01: /*
02: Copyright © 2006,2007 Stefano Chizzolini. http://clown.stefanochizzolini.it
04: Contributors:
05: * Stefano Chizzolini (original code developer, http://www.stefanochizzolini.it)
07: This file should be part of the source code distribution of "PDF Clown library"
08: (the Program): see the accompanying README files for more info.
10: This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
11: the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
12: Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
14: This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
15: WARRANTY, either expressed or implied; without even the implied warranty of
16: MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the License for more details.
18: You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this
19: Program (see README files); if not, go to the GNU website (http://www.gnu.org/).
21: Redistribution and use, with or without modification, are permitted provided that such
22: redistributions retain the above copyright notice, license and disclaimer, along with
23: this list of conditions.
24: */
26: package it.stefanochizzolini.clown;
28: public class Application {
29: /*
30: NOTE: Bibliographic reference syntax (XSBNF):
31: biblioReference := { '[' publication ':' version ':' section ']' } // Bibliographic reference.
32: publication := { letter+ } // Publication identifier.
33: version := { digit+ { '.' digit+ }* } // Publication version.
34: section := { chapterParagraph, appendixParagraph } // Publication section.
35: chapterParagraph := { digit+ paragraph } // Chapter paragraph.
36: appendixParagraph := { letter paragraph } // Appendix paragraph.
37: paragraph := { { '.' digit+ }* } // Paragraph.
38: NOTE: Bibliographic publications:
39: [AFM] Adobe Font Metrics File Format Specification, Adobe Systems Incorporated;
40: [AGL] Adobe Glyph List, Adobe Systems Incorporated;
41: [AGLFN] Adobe Glyph List For New Fonts, Adobe Systems Incorporated;
42: [ANSI/ASME Y14.1] Decimal inch drawing sheet size and format;
44: [ISO 216] Writing paper and certain classes of printed matter -- Trimmed sizes -- A and B series;
45: [ISO 269] Correspondence envelopes -- Designation and sizes;
46: [JFIF] JPEG File Interchange Format, Eric Hamilton (C-Cube Microsystems);
47: [OTF] OpenType specification, Microsoft Corporation and Adobe Systems Incorporated;
48: [PDF] PDF Reference, Adobe Portable Document Format, Adobe Systems Incorporated;
49: */
50: /*
51: NOTE: Bugfix reference syntax (XSBNF):
52: bugReference := { '[' bugfixTag ':' bugID ']' } // Bug reference.
53: bugfixTag := { 'FIX' } // Bug fix tag.
54: bugID := { publicBugID, privateBugID } // Bug identifier.
55: publicBugID := { digit+ } // Public bug tracker ID (see http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=176158&atid=876123).
56: privateBugID := { appVersion ':' digit+ } // Private (non-tracked) bug ID.
57: */
58: }