001: /*
002: * Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Substance Kirill Grouchnikov, based on work by
003: * Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
004: *
005: * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
006: * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
007: * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
008: * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
009: *
010: * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
011: * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
013: * Lesser General Public License for more details.
014: *
015: * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
016: * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
017: * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
018: */
019: package org.jvnet.substance.baseline;
021: import java.awt.*;
022: import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
023: import java.lang.reflect.Method;
024: import java.util.*;
026: import javax.swing.*;
027: import javax.swing.border.*;
028: import javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel;
029: import javax.swing.text.JTextComponent;
030: import javax.swing.text.View;
032: import org.jdesktop.layout.Baseline;
033: import org.jvnet.substance.utils.MemoryAnalyzer;
034: import org.jvnet.substance.utils.SubstanceSizeUtils;
036: /**
037: * Convenience class that can be used to determine the baseline of a particular
038: * component under Substance.
039: */
040: public class SubstanceBaseline extends Baseline {
041: //
042: // Used by button and label baseline code, cached to avoid excessive
043: // garbage.
044: //
045: private static final Rectangle viewRect = new Rectangle();
046: private static final Rectangle textRect = new Rectangle();
047: private static final Rectangle iconRect = new Rectangle();
049: //
050: // These come from TitleBorder. NOTE that these are NOT final in
051: // TitledBorder
052: //
053: private static final int EDGE_SPACING = 2;
054: private static final int TEXT_SPACING = 2;
056: private static final Insets EMPTY_INSETS = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0);
058: // Prototype label for calculating baseline of tables.
059: private static JLabel TABLE_LABEL;
061: // Prototype label for calculating baseline of lists.
062: private static JLabel LIST_LABEL;
064: // Prototype label for calculating baseline of trees.
065: private static JLabel TREE_LABEL;
067: // Corresponds to com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows.WindowsClassicLookAndFeel
068: private static Class CLASSIC_WINDOWS;
069: // Whether or not we've tried to load WindowsClassicLookAndFeel.
070: private static boolean checkedForClassic;
072: // Map<Class,Method>
073: private static final Map BASELINE_MAP = Collections
074: .synchronizedMap(new HashMap());
075: private static Method COMPONENT_BASELINE_METHOD;
077: static {
079: try {
080: COMPONENT_BASELINE_METHOD = Component.class
081: .getMethod("getBaseline", new Class[] { int.class,
082: int.class });
083: } catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) {
084: }
085: }
087: private static int invokeBaseline(Method method, JComponent c,
088: int width, int height) {
089: int baseline = -1;
090: try {
091: baseline = ((Integer) method.invoke(c, new Object[] {
092: new Integer(width), new Integer(height) }))
093: .intValue();
094: } catch (IllegalAccessException iae) {
095: } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae2) {
096: } catch (InvocationTargetException ite2) {
097: }
098: return baseline;
099: }
101: private static Insets rotateInsets(Insets topInsets,
102: int targetPlacement) {
103: switch (targetPlacement) {
104: case JTabbedPane.LEFT:
105: return new Insets(topInsets.left, topInsets.top,
106: topInsets.right, topInsets.bottom);
107: case JTabbedPane.BOTTOM:
108: return new Insets(topInsets.bottom, topInsets.left,
109: topInsets.top, topInsets.right);
