01: /*
02: * All content copyright (c) 2003-2006 Terracotta, Inc., except as may otherwise be noted in a separate copyright notice. All rights reserved.
03: */
04: package com.tc.aspectwerkz.joinpoint;
06: import com.tc.aspectwerkz.joinpoint.management.JoinPointType;
08: /**
09: * Implements the join point concept, e.g. defines a well defined point in the program flow.
10: * <p/>
11: * Provides access to only static data, is therefore much more performant than the usage of the {@link
12: * com.tc.aspectwerkz.joinpoint.JoinPoint} interface.
13: *
14: * @author <a href="mailto:the_mindstorm@evolva.ro">Alex Popescu</a>
15: */
16: public interface EnclosingStaticJoinPoint {
17: /**
18: * Returns the signature for the join point.
19: *
20: * @return the signature
21: */
22: Signature getSignature();
24: /**
25: * @return
26: */
27: JoinPointType getType();
28: }