0001: /**
0002: *
0003: * Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
0004: *
0005: * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
0006: * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
0007: * You may obtain a copy of the License at
0008: *
0009: * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
0010: *
0011: * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
0012: * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
0013: * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
0014: * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
0015: * limitations under the License.
0016: */package org.apache.ws.scout.registry;
0018: import java.net.PasswordAuthentication;
0019: import java.util.ArrayList;
0020: import java.util.Collection;
0021: import java.util.Iterator;
0022: import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
0023: import java.util.List;
0024: import java.util.Set;
0026: import javax.xml.registry.BulkResponse;
0027: import javax.xml.registry.BusinessLifeCycleManager;
0028: import javax.xml.registry.BusinessQueryManager;
0029: import javax.xml.registry.InvalidRequestException;
0030: import javax.xml.registry.JAXRException;
0031: import javax.xml.registry.LifeCycleManager;
0032: import javax.xml.registry.RegistryService;
0033: import javax.xml.registry.UnsupportedCapabilityException;
0034: import javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Association;
0035: import javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ClassificationScheme;
0036: import javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Concept;
0037: import javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Key;
0038: import javax.xml.registry.infomodel.LocalizedString;
0039: import javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Organization;
0040: import javax.xml.registry.infomodel.RegistryObject;
0041: import javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Service;
0042: import javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceBinding;
0044: import org.apache.ws.scout.registry.infomodel.AssociationImpl;
0045: import org.apache.ws.scout.registry.infomodel.ClassificationSchemeImpl;
0046: import org.apache.ws.scout.registry.infomodel.ConceptImpl;
0047: import org.apache.ws.scout.registry.infomodel.InternationalStringImpl;
0048: import org.apache.ws.scout.registry.infomodel.KeyImpl;
0049: import org.apache.ws.scout.registry.infomodel.ServiceBindingImpl;
0050: import org.apache.ws.scout.uddi.AssertionStatusItem;
0051: import org.apache.ws.scout.uddi.AssertionStatusReport;
0052: import org.apache.ws.scout.uddi.AuthToken;
0053: import org.apache.ws.scout.uddi.BindingDetail;
0054: import org.apache.ws.scout.uddi.BindingTemplate;
0055: import org.apache.ws.scout.uddi.BusinessDetail;
0056: import org.apache.ws.scout.uddi.BusinessEntity;
0057: import org.apache.ws.scout.uddi.BusinessInfo;
0058: import org.apache.ws.scout.uddi.BusinessList;
0059: import org.apache.ws.scout.uddi.BusinessService;
0060: import org.apache.ws.scout.uddi.FindQualifiers;
0061: import org.apache.ws.scout.uddi.KeyedReference;
0062: import org.apache.ws.scout.uddi.Name;
0063: import org.apache.ws.scout.uddi.PublisherAssertion;
0064: import org.apache.ws.scout.uddi.PublisherAssertions;
0065: import org.apache.ws.scout.uddi.ServiceDetail;
0066: import org.apache.ws.scout.uddi.ServiceInfo;
0067: import org.apache.ws.scout.uddi.ServiceInfos;
0068: import org.apache.ws.scout.uddi.ServiceList;
0069: import org.apache.ws.scout.uddi.TModel;
0070: import org.apache.ws.scout.uddi.TModelDetail;
0071: import org.apache.ws.scout.uddi.TModelInfo;
0072: import org.apache.ws.scout.uddi.TModelInfos;
0073: import org.apache.ws.scout.uddi.TModelList;
0074: import org.apache.ws.scout.util.EnumerationHelper;
0075: import org.apache.ws.scout.util.ScoutJaxrUddiHelper;
0076: import org.apache.ws.scout.util.ScoutUddiJaxrHelper;
0078: /**
0079: * Implements the JAXR BusinessQueryManager Interface
0080: * For futher details, look into the JAXR API Javadoc.
