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Source Cross Referenced  Class Diagram Java Document (Java Doc) 

001:        /*
002:         * Created on 28-Oct-2004
003:         */
004:        package;
006:        import;
007:        import;
008:        import java.util.ArrayList;
009:        import java.util.Arrays;
010:        import java.util.Comparator;
012:        import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer;
013:        import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Token;
014:        import org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenStream;
015:        import org.apache.lucene.document.Document;
016:        import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader;
017:        import org.apache.lucene.index.TermFreqVector;
018:        import org.apache.lucene.index.TermPositionVector;
019:        import org.apache.lucene.index.TermVectorOffsetInfo;
021:        /**
022:         * Hides implementation issues associated with obtaining a TokenStream for use with
023:         * the higlighter - can obtain from TermFreqVectors with offsets and (optionally) positions or
024:         * from Analyzer class reparsing the stored content. 
025:         * @author maharwood
026:         */
027:        public class TokenSources {
028:            /**
029:             * A convenience method that tries a number of approaches to getting a token stream.
030:             * The cost of finding there are no termVectors in the index is minimal (1000 invocations still 
031:             * registers 0 ms). So this "lazy" (flexible?) approach to coding is probably acceptable
032:             * @param reader
033:             * @param docId
034:             * @param field
035:             * @param analyzer
036:             * @return null if field not stored correctly 
037:             * @throws IOException
038:             */
039:            public static TokenStream getAnyTokenStream(IndexReader reader,
040:                    int docId, String field, Analyzer analyzer)
041:                    throws IOException {
042:                TokenStream ts = null;
044:                TermFreqVector tfv = (TermFreqVector) reader.getTermFreqVector(
045:                        docId, field);
046:                if (tfv != null) {
047:                    if (tfv instanceof  TermPositionVector) {
048:                        ts = getTokenStream((TermPositionVector) tfv);
049:                    }
050:                }
051:                //No token info stored so fall back to analyzing raw content
052:                if (ts == null) {
053:                    ts = getTokenStream(reader, docId, field, analyzer);
054:                }
055:                return ts;
056:            }
058:            public static TokenStream getTokenStream(TermPositionVector tpv) {
059:                //assumes the worst and makes no assumptions about token position sequences.
060:                return getTokenStream(tpv, false);
061:            }
063:            /**
064:             * Low level api.
065:             * Returns a token stream or null if no offset info available in index.
066:             * This can be used to feed the highlighter with a pre-parsed token stream 
067:             * 
068:             * In my tests the speeds to recreate 1000 token streams using this method are:
069:             * - with TermVector offset only data stored - 420  milliseconds 
070:             * - with TermVector offset AND position data stored - 271 milliseconds
071:             *  (nb timings for TermVector with position data are based on a tokenizer with contiguous
072:             *  positions - no overlaps or gaps)
073:             * The cost of not using TermPositionVector to store
074:             * pre-parsed content and using an analyzer to re-parse the original content: 
075:             * - reanalyzing the original content - 980 milliseconds
076:             * 
077:             * The re-analyze timings will typically vary depending on -
078:             * 	1) The complexity of the analyzer code (timings above were using a 
079:             * 	   stemmer/lowercaser/stopword combo)
080:             *  2) The  number of other fields (Lucene reads ALL fields off the disk 
081:             *     when accessing just one document field - can cost dear!)
082:             *  3) Use of compression on field storage - could be faster cos of compression (less disk IO)
083:             *     or slower (more CPU burn) depending on the content.
084:             *
085:             * @param tpv
086:             * @param tokenPositionsGuaranteedContiguous true if the token position numbers have no overlaps or gaps. If looking
087:             * to eek out the last drops of performance, set to true. If in doubt, set to false.
