0001: package hero.session;
0003: import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
0004: import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
0005: import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
0007: import hero.interfaces.Constants.Nd;
0008: import hero.interfaces.Constants.Pj;
0009: import hero.interfaces.Constants.PerformerAssigment;
0010: import hero.interfaces.Constants.Hook;
0011: import hero.interfaces.Constants.Mapper;
0012: import hero.interfaces.BnLdap;
0013: import hero.interfaces.BnLdapHome;
0014: import hero.interfaces.BnLdapUtil;
0015: import hero.interfaces.BnProjectPropertyValue;
0016: import hero.interfaces.BnUserLocalHome;
0017: import hero.interfaces.BnRoleLocal;
0018: import hero.interfaces.BnProjectLocalHome;
0019: import hero.interfaces.ProjectSessionLocalHome;
0020: import hero.interfaces.ProjectSessionLocal;
0022: import hero.xpdl.XPDLDTDs;
0023: import hero.xpdl.XPDLDataField;
0024: import hero.xpdl.XPDLFormalParameter;
0025: import hero.xpdl.XPDLHook;
0026: import hero.xpdl.XPDLInitiatorMapper;
0027: import hero.xpdl.XPDLSchemas;
0028: import hero.xpdl.XPDLActivity;
0029: import hero.xpdl.XPDLParticipant;
0030: import hero.xpdl.XPDLApplication;
0031: import hero.xpdl.XPDLTransition;
0032: import hero.xpdl.XPDLWFProcess;
0033: import hero.xpdl.XPDLConstants;
0034: import hero.xpdl.BonitaTree;
0035: import hero.xpdl.JEntityResolver;
0037: import hero.util.EventConstants;
0038: import hero.util.HeroException;
0039: import hero.util.XPDLException;
0041: import javax.ejb.CreateException;
0042: import javax.ejb.SessionBean;
0043: import javax.ejb.SessionContext;
0044: import javax.naming.NamingException;
0046: import org.w3c.dom.Attr;
0047: import org.w3c.dom.Document;
0048: import org.w3c.dom.Element;
0049: import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
0050: import org.w3c.dom.Node;
0051: import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
0052: import org.w3c.dom.Text;
0053: import org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler;
0054: import org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLFilterImpl;
0056: import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
0057: import java.io.File;
0058: import java.io.InputStream;
0059: import java.util.ArrayList;
0060: import java.util.Collection;
0061: import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
0062: import java.util.HashSet;
0063: import java.util.Hashtable;
0064: import java.util.Iterator;
0065: import java.util.Set;
0066: import java.util.StringTokenizer;
0068: /**
0069: * Session Bean Template
0070: *
0071: * @ejb:bean name="XPDLSessionImport"
0072: * display-name="XPDLSessionImport Bean"
0073: * type="Stateless"
0074: * transaction-type="Container"
0075: * jndi-name="ejb/hero/XPDLSessionImport"
0076: * local-jndi-name="ejb/hero/XPDLSessionImport_L"
0077: *
0078: * @ejb:transaction type="Supports"
0079: * @ejb.permission role-name="Admin,user,SuperAdmin"
0080: * @jonas.bean
0081: * ejb-name="XPDLSessionImport"
0082: * jndi-name="ejb/hero/XPDLSessionImport"
0083: *
0084: *
0085: **/
0087: public class XPDLSessionImportBean implements SessionBean,
0088: XPDLConstants {
0090: // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
0091: // Members
0092: // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
0094: private SessionContext mContext;
0095: private ProjectSessionLocalHome pHome;
0096: private BnUserLocalHome userhome;
0098: // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
0099: // Methods
0100: // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
0102: /**
0103: * getProjectWithVersion
0104: *
0105: * @ejb.permission unchecked="yes"
0106: * @ejb:interface-method view-type="both"
0107: * @ejb:transaction type="Required"
0108: *
0109: **/
0111: public String openMainDocumentAndReturnProject(
0112: String xpdlRepository, String fileName, String xpdlString)
0113: throws XPDLException {
0114: String projectWithVersion = openMainDocument(xpdlRepository,
0115: fileName, xpdlString, false);
0116: return projectWithVersion;
0117: }
0119: /**
0120: * Parsing the xpdl file
0121: * @param String xpdlRepository - The path of the repository
0122: * @param String fileName - The name the xpdl file
0123: * @param String xpdlString - The xpdl file as string
0124: * @param boolean traceDebug - set debug trace
0125: * @return projectWithVersion - the project name with the version
0126: *
0127: * @ejb.permission unchecked="yes"
0128: * @ejb:interface-method view-type="both"
0129: * @ejb:transaction type="Required"
0130: *
0131: **/
0133: public String openMainDocument(String xpdlRepository,
0134: String fileName, String xpdlString, boolean traceDebug)
0135: throws XPDLException {
0136: //debug
0137: //System.out.println("openMainDocument: File = " + xpdlRepository + fileName );
0138: //System.out.println("openMainDocument: xpdlFileName = " + xpdlFileName);
0140: Hashtable xpdlData;
0141: Hashtable actMapping;
0142: // Activity sets
0143: Hashtable activitySetMapping;
0144: // Participants : id / XPDLParticipant
0145: Hashtable partMapping;
0146: // For applications id / XPDLApplication
0147: Hashtable appliMapping;
0148: // DataFields : id / XPDLDataField
0149: Hashtable dataFieldMapping;
0150: // DataFields introduced to get same property order as FormEditor
0151: ArrayList array_dataFieldKey;
0152: // WF Process : id / XPDLWFProcess
0153: Hashtable wfProcessMapping;
0154: // For transitions
0155: Hashtable transitionMapping;
0156: // for process version
0157: String projNameWithVersion = "";
0159: xpdlData = new Hashtable();
0160: actMapping = new Hashtable();
0161: activitySetMapping = new Hashtable();
0162: partMapping = new Hashtable();
0163: appliMapping = new Hashtable();
0164: dataFieldMapping = new Hashtable();
0165: array_dataFieldKey = new ArrayList();
0166: wfProcessMapping = new Hashtable();
0167: transitionMapping = new Hashtable();
0169: xpdlData.put("actMapping", actMapping);
0170: xpdlData.put("activitySetMapping", activitySetMapping);
0171: xpdlData.put("partMapping", partMapping);
0172: xpdlData.put("appliMapping", appliMapping);
0173: xpdlData.put("dataFieldMapping", dataFieldMapping);