0081: *
0082: * @author <a href="mailto:anil@apache.org">Anil Saldhana</a>
0083: * @author <a href="mailto:jboynes@apache.org">Jeremy Boynes</a>
0084: * @author <a href="mailto:geirm@apache.org">Geir Magnusson Jr.</a>
0085: */
0086: public class BusinessQueryManagerImpl implements BusinessQueryManager {
0087: private final RegistryServiceImpl registryService;
0089: public BusinessQueryManagerImpl(RegistryServiceImpl registry) {
0090: this .registryService = registry;
0091: }
0093: public RegistryService getRegistryService() {
0094: return registryService;
0095: }
0097: /**
0098: * Finds organizations in the registry that match the specified parameters
0099: *
0100: * @param findQualifiers
0101: * @param namePatterns
0102: * @param classifications
0103: * @param specifications
0104: * @param externalIdentifiers
0105: * @param externalLinks
0106: * @return
0107: * @throws JAXRException
0108: */
0109: public BulkResponse findOrganizations(Collection findQualifiers,
0110: Collection namePatterns, Collection classifications,
0111: Collection specifications, Collection externalIdentifiers,
0112: Collection externalLinks) throws JAXRException {
0113: IRegistry registry = registryService.getRegistry();
0114: try {
0115: FindQualifiers juddiFindQualifiers = mapFindQualifiers(findQualifiers);
0116: Name[] nameArray = mapNamePatterns(namePatterns);
0117: BusinessList result = registry
0118: .findBusiness(
0119: nameArray,
0120: null,
0121: ScoutJaxrUddiHelper
0122: .getIdentifierBagFromExternalIdentifiers(externalIdentifiers),
0123: ScoutJaxrUddiHelper
0124: .getCategoryBagFromClassifications(classifications),
0125: null, juddiFindQualifiers, registryService
0126: .getMaxRows());
0127: BusinessInfo[] a = result.getBusinessInfos() != null ? result
0128: .getBusinessInfos().getBusinessInfoArray()
0129: : null;
0131: LinkedHashSet<Organization> orgs = null;
0132: int len = 0;
0133: if (a != null) {
0134: len = a.length;
0135: orgs = new LinkedHashSet<Organization>();
0136: }
0137: for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
0138: BusinessInfo info = a[i];
0139: //Now get the details on the individual biz
0140: BusinessDetail detail = registry.getBusinessDetail(info
0141: .getBusinessKey());
0143: orgs.add(registryService.getLifeCycleManagerImpl()
0144: .createOrganization(detail));
0145: }
0146: return new BulkResponseImpl(orgs);
0147: } catch (RegistryException e) {
0148: throw new JAXRException(e);
0149: }
0150: }
0152: public BulkResponse findAssociations(Collection findQualifiers,
0153: String sourceObjectId, String targetObjectId,
0154: Collection associationTypes) throws JAXRException {
0155: //TODO: Currently we just return all the Association objects owned by the caller
0156: IRegistry registry = registryService.getRegistry();
0157: try {
0158: ConnectionImpl con = ((RegistryServiceImpl) getRegistryService())
0159: .getConnection();
0160: AuthToken auth = this .getAuthToken(con, registry);
0161: PublisherAssertions result = registry
0162: .getPublisherAssertions(auth.getAuthInfo());
0163: PublisherAssertion[] a = result
0164: .getPublisherAssertionArray();
0166: LinkedHashSet<Association> col = null;
0167: int len = 0;
0168: if (a != null) {
0169: len = a.length;
0170: col = new LinkedHashSet<Association>();
0171: }
0172: for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
0173: PublisherAssertion pas = a[i];
0174: String sourceKey = pas.getFromKey();
0175: String targetKey = pas.getToKey();
0176: Collection<Key> orgcol = new ArrayList<Key>();
0177: orgcol.add(new KeyImpl(sourceKey));
0178: orgcol.add(new KeyImpl(targetKey));
0179: BulkResponse bl = getRegistryObjects(orgcol,
0180: LifeCycleManager.ORGANIZATION);
0181: Association asso = ScoutUddiJaxrHelper.getAssociation(
0182: bl.getCollection(), registryService
0183: .getBusinessLifeCycleManager());
0184: KeyedReference keyr = pas.getKeyedReference();
0185: Concept c = new ConceptImpl(getRegistryService()
0186: .getBusinessLifeCycleManager());
0187: c
0188: .setName(new InternationalStringImpl(keyr
0189: .getKeyName()));
0190: c.setKey(new KeyImpl(keyr.getTModelKey()));
0191: c.setValue(keyr.getKeyValue());
0192: asso.setAssociationType(c);
0193: col.add(asso);
0194: }
0195: return new BulkResponseImpl(col);
0196: } catch (RegistryException e) {
0197: throw new JAXRException(e);
0198: }
0199: }
0201: public BulkResponse findCallerAssociations(
0202: Collection findQualifiers, Boolean confirmedByCaller,
0203: Boolean confirmedByOtherParty, Collection associationTypes)
0204: throws JAXRException {
0205: //TODO: Currently we just return all the Association objects owned by the caller
0206: IRegistry registry = registryService.getRegistry();
0207: try {