110: case JTabbedPane.RIGHT:
111: return new Insets(topInsets.left, topInsets.bottom,
112: topInsets.right, topInsets.top);
113: default:
114: return new Insets(topInsets.top, topInsets.left,
115: topInsets.bottom, topInsets.right);
116: }
117: }
119: private static int getMaxTabHeight(JTabbedPane tp) {
120: int fontHeight = tp.getFontMetrics(tp.getFont()).getHeight();
121: int height = fontHeight;
122: boolean tallerIcons = false;
123: for (int counter = tp.getTabCount() - 1; counter >= 0; counter--) {
124: Icon icon = tp.getIconAt(counter);
125: if (icon != null) {
126: int iconHeight = icon.getIconHeight();
127: height = Math.max(height, iconHeight);
128: if (iconHeight > fontHeight) {
129: tallerIcons = true;
130: }
131: }
132: }
133: Insets tabInsets = UIManager.getInsets("TabbedPane.tabInsets");
134: height += 2;
135: if (!tallerIcons) {
136: height += tabInsets.top + tabInsets.bottom;
137: }
138: return height;
139: }
141: private static int getTabbedPaneBaseline(JTabbedPane tp, int height) {
142: if (tp.getTabCount() > 0) {
143: Insets insets = tp.getInsets();
144: Insets contentBorderInsets = UIManager
145: .getInsets("TabbedPane.contentBorderInsets");
146: Insets tabAreaInsets = rotateInsets(UIManager
147: .getInsets("TabbedPane.tabAreaInsets"), tp
148: .getTabPlacement());
149: FontMetrics metrics = tp.getFontMetrics(tp.getFont());
150: int maxHeight = getMaxTabHeight(tp);
151: iconRect.setBounds(0, 0, 0, 0);
152: textRect.setBounds(0, 0, 0, 0);
153: viewRect.setBounds(0, 0, Short.MAX_VALUE, maxHeight);
154: SwingUtilities.layoutCompoundLabel(tp, metrics, "A", null,
155: SwingUtilities.CENTER, SwingUtilities.CENTER,
156: SwingUtilities.CENTER, SwingUtilities.TRAILING,
157: viewRect, iconRect, textRect, 0);
158: int baseline = textRect.y + metrics.getAscent();
159: switch (tp.getTabPlacement()) {
160: case JTabbedPane.TOP:
161: baseline += insets.top + tabAreaInsets.top;
162: return baseline;
163: case JTabbedPane.BOTTOM:
164: baseline = tp.getHeight() - insets.bottom
165: - tabAreaInsets.bottom - maxHeight + baseline;
166: return baseline;
167: case JTabbedPane.LEFT:
168: case JTabbedPane.RIGHT:
169: baseline += insets.top + tabAreaInsets.top;
170: return baseline;
171: }
172: }
173: return -1;
174: }
176: private static int getAquaTabbedPaneBaseline(JTabbedPane tp,
177: int height) {
178: Font font = tp.getFont();
179: FontMetrics metrics = tp.getFontMetrics(font);
180: int ascent = metrics.getAscent();
181: int offset;
182: switch (tp.getTabPlacement()) {
183: case JTabbedPane.TOP:
184: offset = 5;
185: if (tp.getFont().getSize() > 12) {
186: offset = 6;
187: }
188: int yOffset = 20 - metrics.getHeight();
189: yOffset /= 2;
190: return offset + yOffset + ascent - 1;
191: case JTabbedPane.BOTTOM:
192: if (tp.getFont().getSize() > 12) {
193: offset = 6;
194: } else {
195: offset = 4;
196: }
197: return height
198: - (20 - ((20 - metrics.getHeight()) / 2 + ascent))
199: - offset;
200: case JTabbedPane.LEFT:
201: case JTabbedPane.RIGHT:
202: // Aqua rotates left/right text, so that there isn't a good
203: // baseline.
204: return -1;
205: }
206: return -1;
207: }
209: private static int getSliderBaseline(JSlider slider, int height) {
210: if (slider.getPaintLabels()) {
211: FontMetrics metrics = slider.getFontMetrics(slider
212: .getFont());
213: Insets insets = slider.getInsets();
214: Insets focusInsets = (Insets) UIManager
215: .get("Slider.focusInsets");
216: if (slider.getOrientation() == JSlider.HORIZONTAL) {
217: int contentHeight = height - insets.top - insets.bottom
218: - focusInsets.top - focusInsets.bottom;
219: int tickLength = SubstanceSizeUtils
220: .getSliderTickSize(slider.getFont().getSize());
221: int thumbHeight = SubstanceSizeUtils
222: .getSliderIconSize(slider.getFont().getSize());
223: int centerSpacing = thumbHeight;
224: if (slider.getPaintTicks()) {
225: // centerSpacing += getTickLength();
226: centerSpacing += tickLength;
227: }
228: // Assume uniform labels.
