001: package clime.messadmin.admin;
003: import java.io.IOException;
004: import java.util.ArrayList;
005: import java.util.Collection;
006: import java.util.Collections;
007: import java.util.Comparator;
008: import java.util.Date;
009: import java.util.List;
010: import java.util.Locale;
011: import java.util.Set;
013: import javax.servlet.Servlet;
014: import javax.servlet.ServletException;
015: import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
016: import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
017: import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
018: import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
020: import clime.messadmin.core.Constants;
021: import clime.messadmin.core.MessAdmin;
022: import clime.messadmin.i18n.I18NSupport;
023: import clime.messadmin.model.Application;
024: import clime.messadmin.model.IApplicationInfo;
025: import clime.messadmin.model.IServerInfo;
026: import clime.messadmin.model.ISessionInfo;
027: import clime.messadmin.model.Server;
028: import clime.messadmin.model.Session;
029: import clime.messadmin.providers.spi.DisplayFormatProvider;
030: import clime.messadmin.providers.spi.LocaleProvider;
031: import clime.messadmin.providers.spi.UserNameProvider;
032: import clime.messadmin.taglib.core.Util;
033: import clime.messadmin.taglib.fmt.BundleTag;
034: import clime.messadmin.taglib.jstl.fmt.LocalizationContext;
035: import clime.messadmin.utils.ComparableBoolean;
036: import clime.messadmin.utils.ReverseComparator;
037: import clime.messadmin.utils.SessionUtils;
039: /**
040: * Servlet implementation class for Servlet: MessAdminServlet
041: * IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: always use include() instead of forward(), to get the real name of this servlet in jsp's
042: * @author Cédrik LIME
043: */
044: public class MessAdminServlet extends HttpServlet implements Servlet {
045: private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
047: private static final String I18N_BUNDLE_NAME = "clime.messadmin.admin.i18n.core";//$NON-NLS-1$
049: private static final String METHOD_POST = "POST";//$NON-NLS-1$
051: protected String authorizationPassword = null;
053: /** {@inheritDoc} */
054: public void log(String message) {
055: if (DEBUG) {
056: getServletContext().log(getServletName() + ": " + message);//$NON-NLS-1$
057: }
058: }
060: /** {@inheritDoc} */
061: public void log(String message, Throwable t) {
062: if (DEBUG) {
063: getServletContext().log(
064: getServletName() + ": " + message, t);//$NON-NLS-1$
065: }
066: }
068: /* (non-Java-doc)
069: * @see javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet#HttpServlet()
070: */
071: public MessAdminServlet() {
072: super ();
073: }
075: /**
076: * {@inheritDoc}
077: */
078: protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req,
079: HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException,
080: IOException {
081: try {
082: process(req, resp);
083: } finally {
084: I18NSupport.setAdminLocale(null);
085: }
086: }
088: /**
089: * {@inheritDoc}
090: */
091: protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest req,
092: HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException,
093: IOException {
094: try {
095: process(req, resp);
096: } finally {
097: I18NSupport.setAdminLocale(null);
098: }
099: }
101: /**
102: * Dispatcher method which processes the request
103: * @param req
104: * @param resp
105: * @throws ServletException
106: * @throws IOException
107: */
108: protected void process(HttpServletRequest req,
109: HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException,
110: IOException {
111: if (!HTTPAuthorizationProvider.checkAccess(
112: authorizationPassword, req, resp)) {
113: return;
114: }
116: if (req.getParameter(Constants.APPLICATION_MESSAGE) != null) {
117: req.setAttribute(Constants.APPLICATION_MESSAGE, req
118: .getParameter(Constants.APPLICATION_MESSAGE));
119: }
120: if (req.getParameter(Constants.APPLICATION_ERROR) != null) {
121: req.setAttribute(Constants.APPLICATION_ERROR, req
122: .getParameter(Constants.APPLICATION_ERROR));
123: }
125: DisplayFormatProvider displayFormatProvider = DisplayFormatProvider.Util
126: .getInstance(req);
127: resp.setContentType(displayFormatProvider.getContentType());
128: //resp.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8");//$NON-NLS-1$
129: // set response locale from client's browser settings.
