0001: package org.andromda.cartridges.bpm4struts.metafacades;
0003: import java.util.ArrayList;
0004: import java.util.Arrays;
0005: import java.util.Collection;
0006: import java.util.Collections;
0007: import java.util.Iterator;
0008: import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
0009: import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
0010: import java.util.List;
0011: import java.util.Map;
0013: import org.andromda.cartridges.bpm4struts.Bpm4StrutsGlobals;
0014: import org.andromda.cartridges.bpm4struts.Bpm4StrutsProfile;
0015: import org.andromda.cartridges.bpm4struts.Bpm4StrutsUtils;
0016: import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.ClassifierFacade;
0017: import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.EventFacade;
0018: import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.FrontEndActivityGraph;
0019: import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.ModelElementFacade;
0020: import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.TransitionFacade;
0021: import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.UMLMetafacadeUtils;
0022: import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.UMLProfile;
0023: import org.andromda.metafacades.uml.UseCaseFacade;
0024: import org.andromda.utils.StringUtilsHelper;
0025: import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
0027: /**
0028: * MetafacadeLogic implementation.
0029: *
0030: * @see org.andromda.cartridges.bpm4struts.metafacades.StrutsParameter
0031: */
0032: public class StrutsParameterLogicImpl extends StrutsParameterLogic {
0033: public StrutsParameterLogicImpl(java.lang.Object metaObject,
0034: java.lang.String context) {
0035: super (metaObject, context);
0036: }
0038: protected Object handleGetStrutsAction() {
0039: Object actionObject = null;
0041: final EventFacade event = getEvent();
0042: if (event != null) {
0043: final TransitionFacade transition = event.getTransition();
0044: if (transition instanceof StrutsAction) {
0045: actionObject = transition;
0046: }
0047: }
0048: return actionObject;
0049: }
0051: protected String handleGetStyleId() {
0052: String styleId = null;
0054: final StrutsAction action = this .getStrutsAction();
0055: if (action != null) {
0056: // if this parameter's action links to a table we use a specific styleId
0057: if (action.isTableLink()) {
0058: styleId = action.getTableLinkName()
0059: + StringUtilsHelper
0060: .upperCamelCaseName(getName());
0061: } else {
0062: final EventFacade trigger = action.getTrigger();
0063: if (trigger != null) {
0064: styleId = StringUtilsHelper
0065: .lowerCamelCaseName(trigger.getName())
0066: + StringUtilsHelper
0067: .upperCamelCaseName(getName());
0068: }
0069: }
0070: }
0072: return styleId;
0073: }
0075: protected Object handleGetJsp() {
0076: Object jspObject = null;
0078: final EventFacade event = getEvent();
0079: if (event != null) {
0080: final TransitionFacade transition = event.getTransition();
0081: if (transition instanceof StrutsAction) {
0082: final StrutsAction action = (StrutsAction) transition;
0083: jspObject = action.getInput();
0084: } else if (transition instanceof StrutsForward) {
0085: final StrutsForward forward = (StrutsForward) transition;
0086: if (forward.isEnteringPage()) {
0087: jspObject = forward.getTarget();
0088: }
0089: }
0090: }
0092: return jspObject;
0093: }
0095: protected List handleGetFormFields() {
0096: final List formFields;
0097: if (isControllerOperationArgument() && getName() != null) {
0098: final String name = getName();
0099: formFields = new ArrayList();
0100: Collection actions = this .getControllerOperation()
0101: .getDeferringActions();
0102: for (final Iterator actionIterator = actions.iterator(); actionIterator
0103: .hasNext();) {
0104: StrutsAction action = (StrutsAction) actionIterator
0105: .next();
0106: Collection actionFormFields = action
0107: .getActionFormFields();
0108: for (final Iterator fieldIterator = actionFormFields
0109: .iterator(); fieldIterator.hasNext();) {
0110: StrutsParameter parameter = (StrutsParameter) fieldIterator
0111: .next();
0112: if (name.equals(parameter.getName())) {
0113: formFields.add(parameter);
0114: }
0115: }
0116: }
0117: } else {
0118: formFields = Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
0119: }
0120: return formFields;
0121: }
0123: /**
0124: * @see org.andromda.cartridges.bpm4struts.metafacades.StrutsParameter#getResetValue()()
0125: */
0126: protected java.lang.String handleGetNullValue() {
0127: String nullValue = null;
0129: final ClassifierFacade type = getType();
0130: if (type != null) {
0131: nullValue = type.getJavaNullString();
0132: }
0133: return nullValue;
0134: }
0136: /**
0137: * @see StrutsParameter#isResetRequired()
0138: */
0139: protected boolean handleIsResetRequired() {
0140: final boolean resetRequired;
0142: if (isSelectable()) {
0143: resetRequired = true;
0144: } else {
0145: final ClassifierFacade type = getType();
0146: if (type == null) {
0147: resetRequired = false;
0148: } else {
0149: resetRequired = (type.isArrayType() || type
0150: .isFileType()) ? true : this
0151: .isValidatorBoolean();
0152: }
0153: }
0154: return resetRequired;
0155: }
0157: /**
0158: * @see org.andromda.cartridges.bpm4struts.metafacades.StrutsParameter#getMessageKey()()
0159: */
0160: protected java.lang.String handleGetMessageKey() {
0161: final StringBuffer messageKey = new StringBuffer();
0163: if (!normalizeMessages()) {
0164: if (isActionParameter()) {
0165: final StrutsAction action = this .getStrutsAction();
0166: if (action != null) {
0167: messageKey.append(action.getMessageKey());
0168: messageKey.append('.');
0169: }
0170: } else {
0171: final StrutsJsp page = getJsp();
0172: if (page != null) {
0173: messageKey.append(page.getMessageKey());
0174: messageKey.append('.');
0175: }
0176: }
0177: messageKey.append("param.");
0178: }
0180: messageKey.append(StringUtilsHelper.toResourceMessageKey(super
0181: .getName()));
0182: return messageKey.toString();
0183: }
0185: /**
0186: * @see org.andromda.cartridges.bpm4struts.metafacades.StrutsParameter#getMessageValue()()
0187: */
0188: protected java.lang.String handleGetMessageValue() {
0189: return StringUtilsHelper.toPhrase(super .getName()); // the actual name is used for displaying
0190: }
0192: /**
0193: * @see org.andromda.cartridges.bpm4struts.metafacades.StrutsParameter#getTitleKey()()
0194: */
0195: protected java.lang.String handleGetTitleKey() {
0196: return getMessageKey() + ".title";
0197: }
0199: /**
0200: * @see org.andromda.cartridges.bpm4struts.metafacades.StrutsParameter#getTitleValue()()
0201: */
0202: protected java.lang.String handleGetTitleValue() {
0203: String requiredSuffix = "";
0204: if (isRequired()) {
0205: requiredSuffix = " is required";
0206: }
0208: String dateSuffix = "";
0209: if (isDate()) {
0210: dateSuffix = (isStrictDateFormat()) ? " (use this strict format: "
0211: + getDateFormat() + ")"
0212: : " (use this lenient format: " + getDateFormat()
0213: + ")";
0214: }
0216: String documentation = getDocumentation("", 64, false);
0217: return StringUtilsHelper.toResourceMessage((StringUtils
0218: .isBlank(documentation)) ? super .getName()
0219: + requiredSuffix + dateSuffix : documentation.trim()
0220: .replaceAll("\n", "<br/>"));
0221: }
0223: protected String handleGetDocumentationKey() {
0224: return this .getMessageKey() + ".documentation";
0225: }
0227: protected String handleGetDocumentationValue() {
0228: final String value = StringUtilsHelper.toResourceMessage(this
0229: .getDocumentation("", 64, false));
0230: return (value == null) ? "" : value;
0231: }
0233: protected String handleGetOnlineHelpKey() {
0234: return this .getMessageKey() + ".online.help";
0235: }
0237: protected String handleGetOnlineHelpValue() {
0238: final String crlf = "<br/>";
0239: final String format = getValidatorFormat();
0240: final StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
0242: final String value = StringUtilsHelper.toResourceMessage(this
0243: .getDocumentation("", 64, false));
0244: buffer
0245: .append((value == null) ? "No field documentation has been specified"
0246: : value);
0247: buffer.append(crlf);
0248: buffer.append(crlf);
0250: buffer.append(isRequired() ? "This field is required"
0251: : "This field is optional");
0252: buffer.append(crlf);
0254: if ("password".equals(getWidgetType())) {
0255: buffer
0256: .append(
