001: // .//GEN-BEGIN:1_be
002: /******************************************************
003: * Code Generated From JAFFA Framework Default Pattern
004: *
005: * The JAFFA Project can be found at http://jaffa.sourceforge.net
006: * and is available under the Lesser GNU Public License
007: ******************************************************/package org.jaffa.applications.test.modules.material.domain;
009: import org.jaffa.datatypes.*;
010: import org.jaffa.metadata.*;
011: import org.jaffa.persistence.Persistent;
012: import org.jaffa.persistence.exceptions.*;
013: import org.jaffa.exceptions.FrameworkException;
015: // .//GEN-END:1_be
016: // Add additional imports//GEN-FIRST:imports
018: // .//GEN-LAST:imports
019: // .//GEN-BEGIN:2_be
020: /**
021: * Auto Generated Persistent class for the ITEM table.
022: * @author Auto-Generated
023: */
024: public class Item extends Persistent {
026: /** Holds value of property itemId. */
027: private java.lang.String m_itemId;
029: /** Holds value of property sc. */
030: private java.lang.String m_sc;
032: /** Holds value of property part. */
033: private java.lang.String m_part;
035: /** Holds value of property serial. */
036: private java.lang.String m_serial;
038: /** Holds value of property qty. */
039: private java.lang.Double m_qty;
041: // .//GEN-END:2_be
042: // .//GEN-BEGIN:itemId_be
043: /** Getter for property itemId.
044: * @return Value of property itemId.
045: */
046: public java.lang.String getItemId() {
047: return m_itemId;
048: }
050: /** Setter for property itemId.
051: * WARNING: This is strictly for use by the Persistence Engine. A developer should never use this method. Instead, use the update(field.Name.Upper1) method.
052: * @param itemId New value of property itemId.
053: */
054: public void setItemId(java.lang.String itemId) {
055: m_itemId = itemId;
056: }
058: /** Use this method to update the property itemId.
059: * This method will do nothing and simply return if the input value is the same as the current value.
060: * Validation will be performed on the input value.
061: * This will try to lock the underlying database row, in case CAUTIOUS locking is specified at the time of query.
062: * @param itemId New value of property itemId.
063: * @throws ValidationException if an invalid value is passed.
064: * @throws UpdatePrimaryKeyException if this domain object was loaded from the database.
065: * @throws ReadOnlyObjectException if a Read-Only object is updated.
066: * @throws AlreadyLockedObjectException if the underlying database row is already locked by another process.
067: * @throws FrameworkException Indicates some system error
068: */
069: public void updateItemId(java.lang.String itemId)
070: throws ValidationException, UpdatePrimaryKeyException,
071: ReadOnlyObjectException, AlreadyLockedObjectException,
072: FrameworkException {
073: // ignore, if the current value and new value are the same
074: if (m_itemId == null ? itemId == null : m_itemId.equals(itemId))
075: return;
077: // this is part of the primary key.. do not update if its a database occurence.
078: if (isDatabaseOccurence())
079: throw new UpdatePrimaryKeyException();
081: validateItemId(itemId);
082: // .//GEN-END:itemId_be
083: // Add custom code before setting the value//GEN-FIRST:itemId
085: // .//GEN-LAST:itemId
086: // .//GEN-BEGIN:itemId_1_be
087: super .update();
088: setItemId(itemId);
089: // .//GEN-END:itemId_1_be
090: // Add custom code after setting the value//GEN-FIRST:itemId_3
092: // .//GEN-LAST:itemId_3
093: // .//GEN-BEGIN:itemId_2_be
094: }
096: /** Use this method to validate a value for the property itemId.
097: * @param itemId Value to be validated for the property itemId.
098: * @throws ValidationException if an invalid value is passed
099: * @throws FrameworkException Indicates some system error
100: */
101: public void validateItemId(java.lang.String itemId)
102: throws ValidationException, FrameworkException {
103: // .//GEN-END:itemId_2_be
104: // Add custom code before validation//GEN-FIRST:itemId_1
106: // .//GEN-LAST:itemId_1
107: // .//GEN-BEGIN:itemId_3_be
108: FieldValidator.validate(itemId,
109: (StringFieldMetaData) ItemMeta.META_ITEM_ID, true);
110: // .//GEN-END:itemId_3_be
111: // Add custom code after a successful validation//GEN-FIRST:itemId_2
113: // .//GEN-LAST:itemId_2
114: // .//GEN-BEGIN:itemId_4_be
115: }
117: // .//GEN-END:itemId_4_be
118: // .//GEN-BEGIN:sc_be
119: /** Getter for property sc.