0208: ConnectionImpl con = ((RegistryServiceImpl) getRegistryService())
0209: .getConnection();
0210: AuthToken auth = this .getAuthToken(con, registry);
0212: AssertionStatusReport report = null;
0213: String confirm = "";
0214: boolean caller = confirmedByCaller.booleanValue();
0215: boolean other = confirmedByOtherParty.booleanValue();
0217: if (caller && other)
0218: confirm = Constants.COMPLETION_STATUS_COMPLETE;
0219: else if (!caller && other)
0221: else if (caller && !other)
0224: report = registry.getAssertionStatusReport(auth
0225: .getAuthInfo(), confirm);
0226: AssertionStatusItem[] a = report
0227: .getAssertionStatusItemArray();
0228: LinkedHashSet<Association> col = null;
0229: int len = 0;
0230: if (a != null) {
0231: len = a.length;
0232: col = new LinkedHashSet<Association>();
0233: }
0234: for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
0235: AssertionStatusItem asi = a[i];
0236: String sourceKey = asi.getFromKey();
0237: String targetKey = asi.getToKey();
0238: Collection<Key> orgcol = new ArrayList<Key>();
0239: orgcol.add(new KeyImpl(sourceKey));
0240: orgcol.add(new KeyImpl(targetKey));
0241: BulkResponse bl = getRegistryObjects(orgcol,
0242: LifeCycleManager.ORGANIZATION);
0243: Association asso = ScoutUddiJaxrHelper.getAssociation(
0244: bl.getCollection(), registryService
0245: .getBusinessLifeCycleManager());
0246: //Set Confirmation
0247: ((AssociationImpl) asso)
0248: .setConfirmedBySourceOwner(caller);
0249: ((AssociationImpl) asso)
0250: .setConfirmedByTargetOwner(other);
0252: if (confirm != Constants.COMPLETION_STATUS_COMPLETE)
0253: ((AssociationImpl) asso).setConfirmed(false);
0255: Concept c = new ConceptImpl(getRegistryService()
0256: .getBusinessLifeCycleManager());
0257: KeyedReference keyr = asi.getKeyedReference();
0258: c.setKey(new KeyImpl(keyr.getTModelKey()));
0259: c
0260: .setName(new InternationalStringImpl(keyr
0261: .getKeyName()));
0262: c.setValue(keyr.getKeyValue());
0263: asso.setKey(new KeyImpl(keyr.getTModelKey())); //TODO:Validate this
0264: asso.setAssociationType(c);
0265: col.add(asso);
0266: }
0268: return new BulkResponseImpl(col);
0269: } catch (RegistryException e) {
0270: throw new JAXRException(e);
0271: }
0272: }
0274: /**
0275: * TODO - need to support the qualifiers
0276: *
0277: * @param findQualifiers
0278: * @param namePatterns
0279: * @return
0280: * @throws JAXRException
0281: */
0282: public ClassificationScheme findClassificationSchemeByName(
0283: Collection findQualifiers, String namePatterns)
0284: throws JAXRException {
0285: ClassificationScheme scheme = null;
0287: if (namePatterns.indexOf("uddi-org:types") != -1) {
0289: scheme = new ClassificationSchemeImpl(registryService
0290: .getLifeCycleManagerImpl());
0291: scheme.setName(new InternationalStringImpl(namePatterns));
0292: scheme
0293: .setKey(new KeyImpl(
0294: Constants.TMODEL_TYPES_TMODEL_KEY));
0295: } else if (namePatterns.indexOf("dnb-com:D-U-N-S") != -1) {
0297: scheme = new ClassificationSchemeImpl(registryService
0298: .getLifeCycleManagerImpl());
0299: scheme.setName(new InternationalStringImpl(namePatterns));
0300: scheme.setKey(new KeyImpl(
0301: Constants.TMODEL_D_U_N_S_TMODEL_KEY));
0302: } else if (namePatterns.indexOf("uddi-org:iso-ch:3166:1999") != -1) {
0303: scheme = new ClassificationSchemeImpl(registryService
0304: .getLifeCycleManagerImpl());
0305: scheme.setName(new InternationalStringImpl(namePatterns));
0306: scheme.setKey(new KeyImpl(
0307: Constants.TMODEL_ISO_CH_TMODEL_KEY));
0308: } else if (namePatterns.indexOf("uddi-org:iso-ch:3166-1999") != -1) {
0309: scheme = new ClassificationSchemeImpl(registryService
0310: .getLifeCycleManagerImpl());
0311: scheme.setName(new InternationalStringImpl(namePatterns));
0312: scheme.setKey(new KeyImpl(
0313: Constants.TMODEL_ISO_CH_TMODEL_KEY));
0314: } else if (namePatterns.indexOf("iso-ch:3166:1999") != -1) {
0315: scheme = new ClassificationSchemeImpl(registryService
0316: .getLifeCycleManagerImpl());
0317: scheme.setName(new InternationalStringImpl(namePatterns));
0318: scheme.setKey(new KeyImpl(
0319: Constants.TMODEL_ISO_CH_TMODEL_KEY));
0320: } else if (namePatterns.indexOf("iso-ch:3166-1999") != -1) {
0321: scheme = new ClassificationSchemeImpl(registryService
0322: .getLifeCycleManagerImpl());
0323: scheme.setName(new InternationalStringImpl(namePatterns));
0324: scheme.setKey(new KeyImpl(
0325: Constants.TMODEL_ISO_CH_TMODEL_KEY));
0326: } else if (namePatterns.indexOf("unspsc-org:unspsc") != -1) {
0328: scheme = new ClassificationSchemeImpl(registryService
0329: .getLifeCycleManagerImpl());
0330: scheme.setName(new InternationalStringImpl(namePatterns));
0331: scheme.setKey(new KeyImpl(
0333: } else if (namePatterns.indexOf("ntis-gov:naics") != -1) {
