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001:        /*****************************************************************************
002:         *                                                                           *
003:         *  This file is part of the BeanShell Java Scripting distribution.          *
004:         *  Documentation and updates may be found at      *
005:         *                                                                           *
006:         *  Sun Public License Notice:                                               *
007:         *                                                                           *
008:         *  The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License Version  *
009:         *  1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with *
010:         *  the License. A copy of the License is available at    * 
011:         *                                                                           *
012:         *  The Original Code is BeanShell. The Initial Developer of the Original    *
013:         *  Code is Pat Niemeyer. Portions created by Pat Niemeyer are Copyright     *
014:         *  (C) 2000.  All Rights Reserved.                                          *
015:         *                                                                           *
016:         *  GNU Public License Notice:                                               *
017:         *                                                                           *
018:         *  Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of  *
019:         *  the GNU Lesser General Public License (the "LGPL"), in which case the    *
020:         *  provisions of LGPL are applicable instead of those above. If you wish to *
021:         *  allow use of your version of this file only under the  terms of the LGPL *
022:         *  and not to allow others to use your version of this file under the SPL,  *
023:         *  indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and replace      *
024:         *  them with the notice and other provisions required by the LGPL.  If you  *
025:         *  do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of  *
026:         *  this file under either the SPL or the LGPL.                              *
027:         *                                                                           *
028:         *  Patrick Niemeyer (                                           *
029:         *  Author of Learning Java, O'Reilly & Associates                           *
030:         *                                                 *
031:         *                                                                           *
032:         *****************************************************************************/package bsh;
034:        import java.lang.reflect.*;
035:        import java.util.Vector;
037:        /**
038:         * All of the reflection API code lies here.  It is in the form of static
039:         * utilities.  Maybe this belongs in or a generic object
040:         * wrapper class.
041:         * 
042:         * @author Pat Niemeyer
043:         * @author Daniel Leuck
044:         */
045:        /*
046:         Note: This class is messy.  The method and field resolution need to be
047:         rewritten.  Various methods in here catch NoSuchMethod or NoSuchField
048:         exceptions during their searches.  These should be rewritten to avoid
049:         having to catch the exceptions.  Method lookups are now cached at a high 
050:         level so they are less important, however the logic is messy.
051:         */
052:        class Reflect {
053:            /**
054:            	Invoke method on arbitrary object instance.
055:            	invocation may be static (through the object instance) or dynamic.
056:            	Object may be a bsh scripted object (bsh.This type).
057:             	@return the result of the method call
058:             */
059:            public static Object invokeObjectMethod(Object object,
060:                    String methodName, Object[] args, Interpreter interpreter,
061:                    CallStack callstack, SimpleNode callerInfo)
062:                    throws ReflectError, EvalError, InvocationTargetException {
063:                // Bsh scripted object
064:                if (object instanceof  This
065:                        && !This.isExposedThisMethod(methodName))
066:                    return ((This) object).invokeMethod(methodName, args,
067:                            interpreter, callstack, callerInfo, false/*delcaredOnly*/
068:                    );
070:                // Plain Java object, find the java method
071:                try {
072:                    BshClassManager bcm = interpreter == null ? null
073:                            : interpreter.getClassManager();
074:                    Class clas = object.getClass();
076:                    Method method = resolveExpectedJavaMethod(bcm, clas,
077:                            object, methodName, args, false);
079:                    return invokeMethod(method, object, args);
080:                } catch (UtilEvalError e) {
081:                    throw e.toEvalError(callerInfo, callstack);
082:                }
083:            }
085:            /** 
086:            	Invoke a method known to be static.
087:            	No object instance is needed and there is no possibility of the 
088:            	method being a bsh scripted method.
089:             */
090:            public static Object invokeStaticMethod(BshClassManager bcm,
091:                    Class clas, String methodName, Object[] args)
092:                    throws ReflectError, UtilEvalError,
093:                    InvocationTargetException {
094:                Interpreter.debug("invoke static Method");
095:                Method method = resolveExpectedJavaMethod(bcm, clas, null,
096:                        methodName, args, true);
097:                return invokeMethod(method, null, args);
098:            }
100:            /**
101:            	Invoke the Java method on the specified object, performing needed
102:             	type mappings on arguments and return values.
