01: /*
02: * IntranetInfo.java
03: *
04: * Created on May 16, 2003, 1:55 PM
05: */
07: package com.sun.portal.util;
09: /**
10: *
11: * @author mm132998
12: * @version
13: */
14: public interface IntranetInfo {
16: /*
17: * This returns the proxy for the host. @param host The host which has to be
18: * checked : If it is not an FQDN , depending on whether it is of form
19: * "host" or "host.sub-domain" , the corresponding
20: * "default-subdomain.default.domain" , "default-domain" will be appended
21: * and checked.
22: */
23: public String getWebProxy(String protocol, String host);
25: /*
26: * This returns whether the host is part of the intranet (specified in the
27: * domain list) @param host The host which has to be checked : If it is not
28: * an FQDN , depending on whther it is of form "host" or "host.sub-domain" ,
29: * the corresponding "default-subdomain.default.domain" , "default-domain"
30: * will be appended and checked.
31: */
32: public boolean containHost(String host);
33: }