0335: scheme = new ClassificationSchemeImpl(registryService
0336: .getLifeCycleManagerImpl());
0337: scheme.setName(new InternationalStringImpl(namePatterns));
0338: scheme
0339: .setKey(new KeyImpl(
0340: Constants.TMODEL_NAICS_TMODEL_KEY));
0341: } else { //TODO:Before going to the registry, check if it a predefined Enumeration
0343: /*
0344: * predefined Enumerations
0345: */
0347: if ("AssociationType".equals(namePatterns)) {
0348: scheme = new ClassificationSchemeImpl(registryService
0349: .getLifeCycleManagerImpl());
0351: scheme
0352: .setName(new InternationalStringImpl(
0353: namePatterns));
0355: scheme.setKey(new KeyImpl(
0358: addChildConcept((ClassificationSchemeImpl) scheme,
0359: "RelatedTo");
0360: addChildConcept((ClassificationSchemeImpl) scheme,
0361: "HasChild");
0362: addChildConcept((ClassificationSchemeImpl) scheme,
0363: "HasMember");
0364: addChildConcept((ClassificationSchemeImpl) scheme,
0365: "HasParent");
0366: addChildConcept((ClassificationSchemeImpl) scheme,
0367: "ExternallyLinks");
0368: addChildConcept((ClassificationSchemeImpl) scheme,
0369: "Contains");
0370: addChildConcept((ClassificationSchemeImpl) scheme,
0371: "EquivalentTo");
0372: addChildConcept((ClassificationSchemeImpl) scheme,
0373: "Extends");
0374: addChildConcept((ClassificationSchemeImpl) scheme,
0375: "Implements");
0376: addChildConcept((ClassificationSchemeImpl) scheme,
0377: "InstanceOf");
0378: addChildConcept((ClassificationSchemeImpl) scheme,
0379: "Supersedes");
0380: addChildConcept((ClassificationSchemeImpl) scheme,
0381: "Uses");
0382: addChildConcept((ClassificationSchemeImpl) scheme,
0383: "Replaces");
0384: addChildConcept((ClassificationSchemeImpl) scheme,
0385: "ResponsibleFor");
0386: addChildConcept((ClassificationSchemeImpl) scheme,
0387: "SubmitterOf");
0388: } else if ("ObjectType".equals(namePatterns)) {
0389: scheme = new ClassificationSchemeImpl(registryService
0390: .getLifeCycleManagerImpl());
0392: scheme
0393: .setName(new InternationalStringImpl(
0394: namePatterns));
0396: scheme.setKey(new KeyImpl(
0399: addChildConcept((ClassificationSchemeImpl) scheme,
0400: "CPP");
0401: addChildConcept((ClassificationSchemeImpl) scheme,
0402: "CPA");
0403: addChildConcept((ClassificationSchemeImpl) scheme,
0404: "Process");
0405: addChildConcept((ClassificationSchemeImpl) scheme,
0406: "WSDL");
0407: addChildConcept((ClassificationSchemeImpl) scheme,
0408: "Association");
0409: addChildConcept((ClassificationSchemeImpl) scheme,
0410: "AuditableEvent");
0411: addChildConcept((ClassificationSchemeImpl) scheme,
0412: "Classification");
0413: addChildConcept((ClassificationSchemeImpl) scheme,
0414: "Concept");
0415: addChildConcept((ClassificationSchemeImpl) scheme,
0416: "ExternalIdentifier");
0417: addChildConcept((ClassificationSchemeImpl) scheme,
0418: "ExternalLink");
0419: addChildConcept((ClassificationSchemeImpl) scheme,
0420: "ExtrinsicObject");
0421: addChildConcept((ClassificationSchemeImpl) scheme,
0422: "Organization");
0423: addChildConcept((ClassificationSchemeImpl) scheme,
0424: "Package");
0425: addChildConcept((ClassificationSchemeImpl) scheme,
0426: "Service");
0427: addChildConcept((ClassificationSchemeImpl) scheme,
0428: "ServiceBinding");
0429: addChildConcept((ClassificationSchemeImpl) scheme,
0430: "User");
0431: } else if ("PhoneType".equals(namePatterns)) {
0432: scheme = new ClassificationSchemeImpl(registryService
0433: .getLifeCycleManagerImpl());
0435: scheme
0436: .setName(new InternationalStringImpl(
0437: namePatterns));
0439: scheme.setKey(new KeyImpl(
0442: addChildConcept((ClassificationSchemeImpl) scheme,
0443: "OfficePhone");
0444: addChildConcept((ClassificationSchemeImpl) scheme,
0445: "HomePhone");
0446: addChildConcept((ClassificationSchemeImpl) scheme,
0447: "MobilePhone");
0448: addChildConcept((ClassificationSchemeImpl) scheme,
0449: "Beeper");
0450: addChildConcept((ClassificationSchemeImpl) scheme,
0451: "FAX");
0452: } else if ("URLType".equals(namePatterns)) {
0453: scheme = new ClassificationSchemeImpl(registryService
0454: .getLifeCycleManagerImpl());
0456: scheme
0457: .setName(new InternationalStringImpl(
0458: namePatterns));
0460: scheme.setKey(new KeyImpl(
0463: addChildConcept((ClassificationSchemeImpl) scheme,
0464: "HTTP");
0465: addChildConcept((ClassificationSchemeImpl) scheme,
0466: "HTTPS");
0467: addChildConcept((ClassificationSchemeImpl) scheme,
0468: "SMTP");
0469: addChildConcept((ClassificationSchemeImpl) scheme,
0470: "PHONE");
0471: addChildConcept((ClassificationSchemeImpl) scheme,
0472: "FAX");
0473: addChildConcept((ClassificationSchemeImpl) scheme,
0474: "OTHER");
0475: } else if ("PostalAddressAttributes".equals(namePatterns)) {