0174: xpdlData.put("array_dataFieldKey", array_dataFieldKey);
0175: xpdlData.put("wfProcessMapping", wfProcessMapping);
0176: xpdlData.put("transitionMapping", transitionMapping);
0177: xpdlData.put("projNameWithVersion", projNameWithVersion);
0178: openDocument(xpdlRepository, fileName, xpdlString, xpdlData);
0180: //Call print debug if trace_debug == true
0181: if (traceDebug == true)
0182: printHashTables(xpdlData);
0184: return (String) xpdlData.get("projNameWithVersion");
0185: }
0187: private void openDocument(String xpdlRepository, String fileName,
0188: String xpdlString, Hashtable xpdlData) throws XPDLException {
0189: DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory
0190: .newInstance();
0191: dbf.setValidating(true);
0192: dbf
0193: .setAttribute(
0194: "http://apache.org/xml/features/dom/include-ignorable-whitespace",
0195: new Boolean(false));
0196: dbf.setAttribute(
0197: "http://apache.org/xml/features/validation/schema",
0198: new Boolean(true));
0199: dbf.setAttribute(
0200: "http://apache.org/xml/features/allow-java-encodings",
0201: new Boolean(true));
0202: dbf.setNamespaceAware(true);
0204: DocumentBuilder docBuilder = null;
0205: try {
0206: docBuilder = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
0207: ErrorHandler eh = new XMLFilterImpl();
0208: docBuilder.setErrorHandler(eh);
0209: } catch (ParserConfigurationException pce) {
0210: throw new XPDLException(
0211: "Cannot build a document builder : "
0212: + pce.getMessage(), pce);
0213: }
0214: JEntityResolver jer = new JEntityResolver();
0215: jer.addSchemas(new XPDLSchemas());
0216: jer.addDtds(new XPDLDTDs());
0217: docBuilder.setEntityResolver(jer);
0219: InputStream inputStream = (InputStream) new ByteArrayInputStream(
0220: xpdlString.getBytes());
0222: Document document = null;
0223: try {
0224: document = docBuilder.parse(inputStream);
0225: } catch (Exception e) {
0226: throw new XPDLException("Cannot parse XPDL :"
0227: + e.getMessage(), e);
0228: }
0230: Element rootElement = document.getDocumentElement();
0231: //NodeList LesFils = rootElement.getChildNodes();
0233: if (rootElement.hasChildNodes()) {
0234: BonitaTree root = new BonitaTree(rootElement);
0235: BonitaTree external = getNode(root, EXTERNAL_PACKAGES);
0236: //External Packages definitions parsing
0237: if (external != null) {
0238: obtainExternalPackage(external, xpdlRepository,
0239: xpdlData);
0240: }
0242: //Get package definitions containing : Participants, Applications , DataFields
0243: // from the Package level
0244: obtainParticipant(getNode(root, PARTICIPANTS),
0245: PACKAGE_LEVEL, xpdlData);
0246: obtainApplication(getNode(root, APPLICATIONS),
0247: PACKAGE_LEVEL, xpdlData);
0248: //debug
0249: //System.out.println("****!!! Calling obtainDataField in openDocument - projectName = PACKAGE" );
0250: obtainDataField(getNode(root, DATAFIELDS), PACKAGE_LEVEL,
0251: xpdlData);
0253: //Workflow processes parsing
0254: obtainProject(root, xpdlData);
0255: }
0257: }
0259: /*
0260: * Get all defined External Packages name
0261: * and call openDocument() for each of them
0262: */
0263: private void obtainExternalPackage(BonitaTree bonitaTree,
0264: String xpdlRepository, Hashtable xpdlData)
0265: throws XPDLException {
0267: if ((bonitaTree.Noeud.getNodeName())
0268: .equalsIgnoreCase(EXTERNAL_PACKAGES)) {
0269: // debug
0270: //System.out.println("External Packages...");
0271: for (int j = 0; j < bonitaTree.NbFils; j++) {
0272: if ((bonitaTree.Fils[j].Noeud.getNodeName())
0273: .equalsIgnoreCase(EXTERNAL_PACKAGE)) {
0274: Element external = (Element) bonitaTree.Fils[j].Noeud;
0275: String href = external
0276: .getAttribute(EXTERNAL_PACKAGE_HREF);
0277: String xpdl_file = "";
0278: //debug
0279: //System.out.println("External Package="+href);
0280: try {
0281: String filename = xpdlRepository
0282: + File.separator + href;
0283: java.io.BufferedReader buff = new java.io.BufferedReader(
0284: new java.io.FileReader(filename));
0285: String line = "";
0286: line = buff.readLine();
0287: while ((line = buff.readLine()) != null)
0288: xpdl_file = xpdl_file + line;
0290: } catch (Exception e) {
0291: throw new XPDLException(
0292: "Error buffering the XPDL file : "
0293: + e.getMessage(), e);
0294: }
0295: // open the xpdl document
0296: openDocument(xpdlRepository, href, xpdl_file,
0297: xpdlData);
0298: }
0299: }
0300: }
0301: }
0303: /*
0304: * Get all WorkFlow Processes and call createProject for all of them
0305: */
0306: private void obtainProject(BonitaTree n, Hashtable xpdlData)
0307: throws XPDLException {
0308: BonitaTree completeTree = n;
0309: n = getNode(n, WORKFLOW_PROCESSES);
0310: if (n != null) {
0311: int type = n.Noeud.getNodeType();
0312: String projectName = "";
0314: if (type == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
0315: if ((n.Noeud.getNodeName())
0316: .equalsIgnoreCase(WORKFLOW_PROCESSES)) {
0317: for (int j = 0; j < n.NbFils; j++) {
0318: if ((n.Fils[j].Noeud.getNodeName())
0319: .equalsIgnoreCase(WORKFLOW_PROCESS)) {
0320: // search for Version of the Workflow Process
0321: String projectVersion = null;
0322: Text versionValue = null;
0323: BonitaTree currentWf = n.Fils[j];
0324: NodeList listWFProcessNode = currentWf.Noeud
0325: .getChildNodes();
0326: int size = listWFProcessNode.getLength();
0327: // get RedefinableHeader tag
0328: if (size > 0) {
0329: Element elementRedefinableHeader = null;
0330: for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
0331: int ty = listWFProcessNode.item(i)
0332: .getNodeType();
0333: String nodeName = listWFProcessNode
0334: .item(i).getNodeName();
0335: if (ty == (Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
0337: .equals(nodeName))) {
0338: //debug
0339: //System.out.println("node name = " + listWFProcessNode.item(i).getNodeName() );
0340: elementRedefinableHeader = (Element) listWFProcessNode
0341: .item(i);
0342: NodeList listElementsVersion = null;
0343: listElementsVersion = elementRedefinableHeader
0344: .getElementsByTagName(WORKFLOW_PROCESS_VERSION);
0345: versionValue = (Text) listElementsVersion
0346: .item(0)
0347: .getFirstChild();
0348: }
0349: }
