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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » Report » pentaho report » org.pentaho.designstudio.widgets.flowtable 
Source Cross Referenced  Class Diagram Java Document (Java Doc) 

0001:        /*
0002:         * Copyright 2006 Pentaho Corporation.  All rights reserved. 
0003:         * This software was developed by Pentaho Corporation and is provided under the terms 
0004:         * of the Mozilla Public License, Version 1.1, or any later version. You may not use 
0005:         * this file except in compliance with the license. If you need a copy of the license, 
0006:         * please go to The Original Code is the Pentaho 
0007:         * BI Platform.  The Initial Developer is Pentaho Corporation.
0008:         *
0009:         * Software distributed under the Mozilla Public License is distributed on an "AS IS" 
0010:         * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or  implied. Please refer to 
0011:         * the license for the specific language governing your rights and limitations.
0012:         */
0013:        package org.pentaho.designstudio.widgets.flowtable;
0015:        import java.util.ArrayList;
0016:        import java.util.Arrays;
0017:        import java.util.Iterator;
0018:        import java.util.List;
0020:        import org.dom4j.Element;
0021:        import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog;
0022:        import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IDialogConstants;
0023:        import org.eclipse.jface.util.ListenerList;
0024:        import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionChangedListener;
0025:        import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IStructuredSelection;
0026:        import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ITreeContentProvider;
0027:        import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.SelectionChangedEvent;
0028:        import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredSelection;
0029:        import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer;
0030:        import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.Viewer;
0031:        import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ViewerDropAdapter;
0032:        import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
0033:        import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSourceAdapter;
0034:        import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSourceEvent;
0035:        import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSourceListener;
0036:        import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTargetEvent;
0037:        import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.TransferData;
0038:        import;
0039:        import;
0040:        import;
0041:        import;
0042:        import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button;
0043:        import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
0044:        import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control;
0045:        import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event;
0046:        import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener;
0047:        import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
0048:        import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget;
0049:        import org.pentaho.actionsequence.dom.ActionControlStatement;
0050:        import org.pentaho.actionsequence.dom.ActionIfStatement;
0051:        import org.pentaho.actionsequence.dom.ActionLoop;
0052:        import org.pentaho.actionsequence.dom.ActionOutput;
0053:        import org.pentaho.actionsequence.dom.ActionSequenceDocument;
0054:        import org.pentaho.actionsequence.dom.ActionSequenceInput;
0055:        import org.pentaho.actionsequence.dom.IActionSequenceElement;
0056:        import org.pentaho.actionsequence.dom.IActionSequenceExecutableStatement;
0057:        import org.pentaho.actionsequence.dom.actions.ActionDefinition;
0058:        import org.pentaho.designstudio.controls.WidgetFactory;
0059:        import org.pentaho.designstudio.editors.actionsequence.pages.ActionSequenceLabelProvider;
0060:        import org.pentaho.designstudio.editors.actionsequence.pages.actions.IActionsViewer;
0061:        import org.pentaho.designstudio.messages.Messages;
0063:        import de.kupzog.ktable.KTableCellSelectionListener;
0065:        /**
0066:         * A concrete viewer based on an SWT <code>Tree</code> control.
0067:         * <p>
0068:         * This class is not intended to be subclassed outside the viewer framework. It
0069:         * is designed to be instantiated with a pre-existing SWT tree control and
0070:         * configured with a domain-specific content provider, label provider, element
0071:         * filter (optional), and element sorter (optional).
0072:         * </p>
0073:         * <p>
0074:         * Content providers for tree viewers must implement the
0075:         * <code>ITreeContentProvider</code> interface.
0076:         * </p>
0077:         */
0078:        public class FlowViewer extends StructuredViewer implements 
0079:                IActionsViewer {
0081:            public class ActionLocationDialog extends Dialog {
0083:                boolean addWithin = true;
0085:                public ActionLocationDialog(Shell parentShell) {
0086:                    super (parentShell);
0087:                }
0089:                protected void configureShell(Shell shell) {
0090:                    super .configureShell(shell);
0091:                    shell
0092:                            .setText(Messages
0093:                                    .getString("ActionsViewer.UI_ADD_ACTION_POPUP_LABEL")); //$NON-NLS-1$
0094:                }
0096:                protected void createButtonsForButtonBar(Composite parent) {
0097:                    createButton(parent, IDialogConstants.OK_ID,
0098:                            IDialogConstants.OK_LABEL, true);
0099:                }
0101:                protected Control createDialogArea(Composite parent) {
0102:                    Composite composite = (Composite) super 
0103:                            .createDialogArea(parent);
0104:                    Button button = WidgetFactory
0105:                            .createButton(
0106:                                    composite,
0107:                                    Messages
0108:                                            .getString("ActionsViewer.UI_ADD_ACTION_WITHIN_LABEL"), SWT.RADIO); //$NON-NLS-1$
0109:                    button.addSelectionListener(new SelectionListener() {
0110:                        public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
0111:                        }
0113:                        public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
0114:                            Button button = (Button) e.getSource();
0115:                            if (button.getSelection()) {
0116:                                addWithin = true;
0117:                            }
0118:                        }
0119:                    });
0120:                    button = WidgetFactory
0121:                            .createButton(
0122:                                    composite,
0123:                                    Messages
0124:                                            .getString("ActionsViewer.UI_ADD_ACTION_AFTER_LABEL"), SWT.RADIO); //$NON-NLS-1$
0125:                    button.addSelectionListener(new SelectionListener() {
0126:                        public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
0127:                        }