103:            	@param args may be null
104:             */
105:            static Object invokeMethod(Method method, Object object,
106:                    Object[] args) throws ReflectError,
107:                    InvocationTargetException {
108:                if (args == null)
109:                    args = new Object[0];
111:                logInvokeMethod("Invoking method (entry): ", method, args);
113:                // Map types to assignable forms, need to keep this fast...
114:                Object[] tmpArgs = new Object[args.length];
115:                Class[] types = method.getParameterTypes();
116:                try {
117:                    for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++)
118:                        tmpArgs[i] = Types.castObject(args[i]/*rhs*/,
119:                                types[i]/*lhsType*/, Types.ASSIGNMENT);
120:                } catch (UtilEvalError e) {
121:                    throw new InterpreterError(
122:                            "illegal argument type in method invocation: " + e);
123:                }
125:                // unwrap any primitives
126:                tmpArgs = Primitive.unwrap(tmpArgs);
128:                logInvokeMethod("Invoking method (after massaging values): ",
129:                        method, tmpArgs);
131:                try {
132:                    Object returnValue = method.invoke(object, tmpArgs);
133:                    if (returnValue == null)
134:                        returnValue = Primitive.NULL;
135:                    Class returnType = method.getReturnType();
137:                    return Primitive.wrap(returnValue, returnType);
138:                } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
139:                    throw new ReflectError("Cannot access method "
140:                            + StringUtil.methodString(method.getName(), method
141:                                    .getParameterTypes()) + " in '"
142:                            + method.getDeclaringClass() + "' :" + e);
143:                }
144:            }
146:            public static Object getIndex(Object array, int index)
147:                    throws ReflectError, UtilTargetError {
148:                if (Interpreter.DEBUG)
149:                    Interpreter
150:                            .debug("getIndex: " + array + ", index=" + index);
151:                try {
152:                    Object val = Array.get(array, index);
153:                    return Primitive.wrap(val, array.getClass()
154:                            .getComponentType());
155:                } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e1) {
156:                    throw new UtilTargetError(e1);
157:                } catch (Exception e) {
158:                    throw new ReflectError("Array access:" + e);
159:                }
160:            }
162:            public static void setIndex(Object array, int index, Object val)
163:                    throws ReflectError, UtilTargetError {
164:                try {
165:                    val = Primitive.unwrap(val);
166:                    Array.set(array, index, val);
167:                } catch (ArrayStoreException e2) {
168:                    throw new UtilTargetError(e2);
169:                } catch (IllegalArgumentException e1) {
170:                    throw new UtilTargetError(new ArrayStoreException(e1
171:                            .toString()));
172:                } catch (Exception e) {
173:                    throw new ReflectError("Array access:" + e);
174:                }
175:            }
177:            public static Object getStaticFieldValue(Class clas,
178:                    String fieldName) throws UtilEvalError, ReflectError {
179:                return getFieldValue(clas, null, fieldName, true/*onlystatic*/);
180:            }
182:            /**
183:             * Check for a field with the given name in a java object or scripted object
184:             * if the field exists fetch the value, if not check for a property value.
185:             * If neither is found return Primitive.VOID. 
186:             */
187:            public static Object getObjectFieldValue(Object object,
188:                    String fieldName) throws UtilEvalError, ReflectError {
189:                if (object instanceof  This) {
190:                    This t = (This) object;
191:                    return t.namespace.getVariableOrProperty(fieldName, null);
192:                } else {
193:                    try {
194:                        return getFieldValue(object.getClass(), object,
195:                                fieldName, false/*onlystatic*/);
196:                    } catch (ReflectError e) {
197:                        // no field, try property acces
199:                        if (hasObjectPropertyGetter(object.getClass(),
200:                                fieldName))
201:                            return getObjectProperty(object, fieldName);
202:                        else
203:                            throw e;
204:                    }
205:                }
206:            }
208:            static LHS getLHSStaticField(Class clas, String fieldName)
209:                    throws UtilEvalError, ReflectError {
210:                Field f = resolveExpectedJavaField(clas, fieldName, true/*onlystatic*/);
211:                return new LHS(f);
212:            }
214:            /**
215:            	Get an LHS reference to an object field.
217:            	This method also deals with the field style property access.
218:            	In the field does not exist we check for a property setter.
219:             */
220:            static LHS getLHSObjectField(Object object, String fieldName)
221:                    throws UtilEvalError, ReflectError {
222:                if (object instanceof  This) {
223:                    // I guess this is when we pass it as an argument?