0257: "This is a password field, it will not show the data you enter, ")
0258: .append(
0259: "each character will be masked using an asterisk");
0260: buffer.append(crlf);
0261: }
0263: if (isCreditCardFormat(format)) {
0264: buffer
0265: .append("The value of this field should reflect a ")
0266: .append(
0267: "<a href=\"http://www.beachnet.com/~hstiles/cardtype.html\" target=\"_blank\">creditcard</a> ");
0268: buffer.append(crlf);
0269: }
0271: if (isDate()) {
0272: String dateFormat = getDateFormat();
0273: buffer
0274: .append(
0275: "This field represents a date and should be formatted in the matter described here")
0276: .append(
0277: "<a href=\"http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.html\" ")
0278: .append("target=\"_jdk\">");
0279: buffer.append(dateFormat).append("</a> ");
0281: if (isStrictDateFormat())
0282: buffer
0283: .append(
0284: "This format is strict in the sense that the parser will not use any heuristics in ")
0285: .append(
0286: "order to guess the intended date in case the input would not perfectly match the format");
0287: else {
0288: buffer
0289: .append(
0290: "This format is lenient in the sense that the parser will attempt to use heuristics in ")
0291: .append(
0292: "order to guess the intended date in case the input would not perfectly match the format");
0293: }
0294: buffer.append(crlf);
0295: buffer
0296: .append(
0297: "A calendar has been foreseen to select a date from, it will automatically convert the date ")
0298: .append("to the appropriate format.");
0299: buffer.append(crlf);
0300: }
0302: if (this .isValidatorTime()) {
0303: String dateFormat = getDateFormat();
0304: buffer
0305: .append(
0306: "This field represents a time and should be formatted in the manner described here (for time) ")
0307: .append(
0308: "<a href=\"http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.html\" ")
0309: .append("target=\"_jdk\">");
0310: buffer.append(dateFormat).append("</a> ");
0311: }
0313: if (isEmailFormat(format)) {
0314: buffer
0315: .append("The value of this field should reflect an email address");
0316: buffer.append(crlf);
0317: }
0319: if (isMaxLengthFormat(format)) {
0320: buffer.append("This field should not contain more than ");
0321: buffer.append(getMaxLengthValue(format));
0322: buffer.append(" characters");
0323: buffer.append(crlf);
0324: }
0326: if (isMinLengthFormat(format)) {
0327: buffer.append("This field should contain at least ");
0328: buffer.append(getMinLengthValue(format));
0329: buffer.append(" characters");
0330: buffer.append(crlf);
0331: }
0333: if (isPatternFormat(format)) {
0334: buffer.append("The value should match this ");
0335: buffer
0336: .append("<a href=\"http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/java/util/regex/Pattern.html\" target=\"_jdk\">");
0337: buffer.append("regular expression</a>: ");
0338: buffer.append(getPatternValue(format));
0339: buffer.append(crlf);
0340: }
0342: if (isRangeFormat(format)) {
0343: buffer
0344: .append("The value of this field should be in the range of ");
0345: buffer.append(getRangeStart(format));
0346: buffer.append(" to ");
0347: buffer.append(getRangeEnd(format));
0348: buffer.append(crlf);
0349: }
0351: final String validWhen = getValidWhen();
0352: if (validWhen != null) {
0353: buffer
0354: .append(
0355: "This field is only valid under specific conditions, more concretely the following ")
0356: .append("expression must evaluate true: ").append(
0357: validWhen);
0358: buffer.append(crlf);
0359: }
0361: if (isReadOnly()) {
0362: buffer
0363: .append("The value of this field cannot be changed, it is read-only");
0364: buffer.append(crlf);
0365: }
0367: if (isValidatorBoolean()) {
0368: buffer
0369: .append("The value of this field should reflect a ")
0370: .append(
0371: "<a href=\"http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/java/nutsandbolts/datatypes.html\" ")
0372: .append("target=\"_jdk\">boolean</a> value");
0373: buffer.append(crlf);
0374: } else if (isValidatorByte()) {
0375: buffer
0376: .append("The value of this field should reflect a ")
0377: .append(
0378: "<a href=\"http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/java/nutsandbolts/datatypes.html\" ")
0379: .append("target=\"_jdk\">byte</a> value");
0380: buffer.append(crlf);
0381: } else if (isValidatorChar()) {
0382: buffer
0383: .append("The value of this field should reflect a ")
0384: .append(
0385: "<a href=\"http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/java/nutsandbolts/datatypes.html\" ")
0386: .append("target=\"_jdk\">character</a> value");
0387: buffer.append(crlf);
0388: } else if (isValidatorDouble()) {
0389: buffer
0390: .append("The value of this field should reflect a ")
0391: .append(
0392: "<a href=\"http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/java/nutsandbolts/datatypes.html\" ")
0393: .append(
0394: "target=\"_jdk\">double precision integer</a> value");
0395: buffer.append(crlf);
0396: } else if (isValidatorFloat()) {
0397: buffer
0398: .append("The value of this field should reflect a ")
0399: .append(
0400: "<a href=\"http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/java/nutsandbolts/datatypes.html\" ")
0401: .append("target=\"_jdk\">floating point</a> value");
0402: buffer.append(crlf);
0403: } else if (isValidatorInteger()) {
0404: buffer
0405: .append("The value of this field should reflect a ")
0406: .append(
0407: "<a href=\"http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/java/nutsandbolts/datatypes.html\" ")
0408: .append("target=\"_jdk\">integer</a> value");
0409: buffer.append(crlf);
0410: } else if (isValidatorLong()) {
0411: buffer
0412: .append("The value of this field should reflect a ")
0413: .append(
0414: "<a href=\"http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/java/nutsandbolts/datatypes.html\" ")
0415: .append("target=\"_jdk\">long integer</a> value");
0416: buffer.append(crlf);
0417: } else if (isValidatorShort()) {
0418: buffer
0419: .append("The value of this field should reflect a ")
0420: .append(
0421: "<a href=\"http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/java/nutsandbolts/datatypes.html\" ")
0422: .append("target=\"_jdk\">short integer</a> value");
0423: buffer.append(crlf);
0424: } else if (isValidatorUrl()) {
0425: buffer
0426: .append("The value of this field should reflect a ")
0427: .append(
0428: "<a href=\"http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/java/net/URL.html\" ")
0429: .append("target=\"_jdk\">URL</a> value");
0430: buffer.append(crlf);
0431: }
0433: return StringUtilsHelper.toResourceMessage(buffer.toString());
0434: }
0436: protected boolean handleIsCalendarRequired() {
0437: return isDate()
0438: && String
0439: .valueOf(
0440: findTaggedValue(Bpm4StrutsProfile.TAGGEDVALUE_INPUT_CALENDAR))
0441: .equals("true");
0442: }
0444: /**
0445: * Overridden since StrutsAction does not extend FrontEndAction.
0446: *
0447: * @see org.andromda.metafacades.uml.FrontEndParameter#isActionParameter()
0448: */
0449: public boolean isActionParameter() {
0450: final StrutsAction action = getStrutsAction();
0451: return (action != null)
0452: && action.getActionParameters().contains(this );
0453: }
0455: protected String handleGetCollectionImplementationType() {
0456: String typeName = null;
0458: final ClassifierFacade type = this .getType();
0459: if (type != null) {
0460: if (type.isCollectionType() || type.isListType()) {
0461: typeName = "java.util.ArrayList";
0462: } else if (type.isSetType()) {
0463: typeName = "java.util.HashSet";
0464: } else {
0465: typeName = type.getFullyQualifiedName();
0466: }
0467: }
0468: return typeName;
0469: }
0471: protected boolean handleIsTableDecoratorRequired() {
0472: boolean required = false;
0474: if (isTable()) {
0475: final Object taggedValue = findTaggedValue(Bpm4StrutsProfile.TAGGEDVALUE_TABLE_DECORATOR);
0476: if (taggedValue != null) {
0477: final String taggedValueString = String
0478: .valueOf(taggedValue);
0479: required = Boolean.valueOf(taggedValueString)
0480: .booleanValue();
0481: } else {
0482: final Object property = getConfiguredProperty(Bpm4StrutsGlobals.PROPERTY_GENERATE_TABLE_DECORATORS);
0483: final String propertyString = String.valueOf(property);
0484: required = Boolean.valueOf(propertyString)
0485: .booleanValue();
0486: }
0487: }
0489: return required;
0490: }
0492: /**
0493: * Override to not allow selectable parameters to be considered tables.