0129:                        public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
0130:                            Button button = (Button) e.getSource();
0131:                            if (button.getSelection()) {
0132:                                addWithin = false;
0133:                            }
0134:                        }
0135:                    });
0136:                    return composite;
0137:                }
0138:            }
0140:            class ActionTreeDragListener extends DragSourceAdapter {
0141:                IActionSequenceElement draggedElement;
0143:                /* (non-Javadoc)
0144:                 * @see org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSourceListener#dragFinished(org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSourceEvent)
0145:                 */
0146:                public void dragFinished(DragSourceEvent event) {
0147:                    if (!(draggedElement instanceof  ActionDefinition)) {
0148:                        if (lastSelection != null) {
0149:                            setSelection(
0150:                                    new StructuredSelection(lastSelection),
0151:                                    true);
0152:                        } else {
0153:                            setSelection(new StructuredSelection());
0154:                        }
0155:                    } else {
0156:                        getControl().forceFocus();
0157:                    }
0158:                    draggedElement = null;
0159:                    fireDragFinished(event);
0160:                }
0162:                /* (non-Javadoc)
0163:                 * @see org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSourceListener#dragSetData(org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSourceEvent)
0164:                 */
0165:                public void dragSetData(DragSourceEvent event) {
0167:           = draggedElement;
0168:                }
0170:                /* (non-Javadoc)
0171:                 * @see org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSourceListener#dragStart(org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSourceEvent)
0172:                 */
0173:                public void dragStart(DragSourceEvent event) {
0174:                    //      if (ActionSequenceFormToolkit.isMacOS) {
0175:                    //        if (lastPointMousePressed != null) {
0176:                    //          TreeItem treeItem = getTree().getItem(lastPointMousePressed);
0177:                    //          if (treeItem != null) {
0178:                    //            draggedElement = (IActionSequenceElement)treeItem.getData();
0179:                    //            if (draggedElement instanceof ActionOutput) {
0180:                    //              event.doit = true;
0181:                    //              fireDragStart(event);
0182:                    //            } else {
0183:                    //              draggedElement = null;
0184:                    //              event.doit = false;
0185:                    //            }
0186:                    ////            dropAdapter.setFeedbackEnabled((draggedElement instanceof ActionDefinition) || (draggedElement instanceof ActionControlStatement));
0187:                    //          } else {
0188:                    //            draggedElement = null;
0189:                    //            event.doit = false;
0190:                    //          }
0191:                    //        }
0192:                    //      } else {
0193:                    IStructuredSelection selection = (IStructuredSelection) getSelection();
0194:                    if (selection.size() == 1) {
0195:                        draggedElement = (IActionSequenceElement) selection
0196:                                .getFirstElement();
0197:                        if ((draggedElement instanceof  ActionOutput)
0198:                                || (draggedElement instanceof  ActionSequenceInput)) {
0199:                            event.doit = true;
0200:                            fireDragStart(event);
0201:                        } else {
0202:                            draggedElement = null;
0203:                            event.doit = false;
0204:                        }
0205:                        //          dropAdapter.setFeedbackEnabled((draggedElement instanceof ActionDefinition) || (draggedElement instanceof ActionControlStatement));
0206:                    } else {
0207:                        draggedElement = null;
0208:                        event.doit = false;
0209:                    }
0210:                    //      }
0211:                }
0212:            }
0214:            //  class ActionTreeDragListener extends DragSourceAdapter {
0215:            //    IActionSequenceElement draggedElement;
0216:            //    
0217:            //    /* (non-Javadoc)
0218:            //     * @see org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSourceListener#dragFinished(org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSourceEvent)
0219:            //     */
0220:            //    public void dragFinished(DragSourceEvent event) {
0221:            //      if (!(draggedElement instanceof ActionDefinition)) {
0222:            //        if (lastSelection != null) {
0223:            //          setSelection(new StructuredSelection(lastSelection), true);
0224:            //        } else {
0225:            //          setSelection(new StructuredSelection());
0226:            //        }
0227:            //      } else {
0228:            //        getControl().forceFocus();
0229:            //      }
0230:            //      draggedElement = null;
0231:            //      fireDragFinished(event);
0232:            //    }
0233:            //
0234:            //    /* (non-Javadoc)
0235:            //     * @see org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSourceListener#dragSetData(org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSourceEvent)
0236:            //     */
0237:            //    public void dragSetData(DragSourceEvent event) {
0238:            // = draggedElement.getElement().getUniquePath();
0239:            //    }
0240:            //
0241:            //    /* (non-Javadoc)
0242:            //     * @see org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSourceListener#dragStart(org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSourceEvent)
0243:            //     */
0244:            //    public void dragStart(DragSourceEvent event) {
0245:            //      //System.out.println("Action Tree drag start");
0246:            //      IStructuredSelection selection = (IStructuredSelection)getSelection();
0247:            //      if (selection.size() == 1) {
0248:            //        int items[] = flowTable.getRowSelection();
0249:            //        FlowContent flowContent = (FlowContent)flowTable.actionsFlowModel.getContentAt( 0, items[0]);
0250:            //        if (!(flowContent instanceof TerminatorContent)) {
0251:            //          draggedElement = (IActionSequenceElement)selection.getFirstElement();
0252:            //          dropAdapter.setFeedbackEnabled((draggedElement instanceof ActionDefinition) || (draggedElement instanceof ActionControlStatement));
0253:            //          event.doit = true;
0254:            //          fireDragStart(event);
0255:            //        } else {
0256:            //          draggedElement = null;
0257:            //          event.doit = false;
0258:            //        }
0259:            //      } else {
0260:            //        draggedElement = null;
0261:            //        event.doit = false;
0262:            //      }
0263:            //    }