224:                    // Setting locally
225:                    boolean recurse = false;
226:                    return new LHS(((This) object).namespace, fieldName,
227:                            recurse);
228:                }
230:                try {
231:                    Field f = resolveExpectedJavaField(object.getClass(),
232:                            fieldName, false/*staticOnly*/);
233:                    return new LHS(object, f);
234:                } catch (ReflectError e) {
235:                    // not a field, try property access
236:                    if (hasObjectPropertySetter(object.getClass(), fieldName))
237:                        return new LHS(object, fieldName);
238:                    else
239:                        throw e;
240:                }
241:            }
243:            private static Object getFieldValue(Class clas, Object object,
244:                    String fieldName, boolean staticOnly) throws UtilEvalError,
245:                    ReflectError {
246:                try {
247:                    Field f = resolveExpectedJavaField(clas, fieldName,
248:                            staticOnly);
250:                    Object value = f.get(object);
251:                    Class returnType = f.getType();
252:                    return Primitive.wrap(value, returnType);
254:                } catch (NullPointerException e) { // shouldn't happen
255:                    throw new ReflectError("???" + fieldName
256:                            + " is not a static field.");
257:                } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
258:                    throw new ReflectError("Can't access field: " + fieldName);
259:                }
260:            }
262:            /*
263:            	Note: this method and resolveExpectedJavaField should be rewritten
264:            	to invert this logic so that no exceptions need to be caught
265:            	unecessarily.  This is just a temporary impl.
266:            	@return the field or null if not found
267:             */
268:            protected static Field resolveJavaField(Class clas,
269:                    String fieldName, boolean staticOnly) throws UtilEvalError {
270:                try {
271:                    return resolveExpectedJavaField(clas, fieldName, staticOnly);
272:                } catch (ReflectError e) {
273:                    return null;
274:                }
275:            }
277:            /**
278:            	@throws ReflectError if the field is not found.
279:             */
280:            /*
281:            	Note: this should really just throw NoSuchFieldException... need
282:            	to change related signatures and code.
283:             */
284:            protected static Field resolveExpectedJavaField(Class clas,
285:                    String fieldName, boolean staticOnly) throws UtilEvalError,
286:                    ReflectError {
287:                Field field;
288:                try {
289:                    if (Capabilities.haveAccessibility())
290:                        field = findAccessibleField(clas, fieldName);
291:                    else
292:                        // Class getField() finds only public (and in interfaces, etc.)
293:                        field = clas.getField(fieldName);
294:                } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
295:                    throw new ReflectError("No such field: " + fieldName);
296:                } catch (SecurityException e) {
297:                    throw new UtilTargetError(
298:                            "Security Exception while searching fields of: "
299:                                    + clas, e);
300:                }
302:                if (staticOnly && !Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers()))
303:                    throw new UtilEvalError("Can't reach instance field: "
304:                            + fieldName + " from static context: "
305:                            + clas.getName());
307:                return field;
308:            }
310:            /**
311:            	Used when accessibility capability is available to locate an occurrance
312:            	of the field in the most derived class or superclass and set its 
313:            	accessibility flag.
314:            	Note that this method is not needed in the simple non accessible
315:            	case because we don't have to hunt for fields.
316:            	Note that classes may declare overlapping private fields, so the 
317:            	distinction about the most derived is important.  Java doesn't normally
318:            	allow this kind of access (super won't show private variables) so 
319:            	there is no real syntax for specifying which class scope to use...
321:            	@return the Field or throws NoSuchFieldException
322:            	@throws NoSuchFieldException if the field is not found
323:             */
324:            /*
325:            	This method should be rewritten to use getFields() and avoid catching
326:            	exceptions during the search.
327:             */
328:            private static Field findAccessibleField(Class clas,
329:                    String fieldName) throws UtilEvalError,
330:                    NoSuchFieldException {
331:                Field field;
333:                // Quick check catches public fields include those in interfaces
334:                try {
335:                    field = clas.getField(fieldName);
336:                    ReflectManager.RMSetAccessible(field);
337:                    return field;
338:                } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
339:                }
341:                // Now, on with the hunt...
