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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » Parser » Rats Parser Generators » antlr 
Source Cross Referenced  Class Diagram Java Document (Java Doc) 

0001:        package antlr;
0003:        /* ANTLR Translator Generator
0004:         * Project led by Terence Parr at
0005:         * Software rights:
0006:         *
0007:         * $Id:,v 1.1 2004/01/21 19:18:30 rgrimm Exp $
0008:         */
0010:        // C++ code generator by Pete Wells:
0011:        // #line generation contributed by: Ric Klaren <>
0012:        import java.util.Enumeration;
0013:        import java.util.Hashtable;
0014:        import java.util.HashSet;
0015:        import antlr.collections.impl.BitSet;
0016:        import antlr.collections.impl.Vector;
0017:        import; //SAS: changed for proper text file io
0018:        import;
0019:        import;
0021:        /**Generate MyParser.cpp, MyParser.hpp, MyLexer.cpp, MyLexer.hpp and MyParserTokenTypes.hpp */
0022:        public class CppCodeGenerator extends CodeGenerator {
0023:            // non-zero if inside syntactic predicate generation
0024:            protected int syntacticPredLevel = 0;
0026:            // Are we generating ASTs (for parsers and tree parsers) right now?
0027:            protected boolean genAST = false;
0029:            // Are we saving the text consumed (for lexers) right now?
0030:            protected boolean saveText = false;
0032:            // Generate #line's
0033:            protected boolean genHashLines = true;
0034:            // Generate constructors or not
0035:            protected boolean noConstructors = false;
0037:            // Used to keep track of lineno in output
0038:            protected int outputLine;
0039:            protected String outputFile;
0041:            // Grammar parameters set up to handle different grammar classes.
0042:            // These are used to get instanceof tests out of code generation
0043:            boolean usingCustomAST = false;
0044:            String labeledElementType;
0045:            String labeledElementASTType; // mostly the same as labeledElementType except in parsers
0046:            String labeledElementASTInit;
0047:            String labeledElementInit;
0048:            String commonExtraArgs;
0049:            String commonExtraParams;
0050:            String commonLocalVars;
0051:            String lt1Value;
0052:            String exceptionThrown;
0053:            String throwNoViable;
0055:            // Tracks the rule being generated.  Used for mapTreeId
0056:            RuleBlock currentRule;
0057:            // Tracks the rule or labeled subrule being generated.  Used for AST generation.
0058:            String currentASTResult;
0059:            // Mapping between the ids used in the current alt, and the
0060:            // names of variables used to represent their AST values.
0061:            Hashtable treeVariableMap = new Hashtable();
0063:            /** Used to keep track of which AST variables have been defined in a rule
0064:             * (except for the #rule_name and #rule_name_in var's
0065:             */
0066:            HashSet declaredASTVariables = new HashSet();
0068:            // Count of unnamed generated variables
0069:            int astVarNumber = 1;
0070:            // Special value used to mark duplicate in treeVariableMap
0071:            protected static final String NONUNIQUE = new String();
0073:            public static final int caseSizeThreshold = 127; // ascii is max
0075:            private Vector semPreds;
0077:            // Used to keep track of which (heterogeneous AST types are used)
0078:            // which need to be set in the ASTFactory of the generated parser
0079:            private Vector astTypes;
0081:            private static String namespaceStd = "ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(std)";
0082:            private static String namespaceAntlr = "ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)";
0083:            private static NameSpace nameSpace = null;
0085:            private static final String preIncludeCpp = "pre_include_cpp";
0086:            private static final String preIncludeHpp = "pre_include_hpp";
0087:            private static final String postIncludeCpp = "post_include_cpp";
0088:            private static final String postIncludeHpp = "post_include_hpp";
0090:            /** Create a C++ code-generator using the given Grammar.
0091:             * The caller must still call setTool, setBehavior, and setAnalyzer
0092:             * before generating code.
0093:             */
0094:            public CppCodeGenerator() {
0095:                super ();
0096:                charFormatter = new CppCharFormatter();
0097:            }
0099:            /** Adds a semantic predicate string to the sem pred vector
0100:                These strings will be used to build an array of sem pred names
0101:                when building a debugging parser.  This method should only be
0102:                called when the debug option is specified
0103:             */
0104:            protected int addSemPred(String predicate) {
0105:                semPreds.appendElement(predicate);
0106:                return semPreds.size() - 1;
0107:            }
0109:            public void exitIfError() {
0110:                if (antlrTool.hasError()) {
0111:                    antlrTool.fatalError("Exiting due to errors.");
0112:                }
0113:            }
0115:            protected int countLines(String s) {
0116:                int lines = 0;
0117:                for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
0118:                    if (s.charAt(i) == '\n')
0119:                        lines++;
0120:                }
0121:                return lines;
0122:            }
0124:            /** Output a String to the currentOutput stream.
0125:             * Ignored if string is null.
0126:             * @param s The string to output
0127:             */
0128:            protected void _print(String s) {
0129:                if (s != null) {
0130:                    outputLine += countLines(s);
0131:                    currentOutput.print(s);
0132:                }
0133:            }
0135:            /** Print an action without leading tabs, attempting to
0136:             * preserve the current indentation level for multi-line actions
0137:             * Ignored if string is null.
0138:             * @param s The action string to output
0139:             */
0140:            protected void _printAction(String s) {
0141:                if (s != null) {
0142:                    outputLine += countLines(s) + 1;
0143:                    super ._printAction(s);
0144:                }
0145:            }
0147:            /** Print an action stored in a token surrounded by #line stuff */
0148:            public void printAction(Token t) {
0149:                if (t != null) {
0150:                    genLineNo(t.getLine());
0151:                    printTabs();
0152:                    _printAction(processActionForSpecialSymbols(t.getText(), t
0153:                            .getLine(), null, null));
0154:                    genLineNo2();
0155:                }
0156:            }
0158:            /** Print a header action by #line stuff also process any tree construction
0159:             * @param name The name of the header part
0160:             */
0161:            public void printHeaderAction(String name) {
0162:                Token a = (antlr.Token) behavior.headerActions.get(name);
0163:                if (a != null) {
0164:                    genLineNo(a.getLine());
0165:                    println(processActionForSpecialSymbols(a.getText(), a
0166:                            .getLine(), null, null));
0167:                    genLineNo2();
0168:                }
0169:            }
0171:            /** Output a String followed by newline, to the currentOutput stream.
0172:             * Ignored if string is null.
0173:             * @param s The string to output
0174:             */
0175:            protected void _println(String s) {
0176:                if (s != null) {
0177:                    outputLine += countLines(s) + 1;
0178:                    currentOutput.println(s);
0179:                }
0180:            }
0182:            /** Output tab indent followed by a String followed by newline,
0183:             * to the currentOutput stream.  Ignored if string is null.
0184:             * @param s The string to output
0185:             */
0186:            protected void println(String s) {
0187:                if (s != null) {
0188:                    printTabs();
0189:                    outputLine += countLines(s) + 1;
0190:                    currentOutput.println(s);
0191:                }
0192:            }
0194:            /** Generate a #line or // line depending on options */
0195:            public void genLineNo(int line) {
0196:                if (line == 0) {
0197:                    line++;
0198:                }
0199:                if (genHashLines)
0200:                    _println("#line " + line + " \""
0201:                            + antlrTool.fileMinusPath(antlrTool.grammarFile)
0202:                            + "\"");
0203:            }
0205:            /** Generate a #line or // line depending on options */
0206:            public void genLineNo(GrammarElement el) {
0207:                if (el != null)
0208:                    genLineNo(el.getLine());
0209:            }
0211:            /** Generate a #line or // line depending on options */
0212:            public void genLineNo(Token t) {
0213:                if (t != null)
0214:                    genLineNo(t.getLine());
0215:            }
0217:            /** Generate a #line or // line depending on options */
0218:            public void genLineNo2() {
0219:                if (genHashLines) {
0220:                    _println("#line " + (outputLine + 1) + " \"" + outputFile
0221:                            + "\"");
0222:                }
0223:            }
0225:            /**Generate the parser, lexer, treeparser, and token types in C++ */
0226:            public void gen() {
0227:                // Do the code generation
0228:                try {
0229:                    // Loop over all grammars
0230:                    Enumeration grammarIter = behavior.grammars.elements();
0231:                    while (grammarIter.hasMoreElements()) {
0232:                        Grammar g = (Grammar) grammarIter.nextElement();
0233:                        // Connect all the components to each other
0234:                        g.setGrammarAnalyzer(analyzer);
0235:                        g.setCodeGenerator(this );
0236:                        analyzer.setGrammar(g);
0237:                        // To get right overloading behavior across hetrogeneous grammars
0238:                        setupGrammarParameters(g);
0239:                        g.generate();
0240:                        exitIfError();
0241:                    }
0243:                    // Loop over all token managers (some of which are lexers)
0244:                    Enumeration tmIter = behavior.tokenManagers.elements();
0245:                    while (tmIter.hasMoreElements()) {
0246:                        TokenManager tm = (TokenManager) tmIter.nextElement();
0247:                        if (!tm.isReadOnly()) {
0248:                            // Write the token manager tokens as C++
0249:                            // this must appear before genTokenInterchange so that
0250:                            // labels are set on string literals
0251:                            genTokenTypes(tm);
0252:                            // Write the token manager tokens as plain text
0253:                            genTokenInterchange(tm);
0254:                        }
0255:                        exitIfError();
0256:                    }
0257:                } catch (IOException e) {
0258:                    antlrTool.reportException(e, null);
0259:                }
0260:            }
0262:            /** Generate code for the given grammar element.
0263:             * @param blk The {...} action to generate
0264:             */
0265:            public void gen(ActionElement action) {
0266:                if (DEBUG_CODE_GENERATOR)
0267:                    System.out.println("genAction(" + action + ")");
0268:                if (action.isSemPred) {
0269:                    genSemPred(action.actionText, action.line);
0270:                } else {
0271:                    if (grammar.hasSyntacticPredicate) {
0272:                        println("if ( inputState->guessing==0 ) {");
0273:                        tabs++;
0274:                    }
0276:                    ActionTransInfo tInfo = new ActionTransInfo();
0277:                    String actionStr = processActionForSpecialSymbols(
0278:                            action.actionText, action.getLine(), currentRule,
0279:                            tInfo);
0281:                    if (tInfo.refRuleRoot != null) {
0282:                        // Somebody referenced "#rule", make sure translated var is valid
0283:                        // assignment to #rule is left as a ref also, meaning that assignments
0284:                        // with no other refs like "#rule = foo();" still forces this code to be
0285:                        // generated (unnecessarily).
0286:                        println(tInfo.refRuleRoot + " = "
0287:                                + labeledElementASTType + "(currentAST.root);");
0288:                    }
0290:                    // dump the translated action
0291:                    genLineNo(action);
0292:                    printAction(actionStr);
0293:                    genLineNo2();
0295:                    if (tInfo.assignToRoot) {
0296:                        // Somebody did a "#rule=", reset internal currentAST.root
0297:                        println("currentAST.root = " + tInfo.refRuleRoot + ";");
0298:                        // reset the child pointer too to be last sibling in sibling list
0299:                        // now use if else in stead of x ? y : z to shut CC 4.2 up.
0300:                        println("if ( " + tInfo.refRuleRoot + "!="
0301:                                + labeledElementASTInit + " &&");
0302:                        tabs++;
0303:                        println(tInfo.refRuleRoot + "->getFirstChild() != "
0304:                                + labeledElementASTInit + " )");
0305:                        println("  currentAST.child = " + tInfo.refRuleRoot
0306:                                + "->getFirstChild();");
0307:                        tabs--;
0308:                        println("else");
0309:                        tabs++;
0310:                        println("currentAST.child = " + tInfo.refRuleRoot + ";");
0311:                        tabs--;
0312:                        println("currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();");
0313:                    }
0315:                    if (grammar.hasSyntacticPredicate) {
0316:                        tabs--;
0317:                        println("}");
0318:                    }
0319:                }
0320:            }
0322:            /** Generate code for the given grammar element.
0323:             * @param blk The "x|y|z|..." block to generate
0324:             */
0325:            public void gen(AlternativeBlock blk) {
0326:                if (DEBUG_CODE_GENERATOR)
0327:                    System.out.println("gen(" + blk + ")");
0328:                println("{");
0329:                genBlockPreamble(blk);
0330:                genBlockInitAction(blk);
0332:                // Tell AST generation to build subrule result
0333:                String saveCurrentASTResult = currentASTResult;
0334:                if (blk.getLabel() != null) {
0335:                    currentASTResult = blk.getLabel();
0336:                }
0338:                boolean ok = grammar.theLLkAnalyzer.deterministic(blk);
0340:                CppBlockFinishingInfo howToFinish = genCommonBlock(blk, true);
0341:                genBlockFinish(howToFinish, throwNoViable);
0343:                println("}");
0345:                // Restore previous AST generation
0346:                currentASTResult = saveCurrentASTResult;
0347:            }
0349:            /** Generate code for the given grammar element.
0350:             * @param blk The block-end element to generate.  Block-end
0351:             * elements are synthesized by the grammar parser to represent
0352:             * the end of a block.
0353:             */
0354:            public void gen(BlockEndElement end) {
0355:                if (DEBUG_CODE_GENERATOR)
0356:                    System.out.println("genRuleEnd(" + end + ")");
0357:            }
0359:            /** Generate code for the given grammar element.
0360:             * @param blk The character literal reference to generate
0361:             */
0362:            public void gen(CharLiteralElement atom) {
0363:                if (DEBUG_CODE_GENERATOR)
0364:                    System.out.println("genChar(" + atom + ")");
0366:                if (atom.getLabel() != null) {
0367:                    println(atom.getLabel() + " = " + lt1Value + ";");
0368:                }
0370:                boolean oldsaveText = saveText;
0371:                saveText = saveText
0372:                        && atom.getAutoGenType() == GrammarElement.AUTO_GEN_NONE;
0373:                genMatch(atom);
0374:                saveText = oldsaveText;
0375:            }
0377:            /** Generate code for the given grammar element.
0378:             * @param blk The character-range reference to generate
0379:             */
0380:            public void gen(CharRangeElement r) {
0381:                if (r.getLabel() != null && syntacticPredLevel == 0) {
0382:                    println(r.getLabel() + " = " + lt1Value + ";");
0383:                }
0384:                // Correctly take care of saveIndex stuff...
0385:                boolean save = (grammar instanceof  LexerGrammar && (!saveText || r
0386:                        .getAutoGenType() == GrammarElement.AUTO_GEN_BANG));
0387:                if (save)
0388:                    println("_saveIndex=text.length();");
0390:                println("matchRange(" + textOrChar(r.beginText) + ","
0391:                        + textOrChar(r.endText) + ");");
0393:                if (save)
0394:                    println("text.setLength(_saveIndex);");
0395:            }
0397:            /** Generate the lexer C++ files */
0398:            public void gen(LexerGrammar g) throws IOException {
0399:                // If debugging, create a new sempred vector for this grammar
0400:                if (g.debuggingOutput)
0401:                    semPreds = new Vector();
0403:                setGrammar(g);
0404:                if (!(grammar instanceof  LexerGrammar)) {
0405:                    antlrTool.panic("Internal error generating lexer");
0406:                }
0408:                genBody(g);
0409:                genInclude(g);
0410:            }
0412:            /** Generate code for the given grammar element.
0413:             * @param blk The (...)+ block to generate
0414:             */
0415:            public void gen(OneOrMoreBlock blk) {
0416:                if (DEBUG_CODE_GENERATOR)
0417:                    System.out.println("gen+(" + blk + ")");
0418:                String label;
0419:                String cnt;
0420:                println("{ // ( ... )+");
0421:                genBlockPreamble(blk);
0422:                if (blk.getLabel() != null) {
0423:                    cnt = "_cnt_" + blk.getLabel();
0424:                } else {
0425:                    cnt = "_cnt" + blk.ID;
0426:                }
0427:                println("int " + cnt + "=0;");
0428:                if (blk.getLabel() != null) {
0429:                    label = blk.getLabel();
0430:                } else {
0431:                    label = "_loop" + blk.ID;
0432:                }
0434:                println("for (;;) {");
0435:                tabs++;
0436:                // generate the init action for ()+ ()* inside the loop
0437:                // this allows us to do usefull EOF checking...
0438:                genBlockInitAction(blk);
0440:                // Tell AST generation to build subrule result
0441:                String saveCurrentASTResult = currentASTResult;
0442:                if (blk.getLabel() != null) {
0443:                    currentASTResult = blk.getLabel();
0444:                }
0446:                boolean ok = grammar.theLLkAnalyzer.deterministic(blk);
0448:                // generate exit test if greedy set to false
0449:                // and an alt is ambiguous with exit branch
0450:                // or when lookahead derived purely from end-of-file
0451:                // Lookahead analysis stops when end-of-file is hit,
0452:                // returning set {epsilon}.  Since {epsilon} is not
0453:                // ambig with any real tokens, no error is reported
0454:                // by deterministic() routines and we have to check
0455:                // for the case where the lookahead depth didn't get
0456:                // set to NONDETERMINISTIC (this only happens when the
0457:                // FOLLOW contains real atoms + epsilon).
0458:                boolean generateNonGreedyExitPath = false;
0459:                int nonGreedyExitDepth = grammar.maxk;
0461:                if (!blk.greedy
0462:                        && blk.exitLookaheadDepth <= grammar.maxk
0463:                        && blk.exitCache[blk.exitLookaheadDepth]
0464:                                .containsEpsilon()) {
0465:                    generateNonGreedyExitPath = true;
0466:                    nonGreedyExitDepth = blk.exitLookaheadDepth;
0467:                } else if (!blk.greedy
0468:                        && blk.exitLookaheadDepth == LLkGrammarAnalyzer.NONDETERMINISTIC) {
0469:                    generateNonGreedyExitPath = true;
0470:                }
0472:                // generate exit test if greedy set to false
0473:                // and an alt is ambiguous with exit branch
0474:                if (generateNonGreedyExitPath) {
0475:                    if (DEBUG_CODE_GENERATOR) {
0476:                        System.out
0477:                                .println("nongreedy (...)+ loop; exit depth is "
0478:                                        + blk.exitLookaheadDepth);
0479:                    }
0480:                    String predictExit = getLookaheadTestExpression(
0481:                            blk.exitCache, nonGreedyExitDepth);
0482:                    println("// nongreedy exit test");
0483:                    println("if ( " + cnt + ">=1 && " + predictExit + ") goto "
0484:                            + label + ";");
0485:                }
0487:                CppBlockFinishingInfo howToFinish = genCommonBlock(blk, false);
0488:                genBlockFinish(howToFinish, "if ( " + cnt + ">=1 ) { goto "
0489:                        + label + "; } else {" + throwNoViable + "}");
0491:                println(cnt + "++;");
0492:                tabs--;
0493:                println("}");
0494:                println(label + ":;");
0495:                println("}  // ( ... )+");
0497:                // Restore previous AST generation
0498:                currentASTResult = saveCurrentASTResult;
0499:            }
0501:            /** Generate the parser C++ file */
0502:            public void gen(ParserGrammar g) throws IOException {
0504:                // if debugging, set up a new vector to keep track of sempred
0505:                //   strings for this grammar
0506:                if (g.debuggingOutput)
0507:                    semPreds = new Vector();
0509:                setGrammar(g);
0510:                if (!(grammar instanceof  ParserGrammar)) {
0511:                    antlrTool.panic("Internal error generating parser");
0512:                }
0514:                genBody(g);
0515:                genInclude(g);
0516:            }
0518:            /** Generate code for the given grammar element.
0519:             * @param blk The rule-reference to generate
0520:             */
0521:            public void gen(RuleRefElement rr) {
0522:                if (DEBUG_CODE_GENERATOR)
0523:                    System.out.println("genRR(" + rr + ")");
0524:                RuleSymbol rs = (RuleSymbol) grammar.getSymbol(rr.targetRule);
0525:                if (rs == null || !rs.isDefined()) {
0526:                    // Is this redundant???
0527:                    antlrTool.error("Rule '" + rr.targetRule
0528:                            + "' is not defined", grammar.getFilename(), rr
0529:                            .getLine(), rr.getColumn());
0530:                    return;
0531:                }
0532:                if (!(rs instanceof  RuleSymbol)) {
0533:                    // Is this redundant???
0534:                    antlrTool.error("'" + rr.targetRule
0535:                            + "' does not name a grammar rule", grammar
0536:                            .getFilename(), rr.getLine(), rr.getColumn());
0537:                    return;
0538:                }
0540:                genErrorTryForElement(rr);
0542:                // AST value for labeled rule refs in tree walker.
0543:                // This is not AST construction;  it is just the input tree node value.
0544:                if (grammar instanceof  TreeWalkerGrammar
0545:                        && rr.getLabel() != null && syntacticPredLevel == 0) {
0546:                    println(rr.getLabel() + " = (_t == ASTNULL) ? "
0547:                            + labeledElementASTInit + " : " + lt1Value + ";");
0548:                }
0550:                // if in lexer and ! on rule ref or alt or rule, save buffer index to
0551:                // kill later
0552:                if (grammar instanceof  LexerGrammar
0553:                        && (!saveText || rr.getAutoGenType() == GrammarElement.AUTO_GEN_BANG)) {
0554:                    println("_saveIndex = text.length();");
0555:                }
0557:                // Process return value assignment if any
0558:                printTabs();
0559:                if (rr.idAssign != null) {
0560:                    // Warn if the rule has no return type
0561:                    if (rs.block.returnAction == null) {
0562:                        antlrTool.warning("Rule '" + rr.targetRule
0563:                                + "' has no return type",
0564:                                grammar.getFilename(), rr.getLine(), rr
0565:                                        .getColumn());
0566:                    }
0567:                    _print(rr.idAssign + "=");
0568:                } else {
0569:                    // Warn about return value if any, but not inside syntactic predicate
0570:                    if (!(grammar instanceof  LexerGrammar)
0571:                            && syntacticPredLevel == 0
0572:                            && rs.block.returnAction != null) {
0573:                        antlrTool.warning("Rule '" + rr.targetRule
0574:                                + "' returns a value", grammar.getFilename(),
0575:                                rr.getLine(), rr.getColumn());
0576:                    }
0577:                }
0579:                // Call the rule
0580:                GenRuleInvocation(rr);
0582:                // if in lexer and ! on element or alt or rule, save buffer index to kill later
0583:                if (grammar instanceof  LexerGrammar
0584:                        && (!saveText || rr.getAutoGenType() == GrammarElement.AUTO_GEN_BANG)) {
0585:                    println("text.erase(_saveIndex);");
0586:                }
0588:                // if not in a syntactic predicate
0589:                if (syntacticPredLevel == 0) {
0590:                    boolean doNoGuessTest = (grammar.hasSyntacticPredicate && (grammar.buildAST
0591:                            && rr.getLabel() != null || (genAST && rr
0592:                            .getAutoGenType() == GrammarElement.AUTO_GEN_NONE)));
0594:                    if (doNoGuessTest) {
0595:                        println("if (inputState->guessing==0) {");
0596:                        tabs++;
0597:                    }
0599:                    if (grammar.buildAST && rr.getLabel() != null) {
0600:                        // always gen variable for rule return on labeled rules
0601:                        println(rr.getLabel() + "_AST = returnAST;");
0602:                    }
0604:                    if (genAST) {
0605:                        switch (rr.getAutoGenType()) {
0606:                        case GrammarElement.AUTO_GEN_NONE:
0607:                            if (usingCustomAST)
0608:                                println("astFactory->addASTChild(currentAST, static_cast<"
0609:                                        + namespaceAntlr
0610:                                        + "RefAST>(returnAST));");
0611:                            else
0612:                                println("astFactory->addASTChild( currentAST, returnAST );");
0613:                            break;
0614:                        case GrammarElement.AUTO_GEN_CARET:
0615:                            // FIXME: RK: I'm not so sure this should be an error..