130: LocalizationContext l10nContext = BundleTag.findMatch(req,
132: if (l10nContext != null && l10nContext.getLocale() != null) {
133: resp.setLocale(l10nContext.getLocale());
134: } else {
135: resp.setLocale(I18NSupport.DEFAULT_ADMIN_LOCALE);
136: }
137: I18NSupport.setAdminLocale(resp.getLocale()); // necessary for plugins
139: displayFormatProvider.preProcess(req, resp);
141: final ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread()
142: .getContextClassLoader();
144: String action = req.getParameter("action");//$NON-NLS-1$
145: // The Big Dispatch(TM), part 1
146: if ("serverInfos".equals(action)) {//$NON-NLS-1$
147: displayServerInfosPage(displayFormatProvider, req, resp);
148: return;
149: } else if ("webAppsList".equals(action)) {//$NON-NLS-1$
150: displayWebAppsList(displayFormatProvider, req, resp);
151: return;
152: } else if ("injectApplications".equals(action)) {//$NON-NLS-1$
153: String permanent = req.getParameter("permanent");//$NON-NLS-1$
154: String[] applicationIds = req
155: .getParameterValues("applicationIds");//$NON-NLS-1$
156: String message = req.getParameter("message");//$NON-NLS-1$
157: int i;
158: if (permanent != null) {
159: i = MessAdmin.injectApplicationsPermanent(
160: applicationIds, message);
161: } else {
162: i = MessAdmin.injectApplicationsOnce(applicationIds,
163: message);
164: }
165: req
166: .setAttribute(
168: I18NSupport
169: .getLocalizedMessage(
171: cl,
172: "injectApplications.ok", new Integer[] { new Integer(i) }));//$NON-NLS-1$
173: displayWebAppsList(displayFormatProvider, req, resp);
174: return;
175: }
177: // Get the WebApp context we want to work with
178: String context = req.getParameter("context");//$NON-NLS-1$
179: if (context == null
180: && Server.getInstance().getAllKnownInternalContexts()
181: .size() == 1) {
182: context = (String) Server.getInstance()
183: .getAllKnownInternalContexts().toArray()[0];//req.getContextPath();
184: }
185: // If no or invalid context, display a list of available WebApps
186: if (context == null
187: || Server.getInstance().getApplication(context) == null) {
188: displayWebAppsList(displayFormatProvider, req, resp);
189: return;
190: }
191: req.setAttribute("context", context);//$NON-NLS-1$
193: // The Big Dispatch(TM), part 2
194: if ("webAppStats".equals(action)) {//$NON-NLS-1$
195: displayWebAppStatsPage(displayFormatProvider, req, resp,
196: context);
197: return;
198: } else if ("sessionsList".equals(action)) {//$NON-NLS-1$
199: displaySessionsListPage(displayFormatProvider, req, resp,
200: context);
201: return;
202: } else if ("sessionDetail".equals(action)) {//$NON-NLS-1$
203: String sessionId = req.getParameter("sessionId");//$NON-NLS-1$
204: displaySessionDetailPage(displayFormatProvider, req, resp,
205: context, sessionId);
206: return;
207: } else if ("removeServletContextAttribute".equals(action)) {//$NON-NLS-1$
208: String name = req.getParameter("attributeName");//$NON-NLS-1$
209: IApplicationInfo applicationInfo = Server.getInstance()
210: .getApplication(context).getApplicationInfo();
211: boolean removed = (null != applicationInfo
212: .getAttribute(name));
213: applicationInfo.removeAttribute(name);
214: if (removed) {
215: req
216: .setAttribute(
218: I18NSupport
219: .getLocalizedMessage(
221: cl,
222: "removeServletContextAttribute.ok", new String[] { name }));//$NON-NLS-1$
223: } else {
224: req
225: .setAttribute(
227: I18NSupport
228: .getLocalizedMessage(
230: cl,
231: "removeServletContextAttribute.ko", new String[] { context, name }));//$NON-NLS-1$
232: }
233: resp.sendRedirect(resp.encodeRedirectURL(req
234: .getRequestURL().append(
235: "?action=webAppStats&context=").append(
236: context).toString()));
237: return;
238: } else if ("injectApplication".equals(action)) {//$NON-NLS-1$
239: String message = req.getParameter("message");//$NON-NLS-1$
240: Application application = Server.getInstance()
241: .getApplication(context);
242: application.injectPermanentMessage(message);