0494: *
0495: * @see org.andromda.cartridges.bpm4struts.metafacades.StrutsParameterLogic#isTable()
0496: */
0497: public boolean isTable() {
0498: return super .isTable() && !this .isSelectable();
0499: }
0501: protected boolean handleIsAllGlobalTableActionsHaveSameParameter() {
0502: boolean sameParameter = true;
0504: String name = null;
0505: String type = null;
0507: final Collection actions = this .getTableGlobalActions();
0508: for (final Iterator actionIterator = actions.iterator(); actionIterator
0509: .hasNext()
0510: && sameParameter;) {
0511: final StrutsAction action = (StrutsAction) actionIterator
0512: .next();
0513: final List parameters = action.getActionParameters();
0514: if (!parameters.isEmpty()) {
0515: final StrutsParameter parameter = (StrutsParameter) parameters
0516: .iterator().next();
0517: if (name == null || type == null) {
0518: name = parameter.getName();
0519: type = parameter.getType().getFullyQualifiedName();
0520: } else {
0521: sameParameter = name.equals(parameter.getName())
0522: && type.equals(parameter.getType()
0523: .getFullyQualifiedName());
0524: }
0525: }
0526: }
0528: return sameParameter;
0529: }
0531: protected List handleGetTableFormActions() {
0532: return this .internalGetTableActions(false, true, false);
0533: }
0535: protected List handleGetTableHyperlinkActions() {
0536: return this .internalGetTableActions(true, false, false);
0537: }
0539: protected Collection handleGetTableGlobalActions() {
0540: return this .internalGetTableActions(false, false, true);
0541: }
0543: protected Object handleGetTableGlobalActionParameter() {
0544: Object parameter = null;
0546: final Collection actions = this .getTableGlobalActions();
0547: if (!actions.isEmpty()) {
0548: final List actionParameters = ((StrutsAction) actions
0549: .iterator().next()).getActionParameters();
0550: if (!actionParameters.isEmpty()) {
0551: parameter = actionParameters.iterator().next();
0552: }
0553: }
0555: return parameter;
0556: }
0558: protected boolean handleIsTableFormActionSharingWidgets() {
0559: // @todo (wouter)
0560: return true;
0561: }
0563: /**
0564: * If this is a table this method returns all those actions that are declared to work
0565: * on this table.
0566: */
0567: private List internalGetTableActions(boolean hyperlink,
0568: boolean formPost, boolean tableAction) {
0569: final String name = StringUtils.trimToNull(getName());
0570: if (name == null || !isTable()) {
0571: return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
0572: }
0574: final StrutsJsp page = this .getJsp();
0576: final Collection tableActions = new LinkedHashSet();
0578: final Collection allUseCases = getModel().getAllUseCases();
0579: for (final Iterator useCaseIterator = allUseCases.iterator(); useCaseIterator
0580: .hasNext();) {
0581: final UseCaseFacade useCase = (UseCaseFacade) useCaseIterator
0582: .next();
0583: if (useCase instanceof StrutsUseCase) {
0584: final FrontEndActivityGraph graph = ((StrutsUseCase) useCase)
0585: .getActivityGraph();
0586: if (graph != null) {
0587: final Collection transitions = graph
0588: .getTransitions();
0589: for (final Iterator transitionIterator = transitions
0590: .iterator(); transitionIterator.hasNext();) {
0591: final TransitionFacade transition = (TransitionFacade) transitionIterator
0592: .next();
0593: if (transition.getSource().equals(page)
0594: && transition instanceof StrutsAction) {
0595: final StrutsAction action = (StrutsAction) transition;
0596: if (action.isTableLink()
0597: && name.equals(action
0598: .getTableLinkName())) {
0599: if ((hyperlink && action.isHyperlink())
0600: || (formPost && action
0601: .isFormPost())
0602: || (tableAction && action
0603: .isTableAction())) {
0604: tableActions.add(action);
0605: }
0606: }
0607: }
0608: }
0609: }
0610: }
0611: }
0612: return new ArrayList(tableActions);
0613: }
0615: protected String handleGetTableDecoratorFullyQualifiedName() {
0616: String name = getTableDecoratorPackageName();
0617: name = (StringUtils.trimToEmpty(name) == null) ? ""
0618: : name + '.';
0619: return name + getTableDecoratorClassName();
0620: }
0622: protected String handleGetTableDecoratorPackageName() {
0623: final StrutsJsp jsp = getJsp();
0624: return (jsp == null) ? null : jsp.getPackageName();
0625: }
0627: protected String handleGetTableDecoratorClassName() {
0628: String tableDecoratorClassName = null;
0630: final StrutsJsp jsp = getJsp();
0631: if (jsp != null) {
0632: String suffix = String
0633: .valueOf(getConfiguredProperty(Bpm4StrutsGlobals.PROPERTY_TABLE_DECORATOR_SUFFIX));
0634: tableDecoratorClassName = StringUtilsHelper
0635: .upperCamelCaseName(getName())
0636: + suffix;
0637: }
0639: return tableDecoratorClassName;
0640: }
0642: protected String handleGetTableDecoratorFullPath() {
0643: return getTableDecoratorFullyQualifiedName().replace('.', '/');
0644: }
0646: protected String handleGetTableExportTypes() {
0647: return Bpm4StrutsUtils
0648: .getDisplayTagExportTypes(
0649: this
0650: .findTaggedValues(Bpm4StrutsProfile.TAGGEDVALUE_TABLE_EXPORT),
0651: (String) getConfiguredProperty(Bpm4StrutsGlobals.PROPERTY_DEFAULT_TABLE_EXPORT_TYPES));
0652: }
0654: protected boolean handleIsTableExportable() {
0655: return this .getTableExportTypes().indexOf("none") == -1;
0656: }
0658: protected boolean handleIsTableSortable() {
0659: final Object taggedValue = this
0660: .findTaggedValue(Bpm4StrutsProfile.TAGGEDVALUE_TABLE_SORTABLE);
0661: return (taggedValue == null) ? Bpm4StrutsProfile.TAGGEDVALUE_TABLE_SORTABLE_DEFAULT_VALUE
0662: : Bpm4StrutsUtils.isTrue(String.valueOf(taggedValue));
0663: }
0665: protected boolean handleIsTableHyperlinkColumn() {
0666: boolean tableHyperlinkColumn = false;
0668: final String name = this .getName();
0669: if (name != null) {
0670: // this parameter's action must be a table hyperlink
0671: final StrutsAction action = this .getStrutsAction();
0672: if (action.isHyperlink() && action.isTableLink()) {
0673: // get the table and check whether this parameter is part of that table's columns
0674: final StrutsParameter table = action
0675: .getTableLinkParameter();
0676: if (table != null) {
0677: final Collection tableColumns = table
0678: .getTableColumns();
0679: // if this parameter's name matches that targetted column name then we have found our column
0680: tableHyperlinkColumn = tableColumns.contains(this )
0681: && name.equals(action
0682: .getTableLinkColumnName());
0683: }
0684: }
0685: }
0687: return tableHyperlinkColumn;
0688: }
0690: protected List handleGetTableColumnActions(final String columnName) {
0691: final List columnActions = new ArrayList();
0693: if (columnName != null) {
0694: // only hyperlinks can target table columns
0695: final List hyperlinkActions = this
0696: .getTableHyperlinkActions();
0697: for (int i = 0; i < hyperlinkActions.size(); i++) {
0698: final StrutsAction action = (StrutsAction) hyperlinkActions
0699: .get(i);
0700: if (columnName.equals(action.getTableLinkColumnName())) {
0701: columnActions.add(action);
0702: }
0703: }
0704: }
0706: return columnActions;
0707: }
0709: /**
0710: * @return true if this parameter represents a table and is an array of custom types (no datatype)
0711: */
0712: private boolean isCustomArrayTable() {
0713: final ClassifierFacade type = this .getType();
0714: return type != null && this .isTable() && type.isArrayType()
0715: && !type.isDataType();
0716: }
0718: /**
0719: * Overridden since StrutsAction doesn't extend FrontEndAction.