229: centerSpacing += metrics.getAscent()
230: + metrics.getDescent();
231: int trackY = insets.top + focusInsets.top
232: + (contentHeight - centerSpacing - 1) / 2;
234: int trackHeight = thumbHeight;
235: int tickY = trackY + trackHeight;
236: int tickHeight = tickLength;
237: if (!slider.getPaintTicks()) {
238: tickHeight = 0;
239: }
240: int labelY = tickY + tickHeight;
241: return labelY + metrics.getAscent();
242: } else { // vertical
243: boolean inverted = slider.getInverted();
244: Integer value = inverted ? getMinSliderValue(slider)
245: : getMaxSliderValue(slider);
246: if (value != null) {
247: int thumbHeight = 11;
248: thumbHeight = SubstanceSizeUtils
249: .getSliderIconSize(slider.getFont()
250: .getSize());
251: int trackBuffer = Math.max(metrics.getHeight() / 2,
252: thumbHeight / 2);
253: int contentY = focusInsets.top + insets.top;
254: int trackY = contentY + trackBuffer;
255: int trackHeight = height - focusInsets.top
256: - focusInsets.bottom - insets.top
257: - insets.bottom - trackBuffer - trackBuffer;
258: int maxValue = getMaxSliderValue(slider).intValue();
259: int min = slider.getMinimum();
260: int max = slider.getMaximum();
261: double valueRange = (double) max - (double) min;
262: double pixelsPerValue = trackHeight / valueRange;
263: int trackBottom = trackY + (trackHeight - 1);
264: int yPosition = trackY;
265: double offset;
267: if (!inverted) {
268: offset = pixelsPerValue
269: * ((double) max - value.intValue());
270: } else {
271: offset = pixelsPerValue
272: * ((double) value.intValue() - min);
273: }
274: yPosition = Math.max(trackY, yPosition);
275: yPosition = Math.min(trackBottom, yPosition);
276: return yPosition - metrics.getHeight() / 2
277: + metrics.getAscent();
278: }
279: }
280: }
281: return -1;
282: }
284: private static Integer getMaxSliderValue(JSlider slider) {
285: Dictionary dictionary = slider.getLabelTable();
286: if (dictionary != null) {
287: Enumeration keys = dictionary.keys();
288: int max = slider.getMinimum() - 1;
289: while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
290: max = Math.max(max, ((Integer) keys.nextElement())
291: .intValue());
292: }
293: if (max == slider.getMinimum() - 1) {
294: return null;
295: }
296: return new Integer(max);
297: }
298: return null;
299: }
301: private static Integer getMinSliderValue(JSlider slider) {
302: Dictionary dictionary = slider.getLabelTable();
303: if (dictionary != null) {
304: Enumeration keys = dictionary.keys();
305: int min = slider.getMaximum() + 1;
306: while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
307: min = Math.min(min, ((Integer) keys.nextElement())
308: .intValue());
309: }
310: if (min == slider.getMaximum() + 1) {
311: return null;
312: }
313: return new Integer(min);
314: }
315: return null;
316: }
318: private static int getProgressBarBaseline(JProgressBar pb,
319: int height) {
320: if (pb.isStringPainted()
321: && pb.getOrientation() == JProgressBar.HORIZONTAL) {
322: FontMetrics metrics = pb.getFontMetrics(pb.getFont());
323: Insets insets = pb.getInsets();
324: int y = insets.top;
325: height -= insets.top + insets.bottom;
326: return y
327: + (height + metrics.getAscent()
328: - metrics.getLeading() - metrics
329: .getDescent()) / 2;
330: }
331: return -1;
332: }
334: private static int getTreeBaseline(JTree tree, int height) {
335: int rowHeight = tree.getRowHeight();
336: if (TREE_LABEL == null) {
337: TREE_LABEL = new JLabel("X");
338: TREE_LABEL.setIcon(UIManager.getIcon("Tree.closedIcon"));
339: }
340: JLabel label = TREE_LABEL;
341: label.setFont(tree.getFont());
342: if (rowHeight <= 0) {
343: rowHeight = label.getPreferredSize().height;
344: }
345: return getLabelBaseline(label, rowHeight)
346: + tree.getInsets().top;
347: }
349: private static int getTableBaseline(JTable table, int height) {
350: if (TABLE_LABEL == null) {
351: TABLE_LABEL = new JLabel("");
352: TABLE_LABEL.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(1, 1, 1, 1));
353: }
354: JLabel label = TABLE_LABEL;
355: label.setFont(table.getFont());
356: int rowMargin = table.getRowMargin();
357: int baseline = getLabelBaseline(label, table.getRowHeight()
358: - rowMargin);
359: return baseline += rowMargin / 2;
360: }
362: private static int getTextAreaBaseline(JTextArea text, int height) {
363: Insets insets = text.getInsets();
364: FontMetrics fm = text.getFontMetrics(text.getFont());
365: return insets.top + fm.getAscent();
366: }
368: private static int getListBaseline(JList list, int height) {
369: int rowHeight = list.getFixedCellHeight();
370: if (LIST_LABEL == null) {
371: LIST_LABEL = new JLabel("X");
372: LIST_LABEL.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(1, 1, 1, 1));
373: }
374: JLabel label = LIST_LABEL;
375: label.setFont(list.getFont());
376: // JList actually has much more complex behavior here.
