01: package org.jasig.portal.layout;
03: /**
04: * Defines an interface that the layout management implementation being used
05: * can opt to support to provide localized names of folder nodes without
06: * requiring such names to be embedded within the layouts for users. By using
07: * this approach, when the user's locale changes the layout need not be
08: * reloaded but the next rendering can inject the names.
09: *
10: * @author Mark Boyd
11: *
12: */
13: public interface IFolderLocalNameResolver {
14: /**
15: * Returns the local folder label for the user's current locale as
16: * determined by use of the LocaleManager. If no local version of the label
17: * is available for the current locale nor for the default locale then null
18: * is returned.
19: *
20: * @param nodeId
21: * @return
22: */
23: public String getFolderLabel(String nodeId);
24: }