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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » Scripting » beanshell » bsh 
Source Cross Referenced  Class Diagram Java Document (Java Doc) 

001:        package bsh;
003:        import*;
004:        import java.util.*;
005:        import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
006:        import java.lang.reflect.Method;
008:        /**
009:         This class is an implementation of the ClassGenerator interface which
010:         contains generally bsh related code.  The actual bytecode generation is
011:         done by ClassGeneratorUtil.
013:         @author Pat Niemeyer (
014:         */
015:        public class ClassGeneratorImpl extends ClassGenerator {
016:            public Class generateClass(String name, Modifiers modifiers,
017:                    Class[] interfaces, Class super Class, BSHBlock block,
018:                    boolean isInterface, CallStack callstack,
019:                    Interpreter interpreter) throws EvalError {
020:                // Delegate to the static method
021:                return generateClassImpl(name, modifiers, interfaces,
022:                        super Class, block, isInterface, callstack, interpreter);
023:            }
025:            public Object invokeSuperclassMethod(BshClassManager bcm,
026:                    Object instance, String methodName, Object[] args)
027:                    throws UtilEvalError, ReflectError,
028:                    InvocationTargetException {
029:                // Delegate to the static method
030:                return invokeSuperclassMethodImpl(bcm, instance, methodName,
031:                        args);
032:            }
034:            /**
035:            	Change the parent of the class instance namespace.
036:            	This is currently used for inner class support.
037:            	Note: This method will likely be removed in the future.
038:             */
039:            // This could be static
040:            public void setInstanceNameSpaceParent(Object instance,
041:                    String className, NameSpace parent) {
042:                This ithis  = ClassGeneratorUtil.getClassInstanceThis(instance,
043:                        className);
044:                ithis .getNameSpace().setParent(parent);
045:            }
047:            /**
048:            	If necessary, parse the BSHBlock for for the class definition and
049:            	generate the class using ClassGeneratorUtil.
050:            	This method also initializes the static block namespace and sets it
051:            	in the class.
052:             */
053:            public static Class generateClassImpl(String name,
054:                    Modifiers modifiers, Class[] interfaces, Class super Class,
055:                    BSHBlock block, boolean isInterface, CallStack callstack,
056:                    Interpreter interpreter) throws EvalError {
057:                // Scripting classes currently requires accessibility
058:                // This can be eliminated with a bit more work.
059:                try {
060:                    Capabilities.setAccessibility(true);
061:                } catch (Capabilities.Unavailable e) {
062:                    throw new EvalError(
063:                            "Defining classes currently requires reflective Accessibility.",
064:                            block, callstack);
065:                }
067:                NameSpace enclosingNameSpace =;
068:                String packageName = enclosingNameSpace.getPackage();
069:                String className = enclosingNameSpace.isClass ? (enclosingNameSpace
070:                        .getName()
071:                        + "$" + name)
072:                        : name;
073:                String fqClassName = packageName == null ? className
074:                        : packageName + "." + className;
075:                String bshStaticFieldName = ClassGeneratorUtil.BSHSTATIC
076:                        + className;
078:                BshClassManager bcm = interpreter.getClassManager();
079:                // Race condition here...
080:                bcm.definingClass(fqClassName);
082:                // Create the class static namespace
083:                NameSpace classStaticNameSpace = new NameSpace(
084:                        enclosingNameSpace, className);
085:                classStaticNameSpace.isClass = true;
087:                callstack.push(classStaticNameSpace);
089:                // Evaluate any inner class class definitions in the block
090:                // effectively recursively call this method for contained classes first
091:                block.evalBlock(callstack, interpreter, true/*override*/,
092:                        ClassNodeFilter.CLASSCLASSES);
094:                // Generate the type for our class
095:                Variable[] variables = getDeclaredVariables(block, callstack,
096:                        interpreter, packageName);
097:                DelayedEvalBshMethod[] methods = getDeclaredMethods(block,
098:                        callstack, interpreter, packageName);
100:                // Create the class generator, which encapsulates all knowledge of the
101:                // structure of the class
102:                ClassGeneratorUtil classGenerator = new ClassGeneratorUtil(
103:                        modifiers, className, packageName, super Class,
104:                        interfaces, variables, methods, isInterface);
106:                // Check for existing class (saved class file)
107:                Class clas = bcm.getAssociatedClass(fqClassName);
109:                // If the class isn't there then generate it.