0616:                            // I think it might actually work and be usefull at times.
0617:                            antlrTool
0618:                                    .error("Internal: encountered ^ after rule reference");
0619:                            break;
0620:                        default:
0621:                            break;
0622:                        }
0623:                    }
0625:                    // if a lexer and labeled, Token label defined at rule level, just set it here
0626:                    if (grammar instanceof  LexerGrammar
0627:                            && rr.getLabel() != null) {
0628:                        println(rr.getLabel() + "=_returnToken;");
0629:                    }
0631:                    if (doNoGuessTest) {
0632:                        tabs--;
0633:                        println("}");
0634:                    }
0635:                }
0636:                genErrorCatchForElement(rr);
0637:            }
0639:            /** Generate code for the given grammar element.
0640:             * @param blk The string-literal reference to generate
0641:             */
0642:            public void gen(StringLiteralElement atom) {
0643:                if (DEBUG_CODE_GENERATOR)
0644:                    System.out.println("genString(" + atom + ")");
0646:                // Variable declarations for labeled elements
0647:                if (atom.getLabel() != null && syntacticPredLevel == 0) {
0648:                    println(atom.getLabel() + " = " + lt1Value + ";");
0649:                }
0651:                // AST
0652:                genElementAST(atom);
0654:                // is there a bang on the literal?
0655:                boolean oldsaveText = saveText;
0656:                saveText = saveText
0657:                        && atom.getAutoGenType() == GrammarElement.AUTO_GEN_NONE;
0659:                // matching
0660:                genMatch(atom);
0662:                saveText = oldsaveText;
0664:                // tack on tree cursor motion if doing a tree walker
0665:                if (grammar instanceof  TreeWalkerGrammar) {
0666:                    println("_t = _t->getNextSibling();");
0667:                }
0668:            }
0670:            /** Generate code for the given grammar element.
0671:             * @param blk The token-range reference to generate
0672:             */
0673:            public void gen(TokenRangeElement r) {
0674:                genErrorTryForElement(r);
0675:                if (r.getLabel() != null && syntacticPredLevel == 0) {
0676:                    println(r.getLabel() + " = " + lt1Value + ";");
0677:                }
0679:                // AST
0680:                genElementAST(r);
0682:                // match
0683:                println("matchRange(" + r.beginText + "," + r.endText + ");");
0684:                genErrorCatchForElement(r);
0685:            }
0687:            /** Generate code for the given grammar element.
0688:             * @param blk The token-reference to generate
0689:             */
0690:            public void gen(TokenRefElement atom) {
0691:                if (DEBUG_CODE_GENERATOR)
0692:                    System.out.println("genTokenRef(" + atom + ")");
0693:                if (grammar instanceof  LexerGrammar) {
0694:                    antlrTool.panic("Token reference found in lexer");
0695:                }
0696:                genErrorTryForElement(atom);
0697:                // Assign Token value to token label variable
0698:                if (atom.getLabel() != null && syntacticPredLevel == 0) {
0699:                    println(atom.getLabel() + " = " + lt1Value + ";");
0700:                }
0702:                // AST
0703:                genElementAST(atom);
0704:                // matching
0705:                genMatch(atom);
0706:                genErrorCatchForElement(atom);
0708:                // tack on tree cursor motion if doing a tree walker
0709:                if (grammar instanceof  TreeWalkerGrammar) {
0710:                    println("_t = _t->getNextSibling();");
0711:                }
0712:            }
0714:            public void gen(TreeElement t) {
0715:                // save AST cursor
0716:                println(labeledElementType + " __t" + t.ID + " = _t;");
0718:                // If there is a label on the root, then assign that to the variable
0719:                if (t.root.getLabel() != null) {
0720:                    println(t.root.getLabel() + " = (_t == ASTNULL) ? "
0721:                            + labeledElementASTInit + " : _t;");
0722:                }
0724:                // check for invalid modifiers ! and ^ on tree element roots
0725:                if (t.root.getAutoGenType() == GrammarElement.AUTO_GEN_BANG) {
0726:                    antlrTool
0727:                            .error(
0728:                                    "Suffixing a root node with '!' is not implemented",
0729:                                    grammar.getFilename(), t.getLine(), t
0730:                                            .getColumn());
0731:                    t.root.setAutoGenType(GrammarElement.AUTO_GEN_NONE);
0732:                }
0733:                if (t.root.getAutoGenType() == GrammarElement.AUTO_GEN_CARET) {
0734:                    antlrTool
0735:                            .warning(
0736:                                    "Suffixing a root node with '^' is redundant; already a root",
0737:                                    grammar.getFilename(), t.getLine(), t
0738:                                            .getColumn());
0739:                    t.root.setAutoGenType(GrammarElement.AUTO_GEN_NONE);
0740:                }
0742:                // Generate AST variables
0743:                genElementAST(t.root);
0744:                if (grammar.buildAST) {
0745:                    // Save the AST construction state
0746:                    println(namespaceAntlr + "ASTPair __currentAST" + t.ID
0747:                            + " = currentAST;");
0748:                    // Make the next item added a child of the TreeElement root
0749:                    println("currentAST.root = currentAST.child;");
0750:                    println("currentAST.child = " + labeledElementASTInit + ";");
0751:                }
0753:                // match root
0754:                if (t.root instanceof  WildcardElement) {
0755:                    println("if ( _t == ASTNULL ) throw MismatchedTokenException();");
0756:                } else {
0757:                    genMatch(t.root);
0758:                }
0759:                // move to list of children
0760:                println("_t = _t->getFirstChild();");
0762:                // walk list of children, generating code for each
0763:                for (int i = 0; i < t.getAlternatives().size(); i++) {
0764:                    Alternative a = t.getAlternativeAt(i);
0765:                    AlternativeElement e = a.head;
0766:                    while (e != null) {
0767:                        e.generate();
0768:                        e =;
0769:                    }
0770:                }
0772:                if (grammar.buildAST) {
0773:                    // restore the AST construction state to that just after the
0774:                    // tree root was added
0775:                    println("currentAST = __currentAST" + t.ID + ";");
0776:                }
0777:                // restore AST cursor
0778:                println("_t = __t" + t.ID + ";");
0779:                // move cursor to sibling of tree just parsed
0780:                println("_t = _t->getNextSibling();");
0781:            }
0783:            /** Generate the tree-parser C++ files */
0784:            public void gen(TreeWalkerGrammar g) throws IOException {
0785:                setGrammar(g);
0786:                if (!(grammar instanceof  TreeWalkerGrammar)) {
0787:                    antlrTool.panic("Internal error generating tree-walker");
0788:                }
0790:                genBody(g);
0791:                genInclude(g);
0792:            }
0794:            /** Generate code for the given grammar element.
0795:             * @param wc The wildcard element to generate
0796:             */
0797:            public void gen(WildcardElement wc) {
0798:                // Variable assignment for labeled elements
0799:                if (wc.getLabel() != null && syntacticPredLevel == 0) {
0800:                    println(wc.getLabel() + " = " + lt1Value + ";");
0801:                }
0803:                // AST
0804:                genElementAST(wc);
0805:                // Match anything but EOF
0806:                if (grammar instanceof  TreeWalkerGrammar) {
0807:                    println("if ( _t == " + labeledElementASTInit + " ) throw "
0808:                            + namespaceAntlr + "MismatchedTokenException();");
0809:                } else if (grammar instanceof  LexerGrammar) {
0810:                    if (grammar instanceof  LexerGrammar
0811:                            && (!saveText || wc.getAutoGenType() == GrammarElement.AUTO_GEN_BANG)) {
0812:                        println("_saveIndex = text.length();");
0813:                    }
0814:                    println("matchNot(EOF/*_CHAR*/);");
0815:                    if (grammar instanceof  LexerGrammar
0816:                            && (!saveText || wc.getAutoGenType() == GrammarElement.AUTO_GEN_BANG)) {
0817:                        println("text.erase(_saveIndex);"); // kill text atom put in buffer
0818:                    }
0819:                } else {
0820:                    println("matchNot(" + getValueString(Token.EOF_TYPE) + ");");
0821:                }
0823:                // tack on tree cursor motion if doing a tree walker
0824:                if (grammar instanceof  TreeWalkerGrammar) {
0825:                    println("_t = _t->getNextSibling();");
0826:                }
0827:            }
0829:            /** Generate code for the given grammar element.
0830:             * @param blk The (...)* block to generate
0831:             */
0832:            public void gen(ZeroOrMoreBlock blk) {
0833:                if (DEBUG_CODE_GENERATOR)
0834:                    System.out.println("gen*(" + blk + ")");
0835:                println("{ // ( ... )*");
0836:                genBlockPreamble(blk);
0837:                String label;
0838:                if (blk.getLabel() != null) {
0839:                    label = blk.getLabel();
0840:                } else {
0841:                    label = "_loop" + blk.ID;
0842:                }
0843:                println("for (;;) {");
0844:                tabs++;
0845:                // generate the init action for ()+ ()* inside the loop
0846:                // this allows us to do usefull EOF checking...
0847:                genBlockInitAction(blk);
0849:                // Tell AST generation to build subrule result
0850:                String saveCurrentASTResult = currentASTResult;
0851:                if (blk.getLabel() != null) {
0852:                    currentASTResult = blk.getLabel();
0853:                }
0855:                boolean ok = grammar.theLLkAnalyzer.deterministic(blk);
0857:                // generate exit test if greedy set to false
0858:                // and an alt is ambiguous with exit branch
0859:                // or when lookahead derived purely from end-of-file
0860:                // Lookahead analysis stops when end-of-file is hit,
0861:                // returning set {epsilon}.  Since {epsilon} is not
0862:                // ambig with any real tokens, no error is reported
0863:                // by deterministic() routines and we have to check
0864:                // for the case where the lookahead depth didn't get
0865:                // set to NONDETERMINISTIC (this only happens when the
0866:                // FOLLOW contains real atoms + epsilon).
0867:                boolean generateNonGreedyExitPath = false;
0868:                int nonGreedyExitDepth = grammar.maxk;
0870:                if (!blk.greedy
0871:                        && blk.exitLookaheadDepth <= grammar.maxk
0872:                        && blk.exitCache[blk.exitLookaheadDepth]
0873:                                .containsEpsilon()) {
0874:                    generateNonGreedyExitPath = true;
0875:                    nonGreedyExitDepth = blk.exitLookaheadDepth;
0876:                } else if (!blk.greedy
0877:                        && blk.exitLookaheadDepth == LLkGrammarAnalyzer.NONDETERMINISTIC) {
0878:                    generateNonGreedyExitPath = true;
0879:                }
0880:                if (generateNonGreedyExitPath) {
0881:                    if (DEBUG_CODE_GENERATOR) {
0882:                        System.out
0883:                                .println("nongreedy (...)* loop; exit depth is "
0884:                                        + blk.exitLookaheadDepth);
0885:                    }
0886:                    String predictExit = getLookaheadTestExpression(
0887:                            blk.exitCache, nonGreedyExitDepth);
0888:                    println("// nongreedy exit test");
0889:                    println("if (" + predictExit + ") goto " + label + ";");
0890:                }
0892:                CppBlockFinishingInfo howToFinish = genCommonBlock(blk, false);
0893:                genBlockFinish(howToFinish, "goto " + label + ";");
0895:                tabs--;
0896:                println("}");
0897:                println(label + ":;");
0898:                println("} // ( ... )*");
0900:                // Restore previous AST generation
0901:                currentASTResult = saveCurrentASTResult;
0902:            }
0904:            /** Generate an alternative.
0905:             * @param alt  The alternative to generate
0906:             * @param blk The block to which the alternative belongs
0907:             */
0908:            protected void genAlt(Alternative alt, AlternativeBlock blk) {
0909:                // Save the AST generation state, and set it to that of the alt
0910:                boolean savegenAST = genAST;
0911:                genAST = genAST && alt.getAutoGen();
0913:                boolean oldsaveTest = saveText;
0914:                saveText = saveText && alt.getAutoGen();
0916:                // Reset the variable name map for the alternative
0917:                Hashtable saveMap = treeVariableMap;
0918:                treeVariableMap = new Hashtable();
0920:                // Generate try block around the alt for  error handling
0921:                if (alt.exceptionSpec != null) {
0922:                    println("try {      // for error handling");
0923:                    tabs++;
0924:                }
0926:                AlternativeElement elem = alt.head;
0927:                while (!(elem instanceof  BlockEndElement)) {
0928:                    elem.generate(); // alt can begin with anything. Ask target to gen.
0929:                    elem =;
0930:                }
0932:                if (genAST) {
0933:                    if (blk instanceof  RuleBlock) {
0934:                        // Set the AST return value for the rule
0935:                        RuleBlock rblk = (RuleBlock) blk;
0936:                        if (usingCustomAST)
0937:                            println(rblk.getRuleName() + "_AST = static_cast<"
0938:                                    + labeledElementASTType
0939:                                    + ">(currentAST.root);");
0940:                        else
0941:                            println(rblk.getRuleName()
0942:                                    + "_AST = currentAST.root;");
0943:                    } else if (blk.getLabel() != null) {
0944:                        // ### future: also set AST value for labeled subrules.
0945:                        // println(blk.getLabel() + "_AST = "+labeledElementASTType+"(currentAST.root);");
0946:                        antlrTool.warning(
0947:                                "Labeled subrules are not implemented", grammar
0948:                                        .getFilename(), blk.getLine(), blk
0949:                                        .getColumn());
0950:                    }
0951:                }
0953:                if (alt.exceptionSpec != null) {
0954:                    // close try block
0955:                    tabs--;
0956:                    println("}");
0957:                    genErrorHandler(alt.exceptionSpec);
0958:                }
0960:                genAST = savegenAST;
0961:                saveText = oldsaveTest;
0963:                treeVariableMap = saveMap;
0964:            }
0966:            /** Generate all the bitsets to be used in the parser or lexer
0967:             * Generate the raw bitset data like "long _tokenSet1_data[] = {...};"
0968:             * and the BitSet object declarations like "BitSet _tokenSet1 = new BitSet(_tokenSet1_data);"
0969:             * Note that most languages do not support object initialization inside a
0970:             * class definition, so other code-generators may have to separate the
0971:             * bitset declarations from the initializations (e.g., put the initializations
0972:             * in the generated constructor instead).
0973:             * @param bitsetList The list of bitsets to generate.
0974:             * @param maxVocabulary Ensure that each generated bitset can contain at least this value.
0975:             * @param dumpSets Dump out the token definitions of the contents of the bitset
0976:             * only for grammars/parsers.
0977:             */
0978:            protected void genBitsets(Vector bitsetList, int maxVocabulary,
0979:                    String prefix) {
0980:                TokenManager tm = grammar.tokenManager;
0982:                println("");
0984:                for (int i = 0; i < bitsetList.size(); i++) {
0985:                    BitSet p = (BitSet) bitsetList.elementAt(i);
0986:                    // Ensure that generated BitSet is large enough for vocabulary
0987:                    p.growToInclude(maxVocabulary);
0989:                    // initialization data
0990:                    println("const unsigned long " + prefix + getBitsetName(i)
0991:                            + "_data_" + "[] = { " + p.toStringOfHalfWords()
0992:                            + " };");
0994:                    // Dump the contents of the bitset in readable format...
0995:                    String t = "// ";
0996:                    for (int j = 0; j < tm.getVocabulary().size(); j++) {
0997:                        if (p.member(j)) {
0998:                            if ((grammar instanceof  LexerGrammar))
0999:                                t += tm.getVocabulary().elementAt(j) + " ";
1000:                            else
1001:                                t += tm.getTokenStringAt(j) + " ";
1003:                            if (t.length() > 70) {
1004:                                println(t);
1005:                                t = "// ";
1006:                            }
1007:                        }
1008:                    }
1009:                    if (t != "// ")
1010:                        println(t);
1012:                    // BitSet object
1013:                    println("const " + namespaceAntlr + "BitSet " + prefix
1014:                            + getBitsetName(i) + "(" + getBitsetName(i)
1015:                            + "_data_," + p.size() / 32 + ");");
1016:                }
1017:            }
1019:            protected void genBitsetsHeader(Vector bitsetList, int maxVocabulary) {
1020:                println("");
1021:                for (int i = 0; i < bitsetList.size(); i++) {
1022:                    BitSet p = (BitSet) bitsetList.elementAt(i);
1023:                    // Ensure that generated BitSet is large enough for vocabulary
1024:                    p.growToInclude(maxVocabulary);
1025:                    // initialization data
1026:                    println("static const unsigned long " + getBitsetName(i)
1027:                            + "_data_" + "[];");
1028:                    // BitSet object
1029:                    println("static const " + namespaceAntlr + "BitSet "
1030:                            + getBitsetName(i) + ";");
1031:                }
1032:            }
1034:            /** Generate the finish of a block, using a combination of the info
1035:             * returned from genCommonBlock() and the action to perform when
1036:             * no alts were taken
1037:             * @param howToFinish The return of genCommonBlock()
1038:             * @param noViableAction What to generate when no alt is taken
1039:             */
1040:            private void genBlockFinish(CppBlockFinishingInfo howToFinish,
1041:                    String noViableAction) {
1042:                if (howToFinish.needAnErrorClause
1043:                        && (howToFinish.generatedAnIf || howToFinish.generatedSwitch)) {
1044:                    if (howToFinish.generatedAnIf) {
1045:                        println("else {");
1046:                    } else {
1047:                        println("{");
1048:                    }
1049:                    tabs++;
1050:                    println(noViableAction);
1051:                    tabs--;
1052:                    println("}");
1053:                }
1055:                if (howToFinish.postscript != null) {
1056:                    println(howToFinish.postscript);
1057:                }
1058:            }
1060:            /** Generate the initaction for a block, which may be a RuleBlock or a
1061:             * plain AlternativeBLock.
1062:             * @blk The block for which the preamble is to be generated.
1063:             */
1064:            protected void genBlockInitAction(AlternativeBlock blk) {
1065:                // dump out init action
1066:                if (blk.initAction != null) {
1067:                    genLineNo(blk);
1068:                    printAction(processActionForSpecialSymbols(blk.initAction,
1069:                            blk.line, currentRule, null));
1070:                    genLineNo2();
1071:                }
1072:            }
1074:            /** Generate the header for a block, which may be a RuleBlock or a
1075:             * plain AlternativeBLock. This generates any variable declarations
1076:             * and syntactic-predicate-testing variables.
1077:             * @blk The block for which the preamble is to be generated.
1078:             */
1079:            protected void genBlockPreamble(AlternativeBlock blk) {
1080:                // define labels for rule blocks.
1081:                if (blk instanceof  RuleBlock) {
1082:                    RuleBlock rblk = (RuleBlock) blk;
1083:                    if (rblk.labeledElements != null) {
1084:                        for (int i = 0; i < rblk.labeledElements.size(); i++) {
1086:                            AlternativeElement a = (AlternativeElement) rblk.labeledElements
1087:                                    .elementAt(i);
1088:                            //System.out.println("looking at labeled element: "+a);
1089:                            // Variables for labeled rule refs and subrules are different than
1090:                            // variables for grammar atoms.  This test is a little tricky because
1091:                            // we want to get all rule refs and ebnf, but not rule blocks or
1092:                            // syntactic predicates
1093:                            if (a instanceof  RuleRefElement
1094:                                    || a instanceof  AlternativeBlock
1095:                                    && !(a instanceof  RuleBlock)
1096:                                    && !(a instanceof  SynPredBlock)) {
1098:                                if (!(a instanceof  RuleRefElement)
1099:                                        && ((AlternativeBlock) a).not
1100:                                        && analyzer
1101:                                                .subruleCanBeInverted(
1102:                                                        ((AlternativeBlock) a),
1103:                                                        grammar instanceof  LexerGrammar)) {
1104:                                    // Special case for inverted subrules that will be
1105:                                    // inlined. Treat these like token or char literal
1106:                                    // references
1107:                                    println(labeledElementType + " "
1108:                                            + a.getLabel() + " = "
1109:                                            + labeledElementInit + ";");
1110:                                    if (grammar.buildAST) {
1111:                                        genASTDeclaration(a);
1112:                                    }
1113:                                } else {
1114:                                    if (grammar.buildAST) {
1115:                                        // Always gen AST variables for labeled elements, even if the
1116:                                        // element itself is marked with !
1117:                                        genASTDeclaration(a);
1118:                                    }
1119:                                    if (grammar instanceof  LexerGrammar) {
1120:                                        println(namespaceAntlr + "RefToken "
1121:                                                + a.getLabel() + ";");
1122:                                    }
1123:                                    if (grammar instanceof  TreeWalkerGrammar) {
1124:                                        // always generate rule-ref variables for tree walker
1125:                                        println(labeledElementType + " "
1126:                                                + a.getLabel() + " = "
1127:                                                + labeledElementInit + ";");
1128:                                    }
1129:                                }
1130:                            } else {
1131:                                // It is a token or literal reference.  Generate the
1132:                                // correct variable type for this grammar
1133:                                println(labeledElementType + " " + a.getLabel()
1134:                                        + " = " + labeledElementInit + ";");
1135:                                // In addition, generate *_AST variables if building ASTs
1136:                                if (grammar.buildAST) {
1137:                                    //							println(labeledElementASTType+" " + a.getLabel() + "_AST = "+labeledElementASTInit+";");
1138:                                    //	RK: Hmm this is strange.