0264:            //  }
0266:            class ActionTreeDropAdapter extends ViewerDropAdapter {
0267:                ActionTreeDropAdapter() {
0268:                    super (FlowViewer.this );
0269:                }
0271:                private boolean movingOnTopOfSelf(
0272:                        IActionSequenceElement targetElement) {
0273:                    IActionSequenceElement siblingBeforeTarget = null;
0274:                    IActionSequenceElement siblingAfterTarget = null;
0275:                    ActionControlStatement parentControlStatement = null;
0276:                    if (targetElement instanceof  ActionDefinition) {
0277:                        parentControlStatement = ((ActionDefinition) targetElement)
0278:                                .getParent();
0279:                    } else if (targetElement instanceof  ActionControlStatement) {
0280:                        parentControlStatement = ((ActionControlStatement) targetElement)
0281:                                .getParent();
0282:                    }
0283:                    IActionSequenceElement[] siblings = null;
0284:                    if (parentControlStatement != null) {
0285:                        siblings = parentControlStatement.getChildren();
0286:                    } else {
0287:                        siblings = targetElement.getDocument()
0288:                                .getExecutableChildren();
0289:                    }
0290:                    int index = Arrays.asList(siblings).indexOf(targetElement);
0291:                    siblingBeforeTarget = (index != 0 ? siblings[index - 1]
0292:                            : null);
0293:                    siblingAfterTarget = (index < siblings.length - 1 ? siblings[index + 1]
0294:                            : null);
0296:                    return (((getCurrentLocation() == LOCATION_BEFORE) && dragListener.draggedElement
0297:                            .equals(siblingBeforeTarget))
0298:                            || dragListener.draggedElement
0299:                                    .equals(targetElement) || ((getCurrentLocation() == LOCATION_AFTER) && dragListener.draggedElement
0300:                            .equals(siblingAfterTarget)));
0301:                }
0303:                /* (non-Javadoc)
0304:                 * @see org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ViewerDropAdapter#performDrop(java.lang.Object)
0305:                 */
0306:                public boolean performDrop(Object data) {
0307:                    boolean result = false;
0308:                    ActionSequenceDocument actionSequenceDocument = (ActionSequenceDocument) getInput();
0309:                    IActionSequenceElement droppedElement = actionSequenceDocument
0310:                            .getElement((String) data);
0311:                    if (droppedElement instanceof  ActionOutput) {
0312:                        ActionOutput actionOutput = (ActionOutput) droppedElement;
0313:                        droppedElement = actionOutput.getActionDefinition();
0314:                    }
0315:                    if (getCurrentTarget() instanceof  IActionSequenceElement) {
0316:                        IActionSequenceElement targetElement = (IActionSequenceElement) getCurrentTarget();
0317:                        int index = 0;
0318:                        if (targetElement != null) {
0319:                            if (!movingOnTopOfSelf(targetElement)) {
0320:                                int loc = getCurrentLocation();
0321:                                ActionControlStatement parentControlStatement = null;
0322:                                if (targetElement instanceof  ActionDefinition) {
0323:                                    ActionDefinition actionDef = (ActionDefinition) targetElement;
0324:                                    parentControlStatement = actionDef
0325:                                            .getParent();
0326:                                    if (parentControlStatement != null) {
0327:                                        index = Arrays.asList(
0328:                                                parentControlStatement
0329:                                                        .getChildren())
0330:                                                .indexOf(targetElement);
0331:                                    } else {
0332:                                        index = Arrays
0333:                                                .asList(
0334:                                                        actionSequenceDocument
0335:                                                                .getExecutableChildren())
0336:                                                .indexOf(targetElement);
0337:                                    }
0338:                                    index++;
0339:                                } else if (targetElement instanceof  ActionControlStatement) {
0340:                                    if (loc == LOCATION_ON) {
0341:                                        parentControlStatement = (ActionControlStatement) targetElement;
0342:                                        index = 0;
0343:                                    } else {
0344:                                        ActionControlStatement controlStatement = (ActionControlStatement) targetElement;
0345:                                        parentControlStatement = controlStatement
0346:                                                .getParent();
0347:                                        if (parentControlStatement != null) {
0348:                                            index = Arrays.asList(
0349:                                                    parentControlStatement
0350:                                                            .getChildren())
0351:                                                    .indexOf(targetElement);
0352:                                        } else {
0353:                                            index = Arrays
0354:                                                    .asList(
0355:                                                            actionSequenceDocument
0356:                                                                    .getExecutableChildren())
0357:                                                    .indexOf(targetElement);
0358:                                        }
0359:                                        if (parentControlStatement != null) {
0360:                                            index = Arrays.asList(
0361:                                                    parentControlStatement
0362:                                                            .getChildren())
0363:                                                    .indexOf(targetElement);
0364:                                        } else {
0365:                                            index = Arrays
0366:                                                    .asList(
0367:                                                            actionSequenceDocument
0368:                                                                    .getExecutableChildren())
0369:                                                    .indexOf(targetElement);
0370:                                        }
0371:                                        index++;
0372:                                    }
0373:                                }
0375:                                if (parentControlStatement == null) {
0376:                                    Object[] children = actionSequenceDocument
0377:                                            .getExecutableChildren();
0378:                                    if (index >= children.length) {
