001: /*
002: * Copyright © 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
003: *
004: * Sun Microsystems, Inc. has intellectual property rights relating to
005: * technology embodied in the product that is described in this document.
006: * In particular, and without limitation, these intellectual property
007: * rights may include one or more of the U.S. patents listed at
008: * http://www.sun.com/patents and one or more additional patents or
009: * pending patent applications in the U.S. and in other countries.
010: *
011: * U.S. Government Rights - Commercial software. Government users are subject
012: * to the Sun Microsystems, Inc. standard license agreement and applicable
013: * provisions of the FAR and its supplements. Use is subject to license terms.
014: * This distribution may include materials developed by third parties.
015: * Sun, Sun Microsystems, the Sun logo and Java are trademarks or registered
016: * trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries.
017: */
019: package com.sun.portal.community.impl;
021: import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
022: import java.io.IOException;
023: import java.net.MalformedURLException;
024: import java.net.URL;
025: import java.util.ArrayList;
026: import java.util.HashMap;
027: import java.util.HashSet;
028: import java.util.Iterator;
029: import java.util.List;
030: import java.util.Locale;
031: import java.util.Map;
032: import java.util.Properties;
033: import java.util.regex.Pattern;
034: import java.util.Set;
036: import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
037: import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
039: import com.iplanet.sso.SSOTokenManager;
040: import com.iplanet.sso.SSOToken;
041: import com.iplanet.sso.SSOException;
043: import netscape.ldap.LDAPDN;
045: import com.sun.portal.util.ResourceLoader;
047: import com.sun.portal.community.Community;
048: import com.sun.portal.community.CommunityException;
049: import com.sun.portal.community.CommunityFactory;
050: import com.sun.portal.community.CommunityId;
051: import com.sun.portal.community.CommunityManager;
052: import com.sun.portal.community.CommunityServiceException;
053: import com.sun.portal.community.CommunityUser;
054: import com.sun.portal.community.DPName;
055: import com.sun.portal.community.RoleId;
056: import com.sun.portal.community.template.TemplateDescriptor;
057: import com.sun.portal.community.template.TemplateException;
058: import com.sun.portal.community.template.TemplateManager;
059: import com.sun.portal.community.template.TemplateManagerFactory;
061: import com.sun.portal.community.CommunityManagerWSInterface;
062: import com.sun.portal.community.filter.CommunityManagerWSThreadLocalizer;
064: public class CommunityManagerWSImpl implements
065: CommunityManagerWSInterface {
067: private static String communityType = "";
068: private static Pattern allPattern = null;
070: public CommunityManagerWSImpl() {
071: ResourceLoader rl = ResourceLoader.getInstance(System
072: .getProperties());
073: try {
074: Properties p = rl
075: .getProperties("communitymgmnt.properties");
076: communityType = p.getProperty("ps-community-types");
077: } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
078: throw new RuntimeException("CommunityManagerWSImpl: ", fnfe);
079: } catch (IOException ioe) {
080: throw new RuntimeException("CommunityManagerWSImpl: ", ioe);
081: }
082: }
084: public boolean validate() {
085: return true;
086: }
088: public String getSearchServerURL(String ssoTokenID)
089: throws SSOException, CommunityException {
090: SSOToken ssoToken = getAmadminSSOToken(ssoTokenID);
091: CommunityManager cm = getCommunityManager(ssoToken);
092: return cm.getSearchUrl();
093: }
095: public String getSearchServerID(String ssoTokenID)
096: throws SSOException, CommunityException {
097: SSOToken ssoToken = getAmadminSSOToken(ssoTokenID);