0720: *
0721: * @see org.andromda.metafacades.uml.FrontEndParameter#getTableColumns()
0722: */
0723: public Collection getTableColumns() {
0724: // in this method we collect the elements that represent the columns of a table
0725: // if no specific element (parameter, attribute) can be found a simple String instance
0726: // is used
0727: // the event parameters have priority to be included in the collection because
0728: // they contain additional information such as validation constraint and widget type, ...
0730: // try to preserve the order of the elements encountered
0731: final Map tableColumnsMap = new LinkedHashMap();
0733: // order is important
0734: final List actions = new ArrayList();
0736: // all table actions need the exact same parameters, just not always all of them
0737: actions.addAll(this .getTableFormActions());
0738: // if there are any actions that are hyperlinks then their parameters get priority
0739: // the user should not have modeled it that way (constraints will warn him/her)
0740: actions.addAll(this .getTableHyperlinkActions());
0742: for (final Iterator actionIterator = actions.iterator(); actionIterator
0743: .hasNext();) {
0744: final StrutsAction action = (StrutsAction) actionIterator
0745: .next();
0746: final Collection actionParameters = action
0747: .getActionParameters();
0748: for (final Iterator parameterIterator = actionParameters
0749: .iterator(); parameterIterator.hasNext();) {
0750: final StrutsParameter parameter = (StrutsParameter) parameterIterator
0751: .next();
0752: final String parameterName = parameter.getName();
0753: if (parameterName != null) {
0754: // never overwrite column specific table links
0755: // the hyperlink table links working on a real column get priority
0756: final StrutsParameter existingParameter = (StrutsParameter) tableColumnsMap
0757: .get(parameterName);
0758: if (existingParameter == null
0759: || (action.isHyperlink() && parameterName
0760: .equals(action
0761: .getTableLinkColumnName()))) {
0762: tableColumnsMap.put(parameterName, parameter);
0763: }
0764: }
0765: }
0766: }
0768: final Collection columnNames = this .getTableColumnNames();
0770: // in case of a custom array just add the attributes
0771: if (this .isCustomArrayTable()) {
0772: final Collection attributes = this .getType().getNonArray()
0773: .getAttributes();
0774: for (final Iterator attributeIterator = attributes
0775: .iterator(); attributeIterator.hasNext();) {
0776: final ModelElementFacade attribute = (ModelElementFacade) attributeIterator
0777: .next();
0778: // don't override
0779: if (!tableColumnsMap.containsKey(attribute.getName())) {
0780: tableColumnsMap.put(attribute.getName(), attribute);
0781: }
0782: }
0783: } else {
0784: for (final Iterator columnNameIterator = columnNames
0785: .iterator(); columnNameIterator.hasNext();) {
0786: final String columnName = (String) columnNameIterator
0787: .next();
0788: // don't override
0789: if (!tableColumnsMap.containsKey(columnName)) {
0790: tableColumnsMap.put(columnName, columnName);
0791: }
0792: }
0793: }
0795: // return everything in the same order as it has been modeled (using the table tagged value)
0796: // note that only those columns mentioned in the tagged value are returned
0797: final Collection tableColumns = new ArrayList();
0798: for (final Iterator columnNameIterator = columnNames.iterator(); columnNameIterator
0799: .hasNext();) {
0800: final Object columnObject = columnNameIterator.next();
0801: tableColumns.add(tableColumnsMap.get(columnObject));
0802: }
0803: return tableColumns;
0804: }
0806: protected String handleGetTableColumnMessageKey(String columnName) {
0807: StringBuffer messageKey = null;
0809: if (isTable()) {
0810: messageKey = new StringBuffer();
0812: if (!normalizeMessages()) {
0813: final StrutsJsp page = getJsp();
0814: if (page != null) {
0815: messageKey.append(getMessageKey());
0816: messageKey.append('.');
0817: }
0818: }
0820: messageKey.append(StringUtilsHelper
0821: .toResourceMessageKey(columnName));
0822: }
0824: return (messageKey == null) ? null : messageKey.toString();
0825: }
0827: protected String handleGetTableColumnMessageValue(String columnName) {
0828: return (isTable()) ? StringUtilsHelper.toPhrase(columnName)
0829: : null;
0830: }
0832: protected int handleGetTableMaxRows() {
0833: final Object taggedValue = this
0834: .findTaggedValue(Bpm4StrutsProfile.TAGGEDVALUE_TABLE_MAXROWS);
0835: int pageSize;
0837: try {
0838: pageSize = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(taggedValue));
0839: } catch (Exception e) {
0841: }
0843: return pageSize;
0844: }
0846: protected String handleGetWidgetType() {
0847: Object value = findTaggedValue(Bpm4StrutsProfile.TAGGEDVALUE_INPUT_TYPE);
0848: final String fieldType = value == null ? null : value
0849: .toString();
0851: String widgetType = null;
0853: if (isActionParameter()) {
0854: if (fieldType == null) {
0855: // no widget type has been specified
0856: final ClassifierFacade type = getType();
0857: if (type != null) {
0858: if (type.isFileType())
0859: widgetType = Bpm4StrutsProfile.TAGGEDVALUE_INPUT_TYPE_FILE;
0860: else if (isValidatorBoolean())
0861: widgetType = Bpm4StrutsProfile.TAGGEDVALUE_INPUT_TYPE_CHECKBOX;
0862: else if (isMultiple())
0863: widgetType = Bpm4StrutsProfile.TAGGEDVALUE_INPUT_TYPE_SELECT;
0864: else
0865: widgetType = Bpm4StrutsProfile.TAGGEDVALUE_INPUT_TYPE_TEXT;
0866: }
0867: } else if (Bpm4StrutsProfile.TAGGEDVALUE_INPUT_TYPE_SELECT
0868: .equalsIgnoreCase(fieldType)) {
0869: widgetType = "select";
0870: } else if (Bpm4StrutsProfile.TAGGEDVALUE_INPUT_TYPE_PASSWORD
0871: .equalsIgnoreCase(fieldType)) {
0872: widgetType = "password";
0873: } else if (Bpm4StrutsProfile.TAGGEDVALUE_INPUT_TYPE_TEXTAREA
0874: .equalsIgnoreCase(fieldType)) {
0875: widgetType = "textarea";
0876: } else if (Bpm4StrutsProfile.TAGGEDVALUE_INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN
0877: .equalsIgnoreCase(fieldType)) {
0878: widgetType = HIDDEN_INPUT_TYPE;
0879: } else if (fieldType.toLowerCase().startsWith(
0880: Bpm4StrutsProfile.TAGGEDVALUE_INPUT_TYPE_RADIO)) {
0881: widgetType = "radio";
0882: } else if (Bpm4StrutsProfile.TAGGEDVALUE_INPUT_TYPE_CHECKBOX
0883: .equalsIgnoreCase(fieldType)) {
0884: widgetType = "checkbox";
0885: } else if (Bpm4StrutsProfile.TAGGEDVALUE_INPUT_TYPE_PLAINTEXT
0886: .equalsIgnoreCase(fieldType)) {
0887: widgetType = "plaintext";
0888: } else if (Bpm4StrutsProfile.TAGGEDVALUE_INPUT_TYPE_TEXT
0889: .equalsIgnoreCase(fieldType)) {
0890: widgetType = "text";
0891: } else if (Bpm4StrutsProfile.TAGGEDVALUE_INPUT_TYPE_MULTIBOX
0892: .equalsIgnoreCase(fieldType)) {
0893: if (getMultiboxPropertyName() != null) {
0894: widgetType = "multibox";
0895: }
0896: } else if (Bpm4StrutsProfile.TAGGEDVALUE_INPUT_TYPE_LINK
0897: .equalsIgnoreCase(fieldType)) {
0898: final StrutsAction action = getStrutsAction();
0899: if (action != null) {
0900: if (action.isTableLink()) {
0901: widgetType = "link";
0902: }
0903: }
0904: } else {
0905: widgetType = (isMultiple()) ? "select" : "text";
0906: }
0907: }
0908: return widgetType;
0909: }
0911: /**
0912: * The input type representing a 'hidden' parameter.