1139:                                    //	The java codegen contained this check for nodetype while we only had the
1140:                                    //	println right above here..
1141:                                    if (a instanceof  GrammarAtom
1142:                                            && ((GrammarAtom) a)
1143:                                                    .getASTNodeType() != null) {
1144:                                        GrammarAtom ga = (GrammarAtom) a;
1145:                                        genASTDeclaration(a, ga
1146:                                                .getASTNodeType());
1147:                                    } else {
1148:                                        genASTDeclaration(a);
1149:                                    }
1150:                                }
1151:                            }
1152:                        }
1153:                    }
1154:                }
1155:            }
1157:            public void genBody(LexerGrammar g) throws IOException {
1158:                outputFile = grammar.getClassName() + ".cpp";
1159:                outputLine = 1;
1160:                currentOutput = antlrTool.openOutputFile(outputFile);
1161:                //SAS: changed for proper text file io
1163:                genAST = false; // no way to gen trees.
1164:                saveText = true; // save consumed characters.
1166:                tabs = 0;
1168:                // Generate header common to all C++ output files
1169:                genHeader(outputFile);
1171:                printHeaderAction(preIncludeCpp);
1172:                // Generate header specific to lexer C++ file
1173:                println("#include \"" + grammar.getClassName() + ".hpp\"");
1174:                println("#include <antlr/CharBuffer.hpp>");
1175:                println("#include <antlr/TokenStreamException.hpp>");
1176:                println("#include <antlr/TokenStreamIOException.hpp>");
1177:                println("#include <antlr/TokenStreamRecognitionException.hpp>");
1178:                println("#include <antlr/CharStreamException.hpp>");
1179:                println("#include <antlr/CharStreamIOException.hpp>");
1180:                println("#include <antlr/NoViableAltForCharException.hpp>");
1181:                if (grammar.debuggingOutput)
1182:                    println("#include <antlr/DebuggingInputBuffer.hpp>");
1183:                println("");
1184:                printHeaderAction(postIncludeCpp);
1186:                if (nameSpace != null)
1187:                    nameSpace.emitDeclarations(currentOutput);
1189:                // Generate user-defined lexer file preamble
1190:                printAction(grammar.preambleAction);
1192:                // Generate lexer class definition
1193:                String sup = null;
1194:                if (grammar.super Class != null) {
1195:                    sup = grammar.super Class;
1196:                } else {
1197:                    sup = grammar.getSuperClass();
1198:                    if (sup.lastIndexOf('.') != -1)
1199:                        sup = sup.substring(sup.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
1200:                    sup = namespaceAntlr + sup;
1201:                }
1203:                if (noConstructors) {
1204:                    println("#if 0");
1205:                    println("// constructor creation turned of with 'noConstructor' option");
1206:                }
1207:                //
1208:                // Generate the constructor from InputStream
1209:                //
1210:                println(grammar.getClassName() + "::" + grammar.getClassName()
1211:                        + "(" + namespaceStd + "istream& in)");
1212:                tabs++;
1213:                // if debugging, wrap the input buffer in a debugger
1214:                if (grammar.debuggingOutput)
1215:                    println(": " + sup + "(new " + namespaceAntlr
1216:                            + "DebuggingInputBuffer(new " + namespaceAntlr
1217:                            + "CharBuffer(in))," + g.caseSensitive + ")");
1218:                else
1219:                    println(": " + sup + "(new " + namespaceAntlr
1220:                            + "CharBuffer(in)," + g.caseSensitive + ")");
1221:                tabs--;
1222:                println("{");
1223:                tabs++;
1225:                // if debugging, set up array variables and call user-overridable
1226:                //   debugging setup method
1227:                if (grammar.debuggingOutput) {
1228:                    println("setRuleNames(_ruleNames);");
1229:                    println("setSemPredNames(_semPredNames);");
1230:                    println("setupDebugging();");
1231:                }
1233:                //		println("setCaseSensitive("+g.caseSensitive+");");
1234:                println("initLiterals();");
1235:                tabs--;
1236:                println("}");
1237:                println("");
1239:                // Generate the constructor from InputBuffer
1240:                println(grammar.getClassName() + "::" + grammar.getClassName()
1241:                        + "(" + namespaceAntlr + "InputBuffer& ib)");
1242:                tabs++;
1243:                // if debugging, wrap the input buffer in a debugger
1244:                if (grammar.debuggingOutput)
1245:                    println(": " + sup + "(new " + namespaceAntlr
1246:                            + "DebuggingInputBuffer(ib)," + g.caseSensitive
1247:                            + ")");
1248:                else
1249:                    println(": " + sup + "(ib," + g.caseSensitive + ")");
1250:                tabs--;
1251:                println("{");
1252:                tabs++;
1254:                // if debugging, set up array variables and call user-overridable
1255:                //   debugging setup method
1256:                if (grammar.debuggingOutput) {
1257:                    println("setRuleNames(_ruleNames);");
1258:                    println("setSemPredNames(_semPredNames);");
1259:                    println("setupDebugging();");
1260:                }
1262:                //		println("setCaseSensitive("+g.caseSensitive+");");
1263:                println("initLiterals();");
1264:                tabs--;
1265:                println("}");
1266:                println("");
1268:                // Generate the constructor from LexerSharedInputState
1269:                println(grammar.getClassName() + "::" + grammar.getClassName()
1270:                        + "(const " + namespaceAntlr
1271:                        + "LexerSharedInputState& state)");
1272:                tabs++;
1273:                println(": " + sup + "(state," + g.caseSensitive + ")");
1274:                tabs--;
1275:                println("{");
1276:                tabs++;
1278:                // if debugging, set up array variables and call user-overridable
1279:                //   debugging setup method
1280:                if (grammar.debuggingOutput) {
1281:                    println("setRuleNames(_ruleNames);");
1282:                    println("setSemPredNames(_semPredNames);");
1283:                    println("setupDebugging();");
1284:                }
1286:                //		println("setCaseSensitive("+g.caseSensitive+");");
1287:                println("initLiterals();");
1288:                tabs--;
1289:                println("}");
1290:                println("");
1292:                if (noConstructors) {
1293:                    println("// constructor creation turned of with 'noConstructor' option");
1294:                    println("#endif");
1295:                }
1297:                println("void " + grammar.getClassName() + "::initLiterals()");
1298:                println("{");
1299:                tabs++;
1300:                // Generate the initialization of the map
1301:                // containing the string literals used in the lexer
1302:                // The literals variable itself is in CharScanner
1303:                /* TJP: get keys now and check to make sure it's a literal not
1304:                 * a label to a literal; was dup'ing string literals before
1305:                 * change.
1306:                 *
1307:                Enumeration ids = grammar.tokenManager.getTokenSymbolElements();
1308:                while ( ids.hasMoreElements() ) {
1309:                	TokenSymbol sym = (TokenSymbol)ids.nextElement();
1310:                	if ( sym instanceof StringLiteralSymbol ) {
1311:                		StringLiteralSymbol s = (StringLiteralSymbol)sym;
1312:                		println("literals["+s.getId()+"] = "+s.getTokenType()+";");
1313:                	}
1314:                }
1315:                 */
1316:                // TJP changed it to following loop.
1317:                Enumeration keys = grammar.tokenManager.getTokenSymbolKeys();
1318:                while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
1319:                    String key = (String) keys.nextElement();
1320:                    if (key.charAt(0) != '"') {
1321:                        continue;
1322:                    }
1323:                    TokenSymbol sym = grammar.tokenManager.getTokenSymbol(key);
1324:                    if (sym instanceof  StringLiteralSymbol) {
1325:                        StringLiteralSymbol s = (StringLiteralSymbol) sym;
1326:                        println("literals[" + s.getId() + "] = "
1327:                                + s.getTokenType() + ";");
1328:                    }
1329:                }
1331:                // Generate the setting of various generated options.
1332:                tabs--;
1333:                println("}");
1335:                Enumeration ids;
1336:                // generate the rule name array for debugging
1337:                if (grammar.debuggingOutput) {
1338:                    println("const char* " + grammar.getClassName()
1339:                            + "::_ruleNames[] = {");
1340:                    tabs++;
1342:                    ids = grammar.rules.elements();
1343:                    int ruleNum = 0;
1344:                    while (ids.hasMoreElements()) {
1345:                        GrammarSymbol sym = (GrammarSymbol) ids.nextElement();
1346:                        if (sym instanceof  RuleSymbol)
1347:                            println("\"" + ((RuleSymbol) sym).getId() + "\",");
1348:                    }
1349:                    println("0");
1350:                    tabs--;
1351:                    println("};");
1352:                }
1354:                // Generate nextToken() rule.
1355:                // nextToken() is a synthetic lexer rule that is the implicit OR of all
1356:                // user-defined lexer rules.
1357:                genNextToken();
1359:                // Generate code for each rule in the lexer
1360:                ids = grammar.rules.elements();
1361:                int ruleNum = 0;
1362:                while (ids.hasMoreElements()) {
1363:                    RuleSymbol sym = (RuleSymbol) ids.nextElement();
1364:                    // Don't generate the synthetic rules
1365:                    if (!sym.getId().equals("mnextToken")) {
1366:                        genRule(sym, false, ruleNum++, grammar.getClassName()
1367:                                + "::");
1368:                    }
1369:                    exitIfError();
1370:                }
1372:                // Generate the semantic predicate map for debugging
1373:                if (grammar.debuggingOutput)
1374:                    genSemPredMap(grammar.getClassName() + "::");
1376:                // Generate the bitsets used throughout the lexer
1377:                genBitsets(bitsetsUsed, ((LexerGrammar) grammar).charVocabulary
1378:                        .size(), grammar.getClassName() + "::");
1380:                println("");
1381:                if (nameSpace != null)
1382:                    nameSpace.emitClosures(currentOutput);
1384:                // Close the lexer output stream
1385:                currentOutput.close();
1386:                currentOutput = null;
1387:            }
1389:            public void genInitFactory(Grammar g) {
1390:                // Generate the method to initialize an ASTFactory when we're
1391:                // building AST's
1392:                println("void " + g.getClassName() + "::initializeASTFactory( "
1393:                        + namespaceAntlr + "ASTFactory& factory )");
1394:                println("{");
1395:                tabs++;
1397:                if (g.buildAST) {
1398:                    // print out elements collected...
1399:                    Enumeration e = astTypes.elements();
1400:                    while (e.hasMoreElements())
1401:                        println((String) e.nextElement());
1403:                    println("factory.setMaxNodeType("
1404:                            + grammar.tokenManager.maxTokenType() + ");");
1405:                }
1406:                tabs--;
1407:                println("}");
1408:            }
1410:            // FIXME: and so why are we passing here a g param while inside
1411:            // we merrily use the global grammar.
1412:            public void genBody(ParserGrammar g) throws IOException {
1413:                // Open the output stream for the parser and set the currentOutput
1414:                outputFile = grammar.getClassName() + ".cpp";
1415:                outputLine = 1;
1416:                currentOutput = antlrTool.openOutputFile(outputFile);
1418:                genAST = grammar.buildAST;
1420:                tabs = 0;
1422:                // Generate the header common to all output files.
1423:                genHeader(outputFile);
1425:                printHeaderAction(preIncludeCpp);
1427:                // Generate header for the parser
1428:                println("#include \"" + grammar.getClassName() + ".hpp\"");
1429:                println("#include <antlr/NoViableAltException.hpp>");
1430:                println("#include <antlr/SemanticException.hpp>");
1431:                println("#include <antlr/ASTFactory.hpp>");
1433:                printHeaderAction(postIncludeCpp);
1435:                if (nameSpace != null)
1436:                    nameSpace.emitDeclarations(currentOutput);
1438:                // Output the user-defined parser preamble
1439:                printAction(grammar.preambleAction);
1441:                String sup = null;
1442:                if (grammar.super Class != null)
1443:                    sup = grammar.super Class;
1444:                else {
1445:                    sup = grammar.getSuperClass();
1446:                    if (sup.lastIndexOf('.') != -1)
1447:                        sup = sup.substring(sup.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
1448:                    sup = namespaceAntlr + sup;
1449:                }
1451:                // set up an array of all the rule names so the debugger can
1452:                // keep track of them only by number -- less to store in tree...
1453:                if (grammar.debuggingOutput) {
1454:                    println("const char* " + grammar.getClassName()
1455:                            + "::_ruleNames[] = {");
1456:                    tabs++;
1458:                    Enumeration ids = grammar.rules.elements();
1459:                    int ruleNum = 0;
1460:                    while (ids.hasMoreElements()) {
1461:                        GrammarSymbol sym = (GrammarSymbol) ids.nextElement();
1462:                        if (sym instanceof  RuleSymbol)
1463:                            println("\"" + ((RuleSymbol) sym).getId() + "\",");
1464:                    }
1465:                    println("0");
1466:                    tabs--;
1467:                    println("};");
1468:                }
1470:                // Generate _initialize function
1471:                // disabled since it isn't used anymore..
1473:                //		println("void " + grammar.getClassName() + "::_initialize(void)");
1474:                //		println("{");
1475:                //		tabs++;
1477:                // if debugging, set up arrays and call the user-overridable
1478:                //   debugging setup method
1479:                //		if ( grammar.debuggingOutput ) {
1480:                //			println("setRuleNames(_ruleNames);");
1481:                //			println("setSemPredNames(_semPredNames);");
1482:                //			println("setupDebugging();");
1483:                //		}
1484:                //		tabs--;
1485:                //		println("}");
1486:                if (noConstructors) {
1487:                    println("#if 0");
1488:                    println("// constructor creation turned of with 'noConstructor' option");
1489:                }
1491:                // Generate parser class constructor from TokenBuffer
1492:                print(grammar.getClassName() + "::" + grammar.getClassName());
1493:                println("(" + namespaceAntlr + "TokenBuffer& tokenBuf, int k)");
1494:                println(": " + sup + "(tokenBuf,k)");
1495:                println("{");
1496:                //		tabs++;
1497:                //		println("_initialize();");
1498:                //		tabs--;
1499:                println("}");
1500:                println("");
1502:                print(grammar.getClassName() + "::" + grammar.getClassName());
1503:                println("(" + namespaceAntlr + "TokenBuffer& tokenBuf)");
1504:                println(": " + sup + "(tokenBuf," + grammar.maxk + ")");
1505:                println("{");
1506:                //		tabs++;
1507:                //		println("_initialize();");
1508:                //		tabs--;
1509:                println("}");
1510:                println("");
1512:                // Generate parser class constructor from TokenStream
1513:                print(grammar.getClassName() + "::" + grammar.getClassName());
1514:                println("(" + namespaceAntlr + "TokenStream& lexer, int k)");
1515:                println(": " + sup + "(lexer,k)");
1516:                println("{");
1517:                //		tabs++;
1518:                //		println("_initialize();");
1519:                //		tabs--;
1520:                println("}");
1521:                println("");
1523:                print(grammar.getClassName() + "::" + grammar.getClassName());
1524:                println("(" + namespaceAntlr + "TokenStream& lexer)");
1525:                println(": " + sup + "(lexer," + grammar.maxk + ")");
1526:                println("{");
1527:                //		tabs++;
1528:                //		println("_initialize();");
1529:                //		tabs--;
1530:                println("}");
1531:                println("");
1533:                print(grammar.getClassName() + "::" + grammar.getClassName());
1534:                println("(const " + namespaceAntlr
1535:                        + "ParserSharedInputState& state)");
1536:                println(": " + sup + "(state," + grammar.maxk + ")");
1537:                println("{");
1538:                //		tabs++;
1539:                //		println("_initialize();");
1540:                //		tabs--;
1541:                println("}");
1542:                println("");
1544:                if (noConstructors) {
1545:                    println("// constructor creation turned of with 'noConstructor' option");
1546:                    println("#endif");
1547:                }
1549:                astTypes = new Vector();
1551:                // Generate code for each rule in the grammar
1552:                Enumeration ids = grammar.rules.elements();
1553:                int ruleNum = 0;
1554:                while (ids.hasMoreElements()) {
1555:                    GrammarSymbol sym = (GrammarSymbol) ids.nextElement();
1556:                    if (sym instanceof  RuleSymbol) {
1557:                        RuleSymbol rs = (RuleSymbol) sym;
1558:                        genRule(rs, rs.references.size() == 0, ruleNum++,
1559:                                grammar.getClassName() + "::");
1560:                    }
1561:                    exitIfError();
1562:                }
1563:                if (usingCustomAST) {
1564:                    //			println("void "+grammar.getClassName()+"::setASTNodeFactory("+labeledElementASTType+" (*factory)() )");
1565:                    //			println("{");
1566:                    //			println("}");
1567:                    //			println("");
1569:                    // when we are using a custom ast override Parser::getAST to return the
1570:                    // custom AST type
1571:                    println(labeledElementASTType + " "
1572:                            + grammar.getClassName() + "::getAST()");
1573:                    println("{");
1574:                    println("\treturn returnAST;");
1575:                    println("}");
1576:                    println("");
1577:                }
1579:                genInitFactory(g);
1581:                // Generate the token names
1582:                genTokenStrings(grammar.getClassName() + "::");
1584:                // Generate the bitsets used throughout the grammar
1585:                genBitsets(bitsetsUsed, grammar.tokenManager.maxTokenType(),
1586:                        grammar.getClassName() + "::");
1588:                // Generate the semantic predicate map for debugging
1589:                if (grammar.debuggingOutput)
1590:                    genSemPredMap(grammar.getClassName() + "::");
1592:                // Close class definition
1593:                println("");
1594:                println("");
1595:                if (nameSpace != null)
1596:                    nameSpace.emitClosures(currentOutput);
1598:                // Close the parser output stream
1599:                currentOutput.close();
1600:                currentOutput = null;
1601:            }
1603:            public void genBody(TreeWalkerGrammar g) throws IOException {
1604:                // Open the output stream for the parser and set the currentOutput
1605:                outputFile = grammar.getClassName() + ".cpp";
1606:                outputLine = 1;
1607:                currentOutput = antlrTool.openOutputFile(outputFile);
1608:                //SAS: changed for proper text file io
1610:                genAST = grammar.buildAST;
1611:                tabs = 0;
1613:                // Generate the header common to all output files.
1614:                genHeader(outputFile);
1616:                printHeaderAction(preIncludeCpp);
1618:                // Generate header for the parser
1619:                println("#include \"" + grammar.getClassName() + ".hpp\"");
1620:                println("#include <antlr/Token.hpp>");
1621:                println("#include <antlr/AST.hpp>");
1622:                println("#include <antlr/NoViableAltException.hpp>");
1623:                println("#include <antlr/MismatchedTokenException.hpp>");
1624:                println("#include <antlr/SemanticException.hpp>");
1625:                println("#include <antlr/BitSet.hpp>");
1627:                printHeaderAction(postIncludeCpp);
1629:                if (nameSpace != null)
1630:                    nameSpace.emitDeclarations(currentOutput);
1632:                // Output the user-defined parser premamble
1633:                printAction(grammar.preambleAction);
1635:                // Generate parser class definition
1636:                String sup = null;
1637:                if (grammar.super Class != null) {
1638:                    sup = grammar.super Class;
1639:                } else {
1640:                    sup = grammar.getSuperClass();
1641:                    if (sup.lastIndexOf('.') != -1)
1642:                        sup = sup.substring(sup.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
1643:                    sup = namespaceAntlr + sup;
1644:                }
1645:                if (noConstructors) {
1646:                    println("#if 0");
1647:                    println("// constructor creation turned of with 'noConstructor' option");
1648:                }
1650:                // Generate default parser class constructor
1651:                println(grammar.getClassName() + "::" + grammar.getClassName()
1652:                        + "()");
1653:                println("\t: " + namespaceAntlr + "TreeParser() {");
1654:                tabs++;
1655:                //		println("setTokenNames(_tokenNames);");
1656:                tabs--;
1657:                println("}");
1659:                if (noConstructors) {
1660:                    println("// constructor creation turned of with 'noConstructor' option");
1661:                    println("#endif");
1662:                }
1663:                println("");
1665:                astTypes = new Vector();
1667:                // Generate code for each rule in the grammar
1668:                Enumeration ids = grammar.rules.elements();
1669:                int ruleNum = 0;
1670:                String ruleNameInits = "";
1671:                while (ids.hasMoreElements()) {
1672:                    GrammarSymbol sym = (GrammarSymbol) ids.nextElement();
1673:                    if (sym instanceof  RuleSymbol) {
1674:                        RuleSymbol rs = (RuleSymbol) sym;
1675:                        genRule(rs, rs.references.size() == 0, ruleNum++,
1676:                                grammar.getClassName() + "::");
1677:                    }
1678:                    exitIfError();
1679:                }
1681:                if (usingCustomAST) {
1682:                    // when we are using a custom ast override Parser::getAST to return the
1683:                    // custom AST type
1684:                    println(labeledElementASTType + " "
1685:                            + grammar.getClassName() + "::getAST()");
1686:                    println("{");
1687:                    println("\treturn returnAST;");
1688:                    println("}");
1689:                    println("");
1690:                }
1692:                // Generate the ASTFactory initialization function
1693:                genInitFactory(grammar);
1694:                // Generate the token names
1695:                genTokenStrings(grammar.getClassName() + "::");
1697:                // Generate the bitsets used throughout the grammar
1698:                genBitsets(bitsetsUsed, grammar.tokenManager.maxTokenType(),
1699:                        grammar.getClassName() + "::");
1701:                // Close class definition
1702:                println("");
1703:                println("");
1705:                if (nameSpace != null)
1706:                    nameSpace.emitClosures(currentOutput);
1708:                // Close the parser output stream
1709:                currentOutput.close();
1710:                currentOutput = null;
1711:            }
1713:            /** Generate a series of case statements that implement a BitSet test.
1714:             * @param p The Bitset for which cases are to be generated
1715:             */
1716:            protected void genCases(BitSet p) {
1717:                if (DEBUG_CODE_GENERATOR)
1718:                    System.out.println("genCases(" + p + ")");
1719:                int[] elems;
1721:                elems = p.toArray();
1722:                // Wrap cases four-per-line for lexer, one-per-line for parser
1723:                int wrap = 1; //(grammar instanceof LexerGrammar) ? 4 : 1;
1724:                int j = 1;
1725:                boolean startOfLine = true;
1726:                for (int i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) {
1727:                    if (j == 1) {
1728:                        print("");
1729:                    } else {
1730:                        _print("  ");
1731:                    }
1732:                    _print("case " + getValueString(elems[i]) + ":");
1734:                    if (j == wrap) {
1735:                        _println("");
1736:                        startOfLine = true;
1737:                        j = 1;
1738:                    } else {
1739:                        j++;
1740:                        startOfLine = false;
1741:                    }
1742:                }
1743:                if (!startOfLine) {
1744:                    _println("");
1745:                }
1746:            }
1748:            /** Generate common code for a block of alternatives; return a postscript
1749:             * that needs to be generated at the end of the block.  Other routines
1750:             * may append else-clauses and such for error checking before the postfix
1751:             * is generated.