098: CommunityManager cm = getCommunityManager(ssoToken);
100: try {
101: URL url = new URL(cm.getSearchUrl());
102: String path = url.getPath();
103: if (path.startsWith("/")) {
104: path = path.substring(1);
105: }
106: String[] strings = path.split("/");
107: int length = strings.length;
108: if (length >= 2) {
109: return strings[length - 2];
110: } else {
111: throw new CommunityException(
112: "Invalid search server URL " + url.toString());
113: }
114: } catch (MalformedURLException murle) {
115: throw new CommunityException(murle);
116: }
117: }
119: public String getCommunityDatabase(String ssoTokenID)
120: throws SSOException, CommunityException {
121: SSOToken ssoToken = getAmadminSSOToken(ssoTokenID);
122: CommunityManager cm = getCommunityManager(ssoToken);
123: return cm.getSearchDb();
124: }
126: public List getAvailableTemplates(String ssoTokenID, String locale)
127: throws SSOException, CommunityException {
128: // public List getAvailableTemplates(String ssoTokenID, String locale) throws SSOException, TemplateException {
129: SSOToken ssoToken = getAmadminSSOToken(ssoTokenID);
131: List result = new ArrayList();
133: try {
134: TemplateManager tm = TemplateManagerFactory.getInstance()
135: .getTemplateManager();
136: Set s = tm.getAllTemplateIds();
137: Iterator i = s.iterator();
138: while (i.hasNext()) {
139: TemplateDescriptor td = tm.getTemplateDescriptor(
140: (String) i.next(), new Locale(locale));
141: Properties p = new Properties();
142: p.setProperty("id", td.getId());
143: p.setProperty("name", td.getName());
144: p.setProperty("description", td.getDescription());
145: result.add(p);
146: }
147: } catch (TemplateException te) {
148: throw new CommunityException(te);
149: }
151: return result;
152: }
154: public List getAvailableDPs(String ssoTokenID) throws SSOException {
155: SSOToken ssoToken = getAmadminSSOToken(ssoTokenID);
157: List result = new ArrayList();
159: Set s = DPName.ALL_DP_NAMES;
160: Iterator i = s.iterator();
161: while (i.hasNext()) {
162: DPName dpName = (DPName) i.next();
163: result.add(dpName.getName());
164: }
166: return result;
167: }
169: public List search(String ssoTokenID, String query)
170: throws SSOException, CommunityException {
171: SSOToken ssoToken = getAmadminSSOToken(ssoTokenID);
173: List result = new ArrayList();
175: HashSet hs = new HashSet();
176: hs.add(RoleId.PENDING_ROLE);
178: CommunityManager cm = getCommunityManager(ssoToken);
179: Set s = cm.match(Pattern.compile(query), false);
180: Iterator i = s.iterator();
181: while (i.hasNext()) {
182: CommunityId cId = (CommunityId) i.next();
183: Community c = getCommunity(ssoToken, cId);
184: if (c != null) {
185: Properties p = new Properties();
186: p.setProperty("id", cId.toString());
187: p.setProperty("name", cId.getName());
188: p.setProperty("description", c.getDescription());
189: p.setProperty("category", c.getCategory());
190: p.setProperty("unlisted", (c.isListed()) ? "false"
191: : "true");
192: p.setProperty("membershiprestricted", (c
193: .isMembershipRestricted()) ? "true" : "false");
194: p.setProperty("secured", (c.isSecure()) ? "true"
195: : "false");
196: p.setProperty("disabled", (c.isDisabled()) ? "true"
197: : "false");
198: p.setProperty("deleted", (c.isDeleted()) ? "true"
199: : "false");
200: p.setProperty("users", Integer.toString(c.getUsers()
201: .size()));
202: p.setProperty("pendingusers", Integer.toString(c
203: .getUsers(hs).size()));
204: result.add(p);
205: }
206: }
208: return result;
209: }
211: public List getSecuredCommunityMembership(String ssoTokenID,
212: String user) throws NullPointerException, SSOException,
213: CommunityException {
214: SSOToken ssoToken = getAmadminSSOToken(ssoTokenID);
215: HttpServletRequest request = CommunityManagerWSThreadLocalizer
216: .getRequest();
217: if (request == null) {
218: throw new NullPointerException(