0913: */
0914: static final String HIDDEN_INPUT_TYPE = "hidden";
0916: protected boolean handleIsFile() {
0917: boolean file = false;
0919: ClassifierFacade type = getType();
0920: if (type != null) {
0921: file = type.isFileType();
0922: }
0923: return file;
0924: }
0926: protected boolean handleIsMultiple() {
0927: boolean multiple = false;
0929: ClassifierFacade type = getType();
0930: if (type != null) {
0931: multiple = type.isCollectionType() || type.isArrayType();
0932: }
0933: return multiple;
0934: }
0936: protected String handleGetBackingListName() {
0937: return getName() + "BackingList";
0938: }
0940: protected String handleGetValueListResetValue() {
0941: return constructArray();
0942: }
0944: protected boolean handleIsSelectable() {
0945: boolean selectable = false;
0947: if (isActionParameter()) {
0948: selectable = Bpm4StrutsProfile.TAGGEDVALUE_INPUT_TYPE_SELECT
0949: .equals(getWidgetType());
0950: final ClassifierFacade type = getType();
0952: if (!selectable && type != null) {
0953: final String name = getName();
0954: final String typeName = type.getFullyQualifiedName();
0956: /**
0957: * if the parameter is not selectable but on a targetting page it _is_ selectable we must
0958: * allow the user to set the backing list too
0959: */
0960: final Collection pages = getStrutsAction()
0961: .getTargetPages();
0962: for (final Iterator pageIterator = pages.iterator(); pageIterator
0963: .hasNext()
0964: && !selectable;) {
0965: final StrutsJsp page = (StrutsJsp) pageIterator
0966: .next();
0967: final Collection parameters = page
0968: .getAllActionParameters();
0969: for (final Iterator parameterIterator = parameters
0970: .iterator(); parameterIterator.hasNext()
0971: && !selectable;) {
0972: final StrutsParameter parameter = (StrutsParameter) parameterIterator
0973: .next();
0974: final String parameterName = parameter
0975: .getName();
0976: final ClassifierFacade parameterType = parameter
0977: .getType();
0978: if (parameterType != null) {
0979: final String parameterTypeName = parameterType
0980: .getFullyQualifiedName();
0981: if (name.equals(parameterName)
0982: && typeName
0983: .equals(parameterTypeName)) {
0984: selectable = Bpm4StrutsProfile.TAGGEDVALUE_INPUT_TYPE_SELECT
0985: .equals(parameter
0986: .getWidgetType());
0987: }
0988: }
0989: }
0990: }
0991: }
0992: } else if (isControllerOperationArgument()) {
0993: final String name = this .getName();
0994: final Collection actions = this .getControllerOperation()
0995: .getDeferringActions();
0996: for (final Iterator actionIterator = actions.iterator(); actionIterator
0997: .hasNext();) {
0998: final StrutsAction action = (StrutsAction) actionIterator
0999: .next();
1000: final Collection formFields = action
1001: .getActionFormFields();
1002: for (final Iterator fieldIterator = formFields
1003: .iterator(); fieldIterator.hasNext()
1004: && !selectable;) {
1005: final StrutsParameter parameter = (StrutsParameter) fieldIterator
1006: .next();
1007: if (name.equals(parameter.getName())) {
1008: selectable = parameter.isSelectable();
1009: }
1010: }
1011: }
1012: }
1013: return selectable;
1014: }
1016: /**
1017: * @see org.andromda.cartridges.bpm4struts.metafacades.StrutsParameter#getValueListName()
1018: */
1019: protected String handleGetValueListName() {
1020: return getName() + "ValueList";
1021: }
1023: /**
1024: * @see org.andromda.cartridges.bpm4struts.metafacades.StrutsParameter#getLabelListName()
1025: */
1026: protected String handleGetLabelListName() {
1027: return getName() + "LabelList";
1028: }
1030: /**
1031: * @return A String representing Java code for the initialization of an array using 5 elements.
1032: */
1033: private String constructArray() {
1034: final String name = getName();
1035: return "new Object[] {\"" + name + "-1\", \"" + name
1036: + "-2\", \"" + name + "-3\", \"" + name + "-4\", \""
1037: + name + "-5\"}";
1038: }
1040: /**
1041: * Override normal parameter facade required implementation.
1042: *
1043: * @see org.andromda.metafacades.uml.ParameterFacade#isRequired()
1044: */
1045: public boolean isRequired() {
1046: final Object value = this
1047: .findTaggedValue(Bpm4StrutsProfile.TAGGEDVALUE_INPUT_REQUIRED);
1048: return Bpm4StrutsUtils.isTrue(value == null ? null : String
1049: .valueOf(value));
1050: }
1052: /**
1053: * @see org.andromda.cartridges.bpm4struts.metafacades.StrutsParameter#isReadOnly()
1054: */
1055: protected boolean handleIsReadOnly() {
1056: final Object value = this
1057: .findTaggedValue(Bpm4StrutsProfile.TAGGEDVALUE_INPUT_READONLY);
1058: return Bpm4StrutsUtils.isTrue(value == null ? null : String
1059: .valueOf(value));
1060: }
1062: /**
1063: * @see org.andromda.cartridges.bpm4struts.metafacades.StrutsParameter#isDate()
1064: */
1065: protected boolean handleIsDate() {
1066: return this .isValidatorDate();
1067: }
1069: /**
1070: * @see org.andromda.cartridges.bpm4struts.metafacades.StrutsParameter#getDateFormat()
1071: */
1072: protected String handleGetDateFormat() {
1073: final String format = this .getValidatorFormat();
1074: return format == null ? this .getDefaultDateFormat() : this
1075: .getDateFormat(format);
1076: }
1078: /**
1079: * @return the default date format pattern as defined using the configured property
1080: */
1081: private String getDefaultDateFormat() {
1082: return (String) getConfiguredProperty(Bpm4StrutsGlobals.PROPERTY_DEFAULT_DATEFORMAT);
1083: }
1085: /**
1086: * @see org.andromda.cartridges.bpm4struts.metafacades.StrutsParameter#getTimeFormat()
1087: */
1088: protected String handleGetTimeFormat() {
1089: final String format = this .getValidatorFormat();
1090: return format == null ? this .getDefaultTimeFormat() : format;
1091: }
1093: /**
1094: * @return the default time format pattern as defined using the configured property
1095: */
1096: private String getDefaultTimeFormat() {
1097: return (String) this
1098: .getConfiguredProperty(Bpm4StrutsGlobals.PROPERTY_DEFAULT_TIMEFORMAT);
1099: }
1101: /**
1102: * @see org.andromda.cartridges.bpm4struts.metafacades.StrutsParameter#isStrictDateFormat()
1103: */
1104: protected boolean handleIsStrictDateFormat() {
1105: final String format = this .getValidatorFormat();
1106: return format == null ? Bpm4StrutsUtils
1107: .isTrue((String) this
1108: .getConfiguredProperty(Bpm4StrutsGlobals.PROPERTY_STRICT_DATETIMEFORMAT))
1109: : this .isStrictDateFormat(format);
1110: }
1112: /**
1113: * @see org.andromda.cartridges.bpm4struts.metafacades.StrutsParameter#getResetValue()
1114: */
1115: protected String handleGetResetValue() {
1116: final ClassifierFacade type = getType();
1117: if (type != null) {
1118: final String name = getName();
1120: if (isValidatorString())
1121: return "\"" + name + "-test" + "\"";
1122: if (isValidatorDate())
1123: return "new java.util.Date()";
1125: if (type.isPrimitive()) {
1126: if (isValidatorInteger())
1127: return "(int)" + name.hashCode();
1128: if (isValidatorBoolean())
1129: return "false";
1130: if (isValidatorLong())
1131: return "(long)" + name.hashCode();
1132: if (isValidatorChar())
1133: return "(char)" + name.hashCode();
1134: if (isValidatorFloat())
1135: return "(float)" + name.hashCode();
1136: if (isValidatorDouble())
1137: return "(double)" + name.hashCode();
1138: if (isValidatorShort())
1139: return "(short)" + name.hashCode();
1140: if (isValidatorByte())
1141: return "(byte)" + name.hashCode();
1142: } else {
1143: if (isValidatorInteger())
1144: return "new Integer((int)" + name.hashCode() + ")";
1145: if (isValidatorBoolean())
1146: return "Boolean.FALSE";
1147: if (isValidatorLong())
1148: return "new Long((long)" + name.hashCode() + ")";