0379:                                        if (droppedElement instanceof  IActionSequenceExecutableStatement) {
0380:                                            ((IActionSequenceExecutableStatement) droppedElement)
0381:                                                    .moveTo(null);
0382:                                        }
0383:                                    } else {
0384:                                        if (droppedElement instanceof  IActionSequenceExecutableStatement) {
0385:                                            ((IActionSequenceExecutableStatement) droppedElement)
0386:                                                    .moveTo(null, index);
0387:                                        }
0388:                                    }
0389:                                } else {
0390:                                    Object[] children = parentControlStatement
0391:                                            .getChildren();
0392:                                    if (index >= children.length) {
0393:                                        if (droppedElement instanceof  IActionSequenceExecutableStatement) {
0394:                                            ((IActionSequenceExecutableStatement) droppedElement)
0395:                                                    .moveTo(parentControlStatement);
0396:                                        }
0397:                                    } else {
0398:                                        if (droppedElement instanceof  IActionSequenceExecutableStatement) {
0399:                                            ((IActionSequenceExecutableStatement) droppedElement)
0400:                                                    .moveTo(
0401:                                                            parentControlStatement,
0402:                                                            index);
0403:                                        }
0404:                                    }
0405:                                }
0406:                                result = true;
0407:                                setSelection(new StructuredSelection(
0408:                                        droppedElement));
0409:                            }
0410:                        } else {
0411:                            if (droppedElement instanceof  IActionSequenceExecutableStatement) {
0412:                                ((IActionSequenceExecutableStatement) droppedElement)
0413:                                        .moveTo(null);
0414:                            }
0415:                            result = true;
0416:                            setSelection(new StructuredSelection(droppedElement));
0417:                        }
0419:                    } else if (getCurrentTarget() instanceof  ActionSequenceDocument) {
0420:                        if (droppedElement instanceof  IActionSequenceExecutableStatement) {
0421:                            ((IActionSequenceExecutableStatement) droppedElement)
0422:                                    .moveTo(null, 0);
0423:                            setSelection(new StructuredSelection(droppedElement));
0424:                        }
0425:                    }
0427:                    ActionsRenderer actionsRenderer = (ActionsRenderer) flowTable
0428:                            .getModel().getCellRenderer(0, 0);
0429:                    int prevDragOverRow = actionsRenderer.getDropRow();
0430:                    if (prevDragOverRow != -1) {
0431:                        actionsRenderer.setDropRow(-1);
0432:                        Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(0, prevDragOverRow,
0433:                                1, 1);
0434:                        flowTable.redraw(rectangle);
0435:                    }
0436:                    return result;
0437:                }
0439:                /*
0440:                 * (non-Javadoc)
0441:                 * 
0442:                 * @see org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ViewerDropAdapter#validateDrop(java.lang.Object,
0443:                 *      int, org.eclipse.swt.dnd.TransferData)
0444:                 */
0445:                public boolean validateDrop(Object target, int op,
0446:                        TransferData type) {
0447:                    return true;
0448:                    //      boolean isValid = false;
0449:                    //      if (dragListener.draggedElement != null) {
0450:                    //        int location = getCurrentLocation();
0451:                    //        if ((dragListener.draggedElement instanceof ActionLoop) || (dragListener.draggedElement instanceof ActionDefinition)) {
0452:                    //          if ((target == null) || (target instanceof ActionLoop)) {
0453:                    //            isValid = true;
0454:                    //          } else if (target instanceof ActionDefinition) {
0455:                    //            if (location == LOCATION_BEFORE) {
0456:                    //              isValid = true;
0457:                    //            } else if (location == LOCATION_AFTER) {
0458:                    //              isValid = true;
0459:                    //            }
0460:                    //          }
0461:                    //        }
0462:                    //      }
0463:                    //      return isValid;
0464:                }
0466:                protected Object determineTarget(DropTargetEvent event) {
0467:                    Object target = null;
0468:                    int rowCount = flowTable.getModel().getRowCount();
0469:                    for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
0470:                        Rectangle rectangle = flowTable.getCellRect(0, i);
0471:                        Point point = flowTable.toDisplay(rectangle.x,
0472:                                rectangle.y);
0473:                        rectangle = new Rectangle(point.x, point.y,
0474:                                rectangle.width, rectangle.height);
0475:                        int borderOffset = 0;
0476:                        if (event.y == point.y + rectangle.height) {
0477:                            borderOffset = 1;
0478:                        }
0479:                        if (rectangle.contains(event.x, event.y - borderOffset)) {
0480:                            FlowContent content = (FlowContent) flowTable
0481:                                    .getModel().getContentAt(0, i);
0482:                            if (content != null) {
0483:                                target = content.getData();
0484:                            }
0485:                        }
0486:                    }
0487:                    return target;
0488:                }
0490:                protected int determineLocation(DropTargetEvent event) {
0491:                    int location = LOCATION_NONE;
0492:                    int rowCount = flowTable.getModel().getRowCount();
0493:                    for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
0494:                        Rectangle rectangle = flowTable.getCellRect(0, i);
0495:                        Point point = flowTable.toDisplay(rectangle.x,
0496:                                rectangle.y);
0497:                        rectangle = new Rectangle(point.x, point.y,
0498:                                rectangle.width, rectangle.height);
0499:                        int borderOffset = 0;
0500:                        if (event.y == point.y + rectangle.height) {
0501:                            borderOffset = 1;
0502:                        }
0503:                        if (rectangle.contains(event.x, event.y - borderOffset)) {