120: * @return Value of property sc.
121: */
122: public java.lang.String getSc() {
123: return m_sc;
124: }
126: /** Setter for property sc.
127: * WARNING: This is strictly for use by the Persistence Engine. A developer should never use this method. Instead, use the update(field.Name.Upper1) method.
128: * @param sc New value of property sc.
129: */
130: public void setSc(java.lang.String sc) {
131: m_sc = sc;
132: }
134: /** Use this method to update the property sc.
135: * This method will do nothing and simply return if the input value is the same as the current value.
136: * Validation will be performed on the input value.
137: * This will try to lock the underlying database row, in case CAUTIOUS locking is specified at the time of query.
138: * @param sc New value of property sc.
139: * @throws ValidationException if an invalid value is passed.
140: * @throws ReadOnlyObjectException if a Read-Only object is updated.
141: * @throws AlreadyLockedObjectException if the underlying database row is already locked by another process.
142: * @throws FrameworkException Indicates some system error
143: */
144: public void updateSc(java.lang.String sc)
145: throws ValidationException, ReadOnlyObjectException,
146: AlreadyLockedObjectException, FrameworkException {
147: // ignore, if the current value and new value are the same
148: if (m_sc == null ? sc == null : m_sc.equals(sc))
149: return;
151: validateSc(sc);
152: // .//GEN-END:sc_be
153: // Add custom code before setting the value//GEN-FIRST:sc
155: // .//GEN-LAST:sc
156: // .//GEN-BEGIN:sc_1_be
157: super .update();
158: setSc(sc);
159: // .//GEN-END:sc_1_be
160: // Add custom code after setting the value//GEN-FIRST:sc_3
162: // .//GEN-LAST:sc_3
163: // .//GEN-BEGIN:sc_2_be
164: }
166: /** Use this method to validate a value for the property sc.
167: * @param sc Value to be validated for the property sc.
168: * @throws ValidationException if an invalid value is passed
169: * @throws FrameworkException Indicates some system error
170: */
171: public void validateSc(java.lang.String sc)
172: throws ValidationException, FrameworkException {
173: // .//GEN-END:sc_2_be
174: // Add custom code before validation//GEN-FIRST:sc_1
176: // .//GEN-LAST:sc_1
177: // .//GEN-BEGIN:sc_3_be
178: FieldValidator.validate(sc,
179: (StringFieldMetaData) ItemMeta.META_SC, true);
180: // .//GEN-END:sc_3_be
181: // Add custom code after a successful validation//GEN-FIRST:sc_2
183: // .//GEN-LAST:sc_2
184: // .//GEN-BEGIN:sc_4_be
185: }
187: // .//GEN-END:sc_4_be
188: // .//GEN-BEGIN:part_be
189: /** Getter for property part.
190: * @return Value of property part.
191: */
192: public java.lang.String getPart() {
193: return m_part;
194: }
196: /** Setter for property part.
197: * WARNING: This is strictly for use by the Persistence Engine. A developer should never use this method. Instead, use the update(field.Name.Upper1) method.
198: * @param part New value of property part.
199: */
200: public void setPart(java.lang.String part) {
201: m_part = part;
202: }
204: /** Use this method to update the property part.
205: * This method will do nothing and simply return if the input value is the same as the current value.
206: * Validation will be performed on the input value.
207: * This will try to lock the underlying database row, in case CAUTIOUS locking is specified at the time of query.
208: * @param part New value of property part.
209: * @throws ValidationException if an invalid value is passed.
210: * @throws ReadOnlyObjectException if a Read-Only object is updated.
211: * @throws AlreadyLockedObjectException if the underlying database row is already locked by another process.