219: "CommunityManagerWSImpl:getSecuredCommunityMembership request was null from thread local");
220: }
221: CommunityUser cu = CommunityFactory.getInstance()
222: .getCommunityUser(request, user);
223: Map m = cu.getMembership(false);
224: List l = new ArrayList();
225: Iterator i = m.keySet().iterator();
226: while (i.hasNext()) {
227: CommunityId cId = (CommunityId) i.next();
228: Set roleIds = (Set) m.get(cId);
229: Community c = getCommunity(ssoToken, cId);
230: if (c.isSecure() && roleIds != null
231: && roleIds.contains(RoleId.MEMBER_ROLE)) {
232: l.add(cId.toString());
233: }
234: }
235: return l;
236: }
238: public Properties getCommunityProperties(String ssoTokenID,
239: String name) throws SSOException, CommunityException {
240: SSOToken ssoToken = getAmadminSSOToken(ssoTokenID);
241: CommunityManager cm = getCommunityManager(ssoToken);
242: Community c = getCommunity(ssoToken, name);
244: Properties result = new Properties();
246: result.setProperty("id", c.getCommunityId().toString());
247: result.setProperty("name", name);
248: result.setProperty("description", c.getDescription());
249: result.setProperty("category", c.getCategory());
250: result.setProperty("unlisted", (c.isListed()) ? "false"
251: : "true");
252: result.setProperty("membershiprestricted", (c
253: .isMembershipRestricted()) ? "true" : "false");
254: result
255: .setProperty("secured", (c.isSecure()) ? "true"
256: : "false");
257: result.setProperty("disabled", (c.isDisabled()) ? "true"
258: : "false");
259: result.setProperty("deleted", (c.isDeleted()) ? "true"
260: : "false");
261: result.setProperty("users", Integer.toString(c.getUsers()
262: .size()));
264: HashSet hs = new HashSet();
265: hs.add(RoleId.PENDING_ROLE);
266: result.setProperty("pendingusers", Integer.toString(c.getUsers(
267: hs).size()));
269: return result;
270: }
272: public byte[] getCommunityDP(String ssoTokenID, String name,
273: String dp) throws SSOException, CommunityException {
274: SSOToken ssoToken = getAmadminSSOToken(ssoTokenID);
275: Community c = getCommunity(ssoToken, name);
276: return c.getDP(DPName.valueOf(dp));
277: }
279: public void setCommunityProperties(String ssoTokenID, String name,
280: Properties p) throws SSOException, CommunityException {
281: SSOToken ssoToken = getAmadminSSOToken(ssoTokenID);
282: CommunityManager cm = getCommunityManager(ssoToken);
283: Community c = getCommunity(ssoToken, name);
284: c.setDescription(p.getProperty("description"));
285: c.setCategory(p.getProperty("category"));
286: c.setListed((p.getProperty("unlisted").equals("true")) ? false
287: : true);
288: c
289: .setMembershipRestricted((p
290: .getProperty("membershiprestricted")
291: .equals("true")) ? true : false);
292: c.setSecure((p.getProperty("secured").equals("true")) ? true
293: : false);
294: }
296: public void createCommunity(String ssoTokenID, String name,
297: String description, String owner, String category,
298: String template, String unlisted,
299: String membershipRestricted, String secured)
300: throws SSOException, CommunityException,
301: CommunityServiceException {
302: SSOToken ssoToken = getAmadminSSOToken(ssoTokenID);
303: CommunityManager cm = getCommunityManager(ssoToken);
304: cm.createCommunity(new CommunityId(communityType, name), owner,
305: template, category, description, (membershipRestricted
306: .equals("true")) ? true : false, (secured
307: .equals("true")) ? true : false, (unlisted
308: .equals("true")) ? false : true);
309: }
311: public void enableCommunity(String ssoTokenID, String name)
312: throws SSOException, CommunityException,
313: CommunityServiceException {
314: SSOToken ssoToken = getAmadminSSOToken(ssoTokenID);
315: Community c = getCommunity(ssoToken, name);
316: c.setDisabled(false);
317: }
319: public void disableCommunity(String ssoTokenID, String name)
320: throws SSOException, CommunityException,
