01: /**
02: * BSD Licensed.
03: */package org.ontoware.rdf2go.model;
05: /**
06: * A ModelSet that can notify listeners when triples are added or removed from the
07: * model.
08: *
09: * Note that not all models support listening, for example a model hosted on a
10: * remote server may not support notifications of operations done on the model
11: * to remote clients.
12: *
13: * @author sauermann
14: * @author voelkel
15: */
16: public interface NotifyingModelSet {
18: /**
19: *
20: * @param listener
21: * @param pattern
22: * all add or remove statement events matching the pattern will
23: * be send to the listener. Updates are always send.
24: */
25: public void addModelSetChangedListener(
26: ModelChangedListener listener, QuadPattern pattern);
28: public void addModelSetChangedListener(ModelChangedListener listener);
30: public void removeModelSetChangedListener(
31: ModelChangedListener listener);
33: }