110:                // Else just let it be initialized below.
111:                if (clas == null) {
112:                    // generate bytecode, optionally with static init hooks to
113:                    // bootstrap the interpreter
114:                    byte[] code = classGenerator.generateClass(Interpreter
115:                            .getSaveClasses()/*init code*/);
117:                    if (Interpreter.getSaveClasses())
118:                        saveClasses(className, code);
119:                    else
120:                        clas = bcm.defineClass(fqClassName, code);
121:                }
123:                // If we're just saving clases then don't actually execute the static
124:                // code for the class here.
125:                if (!Interpreter.getSaveClasses()) {
126:                    // Let the class generator install hooks relating to the structure of
127:                    // the class into the class static namespace.  e.g. the constructor
128:                    // array.  This is necessary whether we are generating code or just
129:                    // reinitializing a previously generated class.
130:                    classGenerator.initStaticNameSpace(classStaticNameSpace,
131:                            block/*instance initializer*/);
133:                    // import the unqualified class name into parent namespace
134:                    enclosingNameSpace.importClass(fqClassName
135:                            .replace('$', '.'));
137:                    // Give the static space its class static import
138:                    // important to do this after all classes are defined
139:                    classStaticNameSpace.setClassStatic(clas);
141:                    // evaluate the static portion of the block in the static space
142:                    block.evalBlock(callstack, interpreter, true/*override*/,
143:                            ClassNodeFilter.CLASSSTATIC);
145:                    if (!clas.isInterface())
146:                        installStaticBlock(clas, bshStaticFieldName,
147:                                classStaticNameSpace, interpreter);
148:                }
150:                callstack.pop();
152:                bcm.doneDefiningClass(fqClassName);
153:                return clas;
154:            }
156:            private static void installStaticBlock(Class genClass,
157:                    String bshStaticFieldName, NameSpace classStaticNameSpace,
158:                    Interpreter interpreter) {
159:                // Set the static bsh This callback
160:                try {
161:                    LHS lhs = Reflect.getLHSStaticField(genClass,
162:                            bshStaticFieldName);
163:                    lhs
164:                            .assign(classStaticNameSpace.getThis(interpreter),
165:                                    false/*strict*/);
166:                } catch (Exception e) {
167:                    throw new InterpreterError("Error in class gen setup: " + e);
168:                }
169:            }
171:            private static void saveClasses(String className, byte[] code) {
172:                String dir = Interpreter.getSaveClassesDir();
173:                if (dir != null)
174:                    try {
175:                        FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(dir + "/"
176:                                + className + ".class");
177:                        out.write(code);
178:                        out.close();
179:                    } catch (IOException e) {
180:                        e.printStackTrace();
181:                    }
182:            }
184:            static Variable[] getDeclaredVariables(BSHBlock body,
185:                    CallStack callstack, Interpreter interpreter,
186:                    String defaultPackage) {
187:                List vars = new ArrayList();
188:                for (int child = 0; child < body.jjtGetNumChildren(); child++) {
189:                    SimpleNode node = (SimpleNode) body.jjtGetChild(child);
190:                    if (node instanceof  BSHTypedVariableDeclaration) {
191:                        BSHTypedVariableDeclaration tvd = (BSHTypedVariableDeclaration) node;
192:                        Modifiers modifiers = tvd.modifiers;
194:                        String type = tvd.getTypeDescriptor(callstack,
195:                                interpreter, defaultPackage);
197:                        BSHVariableDeclarator[] vardec = tvd.getDeclarators();
198:                        for (int i = 0; i < vardec.length; i++) {
199:                            String name = vardec[i].name;
200:                            try {
201:                                Variable var = new Variable(name, type,
202:                                        null/*value*/, modifiers);
203:                                vars.add(var);
204:                            } catch (UtilEvalError e) {
205:                                // value error shouldn't happen
206:                            }
207:                        }
208:                    }
209:                }
211:                return (Variable[]) vars.toArray(new Variable[0]);
212:            }
214:            static DelayedEvalBshMethod[] getDeclaredMethods(BSHBlock body,
215:                    CallStack callstack, Interpreter interpreter,
216:                    String defaultPackage) {
217:                List methods = new ArrayList();