1752:             * If the grammar is a lexer, then generate alternatives in an order where
1753:             * alternatives requiring deeper lookahead are generated first, and
1754:             * EOF in the lookahead set reduces the depth of the lookahead.
1755:             * @param blk The block to generate
1756:             * @param noTestForSingle If true, then it does not generate a test for a single alternative.
1757:             */
1758:            public CppBlockFinishingInfo genCommonBlock(AlternativeBlock blk,
1759:                    boolean noTestForSingle) {
1760:                int nIF = 0;
1761:                boolean createdLL1Switch = false;
1762:                int closingBracesOfIFSequence = 0;
1763:                CppBlockFinishingInfo finishingInfo = new CppBlockFinishingInfo();
1764:                if (DEBUG_CODE_GENERATOR)
1765:                    System.out.println("genCommonBlk(" + blk + ")");
1767:                // Save the AST generation state, and set it to that of the block
1768:                boolean savegenAST = genAST;
1769:                genAST = genAST && blk.getAutoGen();
1771:                boolean oldsaveTest = saveText;
1772:                saveText = saveText && blk.getAutoGen();
1774:                // Is this block inverted?  If so, generate special-case code
1775:                if (blk.not
1776:                        && analyzer.subruleCanBeInverted(blk,
1777:                                grammar instanceof  LexerGrammar)) {
1778:                    Lookahead p = analyzer.look(1, blk);
1779:                    // Variable assignment for labeled elements
1780:                    if (blk.getLabel() != null && syntacticPredLevel == 0) {
1781:                        println(blk.getLabel() + " = " + lt1Value + ";");
1782:                    }
1784:                    // AST
1785:                    genElementAST(blk);
1787:                    String astArgs = "";
1788:                    if (grammar instanceof  TreeWalkerGrammar) {
1789:                        if (usingCustomAST)
1790:                            astArgs = "static_cast<" + namespaceAntlr
1791:                                    + "RefAST" + ">(_t),";
1792:                        else
1793:                            astArgs = "_t,";
1794:                    }
1796:                    // match the bitset for the alternative
1797:                    println("match(" + astArgs
1798:                            + getBitsetName(markBitsetForGen(p.fset)) + ");");
1800:                    // tack on tree cursor motion if doing a tree walker
1801:                    if (grammar instanceof  TreeWalkerGrammar) {
1802:                        println("_t = _t->getNextSibling();");
1803:                    }
1804:                    return finishingInfo;
1805:                }
1807:                // Special handling for single alt
1808:                if (blk.getAlternatives().size() == 1) {
1809:                    Alternative alt = blk.getAlternativeAt(0);
1810:                    // Generate a warning if there is a synPred for single alt.
1811:                    if (alt.synPred != null) {
1812:                        antlrTool
1813:                                .warning(
1814:                                        "Syntactic predicate superfluous for single alternative",
1815:                                        grammar.getFilename(), blk
1816:                                                .getAlternativeAt(0).synPred
1817:                                                .getLine(), blk
1818:                                                .getAlternativeAt(0).synPred
1819:                                                .getColumn());
1820:                    }
1821:                    if (noTestForSingle) {
1822:                        if (alt.semPred != null) {
1823:                            // Generate validating predicate
1824:                            genSemPred(alt.semPred, blk.line);
1825:                        }
1826:                        genAlt(alt, blk);
1827:                        return finishingInfo;
1828:                    }
1829:                }
1831:                // count number of simple LL(1) cases; only do switch for
1832:                // many LL(1) cases (no preds, no end of token refs)
1833:                // We don't care about exit paths for (...)*, (...)+
1834:                // because we don't explicitly have a test for them
1835:                // as an alt in the loop.
1836:                //
1837:                // Also, we now count how many unicode lookahead sets
1838:                // there are--they must be moved to DEFAULT or ELSE
1839:                // clause.
1841:                int nLL1 = 0;
1842:                for (int i = 0; i < blk.getAlternatives().size(); i++) {
1843:                    Alternative a = blk.getAlternativeAt(i);
1844:                    if (suitableForCaseExpression(a))
1845:                        nLL1++;
1846:                }
1848:                // do LL(1) cases
1849:                if (nLL1 >= makeSwitchThreshold) {
1850:                    // Determine the name of the item to be compared
1851:                    String testExpr = lookaheadString(1);
1852:                    createdLL1Switch = true;
1853:                    // when parsing trees, convert null to valid tree node with NULL lookahead
1854:                    if (grammar instanceof  TreeWalkerGrammar) {
1855:                        println("if (_t == " + labeledElementASTInit + " )");
1856:                        tabs++;
1857:                        println("_t = ASTNULL;");
1858:                        tabs--;
1859:                    }
1860:                    println("switch ( " + testExpr + ") {");
1861:                    for (int i = 0; i < blk.alternatives.size(); i++) {
1862:                        Alternative alt = blk.getAlternativeAt(i);
1863:                        // ignore any non-LL(1) alts, predicated alts or end-of-token alts
1864:                        // or end-of-token alts for case expressions
1865:                        if (!suitableForCaseExpression(alt)) {
1866:                            continue;
1867:                        }
1868:                        Lookahead p = alt.cache[1];
1869:                        if ( == 0 && !p.containsEpsilon()) {
1870:                            antlrTool
1871:                                    .warning(
1872:                                            "Alternate omitted due to empty prediction set",
1873:                                            grammar.getFilename(), alt.head
1874:                                                    .getLine(), alt.head
1875:                                                    .getColumn());
1876:                        } else {
1877:                            genCases(p.fset);
1878:                            println("{");
1879:                            tabs++;
1880:                            genAlt(alt, blk);
1881:                            println("break;");
1882:                            tabs--;
1883:                            println("}");
1884:                        }
1885:                    }
1886:                    println("default:");
1887:                    tabs++;
1888:                }
1890:                // do non-LL(1) and nondeterministic cases
1891:                // This is tricky in the lexer, because of cases like:
1892:                //     STAR : '*' ;
1893:                //     ASSIGN_STAR : "*=";
1894:                // Since nextToken is generated without a loop, then the STAR will
1895:                // have end-of-token as it's lookahead set for LA(2).  So, we must generate the
1896:                // alternatives containing trailing end-of-token in their lookahead sets *after*
1897:                // the alternatives without end-of-token.  This implements the usual
1898:                // lexer convention that longer matches come before shorter ones, e.g.
1899:                // "*=" matches ASSIGN_STAR not STAR
1900:                //
1901:                // For non-lexer grammars, this does not sort the alternates by depth
1902:                // Note that alts whose lookahead is purely end-of-token at k=1 end up
1903:                // as default or else clauses.
1904:                int startDepth = (grammar instanceof  LexerGrammar) ? grammar.maxk
1905:                        : 0;
1906:                for (int altDepth = startDepth; altDepth >= 0; altDepth--) {
1907:                    if (DEBUG_CODE_GENERATOR)
1908:                        System.out.println("checking depth " + altDepth);
1909:                    for (int i = 0; i < blk.alternatives.size(); i++) {
1910:                        Alternative alt = blk.getAlternativeAt(i);
1911:                        if (DEBUG_CODE_GENERATOR)
1912:                            System.out.println("genAlt: " + i);
1913:                        // if we made a switch above, ignore what we already took care
1914:                        // of.  Specifically, LL(1) alts with no preds
1915:                        // that do not have end-of-token in their prediction set
1916:                        if (createdLL1Switch && suitableForCaseExpression(alt)) {
1917:                            if (DEBUG_CODE_GENERATOR)
1918:                                System.out
1919:                                        .println("ignoring alt because it was in the switch");
1920:                            continue;
1921:                        }
1922:                        String e;
1924:                        boolean unpredicted = false;
1926:                        if (grammar instanceof  LexerGrammar) {
1927:                            // Calculate the "effective depth" of the alt, which is the max
1928:                            // depth at which cache[depth]!=end-of-token
1929:                            int effectiveDepth = alt.lookaheadDepth;
1930:                            if (effectiveDepth == GrammarAnalyzer.NONDETERMINISTIC) {
1931:                                // use maximum lookahead
1932:                                effectiveDepth = grammar.maxk;
1933:                            }
1934:                            while (effectiveDepth >= 1
1935:                                    && alt.cache[effectiveDepth]
1936:                                            .containsEpsilon()) {
1937:                                effectiveDepth--;
1938:                            }
1939:                            // Ignore alts whose effective depth is other than the ones we
1940:                            // are generating for this iteration.
1941:                            if (effectiveDepth != altDepth) {
1942:                                if (DEBUG_CODE_GENERATOR)
1943:                                    System.out
1944:                                            .println("ignoring alt because effectiveDepth!=altDepth;"
1945:                                                    + effectiveDepth
1946:                                                    + "!="
1947:                                                    + altDepth);
1948:                                continue;
1949:                            }
1950:                            unpredicted = lookaheadIsEmpty(alt, effectiveDepth);
1951:                            e = getLookaheadTestExpression(alt, effectiveDepth);
1952:                        } else {
1953:                            unpredicted = lookaheadIsEmpty(alt, grammar.maxk);
1954:                            e = getLookaheadTestExpression(alt, grammar.maxk);
1955:                        }
1957:                        // Was it a big unicode range that forced unsuitability
1958:                        // for a case expression?
1959:                        if (alt.cache[1] > caseSizeThreshold
1960:                                && suitableForCaseExpression(alt)) {
1961:                            if (nIF == 0) {
1962:                                // generate this only for the first if the elseif's
1963:                                // are covered by this one
1964:                                if (grammar instanceof  TreeWalkerGrammar) {
1965:                                    println("if (_t == "
1966:                                            + labeledElementASTInit + " )");
1967:                                    tabs++;
1968:                                    println("_t = ASTNULL;");
1969:                                    tabs--;
1970:                                }
1971:                                println("if " + e + " {");
1972:                            } else
1973:                                println("else if " + e + " {");
1974:                        } else if (unpredicted && alt.semPred == null
1975:                                && alt.synPred == null) {
1976:                            // The alt has empty prediction set and no
1977:                            // predicate to help out.  if we have not
1978:                            // generated a previous if, just put {...} around
1979:                            // the end-of-token clause
1980:                            if (nIF == 0) {
1981:                                println("{");
1982:                            } else {
1983:                                println("else {");
1984:                            }
1985:                            finishingInfo.needAnErrorClause = false;
1986:                        } else {
1987:                            // check for sem and syn preds
1988:                            // Add any semantic predicate expression to the lookahead test
1989:                            if (alt.semPred != null) {
1990:                                // if debugging, wrap the evaluation of the predicate in a method
1991:                                //
1992:                                // translate $ and # references
1993:                                ActionTransInfo tInfo = new ActionTransInfo();
1994:                                String actionStr = processActionForSpecialSymbols(
1995:                                        alt.semPred, blk.line, currentRule,
1996:                                        tInfo);
1997:                                // ignore translation info...we don't need to do anything with it.
1999:                                // call that will inform SemanticPredicateListeners of the result
2000:                                if (((grammar instanceof  ParserGrammar) || (grammar instanceof  LexerGrammar))
2001:                                        && grammar.debuggingOutput)
2002:                                    e = "("
2003:                                            + e
2004:                                            + "&& fireSemanticPredicateEvaluated(antlr.debug.SemanticPredicateEvent.PREDICTING,"
2005:                                            + //FIXME
2006:                                            addSemPred(charFormatter
2007:                                                    .escapeString(actionStr))
2008:                                            + "," + actionStr + "))";
2009:                                else
2010:                                    e = "(" + e + "&&(" + actionStr + "))";
2011:                            }
2013:                            // Generate any syntactic predicates
2014:                            if (nIF > 0) {
2015:                                if (alt.synPred != null) {
2016:                                    println("else {");
2017:                                    tabs++;
2018:                                    genSynPred(alt.synPred, e);
2019:                                    closingBracesOfIFSequence++;
2020:                                } else {
2021:                                    println("else if " + e + " {");
2022:                                }
2023:                            } else {
2024:                                if (alt.synPred != null) {
2025:                                    genSynPred(alt.synPred, e);
2026:                                } else {
2027:                                    // when parsing trees, convert null to valid tree node
2028:                                    // with NULL lookahead.
2029:                                    if (grammar instanceof  TreeWalkerGrammar) {
2030:                                        println("if (_t == "
2031:                                                + labeledElementASTInit + " )");
2032:                                        tabs++;
2033:                                        println("_t = ASTNULL;");
2034:                                        tabs--;
2035:                                    }
2036:                                    println("if " + e + " {");
2037:                                }
2038:                            }
2040:                        }
2042:                        nIF++;
2043:                        tabs++;
2044:                        genAlt(alt, blk);
2045:                        tabs--;
2046:                        println("}");
2047:                    }
2048:                }
2049:                String ps = "";
2050:                for (int i = 1; i <= closingBracesOfIFSequence; i++) {
2051:                    tabs--; // does JavaCodeGenerator need this?
2052:                    ps += "}";
2053:                }
2055:                // Restore the AST generation state
2056:                genAST = savegenAST;
2058:                // restore save text state
2059:                saveText = oldsaveTest;
2061:                // Return the finishing info.
2062:                if (createdLL1Switch) {
2063:                    tabs--;
2064:                    finishingInfo.postscript = ps + "}";
2065:                    finishingInfo.generatedSwitch = true;
2066:                    finishingInfo.generatedAnIf = nIF > 0;
2067:                    //return new CppBlockFinishingInfo(ps+"}",true,nIF>0); // close up switch statement
2069:                } else {
2070:                    finishingInfo.postscript = ps;
2071:                    finishingInfo.generatedSwitch = false;
2072:                    finishingInfo.generatedAnIf = nIF > 0;
2073:                    //return new CppBlockFinishingInfo(ps, false,nIF>0);
2074:                }
2075:                return finishingInfo;
2076:            }
2078:            private static boolean suitableForCaseExpression(Alternative a) {
2079:                return a.lookaheadDepth == 1 && a.semPred == null
2080:                        && !a.cache[1].containsEpsilon()
2081:                        && a.cache[1] <= caseSizeThreshold;
2082:            }
2084:            /** Generate code to link an element reference into the AST
2085:             */
2086:            private void genElementAST(AlternativeElement el) {
2088:                // handle case where you're not building trees, but are in tree walker.
2089:                // Just need to get labels set up.
2090:                if (grammar instanceof  TreeWalkerGrammar && !grammar.buildAST) {
2091:                    String elementRef;
2092:                    String astName;
2094:                    // Generate names and declarations of the AST variable(s)
2095:                    if (el.getLabel() == null) {
2096:                        elementRef = lt1Value;
2097:                        // Generate AST variables for unlabeled stuff
2098:                        astName = "tmp" + astVarNumber + "_AST";
2099:                        astVarNumber++;
2100:                        // Map the generated AST variable in the alternate
2101:                        mapTreeVariable(el, astName);
2102:                        // Generate an "input" AST variable also
2103:                        println(labeledElementASTType + " " + astName
2104:                                + "_in = " + elementRef + ";");
2105:                    }
2106:                    return;
2107:                }
2109:                if (grammar.buildAST && syntacticPredLevel == 0) {
2110:                    boolean needASTDecl = (genAST && (el.getLabel() != null || el
2111:                            .getAutoGenType() != GrammarElement.AUTO_GEN_BANG));
2113:                    // RK: if we have a grammar element always generate the decl
2114:                    // since some guy can access it from an action and we can't
2115:                    // peek ahead (well not without making a mess).
2116:                    // I'd prefer taking this out.
2117:                    if (el.getAutoGenType() != GrammarElement.AUTO_GEN_BANG
2118:                            && (el instanceof  TokenRefElement))
2119:                        needASTDecl = true;
2121:                    boolean doNoGuessTest = (grammar.hasSyntacticPredicate && needASTDecl);
2123:                    String elementRef;
2124:                    String astNameBase;
2126:                    // Generate names and declarations of the AST variable(s)
2127:                    if (el.getLabel() != null) {
2128:                        // if the element is labeled use that name...
2129:                        elementRef = el.getLabel();
2130:                        astNameBase = el.getLabel();
2131:                    } else {
2132:                        // else generate a temporary name...
2133:                        elementRef = lt1Value;
2134:                        // Generate AST variables for unlabeled stuff
2135:                        astNameBase = "tmp" + astVarNumber;
2136:                        astVarNumber++;
2137:                    }
2139:                    // Generate the declaration if required.
2140:                    if (needASTDecl) {
2141:                        if (el instanceof  GrammarAtom) {
2142:                            GrammarAtom ga = (GrammarAtom) el;
2143:                            if (ga.getASTNodeType() != null) {
2144:                                genASTDeclaration(el, astNameBase, "Ref"
2145:                                        + ga.getASTNodeType());
2146:                                //						println("Ref"+ga.getASTNodeType()+" " + astName + ";");
2147:                            } else {
2148:                                genASTDeclaration(el, astNameBase,
2149:                                        labeledElementASTType);
2150:                                //						println(labeledElementASTType+" " + astName + " = "+labeledElementASTInit+";");
2151:                            }
2152:                        } else {
2153:                            genASTDeclaration(el, astNameBase,
2154:                                    labeledElementASTType);
2155:                            //					println(labeledElementASTType+" " + astName + " = "+labeledElementASTInit+";");
2156:                        }
2157:                    }
2159:                    // for convenience..
2160:                    String astName = astNameBase + "_AST";
2162:                    // Map the generated AST variable in the alternate
2163:                    mapTreeVariable(el, astName);
2164:                    if (grammar instanceof  TreeWalkerGrammar) {
2165:                        // Generate an "input" AST variable also
2166:                        println(labeledElementASTType + " " + astName
2167:                                + "_in = " + labeledElementASTInit + ";");
2168:                    }
2170:                    // Enclose actions with !guessing
2171:                    if (doNoGuessTest) {
2172:                        println("if ( inputState->guessing == 0 ) {");
2173:                        tabs++;
2174:                    }
2176:                    // if something has a label assume it will be used
2177:                    // so we must initialize the RefAST
2178:                    if (el.getLabel() != null) {
2179:                        if (el instanceof  GrammarAtom) {
2180:                            println(astName
2181:                                    + " = "
2182:                                    + getASTCreateString((GrammarAtom) el,
2183:                                            elementRef) + ";");
2184:                        } else {
2185:                            println(astName + " = "
2186:                                    + getASTCreateString(elementRef) + ";");
2187:                        }
2188:                    }
2190:                    // if it has no label but a declaration exists initialize it.
2191:                    if (el.getLabel() == null && needASTDecl) {
2192:                        elementRef = lt1Value;
2193:                        if (el instanceof  GrammarAtom) {
2194:                            println(astName
2195:                                    + " = "
2196:                                    + getASTCreateString((GrammarAtom) el,
2197:                                            elementRef) + ";");
2198:                        } else {
2199:                            println(astName + " = "
2200:                                    + getASTCreateString(elementRef) + ";");
2201:                        }
2202:                        // Map the generated AST variable in the alternate
2203:                        if (grammar instanceof  TreeWalkerGrammar) {
2204:                            // set "input" AST variable also
2205:                            println(astName + "_in = " + elementRef + ";");
2206:                        }
2207:                    }
2209:                    if (genAST) {
2210:                        switch (el.getAutoGenType()) {
2211:                        case GrammarElement.AUTO_GEN_NONE:
2212:                            if (usingCustomAST
2213:                                    || (el instanceof  GrammarAtom && ((GrammarAtom) el)
2214:                                            .getASTNodeType() != null))
2215:                                println("astFactory->addASTChild(currentAST, static_cast<"
2216:                                        + namespaceAntlr
2217:                                        + "RefAST>("
2218:                                        + astName
2219:                                        + "));");
2220:                            else
2221:                                println("astFactory->addASTChild(currentAST, "
2222:                                        + astName + ");");
2223:                            //						println("astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, "+namespaceAntlr+"RefAST(" + astName + "));");
2224:                            break;
2225:                        case GrammarElement.AUTO_GEN_CARET:
2226:                            if (usingCustomAST
2227:                                    || (el instanceof  GrammarAtom && ((GrammarAtom) el)
2228:                                            .getASTNodeType() != null))
2229:                                println("astFactory->makeASTRoot(currentAST, static_cast<"
2230:                                        + namespaceAntlr
2231:                                        + "RefAST>("
2232:                                        + astName
2233:                                        + "));");
2234:                            else
2235:                                println("astFactory->makeASTRoot(currentAST, "
2236:                                        + astName + ");");
2237:                            break;
2238:                        default:
2239:                            break;
2240:                        }
2241:                    }
2242:                    if (doNoGuessTest) {
2243:                        tabs--;
2244:                        println("}");
2245:                    }
2246:                }
2247:            }
2249:            /** Close the try block and generate catch phrases
2250:             * if the element has a labeled handler in the rule
2251:             */
2252:            private void genErrorCatchForElement(AlternativeElement el) {
2253:                if (el.getLabel() == null)
2254:                    return;
2255:                String r = el.enclosingRuleName;
2256:                if (grammar instanceof  LexerGrammar) {
2257:                    r = CodeGenerator.encodeLexerRuleName(el.enclosingRuleName);
2258:                }
2259:                RuleSymbol rs = (RuleSymbol) grammar.getSymbol(r);
2260:                if (rs == null) {
2261:                    antlrTool.panic("Enclosing rule not found!");
2262:                }
2263:                ExceptionSpec ex = rs.block.findExceptionSpec(el.getLabel());
2264:                if (ex != null) {
2265:                    tabs--;
2266:                    println("}");
2267:                    genErrorHandler(ex);
2268:                }
2269:            }
2271:            /** Generate the catch phrases for a user-specified error handler */
2272:            private void genErrorHandler(ExceptionSpec ex) {
2273:                // Each ExceptionHandler in the ExceptionSpec is a separate catch
2274:                for (int i = 0; i < ex.handlers.size(); i++) {
2275:                    ExceptionHandler handler = (ExceptionHandler) ex.handlers
2276:                            .elementAt(i);
2277:                    // Generate catch phrase
2278:                    println("catch (" + handler.exceptionTypeAndName.getText()
2279:                            + ") {");
2280:                    tabs++;
2281:                    if (grammar.hasSyntacticPredicate) {
2282:                        println("if (inputState->guessing==0) {");
2283:                        tabs++;
2284:                    }
2286:                    // When not guessing, execute user handler action
2287:                    ActionTransInfo tInfo = new ActionTransInfo();
2288:                    genLineNo(handler.action);
2289:                    printAction(processActionForSpecialSymbols(handler.action
2290:                            .getText(), handler.action.getLine(), currentRule,
2291:                            tInfo));
2292:                    genLineNo2();
2294:                    if (grammar.hasSyntacticPredicate) {
2295:                        tabs--;
2296:                        println("} else {");
2297:                        tabs++;
2298:                        // When guessing, rethrow exception
2299:                        println("throw;");
2300:                        tabs--;
2301:                        println("}");
2302:                    }
2303:                    // Close catch phrase
2304:                    tabs--;
2305:                    println("}");
2306:                }
2307:            }
2309:            /** Generate a try { opening if the element has a labeled handler in the rule */
2310:            private void genErrorTryForElement(AlternativeElement el) {
2311:                if (el.getLabel() == null)
2312:                    return;
2313:                String r = el.enclosingRuleName;
2314:                if (grammar instanceof  LexerGrammar) {
2315:                    r = CodeGenerator.encodeLexerRuleName(el.enclosingRuleName);
2316:                }
2317:                RuleSymbol rs = (RuleSymbol) grammar.getSymbol(r);
2318:                if (rs == null) {
2319:                    antlrTool.panic("Enclosing rule not found!");
2320:                }
2321:                ExceptionSpec ex = rs.block.findExceptionSpec(el.getLabel());
2322:                if (ex != null) {
2323:                    println("try { // for error handling");
2324:                    tabs++;
2325:                }
2326:            }
2328:            /** Generate a header that is common to all C++ files */
2329:            protected void genHeader(String fileName) {
2330:                println("/* $ANTLR " + antlrTool.version + ": " + "\""
2331:                        + antlrTool.fileMinusPath(antlrTool.grammarFile) + "\""
2332:                        + " -> " + "\"" + fileName + "\"$ */");
2333:            }
2335:            // these are unique to C++ mode
2336:            public void genInclude(LexerGrammar g) throws IOException {
2337:                outputFile = grammar.getClassName() + ".hpp";
2338:                outputLine = 1;
2339:                currentOutput = antlrTool.openOutputFile(outputFile);
2340:                //SAS: changed for proper text file io
2342:                genAST = false; // no way to gen trees.
