01: /*
02: * All content copyright (c) 2003-2006 Terracotta, Inc., except as may otherwise be noted in a separate copyright notice. All rights reserved.
03: */
04: package com.tcspring;
06: /**
07: * Implements support for Spring's
08: *
09: * @Configurable annotation, using AW.
10: * @author Jonas Bonér
11: * @author Eugene Kuleshov
12: */
13: public class ConfigurableAnnotationProtocol { // extends BeanConfigurerSupport {
15: // public static interface RegisterBeanDefinitionParserJoinPoint extends StaticJoinPoint {
16: // Object proceed(String elementName, BeanDefinitionParser parser);
17: // }
19: // public ConfigurableAnnotationProtocol() {
20: // setBeanWiringInfoResolver(new AnnotationBeanWiringInfoResolver());
21: // }
23: /**
24: * After Advice. Performs configuration of the bean after bean construction.
25: */
26: // public void afterBeanConstruction(Object beanInstance) {
27: // configureBean(beanInstance);
28: // }
29: /**
30: * org.springframework.aop.config.SpringConfiguredBeanDefinitionParser.getBeanConfigurerClass()
31: */
32: // public Object hijackBeanConfigurerClass(StaticJoinPoint jp) {
33: // return getClass();
34: // }
35: }