0504:                            FlowContent content = (FlowContent) flowTable
0505:                                    .getModel().getContentAt(0, i);
0506:                            if (content != null) {
0507:                                Object data = content.getData();
0508:                                if ((data instanceof  ActionDefinition)
0509:                                        || (content instanceof  TerminatorContent)) {
0510:                                    location = LOCATION_AFTER;
0511:                                    break;
0512:                                } else if (data instanceof  ActionControlStatement) {
0513:                                    location = LOCATION_ON;
0514:                                    break;
0515:                                }
0516:                            }
0517:                        }
0518:                    }
0520:                    return location;
0521:                }
0523:                public void dragOver(DropTargetEvent event) {
0524:                    super .dragOver(event);
0525:                    ActionsRenderer actionsRenderer = (ActionsRenderer) flowTable
0526:                            .getModel().getCellRenderer(0, 0);
0527:                    int rowCount = flowTable.getModel().getRowCount();
0528:                    int newDropRow = -1;
0529:                    for (int i = 0; (i < rowCount) && (newDropRow == -1); i++) {
0530:                        Rectangle rectangle = flowTable.getCellRect(0, i);
0531:                        Point point = flowTable.toDisplay(rectangle.x,
0532:                                rectangle.y);
0533:                        rectangle = new Rectangle(point.x, point.y,
0534:                                rectangle.width, rectangle.height);
0535:                        int borderOffset = 0;
0536:                        if (event.y == point.y + rectangle.height) {
0537:                            borderOffset = 1;
0538:                        }
0539:                        if (rectangle.contains(event.x, event.y - borderOffset)) {
0540:                            newDropRow = i;
0541:                        }
0542:                    }
0544:                    if (newDropRow != -1) {
0545:                        if (getCurrentTarget() instanceof  IActionSequenceElement) {
0546:                            if (movingOnTopOfSelf((IActionSequenceElement) getCurrentTarget())) {
0547:                                newDropRow = -1;
0548:                            }
0549:                        } else if (getCurrentTarget() instanceof  ActionSequenceDocument) {
0550:                            if (flowTable.getModel().getRowCount() <= 1) {
0551:                                newDropRow = -1;
0552:                            } else {
0553:                                newDropRow = 1;
0554:                            }
0555:                        }
0556:                    }
0558:                    if (actionsRenderer.getDropRow() != newDropRow) {
0559:                        if (actionsRenderer.getDropRow() != -1) {
0560:                            int prevDragOverRow = actionsRenderer.getDropRow();
0561:                            actionsRenderer.setDropRow(-1);
0562:                            Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(0,
0563:                                    prevDragOverRow, 1, 1);
0564:                            flowTable.redraw(rectangle);
0565:                        }
0566:                        actionsRenderer.setDropRow(newDropRow);
0567:                        if (newDropRow != -1) {
0568:                            Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(0, newDropRow,
0569:                                    1, 1);
0570:                            flowTable.redraw(rectangle);
0571:                        }
0572:                    }
0574:                }
0576:                public void dragLeave(DropTargetEvent event) {
0577:                    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
0578:                    super .dragLeave(event);
0579:                    ActionsRenderer actionsRenderer = (ActionsRenderer) flowTable
0580:                            .getModel().getCellRenderer(0, 0);
0581:                    if (actionsRenderer.getDropRow() != -1) {
0582:                        int prevDragOverRow = actionsRenderer.getDropRow();
0583:                        actionsRenderer.setDropRow(-1);
0584:                        Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(0, prevDragOverRow,
0585:                                1, 1);
0586:                        flowTable.redraw(rectangle);
0587:                    }
0588:                }
0590:            }
0592:            public class ContentProvider implements  ITreeContentProvider {
0594:                public ContentProvider() {
0595:                }
0597:                /* (non-Javadoc)
0598:                 * Method declared on ITreeContentProvider.
0599:                 */
0600:                public Object[] getChildren(Object parent) {
0601:                    Object[] children = new Object[0];
0602:                    if (parent instanceof  ActionControlStatement) {
0603:                        children = ((ActionControlStatement) parent)
0604:                                .getChildren();
0605:                    } else if (parent instanceof  ActionDefinition) {
0606:                        children = ((ActionDefinition) parent)
0607:                                .getAllOutputParams();
0608:                    }
0609:                    return children;
0610:                }
0612:                /* (non-Javadoc)
0613:                 * Method declared on ITreeContentProvider.
0614:                 */
0615:                public Object getParent(Object child) {
0616:                    Object parent = null;
0617:                    if (child instanceof  ActionControlStatement) {
0618:                        parent = ((ActionControlStatement) child).getParent();
0619:                    } else if (child instanceof  ActionDefinition) {
0620:                        parent = ((ActionDefinition) child).getParent();
0621:                    } else if (child instanceof  ActionOutput) {
0622:                        parent = ((ActionOutput) child).getActionDefinition();
0623:                    }
0624:                    return parent;
0625:                }
0627:                /* (non-Javadoc)
0628:                 * Method declared on ITreeContentProvider.
0629:                 */
0630:                public boolean hasChildren(Object node) {
0631:                    boolean result = false;
0632:                    if (node instanceof  ActionControlStatement) {
0633:                        result = ((ActionControlStatement) node).getChildren().length > 0;
0634:                    } else if (node instanceof  ActionDefinition) {
0635:                        result = ((ActionDefinition) node).getAllOutputParams().length > 0;
0636:                    }
0637:                    return result;
0638:                }
0640:                /* (non-Javadoc)
0641:                 * Method declared on ITreeContentProvider.
0642:                 */
0643:                public Object[] getElements(Object inputElement) {
0644:                    if (flowTable.actionsFlowModel.actionSequence != null) {
0645:                        return flowTable.actionsFlowModel.actionSequence
0646:                                .getExecutableChildren();
0647:                    } else {
0648:                        return new Object[0];
0649:                    }
0650:                }
0652:                /* (non-Javadoc)
0653:                 * Method declared on ITreeContentProvider.