377: // If rowHeight != -1 the rowHeight is either the max of all cell
378: // heights (layout orientation != VERTICAL), or is variable depending
379: // upon the cell. We assume a default size.
380: // We could theoretically query the real renderer, but that would
381: // not work for an empty model and the results may vary with
382: // the content.
383: if (rowHeight == -1) {
384: rowHeight = label.getPreferredSize().height;
385: }
386: return getLabelBaseline(label, rowHeight)
387: + list.getInsets().top;
388: }
390: private static int getScrollPaneBaseline(JScrollPane sp, int height) {
391: Component view = sp.getViewport().getView();
392: if (view instanceof JComponent) {
393: int baseline = getBaseline((JComponent) view);
394: if (baseline > 0) {
395: return baseline + sp.getViewport().getY();
396: }
397: }
398: return -1;
399: }
401: private static int getPanelBaseline(JPanel panel, int height) {
402: Border border = panel.getBorder();
403: if (border instanceof TitledBorder) {
404: TitledBorder titledBorder = (TitledBorder) border;
405: if (titledBorder.getTitle() != null
406: && !"".equals(titledBorder.getTitle())) {
407: Font font = titledBorder.getTitleFont();
408: if (font == null) {
409: font = panel.getFont();
410: if (font == null) {
411: font = new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12);
412: }
413: }
414: Border border2 = titledBorder.getBorder();
415: Insets borderInsets;
416: if (border2 != null) {
417: borderInsets = border2.getBorderInsets(panel);
418: } else {
419: borderInsets = EMPTY_INSETS;
420: }
421: FontMetrics fm = panel.getFontMetrics(font);
422: int fontHeight = fm.getHeight();
423: int descent = fm.getDescent();
424: int ascent = fm.getAscent();
425: int y = EDGE_SPACING;
426: int h = height - EDGE_SPACING * 2;
427: int diff;
428: switch (((TitledBorder) border).getTitlePosition()) {
429: case TitledBorder.ABOVE_TOP:
430: diff = ascent
431: + descent
433: return y + diff - (descent + TEXT_SPACING);
434: case TitledBorder.TOP:
435: case TitledBorder.DEFAULT_POSITION:
436: diff = Math.max(0, ((ascent / 2) + TEXT_SPACING)
438: return (y + diff - descent)
439: + (borderInsets.top + ascent + descent) / 2;
440: case TitledBorder.BELOW_TOP:
441: return y + borderInsets.top + ascent + TEXT_SPACING;
442: case TitledBorder.ABOVE_BOTTOM:
443: return (y + h)
444: - (borderInsets.bottom + descent + TEXT_SPACING);
445: case TitledBorder.BOTTOM:
446: h -= fontHeight / 2;
447: return ((y + h) - descent)
448: + ((ascent + descent) - borderInsets.bottom)
449: / 2;
450: case TitledBorder.BELOW_BOTTOM:
451: h -= fontHeight;
452: return y + h + ascent + TEXT_SPACING;
453: }
454: }
455: }
456: return -1;
457: }
459: private static int getSpinnerBaseline(JSpinner spinner, int height) {
460: JComponent editor = spinner.getEditor();
461: if (editor instanceof JSpinner.DefaultEditor) {
462: JSpinner.DefaultEditor defaultEditor = (JSpinner.DefaultEditor) editor;
463: JTextField tf = defaultEditor.getTextField();
464: Insets spinnerInsets = spinner.getInsets();
465: Insets editorInsets = defaultEditor.getInsets();
466: int offset = spinnerInsets.top + editorInsets.top;