218:                for (int child = 0; child < body.jjtGetNumChildren(); child++) {
219:                    SimpleNode node = (SimpleNode) body.jjtGetChild(child);
220:                    if (node instanceof  BSHMethodDeclaration) {
221:                        BSHMethodDeclaration md = (BSHMethodDeclaration) node;
222:                        md.insureNodesParsed();
223:                        Modifiers modifiers = md.modifiers;
224:                        String name =;
225:                        String returnType = md.getReturnTypeDescriptor(
226:                                callstack, interpreter, defaultPackage);
227:                        BSHReturnType returnTypeNode = md.getReturnTypeNode();
228:                        BSHFormalParameters paramTypesNode = md.paramsNode;
229:                        String[] paramTypes = paramTypesNode
230:                                .getTypeDescriptors(callstack, interpreter,
231:                                        defaultPackage);
233:                        DelayedEvalBshMethod bm = new DelayedEvalBshMethod(
234:                                name, returnType, returnTypeNode, md.paramsNode
235:                                        .getParamNames(), paramTypes,
236:                                paramTypesNode, md.blockNode,
237:                                null/*declaringNameSpace*/, modifiers,
238:                                callstack, interpreter);
240:                        methods.add(bm);
241:                    }
242:                }
244:                return (DelayedEvalBshMethod[]) methods
245:                        .toArray(new DelayedEvalBshMethod[0]);
246:            }
248:            /**
249:            	A node filter that filters nodes for either a class body static 
250:            	initializer or instance initializer.  In the static case only static 
251:            	members are passed, etc.  
252:             */
253:            static class ClassNodeFilter implements  BSHBlock.NodeFilter {
254:                public static final int STATIC = 0, INSTANCE = 1, CLASSES = 2;
256:                public static ClassNodeFilter CLASSSTATIC = new ClassNodeFilter(
257:                        STATIC);
258:                public static ClassNodeFilter CLASSINSTANCE = new ClassNodeFilter(
259:                        INSTANCE);
260:                public static ClassNodeFilter CLASSCLASSES = new ClassNodeFilter(
261:                        CLASSES);
263:                int context;
265:                private ClassNodeFilter(int context) {
266:                    this .context = context;
267:                }
269:                public boolean isVisible(SimpleNode node) {
270:                    if (context == CLASSES)
271:                        return node instanceof  BSHClassDeclaration;
273:                    // Only show class decs in CLASSES
274:                    if (node instanceof  BSHClassDeclaration)
275:                        return false;
277:                    if (context == STATIC)
278:                        return isStatic(node);
280:                    if (context == INSTANCE)
281:                        return !isStatic(node);
283:                    // ALL
284:                    return true;
285:                }
287:                boolean isStatic(SimpleNode node) {
288:                    if (node instanceof  BSHTypedVariableDeclaration)
289:                        return ((BSHTypedVariableDeclaration) node).modifiers != null
290:                                && ((BSHTypedVariableDeclaration) node).modifiers
291:                                        .hasModifier("static");
293:                    if (node instanceof  BSHMethodDeclaration)
294:                        return ((BSHMethodDeclaration) node).modifiers != null
295:                                && ((BSHMethodDeclaration) node).modifiers
296:                                        .hasModifier("static");
298:                    // need to add static block here
299:                    if (node instanceof  BSHBlock)
300:                        return ((BSHBlock) node).isStatic;
302:                    return false;
303:                }
304:            }
306:            public static Object invokeSuperclassMethodImpl(
307:                    BshClassManager bcm, Object instance, String methodName,
308:                    Object[] args) throws UtilEvalError, ReflectError,
309:                    InvocationTargetException {
310:                String super Name = ClassGeneratorUtil.BSHSUPER + methodName;
312:                // look for the specially named super delegate method
313:                Class clas = instance.getClass();
314:                Method super Method = Reflect.resolveJavaMethod(bcm, clas,
315:                        super Name, Types.getTypes(args), false/*onlyStatic*/);
316:                if (super Method != null)
317:                    return Reflect.invokeMethod(super Method, instance, args);
319:                // No super method, try to invoke regular method
320:                // could be a superfluous "super." which is legal.
321:                Class super Class = clas.getSuperclass();
322:                super Method = Reflect
323:                        .resolveExpectedJavaMethod(bcm, super Class, instance,
324:                                methodName, args, false/*onlyStatic*/);
325:                return Reflect.invokeMethod(superMethod, instance, args);
326:            }
328:        } | Contact Us
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