0654:                 */
0655:                public void dispose() {
0656:                }
0658:                /* (non-Javadoc)
0659:                 * Method declared on ITreeContentProvider.
0660:                 */
0661:                public void inputChanged(Viewer viewer, Object oldInput,
0662:                        Object newInput) {
0663:                    flowTable
0664:                            .setActionSequence((ActionSequenceDocument) newInput);
0665:                }
0667:            }
0669:            /**
0670:             * This viewer's control.
0671:             */
0672:            private final ActionsFlowTable flowTable;
0673:            IActionSequenceElement lastSelection;
0674:            private ActionTreeDropAdapter dropAdapter;
0675:            private ActionTreeDragListener dragListener;
0676:            private ListenerList dragSourceListeners = new ListenerList(1);
0678:            /**
0679:             * Creates a flow viewer on the given flowtable control. The viewer has no input,
0680:             * no content provider, a default label provider, no sorter, and no filters.
0681:             * 
0682:             * @param tree
0683:             *            the tree control
0684:             */
0685:            public FlowViewer(final ActionsFlowTable flowTable) {
0686:                super ();
0687:                this .flowTable = flowTable;
0688:                hookControl(flowTable);
0689:                this .flowTable
0690:                        .addCellSelectionListener(new KTableCellSelectionListener() {
0692:                            public void cellSelected(int col, int row,
0693:                                    int statemask) {
0694:                                Event e = new Event();
0695:                                e.time = (int) System.currentTimeMillis();
0696:                                e.type = SWT.Selection;
0697:                                e.widget = flowTable;
0698:                                //     SelectionEvent event = new SelectionEvent( e );
0699:                                flowTable.notifyListeners(SWT.Selection, e);
0701:                                //fireSelectionEvent(event);
0702:                            }
0704:                            public void fixedCellSelected(int col, int row,
0705:                                    int statemask) {
0706:                                //				System.out.println( Messages.getString("FlowViewer.DEBUG_FIXED_CELL_SELECTED_PRINTLN") + row + ":" + col + ":" + statemask );				 //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
0707:                            }
0709:                        });
0711:                flowTable.addListener(SWT.MenuDetect, new Listener() {
0713:                    public void handleEvent(Event event) {
0714:                        List selectionList = getSelectionFromWidget();
0715:                        if ((selectionList == null)
0716:                                || (selectionList.size() == 0)) {
0717:                            event.doit = false;
0718:                        } else {
0719:                            Object selection = selectionList.get(0);
0720:                            if (!(selection instanceof  Element)
0721:                                    || (!((Element) selection)
0722:                                            .getName()
0723:                                            .equals(
0724:                                                    ActionSequenceDocument.ACTION_DEFINITION_NAME) && !((Element) selection)
0725:                                            .getName()
0726:                                            .equals(
0727:                                                    ActionSequenceDocument.ACTIONS_NAME))) {
0728:                                event.doit = false;
0729:                            }
0730:                        }
0731:                    }
0732:                });
0734:                setLabelProvider(new ActionSequenceLabelProvider(flowTable
0735:                        .getDisplay()));
0736:                setContentProvider(new ContentProvider());
0738:                addPostSelectionChangedListener(new ISelectionChangedListener() {
0739:                    public void selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent event) {
0740:                        Object selectedObject = ((IStructuredSelection) getSelection())
0741:                                .getFirstElement();
0742:                        if (selectedObject instanceof  IActionSequenceElement) {
0743:                            lastSelection = (IActionSequenceElement) selectedObject;
0744:                        } else {
0745:                            lastSelection = null;
0746:                        }
0747:                    }
0748:                });
0749:                //    int ops = DND.DROP_MOVE | DND.DROP_COPY;
0750:                //    Transfer[] transfers = new Transfer[] { TextTransfer.getInstance() };
0751:                //    dragListener = new ActionTreeDragListener();
0752:                //    addDragSupport(ops, transfers, dragListener);
0753:                //    transfers = new Transfer[] { TextTransfer.getInstance() };
0754:                //    dropAdapter = new ActionTreeDropAdapter();
0755:                //    addDropSupport(ops, transfers, dropAdapter);
0756:            }
0758:            protected Widget doFindInputItem(Object element) {
0759:                //		System.out.println( Messages.getString("FlowViewer.DEBUG_DO_FIND_INPUT_ITEM") + element ); //$NON-NLS-1$
0760:                return null;
0761:            }
0763:            protected Widget doFindItem(Object element) {
0764:                //		System.out.println( Messages.getString("FlowViewer.DEBUG_DO_FIND_ITEM") + element ); //$NON-NLS-1$
0765:                return null;
0766:            }
0768:            protected void doUpdateItem(Widget item, Object element,
0769:                    boolean fullMap) {
0770:            }
0772:            protected List getSelectionFromWidget() {
0773:                ArrayList selections = new ArrayList();
0774:                Point[] points = flowTable.getCellSelection();
0775:                for (int i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
0776:                    selections.add(flowTable.getModel().getContentAt(
0777:                            points[i].x, points[i].y));
0778:                }
0779:                return selections;
0780:            }
0782:            protected void internalRefresh(Object element) {
0783:                flowTable.refresh();
0784:            }
0786:            protected void internalUpdate(Widget widget, Object element,
0787:                    String[] properties) {
0788:                //    Point point = flowTable.actionsFlowModel.getCellWithContent(element);
0789:                //    if (point != null) {
0790:                //      Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(point.x, point.y, 1, 1);
0791:                //      flowTable.redraw(rectangle);
0792:                //    }
0793:            }
0795:            public void reveal(Object element) {