0476: scheme = new ClassificationSchemeImpl(registryService
0477: .getLifeCycleManagerImpl());
0479: scheme
0480: .setName(new InternationalStringImpl(
0481: namePatterns));
0483: scheme.setKey(new KeyImpl(
0486: addChildConcept((ClassificationSchemeImpl) scheme,
0487: "StreetNumber");
0488: addChildConcept((ClassificationSchemeImpl) scheme,
0489: "Street");
0490: addChildConcept((ClassificationSchemeImpl) scheme,
0491: "City");
0492: addChildConcept((ClassificationSchemeImpl) scheme,
0493: "State");
0494: addChildConcept((ClassificationSchemeImpl) scheme,
0495: "PostalCode");
0496: addChildConcept((ClassificationSchemeImpl) scheme,
0497: "Country");
0498: } else {
0500: //Lets ask the uddi registry if it has the TModels
0501: IRegistry registry = registryService.getRegistry();
0502: FindQualifiers juddiFindQualifiers = mapFindQualifiers(findQualifiers);
0503: try {
0504: //We are looking for one exact match, so getting upto 3 records is fine
0505: TModelList list = registry.findTModel(namePatterns,
0506: null, null, juddiFindQualifiers, 3);
0507: TModelInfos infos = null;
0508: TModelInfo[] tmarr = null;
0509: if (list != null)
0510: infos = list.getTModelInfos();
0511: if (infos != null)
0512: tmarr = infos.getTModelInfoArray();
0513: if (tmarr != null && tmarr.length > 0) {
0514: if (tmarr.length > 1)
0515: throw new InvalidRequestException(
0516: "Multiple matches found");
0518: TModelInfo info = tmarr[0];
0519: scheme = new ClassificationSchemeImpl(
0520: registryService
0521: .getLifeCycleManagerImpl());
0522: scheme.setName(new InternationalStringImpl(info
0523: .getName().getStringValue()));
0524: scheme.setKey(new KeyImpl(info.getTModelKey()));
0525: }
0527: } catch (RegistryException e) {
0528: e.printStackTrace();
0529: throw new JAXRException(e.getLocalizedMessage());
0530: }
0531: }
0532: }
0533: return scheme;
0534: }
0536: /**
0537: * Creates a new Concept, associates w/ parent scheme, and then
0538: * adds as decendent.
0539: * @param scheme
0540: * @param name
0541: * @throws JAXRException
0542: */
0543: private void addChildConcept(ClassificationSchemeImpl scheme,
0544: String name) throws JAXRException {
0545: Concept c = new ConceptImpl(registryService
0546: .getLifeCycleManagerImpl());
0548: c.setName(new InternationalStringImpl(name));
0549: c.setValue(name);
0550: ((ConceptImpl) c).setScheme((ClassificationSchemeImpl) scheme);
0552: scheme.addChildConcept(c);
0553: }
0555: public BulkResponse findClassificationSchemes(
0556: Collection findQualifiers, Collection namePatterns,
0557: Collection classifications, Collection externalLinks)
0558: throws JAXRException {
0559: //TODO: Handle this better
0560: LinkedHashSet<ClassificationScheme> col = new LinkedHashSet<ClassificationScheme>();
0561: Iterator iter = namePatterns.iterator();
0562: String name = "";
0563: while (iter.hasNext()) {
0564: name = (String) iter.next();
0565: break;
0566: }
0568: ClassificationScheme classificationScheme = findClassificationSchemeByName(
0569: findQualifiers, name);
0570: if (classificationScheme != null) {
0571: col.add(classificationScheme);
0572: }
0573: return new BulkResponseImpl(col);
0574: }
0576: public Concept findConceptByPath(String path) throws JAXRException {
0577: //We will store the enumerations datastructure in the util package
0578: /**
0579: * I am not clear about how this association type enumerations
0580: * are to be implemented.
0581: */
0582: return EnumerationHelper.getConceptByPath(path);
0583: }
0585: public BulkResponse findConcepts(Collection findQualifiers,
0586: Collection namePatterns, Collection classifications,
0587: Collection externalIdentifiers, Collection externalLinks)
0588: throws JAXRException {
0589: LinkedHashSet<Concept> col = new LinkedHashSet<Concept>();
0591: //Lets ask the uddi registry if it has the TModels
0592: IRegistry registry = registryService.getRegistry();
0593: FindQualifiers juddiFindQualifiers = mapFindQualifiers(findQualifiers);
0594: Iterator iter = null;
0595: if (namePatterns != null)
0596: iter = namePatterns.iterator();
0597: while (iter.hasNext()) {
0598: String namestr = (String) iter.next();
0599: try {
0600: TModelList list = registry
0601: .findTModel(
0602: namestr,
0603: ScoutJaxrUddiHelper
0604: .getCategoryBagFromClassifications(classifications),
0605: ScoutJaxrUddiHelper
0606: .getIdentifierBagFromExternalIdentifiers(externalIdentifiers),
0607: juddiFindQualifiers, 10);
0608: TModelInfos infos = null;
0609: TModelInfo[] tmarr = null;
0610: if (list != null)
0611: infos = list.getTModelInfos();
0612: if (infos != null)
0613: tmarr = infos.getTModelInfoArray();
0614: for (int i = 0; tmarr != null && i < tmarr.length; i++) {
0615: TModelInfo info = tmarr[i];
