");
187: for (int jj = 1; jj < 7; jj++) {
188: CruiseLocal cc = cruises[jj];
189: out.println("<li>'" + cc.getName() + "' is using '"
190: + cc.getShip().getName() + "'</li>");
191: }
192: out.println("</ul>");
194: out.println("<H3>Content of Tables</H3>");
195: try {
196: listCruises(out, cruisehome);
197: listShips(out, shiphome);
198: } catch (Exception e) {
199: out.println("<p>ERROR: exception caught = " + e + " </p>");
200: }
202: out
203: .println("<H2>Example Showing Cruise/Reservation Relationship Using set() (Fig 7-14)</H2>");
204: out
205: .println("<p>(ie Sharing an entire collection in a One-to-Many bidirectional Relationship Using set() )</p>");
206: out.println("<H3>Creating some Cruise beans</H3>");
207: // Create some Cruise beans - leave ship reference empty since we don't
208: // care
209: CruiseLocal cruiseA = null;
210: CruiseLocal cruiseB = null;
211: try {
212: cruiseA = cruisehome.create("Cruise A", null);
213: cruiseB = cruisehome.create("Cruise B", null);
214: } catch (Exception e) {
215: out.println("<p>ERROR: exception caught = " + e + " </p>");
216: }
217: out.println("<ul>");
218: out.print("<li>name = '" + cruiseA.getName() + "'</li>");
219: out.print("<li>name = '" + cruiseB.getName() + "'</li>");
220: out.println("</ul>");
222: out.print("<H3>Creating Reservations</H3>");
223: // Create some Reservation beans - automatic key generation by CMP
224: // engine
225: // Link 1-3 to Cruise A, 4-6 to Cruise B
226: ReservationLocal reservations[] = new ReservationLocal[7];
227: Calendar date = Calendar.getInstance();
228: date.set(2002, 10, 1);
229: // Leave the Customers collection null in the create() call,
230: // we don't care about it right now
231: try {
232: reservations[1] = reservationhome.create(cruiseA, null);
233: reservations[1].setDate(date.getTime());
234: reservations[1].setAmountPaid(4000.0);
235: date.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 7);
237: reservations[2] = reservationhome.create(cruiseA, null);
238: reservations[2].setDate(date.getTime());
239: reservations[2].setAmountPaid(5000.0);
240: date.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 7);
242: reservations[3] = reservationhome.create(cruiseA, null);
243: reservations[3].setDate(date.getTime());
244: reservations[3].setAmountPaid(6000.0);
245: date.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 7);
247: reservations[4] = reservationhome.create(cruiseB, null);
248: reservations[4].setDate(date.getTime());
249: reservations[4].setAmountPaid(7000.0);
250: date.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 7);
252: reservations[5] = reservationhome.create(cruiseB, null);
253: reservations[5].setDate(date.getTime());
254: reservations[5].setAmountPaid(8000.0);
255: date.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 7);
257: reservations[6] = reservationhome.create(cruiseB, null);
258: reservations[6].setDate(date.getTime());
259: reservations[6].setAmountPaid(9000.0);
260: date.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 7);
262: } catch (Exception e) {
263: out.println("<p>ERROR: Exception caught " + e + "</p>");
264: return;
265: }
266: out.println("<ul>");
267: DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");
268: for (int jj = 1; jj < 7; jj++) {
269: ReservationLocal rr = reservations[jj];
270: CruiseLocal this cruise = rr.getCruise();
271: String cruisename = (this cruise != null ? this cruise
272: .getName() : "No Cruise!");
273: out.println("<li>reservationDate = '"
274: + df.format(rr.getDate()) + "', amountPaid = '"
275: + rr.getAmountPaid() + "', for '" + cruisename
276: + "'</li> ");
277: }
278: out.println("</ul>");
280: out
281: .println("<H3>Testing CruiseB.setReservations(CruiseA.getReservations())</H3>");
282: // show the effect of a simple "setReservations" on a cruise
283: Collection areservations = cruiseA.getReservations();
284: cruiseB.setReservations(areservations);
285: // Report information on the 6 reservations
286: String[] cruisename = new String[7];
287: out.println("<ul>");
288: for (int jj = 1; jj < 7; jj++) {
289: ReservationLocal rr = reservations[jj];
290: CruiseLocal this cruise = rr.getCruise();
291: cruisename[jj] = (this cruise != null ? this cruise.getName()
292: : "No Cruise!");
293: out.print("<li>reservationDate = '"
294: + df.format(rr.getDate()) + "', amount paid = '"
295: + rr.getAmountPaid() + "', for '" + cruisename[jj]
296: + "'</li>");
297: }
298: out.println("</ul>");
299: if (!cruisename[4].equals("No Cruise!")