0796:                //		System.out.println( Messages.getString("FlowViewer.DEBUG_REVEAL") + element ); //$NON-NLS-1$
0797:            }
0799:            protected void setSelectionToWidget(List l, boolean reveal) {
0800:                int selectedRow = -1;
0801:                int selectedColumn = -1;
0802:                if (l.size() > 0) {
0803:                    ActionsFlowModel actionsFlowModel = (ActionsFlowModel) flowTable
0804:                            .getModel();
0805:                    for (int row = 0; (row < actionsFlowModel.getRowCount())
0806:                            && (selectedRow == -1); row++) {
0807:                        for (int column = 0; (column < actionsFlowModel
0808:                                .getColumnCount())
0809:                                && (selectedColumn == -1); column++) {
0810:                            Point point = flowTable.getValidCell(column, row);
0811:                            if ((point.x == column)
0812:                                    && (point.y == row)
0813:                                    && (l.get(0).equals(actionsFlowModel
0814:                                            .getContentAt(column, row)))) {
0815:                                selectedRow = row;
0816:                                selectedColumn = column;
0817:                            }
0818:                        }
0819:                    }
0820:                }
0821:                if ((selectedRow != -1) && (selectedColumn != -1)) {
0822:                    flowTable.setSelection(selectedColumn, selectedRow, reveal);
0823:                }
0824:            }
0826:            public Control getControl() {
0827:                return (flowTable);
0828:            }
0830:            public Widget findItemX(Object element) {
0831:                return (super .findItem(element));
0832:            }
0834:            public void remove(Object element) {
0835:                flowTable.refresh(); // This will rebuild the component based on the current document
0836:                //		System.out.println( Messages.getString("FlowViewer.DEBUG_REMOVE") + element ); //$NON-NLS-1$
0837:            }
0839:            protected void inputChanged(Object input, Object oldInput) {
0840:                super .inputChanged(input, oldInput);
0841:                internalRefresh(input);
0842:            }
0844:            public void deleteSelectedActions() {
0845:                IStructuredSelection selection = (IStructuredSelection) getSelection();
0846:                for (Iterator iter = selection.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
0847:                    Object selectedItem =;
0848:                    if (selectedItem instanceof  IActionSequenceElement) {
0849:                        ((IActionSequenceElement) selectedItem).delete();
0850:                    }
0851:                }
0852:            }
0854:            public ActionDefinition createNewAction(Class actionDefinitionClass)
0855:                    throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
0856:                return createNewAction(actionDefinitionClass, null);
0857:            }
0859:            public ActionDefinition createNewAction(
0860:                    Class actionDefinitionClass, String description)
0861:                    throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
0862:                ActionControlStatement parent = null;
0863:                int index = 0;
0864:                IStructuredSelection selectedActions = (IStructuredSelection) getSelection();
0865:                if (selectedActions.size() == 1) {
0866:                    if (selectedActions.getFirstElement() instanceof  ActionControlStatement) {
0867:                        ActionControlStatement selectedControlStatement = (ActionControlStatement) selectedActions
0868:                                .getFirstElement();
0869:                        ActionLocationDialog dialog = new ActionLocationDialog(
0870:                                getControl().getShell());
0871:              ;
0872:                        if (!dialog.addWithin) {
0873:                            parent = selectedControlStatement.getParent();
0874:                            if (parent != null) {
0875:                                index = Arrays.asList(parent.getChildren())
0876:                                        .indexOf(selectedControlStatement) + 1;
0877:                            } else {
0878:                                index = Arrays.asList(
0879:                                        selectedControlStatement.getDocument()
0880:                                                .getExecutableChildren())
0881:                                        .indexOf(selectedControlStatement) + 1;
0882:                            }
0883:                        } else {
0884:                            parent = selectedControlStatement;
0885:                        }
0886:                    } else if (selectedActions.getFirstElement() instanceof  ActionDefinition) {
0887:                        ActionDefinition selectedActionDef = (ActionDefinition) selectedActions
0888:                                .getFirstElement();
0889:                        parent = selectedActionDef.getParent();
0890:                        if (parent != null) {
0891:                            index = Arrays.asList(parent.getChildren())
0892:                                    .indexOf(selectedActionDef) + 1;
0893:                        } else {
0894:                            index = Arrays.asList(
0895:                                    selectedActionDef.getDocument()
0896:                                            .getExecutableChildren()).indexOf(
0897:                                    selectedActionDef) + 1;
0898:                        }
0899:                    }
0900:                }
0902:                ActionDefinition newActionDef = null;
0903:                if (parent != null) {
0904:                    newActionDef = parent.addAction(actionDefinitionClass,
0905:                            index);
0906:                } else {
0907:                    newActionDef = ((ActionSequenceDocument) getInput())
0908:                            .addAction(actionDefinitionClass, index);
0909:                }
0911:                if (newActionDef != null) {
0912:                    if (description != null) {
0913:                        newActionDef.setDescription(description);
0914:                    }
0915:                    setSelection(new StructuredSelection(newActionDef), true);
0916:                    lastSelection = newActionDef;
0917:                }
0919:                return newActionDef;
0920:            }
0922:            public ActionIfStatement createNewIfStatement() {
0923:                ActionControlStatement parent = null;
0924:                int index = 0;
0925:                IStructuredSelection selectedActions = (IStructuredSelection) getSelection();
0926:                if (selectedActions.size() == 1) {
0927:                    if (selectedActions.getFirstElement() instanceof  ActionControlStatement) {
