001: /*
002: * Copyright 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
003: * PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use of this product is subject to license terms.
004: */
006: package com.sun.portal.search.db;
008: import com.sun.portal.search.rdm.*;
009: import com.sun.portal.search.soif.*;
010: import com.sun.portal.search.util.*;
012: import java.util.*;
013: import java.io.*;
015: /**
016: * SOIF Database API
017: *
018: * <p>- handles SOIF db i/o
019: * <p>- provides a template for similar, non-SOIF layers, eg, XML, etc.
020: * <p>- hides db implementation details (eg, db might not contain SOIF)
021: * <p>- hides the mechanics of P/NP data
022: */
023: public class SearchOnlyDb implements RDMDb {
025: NovaDb searchengine = new NovaDb(); // XXX need factory
027: // XXX Authentication???
029: /**
030: * insert/replace RD in database, filtered by view
031: */
032: public void store(SToken st, SOIF insoif, Set view, int flags,
033: RDMTransaction t) throws RDMException {
035: if ((flags & NOINDEX) == 0) {
036: if (!insoif.contains(SOIFDb.NOREINDEX)) {
037: // need to reindex this SOIF
038: searchengine.store(st, insoif, view, flags, t);
039: } else
040: insoif.remove(SOIFDb.NOREINDEX);
041: }
043: }
045: /**
046: * delete RD from database XXX with View?
047: */
048: public void delete(SToken st, SOIF insoif, int flags,
049: RDMTransaction t) throws RDMException {
051: if ((flags & NOINDEX) == 0) {
052: int pflags = flags & 0xFF000000;
053: flags &= 0x00FFFFFF;
054: if ((pflags & RDMDb.PONLY) != 0) {
055: // P delete may require reindex
056: if (!insoif.contains(SOIFDb.NOREINDEX))
057: searchengine.store(st, insoif, null, flags, t);
058: } else
059: // Entire RD, or NP only delete implies index delete
060: searchengine.delete(st, insoif, null, flags, t);
061: }
063: }
065: /**
066: * Create a new db with the given name, partitions and indexes.
067: * @param st Security token for access control
068: * @param rootdir db home dir
069: * @param dbname logical database name
070: * @param parts database partitions
071: * @param index db index data
072: * @throws RDMException
073: */
074: static public void create(SToken st, String rootdir, String dbname,
075: String parts[]) throws RDMException {
076: ; // nothing
077: }
079: /**
080: * Delete the named db.
081: * @param st
082: * @param rootdir
083: * @param dbname
084: * @throws RDMException */
085: static public void drop(SToken st, String rootdir, String dbname)
086: throws RDMException {
087: // XXX searchengine.drop();
088: }
090: /**
091: * Empty the database
092: */
093: public int purge(SToken st, RDMTransaction t) throws RDMException {
094: return searchengine.purge(st, t);
095: }
097: /**
098: * open -- Opens a database
099: * - rootdir -- db home dir
100: * - dbname -- name of database from root.db (e.g., default)
102: * - mode -- Unix mode
103: */
104: public void open(SToken st, String rootdir, String dbname, int rw,
105: int mode) throws RDMException {
106: searchengine.open(st, rootdir, dbname, rw, mode);
107: }
109: /**
110: * Closes db and index extents
111: * @param st
112: * @throws RDMException
113: */
114: public void close(SToken st) throws RDMException {
115: searchengine.close(st);
116: }
118: public String getName() {
119: //return searchengine.getName;
120: return "Nova Search"; // XXX
121: }
123: public RDMResultSet search(SToken st, String query, int numHits,
124: Set view, String sortOrder, RDMTransaction t)
125: throws RDMException {
126: return searchengine.search(st, query, numHits, view, sortOrder,
127: t);
128: }
130: /**
131: * Delete a SOIF stream. Should do automatic batching if appropriate.
132: */
133: public void delete(SToken st, SOIF s, Set view, int flags,
134: RDMTransaction t) throws RDMException {
135: searchengine.delete(st, s, view, flags, t);
136: }
138: /**
139: * Number of docs.
140: */
141: public int count(SToken st, RDMTransaction t) throws RDMException {
142: return searchengine.count(st, t);
143: }
145: /**
146: * Store - creates a transaction for atomic indexing, if none supplied.