342:                while (clas != null) {
343:                    try {
344:                        field = clas.getDeclaredField(fieldName);
345:                        ReflectManager.RMSetAccessible(field);
346:                        return field;
348:                        // Not found, fall through to next class
350:                    } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
351:                    }
353:                    clas = clas.getSuperclass();
354:                }
355:                throw new NoSuchFieldException(fieldName);
356:            }
358:            /**
359:            	This method wraps resolveJavaMethod() and expects a non-null method
360:             	result. If the method is not found it throws a descriptive ReflectError.
361:             */
362:            protected static Method resolveExpectedJavaMethod(
363:                    BshClassManager bcm, Class clas, Object object,
364:                    String name, Object[] args, boolean staticOnly)
365:                    throws ReflectError, UtilEvalError {
366:                if (object == Primitive.NULL)
367:                    throw new UtilTargetError(new NullPointerException(
368:                            "Attempt to invoke method " + name
369:                                    + " on null value"));
371:                Class[] types = Types.getTypes(args);
372:                Method method = resolveJavaMethod(bcm, clas, name, types,
373:                        staticOnly);
375:                if (method == null)
376:                    throw new ReflectError((staticOnly ? "Static method "
377:                            : "Method ")
378:                            + StringUtil.methodString(name, types)
379:                            + " not found in class'" + clas.getName() + "'");
381:                return method;
382:            }
384:            /**
385:                The full blown resolver method.  All other method invocation methods
386:            	delegate to this.  The method may be static or dynamic unless
387:            	staticOnly is set (in which case object may be null).
388:            	If staticOnly is set then only static methods will be located.
389:            	<p/>
391:            	This method performs caching (caches discovered methods through the
392:             	class manager and utilizes cached methods.)
393:             	<p/>
395:             	This method determines whether to attempt to use non-public methods
396:             	based on Capabilities.haveAccessibility() and will set the accessibilty
397:             	flag on the method as necessary.
398:             	<p/>
400:            	If, when directed to find a static method, this method locates a more 
401:            	specific matching instance method it will throw a descriptive exception 
402:            	analogous to the error that the Java compiler would produce.
403:            	Note: as of 2.0.x this is a problem because there is no way to work
404:            	around this with a cast. 
405:            	<p/>
407:            	@param staticOnly
408:            		The method located must be static, the object param may be null.
409:            	@return the method or null if no matching method was found.
410:             */
411:            protected static Method resolveJavaMethod(BshClassManager bcm,
412:                    Class clas, String name, Class[] types, boolean staticOnly)
413:                    throws UtilEvalError {
414:                if (clas == null)
415:                    throw new InterpreterError("null class");
417:                // Lookup previously cached method
418:                Method method = null;
419:                if (bcm == null)
420:                    Interpreter.debug("resolveJavaMethod UNOPTIMIZED lookup");
421:                else
422:                    method = bcm.getResolvedMethod(clas, name, types,
423:                            staticOnly);
425:                if (method == null) {
426:                    boolean publicOnly = !Capabilities.haveAccessibility();
427:                    // Searching for the method may, itself be a priviledged action
428:                    try {
429:                        method = findOverloadedMethod(clas, name, types,
430:                                publicOnly);
431:                    } catch (SecurityException e) {
432:                        throw new UtilTargetError(
433:                                "Security Exception while searching methods of: "
434:                                        + clas, e);
435:                    }
437:                    checkFoundStaticMethod(method, staticOnly, clas);
439:                    // This is the first time we've seen this method, set accessibility
440:                    // Note: even if it's a public method, we may have found it in a
441:                    // non-public class
442:                    if (method != null && !publicOnly) {
443:                        try {
444:                            ReflectManager.RMSetAccessible(method);
445:                        } catch (UtilEvalError e) { /*ignore*/
446:                        }
447:                    }
449:                    // If succeeded cache the resolved method.
450:                    if (method != null && bcm != null)
451:                        bcm.cacheResolvedMethod(clas, types, method);
452:                }
454:                return method;
455:            }
457:            /**
458:            	Get the candidate methods by searching the class and interface graph
459:             	of baseClass and resolve the most specific.