2343:                saveText = true; // save consumed characters.
2345:                tabs = 0;
2347:                // Generate a guard wrapper
2348:                println("#ifndef INC_" + grammar.getClassName() + "_hpp_");
2349:                println("#define INC_" + grammar.getClassName() + "_hpp_");
2350:                println("");
2352:                printHeaderAction(preIncludeHpp);
2354:                println("#include <antlr/config.hpp>");
2356:                // Generate header common to all C++ output files
2357:                genHeader(outputFile);
2359:                // Generate header specific to lexer header file
2360:                println("#include <antlr/CommonToken.hpp>");
2361:                println("#include <antlr/InputBuffer.hpp>");
2362:                println("#include <antlr/BitSet.hpp>");
2363:                println("#include \"" + grammar.tokenManager.getName()
2364:                        + TokenTypesFileSuffix + ".hpp\"");
2366:                // Find the name of the super class
2367:                String sup = null;
2368:                if (grammar.super Class != null) {
2369:                    sup = grammar.super Class;
2370:                    println("#include \"" + sup + ".hpp\"");
2371:                } else {
2372:                    sup = grammar.getSuperClass();
2373:                    if (sup.lastIndexOf('.') != -1)
2374:                        sup = sup.substring(sup.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
2375:                    println("#include <antlr/" + sup + ".hpp>");
2376:                    sup = namespaceAntlr + sup;
2377:                }
2379:                // Do not use printAction because we assume tabs==0
2380:                printHeaderAction(postIncludeHpp);
2382:                if (nameSpace != null)
2383:                    nameSpace.emitDeclarations(currentOutput);
2385:                printHeaderAction("");
2387:                // print javadoc comment if any
2388:                if (grammar.comment != null) {
2389:                    _println(grammar.comment);
2390:                }
2392:                // Generate lexer class definition
2393:                print("class " + grammar.getClassName() + " : public " + sup);
2394:                println(", public " + grammar.tokenManager.getName()
2395:                        + TokenTypesFileSuffix);
2397:                Token tsuffix = (Token) grammar.options
2398:                        .get("classHeaderSuffix");
2399:                if (tsuffix != null) {
2400:                    String suffix = StringUtils.stripFrontBack(tsuffix
2401:                            .getText(), "\"", "\"");
2402:                    if (suffix != null) {
2403:                        print(", " + suffix); // must be an interface name for Java
2404:                    }
2405:                }
2406:                println("{");
2408:                // Generate user-defined lexer class members
2409:                if (grammar.classMemberAction != null) {
2410:                    genLineNo(grammar.classMemberAction);
2411:                    print(processActionForSpecialSymbols(
2412:                            grammar.classMemberAction.getText(),
2413:                            grammar.classMemberAction.getLine(), currentRule,
2414:                            null));
2415:                    genLineNo2();
2416:                }
2418:                // Generate initLiterals() method
2419:                tabs = 0;
2420:                println("private:");
2421:                tabs = 1;
2422:                println("void initLiterals();");
2424:                // Generate getCaseSensitiveLiterals() method
2425:                tabs = 0;
2426:                println("public:");
2427:                tabs = 1;
2428:                println("bool getCaseSensitiveLiterals() const");
2429:                println("{");
2430:                tabs++;
2431:                println("return " + g.caseSensitiveLiterals + ";");
2432:                tabs--;
2433:                println("}");
2435:                // Make constructors public
2436:                tabs = 0;
2437:                println("public:");
2438:                tabs = 1;
2440:                if (noConstructors) {
2441:                    tabs = 0;
2442:                    println("#if 0");
2443:                    println("// constructor creation turned of with 'noConstructor' option");
2444:                    tabs = 1;
2445:                }
2447:                // Generate the constructor from std::istream
2448:                println(grammar.getClassName() + "(" + namespaceStd
2449:                        + "istream& in);");
2451:                // Generate the constructor from InputBuffer
2452:                println(grammar.getClassName() + "(" + namespaceAntlr
2453:                        + "InputBuffer& ib);");
2455:                println(grammar.getClassName() + "(const " + namespaceAntlr
2456:                        + "LexerSharedInputState& state);");
2457:                if (noConstructors) {
2458:                    tabs = 0;
2459:                    println("// constructor creation turned of with 'noConstructor' option");
2460:                    println("#endif");
2461:                    tabs = 1;
2462:                }
2464:                // Generate nextToken() rule.
2465:                // nextToken() is a synthetic lexer rule that is the implicit OR of all
2466:                // user-defined lexer rules.
2467:                println(namespaceAntlr + "RefToken nextToken();");
2469:                // Generate code for each rule in the lexer
2470:                Enumeration ids = grammar.rules.elements();
2471:                while (ids.hasMoreElements()) {
2472:                    RuleSymbol sym = (RuleSymbol) ids.nextElement();
2473:                    // Don't generate the synthetic rules
2474:                    if (!sym.getId().equals("mnextToken")) {
2475:                        genRuleHeader(sym, false);
2476:                    }
2477:                    exitIfError();
2478:                }
2480:                // Make the rest private
2481:                tabs = 0;
2482:                println("private:");
2483:                tabs = 1;
2485:                // generate the rule name array for debugging
2486:                if (grammar.debuggingOutput) {
2487:                    println("static const char* _ruleNames[];");
2488:                }
2490:                // Generate the semantic predicate map for debugging
2491:                if (grammar.debuggingOutput)
2492:                    println("static const char* _semPredNames[];");
2494:                // Generate the bitsets used throughout the lexer
2495:                genBitsetsHeader(bitsetsUsed,
2496:                        ((LexerGrammar) grammar).charVocabulary.size());
2498:                tabs = 0;
2499:                println("};");
2500:                println("");
2501:                if (nameSpace != null)
2502:                    nameSpace.emitClosures(currentOutput);
2504:                // Generate a guard wrapper
2505:                println("#endif /*INC_" + grammar.getClassName() + "_hpp_*/");
2507:                // Close the lexer output stream
2508:                currentOutput.close();
2509:                currentOutput = null;
2510:            }
2512:            public void genInclude(ParserGrammar g) throws IOException {
2513:                // Open the output stream for the parser and set the currentOutput
2514:                outputFile = grammar.getClassName() + ".hpp";
2515:                outputLine = 1;
2516:                currentOutput = antlrTool.openOutputFile(outputFile);
2517:                //SAS: changed for proper text file io
2519:                genAST = grammar.buildAST;
2521:                tabs = 0;
2523:                // Generate a guard wrapper
2524:                println("#ifndef INC_" + grammar.getClassName() + "_hpp_");
2525:                println("#define INC_" + grammar.getClassName() + "_hpp_");
2526:                println("");
2527:                printHeaderAction(preIncludeHpp);
2528:                println("#include <antlr/config.hpp>");
2530:                // Generate the header common to all output files.
2531:                genHeader(outputFile);
2533:                // Generate header for the parser
2534:                println("#include <antlr/TokenStream.hpp>");
2535:                println("#include <antlr/TokenBuffer.hpp>");
2536:                println("#include \"" + grammar.tokenManager.getName()
2537:                        + TokenTypesFileSuffix + ".hpp\"");
2539:                // Generate parser class definition
2540:                String sup = null;
2541:                if (grammar.super Class != null) {
2542:                    sup = grammar.super Class;
2543:                    println("#include \"" + sup + ".hpp\"");
2544:                } else {
2545:                    sup = grammar.getSuperClass();
2546:                    if (sup.lastIndexOf('.') != -1)
2547:                        sup = sup.substring(sup.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
2548:                    println("#include <antlr/" + sup + ".hpp>");
2549:                    sup = namespaceAntlr + sup;
2550:                }
2551:                println("");
2553:                // Do not use printAction because we assume tabs==0
2554:                printHeaderAction(postIncludeHpp);
2556:                if (nameSpace != null)
2557:                    nameSpace.emitDeclarations(currentOutput);
2559:                printHeaderAction("");
2561:                // print javadoc comment if any
2562:                if (grammar.comment != null) {
2563:                    _println(grammar.comment);
2564:                }
2566:                // generate the actual class definition
2567:                print("class " + grammar.getClassName() + " : public " + sup);
2568:                println(", public " + grammar.tokenManager.getName()
2569:                        + TokenTypesFileSuffix);
2571:                Token tsuffix = (Token) grammar.options
2572:                        .get("classHeaderSuffix");
2573:                if (tsuffix != null) {
2574:                    String suffix = StringUtils.stripFrontBack(tsuffix
2575:                            .getText(), "\"", "\"");
2576:                    if (suffix != null)
2577:                        print(", " + suffix); // must be an interface name for Java
2578:                }
2579:                println("{");
2581:                // set up an array of all the rule names so the debugger can
2582:                // keep track of them only by number -- less to store in tree...
2583:                if (grammar.debuggingOutput) {
2584:                    println("public: static const char* _ruleNames[];");
2585:                }
2586:                // Generate user-defined parser class members
2587:                if (grammar.classMemberAction != null) {
2588:                    genLineNo(grammar.classMemberAction.getLine());
2589:                    print(processActionForSpecialSymbols(
2590:                            grammar.classMemberAction.getText(),
2591:                            grammar.classMemberAction.getLine(), currentRule,
2592:                            null));
2593:                    genLineNo2();
2594:                }
2595:                println("public:");
2596:                tabs = 1;
2597:                println("void initializeASTFactory( " + namespaceAntlr
2598:                        + "ASTFactory& factory );");
2599:                //		println("// called from constructors");
2600:                //		println("void _initialize( void );");
2602:                // Generate parser class constructor from TokenBuffer
2603:                tabs = 0;
2604:                if (noConstructors) {
2605:                    println("#if 0");
2606:                    println("// constructor creation turned of with 'noConstructor' option");
2607:                }
2608:                println("protected:");
2609:                tabs = 1;
2610:                println(grammar.getClassName() + "(" + namespaceAntlr
2611:                        + "TokenBuffer& tokenBuf, int k);");
2612:                tabs = 0;
2613:                println("public:");
2614:                tabs = 1;
2615:                println(grammar.getClassName() + "(" + namespaceAntlr
2616:                        + "TokenBuffer& tokenBuf);");
2618:                // Generate parser class constructor from TokenStream
2619:                tabs = 0;
2620:                println("protected:");
2621:                tabs = 1;
2622:                println(grammar.getClassName() + "(" + namespaceAntlr
2623:                        + "TokenStream& lexer, int k);");
2624:                tabs = 0;
2625:                println("public:");
2626:                tabs = 1;
2627:                println(grammar.getClassName() + "(" + namespaceAntlr
2628:                        + "TokenStream& lexer);");
2630:                println(grammar.getClassName() + "(const " + namespaceAntlr
2631:                        + "ParserSharedInputState& state);");
2632:                if (noConstructors) {
2633:                    tabs = 0;
2634:                    println("// constructor creation turned of with 'noConstructor' option");
2635:                    println("#endif");
2636:                    tabs = 1;
2637:                }
2639:                println("int getNumTokens() const");
2640:                println("{");
2641:                tabs++;
2642:                println("return " + grammar.getClassName() + "::NUM_TOKENS;");
2643:                tabs--;
2644:                println("}");
2645:                println("const char* getTokenName( int type ) const");
2646:                println("{");
2647:                tabs++;
2648:                println("if( type > getNumTokens() ) return 0;");
2649:                println("return " + grammar.getClassName()
2650:                        + "::tokenNames[type];");
2651:                tabs--;
2652:                println("}");
2653:                println("const char* const* getTokenNames() const");
2654:                println("{");
2655:                tabs++;
2656:                println("return " + grammar.getClassName() + "::tokenNames;");
2657:                tabs--;
2658:                println("}");
2660:                // Generate code for each rule in the grammar
2661:                Enumeration ids = grammar.rules.elements();
2662:                while (ids.hasMoreElements()) {
2663:                    GrammarSymbol sym = (GrammarSymbol) ids.nextElement();
2664:                    if (sym instanceof  RuleSymbol) {
2665:                        RuleSymbol rs = (RuleSymbol) sym;
2666:                        genRuleHeader(rs, rs.references.size() == 0);
2667:                    }
2668:                    exitIfError();
2669:                }
2671:                if (usingCustomAST) {
2672:                    // when we are using a custom ast override Parser::getAST to return the
2673:                    // custom AST type
2674:                    tabs = 0;
2675:                    println("public:");
2676:                    tabs = 1;
2677:                    println(labeledElementASTType + " getAST();");
2678:                    println("");
2679:                    tabs = 0;
2680:                    println("protected:");
2681:                    tabs = 1;
2682:                    println(labeledElementASTType + " returnAST;");
2683:                }
2684:                // Make the rest private
2685:                tabs = 0;
2686:                println("private:");
2687:                tabs = 1;
2689:                // Generate the token names
2690:                println("static const char* tokenNames[];");
2691:                // and how many there are of them
2692:                _println("#ifndef NO_STATIC_CONSTS");
2693:                println("static const int NUM_TOKENS = "
2694:                        + grammar.tokenManager.getVocabulary().size() + ";");
2695:                _println("#else");
2696:                println("enum {");
2697:                println("\tNUM_TOKENS = "
2698:                        + grammar.tokenManager.getVocabulary().size());
2699:                println("};");
2700:                _println("#endif");
2702:                // Generate the bitsets used throughout the grammar
2703:                genBitsetsHeader(bitsetsUsed, grammar.tokenManager
2704:                        .maxTokenType());
2706:                // Generate the semantic predicate map for debugging
2707:                if (grammar.debuggingOutput)
2708:                    println("static const char* _semPredNames[];");
2710:                // Close class definition
2711:                tabs = 0;
2712:                println("};");
2713:                println("");
2714:                if (nameSpace != null)
2715:                    nameSpace.emitClosures(currentOutput);
2717:                // Generate a guard wrapper
2718:                println("#endif /*INC_" + grammar.getClassName() + "_hpp_*/");
2720:                // Close the parser output stream
2721:                currentOutput.close();
2722:                currentOutput = null;
2723:            }
2725:            public void genInclude(TreeWalkerGrammar g) throws IOException {
2726:                // Open the output stream for the parser and set the currentOutput
2727:                outputFile = grammar.getClassName() + ".hpp";
2728:                outputLine = 1;
2729:                currentOutput = antlrTool.openOutputFile(outputFile);
2730:                //SAS: changed for proper text file io
2732:                genAST = grammar.buildAST;
2733:                tabs = 0;
2735:                // Generate a guard wrapper
2736:                println("#ifndef INC_" + grammar.getClassName() + "_hpp_");
2737:                println("#define INC_" + grammar.getClassName() + "_hpp_");
2738:                println("");
2739:                printHeaderAction(preIncludeHpp);
2740:                println("#include <antlr/config.hpp>");
2741:                println("#include \"" + grammar.tokenManager.getName()
2742:                        + TokenTypesFileSuffix + ".hpp\"");
2744:                // Generate the header common to all output files.
2745:                genHeader(outputFile);
2747:                // Find the name of the super class
2748:                String sup = null;
2749:                if (grammar.super Class != null) {
2750:                    sup = grammar.super Class;
2751:                    println("#include \"" + sup + ".hpp\"");
2752:                } else {
2753:                    sup = grammar.getSuperClass();
2754:                    if (sup.lastIndexOf('.') != -1)
2755:                        sup = sup.substring(sup.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
2756:                    println("#include <antlr/" + sup + ".hpp>");
2757:                    sup = namespaceAntlr + sup;
2758:                }
2759:                println("");
2761:                // Generate header for the parser
2762:                //
2763:                // Do not use printAction because we assume tabs==0
2764:                printHeaderAction(postIncludeHpp);
2766:                if (nameSpace != null)
2767:                    nameSpace.emitDeclarations(currentOutput);
2769:                printHeaderAction("");
2771:                // print javadoc comment if any
2772:                if (grammar.comment != null) {
2773:                    _println(grammar.comment);
2774:                }
2776:                // Generate parser class definition
2777:                print("class " + grammar.getClassName() + " : public " + sup);
2778:                println(", public " + grammar.tokenManager.getName()
2779:                        + TokenTypesFileSuffix);
2781:                Token tsuffix = (Token) grammar.options
2782:                        .get("classHeaderSuffix");
2783:                if (tsuffix != null) {
2784:                    String suffix = StringUtils.stripFrontBack(tsuffix
2785:                            .getText(), "\"", "\"");
2786:                    if (suffix != null) {
2787:                        print(", " + suffix); // must be an interface name for Java
2788:                    }
2789:                }
2790:                println("{");
2792:                // Generate user-defined parser class members
2793:                if (grammar.classMemberAction != null) {
2794:                    genLineNo(grammar.classMemberAction.getLine());
2795:                    print(processActionForSpecialSymbols(
2796:                            grammar.classMemberAction.getText(),
2797:                            grammar.classMemberAction.getLine(), currentRule,
2798:                            null));
2799:                    genLineNo2();
2800:                }
2802:                // Generate default parser class constructor
2803:                tabs = 0;
2804:                println("public:");
2806:                if (noConstructors) {
2807:                    println("#if 0");
2808:                    println("// constructor creation turned of with 'noConstructor' option");
2809:                }
2810:                tabs = 1;
2811:                println(grammar.getClassName() + "();");
2812:                if (noConstructors) {
2813:                    tabs = 0;
2814:                    println("#endif");
2815:                    tabs = 1;
2816:                }
2818:                // Generate declaration for the initializeFactory method
2819:                println("void initializeASTFactory( " + namespaceAntlr
2820:                        + "ASTFactory& factory );");
2822:                println("int getNumTokens() const");
2823:                println("{");
2824:                tabs++;
2825:                println("return " + grammar.getClassName() + "::NUM_TOKENS;");
2826:                tabs--;
2827:                println("}");
2828:                println("const char* getTokenName( int type ) const");
2829:                println("{");
2830:                tabs++;
2831:                println("if( type > getNumTokens() ) return 0;");
2832:                println("return " + grammar.getClassName()
2833:                        + "::tokenNames[type];");
2834:                tabs--;
2835:                println("}");
2837:                // Generate code for each rule in the grammar
2838:                Enumeration ids = grammar.rules.elements();
2839:                String ruleNameInits = "";
2840:                while (ids.hasMoreElements()) {
2841:                    GrammarSymbol sym = (GrammarSymbol) ids.nextElement();
2842:                    if (sym instanceof  RuleSymbol) {
2843:                        RuleSymbol rs = (RuleSymbol) sym;
2844:                        genRuleHeader(rs, rs.references.size() == 0);
2845:                    }
2846:                    exitIfError();
2847:                }
2848:                if (usingCustomAST) {
2849:                    // when we are using a custom ast override TreeParser::getAST to return the
2850:                    // custom AST type
2851:                    tabs = 0;
2852:                    println("public:");
2853:                    tabs = 1;
2854:                    println(labeledElementASTType + " getAST();");
2855:                    println("");
2856:                    tabs = 0;
2857:                    println("protected:");
2858:                    tabs = 1;
2859:                    println(labeledElementASTType + " returnAST;");
2860:                    println(labeledElementASTType + " _retTree;");
2861:                }
2863:                // Make the rest private
2864:                tabs = 0;
2865:                println("private:");
2866:                tabs = 1;
2868:                // Generate the token names
2869:                println("static const char* tokenNames[];");
2870:                // and how many there are of them
2871:                _println("#ifndef NO_STATIC_CONSTS");
2872:                println("static const int NUM_TOKENS = "
2873:                        + grammar.tokenManager.getVocabulary().size() + ";");
2874:                _println("#else");
2875:                println("enum {");
2876:                println("\tNUM_TOKENS = "
2877:                        + grammar.tokenManager.getVocabulary().size());
2878:                println("};");
2879:                _println("#endif");
2881:                // Generate the bitsets used throughout the grammar
2882:                genBitsetsHeader(bitsetsUsed, grammar.tokenManager
2883:                        .maxTokenType());
2885:                // Close class definition
2886:                tabs = 0;
2887:                println("};");
2888:                println("");
2889:                if (nameSpace != null)
2890:                    nameSpace.emitClosures(currentOutput);
2892:                // Generate a guard wrapper
2893:                println("#endif /*INC_" + grammar.getClassName() + "_hpp_*/");
2895:                // Close the parser output stream
2896:                currentOutput.close();
2897:                currentOutput = null;
2898:            }
2900:            /// for convenience
2901:            protected void genASTDeclaration(AlternativeElement el) {
2902:                genASTDeclaration(el, labeledElementASTType);
2903:            }
2905:            /// for convenience
2906:            protected void genASTDeclaration(AlternativeElement el,
2907:                    String node_type) {
2908:                genASTDeclaration(el, el.getLabel(), node_type);
2909:            }
2911:            /// Generate (if not already done) a declaration for the AST for el.