0350: //if (versionValue.getNodeValue() != null){
0351: if (versionValue != null) {
0352: projectVersion = versionValue
0353: .getNodeValue();
0354: //debug
0355: //System.out.println("getCreateSubProject: version = " + projectVersion );
0356: } else {
0357: projectVersion = EventConstants.DEFAULTPROJECTVERSION;
0358: //debug
0359: //System.out.println("getCreateSubProject: version = DEFAULT = " + projectVersion );
0360: }
0361: }
0363: //get project name
0364: Element element = (Element) n.Fils[j].Noeud;
0365: projectName = element
0366: .getAttribute(WORKFLOW_PROCESS_NAME);
0367: String projectId = element
0368: .getAttribute(WORKFLOW_PROCESS_ID);
0370: if (!projectExist(projectName,
0371: projectVersion)) {
0372: if (!(projectName.equalsIgnoreCase(""))) {
0374: //Trace
0375: System.out
0376: .println("*** Start of Workflow Process creation : "
0377: + projectName
0378: .toUpperCase());
0380: createProject(n.Fils[j],
0381: projectName,
0382: projectVersion, projectId,
0383: completeTree, xpdlData);
0384: //Trace
0385: System.out
0386: .println("*** End of Workflow Process creation : "
0387: + projectName
0388: .toUpperCase());
0389: }
0390: } else {
0391: // If this process is used as subprocess it may has been already created
0392: ArrayList ar_pn = new ArrayList();
0393: Hashtable wfProcessMapping = (Hashtable) xpdlData
0394: .get("wfProcessMapping");
0395: Object[] tab = wfProcessMapping
0396: .keySet().toArray();
0397: for (int k = 0; k < tab.length; k++) {
0398: //debug
0399: //System.out.print(" - " + tab[k].toString());
0400: XPDLWFProcess xpdlWFProcess = (XPDLWFProcess) wfProcessMapping
0401: .get(tab[k]);
0402: ar_pn.add(xpdlWFProcess.getName());
0403: }
0404: if (!ar_pn.contains(projectName)) {
0405: throw new XPDLException(
0406: "Error: Project = "
0407: + projectName
0408: + " is already existing in the Bonita Workflow Engine. ");
0409: }
0410: }
0411: }
0412: }
0413: }
0414: }
0415: }
0416: }
0418: /*
0419: * Obtain the WorkFlow Process (used as subproject)
0420: * Call createProject if this project does not exist
0421: * Note : this method is not called at now!
0422: */
0423: private String getCreateSubProject(String id, BonitaTree root,
0424: Hashtable xpdlData) throws XPDLException {
0425: BonitaTree project = getNode(root, WORKFLOW_PROCESSES);
0426: int type = project.Noeud.getNodeType();
0428: if (type == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
0429: if ((project.Noeud.getNodeName())
0430: .equalsIgnoreCase(WORKFLOW_PROCESSES)) {
0431: for (int j = 0; j < project.NbFils; j++) {
0432: if ((project.Fils[j].Noeud.getNodeName())
0433: .equalsIgnoreCase(WORKFLOW_PROCESS)) {
0434: // search for Version of the Workflow Process
0435: String projectVersion = null;
0436: Text versionValue = null;
0437: BonitaTree currentWf = project.Fils[j];
0438: NodeList listWFProcessNode = currentWf.Noeud
0439: .getChildNodes();
0440: int size = listWFProcessNode.getLength();
0441: // get RedefinableHeader tag
0442: if (size > 0) {
0443: Element elementRedefinableHeader = null;
0444: for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
0445: int ty = listWFProcessNode.item(i)
0446: .getNodeType();
0447: String nodeName = listWFProcessNode
0448: .item(i).getNodeName();
0449: if (ty == (Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
0451: .equals(nodeName))) {
0452: //debug
0453: //System.out.println("node name = " + listWFProcessNode.item(i).getNodeName( );
0454: elementRedefinableHeader = (Element) listWFProcessNode
0455: .item(i);
0456: NodeList listElementsVersion = null;
0457: listElementsVersion = elementRedefinableHeader
0458: .getElementsByTagName(WORKFLOW_PROCESS_VERSION);
0459: versionValue = (Text) listElementsVersion
0460: .item(0).getFirstChild();
0461: }
0462: }
0463: if (versionValue.getNodeValue() != null) {
0464: projectVersion = versionValue
0465: .getNodeValue();
0466: //debug
0467: //System.out.println("getCreateSubProject: version = " + projectVersion );
0468: } else {
0469: projectVersion = EventConstants.DEFAULTPROJECTVERSION;
0470: //debug
0471: //System.out.println("getCreateSubProject: version = DEFAULT = " + projectVersion );
0472: }
0473: }
0475: // get project name
0476: Element element = (Element) project.Fils[j].Noeud;
0477: if (element.getAttribute(WORKFLOW_PROCESS_ID)
0478: .equalsIgnoreCase(id)) {
0479: String projectName = element
0480: .getAttribute(WORKFLOW_PROCESS_NAME);
0481: String projectId = element
0482: .getAttribute(WORKFLOW_PROCESS_ID);
0484: if (!projectExist(projectName,
0485: projectVersion)) {
0486: if (!(projectName.equalsIgnoreCase(""))) {
0487: // addSubProcessDefinition(completeTree,projectName);
0488: //Trace
0489: System.out
0490: .println("*** Start of Workflow Process creation (used as subprocess): "
0491: + projectName
0492: .toUpperCase());
0493: createProject(project.Fils[j],
0494: projectName,
0495: projectVersion, projectId,
0496: root, xpdlData);
0497: //Trace
0498: System.out
0499: .println("*** End of Workflow Process creation : "
0500: + projectName
0501: .toUpperCase());
0502: }
0503: }
0504: return (projectName);
0505: }
0506: }
0507: }
0508: }
0509: }
0510: return null;
0511: }
0513: /*
0514: * Create the Bonita Project with all Workflow Process definitions
0515: * This is the heart method of this file that call :
0516: * - obtainActivitySet, obtainCreateActivity, obtain transition
0517: * - obtainCreateActivity, obtainActivityData
0518: */
0519: private void createProject(BonitaTree project, String projectName,
0520: String projectVersion, String projectId, BonitaTree root,
0521: Hashtable xpdlData) throws XPDLException {
0522: // create and init project Bean object
0523: ProjectSessionLocal p = null;
0524: try {
0525: pHome = (ProjectSessionLocalHome) hero.interfaces.ProjectSessionUtil
0526: .getLocalHome();
0527: } catch (NamingException na) {
0528: throw new XPDLException(na.getMessage(), na);
0529: }
0530: try {
0531: p = pHome.create();
0532: } catch (javax.ejb.CreateException cr) {
0533: throw new XPDLException(cr.getMessage(), cr);
0534: }
0535: try {
0536: if (projectVersion == null) {
0537: p.initModel(projectName);
0538: xpdlData.put("projNameWithVersion", projectName + "."