243: req.setAttribute(Constants.APPLICATION_MESSAGE, I18NSupport
244: .getLocalizedMessage(I18N_BUNDLE_NAME, cl,
245: "injectApplication.ok"));//$NON-NLS-1$
246: displaySessionsListPage(displayFormatProvider, req, resp,
247: context);
248: return;
249: } else if ("injectSessions".equals(action)) {//$NON-NLS-1$
250: String[] sessionIds = req.getParameterValues("sessionIds");//$NON-NLS-1$
251: String message = req.getParameter("message");//$NON-NLS-1$
252: int i = MessAdmin.injectSessions(context, sessionIds,
253: message);
254: req.setAttribute(Constants.APPLICATION_MESSAGE, "" + i
255: + " sessions modified.");
256: displaySessionsListPage(displayFormatProvider, req, resp,
257: context);
258: return;
259: } else if ("invalidateSessions".equals(action)) {//$NON-NLS-1$
260: String[] sessionIds = req.getParameterValues("sessionIds");//$NON-NLS-1$
261: int i = MessAdmin.invalidateSessions(context, sessionIds);
262: req
263: .setAttribute(
265: I18NSupport
266: .getLocalizedMessage(
268: cl,
269: "invalidateSessions.ok", new Integer[] { new Integer(i) }));//$NON-NLS-1$
270: displaySessionsListPage(displayFormatProvider, req, resp,
271: context);
272: return;
273: } else if ("setSessionMaxInactiveInterval".equals(action)) {//$NON-NLS-1$
274: String sessionId = req.getParameter("sessionId");//$NON-NLS-1$
275: String timeoutStr = req.getParameter("timeout");//$NON-NLS-1$
276: try {
277: int timeout = Integer.parseInt(timeoutStr.trim()) * 60;
278: int oldTimeout = MessAdmin
279: .setSessionMaxInactiveInterval(context,
280: sessionId, timeout);
281: if (oldTimeout != 0) {
282: req
283: .setAttribute(
285: I18NSupport
286: .getLocalizedMessage(
288: cl,
289: "setSessionMaxInactiveInterval.ok", new Object[] { new Integer(oldTimeout / 60), timeoutStr }));//$NON-NLS-1$
290: } else {
291: req
292: .setAttribute(
294: I18NSupport
295: .getLocalizedMessage(
297: cl,
298: "setSessionMaxInactiveInterval.ko", new String[] { sessionId }));//$NON-NLS-1$
299: }
300: } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
301: req.setAttribute(Constants.APPLICATION_ERROR,
302: I18NSupport.getLocalizedMessage(
303: I18N_BUNDLE_NAME, cl,
304: "setSessionMaxInactiveInterval.error"));//$NON-NLS-1$
305: } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
306: req.setAttribute(Constants.APPLICATION_ERROR,
307: I18NSupport.getLocalizedMessage(
308: I18N_BUNDLE_NAME, cl,
309: "setSessionMaxInactiveInterval.error"));//$NON-NLS-1$
310: }
311: resp.sendRedirect(resp.encodeRedirectURL(req
312: .getRequestURL().append(
313: "?action=sessionDetail&context=").append(
314: context).append("&sessionId=").append(
315: Util.URLEncode(sessionId, resp
316: .getCharacterEncoding()))
317: .toString()));
318: return;
319: } else if ("removeSessionAttribute".equals(action)) {//$NON-NLS-1$
320: String sessionId = req.getParameter("sessionId");//$NON-NLS-1$
321: String name = req.getParameter("attributeName");//$NON-NLS-1$
322: boolean removed = MessAdmin.removeSessionAttribute(context,
323: sessionId, name);
324: if (removed) {
325: req
326: .setAttribute(
328: I18NSupport
329: .getLocalizedMessage(
331: cl,
332: "removeSessionAttribute.ok", new String[] { name }));//$NON-NLS-1$
333: } else {
334: req
335: .setAttribute(
337: I18NSupport
338: .getLocalizedMessage(
340: cl,
341: "removeSessionAttribute.ko", new String[] { name }));//$NON-NLS-1$
342: }
343: resp.sendRedirect(resp.encodeRedirectURL(req
344: .getRequestURL().append(
345: "?action=sessionDetail&context=").append(
346: context).append("&sessionId=").append(
347: Util.URLEncode(sessionId, resp
348: .getCharacterEncoding()))
349: .toString()));
350: return;
351: } // else
352: // default fall-back action
353: displaySessionsListPage(displayFormatProvider, req, resp,
354: context);
355: }
357: private StringBuffer getMessages(HttpServletRequest req,
358: HttpServletResponse resp) {
359: StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
360: if (req.getAttribute(Constants.APPLICATION_MESSAGE) != null) {