147: * @param st
148: * @param key
149: * @param newdata
150: * @param flags
151: * @param t
152: * @throws RDMException */
153: public void store(SToken st, Datum key, Datum newdata, int flags,
154: RDMTransaction t) throws RDMException {
155: throw new RDMException("SearchOnlyDb: store() not implemented");
156: }
158: public void store(SToken st, SOIF soif, int flags, RDMTransaction t)
159: throws RDMException {
160: store(st, soif, null, flags, t);
161: }
163: /**
164: * update - update an RD XXX with View?
165: */
166: public void update(SToken st, SOIF insoif, Set view, int flags,
167: RDMTransaction t) throws RDMException {
168: throw new RDMException("SearchOnlyDb: update() not implemented");
169: }
171: /**
172: * Delete - creates a transaction for atomic indexing, if none supplied.
173: * @param st
174: * @param key
175: * @param flags
176: * @param t
177: * @throws RDMException */
178: public void delete(SToken st, Datum key, int flags, RDMTransaction t)
179: throws RDMException {
180: throw new RDMException("SearchOnlyDb: delete() not implemented");
181: }
183: /**
184: * Returns 0 if present, or Db.DB_NOTFOUND or DBb.DB_KEYEMPTY (for missing recno key)
185: * If result is null, simply checks for presence of key in db.
186: * @param st
187: * @param key
188: * @param result
189: * @param flags
190: * @param t
191: * @throws RDMException
192: * @return */
193: public int fetch(SToken st, Datum key, Datum result, int flags,
194: RDMTransaction t) throws RDMException {
195: throw new RDMException("SearchOnlyDb: fetch() not implemented");
196: }
198: /**
199: * retrieve RD from database, filtered by view
200: */
201: public SOIF fetch(SToken st, String url, Set view, int flags,
202: RDMTransaction t) throws RDMException {
203: return searchengine.fetch(st, url, view, flags, t);
204: }
206: public SOIF fetch(SToken st, String url, int flags, RDMTransaction t)
207: throws RDMException {
208: return fetch(st, url, null, flags, t);
209: }
211: /**
212: * Create a new db with the given name, partitions and indexes.
213: * @param st Security token for access control
214: * @param rootdir db home dir
215: * @param dbname logical database name
216: * @param parts database partitions
217: * @throws RDMException
218: */
219: public void create1(SToken st, String rootdir, String dbname,
220: String[] parts) throws RDMException {
221: throw new RDMException(
222: "SearchOnlyDb: create1() not implemented");
223: }
225: /**
226: * Delete the named db.
227: * @param st
228: * @param rootdir
229: * @param dbname
230: * @throws RDMException */
231: public void drop1(SToken st, String rootdir, String dbname)
232: throws RDMException {
233: throw new RDMException("SearchOnlyDb: drop1() not implemented");
234: }
236: /**
237: * Administer the db
238: * @param st
239: * @param cmd
240: * @throws RDMException
241: */
242: public void admin(SToken st, String cmd) throws RDMException {
243: throw new RDMException("SearchOnlyDb: admin() not implemented");
244: }
246: /**
247: * Query language support
248: * @param st
249: * @throws RDMException
250: * @return Set of supported query languages (String)
251: */
252: public Set getSupportedQueryLanguages(SToken st)
253: throws RDMException {
254: throw new RDMException(
255: "SearchOnlyDb: getSupportedQueryLanguages() not implemented");
256: }
258: /**
259: * Data type support XXX - or leave this up to the client(or server)?
260: */
261: public Set getSupportedDataTypes(SToken st) throws RDMException {
262: throw new RDMException(
263: "SearchOnlyDb: getSupportedDataTypes() not implemented");
264: }
266: /**
267: * Optimize the db
268: */
269: public void optimize(SToken st) throws RDMException {
270: searchengine.optimize(st);
271: }
273: /**
274: * Housekeep the db - general servicing, clean log files, create checkpoints, etc.
275: */
276: public void housekeep() throws RDMException {
277: throw new RDMException(
278: "SearchOnlyDb: houseKeep() not implemented");
279: }
281: public void setIndexBatchSize(SToken st, int n) throws RDMException {
282: searchengine.setIndexBatchSize(st, n);
283: }
285: public void indexBatch(SToken st) throws RDMException {
286: searchengine.indexBatch(st);
287: }
289: /**
290: * Recover the db - must be run stand alone (ie, no one else has the db open)
291: */
292: public void recover(SToken st, String dbhome, boolean fatal)
293: throws RDMException {
294: }
296: }