088:             */
089:            public static TokenStream getTokenStream(TermPositionVector tpv,
090:                    boolean tokenPositionsGuaranteedContiguous) {
091:                //an object used to iterate across an array of tokens
092:                class StoredTokenStream extends TokenStream {
093:                    Token tokens[];
094:                    int currentToken = 0;
096:                    StoredTokenStream(Token tokens[]) {
097:                        this .tokens = tokens;
098:                    }
100:                    public Token next() {
101:                        if (currentToken >= tokens.length) {
102:                            return null;
103:                        }
104:                        return tokens[currentToken++];
105:                    }
106:                }
107:                //code to reconstruct the original sequence of Tokens
108:                String[] terms = tpv.getTerms();
109:                int[] freq = tpv.getTermFrequencies();
110:                int totalTokens = 0;
111:                for (int t = 0; t < freq.length; t++) {
112:                    totalTokens += freq[t];
113:                }
114:                Token tokensInOriginalOrder[] = new Token[totalTokens];
115:                ArrayList unsortedTokens = null;
116:                for (int t = 0; t < freq.length; t++) {
117:                    TermVectorOffsetInfo[] offsets = tpv.getOffsets(t);
118:                    if (offsets == null) {
119:                        return null;
120:                    }
122:                    int[] pos = null;
123:                    if (tokenPositionsGuaranteedContiguous) {
124:                        //try get the token position info to speed up assembly of tokens into sorted sequence
125:                        pos = tpv.getTermPositions(t);
126:                    }
127:                    if (pos == null) {
128:                        //tokens NOT stored with positions or not guaranteed contiguous - must add to list and sort later
129:                        if (unsortedTokens == null) {
130:                            unsortedTokens = new ArrayList();
131:                        }
132:                        for (int tp = 0; tp < offsets.length; tp++) {
133:                            unsortedTokens.add(new Token(terms[t], offsets[tp]
134:                                    .getStartOffset(), offsets[tp]
135:                                    .getEndOffset()));
136:                        }
137:                    } else {
138:                        //We have positions stored and a guarantee that the token position information is contiguous
140:                        // This may be fast BUT wont work if Tokenizers used which create >1 token in same position or
141:                        // creates jumps in position numbers - this code would fail under those circumstances
143:                        //tokens stored with positions - can use this to index straight into sorted array
144:                        for (int tp = 0; tp < pos.length; tp++) {
145:                            tokensInOriginalOrder[pos[tp]] = new Token(
146:                                    terms[t], offsets[tp].getStartOffset(),
147:                                    offsets[tp].getEndOffset());
148:                        }
149:                    }
150:                }
151:                //If the field has been stored without position data we must perform a sort        
152:                if (unsortedTokens != null) {
153:                    tokensInOriginalOrder = (Token[]) unsortedTokens
154:                            .toArray(new Token[unsortedTokens.size()]);
155:                    Arrays.sort(tokensInOriginalOrder, new Comparator() {
156:                        public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
157:                            Token t1 = (Token) o1;
158:                            Token t2 = (Token) o2;
159:                            if (t1.startOffset() > t2.startOffset())
160:                                return 1;
161:                            if (t1.startOffset() < t2.startOffset())
162:                                return -1;
163:                            return 0;
164:                        }
165:                    });
166:                }
167:                return new StoredTokenStream(tokensInOriginalOrder);
168:            }
170:            public static TokenStream getTokenStream(IndexReader reader,
171:                    int docId, String field) throws IOException {
172:                TermFreqVector tfv = (TermFreqVector) reader.getTermFreqVector(
173:                        docId, field);
174:                if (tfv == null) {
175:                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(field + " in doc #"
176:                            + docId
177:                            + "does not have any term position data stored");
178:                }
179:                if (tfv instanceof  TermPositionVector) {
180:                    TermPositionVector tpv = (TermPositionVector) reader
181:                            .getTermFreqVector(docId, field);
182:                    return getTokenStream(tpv);
183:                }
184:                throw new IllegalArgumentException(field + " in doc #" + docId
185:                        + "does not have any term position data stored");
186:            }
188:            //convenience method
189:            public static TokenStream getTokenStream(IndexReader reader,
190:                    int docId, String field, Analyzer analyzer)
191:                    throws IOException {
192:                Document doc = reader.document(docId);
193:                String contents = doc.get(field);
194:                if (contents == null) {
195:                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Field " + field
196:                            + " in document #" + docId
197:                            + " is not stored and cannot be analyzed");
198:                }
199:                return analyzer.tokenStream(field, new StringReader(contents));
200:            }
202:        } | Contact Us
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