300: || !cruisename[5].equals("No Cruise!")
301: || !cruisename[6].equals("No Cruise!")) {
302: ok = false;
303: }
305: out.print("<H3>Content of Tables</H3>");
306: try {
307: listCruises(out, cruisehome);
308: listReservations(out, reservationhome);
309: } catch (Exception e) {
310: out.println("<p>ERROR: exception caught = " + e + " </p>");
311: return;
312: }
314: out
315: .println("<H2>Example Showing Cruise/Reservation Relationship Using addAll(..) (Fig 7-15)</H2>");
316: out
317: .print("<p>(ie Using Collection.addAll() in a One-to-Many bidirectional relationship)</p>");
318: // Show how to combine reservations using Collection methods
319: // Operations such as this must be done in a transaction, usually done
320: // within a
321: // stateless session EJB using declarative transactions rather than
322: // manually like this
324: date.set(2002, 10, 1);
325: // Remove previous reservation
326: for (int jj = 1; jj < 7; jj++) {
327: try {
328: reservations[jj].remove();
329: } catch (Exception ex) {
330: out.println("<p>ERROR: exception caught = " + ex
331: + "</p>");
332: }
333: }
334: // Reinit the reservation as before the previous test
335: try {
336: reservations[1] = reservationhome.create(cruiseA, null);
337: reservations[1].setDate(date.getTime());
338: reservations[1].setAmountPaid(4000.0);
339: date.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 7);
341: reservations[2] = reservationhome.create(cruiseA, null);
342: reservations[2].setDate(date.getTime());
343: reservations[2].setAmountPaid(5000.0);
344: date.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 7);
346: reservations[3] = reservationhome.create(cruiseA, null);
347: reservations[3].setDate(date.getTime());
348: reservations[3].setAmountPaid(6000.0);
349: date.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 7);
351: reservations[4] = reservationhome.create(cruiseB, null);
352: reservations[4].setDate(date.getTime());
353: reservations[4].setAmountPaid(7000.0);
354: date.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 7);
356: reservations[5] = reservationhome.create(cruiseB, null);
357: reservations[5].setDate(date.getTime());
358: reservations[5].setAmountPaid(8000.0);
359: date.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 7);
361: reservations[6] = reservationhome.create(cruiseB, null);
362: reservations[6].setDate(date.getTime());
363: reservations[6].setAmountPaid(9000.0);
364: date.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 7);
366: } catch (Exception e) {
367: out.println("<p>ERROR: Exception caught " + e + "<p>");
368: return;
369: }
371: Collection breservations = null;
372: try {
373: tran.begin();
374: areservations = cruiseA.getReservations();
375: breservations = cruiseB.getReservations();
376: breservations.addAll(areservations);
377: tran.commit();
378: } catch (Exception e) {
379: e.printStackTrace();
380: try {
381: tran.rollback();
382: } catch (Exception ex) {
383: ex.printStackTrace();
384: return;
385: }
386: return;
387: }
388: // Report information on the 6 reservations
389: out.println("<ul>");
390: for (int jj = 1; jj < 7; jj++) {
391: ReservationLocal rr = reservations[jj];
392: CruiseLocal this cruise = rr.getCruise();
393: cruisename[jj] = (this cruise != null ? this cruise.getName()
394: : "No Cruise!");
395: out.print("<li>reservationDate = '"
396: + df.format(rr.getDate()) + "', amount paid = '"
397: + rr.getAmountPaid() + "', for '" + cruisename[jj]
398: + "'</li>");
399: }
400: out.println("</ul>");
402: out.print("<H3>Contents of Tables</H3>");
403: try {
404: listCruises(out, cruisehome);
