001: /*
002: * This file is part of PFIXCORE.
003: *
004: * PFIXCORE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
005: * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
006: * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
007: * (at your option) any later version.
008: *
009: * PFIXCORE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
010: * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
012: * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
013: *
014: * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
015: * along with PFIXCORE; if not, write to the Free Software
016: * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
017: *
018: */
020: package de.schlund.pfixcore.util.basicapp.helper;
022: /**
023: * All constants for building a new Project
024: *
025: * @author <a href="mailto:rapude@schlund.de">Ralf Rapude</a>
026: * @version $Id: AppValues.java 3051 2007-02-09 16:03:33Z smarsching $
027: */
028: public final class AppValues {
030: /** The property describing the path to the log4j.xml */
031: public static final String LOG4JPROP = "pustefix.newprjlog4j.config";
032: /** The basic path set by ant while starting the app */
033: public static final String BASICPATH = System
034: .getProperty("pustefix.docroot");
035: /** A String array with basic items */
036: public static final String[] ITEMS = { "name", "language" };
037: /** A String array with basic servlet items */
038: public static final String[] SERVLETITEMS = { "servletname",
039: "servletpath" };
040: /** An array containing the foldernames */
041: public static final String[] FOLDERNAMES = { "conf", "img", "xsl",
042: "xml", "txt", "htdocs" };
043: /** A String describing the conf folder name */
044: public static final String CONFFOLDER = "/conf/";
045: /** A String describing the xsl folder name */
046: public static final String XSLFOLDER = "/xsl/";
047: /** A String describing the xml folder name */
048: public static final String XMLCONSTANT = "/xml/";
049: /** The htdocs folder */
050: public static final String HTDOCSFOLDER = "/htdocs";
051: /** String for depend.xml.in */
052: public static final String DEPENDXML = "depend.xml";
053: /** String for the content.xml (the basic page) */
054: public static final String CONTENTXML = "content.xml";
055: /** String for the frame.xml */
056: public static final String FRAMEXML = "frame.xml";
057: /** String for procject.xml.in */
058: public static final String PROJECTXMLIN = "project.xml.in";
059: /** String for procject.xml.in */
060: public static final String PROJECTXML = "project.xml";
061: /** String for skin.xsl (the basic stylesheet) */
062: public static final String SKINXSL = "skin.xsl";
063: /** String for metatags.xsl (first transformation xsl) */
064: public static final String METATAGSXSL = "metatags.xsl";
065: /** String for default language */
066: public static final String DEFAULTLNG = "en_GB";
067: /** String for default servlet name */
068: public static final String DFSERVLETNAME = "config";
069: /** Suffix for the projects comment */
070: public static final String PRJCOMMENTSUFF = "comment";
071: /** suffix for docroot tag */
072: public static final String DOCROOTSUFFIX = "cus";
073: /** file suffix for prop */
074: public static final String CFGFILESUFF = ".conf.xml";
075: /** default name for pages */
076: public static final String PAGEDEFAULT = "home";
077: /** prefix for pages to be displayes */
078: public static final String PAGEDEFPREFIX = "main_";
079: /** and also the pages Suffix */
080: public static final String PAGEDEFSUFFIX = ".xml";
081: /** All those values as an array */
082: public static final String[] TEMPLATEARR = { "config.tmpl",
083: "depend.tmpl", "frame.tmpl", "project.tmpl", "skin.tmpl",
084: "metatags.tmpl", "page.tmpl" };
086: /** All Template strings */
087: public static final String CONFIG_TMPL = "config.tmpl";
088: public static final String DEPEND_TMPL = "depend.tmpl";
089: public static final String CONTENT_TMPL = "content.tmpl";
090: public static final String FRAME_TMPL = "frame.tmpl";
091: public static final String PROJECT_TMPL = "project.tmpl";
092: public static final String SKIN_TMPL = "skin.tmpl";
093: public static final String METATAGS_TMPL = "metatags.tmpl";
094: public static final String PAGE_TMPL = "page.tmpl";
096: /** The template folder */
097: public static final String TEMPLFOLDERPATH = "core/prjtemplates/";
098: /** A string for a subfolder of pages */
099: public static final String TXTSUBFOLDER = "/pages";
100: /** A String for the folder containing TXTSUBFOLDER*/
101: public static final String TXTFOLDER = "txt";
102: /** A String for the folder containing TXTSUBFOLDER*/
103: public static final String IMGFOLDER = "/img";
104: /** A path to the pages folder */
105: public static final String PATHTO_PAGES = "/txt/pages/";
107: /** Strings for config.prop.in */
108: public static final String CONFIGTAG_SERVLETINFO = "servletinfo";
109: public static final String CONFIGATT_DEPEND = "depend";
110: public static final String CONFIGATT_NAME = "name";
111: public static final String CONFIGATT_NAMEPREFIX = "pfixcore_project:";
112: public static final String CONFIGATT_NAMEPOSTFIX = "::servlet:";
113: public static final String CONFIGTAG_FLOWSTEP = "flowstep";
114: public static final String CONFIGTAG_PAGEREQUEST = "pagerequest";
116: /** Strings for the depend.xml.in */
117: public static final String DEPENDTAG_MAKE = "make";
118: public static final String DEPENDATT_PROJECT = "project";
119: public static final String DEPENDATT_LANG = "lang";
120: public static final String DEPENDTAG_PAGE = "page";
121: public static final String DEPENDTAG_NAVIGATION = "navigation";
122: public static final String DEPENDATT_NAME = "name";
123: public static final String DEPENDATT_HANDLER = "handler";
124: public static final String DEPENDATT_STYLESHEET = "stylesheet";
125: public static final String DEPENDTAG_INCLUDE = "include";
126: public static final String DEPENDTAG_STDPAGE = "standardpage";
127: public static final String DEPENDATT_XML = "xml";
128: public static final String DEPENDATT_HOME = "home";
129: public static final String DEPENTATT_HOME_DEF = "home1";
131: /** Strings for the project.xml.in */
132: public static final String PROJECTTAG_DOCUMENTROOT = "documentroot";
133: public static final String PROJECTTAG_PROJECT = "project";
134: public static final String PROJECTATT_NAME = "name";
135: public static final String PROJECTTAG_SERVERNAME = "servername";
136: public static final String PROJECTTAG_SERVERALIAS = "serveralias";
137: public static final String PROJECTTAG_DEPEND = "depend";
138: public static final String PROJECTTAG_PROPFILE = "propfile";
139: public static final String PROJECTTAG_PASSTHROUGH = "passthrough";
140: public static final String PROJECTTAG_COMMENT = "comment";
141: public static final String PROJECTTAG_DEFPATH = "defpath";
142: public static final String PROJECTTAG_SERVLET = "servlet";
143: public static final String PROJECTTAG_ACTIVE = "active";
144: public static final String PROJECTTAG_CLASS = "class";
145: public static final String PROJECTTAG_DOCROOT = "cus:docroot";
146: public static final String PROJECTVALUE_TRUE = "true";
147: public static final String PROJECTVALUE_CLASS = "de.schlund.pfixxml.ContextXMLServlet";
148: public static final String PROJECTPRRF_DOCROOT = "cus";
149: public static final String PROJECTATT_EDITOR = "useineditor";
151: /** Strings for frame xml */
152: public static final String FRAMETAG_INCLUDE = "pfx:include";
153: public static final String FRAMEATT_HREF = "href";
154: }