460:             	@return the method or null for not found
461:             */
462:            private static Method findOverloadedMethod(Class baseClass,
463:                    String methodName, Class[] types, boolean publicOnly) {
464:                if (Interpreter.DEBUG)
465:                    Interpreter.debug("Searching for method: "
466:                            + StringUtil.methodString(methodName, types)
467:                            + " in '" + baseClass.getName() + "'");
469:                Method[] methods = getCandidateMethods(baseClass, methodName,
470:                        types.length, publicOnly);
472:                if (Interpreter.DEBUG)
473:                    Interpreter.debug("Looking for most specific method: "
474:                            + methodName);
475:                Method method = findMostSpecificMethod(types, methods);
477:                return method;
478:            }
480:            /**
481:            	Climb the class and interface inheritence graph of the type and collect
482:            	all methods matching the specified name and criterion.  If publicOnly
483:            	is true then only public methods in *public* classes or interfaces will
484:            	be returned.  In the normal (non-accessible) case this addresses the
485:            	problem that arises when a package private class or private inner class
486:            	implements a public interface or derives from a public type.
487:             	<p/>
489:             	This method primarily just delegates to gatherMethodsRecursive()
490:             	@see #gatherMethodsRecursive(
491:            		Class, String, int, boolean, java.util.Vector)
492:             */
493:            static Method[] getCandidateMethods(Class baseClass,
494:                    String methodName, int numArgs, boolean publicOnly) {
495:                Vector candidates = gatherMethodsRecursive(baseClass,
496:                        methodName, numArgs, publicOnly, null/*candidates*/);
498:                // return the methods in an array
499:                Method[] ma = new Method[candidates.size()];
500:                candidates.copyInto(ma);
501:                return ma;
502:            }
504:            /**
505:            	Accumulate all methods, optionally including non-public methods,
506:             	class and interface, in the inheritence tree of baseClass.
508:            	This method is analogous to Class getMethods() which returns all public
509:            	methods in the inheritence tree.
511:            	In the normal (non-accessible) case this also addresses the problem
512:            	that arises when a package private class or private inner class
513:            	implements a public interface or derives from a public type.  In other
514:            	words, sometimes we'll find public methods that we can't use directly
515:            	and we have to find the same public method in a parent class or
516:            	interface.
518:            	@return the candidate methods vector
519:             */
520:            private static Vector gatherMethodsRecursive(Class baseClass,
521:                    String methodName, int numArgs, boolean publicOnly,
522:                    Vector candidates) {
523:                if (candidates == null)
524:                    candidates = new Vector();
526:                // Add methods of the current class to the vector.
527:                // In public case be careful to only add methods from a public class
528:                // and to use getMethods() instead of getDeclaredMethods()
529:                // (This addresses secure environments)
530:                if (publicOnly) {
531:                    if (isPublic(baseClass))
532:                        addCandidates(baseClass.getMethods(), methodName,
533:                                numArgs, publicOnly, candidates);
534:                } else
535:                    addCandidates(baseClass.getDeclaredMethods(), methodName,
536:                            numArgs, publicOnly, candidates);
538:                // Does the class or interface implement interfaces?
539:                Class[] intfs = baseClass.getInterfaces();
540:                for (int i = 0; i < intfs.length; i++)
541:                    gatherMethodsRecursive(intfs[i], methodName, numArgs,
542:                            publicOnly, candidates);
544:                // Do we have a superclass? (interfaces don't, etc.)
545:                Class super class = baseClass.getSuperclass();
546:                if (super class != null)
547:                    gatherMethodsRecursive(super class, methodName, numArgs,
548:                            publicOnly, candidates);
550:                return candidates;
551:            }
553:            private static Vector addCandidates(Method[] methods,
554:                    String methodName, int numArgs, boolean publicOnly,
555:                    Vector candidates) {
556:                for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
557:                    Method m = methods[i];
558:                    if (m.getName().equals(methodName)
559:                            && (m.getParameterTypes().length == numArgs)
560:                            && (!publicOnly || isPublic(m)))
561:                        candidates.add(m);
562:                }
563:                return candidates;
564:            }
566:            /**
567:            	Primary object constructor
568:            	This method is simpler than those that must resolve general method
569:            	invocation because constructors are not inherited.
570:             <p/>
571:             This method determines whether to attempt to use non-public constructors
572:             based on Capabilities.haveAccessibility() and will set the accessibilty
573:             flag on the method as necessary.
574:             <p/>
575:             */
576:            static Object constructObject(Class clas, Object[] args)
577:                    throws ReflectError, InvocationTargetException {
578:                if (clas.isInterface())
579:                    throw new ReflectError(
580:                            "Can't create instance of an interface: " + clas);
582:                Object obj = null;
583:                Class[] types = Types.getTypes(args);
584:                Constructor con = null;
586:                // Find the constructor.