321: CommunityServiceException {
322: SSOToken ssoToken = getAmadminSSOToken(ssoTokenID);
323: Community c = getCommunity(ssoToken, name);
324: c.setDisabled(true);
325: }
327: public void deleteCommunity(String ssoTokenID, String name)
328: throws SSOException, CommunityException,
329: CommunityServiceException {
330: SSOToken ssoToken = getAmadminSSOToken(ssoTokenID);
331: Community c = getCommunity(ssoToken, name);
332: c.setDeleted(true);
333: }
335: public void undeleteCommunity(String ssoTokenID, String name)
336: throws SSOException, CommunityException,
337: CommunityServiceException {
338: SSOToken ssoToken = getAmadminSSOToken(ssoTokenID);
339: Community c = getCommunity(ssoToken, name);
340: c.setDeleted(false);
341: }
343: public void destroyCommunity(String ssoTokenID, String name)
344: throws SSOException, CommunityException,
345: CommunityServiceException {
346: SSOToken ssoToken = getAmadminSSOToken(ssoTokenID);
347: CommunityManager cm = getCommunityManager(ssoToken);
348: cm.destroyCommunity(new CommunityId(communityType, name));
349: }
351: public boolean isCommunitySecure(String ssoTokenID, String name)
352: throws SSOException, CommunityException {
353: SSOToken ssoToken = getAmadminSSOToken(ssoTokenID);
354: CommunityManager cm = getCommunityManager(ssoToken);
355: Community c = getCommunity(ssoToken, name);
356: return c.isSecure();
357: }
359: public void addUser(String ssoTokenID, String name, String user)
360: throws SSOException, CommunityException,
361: CommunityServiceException {
362: SSOToken ssoToken = getAmadminSSOToken(ssoTokenID);
363: Community c = getCommunity(ssoToken, name);
364: c.addMember(user);
365: }
367: public void removeUser(String ssoTokenID, String name, String user)
368: throws SSOException, CommunityException,
369: CommunityServiceException {
370: SSOToken ssoToken = getAmadminSSOToken(ssoTokenID);
371: Community c = getCommunity(ssoToken, name);
373: Set s = RoleId.ALL_ROLES;
374: Iterator i = s.iterator();
375: while (i.hasNext()) {
376: c.removeUser(user, (RoleId) i.next());
377: }
378: }
380: public void approveUser(String ssoTokenID, String name, String user)
381: throws SSOException, CommunityException,
382: CommunityServiceException {
383: SSOToken ssoToken = getAmadminSSOToken(ssoTokenID);
384: Community c = getCommunity(ssoToken, name);
385: c.approveMembershipRequest(user);
386: }
388: public void denyUser(String ssoTokenID, String name, String user)
389: throws SSOException, CommunityException,
390: CommunityServiceException {
391: SSOToken ssoToken = getAmadminSSOToken(ssoTokenID);
392: Community c = getCommunity(ssoToken, name);
393: c.rejectMembershipRequest(user);
394: }
396: public void banUser(String ssoTokenID, String name, String user)
397: throws SSOException, CommunityException,
398: CommunityServiceException {
399: SSOToken ssoToken = getAmadminSSOToken(ssoTokenID);
400: Community c = getCommunity(ssoToken, name);
401: c.banUser(user);
402: }
404: public void unbanUser(String ssoTokenID, String name, String user)
405: throws SSOException, CommunityException,
406: CommunityServiceException {
407: SSOToken ssoToken = getAmadminSSOToken(ssoTokenID);
408: Community c = getCommunity(ssoToken, name);
409: c.unbanUser(user);
410: }
412: public void addOwner(String ssoTokenID, String name, String user)
413: throws SSOException, CommunityException,
414: CommunityServiceException {
415: SSOToken ssoToken = getAmadminSSOToken(ssoTokenID);
416: Community c = getCommunity(ssoToken, name);
417: c.addOwner(user);
418: }
420: public void removeOwner(String ssoTokenID, String name, String user)
421: throws SSOException, CommunityException,
422: CommunityServiceException {
423: SSOToken ssoToken = getAmadminSSOToken(ssoTokenID);
424: Community c = getCommunity(ssoToken, name);
425: c.removeUser(user, RoleId.OWNER_ROLE);
426: }
428: public List getUsers(String ssoTokenID, String name)