0539: + EventConstants.DEFAULTPROJECTVERSION);
0540: //this.projNameWithVersion = projectName + "." + EventConstants.DEFAULTPROJECTVERSION ;
0541: } else {
0542: p.initModelWithVersion(projectName, projectVersion);
0543: xpdlData.put("projNameWithVersion", projectName + "."
0544: + projectVersion);
0545: //this.projNameWithVersion = projectName + "." + projectVersion;
0546: }
0547: } catch (HeroException he) {
0548: throw new XPDLException(he.getMessage(), he);
0549: }
0551: // Get Participants , Applications, DataFields defined into the WorkFlow Process
0552: obtainParticipant(getNode(project, PARTICIPANTS), projectName,
0553: xpdlData);
0554: obtainApplication(getNode(project, APPLICATIONS), projectName,
0555: xpdlData);
0556: obtainDataField(getNode(project, DATAFIELDS), projectName,
0557: xpdlData);
0559: // Add properties to Bonita project with obtained datafields
0560: createProcessProperties(p, xpdlData);
0562: // Get hooks defined as external attributes into the Workflow Process
0563: XPDLWFProcess xpdlWFProcess = new XPDLWFProcess();
0564: xpdlWFProcess.setName(projectName);
0566: // set the hashtable for process
0567: Hashtable wfProcessMapping = (Hashtable) xpdlData
0568: .get("wfProcessMapping");
0569: wfProcessMapping.put(projectId, xpdlWFProcess);
0571: // Obtain the process hooks
0572: //xpdlWFProcess = obtainProcessHook(getFilsNode (project, EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTES), xpdlWFProcess);
0573: if (project != null) {
0574: BonitaTree extAttrs = null;
0575: BonitaTree extAttr = null;
0577: // List childs of WFProcess BonitaTree to search EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTES element
0578: for (int j = 0; j < project.NbFils; j++) {
0580: if ((project.Fils[j].Noeud.getNodeName())
0581: .equalsIgnoreCase(EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTES)) {
0582: extAttrs = project.Fils[j];
0583: for (int i = 0; i < extAttrs.NbFils; i++) {
0584: extAttr = extAttrs.Fils[i];
0585: if ((extAttr.Noeud.getNodeName())
0586: .equalsIgnoreCase(EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTE)) {
0587: // detect if it's a hook
0588: Element element = (Element) extAttr.Noeud;
0589: if (element
0590: .getAttribute(
0592: .equalsIgnoreCase(
0594: // Obtain the hook if it exists from ExtAttr Bonita tree
0595: XPDLHook xpdlHook = new XPDLHook();
0596: obtainProcessHook(extAttr,
0597: xpdlWFProcess, xpdlHook);
0598: }
0599: // detect if it's an Initiator Mapper
0600: else if (element
0601: .getAttribute(
0603: .equalsIgnoreCase(
0605: // Obtain the hook if it exists from ExtAttr Bonita tree
0606: XPDLInitiatorMapper xpdlInitiatorMapper = new XPDLInitiatorMapper();
0607: obtainInitiatorMapper(extAttr,
0608: xpdlWFProcess,
0609: xpdlInitiatorMapper);
0610: }
0612: }
0613: }
0614: }
0615: }
0616: }
0618: // Add hook to Bonita project
0619: try {
0620: addProcessHook2(project, projectName, p, xpdlWFProcess);
0621: } catch (HeroException he) {
0622: throw new XPDLException(he.getMessage(), he);
0623: }
0625: // Add Initiator Mapper to Bonita project
0626: try {
0627: addProcessInitiatorMapper(project, projectName, p,
0628: xpdlWFProcess);
0629: } catch (HeroException he) {
0630: throw new XPDLException(he.getMessage(), he);
0631: }
0633: // Get activitySet
0634: boolean hasActivitySet = obtainActivitySet(getNode(project,
0635: ACTIVITYSETS), p, xpdlData);
0636: if (hasActivitySet) {
0637: for (int k = 0; k < project.NbFils; k++) // Create activities located out of an activityset
0638: {
0639: if ((project.Fils[k].Noeud.getNodeName())
0640: .equalsIgnoreCase(ACTIVITIES))
0641: obtainCreateActivity(getNode(project.Fils[k],
0642: ACTIVITIES), p, root, xpdlData);
0643: else if ((project.Fils[k].Noeud.getNodeName())
0644: .equalsIgnoreCase(TRANSITIONS))
0645: obtainTransition(getNode(project.Fils[k],
0646: TRANSITIONS), p, false, null, xpdlData);
0647: }
0648: } else // This workflow process does not have activitySets
0649: // Get and add : Activities & Transitions
0650: {
0651: obtainCreateActivity(getNode(project, ACTIVITIES), p, root,
0652: xpdlData);
0653: obtainTransition(getNode(project, TRANSITIONS), p, false,
0654: null, xpdlData);
0655: }
0656: // add iteration
0657: Hashtable actMapping = (Hashtable) xpdlData.get("actMapping");
0658: Object[] tab = actMapping.keySet().toArray();
0660: for (int k = 0; k < tab.length; k++) {
0661: XPDLActivity xpdlActivity = (XPDLActivity) actMapping
0662: .get(tab[k]);
0664: if (xpdlActivity.getIteration().size() != 0) {
0665: try {
0666: Hashtable iteration = (Hashtable) xpdlActivity
0667: .getIteration();
0668: Object[] tabIteration = iteration.keySet()
0669: .toArray();
0670: for (int ite = 0; ite < tabIteration.length; ite++) {
0671: p.addIteration(xpdlActivity.getName(),