405: listReservations(out, reservationhome);
406: } catch (Exception e) {
407: out.println("<p>ERROR: exception caught = " + e + "</p>");
408: return;
409: }
411: out
412: .println("<H2>Example Showing Reservation/Customer Relationships (Fig 7-17)</H2>");
413: out
414: .print("<p>(ie Using Collection.addAll() in a Many-to-Many bidirectional relationship)</p>");
416: out.println("<H3>Using 'ShipA' and 'CruiseA'</H3>");
417: cruiseA.setShip(shipA);
418: out.println("<ul>");
419: out.println("<li>cruise.getName() = '" + cruiseA.getName()
420: + "'</li>");
421: out.println("<li>ship.getName() = '" + shipA.getName()
422: + "'</li>");
423: out.println("<li>cruise.getShip().getName() = '"
424: + cruiseA.getShip().getName() + "'</li>");
425: out.println("</ul>");
427: out
428: .println("<H3>Creating two sets of customers, one with 1-3, and one with 4-6</H3>");
429: // create two sets of customers, one with customers 1-3 and one with 4-6
430: Set lowcustomers = new HashSet();
431: Set highcustomers = new HashSet();
432: CustomerLocal cust = null;
433: out.println("<ul>");
434: for (int kk = 1; kk < 7; kk++) {
435: try {
436: cust = customerhome.create(new Integer(kk));
437: } catch (Exception e) {
438: out.println("<p>ERROR: exception caught = " + e
439: + "</p>");
440: }
441: cust.setName(new Name("Customer " + kk, "mike"));
442: if (kk <= 3) {
443: lowcustomers.add(cust);
444: } else {
445: highcustomers.add(cust);
446: }
447: out.print("<li>customer '" + cust.getName().getLastName()
448: + "' created </li>");
449: }
450: out.println("</ul>");
451: // Remove previous reservation
452: for (int jj = 1; jj < 7; jj++) {
453: try {
454: reservations[jj].remove();
455: } catch (Exception ex) {
456: out.println("<p>ERROR: exception caught = " + ex
457: + " </p>");
458: }
459: }
461: out
462: .print("<H3>Creating Reservations '1' and '2', each with 3 customers</H3>");
463: try {
464: reservations[1] = reservationhome.create(cruiseA,
465: lowcustomers);
466: reservations[1].setDate(date.getTime());
467: reservations[1].setAmountPaid(4000.0);
468: date.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 7);
470: reservations[2] = reservationhome.create(cruiseA,
471: highcustomers);
472: reservations[2].setDate(date.getTime());
473: reservations[2].setAmountPaid(5000.0);
474: date.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 7);
475: } catch (Exception e) {
476: out.println("<p>ERROR: Exception caught " + e + "</p>");
477: return;
478: }
479: // report information on the reservations
480: reportReservations(out, reservations, 2, tran);
482: out
483: .print("<H3>Performing customers_a.addAll(customers_b) test</H3>");
484: // Finally we can perform the test shown in Figure 7-17
485: // Operations such as this must be done in a transaction, usually done
486: // within a
487: // stateless session EJB using declarative transactions rather than
488: // manually like this
489: try {
490: tran.begin();
491: Set customers_a = reservations[1].getCustomers();
492: Set customers_b = reservations[2].getCustomers();
493: customers_a.addAll(customers_b);
494: tran.commit();
495: } catch (Exception e) {
496: e.printStackTrace();
497: try {
498: tran.rollback();
499: } catch (Exception ex) {
500: out
501: .println("<p>ERROR: Exception caught " + ex
502: + "</p>");
503: return;
504: }
505: }
506: // report information on the reservations
507: reportReservations(out, reservations, 2, tran);
509: out
510: .print("<H2>Sharing an entire collection in a Many-to-Many bidirectional relationship (Fig 7-18)</H2>");
511: out
512: .println("<H3>Creating four sets of customers 1-3, 2-4, 3-5, 4-6 </H3>");