587:                // (there are no inherited constructors to worry about)
588:                Constructor[] constructors = Capabilities.haveAccessibility() ? clas
589:                        .getDeclaredConstructors()
590:                        : clas.getConstructors();
592:                if (Interpreter.DEBUG)
593:                    Interpreter.debug("Looking for most specific constructor: "
594:                            + clas);
595:                con = findMostSpecificConstructor(types, constructors);
596:                if (con == null)
597:                    throw cantFindConstructor(clas, types);
599:                if (!isPublic(con))
600:                    try {
601:                        ReflectManager.RMSetAccessible(con);
602:                    } catch (UtilEvalError e) { /*ignore*/
603:                    }
605:                args = Primitive.unwrap(args);
606:                try {
607:                    obj = con.newInstance(args);
608:                } catch (InstantiationException e) {
609:                    throw new ReflectError("The class " + clas
610:                            + " is abstract ");
611:                } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
612:                    throw new ReflectError(
613:                            "We don't have permission to create an instance."
614:                                    + "Use setAccessibility(true) to enable access.");
615:                } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
616:                    throw new ReflectError("The number of arguments was wrong");
617:                }
618:                if (obj == null)
619:                    throw new ReflectError("Couldn't construct the object");
621:                return obj;
622:            }
624:            /*
625:                This method should parallel findMostSpecificMethod()
626:            	The only reason it can't be combined is that Method and Constructor
627:            	don't have a common interface for their signatures
628:             */
629:            static Constructor findMostSpecificConstructor(Class[] idealMatch,
630:                    Constructor[] constructors) {
631:                int match = findMostSpecificConstructorIndex(idealMatch,
632:                        constructors);
633:                return (match == -1) ? null : constructors[match];
634:            }
636:            static int findMostSpecificConstructorIndex(Class[] idealMatch,
637:                    Constructor[] constructors) {
638:                Class[][] candidates = new Class[constructors.length][];
639:                for (int i = 0; i < candidates.length; i++)
640:                    candidates[i] = constructors[i].getParameterTypes();
642:                return findMostSpecificSignature(idealMatch, candidates);
643:            }
645:            /**
646:            	Find the best match for signature idealMatch.
647:            	It is assumed that the methods array holds only valid candidates
648:            	(e.g. method name and number of args already matched).
649:            	This method currently does not take into account Java 5 covariant
650:            	return types... which I think will require that we find the most
651:            	derived return type of otherwise identical best matches.
653:             	@see #findMostSpecificSignature(Class[], Class[][])
654:            	@param methods the set of candidate method which differ only in the
655:             		types of their arguments.
656:             */
657:            static Method findMostSpecificMethod(Class[] idealMatch,
658:                    Method[] methods) {
659:                // copy signatures into array for findMostSpecificMethod()
660:                Class[][] candidateSigs = new Class[methods.length][];
661:                for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++)
662:                    candidateSigs[i] = methods[i].getParameterTypes();
664:                int match = findMostSpecificSignature(idealMatch, candidateSigs);
665:                return match == -1 ? null : methods[match];
666:            }
668:            /**
669:                Implement JLS 15.11.2
670:            	Return the index of the most specific arguments match or -1 if no
671:            	match is found.
672:            	This method is used by both methods and constructors (which
673:             	unfortunately don't share a common interface for signature info).
675:             @return the index of the most specific candidate
677:             */
678:            /*
679:             Note: Two methods which are equally specific should not be allowed by
680:             the Java compiler.  In this case BeanShell currently chooses the first
681:             one it finds.  We could add a test for this case here (I believe) by
682:             adding another isSignatureAssignable() in the other direction between
683:             the target and "best" match.  If the assignment works both ways then
684:             neither is more specific and they are ambiguous.  I'll leave this test
685:             out for now because I'm not sure how much another test would impact
686:             performance.  Method selection is now cached at a high level, so a few
687:             friendly extraneous tests shouldn't be a problem.