0672: tabIteration[ite].toString(),
0673: (String) iteration
0674: .get(tabIteration[ite]));
0675: }
0676: //p.addIteration(xpdlActivity.getName(), xpdlActivity.getIterationTo(), xpdlActivity.getIterationCondition());
0677: } catch (HeroException he) {
0678: throw new XPDLException(
0679: "Error setting iteration On activity = "
0680: + xpdlActivity.getName()
0681: + he.getMessage(), he);
0682: }
0683: }
0684: }
0686: }
0688: /*
0689: * Create properties for Bonita project
0690: * defined in the Workflow Process or in the Package
0691: */
0692: private void createProcessProperties(ProjectSessionLocal p,
0693: Hashtable xpdlData) throws XPDLException {
0694: String projectName = null;
0695: try {
0696: projectName = p.getName();
0697: } catch (HeroException he) {
0698: throw new XPDLException(he.getMessage(), he);
0699: }
0700: //Debug
0701: //System.out.println("createProcessProperties");
0702: //Modif Form Ed: Collection co = dataFieldMapping.values();
0703: //System.out.println("*****> nb values = " + co.size());
0704: //Modif Form Ed: Iterator it = co.iterator();
0705: //Modif Form Ed: get the order of the key in dataFieldMapping
0706: ArrayList array_dataFieldKey = (ArrayList) xpdlData
0707: .get("array_dataFieldKey");
0708: Iterator it = array_dataFieldKey.iterator();
0710: while (it.hasNext()) {
0711: //XPDLDataField xpdlDataField = (XPDLDataField)it.next();
0712: String key = (String) it.next();
0713: Hashtable dataFieldMapping = (Hashtable) xpdlData
0714: .get("dataFieldMapping");
0715: XPDLDataField xpdlDataField = (XPDLDataField) dataFieldMapping
0716: .get(key);
0718: // check the datafield definition level is package or the WFProcess
0719: String projectTarget = xpdlDataField.getProjectName();
0721: //Debug
0722: //System.out.println("createProcessProperties: xpdlDataField.getProjectName() = " + projectTarget);
0724: if (projectTarget.equals(projectName)
0725: || projectTarget.equals(PACKAGE_LEVEL)) {
0726: // check if the boolean PropertyActivity is false (not datafields for activities)
0727: if (!xpdlDataField.getPropertyActivity()) {
0728: // STRING Basic Type
0729: if (BASICTYPE.equalsIgnoreCase(xpdlDataField
0730: .getDataType())) {
0731: if ("String".equalsIgnoreCase(xpdlDataField
0732: .getBasicType())) {
0733: try {
0734: p
0735: .setProperty(
0736: xpdlDataField.getName(),
0737: xpdlDataField
0738: .getInitialValue());
0739: } catch (HeroException he) {
0740: throw new XPDLException(
0741: he.getMessage(), he);
0742: }
0743: }
0744: }
0746: // For Enumeration type
0747: if (ENUMERATIONTYPE.equalsIgnoreCase(xpdlDataField
0748: .getDataType())) {
0749: ArrayList ar = xpdlDataField.getEnumeration();
0750: ArrayList values = new ArrayList();
0751: Iterator it2 = ar.iterator();
0752: while (it2.hasNext()) {
0753: String val = (String) it2.next();
0754: values.add(val);
0755: }
0756: //Debug
0757: //System.out.println("createProcessProperties: create property Name = " + xpdlDataField.getName() + " Value = " + xpdlDataField.getInitialValue());
0758: try {
0759: p.setPropertyPossibleValues(xpdlDataField
0760: .getName(), values);
0761: if (!"".equals(xpdlDataField
0762: .getInitialValue()))
0763: p
0764: .setProperty(
0765: xpdlDataField.getName(),
0766: xpdlDataField
0767: .getInitialValue());
0768: } catch (HeroException he) {
0769: throw new XPDLException(
0770: "Error setting the initial value of: "
0771: + xpdlDataField.getName()
0772: + " " + he.getMessage(),
0773: he);
0774: }
0775: }
0776: }
0777: }
0778: }
0779: }
0781: /*
0782: * Add Initiator Mapper to Bonita project if it exists in the Workflow Process definition
0783: */
0784: private void addProcessInitiatorMapper(BonitaTree tree,
0785: String projectName, ProjectSessionLocal p,
0786: XPDLWFProcess xpdlWFProcess) throws HeroException {
0787: if (xpdlWFProcess.getInitiatorMapper() != null) {
0788: XPDLInitiatorMapper xpdlInitiatorMapper = xpdlWFProcess
0789: .getInitiatorMapper();
0790: String s_initType = xpdlInitiatorMapper
0791: .getInitiatorMapperType();
0792: int i_initType = 0;
0794: .equalsIgnoreCase(s_initType))
0795: i_initType = 0;
0797: .equalsIgnoreCase(s_initType))
0798: i_initType = 1;
0799: p.addInitiatorMapper(xpdlInitiatorMapper
0800: .getInitiatorMapperName(), i_initType);
0801: }
0802: }
0804: /*
0805: * Add Process hook to Bonita project if it exists in the Workflow Process definition
0806: * Same hook events as Node hooks
0807: * replaced by the addProcessHook2 (When introduction of OnInstantiate event hook)
0808: */
0809: private void addProcessHook(BonitaTree tree, String projectName,
0810: ProjectSessionLocal p, XPDLWFProcess xpdlWFProcess)
0811: throws HeroException {
0812: ArrayList ar = xpdlWFProcess.getXpdlHook();
0813: Iterator it_phook = ar.iterator();
