01: package org.hanseltest;
03: /**
04: * Class containing all kinds of different uses of if-statements.
05: *
06: * @author Niklas Mehner
07: */
08: public class CoverIf {
10: /**
11: * Method contains a simple if statement.
12: * @param condition Condition.
13: * @return 0 if condition is false, 1 otherwise.
14: */
15: public int simpleIf(boolean condition) {
16: int result = 0;
18: if (condition) {
19: result++;
20: }
22: return result;
23: }
25: /**
26: * Method contains a simple if-else.
27: * @param condition condition for the if statement.
28: * @return 3 if condition is false, 4 otherwise.
29: */
30: public int ifElse(boolean condition) {
31: if (condition) {
32: return 3;
33: } else {
34: return 4;
35: }
36: }
38: /**
39: * Compare to references.
40: * @param obj1 Reference one.
41: * @param obj2 Reference two.
42: * @return 0 if (obj1 == obj2), 1 otherwise.
43: */
44: public int ifPointer(Object obj1, Object obj2) {
45: if (obj1 == obj2) {
46: return 0;
47: } else {
48: return 1;
49: }
50: }
52: /**
53: * Method contains a nested if statement.
54: * @param conditionA First Condition.
55: * @param conditionB Second Condition.
56: * @return Value depending on conditions (1..4);
57: */
58: public int nestedIf(boolean conditionA, boolean conditionB) {
59: if (conditionA) {
60: if (conditionB) {
61: return 1;
62: } else {
63: return 2;
64: }
65: } else {
66: if (conditionB) {
67: return 3;
68: } else {
69: return 4;
70: }
71: }
72: }
73: }