429: throws SSOException, CommunityException {
430: SSOToken ssoToken = getAmadminSSOToken(ssoTokenID);
432: CommunityId cId = new CommunityId(communityType, name);
434: HttpServletRequest request = CommunityManagerWSThreadLocalizer
435: .getRequest();
436: if (request == null) {
437: throw new NullPointerException(
438: "CommunityManagerWSImpl:getUserRoles request was null from thread local");
439: }
441: List result = new ArrayList();
443: Community c = getCommunity(ssoToken, name);
444: Set roleIds = RoleId.ALL_ROLES;
445: roleIds.remove(RoleId.VISITOR_ROLE);
446: roleIds.remove(RoleId.PENDING_ROLE);
447: Set users = c.getUsers(roleIds);
448: Iterator i1 = users.iterator();
449: while (i1.hasNext()) {
450: Properties p = new Properties();
452: String user = (String) i1.next();
453: p.setProperty("dn", user);
455: String roles = "";
456: CommunityUser cu = CommunityFactory.getInstance()
457: .getCommunityUser(request, user);
458: Map m = cu.getMembership(false);
459: Set memberships = (Set) m.get(cId);
460: Iterator i2 = memberships.iterator();
461: while (i2.hasNext()) {
462: RoleId rId = (RoleId) i2.next();
463: roles = roles + rId.toString() + " ";
464: }
465: p.setProperty("roles", roles);
467: result.add(p);
468: }
470: return result;
471: }
473: public List getPendingUsers(String ssoTokenID, String name)
474: throws SSOException, CommunityException {
475: SSOToken ssoToken = getAmadminSSOToken(ssoTokenID);
477: List result = new ArrayList();
479: Community c = getCommunity(ssoToken, name);
480: RoleId rId = RoleId.PENDING_ROLE;
481: HashSet hs = new HashSet();
482: hs.add(rId);
483: Set s = c.getUsers(hs);
484: Iterator i = s.iterator();
485: while (i.hasNext()) {
486: String user = (String) i.next();
487: Properties p = new Properties();
488: p.setProperty("dn", user);
489: p.setProperty("roles", rId.toString());
490: result.add(p);
491: }
493: return result;
494: }
496: public List getUserRoles(String ssoTokenID, String name, String user)
497: throws NullPointerException, SSOException,
498: CommunityException {
499: SSOToken ssoToken = getAmadminSSOToken(ssoTokenID);
501: CommunityId cId = new CommunityId(communityType, name);
503: HttpServletRequest request = CommunityManagerWSThreadLocalizer
504: .getRequest();
505: if (request == null) {
506: throw new NullPointerException(
507: "CommunityManagerWSImpl:getUserRoles request was null from thread local");
508: }
509: CommunityUser cu = CommunityFactory.getInstance()
510: .getCommunityUser(request, user);
512: List result = new ArrayList();
514: Map m = cu.getMembership(false);
515: Set s = (Set) m.get(cId);
516: if (s != null) {
517: Iterator i = s.iterator();
518: while (i.hasNext()) {
519: RoleId rId = (RoleId) i.next();
520: result.add(rId.toString());
521: }
522: }
524: return result;
525: }
527: public boolean hasUser(String ssoTokenID, String name, String user)
528: throws SSOException, CommunityException {
529: SSOToken ssoToken = getAmadminSSOToken(ssoTokenID);
530: user = LDAPDN.normalize(user.toLowerCase());
531: Community c = getCommunity(ssoToken, name);
532: Set s = c.getUsers();
533: Iterator i = s.iterator();
534: while (i.hasNext()) {
535: String testUser = (String) i.next();
536: testUser = LDAPDN.normalize(testUser.toLowerCase());
537: if (testUser.equals(user)) {
538: return true;
539: }
540: }
541: return false;
542: }
544: public boolean isOwner(String ssoTokenID, String name, String user)
545: throws SSOException, CommunityException {
546: SSOToken ssoToken = getAmadminSSOToken(ssoTokenID);
548: user = LDAPDN.normalize(user.toLowerCase());
550: HashSet hs = new HashSet();
551: hs.add(RoleId.OWNER_ROLE);
553: Community c = getCommunity(ssoToken, name);
554: Set s = c.getUsers(hs);
555: Iterator i = s.iterator();
556: while (i.hasNext()) {
557: String testUser = (String) i.next();
558: testUser = LDAPDN.normalize(testUser.toLowerCase());
