001: /*
002: * Sun Public License Notice
003: *
004: * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
005: * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
006: * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
007: * http://www.sun.com/
008: *
009: * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
010: * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2000 Sun
011: * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
012: */
014: package org.netbeans.editor.ext;
016: import org.netbeans.editor.SettingsNames;
018: /**
019: * Names of the extended editor settings.
020: *
021: * @author Miloslav Metelka
022: * @version 1.00
023: */
025: public class ExtSettingsNames extends SettingsNames {
027: /**
028: * List of the action names that should be shown in the popup menu. Null
029: * name means separator. Values: java.util.List containing java.lang.String
030: * instances
031: */
032: public static final String POPUP_MENU_ACTION_NAME_LIST = "popup-menu-action-name-list"; // NOI18N
034: /**
035: * List of the action names that should be shown in the popup menu when
036: * JEditorPane is shown in the dialogs. It corresponds Null name means
037: * separator. Values: java.util.List containing java.lang.String instances
038: */
039: public static final String DIALOG_POPUP_MENU_ACTION_NAME_LIST = "dialog-popup-menu-action-name-list"; // NOI18N
041: /**
042: * Whether popup menu will be displayed on mouse right-click or not. It's
043: * set to true by default. Values: java.lang.Boolean
044: */
045: public static final String POPUP_MENU_ENABLED = "popup-menu-enabled"; // NOI18N
047: /**
048: * Highlight the row where the caret currently is. The ExtCaret must be
049: * used. Values: java.lang.Boolean
050: */
051: public static final String HIGHLIGHT_CARET_ROW = "highlight-caret-row"; // NOI18N
053: /**
054: * Highlight the matching brace (if the caret currently stands after the
055: * brace). The ExtCaret must be used. Values: java.lang.Boolean
056: */
057: public static final String HIGHLIGHT_MATCH_BRACE = "highlight-match-brace"; // NOI18N
059: /** Coloring used to highlight the row where the caret resides */
060: public static final String HIGHLIGHT_CARET_ROW_COLORING = "highlight-caret-row"; // NOI18N
062: /** Coloring used to highlight the matching brace */
063: public static final String HIGHLIGHT_MATCH_BRACE_COLORING = "highlight-match-brace"; // NOI18N
065: /**
066: * Delay (milliseconds) after which the matching brace will be updated. This
067: * is intended to eliminate flicker if the user holds the arrow key pressed.
068: */
069: public static final String HIGHLIGHT_MATCH_BRACE_DELAY = "highlight-match-brace-delay"; // NOI18N
071: /**
072: * Whether the fast and simple matching should be used for higlighting the
073: * matching brace. Its disadvantage is that it doesn't ignore the comments
074: * and string and character constants in the search.
075: */
076: public static final String CARET_SIMPLE_MATCH_BRACE = "caret-simple-match-brace"; // NOI18N
078: /**
079: * Whether the code completion window should popup automatically. Values:
080: * java.lang.Boolean
081: */
082: public static final String COMPLETION_AUTO_POPUP = "completion-auto-popup"; // NOI18N
084: /**
085: * The delay after which the completion window is shown automatically.
086: * Values: java.lang.Integer
087: */
088: public static final String COMPLETION_AUTO_POPUP_DELAY = "completion-auto-popup-delay"; // NOI18N
090: /**
091: * The delay after which the completion window is refreshed. Values:
092: * java.lang.Integer
093: */
094: public static final String COMPLETION_REFRESH_DELAY = "completion-refresh-delay"; // NOI18N
096: /**
097: * The minimum size of the completion pane component. Values:
098: * java.awt.Dimension
099: */
100: public static final String COMPLETION_PANE_MIN_SIZE = "completion-pane-min-size"; // NOI18N
102: /**
103: * The maximum size of the completion pane component. Values:
104: * java.awt.Dimension
105: */
106: public static final String COMPLETION_PANE_MAX_SIZE = "completion-pane-max-size"; // NOI18N
108: /**
109: * Acceptor sensitive to characters that cause that that the current line
110: * will be reformatted immediately.
111: */
112: public static final String INDENT_HOT_CHARS_ACCEPTOR = "indent-hot-chars-acceptor"; // NOI18N
114: /**
115: * Whether lines should be indented on an indent hot key if there is non
116: * whitespace before the typed hot key. See editor issue #10771. Values:
117: * java.lang.Boolean
118: */
119: public static final String REINDENT_WITH_TEXT_BEFORE = "reindent-with-text-before"; // NOI18N
121: /** Display info before Go To Class feature */
122: public static final String DISPLAY_GO_TO_CLASS_INFO = "display-go-to-class-info"; // NOI18N
123: }