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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » Portal » Open Portal » com.sun.portal.netfile.servlet.java2 
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001:        /** 
002:         * $Id:,v 1.17 2006/05/17 11:57:38 bustamam Exp $ 
003:         * Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All 
004:         * rights reserved. Use of this product is subject 
005:         * to license terms. Federal Acquisitions: 
006:         * Commercial Software -- Government Users 
007:         * Subject to Standard License Terms and 
008:         * Conditions. 
009:         * 
010:         * Sun, Sun Microsystems, the Sun logo, and Sun ONE 
011:         * are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, 
012:         * Inc. in the United States and other countries. 
013:         */package com.sun.portal.netfile.servlet.java2;
015:        import java.util.*;
016:        import com.sun.portal.log.common.PortalLogger;
017:        import*;
018:        import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
020:        import com.sun.portal.netfile.shared.*;
022:        /*
023:         * getFTPDir by Sushma Chakkirala Jun 14th 2000
024:         * Subclassed to use common methods from FtpFile by Ali Baqri
025:         * Modified for Java2 by Suresh Yellamaraju
026:         */
028:        class NetWareFile extends FtpFile {
030:            private final int MAX_COLUMNS = 8;
031:            private Locale clocale;
033:            public NetWareFile(String szMachineEncoding, Locale cloc) {
034:                super (szMachineEncoding, cloc);
035:            }
037:            public String[] getFTPDir(String username, String password,
038:                    String machname, String VMSname, String dirS,
039:                    NetFileResource nfrUsrResBundle) throws NetFileException {
041:                writeDebug("Expanding Netware directory", null);
043:                int txt = 0;
044:                StringBuffer buftxt = new StringBuffer(400);
045:                String textouting = "";
046:                String col_type = "";
047:                String col_junk1 = "";
048:                String col_size = "";
049:                String col_month = "";
050:                String col_day = "";
051:                String col_time = "";
052:                String type = "";
053:                String date = "";
054:                FullFtpClient ffc = null;
055:                String error6 = "";
056:                try {
058:                    writeDebug("VMS= " + VMSname + ",Dir=" + dirS
059:                            + " ,machine=" + machname + ",user name="
060:                            + username + ", encoding=" + szEncoding, null);
062:                    ffc = initialiseFtpClient(username, password, machname,
063:                            VMSname, dirS);
065:                    writeDebug("Fetching listing for \n" + ffc.pwd(), null);
067:                    // Do a 'dir' using FTP command LIST
068:                    BufferedReader theList = new BufferedReader(
069:                            new InputStreamReader(ffc.list(), this .szEncoding));
070:                    String theLine;
071:                    while ((theLine = theList.readLine()) != null) {
072:                        buftxt.append(theLine).append("\n");
073:                    }
074:                    textouting = buftxt.toString();
076:                    writeDebug("The Netware File Listing obtained is \n"
077:                            + textouting, null);
079:                    theList.close();
080:                    ffc.closeServer();
082:                } catch (Exception ex) {
083:                    writeDebug(
084:                            "Exception in getting Netware file listing from "
085:                                    + machname, ex);
087:                    if (ex instanceof  NetFileException) {
088:                        throw (NetFileException) ex;
089:                    } else {
090:                        throw new NetFileException(
091:                                NetFileException.NETFILE_GENERROR_CODE,
092:                                //"Error occured in fetching listing from " + VMSname+dirS + " of " + machname);
093:                                nfrUsrResBundle
094:                                        .getString("nwf.1", new Object[] {
095:                                                VMSname, dirS, machname }));
096:                    }
098:                }
100:                if (textouting.indexOf("Permission denied") > 0) {
101:                    throw new NetFileException(
102:                            NetFileException.NETFILE_GENERROR_CODE,
103:                            //error6 + " in fetching listing from " + VMSname+dirS + " of " + machname);
104:                            nfrUsrResBundle.getString("nwf.2", new Object[] {
105:                                    error6, VMSname, dirS, machname }));
106:                }
108:                ArrayList cache = new ArrayList();
109:                cache.clear();
110:                StringTokenizer pars = new StringTokenizer(textouting, "\n");
111:                /** Output looks like this. parse it.
112:                 * ftp> dir
113:                 * 200 PORT command okay.
114:                 * 150 Opening data connection for  (,36872).
115:                 * total 0
116:                 * - [RWCEAFMS] supervisor                        890 May 07 22:33 vol$log.err
117:                 * - [RWCEAFMS] supervisor                        607 May 07 22:33 tts$log.err
118:                 * - [RWCEAFMS] supervisor                      65536 May 12 19:32 backout.tts
119:                 * d [RWCEAFMS] supervisor                        512 Jun 13 12:37 login
120:                 * d [RWCEAFMS] icebox81                          512 May 02 22:40 ndps
121:                 * 226 Transfer complete.