1149: if (isValidatorChar())
1150: return "new Character(char)" + name.hashCode()
1151: + ")";
1152: if (isValidatorFloat())
1153: return "new Float((float)" + name.hashCode() + ")";
1154: if (isValidatorDouble())
1155: return "new Double((double)" + name.hashCode()
1156: + ")";
1157: if (isValidatorShort())
1158: return "new Short((short)" + name.hashCode() + ")";
1159: if (isValidatorByte())
1160: return "new Byte((byte)" + name.hashCode() + ")";
1161: }
1163: if (type.isArrayType())
1164: return constructArray();
1165: if (type.isSetType())
1166: return "new java.util.HashSet(java.util.Arrays.asList("
1167: + constructArray() + "))";
1168: if (type.isCollectionType())
1169: return "java.util.Arrays.asList(" + constructArray()
1170: + ")";
1172: // maps and others types will simply not be treated
1173: }
1174: return "null";
1175: }
1177: /**
1178: * @see org.andromda.cartridges.bpm4struts.metafacades.StrutsParameter#isValidationRequired()
1179: */
1180: protected boolean handleIsValidationRequired() {
1181: final String disableValidationForHiddenFormFields = (String) getConfiguredProperty(Bpm4StrutsGlobals.DISABLE_VALIDATION_FOR_HIDDEN_FORM_FIELDS);
1182: return !("true".equals(disableValidationForHiddenFormFields) && "hidden"
1183: .equals(getWidgetType()))
1184: && !getValidatorTypes().isEmpty();
1185: }
1187: private String getValidatorFormat() {
1188: Object value = findTaggedValue(Bpm4StrutsProfile.TAGGEDVALUE_INPUT_FORMAT);
1189: final String format = value == null ? null : String
1190: .valueOf(value);
1191: return (format == null) ? null : format.trim();
1192: }
1194: protected java.util.Collection handleGetValidatorTypes() {
1195: final Collection validatorTypesList = new ArrayList();
1197: ClassifierFacade type = getType();
1198: if (type != null) {
1199: final String format = getValidatorFormat();
1200: final boolean isRangeFormat = (format != null)
1201: && isRangeFormat(format);
1203: if (isRequired())
1204: validatorTypesList.add("required");
1206: if (isValidatorByte())
1207: validatorTypesList.add("byte");
1208: else if (isValidatorShort())
1209: validatorTypesList.add("short");
1210: else if (isValidatorInteger())
1211: validatorTypesList.add("integer");
1212: else if (isValidatorLong())
1213: validatorTypesList.add("long");
1214: else if (isValidatorFloat())
1215: validatorTypesList.add("float");
1216: else if (isValidatorDouble())
1217: validatorTypesList.add("double");
1218: else if (isValidatorDate())
1219: validatorTypesList.add("date");
1220: else if (isValidatorTime())
1221: validatorTypesList.add("time");
1222: else if (isValidatorUrl())
1223: validatorTypesList.add("url");
1225: if (isRangeFormat) {
1226: if (isValidatorInteger() || isValidatorShort()
1227: || isValidatorLong())
1228: validatorTypesList.add("intRange");
1229: if (isValidatorFloat())
1230: validatorTypesList.add("floatRange");
1231: if (isValidatorDouble())
1232: validatorTypesList.add("doubleRange");
1233: }
1235: if (format != null) {
1236: if (isValidatorString() && isEmailFormat(format))
1237: validatorTypesList.add("email");
1238: else if (isValidatorString()
1239: && isCreditCardFormat(format))
1240: validatorTypesList.add("creditCard");
1241: else {
1242: Collection formats = findTaggedValues(Bpm4StrutsProfile.TAGGEDVALUE_INPUT_FORMAT);
1243: for (final Iterator formatIterator = formats
1244: .iterator(); formatIterator.hasNext();) {
1245: String additionalFormat = String
1246: .valueOf(formatIterator.next());
1247: if (isMinLengthFormat(additionalFormat))
1248: validatorTypesList.add("minlength");
1249: else if (isMaxLengthFormat(additionalFormat))
1250: validatorTypesList.add("maxlength");
1251: else if (isPatternFormat(additionalFormat))
1252: validatorTypesList.add("mask");
1253: }
1254: }
1255: }
1257: if (getValidWhen() != null) {
1258: validatorTypesList.add("validwhen");
1259: }
1260: }
1262: // custom (paramterized) validators are allowed here
1263: Collection taggedValues = findTaggedValues(Bpm4StrutsProfile.TAGGEDVALUE_INPUT_VALIDATORS);
1264: for (final Iterator iterator = taggedValues.iterator(); iterator
1265: .hasNext();) {
1266: String validator = String.valueOf(iterator.next());
1267: validatorTypesList.add(Bpm4StrutsUtils
1268: .parseValidatorName(validator));
1269: }
1271: return validatorTypesList;
1272: }
1274: /**
1275: * @see org.andromda.cartridges.bpm4struts.metafacades.StrutsParameter#getValidatorMsgKey()
1276: */
1277: protected String handleGetValidatorMsgKey() {
1278: return getMessageKey();
1279: }
1281: /**
1282: * @see org.andromda.cartridges.bpm4struts.metafacades.StrutsParameter#getValidatorArgs(java.lang.String)
1283: */
1284: protected java.util.Collection handleGetValidatorArgs(
1285: java.lang.String validatorType) {
1286: final Collection args = new ArrayList();
1287: if ("intRange".equals(validatorType)
1288: || "floatRange".equals(validatorType)
1289: || "doubleRange".equals(validatorType)) {
1290: args.add("${var:min}");
1291: args.add("${var:max}");
1292: } else if ("minlength".equals(validatorType)) {
1293: args.add("${var:minlength}");
1294: } else if ("maxlength".equals(validatorType)) {
1295: args.add("${var:maxlength}");
1296: } else if ("date".equals(validatorType)) {
1297: final String validatorFormat = getValidatorFormat();
1298: if (validatorFormat != null
1299: && isStrictDateFormat(validatorFormat)) {
1300: args.add("${var:datePatternStrict}");
1301: } else {
1302: args.add("${var:datePattern}");
1303: }
1304: } else if ("time".equals(validatorType)) {
1305: args.add("${var:timePattern}");
1306: }
1308: // custom (paramterized) validators are allowed here
1309: Collection taggedValues = findTaggedValues(Bpm4StrutsProfile.TAGGEDVALUE_INPUT_VALIDATORS);
1310: for (final Iterator iterator = taggedValues.iterator(); iterator
1311: .hasNext();) {
1312: String validator = String.valueOf(iterator.next());
1313: if (validatorType.equals(Bpm4StrutsUtils
1314: .parseValidatorName(validator))) {
1315: args.addAll(Bpm4StrutsUtils
1316: .parseValidatorArgs(validator));
1317: }
1318: }
1320: return args;
1321: }
1323: /**
1324: * @see org.andromda.cartridges.bpm4struts.metafacades.StrutsParameter#getValidatorVars()
1325: */
1326: protected java.util.Collection handleGetValidatorVars() {
1327: final Map vars = new LinkedHashMap();
1329: final ClassifierFacade type = getType();
1330: if (type != null) {
1331: final String format = getValidatorFormat();
1332: if (format != null) {
1333: final boolean isRangeFormat = isRangeFormat(format);
1335: if (isRangeFormat) {
1336: vars.put("min", Arrays.asList(new Object[] { "min",
1337: getRangeStart(format) }));
1338: vars.put("max", Arrays.asList(new Object[] { "max",
1339: getRangeEnd(format) }));
1340: } else {
1341: final Collection formats = findTaggedValues(Bpm4StrutsProfile.TAGGEDVALUE_INPUT_FORMAT);
1342: for (final Iterator formatIterator = formats
1343: .iterator(); formatIterator.hasNext();) {
1344: final String additionalFormat = String
1345: .valueOf(formatIterator.next());
1346: if (isMinLengthFormat(additionalFormat))
1347: vars
1348: .put(
1349: "minlength",
1350: Arrays
1351: .asList(new Object[] {
1352: "minlength",
1353: this
1354: .getMinLengthValue(additionalFormat) }));
1355: else if (isMaxLengthFormat(additionalFormat))
1356: vars
1357: .put(
1358: "maxlength",
1359: Arrays
1360: .asList(new Object[] {
1361: "maxlength",
1362: this
1363: .getMaxLengthValue(additionalFormat) }));
1364: else if (isPatternFormat(additionalFormat))
1365: vars
1366: .put(
1367: "mask",
1368: Arrays
1369: .asList(new Object[] {
1370: "mask",
1371: this
1372: .getPatternValue(additionalFormat) }));