2912:            protected void genASTDeclaration(AlternativeElement el,
2913:                    String var_name, String node_type) {
2914:                // already declared?
2915:                if (declaredASTVariables.contains(el))
2916:                    return;
2918:                String init = labeledElementASTInit;
2920:                if (el instanceof  GrammarAtom
2921:                        && ((GrammarAtom) el).getASTNodeType() != null)
2922:                    init = "static_cast<Ref"
2923:                            + ((GrammarAtom) el).getASTNodeType() + ">("
2924:                            + labeledElementASTInit + ")";
2926:                // emit code
2927:                println(node_type + " " + var_name + "_AST = " + init + ";");
2929:                // mark as declared
2930:                declaredASTVariables.add(el);
2931:            }
2933:            private void genLiteralsTest() {
2934:                println("_ttype = testLiteralsTable(_ttype);");
2935:            }
2937:            private void genLiteralsTestForPartialToken() {
2938:                println("_ttype = testLiteralsTable(text.substr(_begin, text.length()-_begin),_ttype);");
2939:            }
2941:            protected void genMatch(BitSet b) {
2942:            }
2944:            protected void genMatch(GrammarAtom atom) {
2945:                if (atom instanceof  StringLiteralElement) {
2946:                    if (grammar instanceof  LexerGrammar) {
2947:                        genMatchUsingAtomText(atom);
2948:                    } else {
2949:                        genMatchUsingAtomTokenType(atom);
2950:                    }
2951:                } else if (atom instanceof  CharLiteralElement) {
2952:                    if (grammar instanceof  LexerGrammar) {
2953:                        genMatchUsingAtomText(atom);
2954:                    } else {
2955:                        antlrTool
2956:                                .error("cannot ref character literals in grammar: "
2957:                                        + atom);
2958:                    }
2959:                } else if (atom instanceof  TokenRefElement) {
2960:                    genMatchUsingAtomText(atom);
2961:                } else if (atom instanceof  WildcardElement) {
2962:                    gen((WildcardElement) atom);
2963:                }
2964:            }
2966:            protected void genMatchUsingAtomText(GrammarAtom atom) {
2967:                // match() for trees needs the _t cursor
2968:                String astArgs = "";
2969:                if (grammar instanceof  TreeWalkerGrammar) {
2970:                    if (usingCustomAST)
2971:                        astArgs = "static_cast<" + namespaceAntlr + "RefAST"
2972:                                + ">(_t),";
2973:                    else
2974:                        astArgs = "_t,";
2975:                }
2977:                // if in lexer and ! on element, save buffer index to kill later
2978:                if (grammar instanceof  LexerGrammar
2979:                        && (!saveText || atom.getAutoGenType() == GrammarElement.AUTO_GEN_BANG)) {
2980:                    println("_saveIndex=text.length();");
2981:                }
2983:                print(atom.not ? "matchNot(" : "match(");
2984:                _print(astArgs);
2986:                // print out what to match
2987:                if (atom.atomText.equals("EOF")) {
2988:                    // horrible hack to handle EOF case
2989:                    _print(namespaceAntlr + "Token::EOF_TYPE");
2990:                } else {
2991:                    _print(textOrChar(atom.atomText));
2992:                }
2993:                _println(");");
2995:                if (grammar instanceof  LexerGrammar
2996:                        && (!saveText || atom.getAutoGenType() == GrammarElement.AUTO_GEN_BANG)) {
2997:                    println("text.erase(_saveIndex);"); // kill text atom put in buffer
2998:                }
2999:            }
3001:            protected void genMatchUsingAtomTokenType(GrammarAtom atom) {
3002:                // match() for trees needs the _t cursor
3003:                String astArgs = "";
3004:                if (grammar instanceof  TreeWalkerGrammar) {
3005:                    if (usingCustomAST)
3006:                        astArgs = "static_cast<" + namespaceAntlr + "RefAST"
3007:                                + ">(_t),";
3008:                    else
3009:                        astArgs = "_t,";
3010:                }
3012:                // If the literal can be mangled, generate the symbolic constant instead
3013:                String mangledName = null;
3014:                String s = astArgs + getValueString(atom.getType());
3016:                // matching
3017:                println((atom.not ? "matchNot(" : "match(") + s + ");");
3018:            }
3020:            /** Generate the nextToken() rule.
3021:             * nextToken() is a synthetic lexer rule that is the implicit OR of all
3022:             * user-defined lexer rules.
3023:             * @param RuleBlock
3024:             */
3025:            public void genNextToken() {
3026:                // Are there any public rules?  If not, then just generate a
3027:                // fake nextToken().
3028:                boolean hasPublicRules = false;
3029:                for (int i = 0; i < grammar.rules.size(); i++) {
3030:                    RuleSymbol rs = (RuleSymbol) grammar.rules.elementAt(i);
3031:                    if (rs.isDefined() && rs.access.equals("public")) {
3032:                        hasPublicRules = true;
3033:                        break;
3034:                    }
3035:                }
3036:                if (!hasPublicRules) {
3037:                    println("");
3038:                    println(namespaceAntlr + "RefToken "
3039:                            + grammar.getClassName()
3040:                            + "::nextToken() { return " + namespaceAntlr
3041:                            + "RefToken(new " + namespaceAntlr + "CommonToken("
3042:                            + namespaceAntlr + "Token::EOF_TYPE, \"\")); }");
3043:                    println("");
3044:                    return;
3045:                }
3047:                // Create the synthesized nextToken() rule
3048:                RuleBlock nextTokenBlk = MakeGrammar.createNextTokenRule(
3049:                        grammar, grammar.rules, "nextToken");
3050:                // Define the nextToken rule symbol
3051:                RuleSymbol nextTokenRs = new RuleSymbol("mnextToken");
3052:                nextTokenRs.setDefined();
3053:                nextTokenRs.setBlock(nextTokenBlk);
3054:                nextTokenRs.access = "private";
3055:                grammar.define(nextTokenRs);
3056:                // Analyze the nextToken rule
3057:                boolean ok = grammar.theLLkAnalyzer.deterministic(nextTokenBlk);
3059:                // Generate the next token rule
3060:                String filterRule = null;
3061:                if (((LexerGrammar) grammar).filterMode) {
3062:                    filterRule = ((LexerGrammar) grammar).filterRule;
3063:                }
3065:                println("");
3066:                println(namespaceAntlr + "RefToken " + grammar.getClassName()
3067:                        + "::nextToken()");
3068:                println("{");
3069:                tabs++;
3070:                println(namespaceAntlr + "RefToken theRetToken;");
3071:                println("for (;;) {");
3072:                tabs++;
3073:                println(namespaceAntlr + "RefToken theRetToken;");
3074:                println("int _ttype = " + namespaceAntlr
3075:                        + "Token::INVALID_TYPE;");
3076:                if (((LexerGrammar) grammar).filterMode) {
3077:                    println("setCommitToPath(false);");
3078:                    if (filterRule != null) {
3079:                        // Here's a good place to ensure that the filter rule actually exists
3080:                        if (!grammar.isDefined(CodeGenerator
3081:                                .encodeLexerRuleName(filterRule))) {
3082:                            grammar.antlrTool.error("Filter rule " + filterRule
3083:                                    + " does not exist in this lexer");
3084:                        } else {
3085:                            RuleSymbol rs = (RuleSymbol) grammar
3086:                                    .getSymbol(CodeGenerator
3087:                                            .encodeLexerRuleName(filterRule));
3088:                            if (!rs.isDefined()) {
3089:                                grammar.antlrTool.error("Filter rule "
3090:                                        + filterRule
3091:                                        + " does not exist in this lexer");
3092:                            } else if (rs.access.equals("public")) {
3093:                                grammar.antlrTool.error("Filter rule "
3094:                                        + filterRule + " must be protected");
3095:                            }
3096:                        }
3097:                        println("int _m;");
3098:                        println("_m = mark();");
3099:                    }
3100:                }
3101:                println("resetText();");
3103:                // Generate try around whole thing to trap scanner errors
3104:                println("try {   // for lexical and char stream error handling");
3105:                tabs++;
3107:                // Test for public lexical rules with empty paths
3108:                for (int i = 0; i < nextTokenBlk.getAlternatives().size(); i++) {
3109:                    Alternative a = nextTokenBlk.getAlternativeAt(i);
3110:                    if (a.cache[1].containsEpsilon()) {
3111:                        antlrTool.warning("found optional path in nextToken()");
3112:                    }
3113:                }
3115:                // Generate the block
3116:                String newline = System.getProperty("line.separator");
3117:                CppBlockFinishingInfo howToFinish = genCommonBlock(
3118:                        nextTokenBlk, false);
3119:                String errFinish = "if (LA(1)==EOF_CHAR)" + newline
3120:                        + "\t\t\t\t{" + newline + "\t\t\t\t\tuponEOF();"
3121:                        + newline + "\t\t\t\t\t_returnToken = makeToken("
3122:                        + namespaceAntlr + "Token::EOF_TYPE);" + newline
3123:                        + "\t\t\t\t}";
3124:                errFinish += newline + "\t\t\t\t";
3125:                if (((LexerGrammar) grammar).filterMode) {
3126:                    if (filterRule == null) {
3127:                        errFinish += "else {consume(); goto tryAgain;}";
3128:                    } else {
3129:                        errFinish += "else {" + newline + "\t\t\t\t\tcommit();"
3130:                                + newline + "\t\t\t\t\ttry {m" + filterRule
3131:                                + "(false);}" + newline + "\t\t\t\t\tcatch("
3132:                                + namespaceAntlr + "RecognitionException& e) {"
3133:                                + newline
3134:                                + "\t\t\t\t\t	// catastrophic failure"
3135:                                + newline + "\t\t\t\t\t	reportError(e);"
3136:                                + newline + "\t\t\t\t\t	consume();" + newline
3137:                                + "\t\t\t\t\t}" + newline
3138:                                + "\t\t\t\t\tgoto tryAgain;" + newline
3139:                                + "\t\t\t\t}";
3140:                    }
3141:                } else {
3142:                    errFinish += "else {" + throwNoViable + "}";
3143:                }
3144:                genBlockFinish(howToFinish, errFinish);
3146:                // at this point a valid token has been matched, undo "mark" that was done
3147:                if (((LexerGrammar) grammar).filterMode && filterRule != null) {
3148:                    println("commit();");
3149:                }
3151:                // Generate literals test if desired
3152:                // make sure _ttype is set first; note _returnToken must be
3153:                // non-null as the rule was required to create it.
3154:                println("if ( !_returnToken )" + newline
3155:                        + "\t\t\t\tgoto tryAgain; // found SKIP token"
3156:                        + newline);
3157:                println("_ttype = _returnToken->getType();");
3158:                if (((LexerGrammar) grammar).getTestLiterals()) {
3159:                    genLiteralsTest();
3160:                }
3162:                // return token created by rule reference in switch
3163:                println("_returnToken->setType(_ttype);");
3164:                println("return _returnToken;");
3166:                // Close try block
3167:                tabs--;
3168:                println("}");
3169:                println("catch (" + namespaceAntlr
3170:                        + "RecognitionException& e) {");
3171:                tabs++;
3172:                if (((LexerGrammar) grammar).filterMode) {
3173:                    if (filterRule == null) {
3174:                        println("if ( !getCommitToPath() ) {");
3175:                        tabs++;
3176:                        println("consume();");
3177:                        println("goto tryAgain;");
3178:                        tabs--;
3179:                        println("}");
3180:                    } else {
3181:                        println("if ( !getCommitToPath() ) {");
3182:                        tabs++;
3183:                        println("rewind(_m);");
3184:                        println("resetText();");
3185:                        println("try {m" + filterRule + "(false);}");
3186:                        println("catch(" + namespaceAntlr
3187:                                + "RecognitionException& ee) {");
3188:                        println("	// horrendous failure: error in filter rule");
3189:                        println("	reportError(ee);");
3190:                        println("	consume();");
3191:                        println("}");
3192:                        // println("goto tryAgain;");
3193:                        tabs--;
3194:                        println("}");
3195:                        println("else");
3196:                    }
3197:                }
3198:                if (nextTokenBlk.getDefaultErrorHandler()) {
3199:                    println("{");
3200:                    tabs++;
3201:                    println("reportError(e);");
3202:                    println("consume();");
3203:                    tabs--;
3204:                    println("}");
3205:                } else {
3206:                    // pass on to invoking routine
3207:                    tabs++;
3208:                    println("throw " + namespaceAntlr
3209:                            + "TokenStreamRecognitionException(e);");
3210:                    tabs--;
3211:                }
3213:                // close CharStreamException try
3214:                tabs--;
3215:                println("}");
3216:                println("catch (" + namespaceAntlr
3217:                        + "CharStreamIOException& csie) {");
3218:                println("\tthrow " + namespaceAntlr
3219:                        + "TokenStreamIOException(;");
3220:                println("}");
3221:                println("catch (" + namespaceAntlr
3222:                        + "CharStreamException& cse) {");
3223:                println("\tthrow " + namespaceAntlr
3224:                        + "TokenStreamException(cse.getMessage());");
3225:                println("}");
3227:                // close for-loop
3228:                _println("tryAgain:;");
3229:                tabs--;
3230:                println("}");
3232:                // close method nextToken
3233:                tabs--;
3234:                println("}");
3235:                println("");
3236:            }
3238:            /** Gen a named rule block.
3239:             * ASTs are generated for each element of an alternative unless
3240:             * the rule or the alternative have a '!' modifier.
3241:             *
3242:             * If an alternative defeats the default tree construction, it
3243:             * must set <rule>_AST to the root of the returned AST.
3244:             *
3245:             * Each alternative that does automatic tree construction, builds
3246:             * up root and child list pointers in an ASTPair structure.
3247:             *
3248:             * A rule finishes by setting the returnAST variable from the
3249:             * ASTPair.
3250:             *
3251:             * @param rule The name of the rule to generate
3252:             * @param startSymbol true if the rule is a start symbol (i.e., not referenced elsewhere)
3253:             */
3254:            public void genRule(RuleSymbol s, boolean startSymbol, int ruleNum,
3255:                    String prefix) {
3256:                //		tabs=1; // JavaCodeGenerator needs this
3257:                if (DEBUG_CODE_GENERATOR)
3258:                    System.out.println("genRule(" + s.getId() + ")");
3259:                if (!s.isDefined()) {
3260:                    antlrTool.error("undefined rule: " + s.getId());
3261:                    return;
3262:                }
3264:                // Generate rule return type, name, arguments
3265:                RuleBlock rblk = s.getBlock();
3267:                currentRule = rblk;
3268:                currentASTResult = s.getId();
3270:                // clear list of declared ast variables..
3271:                declaredASTVariables.clear();
3273:                // Save the AST generation state, and set it to that of the rule
3274:                boolean savegenAST = genAST;
3275:                genAST = genAST && rblk.getAutoGen();
3277:                // boolean oldsaveTest = saveText;
3278:                saveText = rblk.getAutoGen();
3280:                // print javadoc comment if any
3281:                if (s.comment != null) {
3282:                    _println(s.comment);
3283:                }
3285:                // Gen method return type (note lexer return action set at rule creation)
3286:                if (rblk.returnAction != null) {
3287:                    // Has specified return value
3288:                    _print(extractTypeOfAction(rblk.returnAction, rblk
3289:                            .getLine(), rblk.getColumn())
3290:                            + " ");
3291:                } else {
3292:                    // No specified return value
3293:                    _print("void ");
3294:                }
3296:                // Gen method name
3297:                _print(prefix + s.getId() + "(");
3299:                // Additional rule parameters common to all rules for this grammar
3300:                _print(commonExtraParams);
3301:                if (commonExtraParams.length() != 0 && rblk.argAction != null) {
3302:                    _print(",");
3303:                }
3305:                // Gen arguments
3306:                if (rblk.argAction != null) {
3307:                    // Has specified arguments
3308:                    _println("");
3309:                    // FIXME: make argAction also a token? Hmmmmm
3310:                    //			genLineNo(rblk);
3311:                    tabs++;
3312:                    println(rblk.argAction);
3313:                    tabs--;
3314:                    print(") ");
3315:                    //			genLineNo2();	// gcc gives error on the brace... hope it works for the others too
3316:                } else {
3317:                    // No specified arguments
3318:                    _print(") ");
3319:                }
3321:                // Gen throws clause and open curly
3322:                //		_print(" throws " + exceptionThrown);
3323:                //		if ( !(grammar instanceof TreeWalkerGrammar) ) {
3324:                //			_print(", IOException");
3325:                //		}
3326:                _println("{");
3327:                tabs++;
3329:                if (grammar.traceRules) {
3330:                    if (grammar instanceof  TreeWalkerGrammar) {
3331:                        if (usingCustomAST)
3332:                            println("Tracer traceInOut(this,\"" + s.getId()
3333:                                    + "\",static_cast<" + namespaceAntlr
3334:                                    + "RefAST" + ">(_t));");
3335:                        else
3336:                            println("Tracer traceInOut(this,\"" + s.getId()
3337:                                    + "\",_t);");
3338:                    } else {
3339:                        println("Tracer traceInOut(this, \"" + s.getId()
3340:                                + "\");");
3341:                    }
3342:                }
3344:                // Convert return action to variable declaration
3345:                if (rblk.returnAction != null) {
3346:                    genLineNo(rblk);
3347:                    println(rblk.returnAction + ";");
3348:                    genLineNo2();
3349:                }
3351:                // print out definitions needed by rules for various grammar types
3352:                if (!commonLocalVars.equals(""))
3353:                    println(commonLocalVars);
3355:                if (grammar instanceof  LexerGrammar) {
3356:                    // RK: why is this here? It seems not supported in the rest of the
3357:                    // tool.
3358:                    // lexer rule default return value is the rule's token name
3359:                    // This is a horrible hack to support the built-in EOF lexer rule.
3360:                    if (s.getId().equals("mEOF"))
3361:                        println("_ttype = " + namespaceAntlr
3362:                                + "Token::EOF_TYPE;");
3363:                    else
3364:                        println("_ttype = " + s.getId().substring(1) + ";");
3365:                    println("int _saveIndex;"); // used for element! (so we can kill text matched for element)
3366:                    /*
3367:                     println("boolean old_saveConsumedInput=saveConsumedInput;");
3368:                     if ( !rblk.getAutoGen() ) {      // turn off "save input" if ! on rule
3369:                     println("saveConsumedInput=false;");
3370:                     }
3371:                     */
3373:                }
3375:                // if debugging, write code to mark entry to the rule
3376:                if (grammar.debuggingOutput)
3377:                    if (grammar instanceof  ParserGrammar)
3378:                        println("fireEnterRule(" + ruleNum + ",0);");
3379:                    else if (grammar instanceof  LexerGrammar)
3380:                        println("fireEnterRule(" + ruleNum + ",_ttype);");
3382:                // Generate trace code if desired
3383:                //		if ( grammar.debuggingOutput || grammar.traceRules) {
3384:                //			println("try { // debugging");
3385:                //			tabs++;
3386:                //		}
3388:                // Initialize AST variables
3389:                if (grammar instanceof  TreeWalkerGrammar) {
3390:                    // "Input" value for rule
3391:                    //			println(labeledElementASTType+" " + s.getId() + "_AST_in = "+labeledElementASTType+"(_t);");
3392:                    println(labeledElementASTType + " " + s.getId()
3393:                            + "_AST_in = _t;");
3394:                }
3395:                if (grammar.buildAST) {
3396:                    // Parser member used to pass AST returns from rule invocations
3397:                    println("returnAST = " + labeledElementASTInit + ";");
3398:                    // Tracks AST construction
3399:                    println(namespaceAntlr + "ASTPair currentAST;"); // = new ASTPair();");
3400:                    // User-settable return value for rule.
3401:                    println(labeledElementASTType + " " + s.getId() + "_AST = "
3402:                            + labeledElementASTInit + ";");
3403:                }
3405:                genBlockPreamble(rblk);
3406:                genBlockInitAction(rblk);
3407:                println("");
3409:                // Search for an unlabeled exception specification attached to the rule
3410:                ExceptionSpec unlabeledUserSpec = rblk.findExceptionSpec("");
3412:                // Generate try block around the entire rule for  error handling
3413:                if (unlabeledUserSpec != null || rblk.getDefaultErrorHandler()) {
3414:                    println("try {      // for error handling");
3415:                    tabs++;
3416:                }
3418:                // Generate the alternatives
3419:                if (rblk.alternatives.size() == 1) {
3420:                    // One alternative -- use simple form
3421:                    Alternative alt = rblk.getAlternativeAt(0);
3422:                    String pred = alt.semPred;
3423:                    if (pred != null)
3424:                        genSemPred(pred, currentRule.line);
3425:                    if (alt.synPred != null) {
3426:                        antlrTool
3427:                                .warning(
3428:                                        "Syntactic predicate ignored for single alternative",
3429:                                        grammar.getFilename(), alt.synPred
3430:                                                .getLine(), alt.synPred
3431:                                                .getColumn());
3432:                    }
3433:                    genAlt(alt, rblk);
3434:                } else {
3435:                    // Multiple alternatives -- generate complex form
3436:                    boolean ok = grammar.theLLkAnalyzer.deterministic(rblk);
3438:                    CppBlockFinishingInfo howToFinish = genCommonBlock(rblk,
3439:                            false);
3440:                    genBlockFinish(howToFinish, throwNoViable);
3441:                }
3443:                // Generate catch phrase for error handling
3444:                if (unlabeledUserSpec != null || rblk.getDefaultErrorHandler()) {
3445:                    // Close the try block
3446:                    tabs--;
3447:                    println("}");
3448:                }
3450:                // Generate user-defined or default catch phrases
3451:                if (unlabeledUserSpec != null) {
3452:                    genErrorHandler(unlabeledUserSpec);
3453:                } else if (rblk.getDefaultErrorHandler()) {
3454:                    // Generate default catch phrase
3455:                    println("catch (" + exceptionThrown + "& ex) {");
3456:                    tabs++;
3457:                    // Generate code to handle error if not guessing
3458:                    if (grammar.hasSyntacticPredicate) {
3459:                        println("if( inputState->guessing == 0 ) {");
3460:                        tabs++;
3461:                    }
3462:                    println("reportError(ex);");
3463:                    if (!(grammar instanceof  TreeWalkerGrammar)) {
3464:                        // Generate code to consume until token in k==1 follow set
3465:                        Lookahead follow = grammar.theLLkAnalyzer.FOLLOW(1,
3466:                                rblk.endNode);
3467:                        String followSetName = getBitsetName(markBitsetForGen(follow.fset));
3468:                        println("consume();");
3469:                        println("consumeUntil(" + followSetName + ");");
3470:                    } else {
3471:                        // Just consume one token
3472:                        println("if ( _t != " + labeledElementASTInit + " )");
3473:                        tabs++;
3474:                        println("_t = _t->getNextSibling();");
3475:                        tabs--;
3476:                    }
3477:                    if (grammar.hasSyntacticPredicate) {
3478:                        tabs--;
3479:                        // When guessing, rethrow exception
3480:                        println("} else {");
3481:                        tabs++;
3482:                        println("throw;");
3483:                        tabs--;
3484:                        println("}");
3485:                    }
3486:                    // Close catch phrase
3487:                    tabs--;
3488:                    println("}");
3489:                }
3491:                // Squirrel away the AST "return" value
3492:                if (grammar.buildAST) {
3493:                    println("returnAST = " + s.getId() + "_AST;");
3494:                }
3496:                // Set return tree value for tree walkers
3497:                if (grammar instanceof  TreeWalkerGrammar) {
3498:                    println("_retTree = _t;");
3499:                }
3501:                // Generate literals test for lexer rules so marked
3502:                if (rblk.getTestLiterals()) {
3503:                    if (s.access.equals("protected")) {
3504:                        genLiteralsTestForPartialToken();
3505:                    } else {
3506:                        genLiteralsTest();
3507:                    }
3508:                }
3510:                // if doing a lexer rule, dump code to create token if necessary
3511:                if (grammar instanceof  LexerGrammar) {
3512:                    println("if ( _createToken && _token==" + namespaceAntlr
3513:                            + "nullToken && _ttype!=" + namespaceAntlr
3514:                            + "Token::SKIP ) {");
3515:                    println("   _token = makeToken(_ttype);");
3516:                    println("   _token->setText(text.substr(_begin, text.length()-_begin));");
3517:                    println("}");
3518:                    println("_returnToken = _token;");
3519:                    // It should be easy for an optimizing compiler to realize this does nothing
3520:                    // but it avoids the warning about the variable being unused.