513: // create four sets of customers, 1-3, 2-4, 3-5, 4-6
514: Set customers13 = new HashSet();
515: Set customers24 = new HashSet();
516: Set customers35 = new HashSet();
517: Set customers46 = new HashSet();
518: out.println("<ul>");
519: for (int kk = 1; kk < 7; kk++) {
520: try {
521: cust = customerhome.create(new Integer(kk + 500));
522: cust.setName(new Name("Customer_1 " + kk, "bill"));
523: } catch (Exception e) {
524: out.println("<p>ERROR: exception caught = " + e
525: + " </p></ul>");
526: return;
527: }
528: if (kk <= 3) {
529: customers13.add(cust);
530: }
531: if (kk >= 2 && kk <= 4) {
532: customers24.add(cust);
533: }
534: if (kk >= 3 && kk <= 5) {
535: customers35.add(cust);
536: }
537: if (kk >= 4) {
538: customers46.add(cust);
539: }
540: out.print("<li>customer '" + cust.getName().getLastName()
541: + "' created</li>");
542: }
543: out.println("</ul>");
545: out
546: .print("<H3>Creating Reservations 1-4 using three customers each</H3>");
547: ReservationLocal reservations1[] = new ReservationLocal[5];
548: try {
549: reservations1[1] = reservationhome.create(cruiseA,
550: customers13);
551: reservations1[1].setDate(date.getTime());
552: reservations1[1].setAmountPaid(4000.0);
553: date.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 7);
555: reservations1[2] = reservationhome.create(cruiseA,
556: customers24);
557: reservations1[2].setDate(date.getTime());
558: reservations1[2].setAmountPaid(5000.0);
559: date.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 7);
561: reservations1[3] = reservationhome.create(cruiseA,
562: customers35);
563: reservations1[3].setDate(date.getTime());
564: reservations1[3].setAmountPaid(6000.0);
565: date.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 7);
567: reservations1[4] = reservationhome.create(cruiseA,
568: customers46);
569: reservations1[4].setDate(date.getTime());
570: reservations1[4].setAmountPaid(7000.0);
571: date.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 7);
572: } catch (Exception e) {
573: out.println("<p>ERROR: Exception caught " + e + "</p>");
574: return;
575: }
576: reportReservations(out, reservations1, 4, tran);
578: out
579: .print("<H3>Performing reservationD.setCustomers(customersA) (Fig 7-18)</H3>");
580: try {
581: tran.begin();
582: Set customers_a = reservations1[1].getCustomers();
583: reservations1[4].setCustomers(customers_a);
584: tran.commit();
585: } catch (Exception e) {
586: e.printStackTrace();
587: try {
588: tran.rollback();
589: } catch (Exception ex) {
590: out
591: .println("<p>ERROR: Exception caught " + ex
592: + "</p>");
593: return;
594: }
595: }
596: reportReservations(out, reservations1, 4, tran);
598: out
599: .print("<H2>Example Showing Reservation/Cabin Relationships (Fig 7-20)</H2>");
600: out
601: .print("<p>(ie Removing beans in a Many-to-Many unidirectional relationship)</p>");
602: out
603: .print("<H3>Creating Cabins four sets of cabins, 1-3, 2-4, 3-5, 4-6</H3>");
604: // create four sets of cabins, 1-3, 2-4, 3-5, 4-6
605: Set cabins13 = new HashSet();
606: Set cabins24 = new HashSet();
607: Set cabins35 = new HashSet();
608: Set cabins46 = new HashSet();
609: CabinLocal cabin = null;
610: out.println("<ul>");
611: for (int kk = 1; kk < 7; kk++) {
612: try {
613: cabin = cabinhome.create(new Integer(kk));
614: } catch (Exception e) {
615: out.println("<p>ERROR: exception caught = " + e
616: + " </p></ul>");
617: }
618: cabin.setName("Cabin " + kk);
619: if (kk <= 3) {
620: cabins13.add(cabin);
621: }
622: if (kk >= 2 && kk <= 4) {
623: cabins24.add(cabin);
624: }
625: if (kk >= 3 && kk <= 5) {