0814: String hookName = "";
0815: while (it_phook.hasNext()) {
0816: XPDLHook xpdlHook = (XPDLHook) it_phook.next();
0817: hookName = xpdlHook.getHookName();
0818: if (!"".equals(hookName)) {
0819: //debug
0820: //System.out.println(">>> Add Hook: Name = " + hookName + " EventName = " + xpdlHook.getHookEventName() + " Script = " + xpdlHook.getHookScript());
0822: String hookEventName = "";
0823: String hookEvent = "";
0825: if (!"".equals(xpdlHook.getHookEventName())) {
0826: hookEventName = xpdlHook.getHookEventName();
0828: if (Nd.BEFORESTART.equalsIgnoreCase(hookEventName))
0829: hookEvent = Nd.BEFORESTART;
0830: else if (Nd.AFTERSTART
0831: .equalsIgnoreCase(hookEventName))
0832: hookEvent = Nd.AFTERSTART;
0833: else if (Nd.BEFORETERMINATE
0834: .equalsIgnoreCase(hookEventName))
0835: hookEvent = Nd.BEFORETERMINATE;
0836: else if (Nd.AFTERTERMINATE
0837: .equalsIgnoreCase(hookEventName))
0838: hookEvent = Nd.AFTERTERMINATE;
0839: else if (Nd.ONCANCEL
0840: .equalsIgnoreCase(hookEventName))
0841: hookEvent = Nd.ONCANCEL;
0842: else if (Nd.ONREADY.equalsIgnoreCase(hookEventName))
0843: hookEvent = Nd.ONREADY;
0844: else
0845: throw new HeroException(
0846: "Syntax Error in Extended Attribut with Name = hook - "
0847: + hookEventName
0848: + " is Unknown hookEvent");
0849: }
0851: // By default AFTERSTART if the ext. attribute has not the complex type
0852: // <HookEventName> afterStart </HookEventName>
0854: else {
0855: hookEvent = Nd.AFTERSTART;
0856: }
0857: if ("".equals(xpdlHook.getHookScript())) {
0858: // javaHook with by default HookType = Constants.Hook.JAVA
0859: p.addHook(hookName, hookEvent, Hook.JAVA);
0860: //debug
0861: //System.out.println("Set JAVA Hook for Project : Name = " + xpdlWFProcess.getName() + " Hook Name = " + hookName + " Event = " + hookEvent );
0862: } else {
0863: // interHook with by default HookType = Constants.Hook.BSINTERACTIVE
0864: String hookScript = "";
0865: hookScript = xpdlHook.getHookScript();
0867: String script = "import hero.interfaces.BnProjectLocal;\n"
0868: + "import hero.interfaces.BnNodeLocal;\n"
0869: //+ "afterStart (Object b,Object n) {\n\n\n"
0870: + hookEvent
0871: + " (Object b,Object n) {\n\n\n"
0872: //+ "System.out.println(\"InteractiveBnNodee Hook test, node: \"+n.getName());"
0873: + hookScript + "}";
0874: p.addInterHook(hookName, hookEvent,
0875: Hook.BSINTERACTIVE, script);
0876: //debug
0877: //System.out.println("Set INTER Hook for Project : Name = " + xpdlWFProcess.getName() + " Hook Name = " + hookName
0878: // + " Event = " + hookEvent + " Script = \n" + script);
0879: }
0880: } else
0881: throw new HeroException("A hook within the project = "
0882: + projectName);
0883: }
0884: }
0886: /*
0887: * Add Process hook to Bonita project if it exists in the Workflow Process definition
0888: * Replace addProcessHook when introduction of OnInstantiate event hook
0889: */
0890: private void addProcessHook2(BonitaTree tree, String projectName,
0891: ProjectSessionLocal p, XPDLWFProcess xpdlWFProcess)
0892: throws HeroException {
0893: ArrayList ar = xpdlWFProcess.getXpdlHook();
0894: Iterator it_phook = ar.iterator();
0895: String hookName = "";
0896: while (it_phook.hasNext()) {
0897: XPDLHook xpdlHook = (XPDLHook) it_phook.next();
0898: hookName = xpdlHook.getHookName();
0899: if (!"".equals(hookName)) {
0900: //debug
0901: //System.out.println(">>> Add Hook: Name = " + hookName + " EventName = " + xpdlHook.getHookEventName() + " Script = " + xpdlHook.getHookScript());
0903: String hookEventName = "";
0904: String hookEvent = "";
0906: if (!"".equals(xpdlHook.getHookEventName())) {
0907: hookEventName = xpdlHook.getHookEventName();
0910: .equalsIgnoreCase(hookEventName)) {
0911: hookEvent = Pj.ONINSTANTIATE;
0912: //javaHook with by default HookType = Constants.Hook.JAVA
0913: p.addHook(hookName, hookEvent, Hook.JAVA);
0914: // debug
0915: //System.out.println("Set JAVA Hook for Project : Name = " + xpdlWFProcess.getName() + " Hook Name = " + hookName + " Event = " + hookEvent );
0916: }
0918: else
0919: throw new HeroException(
0920: "Syntax Error in Extended Attribut onto Hook Process - "
0921: + hookEventName
0922: + " is Unknown hookEvent"
0923: + " within project = "
0924: + projectName);
0925: }
0927: // By default AFTERSTART if the ext. attribute has not the complex type
0928: // <HookEventName> afterStart </HookEventName>
0930: else {
0931: throw new HeroException(
0932: "Missing Process Hook Event within the project = "
0933: + projectName);
0934: }
0936: } else
0937: throw new HeroException(
0938: "Missing Process Hook Name within the project = "
0939: + projectName);
0940: }
0941: }
0943: /*
0944: * Obtain definition for Participants, Applications, DataFields
0945: * NO MORE USED !