688:             */
689:            static int findMostSpecificSignature(Class[] idealMatch,
690:                    Class[][] candidates) {
691:                for (int round = Types.FIRST_ROUND_ASSIGNABLE; round <= Types.LAST_ROUND_ASSIGNABLE; round++) {
692:                    Class[] bestMatch = null;
693:                    int bestMatchIndex = -1;
695:                    for (int i = 0; i < candidates.length; i++) {
696:                        Class[] targetMatch = candidates[i];
698:                        // If idealMatch fits targetMatch and this is the first match
699:                        // or targetMatch is more specific than the best match, make it
700:                        // the new best match.
701:                        if (Types.isSignatureAssignable(idealMatch,
702:                                targetMatch, round)
703:                                && ((bestMatch == null) || (Types
704:                                        .isSignatureAssignable(targetMatch,
705:                                                bestMatch,
706:                                                Types.JAVA_BASE_ASSIGNABLE) && !Types
707:                                        .areSignaturesEqual(targetMatch,
708:                                                bestMatch)))) {
709:                            bestMatch = targetMatch;
710:                            bestMatchIndex = i;
711:                        }
712:                    }
714:                    if (bestMatch != null)
715:                        return bestMatchIndex;
716:                }
718:                return -1;
719:            }
721:            static String accessorName(String getorset, String propName) {
722:                return getorset
723:                        + String.valueOf(Character.toUpperCase(propName
724:                                .charAt(0))) + propName.substring(1);
725:            }
727:            public static boolean hasObjectPropertyGetter(Class clas,
728:                    String propName) {
729:                String getterName = accessorName("get", propName);
730:                try {
731:                    clas.getMethod(getterName, new Class[0]);
732:                    return true;
733:                } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { /* fall through */
734:                }
735:                getterName = accessorName("is", propName);
736:                try {
737:                    Method m = clas.getMethod(getterName, new Class[0]);
738:                    return (m.getReturnType() == Boolean.TYPE);
739:                } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
740:                    return false;
741:                }
742:            }
744:            public static boolean hasObjectPropertySetter(Class clas,
745:                    String propName) {
746:                String setterName = accessorName("set", propName);
747:                Method[] methods = clas.getMethods();
749:                // we don't know the right hand side of the assignment yet.
750:                // has at least one setter of the right name?
751:                for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++)
752:                    if (methods[i].getName().equals(setterName))
753:                        return true;
754:                return false;
755:            }
757:            public static Object getObjectProperty(Object obj, String propName)
758:                    throws UtilEvalError, ReflectError {
759:                Object[] args = new Object[] {};
761:                Interpreter.debug("property access: ");
762:                Method method = null;
764:                Exception e1 = null, e2 = null;
765:                try {
766:                    String accessorName = accessorName("get", propName);
767:                    method = resolveExpectedJavaMethod(null/*bcm*/, obj
768:                            .getClass(), obj, accessorName, args, false);
769:                } catch (Exception e) {
770:                    e1 = e;
771:                }
772:                if (method == null)
773:                    try {
774:                        String accessorName = accessorName("is", propName);
775:                        method = resolveExpectedJavaMethod(null/*bcm*/, obj
776:                                .getClass(), obj, accessorName, args, false);
777:                        if (method.getReturnType() != Boolean.TYPE)
778:                            method = null;
779:                    } catch (Exception e) {
780:                        e2 = e;
781:                    }
782:                if (method == null)
783:                    throw new ReflectError("Error in property getter: " + e1
784:                            + (e2 != null ? " : " + e2 : ""));
786:                try {
787:                    return invokeMethod(method, obj, args);
788:                } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
789:                    throw new UtilEvalError(
790:                            "Property accessor threw exception: "
791:                                    + e.getTargetException());
792:                }
793:            }
795:            public static void setObjectProperty(Object obj, String propName,
796:                    Object value) throws ReflectError, UtilEvalError {
797:                String accessorName = accessorName("set", propName);
798:                Object[] args = new Object[] { value };
800:                Interpreter.debug("property access: ");
801:                try {
802:                    Method method = resolveExpectedJavaMethod(null/*bcm*/, obj
803:                            .getClass(), obj, accessorName, args, false);
804:                    invokeMethod(method, obj, args);
805:                } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
806:                    throw new UtilEvalError(
807:                            "Property accessor threw exception: "
808:                                    + e.getTargetException());
809:                }
810:            }
812:            /**
813:            	Return a more human readable version of the type name.
814:            	Specifically, array types are returned with postfix "[]" dimensions.