122:                 * 1687 bytes received in 0.01 seconds (163.70 Kbytes/s)
123:                 * ftp>
124:                 **/
126:                String tmp = "";
127:                while (pars.hasMoreElements()) {
128:                    tmp = (String) pars.nextElement();
129:                    /* grep for the 'total' word in the 'ls' output */
130:                    /**
131:                     * Bug 4521436
132:                     *
133:                     * while (tmp.startsWith(nfrUsrResBundle.getString("total"))) {
134:                     * while (pars.hasMoreElements()) {
135:                     * tmp = (String)pars.nextElement();
136:                     * cache.addElement(tmp);
137:                     * }
138:                     * }
139:                     *
140:                     */
141:                    if (pars.countTokens() == 0) {
142:                        return new String[] {};
143:                    }
144:                    while (tmp.startsWith(nfrUsrResBundle.getString("total"))) {
145:                        while (pars.hasMoreTokens()) {
146:                            tmp = pars.nextToken();
147:                            cache.add(tmp);
148:                        }
149:                    }
150:                    // end of code change for Bug 4521436
151:                }
153:                Object[] rowdata = new Object[300];
154:                int i_number_of_files = cache.size();
155:                if (i_number_of_files == 0) {
156:                    return new String[] {};
157:                }
159:                String[] sa_file_listing = new String[i_number_of_files * 4];
161:                writeDebug("Netware file listing size = " + i_number_of_files,
162:                        null);
164:                int i_index = 0;
165:                if (cache.size() > 0) {
166:                    for (int row = 0; row < cache.size(); row++) {
167:                        String str_cache = (String) cache.get(row);
168:                        StringTokenizer parsnew = new StringTokenizer(
169:                                str_cache, " ");
170:                        String col_name = "";
171:                        int parscntnew = parsnew.countTokens();
172:                        for (int j = 0; j < parscntnew; j++) {
173:                            rowdata[j] = parsnew.nextToken();
174:                        }
176:                        /* Format of ftpd from Sun Solaris
177:                         * drwxrwxrwt   8                               sys     sys     2717    May
178:                         * 7       17:11 tmp
179:                         * Format of ftpd from Novell Netware
180:                         * d            [RWCEAFMS]                      admin   512     May     03
181:                         **/
182:                        /*
183:                         * - [RWCEAFMS] supervisor                        890 May 07 22:33 vol$log.err
184:                         * - [RWCEAFMS] supervisor                        607 May 07 22:33 tts$log.err
185:                         */
186:                        col_type = rowdata[0].toString();
187:                        col_junk1 = rowdata[1].toString();
188:                        col_size = rowdata[3].toString();
189:                        col_month = rowdata[4].toString();
190:                        col_day = rowdata[5].toString();
191:                        col_time = rowdata[6].toString();
193:                        // This is for the spaced files(directories)
194:                        if (parscntnew > MAX_COLUMNS - 1) {
195:                            for (int l = MAX_COLUMNS - 1; l < parscntnew; l++) {
196:                                col_name = col_name + rowdata[l].toString()
197:                                        + " ";
198:                            }
199:                        } else {
200:                            col_name = col_name
201:                                    + rowdata[MAX_COLUMNS - 1].toString();
202:                        }
203:                        col_name = col_name.trim();
205:                        if ((col_name.equals(".")) || (col_name.equals(".."))) {
206:                        } else {
207:                            type = col_type.substring(0, 1);
208:                            date = getModifiedDateFormat(col_month, col_day,
209:                                    col_time, nfrUsrResBundle
210:                                            .getString("nwf.DateFormat"));
211:                            sa_file_listing[i_index++] = type;
212:                            sa_file_listing[i_index++] = col_name;
213:                            sa_file_listing[i_index++] = col_size;
214:                            sa_file_listing[i_index++] = date;
215:                            writeDebug("Type = " + type, null);
216:                            writeDebug("Name = " + col_name, null);
217:                            writeDebug("Size = " + col_size, null);
218:                            writeDebug("Date = " + date, null);
219:                            txt++;
220:                        }
221:                    }
222:                }
223:                writeDebug("Returning from expanding Netware directory", null);
224:                return sa_file_listing;
225:            }
227:            private String getModifiedDateFormat(String month, String date,
228:                    String time, String datef) {
229:                GregorianCalendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone
230:                        .getDefault());
231:                calendar.set(Calendar.MONTH, getMonthCode(month));
232:                calendar.set(Calendar.DATE, Integer.parseInt(date));
233:                if (time.indexOf(":") != -1) {
234:                    int colonIndex = time.indexOf(":");
235:                    String hourStr = time.substring(0, colonIndex);
236:                    String minuteStr = time.substring(colonIndex + 1).trim();
237:                    calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, Integer
238:                            .parseInt(hourStr));
239:                    calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, Integer.parseInt(minuteStr));
240:                } else {
241:                    calendar.set(Calendar.YEAR, Integer.parseInt(time.trim()));
242:                }
243:                Date d = calendar.getTime();
244:                SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(datef, clocale);
245:                sdf.setCalendar(new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getDefault()));
246:                return sdf.format(d);
247:            }
249:            /* Checks if the machine type is Unix FTP or NetWare Ftp */
250:            boolean getFTPType(String machname) {
251:                FullFtpClient fc;
252:                String ftpResponse;
253:                String novellResponse = "NetWare";
254:                boolean novellServer = false;
256:                writeDebug("Detecting if " + machname
257:                        + "Netware FTP or other FTP server", null);
258:                try {
259:                    ffc = new FullFtpClient(machname, szEncoding);
260:                    ftpResponse = ffc.getResponseString();
261:                    ffc.closeServer();
263:                    /* Verify if the server is a Unix FTP server
264:                     * or a Novell FTP Server
265:                     */
266:                    if (ftpResponse.indexOf(novellResponse) != -1) {
267:                        novellServer = true;
268:                    } else {
269:                        novellServer = false;
270:                    }
271:                } catch (Exception e) {
272:                    writeDebug("getFTPType: Exception: ", e);
273:                }
274:                return novellServer;
275:            }
276:        } | Contact Us
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