212: * @throws FrameworkException Indicates some system error
213: */
214: public void updatePart(java.lang.String part)
215: throws ValidationException, ReadOnlyObjectException,
216: AlreadyLockedObjectException, FrameworkException {
217: // ignore, if the current value and new value are the same
218: if (m_part == null ? part == null : m_part.equals(part))
219: return;
221: validatePart(part);
222: // .//GEN-END:part_be
223: // Add custom code before setting the value//GEN-FIRST:part
225: // .//GEN-LAST:part
226: // .//GEN-BEGIN:part_1_be
227: super .update();
228: setPart(part);
229: // .//GEN-END:part_1_be
230: // Add custom code after setting the value//GEN-FIRST:part_3
232: // .//GEN-LAST:part_3
233: // .//GEN-BEGIN:part_2_be
234: }
236: /** Use this method to validate a value for the property part.
237: * @param part Value to be validated for the property part.
238: * @throws ValidationException if an invalid value is passed
239: * @throws FrameworkException Indicates some system error
240: */
241: public void validatePart(java.lang.String part)
242: throws ValidationException, FrameworkException {
243: // .//GEN-END:part_2_be
244: // Add custom code before validation//GEN-FIRST:part_1
246: // .//GEN-LAST:part_1
247: // .//GEN-BEGIN:part_3_be
248: FieldValidator.validate(part,
249: (StringFieldMetaData) ItemMeta.META_PART, true);
250: // .//GEN-END:part_3_be
251: // Add custom code after a successful validation//GEN-FIRST:part_2
253: // .//GEN-LAST:part_2
254: // .//GEN-BEGIN:part_4_be
255: }
257: // .//GEN-END:part_4_be
258: // .//GEN-BEGIN:serial_be
259: /** Getter for property serial.
260: * @return Value of property serial.
261: */
262: public java.lang.String getSerial() {
263: return m_serial;
264: }
266: /** Setter for property serial.
267: * WARNING: This is strictly for use by the Persistence Engine. A developer should never use this method. Instead, use the update(field.Name.Upper1) method.
268: * @param serial New value of property serial.
269: */
270: public void setSerial(java.lang.String serial) {
271: m_serial = serial;
272: }
274: /** Use this method to update the property serial.
275: * This method will do nothing and simply return if the input value is the same as the current value.
276: * Validation will be performed on the input value.
277: * This will try to lock the underlying database row, in case CAUTIOUS locking is specified at the time of query.
278: * @param serial New value of property serial.
279: * @throws ValidationException if an invalid value is passed.
280: * @throws ReadOnlyObjectException if a Read-Only object is updated.
281: * @throws AlreadyLockedObjectException if the underlying database row is already locked by another process.
282: * @throws FrameworkException Indicates some system error
283: */
284: public void updateSerial(java.lang.String serial)
285: throws ValidationException, ReadOnlyObjectException,
286: AlreadyLockedObjectException, FrameworkException {
287: // ignore, if the current value and new value are the same
288: if (m_serial == null ? serial == null : m_serial.equals(serial))
289: return;
291: validateSerial(serial);
292: // .//GEN-END:serial_be
293: // Add custom code before setting the value//GEN-FIRST:serial
295: // .//GEN-LAST:serial
296: // .//GEN-BEGIN:serial_1_be
297: super .update();
298: setSerial(serial);
299: // .//GEN-END:serial_1_be
300: // Add custom code after setting the value//GEN-FIRST:serial_3
302: // .//GEN-LAST:serial_3
303: // .//GEN-BEGIN:serial_2_be
304: }
306: /** Use this method to validate a value for the property serial.
307: * @param serial Value to be validated for the property serial.
308: * @throws ValidationException if an invalid value is passed
309: * @throws FrameworkException Indicates some system error
310: */
311: public void validateSerial(java.lang.String serial)
312: throws ValidationException, FrameworkException {
313: // .//GEN-END:serial_2_be
314: // Add custom code before validation//GEN-FIRST:serial_1
316: // .//GEN-LAST:serial_1
317: // .//GEN-BEGIN:serial_3_be
318: FieldValidator.validate(serial,
319: (StringFieldMetaData) ItemMeta.META_SERIAL, true);
320: // .//GEN-END:serial_3_be
321: // Add custom code after a successful validation//GEN-FIRST:serial_2
323: // .//GEN-LAST:serial_2
324: // .//GEN-BEGIN:serial_4_be
325: }
327: // .//GEN-END:serial_4_be
328: // .//GEN-BEGIN:qty_be
329: /** Getter for property qty.
