01: package org.bouncycastle.math.ec;
03: import java.math.BigInteger;
05: /**
06: * Class representing an element of <code><b>Z</b>[τ]</code>. Let
07: * <code>λ</code> be an element of <code><b>Z</b>[τ]</code>. Then
08: * <code>λ</code> is given as <code>λ = u + vτ</code>. The
09: * components <code>u</code> and <code>v</code> may be used directly, there
10: * are no accessor methods.
11: * Immutable class.
12: */
13: class ZTauElement {
14: /**
15: * The "real" part of <code>λ</code>.
16: */
17: public final BigInteger u;
19: /**
20: * The "<code>τ</code>-adic" part of <code>λ</code>.
21: */
22: public final BigInteger v;
24: /**
25: * Constructor for an element <code>λ</code> of
26: * <code><b>Z</b>[τ]</code>.
27: * @param u The "real" part of <code>λ</code>.
28: * @param v The "<code>τ</code>-adic" part of
29: * <code>λ</code>.
30: */
31: public ZTauElement(BigInteger u, BigInteger v) {
32: this.u = u;
33: this.v = v;
34: }
35: }