0616: col.add(ScoutUddiJaxrHelper.getConcept(info,
0617: this .registryService
0618: .getBusinessLifeCycleManager()));
0619: }
0621: } catch (RegistryException e) {
0622: e.printStackTrace();
0623: throw new JAXRException(e.getLocalizedMessage());
0624: }
0625: }
0627: return new BulkResponseImpl(col);
0628: }
0630: public BulkResponse findRegistryPackages(Collection findQualifiers,
0631: Collection namePatterns, Collection classifications,
0632: Collection externalLinks) throws JAXRException {
0633: throw new UnsupportedCapabilityException();
0634: }
0636: public BulkResponse findServiceBindings(Key serviceKey,
0637: Collection findQualifiers, Collection classifications,
0638: Collection specifications) throws JAXRException {
0639: BulkResponseImpl blkRes = new BulkResponseImpl();
0641: IRegistry iRegistry = registryService.getRegistry();
0642: FindQualifiers juddiFindQualifiers = mapFindQualifiers(findQualifiers);
0644: try {
0646: BindingDetail l = iRegistry
0647: .findBinding(
0648: serviceKey.getId(),
0649: ScoutJaxrUddiHelper
0650: .getCategoryBagFromClassifications(classifications),
0651: null, juddiFindQualifiers, registryService
0652: .getMaxRows());
0654: /*
0655: * now convert from jUDDI ServiceInfo objects to JAXR Services
0656: */
0657: if (l != null) {
0659: BindingTemplate[] bindarr = l.getBindingTemplateArray();
0660: LinkedHashSet<ServiceBinding> col = new LinkedHashSet<ServiceBinding>();
0662: for (int i = 0; bindarr != null && i < bindarr.length; i++) {
0663: BindingTemplate si = bindarr[i];
0664: ServiceBinding sb = ScoutUddiJaxrHelper
0665: .getServiceBinding(si, registryService
0666: .getBusinessLifeCycleManager());
0667: col.add(sb);
0668: //Fill the Service object by making a call to registry
0669: Service s = (Service) getRegistryObject(serviceKey
0670: .getId(), LifeCycleManager.SERVICE);
0671: ((ServiceBindingImpl) sb).setService(s);
0672: }
0674: blkRes.setCollection(col);
0675: }
0676: } catch (RegistryException e) {
0677: e.printStackTrace();
0678: throw new JAXRException(e.getLocalizedMessage());
0679: }
0681: return blkRes;
0682: }
0684: /**
0685: * Finds all Service objects that match all of the criteria specified by
0686: * the parameters of this call. This is a logical AND operation between
0687: * all non-null parameters
0688: *
0689: * TODO - support findQualifiers, classifications and specifications
0690: *
0691: * @param orgKey
0692: * @param findQualifiers
0693: * @param namePatterns
0694: * @param classifications
0695: * @param specificationa
0696: * @return
0697: * @throws JAXRException
0698: */
0699: public BulkResponse findServices(Key orgKey,
0700: Collection findQualifiers, Collection namePatterns,
0701: Collection classifications, Collection specificationa)
0702: throws JAXRException {
0703: BulkResponseImpl blkRes = new BulkResponseImpl();
0705: IRegistry iRegistry = registryService.getRegistry();
0706: FindQualifiers juddiFindQualifiers = mapFindQualifiers(findQualifiers);
0707: Name[] juddiNames = mapNamePatterns(namePatterns);
0709: try {
0710: /*
0711: * hit the registry. The key is not required for UDDI2
0712: */
0714: String id = null;
0716: if (orgKey != null) {
0717: id = orgKey.getId();
0718: }
0720: ServiceList l = iRegistry
0721: .findService(
0722: id,
0723: juddiNames,
0724: ScoutJaxrUddiHelper
0725: .getCategoryBagFromClassifications(classifications),
0726: null, juddiFindQualifiers, registryService
0727: .getMaxRows());
0729: /*
0730: * now convert from jUDDI ServiceInfo objects to JAXR Services
0731: */
0732: if (l != null) {
0734: ServiceInfos serviceInfos = l.getServiceInfos();
0736: ServiceInfo[] a = (serviceInfos != null ? serviceInfos
0737: .getServiceInfoArray() : null);
0739: LinkedHashSet<Service> col = new LinkedHashSet<Service>();
0741: for (int i = 0; a != null && i < a.length; i++) {
0742: ServiceInfo si = (ServiceInfo) a[i];
0743: Service srv = (Service) getRegistryObject(si
0744: .getServiceKey(), LifeCycleManager.SERVICE);
0745: col.add(srv);
0746: }
0748: blkRes.setCollection(col);
0749: }
0750: } catch (RegistryException e) {
0751: e.printStackTrace();
0752: throw new JAXRException(e.getLocalizedMessage());
0753: }
0755: return blkRes;
0756: }
0758: public RegistryObject getRegistryObject(String id)
0759: throws JAXRException {
0760: throw new UnsupportedCapabilityException();
0761: }
0763: public RegistryObject getRegistryObject(String id, String objectType)
0764: throws JAXRException {
0765: IRegistry registry = registryService.getRegistry();
0766: BusinessLifeCycleManager lcm = registryService
0767: .getBusinessLifeCycleManager();
0769: if (LifeCycleManager.CLASSIFICATION_SCHEME
0770: .equalsIgnoreCase(objectType)) {
0772: try {
0774: TModelDetail tmodeldetail = registry