361: buffer
362: .append('&')
363: .append(Constants.APPLICATION_MESSAGE)
364: .append('=')
365: .append(
366: Util
367: .URLEncode(
368: String
369: .valueOf(req
370: .getAttribute(Constants.APPLICATION_MESSAGE)),
371: resp.getCharacterEncoding()));
372: }
373: if (req.getAttribute(Constants.APPLICATION_ERROR) != null) {
374: buffer
375: .append('&')
376: .append(Constants.APPLICATION_ERROR)
377: .append('=')
378: .append(
379: Util
380: .URLEncode(
381: String
382: .valueOf(req
383: .getAttribute(Constants.APPLICATION_ERROR)),
384: resp.getCharacterEncoding()));
385: }
386: return buffer;
387: }
389: protected void setNoCache(HttpServletResponse resp) {
390: // <strong>NOTE</strong> - This header will be overridden
391: // automatically if a <code>RequestDispatcher.forward()</code> call is
392: // ultimately invoked.
393: //resp.setHeader("Pragma", "No-cache"); // HTTP 1.0 //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
394: resp.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache,no-store,max-age=0"); // HTTP 1.1 //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
395: resp.setDateHeader("Expires", 0); // 0 means now //$NON-NLS-1$
396: // should we decide to enable caching, here are the current vary:
397: resp.addHeader("Vary", "Accept-Language,Accept-Encoding");
398: }
400: /**
401: * Displays the Web Applications list
402: * @param req
403: * @param resp
404: * @throws ServletException
405: * @throws IOException
406: */
407: protected void displayWebAppsList(
408: DisplayFormatProvider displayFormatProvider,
409: HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
410: throws ServletException, IOException {
411: if (METHOD_POST.equals(req.getMethod())) {
412: resp
413: .sendRedirect(resp
414: .encodeRedirectURL(req
415: .getRequestURL()
416: .append("?action=webAppsList").append(getMessages(req, resp)).toString()));//$NON-NLS-1$
417: return;
418: }
419: Set/*<ApplicationInfo>*/applicationInfos = Server
420: .getInstance().getApplicationInfos();
421: setNoCache(resp);
422: displayFormatProvider.displayWebAppsList(req, resp,
423: applicationInfos);
424: }
426: /**
427: * Displays the HttpSessions list for a given WebApp (context)
428: * @param req
429: * @param resp
430: * @param context internal context name for required WebApp
431: * @throws ServletException
432: * @throws IOException
433: */
434: protected void displaySessionsListPage(
435: DisplayFormatProvider displayFormatProvider,
436: HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp,
437: String context) throws ServletException, IOException {
438: if (METHOD_POST.equals(req.getMethod())) {
439: StringBuffer buffer = req.getRequestURL().append(
440: "?action=sessionsList&context=").append(context);//$NON-NLS-1$
441: if (req.getAttribute("sort") != null) {//$NON-NLS-1$
442: buffer
443: .append('&')
444: .append("sort=").append(req.getAttribute("sort"));//$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
445: }
446: if (req.getAttribute("order") != null) {//$NON-NLS-1$
447: buffer
448: .append('&')
449: .append("order=").append(req.getAttribute("order"));//$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
450: }
451: resp.sendRedirect(resp.encodeRedirectURL(buffer.append(
452: getMessages(req, resp)).toString()));
453: return;
454: }
455: Collection/*<SessionInfo>*/activeSessions = Server
456: .getInstance().getApplication(context)
457: .getActiveSessionInfos();
458: String sortBy = req.getParameter("sort");//$NON-NLS-1$
459: String orderBy = null;
460: if (null != sortBy && !"".equals(sortBy.trim())) {
461: activeSessions = new ArrayList(activeSessions);
462: Comparator comparator = getComparator(sortBy);
463: if (comparator != null) {
464: orderBy = req.getParameter("order");//$NON-NLS-1$
465: if ("DESC".equalsIgnoreCase(orderBy)) {//$NON-NLS-1$
466: comparator = new ReverseComparator(comparator);
467: //orderBy = "ASC";
468: } else {
469: //orderBy = "DESC";
470: }
471: try {