330: * @return Value of property qty.
331: */
332: public java.lang.Double getQty() {
333: return m_qty;
334: }
336: /** Setter for property qty.
337: * WARNING: This is strictly for use by the Persistence Engine. A developer should never use this method. Instead, use the update(field.Name.Upper1) method.
338: * @param qty New value of property qty.
339: */
340: public void setQty(java.lang.Double qty) {
341: m_qty = qty;
342: }
344: /** Use this method to update the property qty.
345: * This method will do nothing and simply return if the input value is the same as the current value.
346: * Validation will be performed on the input value.
347: * This will try to lock the underlying database row, in case CAUTIOUS locking is specified at the time of query.
348: * @param qty New value of property qty.
349: * @throws ValidationException if an invalid value is passed.
350: * @throws ReadOnlyObjectException if a Read-Only object is updated.
351: * @throws AlreadyLockedObjectException if the underlying database row is already locked by another process.
352: * @throws FrameworkException Indicates some system error
353: */
354: public void updateQty(java.lang.Double qty)
355: throws ValidationException, ReadOnlyObjectException,
356: AlreadyLockedObjectException, FrameworkException {
357: // ignore, if the current value and new value are the same
358: if (m_qty == null ? qty == null : m_qty.equals(qty))
359: return;
361: validateQty(qty);
362: // .//GEN-END:qty_be
363: // Add custom code before setting the value//GEN-FIRST:qty
365: // .//GEN-LAST:qty
366: // .//GEN-BEGIN:qty_1_be
367: super .update();
368: setQty(qty);
369: // .//GEN-END:qty_1_be
370: // Add custom code after setting the value//GEN-FIRST:qty_3
372: // .//GEN-LAST:qty_3
373: // .//GEN-BEGIN:qty_2_be
374: }
376: /** Use this method to validate a value for the property qty.
377: * @param qty Value to be validated for the property qty.
378: * @throws ValidationException if an invalid value is passed
379: * @throws FrameworkException Indicates some system error
380: */
381: public void validateQty(java.lang.Double qty)
382: throws ValidationException, FrameworkException {
383: // .//GEN-END:qty_2_be
384: // Add custom code before validation//GEN-FIRST:qty_1
386: // .//GEN-LAST:qty_1
387: // .//GEN-BEGIN:qty_3_be
388: FieldValidator.validate(qty,
389: (DecimalFieldMetaData) ItemMeta.META_QTY, true);
390: // .//GEN-END:qty_3_be
391: // Add custom code after a successful validation//GEN-FIRST:qty_2
393: // .//GEN-LAST:qty_2
394: // .//GEN-BEGIN:qty_4_be
395: }
397: // .//GEN-END:qty_4_be
398: // .//GEN-BEGIN:3_be
399: /** This returns the diagnostic information.
400: * @return the diagnostic information.
401: */
402: public String toString() {
403: StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
404: buf.append("<Item>");
405: buf.append("<itemId>");
406: if (m_itemId != null)
407: buf.append(m_itemId);
408: buf.append("</itemId>");
409: buf.append("<sc>");
410: if (m_sc != null)
411: buf.append(m_sc);
412: buf.append("</sc>");
413: buf.append("<part>");
414: if (m_part != null)
415: buf.append(m_part);
416: buf.append("</part>");
417: buf.append("<serial>");
418: if (m_serial != null)
419: buf.append(m_serial);
420: buf.append("</serial>");
421: buf.append("<qty>");
422: if (m_qty != null)
423: buf.append(m_qty);
424: buf.append("</qty>");
425: buf.append(super .toString());
426: buf.append("</Item>");
427: return buf.toString();
428: }
430: // .//GEN-END:3_be
431: // All the custom code goes here//GEN-FIRST:custom
433: // .//GEN-LAST:custom
434: }