815:            	e.g. return "int []" for integer array instead of "class [I" as
816:            	would be returned by Class getName() in that case.
817:             */
818:            public static String normalizeClassName(Class type) {
819:                if (!type.isArray())
820:                    return type.getName();
822:                StringBuffer className = new StringBuffer();
823:                try {
824:                    className.append(getArrayBaseType(type).getName() + " ");
825:                    for (int i = 0; i < getArrayDimensions(type); i++)
826:                        className.append("[]");
827:                } catch (ReflectError e) { /*shouldn't happen*/
828:                }
830:                return className.toString();
831:            }
833:            /**
834:            	returns the dimensionality of the Class
835:            	returns 0 if the Class is not an array class
836:             */
837:            public static int getArrayDimensions(Class arrayClass) {
838:                if (!arrayClass.isArray())
839:                    return 0;
841:                return arrayClass.getName().lastIndexOf('[') + 1; // why so cute?
842:            }
844:            /**
846:            	Returns the base type of an array Class.
847:            	throws ReflectError if the Class is not an array class.
848:             */
849:            public static Class getArrayBaseType(Class arrayClass)
850:                    throws ReflectError {
851:                if (!arrayClass.isArray())
852:                    throw new ReflectError("The class is not an array.");
854:                return arrayClass.getComponentType();
856:            }
858:            /**
859:            	A command may be implemented as a compiled Java class containing one or
860:            	more static invoke() methods of the correct signature.  The invoke()
861:            	methods must accept two additional leading arguments of the interpreter
862:            	and callstack, respectively. e.g. invoke(interpreter, callstack, ... )
863:            	This method adds the arguments and invokes the static method, returning
864:            	the result.
865:             */
866:            public static Object invokeCompiledCommand(Class commandClass,
867:                    Object[] args, Interpreter interpreter, CallStack callstack)
868:                    throws UtilEvalError {
869:                // add interpereter and namespace to args list
870:                Object[] invokeArgs = new Object[args.length + 2];
871:                invokeArgs[0] = interpreter;
872:                invokeArgs[1] = callstack;
873:                System.arraycopy(args, 0, invokeArgs, 2, args.length);
874:                BshClassManager bcm = interpreter.getClassManager();
875:                try {
876:                    return Reflect.invokeStaticMethod(bcm, commandClass,
877:                            "invoke", invokeArgs);
878:                } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
879:                    throw new UtilEvalError("Error in compiled command: "
880:                            + e.getTargetException());
881:                } catch (ReflectError e) {
882:                    throw new UtilEvalError("Error invoking compiled command: "
883:                            + e);
884:                }
885:            }
887:            private static void logInvokeMethod(String msg, Method method,
888:                    Object[] args) {
889:                if (Interpreter.DEBUG) {
890:                    Interpreter.debug(msg + method + " with args:");
891:                    for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++)
892:                        Interpreter.debug("args[" + i + "] = " + args[i]
893:                                + " type = " + args[i].getClass());
894:                }
895:            }
897:            private static void checkFoundStaticMethod(Method method,
898:                    boolean staticOnly, Class clas) throws UtilEvalError {
899:                // We're looking for a static method but found an instance method
900:                if (method != null && staticOnly && !isStatic(method))
901:                    throw new UtilEvalError("Cannot reach instance method: "
902:                            + StringUtil.methodString(method.getName(), method
903:                                    .getParameterTypes())
904:                            + " from static context: " + clas.getName());
905:            }
907:            private static ReflectError cantFindConstructor(Class clas,
908:                    Class[] types) {
909:                if (types.length == 0)
910:                    return new ReflectError(
911:                            "Can't find default constructor for: " + clas);
912:                else
913:                    return new ReflectError("Can't find constructor: "
914:                            + StringUtil.methodString(clas.getName(), types)
915:                            + " in class: " + clas.getName());
916:            }
918:            private static boolean isPublic(Class c) {
919:                return Modifier.isPublic(c.getModifiers());
920:            }
922:            private static boolean isPublic(Method m) {
923:                return Modifier.isPublic(m.getModifiers());
924:            }
926:            private static boolean isPublic(Constructor c) {
927:                return Modifier.isPublic(c.getModifiers());
928:            }
930:            private static boolean isStatic(Method m) {
931:                return Modifier.isStatic(m.getModifiers());
932:            }
933:        } | Contact Us
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