01: package build;
03: import java.net.URL;
05: /**
06: Starts Jscheme from its standard URL. This is the only
07: class you really need to run Jscheme.
08: **/
09: public class SchemeLite {
11: /** Invoke jscheme.REPL.main() from sourceforge. **/
12: public static void main(String[] args) {
13: try {
14: new java.net.URLClassLoader(
15: new URL[] { new URL(
16: System
17: .getProperty(
18: "build.SchemeLite.url",
19: "http://jscheme.sourceforge.net/jscheme/lib/jscheme.jar")) })
20: .loadClass("jscheme.REPL").getMethod("main",
21: new Class[] { String[].class }).invoke(
22: null, new Object[] { args });
23: } catch (Exception e) {
24: e.printStackTrace();
25: }
26: }
27: }