01: package U2.T2.examples; // EDIT with your package name here
03: import U2.T2.*;
05: /**
06: * A template for T2 regression tool, wrapped as an application. This
07: * should be placed in the same package as the target classes. Call
08: * RG, and pass the name of the target class as the first argument to
09: * main.
10: */
11: public class RG {
13: // The name of the targer class in args[0]
14: // Options are currently not supported.
15: static public void main(String[] args) {
17: // Unleasing the regression engine on the target class. This
18: // will implicitly load the traces saved in the file CUT.tr
19: // and rerun the traces.
20: Regression.regress(new Pool(), // Pass the same type of pool as used
21: // to produced the loaded traces.
22: args);
23: }
24: }