0946: */
0947: private void addSubProcessDefinition(BonitaTree root,
0948: String projectName, Hashtable xpdlData) throws Exception {
0949: try {
0950: pHome = (ProjectSessionLocalHome) hero.interfaces.ProjectSessionUtil
0951: .getLocalHome();
0952: } catch (NamingException be) {
0953: throw new HeroException(be.getMessage(), be);
0954: }
0955: ProjectSessionLocal p = pHome.create();
0956: p.initModel(projectName);
0957: obtainParticipant(getNode(root, PARTICIPANTS), projectName,
0958: xpdlData);
0959: obtainApplication(getNode(root, APPLICATIONS), projectName,
0960: xpdlData);
0962: //debug
0963: //System.out.println("****!!! Calling obtainDataField in addSubProcessDefinition - projectName = " + projectName );
0965: obtainDataField(getNode(root, DATAFIELDS), projectName,
0966: xpdlData);
0967: }
0969: /*
0970: * Get activity Set definitions
0971: */
0972: private boolean obtainActivitySet(BonitaTree a,
0973: ProjectSessionLocal p, Hashtable xpdlData)
0974: throws XPDLException {
0975: boolean hasActivitySet = false;
0976: if (a != null) {
0977: if ((a.Noeud.getNodeName()).equalsIgnoreCase(ACTIVITYSETS)) {
0978: hasActivitySet = true;
0979: // For every existing ActivitySet
0980: for (int j = 0; j < a.NbFils; j++) {
0981: if ((a.Fils[j].Noeud.getNodeName())
0982: .equalsIgnoreCase(ACTIVITYSET)) {
0983: Element actSet = (Element) a.Fils[j].Noeud;
0984: obtainCreateActivity(getNode(a.Fils[j],
0985: ACTIVITIES), p, a, xpdlData);
0986: // the search of the first and last activity of the activitySet is performed in obtainTransition()
0987: // Then boolean is set to true and activitySet Id is provided to the method
0988: obtainTransition(
0989: getNode(a.Fils[j], TRANSITIONS), p,
0990: true, actSet
0991: .getAttribute(ACTIVITYSETID),
0992: xpdlData);
0993: }
0994: }
0995: }
0996: }
0997: return hasActivitySet;
0998: }
1000: /*
1001: * Search for the first element with the given name
1002: * according a deep search algo
1003: */
1004: private BonitaTree getNode(BonitaTree A, String name) {
1005: if (A.Noeud.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(name))
1006: return A;
1007: if (A.NbFils > 0) {
1008: BonitaTree ReturnArbre = null;
1009: for (int i = 0; i < A.NbFils; i++) {
1010: ReturnArbre = getNode(A.Fils[i], name);
1011: if (ReturnArbre != null)
1012: return ReturnArbre;
1013: }
1014: }
1015: return null;
1016: }
1018: /*
1019: * Search for child element under the given tree
1020: *
1021: */
1022: private BonitaTree getFilsNode(BonitaTree A, String name) {
1023: if (A.Noeud.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(name))
1024: return A;
1025: if (A.NbFils > 0) {
1026: BonitaTree ReturnArbre = null;
1027: for (int i = 0; i < A.NbFils; i++) {
1028: if (A.Fils[i].Noeud.getNodeName()
1029: .equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
1030: return (A.Fils[i]);
1031: }
1032: }
1033: }
1034: return null;
1035: }
1037: private boolean projectExist(String projName, String projVersion) {
1038: try {
1039: BnProjectLocalHome pHome = (BnProjectLocalHome) hero.interfaces.BnProjectUtil
1040: .getLocalHome();
1041: // take care of the version
1042: pHome.findByNameVersion(projName, projVersion);
1043: } catch (Exception be) {
1044: return false;
1045: }
1046: return true;
1047: }
1049: /**
1050: * printHashTables
1051: * Utility method set in the bean interface in order to get debug info
1052: *
1053: * @ejb.permission unchecked="yes"
1054: * @ejb:interface-method view-type="both"
1055: * @ejb:transaction type="Required"
1056: *
1057: **/
1059: public void printHashTables(Hashtable xpdlData)
1060: throws XPDLException {
1061: /* For debug , print data of hash tables
1062: *
1063: * actMapping
1064: * activitySetMapping
1065: * partMapping
1066: * appliMapping
1067: */
1069: System.out.println("");
1070: System.out
1071: .println("*-------- Debug informations ---------------------------");
1073: // PROCESS
1074: System.out
1075: .println("**** Hashtable for workflow Process: wfProcessMapping");
1076: //TODO
1077: Hashtable wfProcessMapping = (Hashtable) xpdlData
1078: .get("wfProcessMapping");
1079: Object[] tab = wfProcessMapping.keySet().toArray();
1080: for (int k = 0; k < tab.length; k++) {
1081: System.out.print(" - " + tab[k].toString());
1082: XPDLWFProcess xpdlWFProcess = (XPDLWFProcess) wfProcessMapping
1083: .get(tab[k]);
1084: // process name
1085: System.out.println(" " + xpdlWFProcess.getName());
1086: // process hooks
1087: ArrayList ar = xpdlWFProcess.getXpdlHook();
1088: Iterator it_phook = ar.iterator();
1089: while (it_phook.hasNext()) {
1090: XPDLHook xpdlHook = (XPDLHook) it_phook.next();
1091: System.out.println(" Hook: Name = "
1092: + xpdlHook.getHookName() + " EventName = "
1093: + xpdlHook.getHookEventName() + " Script = "
1094: + xpdlHook.getHookScript());
1095: }
1096: // process initiator mapper
1097: XPDLInitiatorMapper xpdlInitiatorMapper = xpdlWFProcess
1098: .getInitiatorMapper();
1099: if (xpdlInitiatorMapper != null) {
1100: System.out.println(" Initiator Mapper: Type = "
1101: + xpdlInitiatorMapper.getInitiatorMapperType()
1102: + " Name = "
1103: + xpdlInitiatorMapper.getInitiatorMapperName());
1104: System.out.println("");
1105: }
1106: }
1108: // ACTIVITY
1109: System.out.println("**** HashMap for activities: actMapping");
1110: //TODO
1111: Hashtable actMapping = (Hashtable) xpdlData.get("actMapping");
1112: tab = actMapping.keySet().toArray();
1113: for (int k = 0; k < tab.length; k++) {
1114: System.out.print(" - Id=" + tab[k].toString());
1115: //System.out.println(" " +(String)actMapping.get(tab[k]));
1116: XPDLActivity xpdlActivity = (XPDLActivity) actMapping
1117: .get(tab[k]);
1118: // performer
1119: String performer = xpdlActivity.getPerformer();
1120: if ("".equals(performer))
1121: performer = "InitialRole";
1122: System.out.println(" Name = " + xpdlActivity.getName()
1123: + " Performer = " + performer);
1124: // implementation
1125: String implementation = xpdlActivity.getImplementation();
1126: if ("".equals(implementation)) {
1127: System.out.println(" Name = "