626: cabins35.add(cabin);
627: }
628: if (kk >= 4) {
629: cabins46.add(cabin);
630: }
631: out.print("<li>cabin '" + cabin.getName()
632: + "' created</li>");
633: }
634: out.println("</ul>");
636: out
637: .print("<H3>Creating Reservations 1-4 using three cabins each</H2>");
638: ReservationLocal reservations2[] = new ReservationLocal[5];
639: // leave Customers collection null, we dont care about it for this
640: // example
641: try {
642: reservations2[1] = reservationhome.create(cruiseA, null);
643: reservations2[1].setCabins(cabins13);
644: reservations2[1].setDate(date.getTime());
645: reservations2[1].setAmountPaid(4000.0);
646: date.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 7);
648: reservations2[2] = reservationhome.create(cruiseA, null);
649: reservations2[2].setCabins(cabins24);
650: reservations2[2].setDate(date.getTime());
651: reservations2[2].setAmountPaid(5000.0);
652: date.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 7);
654: reservations2[3] = reservationhome.create(cruiseA, null);
655: reservations2[3].setCabins(cabins35);
656: reservations2[3].setDate(date.getTime());
657: reservations2[3].setAmountPaid(6000.0);
658: date.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 7);
660: reservations2[4] = reservationhome.create(cruiseA, null);
661: reservations2[4].setCabins(cabins46);
662: reservations2[4].setDate(date.getTime());
663: reservations2[4].setAmountPaid(7000.0);
664: date.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 7);
665: } catch (Exception e) {
666: out.println("<p>ERROR: Exception caught " + e + "</p>");
667: return;
668: }
669: reportReservations(out, reservations2, 4, tran);
671: out
672: .print("<H3>Performing cabins_a collection iterator.remove() test</H3>");
673: // Finally we can perform the test shown in Figure 7-20
674: try {
675: tran.begin();
676: Set cabins_a = reservations2[1].getCabins();
677: Iterator iterator = cabins_a.iterator();
678: out.print("<ul>");
679: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
680: CabinLocal cc = (CabinLocal) iterator.next();
681: out.print("<li>Removing '" + cc.getName()
682: + "' from 'cabins_a'" + "</li>");
683: iterator.remove();
684: }
685: out.print("</ul>");
686: tran.commit();
687: } catch (Exception e) {
688: try {
689: tran.rollback();
690: } catch (Exception ex) {
691: out
692: .println("<p>ERROR: Exception caught " + ex
693: + "</p>");
694: return;
695: }
696: }
697: reportReservations(out, reservations2, 4, tran);
699: out
700: .print("<H2>Example Showing Reservation/Cabin Relationships </H2>");
702: out.print("<H3>Creating Cabins in ShipA</H3>");
703: CabinLocal cabins[] = new CabinLocal[4];
704: try {
705: cabins[1] = cabinhome.create(new Integer(10));
706: cabins[1].setShip(shipA);
707: cabins[1].setDeckLevel(1);
708: cabins[1].setName("Minnesota Suite");
709: cabins[1].setBedCount(2);
711: cabins[2] = cabinhome.create(new Integer(11));
712: cabins[2].setShip(shipA);
713: cabins[2].setDeckLevel(2);
714: cabins[2].setName("California Suite");
715: cabins[2].setBedCount(2);
717: cabins[3] = cabinhome.create(new Integer(12));
718: cabins[3].setShip(shipA);
719: cabins[3].setDeckLevel(3);
720: cabins[3].setName("Missouri Suite");
721: cabins[3].setBedCount(2);
722: } catch (Exception e) {
723: out.println("<p>ERROR: Exception caught " + e + "</p>");
724: return;
725: }
726: out.println("<ul>");
727: for (int jj = 1; jj < 4; jj++) {
728: CabinLocal cc = cabins[jj];
729: out.print("<li>cabin '" + cc.getName() + "' is on ship '"
730: + cc.getShip().getName() + "'</li>");
731: }
732: out.println("</ul>");