467: height -= (offset + spinnerInsets.bottom + editorInsets.bottom);
468: if (height <= 0) {
469: return -1;
470: }
471: return offset + getSingleLineTextBaseline(tf, height);
472: }
473: Insets insets = spinner.getInsets();
474: FontMetrics fm = spinner.getFontMetrics(spinner.getFont());
475: return insets.top + fm.getAscent();
476: }
478: private static int getLabelBaseline(JLabel label, int height) {
479: Icon icon = (label.isEnabled()) ? label.getIcon() : label
480: .getDisabledIcon();
481: FontMetrics fm = label.getFontMetrics(label.getFont());
483: resetRects(label, height);
485: SwingUtilities.layoutCompoundLabel(label, fm, "a", icon, label
486: .getVerticalAlignment(),
487: label.getHorizontalAlignment(), label
488: .getVerticalTextPosition(), label
489: .getHorizontalTextPosition(), viewRect,
490: iconRect, textRect, label.getIconTextGap());
492: return textRect.y + fm.getAscent();
493: }
495: private static int getComboBoxBaseline(JComboBox combobox,
496: int height) {
497: Insets insets = combobox.getInsets();
498: int y = insets.top;
499: height -= (insets.top + insets.bottom);
500: if (combobox.isEditable()) {
501: ComboBoxEditor editor = combobox.getEditor();
502: if (editor != null
503: && (editor.getEditorComponent() instanceof JTextField)) {
504: JTextField tf = (JTextField) editor
505: .getEditorComponent();
506: return y + getSingleLineTextBaseline(tf, height);
507: }
508: }
509: // Use the renderer to calculate baseline
510: y += 2;
511: height -= 4;
512: ListCellRenderer renderer = combobox.getRenderer();
513: if (renderer instanceof JLabel) {
514: int baseline = y
515: + getLabelBaseline((JLabel) renderer, height);
516: return baseline;
517: }
518: // Renderer isn't a label, use metrics directly.
519: FontMetrics fm = combobox.getFontMetrics(combobox.getFont());
520: return y + fm.getAscent();
521: }
523: /**
524: * Returns the baseline for single line text components, like
525: * <code>JTextField</code>.
526: */
527: private static int getSingleLineTextBaseline(
528: JTextComponent textComponent, int h) {
529: View rootView = textComponent.getUI()
530: .getRootView(textComponent);
531: if (rootView.getViewCount() > 0) {
532: Insets insets = textComponent.getInsets();
533: int height = h - insets.top - insets.bottom;
534: int y = insets.top;
535: View fieldView = rootView.getView(0);
536: int vspan = (int) fieldView.getPreferredSpan(View.Y_AXIS);
537: if (height != vspan) {
538: int slop = height - vspan;
539: y += slop / 2;
540: }
541: FontMetrics fm = textComponent.getFontMetrics(textComponent
542: .getFont());
543: y += fm.getAscent();
544: return y;
545: }
546: return -1;
547: }
549: /**
550: * Returns the baseline for buttons.
551: */
552: private static int getButtonBaseline(AbstractButton button,
553: int height) {
554: FontMetrics fm = button.getFontMetrics(button.getFont());
556: resetRects(button, height);
558: String text = button.getText();
559: if (text != null && text.startsWith("<html>")) {
560: return -1;
561: }
562: // NOTE: that we use "a" here to make sure we get a valid value, if
563: // we were to pass in an empty string or null we would not get
564: // back the right thing.
