01: /*
02: * Copyright 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
03: * PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use of this product is subject to license terms.
04: */
06: package com.sun.portal.subscriptions.admin.model;
08: import java.util.Iterator;
09: import java.util.Set;
10: import java.util.HashSet;
11: import java.util.Collections;
12: import java.util.Map;
13: import java.util.HashMap;
14: import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
16: import com.iplanet.am.console.service.model.SMDataModelImpl;
17: import com.iplanet.am.console.base.model.AMConsoleException;
18: import com.iplanet.am.console.components.view.html.DynamicGUI;
20: import com.iplanet.am.sdk.AMRole;
21: import com.iplanet.am.sdk.AMTemplate;
22: import com.iplanet.am.sdk.AMException;
23: import com.iplanet.sso.SSOException;
25: import com.sun.portal.subscriptions.admin.SubscriptionsAdminConstants;
26: import com.sun.portal.desktop.context.DSAMEConstants;
28: /**
29: * This class is extends the functionality of SMDataModelImpl by implementing a
30: * method canViewDTAttributes which determines if the desktop attributes
31: * can be viewed by the current user.
32: */
33: public class SubscriptionsAdminServiceModelImpl extends SMDataModelImpl {
34: // used for debugging
35: public static final String CLASS_NAME = "SubscriptionsAdminServiceModelImpl.";
37: public String organization = null;
39: /**
40: * @param req The HttpServletRequest object.
41: * @param rbName The name of the resource bundle.
42: * @param map of user information
43: * @param svcName Name of the service.
44: * @param processTemplate - true to process template
45: */
46: public SubscriptionsAdminServiceModelImpl(HttpServletRequest req,
47: String rbName, Map map, String svcName,
48: boolean processTemplate) {
50: super (req, rbName, map, svcName, processTemplate);
51: }
53: /**
54: * Gets URL for an online help document. Default URL to English online
55: * help if it is not found.
56: *
57: * @param docName - online help document file name
58: * @return URL for an online help document
59: */
60: public String getHelpUrl(String docName) {
61: /* Calls getHelpURL from the AMModelBase class where it is a protected
62: * method. So this method (notice the lower case "rl" in "Url") makes
63: * the protected method in the model superclass available to
64: * the viewbeans.*/
65: return getHelpURL(docName);
66: }
68: /**
69: * initializes the model's data
70: *
71: */
72: public void initData(String org) throws Exception {
73: organization = org;
74: }
75: }