472: Collections.sort((List) activeSessions, comparator);
473: } catch (IllegalStateException ise) {
474: // at least 1 session is invalidated
475: req.setAttribute(Constants.APPLICATION_ERROR,
476: I18NSupport.getLocalizedMessage(
477: I18N_BUNDLE_NAME, null,
478: "sessionsList.sort.error"));//$NON-NLS-1$
479: }
480: } else {
481: log("WARNING: unknown sort order: " + sortBy);
482: }
483: }
484: setNoCache(resp);
485: displayFormatProvider.displaySessionsListPage(req, resp,
486: sortBy, orderBy, Server.getInstance().getApplication(
487: context).getApplicationInfo(), activeSessions,
488: Server.getInstance().getApplication(context)
489: .getPassiveSessionsIds());
490: }
492: /**
493: * Displays the details page for a given HttpSession
494: * @param req
495: * @param resp
496: * @param context internal context name for required WebApp
497: * @throws ServletException
498: * @throws IOException
499: */
500: protected void displaySessionDetailPage(
501: DisplayFormatProvider displayFormatProvider,
502: HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp,
503: String context, String sessionId) throws ServletException,
504: IOException {
505: if (METHOD_POST.equals(req.getMethod())) {
506: resp.sendRedirect(resp.encodeRedirectURL(req
507: .getRequestURL().append(
508: "?action=sessionDetail&context=").append(
509: context).append("&sessionId=").append(
510: Util.URLEncode(sessionId, resp
511: .getCharacterEncoding())).append(
512: getMessages(req, resp)).toString()));//$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
513: return;
514: }
515: Application application = Server.getInstance().getApplication(
516: context);
517: Session session = application.getSession(sessionId);
518: if (null == session) {
519: String error = I18NSupport
520: .getLocalizedMessage(
522: null,
523: "sessionDetail.null.error", new String[] { sessionId });//$NON-NLS-1$
524: log(error);
525: req.setAttribute(Constants.APPLICATION_ERROR, error);
526: displaySessionsListPage(displayFormatProvider, req, resp,
527: context);
528: return;
529: }
530: setNoCache(resp);
531: IApplicationInfo applicationInfo = application
532: .getApplicationInfo();
533: ISessionInfo currentSession = session.getSessionInfo();
534: displayFormatProvider.displaySessionDetailPage(req, resp,
535: applicationInfo, currentSession);
536: }
538: /**
539: * Displays the details page for a Web Application
540: * @param req
541: * @param resp
542: * @param context internal context name for required WebApp
543: * @throws ServletException
544: * @throws IOException
545: */
546: protected void displayWebAppStatsPage(
547: DisplayFormatProvider displayFormatProvider,
548: HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp,
549: String context) throws ServletException, IOException {
550: if (METHOD_POST.equals(req.getMethod())) {
551: resp
552: .sendRedirect(resp
553: .encodeRedirectURL(req
554: .getRequestURL()
555: .append(
556: "?action=webAppStats&context=").append(context).append(getMessages(req, resp)).toString()));//$NON-NLS-1$
557: return;
558: }
559: setNoCache(resp);
560: IApplicationInfo webAppStats = Server.getInstance()
561: .getApplication(context).getApplicationInfo();
562: displayFormatProvider.displayWebAppStatsPage(req, resp,
563: webAppStats);
564: }
566: /**
567: * Displays the page for the Server Informations
568: * @param req
569: * @param resp
570: * @throws ServletException
571: * @throws IOException
572: */
573: protected void displayServerInfosPage(
574: DisplayFormatProvider displayFormatProvider,
575: HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
576: throws ServletException, IOException {
577: if (METHOD_POST.equals(req.getMethod())) {
578: resp
579: .sendRedirect(resp
580: .encodeRedirectURL(req
581: .getRequestURL()
582: .append("?action=serverInfos").append(getMessages(req, resp)).toString()));//$NON-NLS-1$
583: return;
584: }
585: setNoCache(resp);
586: IServerInfo serverInfo = Server.getInstance().getServerInfo();