565: SwingUtilities.layoutCompoundLabel(button, fm, "a", button
566: .getIcon(), button.getVerticalAlignment(), button
567: .getHorizontalAlignment(), button
568: .getVerticalTextPosition(), button
569: .getHorizontalTextPosition(), viewRect, iconRect,
570: textRect, text == null ? 0 : button.getIconTextGap());
572: return textRect.y + fm.getAscent();
573: }
575: private static void resetRects(JComponent c, int height) {
576: Insets insets = c.getInsets();
577: viewRect.x = insets.left;
578: viewRect.y = insets.top;
579: viewRect.width = c.getWidth() - (insets.right + viewRect.x);
580: viewRect.height = height - (insets.bottom + viewRect.y);
581: textRect.x = textRect.y = textRect.width = textRect.height = 0;
582: iconRect.x = iconRect.y = iconRect.width = iconRect.height = 0;
583: }
585: private static boolean isOceanTheme() {
586: try {
587: java.lang.reflect.Field field = MetalLookAndFeel.class
588: .getDeclaredField("currentTheme");
589: field.setAccessible(true);
590: Object theme = field.get(null);
591: return "javax.swing.plaf.metal.OceanTheme".equals(theme
592: .getClass().getName());
593: } catch (Exception ex) {
594: ex.printStackTrace();
595: }
596: return false;
597: }
599: /**
600: * Creates an instance of Baseline. You typically don't create a Baseline.
601: * The constructor is provided by look and feels that wish to provide
602: * baseline support.
603: * <p>
604: * A custom look and feel that wants to provide <code>Baseline</code>
605: * support should put the instance in the defaults returned from
606: * <code>getDefaults</code>. If you want to override the baseline suport
607: * for a look and feel place the instance in the defaults returned from
608: * UIManager.getLookAndFeelDefaults(). Tthis will ensure that if the look
609: * and feel changes the appropriate baseline can be used.
610: */
611: public SubstanceBaseline() {
612: if (MemoryAnalyzer.isRunning())
613: MemoryAnalyzer
614: .enqueueUsage("SubstanceBaseline instantiated");
615: }
617: /**
618: * Returns the baseline for the specified component, or -1 if the baseline
619: * can not be determined. The baseline is measured from the top of the
620: * component.
621: *
622: * @param component
623: * JComponent to calculate baseline for
624: * @param width
625: * Width of the component to determine baseline for.
626: * @param height
627: * Height of the component to determine baseline for.
628: * @return baseline for the specified component
629: */
630: @Override
631: public int getComponentBaseline(JComponent component, int width,
632: int height) {
633: String uid = component.getUIClassID();
634: if (MemoryAnalyzer.isRunning()) {
635: MemoryAnalyzer
636: .enqueueUsage("Computing baseline for " + uid);
637: }
638: int baseline = -1;
639: if (uid == "ButtonUI" || uid == "CheckBoxUI"
640: || uid == "RadioButtonUI" || uid == "ToggleButtonUI") {
641: baseline = getButtonBaseline((AbstractButton) component,
642: height);
643: } else if (uid == "ComboBoxUI") {
644: return getComboBoxBaseline((JComboBox) component, height);
645: } else if (uid == "TextAreaUI") {
646: return getTextAreaBaseline((JTextArea) component, height);
647: } else if (uid == "FormattedTextFieldUI"
648: || uid == "PasswordFieldUI" || uid == "TextFieldUI") {
649: baseline = getSingleLineTextBaseline(
650: (JTextComponent) component, height);
651: } else if (uid == "LabelUI") {
652: baseline = getLabelBaseline((JLabel) component, height);
653: } else if (uid == "ListUI") {
654: baseline = getListBaseline((JList) component, height);
655: } else if (uid == "PanelUI") {
656: baseline = getPanelBaseline((JPanel) component, height);
657: } else if (uid == "ProgressBarUI") {
658: baseline = getProgressBarBaseline((JProgressBar) component,
659: height);
660: } else if (uid == "SliderUI") {
661: baseline = getSliderBaseline((JSlider) component, height);
662: } else if (uid == "SpinnerUI") {
663: baseline = getSpinnerBaseline((JSpinner) component, height);
664: } else if (uid == "ScrollPaneUI") {
665: baseline = getScrollPaneBaseline((JScrollPane) component,
666: height);
667: } else if (uid == "TabbedPaneUI") {
668: baseline = getTabbedPaneBaseline((JTabbedPane) component,
669: height);
670: } else if (uid == "TableUI") {
671: baseline = getTableBaseline((JTable) component, height);
672: } else if (uid == "TreeUI") {
673: baseline = getTreeBaseline((JTree) component, height);
674: }
675: return Math.max(baseline, -1);
676: }
677: }