0775: .getTModelDetail(id);
0776: Concept c = ScoutUddiJaxrHelper.getConcept(
0777: tmodeldetail, lcm);
0779: /*
0780: * now turn into a concrete ClassificationScheme
0781: */
0783: ClassificationScheme scheme = new ClassificationSchemeImpl(
0784: lcm);
0786: scheme.setName(c.getName());
0787: scheme.setDescription(c.getDescription());
0788: scheme.setKey(c.getKey());
0790: return scheme;
0791: } catch (RegistryException e) {
0792: e.printStackTrace();
0793: throw new JAXRException(e.getLocalizedMessage());
0794: }
0795: } else if (LifeCycleManager.ORGANIZATION
0796: .equalsIgnoreCase(objectType)) {
0798: try {
0799: BusinessDetail orgdetail = registry
0800: .getBusinessDetail(id);
0801: return ScoutUddiJaxrHelper.getOrganization(orgdetail,
0802: lcm);
0803: } catch (RegistryException e) {
0804: e.printStackTrace();
0805: throw new JAXRException(e.getLocalizedMessage());
0806: }
0807: } else if (LifeCycleManager.CONCEPT
0808: .equalsIgnoreCase(objectType)) {
0810: try {
0811: TModelDetail tmodeldetail = registry
0812: .getTModelDetail(id);
0813: return ScoutUddiJaxrHelper
0814: .getConcept(tmodeldetail, lcm);
0815: } catch (RegistryException e) {
0816: e.printStackTrace();
0817: throw new JAXRException(e.getLocalizedMessage());
0818: }
0819: } else if (LifeCycleManager.SERVICE
0820: .equalsIgnoreCase(objectType)) {
0822: try {
0824: ServiceDetail sd = registry.getServiceDetail(id);
0826: if (sd != null) {
0828: BusinessService[] a = sd.getBusinessServiceArray();
0830: if (a != null && a.length != 0) {
0831: Service service = getServiceFromBusinessService(
0832: a[0], lcm);
0834: return service;
0835: }
0836: }
0837: } catch (RegistryException e) {
0838: e.printStackTrace();
0839: }
0840: }
0842: return null;
0843: }
0845: /**
0846: * Helper routine to take a jUDDI business service and turn into a useful
0847: * Service. Needs to go back to the registry to get the organization to
0848: * properly hydrate the Service
0849: *
0850: * @param bs BusinessService object to turn in to a Service
0851: * @param lcm manager to use
0852: * @return new Service object
0853: * @throws JAXRException
0854: */
0855: protected Service getServiceFromBusinessService(BusinessService bs,
0856: LifeCycleManager lcm) throws JAXRException {
0858: Service service = ScoutUddiJaxrHelper.getService(bs, lcm);
0860: /*
0861: * now get the Organization if we can
0862: */
0864: String busKey = bs.getBusinessKey();
0866: if (busKey != null) {
0867: Organization o = (Organization) getRegistryObject(busKey,
0868: LifeCycleManager.ORGANIZATION);
0869: service.setProvidingOrganization(o);
0870: }
0872: return service;
0873: }
0875: /**
0876: * Gets the RegistryObjects owned by the caller. The objects
0877: * are returned as their concrete type (e.g. Organization, User etc.)
0878: *
0879: * TODO - need to figure out what the set are. This is just to get some
0880: * basic functionality
0881: *
0882: * @return
0883: * @throws JAXRException
0884: */
0885: public BulkResponse getRegistryObjects() throws JAXRException {
0886: String types[] = { LifeCycleManager.ORGANIZATION,
0887: LifeCycleManager.SERVICE };
0889: LinkedHashSet<Object> c = new LinkedHashSet<Object>();
0891: for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
0892: try {
0893: BulkResponse bk = getRegistryObjects(types[i]);
0895: if (bk.getCollection() != null) {
0896: c.addAll(bk.getCollection());
0897: }
0898: } catch (JAXRException e) {
0899: // ignore - just a problem with that type?
0900: }
0901: }
0903: return new BulkResponseImpl(c);
0904: }
0906: public BulkResponse getRegistryObjects(Collection<Key> objectKeys)
0907: throws JAXRException {
0908: throw new UnsupportedCapabilityException();
0909: }
0911: public BulkResponse getRegistryObjects(Collection<Key> objectKeys,
0912: String objectType) throws JAXRException {
0913: IRegistry registry = registryService.getRegistry();
0914: //Convert into a vector of strings
0915: String[] keys = new String[objectKeys.size()];
0916: int currLoc = 0;
0917: Iterator iter = objectKeys.iterator();
0918: while (iter.hasNext()) {
0919: Key key = (Key) iter.next();
0920: keys[currLoc] = key.getId();
0921: currLoc++;
0922: }
0923: LinkedHashSet<RegistryObject> col = new LinkedHashSet<RegistryObject>();
0924: LifeCycleManager lcm = registryService
0925: .getLifeCycleManagerImpl();
0927: if (LifeCycleManager.CLASSIFICATION_SCHEME
0928: .equalsIgnoreCase(objectType)) {
0929: try {
0930: TModelDetail tmodeldetail = registry
0931: .getTModelDetail(keys);
0932: TModel[] tmarray = tmodeldetail.getTModelArray();
0933: for (int i = 0; tmarray != null && i < tmarray.length; i++) {
0934: col.add(ScoutUddiJaxrHelper.getConcept(tmarray[i],
0935: lcm));
0936: }
0938: } catch (RegistryException e) {