1373: }
1374: }
1375: }
1376: if (isValidatorDate()) {
1377: if (format != null && isStrictDateFormat(format)) {
1378: vars.put("datePatternStrict", Arrays
1379: .asList(new Object[] { "datePatternStrict",
1380: this .getDateFormat() }));
1381: } else {
1382: vars.put("datePattern", Arrays.asList(new Object[] {
1383: "datePattern", this .getDateFormat() }));
1384: }
1385: }
1386: if (this .isValidatorTime()) {
1387: vars.put("timePattern", Arrays.asList(new Object[] {
1388: "timePattern", this .getTimeFormat() }));
1389: }
1391: final String validWhen = getValidWhen();
1392: if (validWhen != null) {
1393: vars.put("test", Arrays.asList(new Object[] { "test",
1394: validWhen }));
1395: }
1396: }
1398: // custom (paramterized) validators are allowed here
1399: // in this case we will reuse the validator arg values
1400: Collection taggedValues = findTaggedValues(Bpm4StrutsProfile.TAGGEDVALUE_INPUT_VALIDATORS);
1401: for (final Iterator iterator = taggedValues.iterator(); iterator
1402: .hasNext();) {
1403: String validator = String.valueOf(iterator.next());
1405: // guaranteed to be of the same length
1406: List validatorVars = Bpm4StrutsUtils
1407: .parseValidatorVars(validator);
1408: List validatorArgs = Bpm4StrutsUtils
1409: .parseValidatorArgs(validator);
1411: for (int i = 0; i < validatorVars.size(); i++) {
1412: String validatorVar = (String) validatorVars.get(i);
1413: String validatorArg = (String) validatorArgs.get(i);
1415: vars.put(validatorVar, Arrays.asList(new Object[] {
1416: validatorVar, validatorArg }));
1417: }
1418: }
1420: return vars.values();
1421: }
1423: /**
1424: * @see org.andromda.cartridges.bpm4struts.metafacades.StrutsParameter#getValidWhen()
1425: */
1426: protected java.lang.String handleGetValidWhen() {
1427: final Object value = findTaggedValue(Bpm4StrutsProfile.TAGGEDVALUE_INPUT_VALIDWHEN);
1428: return value == null ? null : '(' + value.toString() + ')';
1429: }
1431: /**
1432: * @see org.andromda.cartridges.bpm4struts.metafacades.StrutsParameter#getMultiboxPropertyName()
1433: */
1434: protected String handleGetMultiboxPropertyName() {
1435: Object value = findTaggedValue(Bpm4StrutsProfile.TAGGEDVALUE_INPUT_MULTIBOX);
1436: return (value == null) ? null : StringUtils.trimToNull(value
1437: .toString());
1438: }
1440: /**
1441: * @see org.andromda.cartridges.bpm4struts.metafacades.StrutsParameter#getOptionKeys()
1442: */
1443: protected List handleGetOptionKeys() {
1444: final String key = getMessageKey() + '.';
1445: final List optionKeys = new ArrayList();
1446: final int optionCount = getOptionCount();
1447: for (int i = 0; i < optionCount; i++)
1448: optionKeys.add(key + i);
1449: return optionKeys;
1450: }
1452: /**
1453: * @see org.andromda.cartridges.bpm4struts.metafacades.StrutsParameter#getOptionValues()
1454: */
1455: protected List handleGetOptionValues() {
1456: final List optionValues = new ArrayList();
1457: final Object taggedValueObject = this
1458: .findTaggedValue(Bpm4StrutsProfile.TAGGEDVALUE_INPUT_RADIO);
1460: if (taggedValueObject == null) {
1461: // we resort to the default values
1462: optionValues.add("0");
1463: optionValues.add("1");
1464: optionValues.add("2");
1465: } else {
1466: final String taggedValue = String
1467: .valueOf(taggedValueObject).trim();
1469: int optionCount;
1470: try {
1471: optionCount = Integer.parseInt(taggedValue);
1472: for (int i = 0; i < optionCount; i++) {
1473: optionValues.add(String.valueOf(i));
1474: }
1475: } catch (Exception exception) {
1476: // this means the value wasn't a valid integer, we'll interpret it is a comma-separated
1477: // list of option-values
1478: final String[] options = taggedValue.split("[,]");
1479: for (int i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
1480: optionValues.add(options[i].trim());
1481: }
1482: }
1483: }
1484: return optionValues;
1485: }
1487: /**
1488: * @see org.andromda.cartridges.bpm4struts.metafacades.StrutsParameter#getOptionCount()
1489: */
1490: protected int handleGetOptionCount() {
1491: return this .getOptionValues().size();
1492: }
1494: /**
1495: * @see org.andromda.cartridges.bpm4struts.metafacades.StrutsParameter#isShouldReset()
1496: */
1497: protected boolean handleIsShouldReset() {
1498: boolean shouldReset = false;
1499: Object value = this
1500: .findTaggedValue(Bpm4StrutsProfile.TAGGEDVALUE_INPUT_RESET);
1501: if (value != null) {
1502: shouldReset = Boolean.valueOf(
1503: StringUtils.trimToEmpty((String) value))
1504: .booleanValue();
1505: }
1506: return shouldReset;
1507: }
1509: /**
1510: * @see org.andromda.cartridges.bpm4struts.metafacades.StrutsParameter#getResetName()
1511: */
1512: protected String handleGetResetName() {
1513: return "reset"
1514: + StringUtils.capitalize(StringUtils.trimToEmpty(this
1515: .getName()));
1516: }
1518: protected boolean handleIsPassword() {
1519: return Bpm4StrutsProfile.TAGGEDVALUE_INPUT_TYPE_PASSWORD
1520: .equals(this .getWidgetType());
1521: }
1523: protected boolean handleIsCombobox() {
1524: return "select".equals(this .getWidgetType());
1525: }
1527: protected boolean handleIsCheckbox() {
1528: return "checkbox".equals(this .getWidgetType());
1529: }
1531: protected boolean handleIsTextField() {
1532: return "text".equals(this .getWidgetType());
1533: }
1535: protected boolean handleIsTextArea() {
1536: return "textarea".equals(this .getWidgetType());
1537: }
1539: protected boolean handleIsMultibox() {
1540: return "multibox".equals(this .getWidgetType());
1541: }
1543: protected boolean handleIsRadioButton() {
1544: return "radio".equals(this .getWidgetType());
1545: }
1547: protected boolean handleIsHiddenField() {
1548: return "hidden".equals(this .getWidgetType());
1549: }
1551: protected boolean handleIsHyperlink() {
1552: return "link".equals(this .getWidgetType());
1553: }
1555: /**
1556: * @return <code>true</code> if the type of this field is a boolean, <code>false</code> otherwise
1557: */
1558: private boolean isValidatorBoolean() {
1559: return UMLMetafacadeUtils.isType(this .getType(),
1561: }
1563: /**
1564: * @return <code>true</code> if the type of this field is a character, <code>false</code> otherwise
1565: */
1566: private boolean isValidatorChar() {
1567: return UMLMetafacadeUtils.isType(this .getType(),
1568: Bpm4StrutsProfile.CHARACTER_TYPE_NAME);
1569: }
1571: /**
1572: * @return <code>true</code> if the type of this field is a byte, <code>false</code> otherwise
1573: */
1574: private boolean isValidatorByte() {
1575: return UMLMetafacadeUtils.isType(this .getType(),
1576: Bpm4StrutsProfile.BYTE_TYPE_NAME);
1577: }
1579: /**
1580: * @return <code>true</code> if the type of this field is a short, <code>false</code> otherwise
1581: */
1582: private boolean isValidatorShort() {
1583: return UMLMetafacadeUtils.isType(this .getType(),
1584: Bpm4StrutsProfile.SHORT_TYPE_NAME);
1585: }
1587: /**
1588: * @return <code>true</code> if the type of this field is an integer, <code>false</code> otherwise
1589: */
1590: private boolean isValidatorInteger() {
1591: return UMLMetafacadeUtils.isType(this .getType(),
1592: Bpm4StrutsProfile.INTEGER_TYPE_NAME);
1593: }
1595: /**
1596: * @return <code>true</code> if the type of this field is a long integer, <code>false</code> otherwise
1597: */
1598: private boolean isValidatorLong() {
1599: return UMLMetafacadeUtils.isType(this .getType(),
1600: Bpm4StrutsProfile.LONG_TYPE_NAME);
1601: }
1603: /**
1604: * @return <code>true</code> if the type of this field is a floating point, <code>false</code> otherwise
1605: */
1606: private boolean isValidatorFloat() {
1607: return UMLMetafacadeUtils.isType(this .getType(),