3521:                    println("_saveIndex=0;");
3522:                }
3524:                // Gen the return statement if there is one (lexer has hard-wired return action)
3525:                if (rblk.returnAction != null) {
3526:                    println("return "
3527:                            + extractIdOfAction(rblk.returnAction, rblk
3528:                                    .getLine(), rblk.getColumn()) + ";");
3529:                }
3531:                //		if ( grammar.debuggingOutput || grammar.traceRules) {
3532:                ////			tabs--;
3533:                ////			println("} finally { // debugging");
3534:                ////			tabs++;
3535:                //
3536:                //			// Generate trace code if desired
3537:                //			if ( grammar.debuggingOutput)
3538:                //				if (grammar instanceof ParserGrammar)
3539:                //					println("fireExitRule(" + ruleNum + ",0);");
3540:                //				else if (grammar instanceof LexerGrammar)
3541:                //					println("fireExitRule(" + ruleNum + ",_ttype);");
3542:                //
3543:                ////			if (grammar.traceRules) {
3544:                ////				if ( grammar instanceof TreeWalkerGrammar ) {
3545:                ////					println("traceOut(\""+ s.getId() +"\",_t);");
3546:                ////				}
3547:                ////				else {
3548:                ////					println("traceOut(\""+ s.getId() +"\");");
3549:                ////				}
3550:                ////			}
3551:                ////
3552:                ////			tabs--;
3553:                ////			println("}");
3554:                //		}
3556:                tabs--;
3557:                println("}");
3558:                println("");
3560:                // Restore the AST generation state
3561:                genAST = savegenAST;
3563:                // restore char save state
3564:                // saveText = oldsaveTest;
3565:            }
3567:            public void genRuleHeader(RuleSymbol s, boolean startSymbol) {
3568:                tabs = 1;
3569:                if (DEBUG_CODE_GENERATOR)
3570:                    System.out.println("genRuleHeader(" + s.getId() + ")");
3571:                if (!s.isDefined()) {
3572:                    antlrTool.error("undefined rule: " + s.getId());
3573:                    return;
3574:                }
3576:                // Generate rule return type, name, arguments
3577:                RuleBlock rblk = s.getBlock();
3578:                currentRule = rblk;
3579:                currentASTResult = s.getId();
3581:                // Save the AST generation state, and set it to that of the rule
3582:                boolean savegenAST = genAST;
3583:                genAST = genAST && rblk.getAutoGen();
3585:                // boolean oldsaveTest = saveText;
3586:                saveText = rblk.getAutoGen();
3588:                // Gen method access
3589:                print(s.access + ": ");
3591:                // Gen method return type (note lexer return action set at rule creation)
3592:                if (rblk.returnAction != null) {
3593:                    // Has specified return value
3594:                    _print(extractTypeOfAction(rblk.returnAction, rblk
3595:                            .getLine(), rblk.getColumn())
3596:                            + " ");
3597:                } else {
3598:                    // No specified return value
3599:                    _print("void ");
3600:                }
3602:                // Gen method name
3603:                _print(s.getId() + "(");
3605:                // Additional rule parameters common to all rules for this grammar
3606:                _print(commonExtraParams);
3607:                if (commonExtraParams.length() != 0 && rblk.argAction != null) {
3608:                    _print(",");
3609:                }
3611:                // Gen arguments
3612:                if (rblk.argAction != null) {
3613:                    // Has specified arguments
3614:                    _println("");
3615:                    tabs++;
3616:                    println(rblk.argAction);
3617:                    tabs--;
3618:                    print(")");
3619:                } else {
3620:                    // No specified arguments
3621:                    _print(")");
3622:                }
3623:                _println(";");
3625:                tabs--;
3627:                // Restore the AST generation state
3628:                genAST = savegenAST;
3630:                // restore char save state
3631:                // saveText = oldsaveTest;
3632:            }
3634:            private void GenRuleInvocation(RuleRefElement rr) {
3635:                // dump rule name
3636:                _print(rr.targetRule + "(");
3638:                // lexers must tell rule if it should set _returnToken
3639:                if (grammar instanceof  LexerGrammar) {
3640:                    // if labeled, could access Token, so tell rule to create
3641:                    if (rr.getLabel() != null) {
3642:                        _print("true");
3643:                    } else {
3644:                        _print("false");
3645:                    }
3646:                    if (commonExtraArgs.length() != 0 || rr.args != null) {
3647:                        _print(",");
3648:                    }
3649:                }
3651:                // Extra arguments common to all rules for this grammar
3652:                _print(commonExtraArgs);
3653:                if (commonExtraArgs.length() != 0 && rr.args != null) {
3654:                    _print(",");
3655:                }
3657:                // Process arguments to method, if any
3658:                RuleSymbol rs = (RuleSymbol) grammar.getSymbol(rr.targetRule);
3659:                if (rr.args != null) {
3660:                    // When not guessing, execute user arg action
3661:                    ActionTransInfo tInfo = new ActionTransInfo();
3662:                    // FIXME: fix line number passed to processActionForTreeSpecifiers here..
3663:                    // this one might be a bit off..
3664:                    String args = processActionForSpecialSymbols(rr.args,
3665:                            rr.line, currentRule, tInfo);
3666:                    if (tInfo.assignToRoot || tInfo.refRuleRoot != null) {
3667:                        antlrTool.error("Arguments of rule reference '"
3668:                                + rr.targetRule + "' cannot set or ref #"
3669:                                + currentRule.getRuleName() + " on line "
3670:                                + rr.getLine());
3671:                    }
3672:                    _print(args);
3674:                    // Warn if the rule accepts no arguments
3675:                    if (rs.block.argAction == null) {
3676:                        antlrTool.warning("Rule '" + rr.targetRule
3677:                                + "' accepts no arguments", grammar
3678:                                .getFilename(), rr.getLine(), rr.getColumn());
3679:                    }
3680:                } else {
3681:                    // For C++, no warning if rule has parameters, because there may be default
3682:                    // values for all of the parameters
3683:                    //if (rs.block.argAction != null) {
3684:                    //	tool.warning("Missing parameters on reference to rule "+rr.targetRule, rr.getLine());
3685:                    //}
3686:                }
3687:                _println(");");
3689:                // move down to the first child while parsing
3690:                if (grammar instanceof  TreeWalkerGrammar) {
3691:                    println("_t = _retTree;");
3692:                }
3693:            }
3695:            protected void genSemPred(String pred, int line) {
3696:                // translate $ and # references
3697:                ActionTransInfo tInfo = new ActionTransInfo();
3698:                pred = processActionForSpecialSymbols(pred, line, currentRule,
3699:                        tInfo);
3700:                // ignore translation info...we don't need to do anything with it.
3701:                String escapedPred = charFormatter.escapeString(pred);
3703:                // if debugging, wrap the semantic predicate evaluation in a method
3704:                // that can tell SemanticPredicateListeners the result
3705:                if (grammar.debuggingOutput
3706:                        && ((grammar instanceof  ParserGrammar) || (grammar instanceof  LexerGrammar)))
3707:                    pred = "fireSemanticPredicateEvaluated(antlr.debug.SemanticPredicateEvent.VALIDATING," //FIXME
3708:                            + addSemPred(escapedPred) + "," + pred + ")";
3709:                println("if (!(" + pred + "))");
3710:                tabs++;
3711:                println("throw " + namespaceAntlr + "SemanticException(\""
3712:                        + escapedPred + "\");");
3713:                tabs--;
3714:            }
3716:            /** Write an array of Strings which are the semantic predicate
3717:             *  expressions.  The debugger will reference them by number only
3718:             */
3719:            protected void genSemPredMap(String prefix) {
3720:                Enumeration e = semPreds.elements();
3721:                println("const char* " + prefix + "_semPredNames[] = {");
3722:                tabs++;
3723:                while (e.hasMoreElements())
3724:                    println("\"" + e.nextElement() + "\",");
3725:                println("0");
3726:                tabs--;
3727:                println("};");
3728:            }
3730:            protected void genSynPred(SynPredBlock blk, String lookaheadExpr) {
3731:                if (DEBUG_CODE_GENERATOR)
3732:                    System.out.println("gen=>(" + blk + ")");
3734:                // Dump synpred result variable
3735:                println("bool synPredMatched" + blk.ID + " = false;");
3736:                // Gen normal lookahead test
3737:                println("if (" + lookaheadExpr + ") {");
3738:                tabs++;
3740:                // Save input state
3741:                if (grammar instanceof  TreeWalkerGrammar) {
3742:                    println(labeledElementType + " __t" + blk.ID + " = _t;");
3743:                } else {
3744:                    println("int _m" + blk.ID + " = mark();");
3745:                }
3747:                // Once inside the try, assume synpred works unless exception caught
3748:                println("synPredMatched" + blk.ID + " = true;");
3749:                println("inputState->guessing++;");
3751:                // if debugging, tell listeners that a synpred has started
3752:                if (grammar.debuggingOutput
3753:                        && ((grammar instanceof  ParserGrammar) || (grammar instanceof  LexerGrammar))) {
3754:                    println("fireSyntacticPredicateStarted();");
3755:                }
3757:                syntacticPredLevel++;
3758:                println("try {");
3759:                tabs++;
3760:                gen((AlternativeBlock) blk); // gen code to test predicate
3761:                tabs--;
3762:                //println("System.out.println(\"pred "+blk+" succeeded\");");
3763:                println("}");
3764:                println("catch (" + exceptionThrown + "& pe) {");
3765:                tabs++;
3766:                println("synPredMatched" + blk.ID + " = false;");
3767:                //println("System.out.println(\"pred "+blk+" failed\");");
3768:                tabs--;
3769:                println("}");
3771:                // Restore input state
3772:                if (grammar instanceof  TreeWalkerGrammar) {
3773:                    println("_t = __t" + blk.ID + ";");
3774:                } else {
3775:                    println("rewind(_m" + blk.ID + ");");
3776:                }
3778:                println("inputState->guessing--;");
3780:                // if debugging, tell listeners how the synpred turned out
3781:                if (grammar.debuggingOutput
3782:                        && ((grammar instanceof  ParserGrammar) || (grammar instanceof  LexerGrammar))) {
3783:                    println("if (synPredMatched" + blk.ID + ")");
3784:                    println("  fireSyntacticPredicateSucceeded();");
3785:                    println("else");
3786:                    println("  fireSyntacticPredicateFailed();");
3787:                }
3789:                syntacticPredLevel--;
3790:                tabs--;
3792:                // Close lookahead test
3793:                println("}");
3795:                // Test synpred result
3796:                println("if ( synPredMatched" + blk.ID + " ) {");
3797:            }
3799:            /** Generate a static array containing the names of the tokens,
3800:             * indexed by the token type values.  This static array is used
3801:             * to format error messages so that the token identifers or literal
3802:             * strings are displayed instead of the token numbers.
3803:             *
3804:             * If a lexical rule has a paraphrase, use it rather than the
3805:             * token label.
3806:             */
3807:            public void genTokenStrings(String prefix) {
3808:                // Generate a string for each token.  This creates a static
3809:                // array of Strings indexed by token type.
3810:                //		println("");
3811:                println("const char* " + prefix + "tokenNames[] = {");
3812:                tabs++;
3814:                // Walk the token vocabulary and generate a Vector of strings
3815:                // from the tokens.
3816:                Vector v = grammar.tokenManager.getVocabulary();
3817:                for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
3818:                    String s = (String) v.elementAt(i);
3819:                    if (s == null) {
3820:                        s = "<" + String.valueOf(i) + ">";
3821:                    }
3822:                    if (!s.startsWith("\"") && !s.startsWith("<")) {
3823:                        TokenSymbol ts = (TokenSymbol) grammar.tokenManager
3824:                                .getTokenSymbol(s);
3825:                        if (ts != null && ts.getParaphrase() != null) {
3826:                            s = StringUtils.stripFrontBack(ts.getParaphrase(),
3827:                                    "\"", "\"");
3828:                        }
3829:                    }
3830:                    print(charFormatter.literalString(s));
3831:                    _println(",");
3832:                }
3833:                println("0");
3835:                // Close the string array initailizer
3836:                tabs--;
3837:                println("};");
3838:            }
3840:            /** Generate the token types C++ file */
3841:            protected void genTokenTypes(TokenManager tm) throws IOException {
3842:                // Open the token output header file and set the currentOutput stream
3843:                outputFile = tm.getName() + TokenTypesFileSuffix + ".hpp";
3844:                outputLine = 1;
3845:                currentOutput = antlrTool.openOutputFile(outputFile);
3846:                //SAS: changed for proper text file io
3848:                tabs = 0;
3850:                // Generate a guard wrapper
3851:                println("#ifndef INC_" + tm.getName() + TokenTypesFileSuffix
3852:                        + "_hpp_");
3853:                println("#define INC_" + tm.getName() + TokenTypesFileSuffix
3854:                        + "_hpp_");
3855:                println("");
3857:                if (nameSpace != null)
3858:                    nameSpace.emitDeclarations(currentOutput);
3860:                // Generate the header common to all C++ files
3861:                genHeader(outputFile);
3863:                // Encapsulate the definitions in an interface.  This can be done
3864:                // because they are all constants.
3865:                println("struct " + tm.getName() + TokenTypesFileSuffix + " {");
3866:                tabs++;
3867:                println("enum {");
3868:                tabs++;
3870:                // Generate a definition for each token type
3871:                Vector v = tm.getVocabulary();
3873:                // Do special tokens manually
3874:                println("EOF_ = " + Token.EOF_TYPE + ",");
3876:                // Move the other special token to the end, so we can solve
3877:                // the superfluous comma problem easily
3879:                for (int i = Token.MIN_USER_TYPE; i < v.size(); i++) {
3880:                    String s = (String) v.elementAt(i);
3881:                    if (s != null) {
3882:                        if (s.startsWith("\"")) {
3883:                            // a string literal
3884:                            StringLiteralSymbol sl = (StringLiteralSymbol) tm
3885:                                    .getTokenSymbol(s);
3886:                            if (sl == null) {
3887:                                antlrTool.panic("String literal " + s
3888:                                        + " not in symbol table");
3889:                            } else if (sl.label != null) {
3890:                                println(sl.label + " = " + i + ",");
3891:                            } else {
3892:                                String mangledName = mangleLiteral(s);
3893:                                if (mangledName != null) {
3894:                                    // We were able to create a meaningful mangled token name
3895:                                    println(mangledName + " = " + i + ",");
3896:                                    // if no label specified, make the label equal to the mangled name
3897:                                    sl.label = mangledName;
3898:                                } else {
3899:                                    println("// " + s + " = " + i);
3900:                                }
3901:                            }
3902:                        } else if (!s.startsWith("<")) {
3903:                            println(s + " = " + i + ",");
3904:                        }
3905:                    }
3906:                }
3908:                // Moved from above
3909:                println("NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD = " + Token.NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD);
3911:                // Close the enum
3912:                tabs--;
3913:                println("};");
3915:                // Close the interface
3916:                tabs--;
3917:                println("};");
3919:                if (nameSpace != null)
3920:                    nameSpace.emitClosures(currentOutput);
3922:                // Generate a guard wrapper
3923:                println("#endif /*INC_" + tm.getName() + TokenTypesFileSuffix
3924:                        + "_hpp_*/");
3926:                // Close the tokens output file
3927:                currentOutput.close();
3928:                currentOutput = null;
3929:                exitIfError();
3930:            }
3932:            /** Process a string for an simple expression for use in xx/action.g
3933:             * it is used to cast simple tokens/references to the right type for
3934:             * the generated language. Basically called for every element in
3935:             * the vector to getASTCreateString(vector V)
3936:             * @param str A String.
3937:             */
3938:            public String processStringForASTConstructor(String str) {
3939:                if (usingCustomAST
3940:                        && ((grammar instanceof  TreeWalkerGrammar) || (grammar instanceof  ParserGrammar))
3941:                        && !(grammar.tokenManager.tokenDefined(str))) {
3942:                    //			System.out.println("processStringForASTConstructor: "+str+" with cast");
3943:                    return "static_cast<" + namespaceAntlr + "RefAST>(" + str
3944:                            + ")";
3945:                } else {
3946:                    //			System.out.println("processStringForASTConstructor: "+str);
3947:                    return str;
3948:                }
3949:            }
3951:            /** Get a string for an expression to generate creation of an AST subtree.
3952:             * @param v A Vector of String, where each element is an expression
3953:             * in the target language yielding an AST node.
3954:             */
3955:            public String getASTCreateString(Vector v) {
3956:                if (v.size() == 0) {
3957:                    return "";
3958:                }
3959:                StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
3960:                // the labeledElementASTType here can probably be a cast or nothing
3961:                // in the case of ! usingCustomAST
3962:                buf.append(labeledElementASTType + "(astFactory->make((new "
3963:                        + namespaceAntlr + "ASTArray(" + v.size() + "))");
3964:                for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
3965:                    buf.append("->add(" + v.elementAt(i) + ")");
3966:                }
3967:                buf.append("))");
3968:                return buf.toString();
3969:            }
3971:            /** Get a string for an expression to generate creating of an AST node
3972:             * @param str The arguments to the AST constructor
3973:             */
3974:            public String getASTCreateString(GrammarAtom atom, String str) {
3975:                if (atom != null && atom.getASTNodeType() != null) {
3977:                    // this atom is using a heterogeneous AST type.
3978:                    // make note of the factory needed to generate it..
3979:                    // later this is inserted into the initializeFactory method.
3980:                    astTypes.appendElement("factory.registerFactory("
3981:                            + atom.getType() + ", \"" + atom.getASTNodeType()
3982:                            + "\", " + atom.getASTNodeType() + "::factory);");
3984:                    // after above init the factory knows what to generate...
3985:                    // maybe add apropriate cast here..
3986:                    //			return "astFactory->create("+atom.getType()+", "+str+")";
3987:                    //			// The string itself should be enough...
3988:                    return "astFactory->create(" + str + ")";
3989:                    //			return "Ref"+atom.getASTNodeType()+"(new "+atom.getASTNodeType()+"("+str+"))";
3990:                } else {
3991:                    // FIXME: This is *SO* ugly! but it will have to do for now...
3992:                    // 2.7.2 will have better I hope
3993:                    // this is due to the usage of getASTCreateString from inside
3994:                    // actions/cpp/action.g
3995:                    boolean is_constructor = false;
3996:                    if (str.indexOf(',') != -1)
3997:                        is_constructor = grammar.tokenManager.tokenDefined(str
3998:                                .substring(0, str.indexOf(',')));
4000:                    //			System.out.println("getAstCreateString(as): "+str+" "+grammar.tokenManager.tokenDefined(str));
4001:                    if (usingCustomAST
4002:                            && (grammar instanceof  TreeWalkerGrammar)
4003:                            && !(grammar.tokenManager.tokenDefined(str))
4004:                            && !is_constructor)
4005:                        return "astFactory->create(static_cast<"
4006:                                + namespaceAntlr + "RefAST>(" + str + "))";
4007:                    else
4008:                        return "astFactory->create(" + str + ")";
4009:                }
4010:            }
4012:            /** Get a string for an expression to generate creating of an AST node
4013:             * @param str The arguments to the AST constructor
4014:             */
4015:            public String getASTCreateString(String str) {
4016:                //		System.out.println("getAstCreateString(str): "+str+" "+grammar.tokenManager.tokenDefined(str));
4017:                if (usingCustomAST)
4018:                    return "static_cast<" + labeledElementASTType
4019:                            + ">(astFactory->create(static_cast<"
4020:                            + namespaceAntlr + "RefAST>(" + str + ")))";
4021:                else
4022:                    return "astFactory->create(" + str + ")";
4023:            }
4025:            protected String getLookaheadTestExpression(Lookahead[] look, int k) {
4026:                StringBuffer e = new StringBuffer(100);
4027:                boolean first = true;
4029:                e.append("(");
4030:                for (int i = 1; i <= k; i++) {
4031:                    BitSet p = look[i].fset;
4032:                    if (!first) {
4033:                        e.append(") && (");
4034:                    }
4035:                    first = false;
4037:                    // Syn preds can yield <end-of-syn-pred> (epsilon) lookahead.
4038:                    // There is no way to predict what that token would be.  Just
4039:                    // allow anything instead.
4040:                    if (look[i].containsEpsilon()) {
4041:                        e.append("true");
4042:                    } else {
4043:                        e.append(getLookaheadTestTerm(i, p));
4044:                    }
4045:                }
4046:                e.append(")");
4048:                return e.toString();
4049:            }
4051:            /** Generate a lookahead test expression for an alternate.  This
4052:             * will be a series of tests joined by '&&' and enclosed by '()',
4053:             * the number of such tests being determined by the depth of the lookahead.