0928:                        ActionControlStatement selectedControlStatement = (ActionControlStatement) selectedActions
0929:                                .getFirstElement();
0930:                        ActionLocationDialog dialog = new ActionLocationDialog(
0931:                                getControl().getShell());
0932:              ;
0933:                        if (!dialog.addWithin) {
0934:                            parent = selectedControlStatement.getParent();
0935:                            if (parent != null) {
0936:                                index = Arrays.asList(parent.getChildren())
0937:                                        .indexOf(selectedControlStatement) + 1;
0938:                            } else {
0939:                                index = Arrays.asList(
0940:                                        selectedControlStatement.getDocument()
0941:                                                .getExecutableChildren())
0942:                                        .indexOf(selectedControlStatement) + 1;
0943:                            }
0944:                        } else {
0945:                            parent = selectedControlStatement;
0946:                        }
0947:                    } else if (selectedActions.getFirstElement() instanceof  ActionDefinition) {
0948:                        ActionDefinition selectedActionDef = (ActionDefinition) selectedActions
0949:                                .getFirstElement();
0950:                        parent = selectedActionDef.getParent();
0951:                        if (parent != null) {
0952:                            index = Arrays.asList(parent.getChildren())
0953:                                    .indexOf(selectedActionDef) + 1;
0954:                        } else {
0955:                            index = Arrays.asList(
0956:                                    selectedActionDef.getDocument()
0957:                                            .getExecutableChildren()).indexOf(
0958:                                    selectedActionDef) + 1;
0959:                        }
0960:                    }
0961:                }
0963:                ActionIfStatement newActionIf = null;
0965:                if (parent == null) {
0966:                    newActionIf = ((ActionSequenceDocument) getInput()).addIf(
0967:                            "", index); //$NON-NLS-1$
0968:                } else {
0969:                    newActionIf = parent.addIf("", index); //$NON-NLS-1$
0970:                }
0972:                if (newActionIf != null) {
0973:                    setSelection(new StructuredSelection(newActionIf));
0974:                    lastSelection = newActionIf;
0975:                }
0977:                return newActionIf;
0978:            }
0980:            public ActionLoop createNewLoop() {
0981:                ActionControlStatement parent = null;
0982:                int index = 0;
0983:                IStructuredSelection selectedActions = (IStructuredSelection) getSelection();
0984:                if (selectedActions.size() == 1) {
0985:                    if (selectedActions.getFirstElement() instanceof  ActionControlStatement) {
0986:                        ActionControlStatement selectedControlStatement = (ActionControlStatement) selectedActions
0987:                                .getFirstElement();
0988:                        ActionLocationDialog dialog = new ActionLocationDialog(
0989:                                getControl().getShell());
0990:              ;
0991:                        if (!dialog.addWithin) {
0992:                            parent = selectedControlStatement.getParent();
0993:                            if (parent != null) {
0994:                                index = Arrays.asList(parent.getChildren())
0995:                                        .indexOf(selectedControlStatement) + 1;
0996:                            } else {
0997:                                index = Arrays.asList(
0998:                                        selectedControlStatement.getDocument()
0999:                                                .getExecutableChildren())
1000:                                        .indexOf(selectedControlStatement) + 1;
1001:                            }
1002:                        } else {
1003:                            parent = selectedControlStatement;
1004:                        }
1005:                    } else if (selectedActions.getFirstElement() instanceof  ActionDefinition) {
1006:                        ActionDefinition selectedActionDef = (ActionDefinition) selectedActions
1007:                                .getFirstElement();
1008:                        parent = selectedActionDef.getParent();
1009:                        if (parent != null) {
1010:                            index = Arrays.asList(parent.getChildren())
1011:                                    .indexOf(selectedActionDef) + 1;
1012:                        } else {
1013:                            index = Arrays.asList(
1014:                                    selectedActionDef.getDocument()
1015:                                            .getExecutableChildren()).indexOf(
1016:                                    selectedActionDef) + 1;
1017:                        }
1018:                    }
1019:                }
1021:                ActionLoop newActionLoop = null;
1022:                if (parent == null) {
1023:                    newActionLoop = ((ActionSequenceDocument) getInput())
1024:                            .addLoop("", index); //$NON-NLS-1$
1025:                } else {
1026:                    newActionLoop = parent.addLoop("", index); //$NON-NLS-1$
1027:                }
1029:                if (newActionLoop != null) {
1030:                    setSelection(new StructuredSelection(newActionLoop));
1031:                    lastSelection = newActionLoop;
1032:                }
1034:                return newActionLoop;
1035:            }
1037:            public void addDragSourceListener(DragSourceListener listener) {
1038:                dragSourceListeners.add(listener);
1039:            }
1041:            public void removeDragSourceListener(DragSourceListener listener) {
1042:                dragSourceListeners.remove(listener);
1043:            }
1045:            protected void fireDragStart(DragSourceEvent event) {
1046:                Object[] listeners = dragSourceListeners.getListeners();
1047:                for (int i = 0; i < listeners.length; ++i) {
1048:                    DragSourceListener l = (DragSourceListener) listeners[i];
1049:                    l.dragStart(event);
1050:                }
1051:            }
1053:            protected void fireDragFinished(DragSourceEvent event) {
1054:                Object[] listeners = dragSourceListeners.getListeners();
1055:                for (int i = 0; i < listeners.length; ++i) {
1056:                    DragSourceListener l = (DragSourceListener) listeners[i];
1057:                    l.dragFinished(event);
1058:                }
1059:            }
1060:        } | Contact Us
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