1608: Bpm4StrutsProfile.FLOAT_TYPE_NAME);
1609: }
1611: /**
1612: * @return <code>true</code> if the type of this field is a double precision floating point, <code>false</code> otherwise
1613: */
1614: private boolean isValidatorDouble() {
1615: return UMLMetafacadeUtils.isType(this .getType(),
1616: Bpm4StrutsProfile.DOUBLE_TYPE_NAME);
1617: }
1619: /**
1620: * @return <code>true</code> if the type of this field is a date, <code>false</code> otherwise
1621: */
1622: private boolean isValidatorDate() {
1623: return this .getType() != null && this .getType().isDateType();
1624: }
1626: /**
1627: * @return <code>true</code> if the type of this field is a time, <code>false</code> otherwise
1628: */
1629: private boolean isValidatorTime() {
1630: return UMLMetafacadeUtils.isType(this .getType(),
1631: Bpm4StrutsProfile.TIME_TYPE_NAME);
1632: }
1634: /**
1635: * @return <code>true</code> if the type of this field is a URL, <code>false</code> otherwise
1636: */
1637: private boolean isValidatorUrl() {
1638: return UMLMetafacadeUtils.isType(this .getType(),
1639: Bpm4StrutsProfile.URL_TYPE_NAME);
1640: }
1642: /**
1643: * @return <code>true</code> if the type of this field is a String, <code>false</code> otherwise
1644: */
1645: private boolean isValidatorString() {
1646: return this .getType() != null && this .getType().isStringType();
1647: }
1649: /**
1650: * @return <code>true</code> if this field is to be formatted as an email address, <code>false</code> otherwise
1651: */
1652: private boolean isEmailFormat(String format) {
1653: return "email".equalsIgnoreCase(getToken(format, 0, 2));
1654: }
1656: /**
1657: * @return <code>true</code> if this field is to be formatted as a credit card, <code>false</code> otherwise
1658: */
1659: private boolean isCreditCardFormat(String format) {
1660: return "creditcard".equalsIgnoreCase(getToken(format, 0, 2));
1661: }
1663: /**
1664: * @return <code>true</code> if this field's value needs to be in a specific range, <code>false</code> otherwise
1665: */
1666: private boolean isRangeFormat(String format) {
1667: return "range".equalsIgnoreCase(getToken(format, 0, 2))
1668: && (isValidatorInteger() || isValidatorLong()
1669: || isValidatorShort() || isValidatorFloat() || isValidatorDouble());
1671: }
1673: /**
1674: * @return <code>true</code> if this field's value needs to respect a certain pattern, <code>false</code> otherwise
1675: */
1676: private boolean isPatternFormat(String format) {
1677: return "pattern".equalsIgnoreCase(getToken(format, 0, 2));
1678: }
1680: /**
1681: * @return <code>true</code> if this field's value needs to conform to a strict date format, <code>false</code> otherwise
1682: */
1683: private boolean isStrictDateFormat(String format) {
1684: return "strict".equalsIgnoreCase(getToken(format, 0, 2));
1685: }
1687: /**
1688: * @return <code>true</code> if this field's value needs to consist of at least a certain number of characters, <code>false</code> otherwise
1689: */
1690: private boolean isMinLengthFormat(String format) {
1691: return "minlength".equalsIgnoreCase(getToken(format, 0, 2));
1692: }
1694: /**
1695: * @return <code>true</code> if this field's value needs to consist of at maximum a certain number of characters, <code>false</code> otherwise
1696: */
1697: private boolean isMaxLengthFormat(String format) {
1698: return "maxlength".equalsIgnoreCase(getToken(format, 0, 2));
1699: }
1701: /**
1702: * @return the lower limit for this field's value's range
1703: */
1704: private String getRangeStart(String format) {
1705: return getToken(format, 1, 3);
1706: }
1708: /**
1709: * @return the upper limit for this field's value's range
1710: */
1711: private String getRangeEnd(String format) {
1712: return getToken(format, 2, 3);
1713: }
1715: /**
1716: * @return this field's date format
1717: */
1718: private String getDateFormat(String format) {
1719: return (isStrictDateFormat(format)) ? getToken(format, 1, 2)
1720: : getToken(format, 0, 1);
1721: }
1723: /**
1724: * @return the minimum number of characters this field's value must consist of
1725: */
1726: private String getMinLengthValue(String format) {
1727: return getToken(format, 1, 2);
1728: }
1730: /**
1731: * @return the maximum number of characters this field's value must consist of
1732: */
1733: private String getMaxLengthValue(String format) {
1734: return getToken(format, 1, 2);
1735: }
1737: /**
1738: * @return the pattern this field's value must respect
1739: */
1740: private String getPatternValue(String format) {
1741: return '^' + getToken(format, 1, 2) + '$';
1742: }
1744: /**
1745: * @return the i-th space delimited token read from the argument String, where i does not exceed the specified limit
1746: */
1747: private String getToken(String string, int index, int limit) {
1748: if (string == null)
1749: return null;
1751: final String[] tokens = string.split("[\\s]+", limit);
1752: return (index >= tokens.length) ? null : tokens[index];
1753: }
1755: public Object getValidationOwner() {
1756: return (this .isTable() && this .getJsp() != null) ? this
1757: .getJsp() : super .getValidationOwner();
1758: }
1760: protected boolean handleIsSortableBy() {
1761: boolean sortableBy = true;
1763: final Object value = this
1764: .findTaggedValue(Bpm4StrutsProfile.TAGGEDVALUE_INPUT_TYPE);
1765: if (value != null) {
1766: final String fieldType = value.toString();
1767: sortableBy = !(Bpm4StrutsProfile.TAGGEDVALUE_INPUT_TYPE_PASSWORD
1768: .equalsIgnoreCase(fieldType)
1770: .equalsIgnoreCase(fieldType)
1772: .equalsIgnoreCase(fieldType)
1774: .equalsIgnoreCase(fieldType) || Bpm4StrutsProfile.TAGGEDVALUE_INPUT_TYPE_MULTIBOX
1775: .equalsIgnoreCase(fieldType));
1776: }
1778: return sortableBy;
1779: }
1781: private boolean normalizeMessages() {
1782: final String normalizeMessages = (String) getConfiguredProperty(Bpm4StrutsGlobals.PROPERTY_NORMALIZE_MESSAGES);
1783: return Boolean.valueOf(normalizeMessages).booleanValue();
1784: }
1786: /**
1787: * @see org.andromda.cartridges.bpm4struts.metafacades.StrutsParameterLogic#handleIsTime()
1788: */
1789: protected boolean handleIsTime() {
1790: return this .isValidatorTime();
1791: }
1793: protected Integer handleGetFieldColumnCount() {
1794: Integer columnCount = null;
1796: Object columnCountObject = this
1797: .findTaggedValue(Bpm4StrutsProfile.TAGGEDVALUE_INPUT_COLUMN_COUNT);
1798: if (columnCountObject == null) {
1799: columnCountObject = this
1800: .getConfiguredProperty(Bpm4StrutsGlobals.PROPERTY_DEFAULT_INPUT_COLUMN_COUNT);
1801: }
1803: if (columnCountObject != null) {
1804: try {
1805: columnCount = Integer.valueOf(columnCountObject
1806: .toString());
1807: } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
1808: // do nothing, we want columnCount to be null in case of an invalid value
1809: }
1810: }
1812: return columnCount;
1813: }
1815: protected Integer handleGetFieldRowCount() {
1816: Integer rowCount = null;
1818: Object rowCountObject = this
1819: .findTaggedValue(Bpm4StrutsProfile.TAGGEDVALUE_INPUT_ROW_COUNT);
1820: if (rowCountObject == null) {
1821: rowCountObject = this
1822: .getConfiguredProperty(Bpm4StrutsGlobals.PROPERTY_DEFAULT_INPUT_ROW_COUNT);
1823: }
1825: if (rowCountObject != null) {
1826: try {
1827: rowCount = Integer.valueOf(rowCountObject.toString());
1828: } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
1829: // do nothing, we want rowCount to be null in case of an invalid value
1830: }
1831: }
1833: return rowCount;
1834: }
1836: protected boolean handleIsSafeNamePresent() {
1837: return Bpm4StrutsUtils.isSafeName(this.getName());
1838: }
1839: }