734: out.print("<H3>Creating Reservations</H3>");
735: ReservationLocal reservations3[] = new ReservationLocal[3];
736: try {
737: reservations3[1] = reservationhome.create(cruiseA, null);
738: reservations3[1].setDate(date.getTime());
739: reservations3[1].setAmountPaid(4000.0);
740: date.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 7);
742: reservations3[2] = reservationhome.create(cruiseA, null);
743: reservations3[2].setDate(date.getTime());
744: reservations3[2].setAmountPaid(5000.0);
745: date.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 7);
746: } catch (Exception e) {
747: out.println("<p>ERROR: Exception caught " + e + "</p>");
748: return;
749: }
750: reportReservations(out, reservations3, 2, tran);
752: out
753: .print("<H3>Creating Links from Reservations to Cabins</H3>");
754: Set cabins1 = new HashSet(2);
755: cabins1.add(cabins[1]);
756: cabins1.add(cabins[2]);
757: Set cabins2 = new HashSet(2);
758: cabins2.add(cabins[2]);
759: cabins2.add(cabins[3]);
760: reservations3[1].setCabins(cabins1);
761: reservations3[2].setCabins(cabins2);
762: reportReservations(out, reservations3, 2, tran);
764: out
765: .print("<H3>Testing reservation_b.setCabins(reservation_a.getCabins())</H3>");
766: try {
767: tran.begin();
768: Set cabins_a = reservations3[1].getCabins();
769: reservations3[2].setCabins(cabins_a);
770: tran.commit();
771: } catch (Exception e) {
772: try {
773: tran.rollback();
774: } catch (Exception ex) {
775: out
776: .println("<p>ERROR: Exception caught " + ex
777: + "</p>");
778: return;
779: }
780: }
781: reportReservations(out, reservations3, 2, tran);
783: out.print("<H2>Cleaning all tables</H2>");
784: try {
785: Collection clc = customerhome.findAllCustomers();
786: java.util.Iterator iterator = clc.iterator();
787: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
788: CustomerLocal cl = (CustomerLocal) iterator.next();
789: cl.remove();
790: }
791: clc = shiphome.findAllShips();
792: iterator = clc.iterator();
793: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
794: ShipLocal sl = (ShipLocal) iterator.next();
795: sl.remove();
796: }
797: clc = cruisehome.findAllCruises();
798: iterator = clc.iterator();
799: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
800: CruiseLocal cl = (CruiseLocal) iterator.next();
801: cl.remove();
802: }
804: clc = reservationhome.findAllReservations();
805: iterator = clc.iterator();
806: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
807: ReservationLocal rl = (ReservationLocal) iterator
808: .next();
809: rl.remove();
810: }
811: clc = cabinhome.findAllCabins();
812: iterator = clc.iterator();
813: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
814: CabinLocal cl = (CabinLocal) iterator.next();
815: cl.remove();
816: }
818: } catch (Exception ex) {
819: out.println("<p>ERROR: during cleaning exception caught = "
820: + ex + "</p>");
821: }
822: if (ok) {
823: out
824: .println("<p align=\"center\"><strong>Servlet is OK.</strong></p>");
825: }
826: out.println("<a href=\"index.html\"><b>Back to Menu</b></a>");
827: out.println("</body>");
828: out.println("</html>");
829: }
831: private void listCruises(PrintWriter out, CruiseHomeLocal chl)
832: throws Exception {
833: out.println("<p><b>Cruises</b> Table Content:</p>");
834: out.println("<ul>");
835: java.util.Collection clc = chl.findAllCruises();
836: if (clc == null) {
837: out.println("<li>Cruises table is empty</li>");
838: } else {
839: java.util.Iterator iterator = clc.iterator();
840: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
841: CruiseLocal cl = (CruiseLocal) iterator.next();
842: String cname = cl.getName();