559: if (testUser.equals(user)) {
560: return true;
561: }
562: }
563: return false;
564: }
566: public boolean isUserBanned(String ssoTokenID, String name,
567: String user) throws SSOException, CommunityException {
568: SSOToken ssoToken = getAmadminSSOToken(ssoTokenID);
570: user = LDAPDN.normalize(user.toLowerCase());
572: HashSet hs = new HashSet();
573: hs.add(RoleId.BANNED_ROLE);
575: Community c = getCommunity(ssoToken, name);
576: Set s = c.getUsers(hs);
577: Iterator i = s.iterator();
578: while (i.hasNext()) {
579: String testUser = (String) i.next();
580: testUser = LDAPDN.normalize(testUser.toLowerCase());
581: if (testUser.equals(user)) {
582: return true;
583: }
584: }
585: return false;
586: }
588: public boolean isUserPending(String ssoTokenID, String name,
589: String user) throws SSOException, CommunityException {
590: SSOToken ssoToken = getAmadminSSOToken(ssoTokenID);
592: user = LDAPDN.normalize(user.toLowerCase());
594: HashSet hs = new HashSet();
595: hs.add(RoleId.PENDING_ROLE);
597: Community c = getCommunity(ssoToken, name);
598: Set s = c.getUsers(hs);
599: Iterator i = s.iterator();
600: while (i.hasNext()) {
601: String testUser = (String) i.next();
602: testUser = LDAPDN.normalize(testUser.toLowerCase());
603: if (testUser.equals(user)) {
604: return true;
605: }
606: }
607: return false;
608: }
610: /*
611: ** For testing!
612: */
613: public void requestMembership(String ssoTokenID, String name,
614: String user) throws SSOException, CommunityException,
615: CommunityServiceException {
616: SSOToken ssoToken = getAmadminSSOToken(ssoTokenID);
617: Community c = getCommunity(ssoToken, name);
618: c.requestMembership(user);
619: }
621: private SSOToken getAmadminSSOToken(String ssoTokenID)
622: throws SSOException {
623: SSOToken ssoToken = SSOTokenManager.getInstance()
624: .createSSOToken(ssoTokenID);
625: SSOTokenManager.getInstance().validateToken(ssoToken);
626: return ssoToken;
627: }
629: private CommunityManager getCommunityManager(SSOToken ssoToken)
630: throws NullPointerException, CommunityException {
631: HttpServletRequest request = CommunityManagerWSThreadLocalizer
632: .getRequest();
633: if (request == null) {
634: throw new NullPointerException(
635: "CommunityManagerWSImpl:getCommunityManager request was null from thread local");
636: }
638: HttpServletResponse response = CommunityManagerWSThreadLocalizer
639: .getResponse();
640: if (response == null) {
641: throw new NullPointerException(
642: "CommunityManagerWSImpl:getCommunityManager response was null from thread local");
643: }
645: return CommunityFactory.getInstance().getCommunityManager(
646: request, response, ssoToken);
647: }
649: private Community getCommunity(SSOToken ssoToken, CommunityId cId)
650: throws NullPointerException, CommunityException {
651: HttpServletRequest request = CommunityManagerWSThreadLocalizer
652: .getRequest();
653: if (request == null) {
654: throw new NullPointerException(
655: "CommunityManagerWSImpl:getCommunity request was null from thread local");
656: }
658: HttpServletResponse response = CommunityManagerWSThreadLocalizer
659: .getResponse();
660: if (response == null) {
661: throw new NullPointerException(
662: "CommunityManagerWSImpl:getCommunity response was null from thread local");
663: }
665: return CommunityFactory.getInstance().getCommunity(request,
666: response, ssoToken, cId);
667: }
669: private Community getCommunity(SSOToken ssoToken, String name)
670: throws CommunityException {
671: return getCommunity(ssoToken, new CommunityId(communityType,
672: name));
673: }
675: private HashSet toCommunityIds(Set names) {
676: HashSet hs = new HashSet();
677: Iterator i = names.iterator();
678: while (i.hasNext()) {
679: CommunityId cId = new CommunityId(communityType, (String) i
680: .next());
681: hs.add(cId);
682: }
683: return hs;
684: }
686: }