587: displayFormatProvider.displayServerInfosPage(req, resp,
588: serverInfo);
589: }
591: /**
592: * Comparator used on the HttpSessions list, when sorting is required
593: * @param sortBy
594: * @return Comparator
595: */
596: protected Comparator getComparator(String sortBy) {
597: Comparator comparator = null;
598: if ("CreationTime".equalsIgnoreCase(sortBy)) {//$NON-NLS-1$
599: comparator = new BaseSessionComparator() {
600: public Comparable getComparableObject(
601: HttpSession session) {
602: return new Date(session.getCreationTime());
603: }
604: };
605: } else if ("id".equalsIgnoreCase(sortBy)) {//$NON-NLS-1$
606: comparator = new BaseSessionComparator() {
607: public Comparable getComparableObject(
608: HttpSession session) {
609: return session.getId();
610: }
611: };
612: } else if ("LastAccessedTime".equalsIgnoreCase(sortBy)) {//$NON-NLS-1$
613: comparator = new BaseSessionComparator() {
614: public Comparable getComparableObject(
615: HttpSession session) {
616: return new Date(session.getLastAccessedTime());
617: }
618: };
619: } else if ("MaxInactiveInterval".equalsIgnoreCase(sortBy)) {//$NON-NLS-1$
620: comparator = new BaseSessionComparator() {
621: public Comparable getComparableObject(
622: HttpSession session) {
623: return new Date(session.getMaxInactiveInterval());
624: }
625: };
626: } else if ("new".equalsIgnoreCase(sortBy)) {//$NON-NLS-1$
627: comparator = new BaseSessionComparator() {
628: public Comparable getComparableObject(
629: HttpSession session) {
630: return ComparableBoolean.valueOf(session.isNew());
631: }
632: };
633: } else if ("locale".equalsIgnoreCase(sortBy)) {//$NON-NLS-1$
634: comparator = new BaseSessionComparator() {
635: public Comparable getComparableObject(
636: HttpSession session) {
637: ClassLoader cl = Server
638: .getInstance()
639: .getApplication(session.getServletContext())
640: .getApplicationInfo().getClassLoader();
641: Locale locale = LocaleProvider.Util
642: .guessLocaleFromSession(session, cl);
643: return (null == locale) ? "" : locale.toString();
644: }
645: };
646: } else if ("user".equalsIgnoreCase(sortBy)) {//$NON-NLS-1$
647: comparator = new BaseSessionComparator() {
648: public Comparable getComparableObject(
649: HttpSession session) {
650: ClassLoader cl = Server
651: .getInstance()
652: .getApplication(session.getServletContext())
653: .getApplicationInfo().getClassLoader();
654: Object user = UserNameProvider.Util
655: .guessUserFromSession(session, cl);
656: return (null == user) ? "" : user.toString();
657: }
658: };
659: } else if ("UsedTime".equalsIgnoreCase(sortBy)) {//$NON-NLS-1$
660: comparator = new BaseSessionComparator() {
661: public Comparable getComparableObject(
662: HttpSession session) {
663: return new Date(SessionUtils
664: .getUsedTimeForSession(session));
665: }
666: };
667: } else if ("IdleTime".equalsIgnoreCase(sortBy)) {//$NON-NLS-1$
668: comparator = new BaseSessionComparator() {
669: public Comparable getComparableObject(
670: HttpSession session) {
671: return new Date(SessionUtils
672: .getIdleTimeForSession(session));
673: }
674: };
675: } else if ("TTL".equalsIgnoreCase(sortBy)) {//$NON-NLS-1$
676: comparator = new BaseSessionComparator() {
677: public Comparable getComparableObject(
678: HttpSession session) {
679: return new Date(SessionUtils
680: .getTTLForSession(session));
681: }
682: };
683: }
684: //TODO: complete this to TTL, etc.
685: return comparator;
686: }
688: /**
689: * {@inheritDoc}
690: */
691: public String getServletInfo() {
692: return "MessAdminServlet, copyright (c) 2005-2007 Cédrik LIME";
693: }
695: /**
696: * {@inheritDoc}
697: */
698: public void init() throws ServletException {
699: super .init();
700: String initAuthorizationPassword = getServletConfig()
701: .getInitParameter("AuthorizationPassword");//$NON-NLS-1$
702: if (null != initAuthorizationPassword) {
703: authorizationPassword = initAuthorizationPassword;
704: }
705: DisplayFormatProvider.Util.initAll(getServletConfig());
706: }
707: }