0939: e.printStackTrace();
0940: throw new JAXRException(e.getLocalizedMessage());
0941: }
0942: } else if (LifeCycleManager.ORGANIZATION
0943: .equalsIgnoreCase(objectType)) {
0944: //Get the Organization from the uddi registry
0945: try {
0946: BusinessDetail orgdetail = registry
0947: .getBusinessDetail(keys);
0948: BusinessEntity[] bizarr = orgdetail
0949: .getBusinessEntityArray();
0950: for (int i = 0; bizarr != null && i < bizarr.length; i++) {
0951: col.add(ScoutUddiJaxrHelper.getOrganization(
0952: bizarr[i], lcm));
0953: }
0954: } catch (RegistryException e) {
0955: throw new JAXRException(e.getLocalizedMessage());
0956: }
0957: } else if (LifeCycleManager.CONCEPT
0958: .equalsIgnoreCase(objectType)) {
0959: try {
0960: TModelDetail tmodeldetail = registry
0961: .getTModelDetail(keys);
0962: TModel[] tmarr = tmodeldetail.getTModelArray();
0963: for (int i = 0; tmarr != null && i < tmarr.length; i++) {
0964: col.add(ScoutUddiJaxrHelper.getConcept(tmarr[i],
0965: lcm));
0966: }
0968: } catch (RegistryException e) {
0969: e.printStackTrace();
0970: throw new JAXRException(e.getLocalizedMessage());
0971: }
0972: } else if (LifeCycleManager.SERVICE
0973: .equalsIgnoreCase(objectType)) {
0975: try {
0976: ServiceDetail serviceDetail = registry
0977: .getServiceDetail(keys);
0979: if (serviceDetail != null) {
0981: BusinessService[] a = serviceDetail
0982: .getBusinessServiceArray();
0984: for (int i = 0; a != null && i < a.length; i++) {
0986: Service service = getServiceFromBusinessService(
0987: a[i], lcm);
0989: col.add(service);
0990: }
0991: }
0992: } catch (RegistryException e) {
0993: throw new JAXRException(e);
0994: }
0995: } else {
0996: throw new JAXRException("Unsupported type " + objectType
0997: + " for getRegistryObjects() in Apache Scout");
0998: }
1000: return new BulkResponseImpl(col);
1002: }
1004: public BulkResponse getRegistryObjects(String id)
1005: throws JAXRException {
1006: if (LifeCycleManager.ORGANIZATION.equalsIgnoreCase(id)) {
1007: List<String> a = new ArrayList<String>();
1008: a.add("%");
1010: BulkResponse br = findOrganizations(null, a, null, null,
1011: null, null);
1013: return br;
1014: } else if (LifeCycleManager.SERVICE.equalsIgnoreCase(id)) {
1015: List<String> a = new ArrayList<String>();
1016: a.add("%");
1018: BulkResponse br = this .findServices(null, null, a, null,
1019: null);
1021: return br;
1022: } else {
1023: throw new JAXRException(
1024: "Unsupported type for getRegistryObjects() :" + id);
1025: }
1027: }
1029: static FindQualifiers mapFindQualifiers(Collection jaxrQualifiers)
1030: throws UnsupportedCapabilityException {
1031: if (jaxrQualifiers == null) {
1032: return null;
1033: }
1034: FindQualifiers result = FindQualifiers.Factory.newInstance();
1035: for (Iterator i = jaxrQualifiers.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
1036: String jaxrQualifier = (String) i.next();
1037: String juddiQualifier = jaxrQualifier;
1038: if (juddiQualifier == null) {
1039: throw new UnsupportedCapabilityException(
1040: "jUDDI does not support FindQualifer: "
1041: + jaxrQualifier);
1042: }
1043: result.addFindQualifier(juddiQualifier);
1044: }
1045: return result;
1046: }
1048: static Name[] mapNamePatterns(Collection namePatterns)
1049: throws JAXRException {
1050: if (namePatterns == null)
1051: return null;
1052: Name[] result = new Name[namePatterns.size()];
1053: int currLoc = 0;
1054: for (Iterator i = namePatterns.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
1055: Object obj = i.next();
1056: Name n = Name.Factory.newInstance();
1057: if (obj instanceof String) {
1058: n.setStringValue((String) obj);
1059: } else if (obj instanceof LocalizedString) {
1060: LocalizedString ls = (LocalizedString) obj;
1061: n.setStringValue(ls.getValue());
1062: n.setLang(ls.getLocale().getLanguage());
1063: }
1064: result[currLoc] = n;
1065: currLoc++;
1066: }
1067: return result;
1068: }
1070: /**
1071: * Get the Auth Token from the registry
1072: *
1073: * @param connection
1074: * @param ireg
1075: * @return auth token
1076: * @throws JAXRException
1077: */
1078: private AuthToken getAuthToken(ConnectionImpl connection,
1079: IRegistry ireg) throws JAXRException {
1080: Set creds = connection.getCredentials();
1081: Iterator it = creds.iterator();
1082: String username = "", pwd = "";
1083: while (it.hasNext()) {
1084: PasswordAuthentication pass = (PasswordAuthentication) it
1085: .next();
1086: username = pass.getUserName();
1087: pwd = new String(pass.getPassword());
1088: }
1089: AuthToken token = null;
1090: try {
1091: token = ireg.getAuthToken(username, pwd);
1092: } catch (Exception e) {
1093: throw new JAXRException(e);
1094: }
1095: return token;
1096: }
1097: }