01: package jimm.datavision.layout;
03: import jimm.datavision.Line;
05: /**
06: * The line drawer interface is used by those wishing to draw all lines
07: * in a border. Typical use:
08: *
09: * <pre><code>
10: * field.getBorderOrDefault().eachLine(fieldWalker);
11: * </code></pre>
12: *
13: * @author Jim Menard, <a href="mailto:jimm@io.com">jimm@io.com</a>
14: */
15: public interface LineDrawer {
17: /**
18: * This method is called once for each line, when used from within
19: * {@link jimm.datavision.field.Border#eachLine}.
20: *
21: * @param l a line
22: * @param arg whatever you want it to be
23: */
24: public void drawLine(Line l, Object arg);
26: }