843: String sname = (cl.getShip() != null ? cl.getShip()
844: .getName() : "No Ship!");
845: out.println("<li>cruiseName = '" + cname
846: + "', shipName = '" + sname + "'</li>");
848: }
849: }
850: out.println("</ul>");
851: }
853: private void listShips(PrintWriter out, ShipHomeLocal cchl)
854: throws Exception {
855: out.println("<p><b>Ships</b> Table Content:</p>");
856: out.println("<ul>");
857: java.util.Collection clc = cchl.findAllShips();
858: if (clc == null) {
859: out.println("<li>Ships table is empty </li>");
860: } else {
861: java.util.Iterator iterator = clc.iterator();
862: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
863: ShipLocal ccl = (ShipLocal) iterator.next();
864: double tonnage = ccl.getTonnage();
865: String name = ccl.getName();
866: out.println("<li>shipName = '" + name
867: + "', tonnage = '" + tonnage + "'</li>");
868: }
869: }
870: out.println("</ul>");
871: }
873: private void listReservations(PrintWriter out,
874: ReservationHomeLocal cchl) throws Exception {
875: out.println("<p><b>Reservations</b> Table Content:</p>");
876: out.println("<ul>");
877: java.util.Collection clc = cchl.findAllReservations();
878: if (clc == null) {
879: out.println("<li>Reservations table is empty</li>");
880: out.println("</ul>");
881: } else {
882: java.util.Iterator iterator = clc.iterator();
883: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
884: ReservationLocal ccl = (ReservationLocal) iterator
885: .next();
886: Date date = ccl.getDate();
887: out.println("<li>reservation date = '" + date
888: + "'</li>");
889: }
890: out.println("</ul>");
891: }
892: }
894: private void reportReservations(PrintWriter out,
895: ReservationLocal reservations[], int nb,
896: UserTransaction tran) {
897: DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");
898: // report information on the reservations
899: out.println("<ul>");
900: for (int jj = 1; jj < nb + 1; jj++) {
901: ReservationLocal rr = reservations[jj];
902: CruiseLocal this cruise = rr.getCruise();
903: String cruisename = (this cruise != null ? this cruise
904: .getName() : "No Cruise!");
905: // Operations such as this must be done in a transaction, usually
906: // done within a
907: // stateless session EJB using declarative transactions rather than
908: // manually like this
909: String customerinfo = "";
910: CustomerLocal cust = null;
911: String cabininfo = "";
912: try {
913: tran.begin();
914: Set customerset = rr.getCustomers();
915: Iterator iterator = customerset.iterator();
916: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
917: cust = (CustomerLocal) iterator.next();
918: customerinfo += cust.getName().getLastName() + " ";
919: }
920: Set cabinset = rr.getCabins();
921: iterator = cabinset.iterator();
922: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
923: CabinLocal cabin = (CabinLocal) iterator.next();
924: cabininfo += cabin.getName() + " ";
925: }
926: tran.commit();
927: } catch (Exception e) {
928: e.printStackTrace();
929: try {
930: tran.rollback();
931: } catch (Exception ex) {
932: out.println("<p>ERROR: Exception caught " + ex
933: + "</p>");
934: return;
935: }
936: }
937: out.print("<li>reservationDate = '"
938: + df.format(rr.getDate()) + "', amountPaid = '"
939: + rr.getAmountPaid() + "', for '" + cruisename
940: + "' with :</li>");
941: out.print("<ul>");
942: if (!customerinfo.equals("")) {
943: out.print("<li>customers: " + customerinfo);
944: }
945: if (!cabininfo.equals("")) {
946: out.print("<li>cabins: " + cabininfo + "</li>");
947: }
948: out.print("</ul>");
949: }
950: out.println("</ul>");
951: }
953: }