4054:             */
4055:            protected String getLookaheadTestExpression(Alternative alt,
4056:                    int maxDepth) {
4057:                int depth = alt.lookaheadDepth;
4058:                if (depth == GrammarAnalyzer.NONDETERMINISTIC) {
4059:                    // if the decision is nondeterministic, do the best we can: LL(k)
4060:                    // any predicates that are around will be generated later.
4061:                    depth = grammar.maxk;
4062:                }
4064:                if (maxDepth == 0) {
4065:                    // empty lookahead can result from alt with sem pred
4066:                    // that can see end of token.  E.g., A : {pred}? ('a')? ;
4067:                    return "true";
4068:                }
4070:                /*
4071:                 boolean first = true;
4072:                 for (int i=1; i<=depth && i<=maxDepth; i++) {
4073:                 BitSet p = alt.cache[i].fset;
4074:                 if (!first) {
4075:                 e.append(") && (");
4076:                 }
4077:                 first = false;
4079:                 // Syn preds can yield <end-of-syn-pred> (epsilon) lookahead.
4080:                 // There is no way to predict what that token would be.  Just
4081:                 // allow anything instead.
4082:                 if ( alt.cache[i].containsEpsilon() ) {
4083:                 e.append("true");
4084:                 }
4085:                 else {
4086:                 e.append(getLookaheadTestTerm(i, p));
4087:                 }
4088:                 }
4090:                 e.append(")");
4091:                 */
4093:                return "(" + getLookaheadTestExpression(alt.cache, depth) + ")";
4094:            }
4096:            /**Generate a depth==1 lookahead test expression given the BitSet.
4097:             * This may be one of:
4098:             * 1) a series of 'x==X||' tests
4099:             * 2) a range test using >= && <= where possible,
4100:             * 3) a bitset membership test for complex comparisons
4101:             * @param k The lookahead level
4102:             * @param p The lookahead set for level k
4103:             */
4104:            protected String getLookaheadTestTerm(int k, BitSet p) {
4105:                // Determine the name of the item to be compared
4106:                String ts = lookaheadString(k);
4108:                // Generate a range expression if possible
4109:                int[] elems = p.toArray();
4110:                if (elementsAreRange(elems)) {
4111:                    return getRangeExpression(k, elems);
4112:                }
4114:                // Generate a bitset membership test if possible
4115:                StringBuffer e;
4116:                int degree =;
4117:                if (degree == 0) {
4118:                    return "true";
4119:                }
4121:                if (degree >= bitsetTestThreshold) {
4122:                    int bitsetIdx = markBitsetForGen(p);
4123:                    return getBitsetName(bitsetIdx) + ".member(" + ts + ")";
4124:                }
4126:                // Otherwise, generate the long-winded series of "x==X||" tests
4127:                e = new StringBuffer();
4128:                for (int i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) {
4129:                    // Get the compared-to item (token or character value)
4130:                    String cs = getValueString(elems[i]);
4132:                    // Generate the element comparison
4133:                    if (i > 0)
4134:                        e.append(" || ");
4135:                    e.append(ts);
4136:                    e.append(" == ");
4137:                    e.append(cs);
4138:                }
4139:                return e.toString();
4140:            }
4142:            /** Return an expression for testing a contiguous renage of elements
4143:             * @param k The lookahead level
4144:             * @param elems The elements representing the set, usually from BitSet.toArray().
4145:             * @return String containing test expression.
4146:             */
4147:            public String getRangeExpression(int k, int[] elems) {
4148:                if (!elementsAreRange(elems)) {
4149:                    antlrTool.panic("getRangeExpression called with non-range");
4150:                }
4151:                int begin = elems[0];
4152:                int end = elems[elems.length - 1];
4153:                return "(" + lookaheadString(k) + " >= "
4154:                        + getValueString(begin) + " && " + lookaheadString(k)
4155:                        + " <= " + getValueString(end) + ")";
4156:            }
4158:            /** getValueString: get a string representation of a token or char value
4159:             * @param value The token or char value
4160:             */
4161:            private String getValueString(int value) {
4162:                String cs;
4163:                if (grammar instanceof  LexerGrammar) {
4164:                    cs = charFormatter.literalChar(value);
4165:                } else {
4166:                    TokenSymbol ts = grammar.tokenManager
4167:                            .getTokenSymbolAt(value);
4168:                    if (ts == null) {
4169:                        return "" + value; // return token type as string
4170:                        // tool.panic("vocabulary for token type " + value + " is null");
4171:                    }
4172:                    String tId = ts.getId();
4173:                    if (ts instanceof  StringLiteralSymbol) {
4174:                        // if string literal, use predefined label if any
4175:                        // if no predefined, try to mangle into LITERAL_xxx.
4176:                        // if can't mangle, use int value as last resort
4177:                        StringLiteralSymbol sl = (StringLiteralSymbol) ts;
4178:                        String label = sl.getLabel();
4179:                        if (label != null) {
4180:                            cs = label;
4181:                        } else {
4182:                            cs = mangleLiteral(tId);
4183:                            if (cs == null) {
4184:                                cs = String.valueOf(value);
4185:                            }
4186:                        }
4187:                    } else {
4188:                        if (tId.equals("EOF"))
4189:                            cs = namespaceAntlr + "Token::EOF_TYPE";
4190:                        else
4191:                            cs = tId;
4192:                    }
4193:                }
4194:                return cs;
4195:            }
4197:            /**Is the lookahead for this alt empty? */
4198:            protected boolean lookaheadIsEmpty(Alternative alt, int maxDepth) {
4199:                int depth = alt.lookaheadDepth;
4200:                if (depth == GrammarAnalyzer.NONDETERMINISTIC) {
4201:                    depth = grammar.maxk;
4202:                }
4203:                for (int i = 1; i <= depth && i <= maxDepth; i++) {
4204:                    BitSet p = alt.cache[i].fset;
4205:                    if ( != 0) {
4206:                        return false;
4207:                    }
4208:                }
4209:                return true;
4210:            }
4212:            private String lookaheadString(int k) {
4213:                if (grammar instanceof  TreeWalkerGrammar) {
4214:                    return "_t->getType()";
4215:                }
4216:                return "LA(" + k + ")";
4217:            }
4219:            /** Mangle a string literal into a meaningful token name.  This is
4220:             * only possible for literals that are all characters.  The resulting
4221:             * mangled literal name is literalsPrefix with the text of the literal
4222:             * appended.
4223:             * @return A string representing the mangled literal, or null if not possible.
4224:             */
4225:            private String mangleLiteral(String s) {
4226:                String mangled = antlrTool.literalsPrefix;
4227:                for (int i = 1; i < s.length() - 1; i++) {
4228:                    if (!Character.isLetter(s.charAt(i)) && s.charAt(i) != '_') {
4229:                        return null;
4230:                    }
4231:                    mangled += s.charAt(i);
4232:                }
4233:                if (antlrTool.upperCaseMangledLiterals) {
4234:                    mangled = mangled.toUpperCase();
4235:                }
4236:                return mangled;
4237:            }
4239:            /** Map an identifier to it's corresponding tree-node variable.
4240:             * This is context-sensitive, depending on the rule and alternative
4241:             * being generated
4242:             * @param idParam The identifier name to map
4243:             * @return The mapped id (which may be the same as the input), or null if the mapping is invalid due to duplicates
4244:             */
4245:            public String mapTreeId(String idParam, ActionTransInfo transInfo) {
4246:                // if not in an action of a rule, nothing to map.
4247:                if (currentRule == null)
4248:                    return idParam;
4249:                //		System.out.print("mapTreeId: "+idParam+" "+currentRule.getRuleName()+" ");
4251:                boolean in_var = false;
4252:                String id = idParam;
4253:                if (grammar instanceof  TreeWalkerGrammar) {
4254:                    //			RK: hmmm this seems odd. If buildAST is false it translates
4255:                    //			#rulename_in to 'rulename_in' else to 'rulename_AST_in' which indeed
4256:                    //			exists. disabling for now.. and hope it doesn't blow up somewhere.
4257:                    if (!grammar.buildAST) {
4258:                        in_var = true;
4259:                        //				System.out.println("in_var1");
4260:                    }
4261:                    // If the id ends with "_in", then map it to the input variable
4262:                    //			else
4263:                    if (id.length() > 3
4264:                            && id.lastIndexOf("_in") == id.length() - 3) {
4265:                        // Strip off the "_in"
4266:                        id = id.substring(0, id.length() - 3);
4267:                        in_var = true;
4268:                        //				System.out.println("in_var2");
4269:                    }
4270:                }
4271:                //		System.out.print(in_var+"\t");
4273:                // Check the rule labels.  If id is a label, then the output
4274:                // variable is label_AST, and the input variable is plain label.
4275:                for (int i = 0; i < currentRule.labeledElements.size(); i++) {
4276:                    AlternativeElement elt = (AlternativeElement) currentRule.labeledElements
4277:                            .elementAt(i);
4278:                    if (elt.getLabel().equals(id)) {
4279:                        //				if( in_var )
4280:                        //					System.out.println("returning (vec) "+(in_var ? id : id + "_AST"));
4281:                        return in_var ? id : id + "_AST";
4282:                    }
4283:                }
4285:                // Failing that, check the id-to-variable map for the alternative.
4286:                // If the id is in the map, then output variable is the name in the
4287:                // map, and input variable is name_in
4288:                String s = (String) treeVariableMap.get(id);
4289:                if (s != null) {
4290:                    if (s == NONUNIQUE) {
4291:                        //				if( in_var )
4292:                        //					System.out.println("returning null (nonunique)");
4293:                        // There is more than one element with this id
4294:                        antlrTool.error("Ambiguous reference to AST element "
4295:                                + id + " in rule " + currentRule.getRuleName());
4296:                        return null;
4297:                    } else if (s.equals(currentRule.getRuleName())) {
4298:                        // a recursive call to the enclosing rule is
4299:                        // ambiguous with the rule itself.
4300:                        //				if( in_var )
4301:                        //					System.out.println("returning null (rulename)");
4302:                        antlrTool.error("Ambiguous reference to AST element "
4303:                                + id + " in rule " + currentRule.getRuleName());
4304:                        return null;
4305:                    } else {
4306:                        //				if( in_var )
4307:                        //				System.out.println("returning "+(in_var?s+"_in":s));
4308:                        return in_var ? s + "_in" : s;
4309:                    }
4310:                }
4312:                //		System.out.println("Last check: "+id+" == "+currentRule.getRuleName());
4313:                // Failing that, check the rule name itself.  Output variable
4314:                // is rule_AST; input variable is rule_AST_in (treeparsers).
4315:                if (id.equals(currentRule.getRuleName())) {
4316:                    String r = in_var ? id + "_AST_in" : id + "_AST";
4317:                    if (transInfo != null) {
4318:                        if (!in_var) {
4319:                            transInfo.refRuleRoot = r;
4320:                        }
4321:                    }
4322:                    //			if( in_var )
4323:                    //				System.out.println("returning (r) "+r);
4324:                    return r;
4325:                } else {
4326:                    //			if( in_var )
4327:                    //			System.out.println("returning (last) "+id);
4328:                    // id does not map to anything -- return itself.
4329:                    return id;
4330:                }
4331:            }
4333:            /** Given an element and the name of an associated AST variable,
4334:             * create a mapping between the element "name" and the variable name.
4335:             */
4336:            private void mapTreeVariable(AlternativeElement e, String name) {
4337:                // For tree elements, defer to the root
4338:                if (e instanceof  TreeElement) {
4339:                    mapTreeVariable(((TreeElement) e).root, name);
4340:                    return;
4341:                }
4343:                // Determine the name of the element, if any, for mapping purposes
4344:                String elName = null;
4346:                // Don't map labeled items
4347:                if (e.getLabel() == null) {
4348:                    if (e instanceof  TokenRefElement) {
4349:                        // use the token id
4350:                        elName = ((TokenRefElement) e).atomText;
4351:                    } else if (e instanceof  RuleRefElement) {
4352:                        // use the rule name
4353:                        elName = ((RuleRefElement) e).targetRule;
4354:                    }
4355:                }
4356:                // Add the element to the tree variable map if it has a name
4357:                if (elName != null) {
4358:                    if (treeVariableMap.get(elName) != null) {
4359:                        // Name is already in the map -- mark it as duplicate
4360:                        treeVariableMap.remove(elName);
4361:                        treeVariableMap.put(elName, NONUNIQUE);
4362:                    } else {
4363:                        treeVariableMap.put(elName, name);
4364:                    }
4365:                }
4366:            }
4368:            /** Lexically process tree-specifiers in the action.
4369:             * This will replace #id and #(...) with the appropriate
4370:             * function calls and/or variables.
4371:             */
4372:            protected String processActionForSpecialSymbols(String actionStr,
4373:                    int line, RuleBlock currentRule, ActionTransInfo tInfo) {
4374:                if (actionStr == null || actionStr.length() == 0)
4375:                    return null;
4377:                // The action trans info tells us (at the moment) whether an
4378:                // assignment was done to the rule's tree root.
4379:                if (grammar == null)
4380:                    return actionStr;
4382:                if ((grammar.buildAST && actionStr.indexOf('#') != -1)
4383:                        || grammar instanceof  TreeWalkerGrammar
4384:                        || ((grammar instanceof  LexerGrammar || grammar instanceof  ParserGrammar) && actionStr
4385:                                .indexOf('$') != -1)) {
4386:                    // Create a lexer to read an action and return the translated version
4387:                    antlr.actions.cpp.ActionLexer lexer = new antlr.actions.cpp.ActionLexer(
4388:                            actionStr, currentRule, this , tInfo);
4389:                    lexer.setLineOffset(line);
4390:                    lexer.setFilename(grammar.getFilename());
4391:                    lexer.setTool(antlrTool);
4393:                    try {
4394:                        lexer.mACTION(true);
4395:                        actionStr = lexer.getTokenObject().getText();
4396:                        // System.out.println("action translated: "+actionStr);
4397:                        // System.out.println("trans info is "+tInfo);
4398:                    } catch (RecognitionException ex) {
4399:                        lexer.reportError(ex);
4400:                        return actionStr;
4401:                    } catch (TokenStreamException tex) {
4402:                        antlrTool.panic("Error reading action:" + actionStr);
4403:                        return actionStr;
4404:                    } catch (CharStreamException io) {
4405:                        antlrTool.panic("Error reading action:" + actionStr);
4406:                        return actionStr;
4407:                    }
4408:                }
4409:                return actionStr;
4410:            }
4412:            private String fixNameSpaceOption(String ns) {
4413:                ns = StringUtils.stripFrontBack(ns, "\"", "\"");
4414:                if (ns.length() > 2
4415:                        && !ns.substring(ns.length() - 2, ns.length()).equals(
4416:                                "::"))
4417:                    ns += "::";
4418:                return ns;
4419:            }
4421:            private void setupGrammarParameters(Grammar g) {
4422:                if (g instanceof  ParserGrammar || g instanceof  LexerGrammar
4423:                        || g instanceof  TreeWalkerGrammar) {
4424:                    /* RK: options also have to be added to and for options
4425:                     * on the file level entries have to be defined in
4426:                     * and passed around via 'globals' in
4427:                     *
4428:                     */
4429:                    if (antlrTool.nameSpace != null)
4430:                        nameSpace = antlrTool.nameSpace;
4432:                    if (antlrTool.namespaceStd != null)
4433:                        namespaceStd = fixNameSpaceOption(antlrTool.namespaceStd);
4435:                    if (antlrTool.namespaceAntlr != null)
4436:                        namespaceAntlr = fixNameSpaceOption(antlrTool.namespaceAntlr);
4438:                    genHashLines = antlrTool.genHashLines;
4440:                    /* let grammar level options override filelevel ones...
4441:                     */
4442:                    if (g.hasOption("namespace")) {
4443:                        Token t = g.getOption("namespace");
4444:                        if (t != null) {
4445:                            nameSpace = new NameSpace(t.getText());
4446:                        }
4447:                    }
4448:                    if (g.hasOption("namespaceAntlr")) {
4449:                        Token t = g.getOption("namespaceAntlr");
4450:                        if (t != null) {
4451:                            String ns = StringUtils.stripFrontBack(t.getText(),
4452:                                    "\"", "\"");
4453:                            if (ns != null) {
4454:                                if (ns.length() > 2
4455:                                        && !ns.substring(ns.length() - 2,
4456:                                                ns.length()).equals("::"))
4457:                                    ns += "::";
4458:                                namespaceAntlr = ns;
4459:                            }
4460:                        }
4461:                    }
4462:                    if (g.hasOption("namespaceStd")) {
4463:                        Token t = g.getOption("namespaceStd");
4464:                        if (t != null) {
4465:                            String ns = StringUtils.stripFrontBack(t.getText(),
4466:                                    "\"", "\"");
4467:                            if (ns != null) {
4468:                                if (ns.length() > 2
4469:                                        && !ns.substring(ns.length() - 2,
4470:                                                ns.length()).equals("::"))
4471:                                    ns += "::";
4472:                                namespaceStd = ns;
4473:                            }
4474:                        }
4475:                    }
4476:                    if (g.hasOption("genHashLines")) {
4477:                        Token t = g.getOption("genHashLines");
4478:                        if (t != null) {
4479:                            String val = StringUtils.stripFrontBack(
4480:                                    t.getText(), "\"", "\"");
4481:                            genHashLines = val.equals("true");
4482:                        }
4483:                    }
4484:                    noConstructors = antlrTool.noConstructors; // get the default
4485:                    if (g.hasOption("noConstructors")) {
4486:                        Token t = g.getOption("noConstructors");
4487:                        if ((t != null)
4488:                                && !(t.getText().equals("true") || t.getText()
4489:                                        .equals("false")))
4490:                            antlrTool
4491:                                    .error(
4492:                                            "noConstructors option must be true or false",
4493:                                            antlrTool.getGrammarFile(), t
4494:                                                    .getLine(), t.getColumn());
4495:                        noConstructors = t.getText().equals("true");
4496:                    }
4497:                }
4498:                if (g instanceof  ParserGrammar) {
4499:                    labeledElementASTType = namespaceAntlr + "RefAST";
4500:                    labeledElementASTInit = namespaceAntlr + "nullAST";
4501:                    if (g.hasOption("ASTLabelType")) {
4502:                        Token tsuffix = g.getOption("ASTLabelType");
4503:                        if (tsuffix != null) {
4504:                            String suffix = StringUtils.stripFrontBack(tsuffix
4505:                                    .getText(), "\"", "\"");
4506:                            if (suffix != null) {
4507:                                usingCustomAST = true;
4508:                                labeledElementASTType = suffix;
4509:                                labeledElementASTInit = "static_cast<" + suffix
4510:                                        + ">(" + namespaceAntlr + "nullAST)";
4511:                            }
4512:                        }
4513:                    }
4514:                    labeledElementType = namespaceAntlr + "RefToken ";
4515:                    labeledElementInit = namespaceAntlr + "nullToken";
4516:                    commonExtraArgs = "";
4517:                    commonExtraParams = "";
4518:                    commonLocalVars = "";
4519:                    lt1Value = "LT(1)";
4520:                    exceptionThrown = namespaceAntlr + "RecognitionException";
4521:                    throwNoViable = "throw " + namespaceAntlr
4522:                            + "NoViableAltException(LT(1), getFilename());";
4523:                } else if (g instanceof  LexerGrammar) {
4524:                    labeledElementType = "char ";
4525:                    labeledElementInit = "'\\0'";
4526:                    commonExtraArgs = "";
4527:                    commonExtraParams = "bool _createToken";
4528:                    commonLocalVars = "int _ttype; " + namespaceAntlr
4529:                            + "RefToken _token; int _begin=text.length();";
4530:                    lt1Value = "LA(1)";
4531:                    exceptionThrown = namespaceAntlr + "RecognitionException";
4532:                    throwNoViable = "throw "
4533:                            + namespaceAntlr
4534:                            + "NoViableAltForCharException(LA(1), getFilename(), getLine(), getColumn());";
4535:                } else if (g instanceof  TreeWalkerGrammar) {
4536:                    labeledElementInit = namespaceAntlr + "nullAST";
4537:                    labeledElementASTInit = namespaceAntlr + "nullAST";
4538:                    labeledElementASTType = namespaceAntlr + "RefAST";
4539:                    labeledElementType = namespaceAntlr + "RefAST";
4540:                    commonExtraParams = namespaceAntlr + "RefAST _t";
4541:                    throwNoViable = "throw " + namespaceAntlr
4542:                            + "NoViableAltException(_t);";
4543:                    lt1Value = "_t";
4544:                    if (g.hasOption("ASTLabelType")) {
4545:                        Token tsuffix = g.getOption("ASTLabelType");
4546:                        if (tsuffix != null) {
4547:                            String suffix = StringUtils.stripFrontBack(tsuffix
4548:                                    .getText(), "\"", "\"");
4549:                            if (suffix != null) {
4550:                                usingCustomAST = true;
4551:                                labeledElementASTType = suffix;
4552:                                labeledElementType = suffix;
4553:                                labeledElementInit = "static_cast<" + suffix
4554:                                        + ">(" + namespaceAntlr + "nullAST)";
4555:                                labeledElementASTInit = labeledElementInit;
4556:                                commonExtraParams = suffix + " _t";
4557:                                throwNoViable = "throw " + namespaceAntlr
4558:                                        + "NoViableAltException(static_cast<"
4559:                                        + namespaceAntlr + "RefAST>(_t));";
4560:                                lt1Value = "_t";
4561:                            }
4562:                        }
4563:                    }
4564:                    if (!g.hasOption("ASTLabelType")) {
4565:                        g.setOption("ASTLabelType", new Token(
4566:                                ANTLRTokenTypes.STRING_LITERAL, namespaceAntlr
4567:                                        + "RefAST"));
4568:                    }
4569:                    commonExtraArgs = "_t";
4570:                    commonLocalVars = "";
4571:                    exceptionThrown = namespaceAntlr + "RecognitionException";
4572:                } else {
4573:                    antlrTool.panic("Unknown grammar type");
4574:                }
4575:            }
4577:            private String textOrChar(String text) {
4578:                // check to see if the text is a single character
4579:                if (text.startsWith("'")) {
4580:                    // assume it also ends with '
4581:                    return charFormatter.literalChar(ANTLRLexer
4582:                            .tokenTypeForCharLiteral(text));
4583:                } else
4584:                    return text;
4585:            }
4586:        } | Contact Us
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