01: package method;
03: /**
04: * Description of the Class
05: *
06: *@author Chris Seguin
07: */
08: public class MoveMethodDest {
09: private int code;
11: /**
12: * Sets the Code attribute of the MoveMethodDest object
13: *
14: *@param value The new Code value
15: */
16: public void setCode(int value) {
17: code = value;
18: }
20: /**
21: * Sets the Title attribute of the MoveMethodDest object
22: *
23: *@param title The new Title value
24: */
25: public void setTitle(String title) {
26: System.out.println(title);
27: }
29: /**
30: * Gets the Code attribute of the MoveMethodDest object
31: *
32: *@return The Code value
33: */
34: public int getCode() {
35: return code;
36: }
38: /**
39: * Description of the Method
40: *
41: *@param moveMethodSource Description of Parameter
42: */
43: public void methodSeven(MoveMethodSource moveMethodSource) {
44: setTitle(moveMethodSource.packageMethod() + ": " + getCode());
45: }
46: }