1128: + xpdlActivity.getName()
1129: + " Implementation = " + implementation);
1130: }
1131: // subflow version (if subflow implementation)
1132: String subFlowVersion = xpdlActivity.getSubFlowVersion();
1133: if ("".equals(subFlowVersion)) {
1134: System.out.println(" Name = "
1135: + xpdlActivity.getName()
1136: + " SubFlowVersion = " + subFlowVersion);
1137: }
1138: // Performer Assignment
1139: if (!"".equals(xpdlActivity.getPerformerAssignName())) {
1140: System.out
1141: .println(" . Performer Assignment: Name = "
1142: + xpdlActivity.getPerformerAssignName()
1143: + " Type = "
1144: + xpdlActivity.getPerformerAssignType()
1145: + " Property = "
1146: + xpdlActivity
1147: .getPerformerAssignProperty());
1148: }
1149: // array of properties and propagations
1150: if (!xpdlActivity.getProperties().isEmpty()) {
1151: Iterator it_proper = xpdlActivity.getProperties()
1152: .iterator();
1153: Iterator it_propag = xpdlActivity.getPropagations()
1154: .iterator();
1155: while (it_proper.hasNext() && it_propag.hasNext()) {
1156: System.out.print(" . Property: Name = "
1157: + (String) it_proper.next());
1158: boolean b_propagation = ((Boolean) it_propag.next())
1159: .booleanValue();
1160: if (b_propagation)
1161: System.out.println(" propagation = Yes ");
1162: else
1163: System.out.println(" propagation = No ");
1164: }
1166: }
1167: // Hooks
1168: ArrayList ar = xpdlActivity.getXpdlHook();
1169: Iterator it_ahook = ar.iterator();
1170: while (it_ahook.hasNext()) {
1171: XPDLHook xpdlHook = (XPDLHook) it_ahook.next();
1172: System.out.println(" . Hook: Name = "
1173: + xpdlHook.getHookName() + " EventName = "
1174: + xpdlHook.getHookEventName() + " Script = "
1175: + xpdlHook.getHookScript());
1176: }
1177: // Relative Deadlines
1178: ArrayList ar_dl = xpdlActivity.getRelativeTimeDeadline();
1179: if (ar_dl.size() != 0) {
1180: Iterator it_dl = ar_dl.iterator();
1181: while (it_dl.hasNext()) {
1182: Long condition = (Long) it_dl.next();
1183: System.out.println(" . Relative Deadline : "
1184: + condition.longValue());
1185: }
1186: }
1187: // Fixed Deadlines
1188: ar_dl = xpdlActivity.getFixedTimeDeadline();
1189: if (ar_dl.size() != 0) {
1190: Iterator it_dl = ar_dl.iterator();
1191: while (it_dl.hasNext()) {
1192: Long condition = (Long) it_dl.next();
1193: System.out.println(" . Fixed Deadline : "
1194: + condition.longValue());
1195: }
1196: }
1197: // ActualParameters
1198: ArrayList ar_ap = xpdlActivity.getActualParameter();
1199: if (ar_ap.size() != 0) {
1200: Iterator it_ap = ar_ap.iterator();
1201: while (it_ap.hasNext()) {
1202: String actualParameter = (String) it_ap.next();
1203: System.out.println(" . ActualParameter : "
1204: + actualParameter);
1205: }
1206: }
1207: // Iteration
1208: // old iteration printing
1209: /*
1210: String iteration = xpdlActivity.getIterationName();
1211: if ( !"".equals(iteration) ) {
1212: System.out.println(" Iteration Name = " + xpdlActivity.getName());
1213: //System.out.println(" Activity Name (From) = " + xpdlActivity.getName());
1214: System.out.println(" Iteration condition = " + xpdlActivity.getIterationCondition());
1215: System.out.println(" Iteration To = " + xpdlActivity.getIterationTo());
1216: }
1217: */
1218: // new iteration printing
1219: if (xpdlActivity.getIteration().size() != 0) {
1221: Hashtable iteration = (Hashtable) xpdlActivity
1222: .getIteration();
1223: Object[] tabIteration = iteration.keySet().toArray();
1224: for (int ite = 0; ite < tabIteration.length; ite++) {
1225: System.out.println(" Iteration To = "
1226: + tabIteration[ite].toString());
1227: System.out
1228: .println(" Iteration condition = "
1229: + (String) iteration
1230: .get(tabIteration[ite]));
1231: }
1232: }
1233: }
1235: // ActivitySet
1236: System.out.println("");
1237: System.out
1238: .println("**** Hashtable for activity Set: activitySetMapping");
1239: //TODO
1240: Hashtable activitySetMapping = (Hashtable) xpdlData
1241: .get("activitySetMapping");
1242: tab = activitySetMapping.keySet().toArray();
1243: for (int y = 0; y < tab.length; y++) {
1244: System.out.print(" - " + tab[y].toString());
1245: System.out.println(" "
1246: + (String) activitySetMapping.get(tab[y]));
1247: }
1249: // Transitions
1250: System.out.println("");
1251: System.out
1252: .println("**** Hashtable for transition: transitionMapping");
1253: //TODO
1254: Hashtable transitionMapping = (Hashtable) xpdlData
1255: .get("transitionMapping");
1256: tab = transitionMapping.keySet().toArray();
1257: for (int y = 0; y < tab.length; y++) {
1258: //id
1259: System.out.print(" - " + tab[y].toString());
1260: // name, to, from, condition
1261: XPDLTransition xpdlTransition = (XPDLTransition) transitionMapping
1262: .get(tab[y]);
1263: System.out.println(" From = "
1264: + xpdlTransition.getFrom() + " To = "
1265: + xpdlTransition.getTo());
1266: System.out.println(" Name= "
1267: + xpdlTransition.getName() + " condition = "
1268: + xpdlTransition.getCondition());
1269: }
1271: // Participants
1272: System.out.println("");
1273: System.out
1274: .println("**** Hashtable for participant: partMapping");
1275: // TODO
1276: Hashtable partMapping = (Hashtable) xpdlData.get("partMapping");
1277: tab = partMapping.keySet().toArray();
1278: for (int y = 0; y < tab.length; y++) {
1279: System.out.print(" - " + tab[y].toString());
1280: XPDLParticipant xpdlPart = (XPDLParticipant) partMapping
1281: .get(tab[y]);
1282: System.out.println(" Name= " + xpdlPart.getName()
1283: + " Type= " + xpdlPart.getType() + " RoleMapper= "
1284: + xpdlPart.getMapperName() + " RoleMapperType= "
1285: + xpdlPart.getMapperType());
1286: System.out
1287: .println(" For ProjectName (or all project) = "
1288: + xpdlPart.getProjectName());
1289: }
1291: // Applications
1292: System.out.println("");
1293: System.out
1294: .println("**** Hashtable for Applications: appliMapping");
1295: // TODO
1296: Hashtable appliMapping = (Hashtable) xpdlData
1297: .get("appliMapping");
1298: tab = appliMapping.keySet().toArray();
1299: for (int y = 0; y < tab.length; y++) {
1300: //application id
1301: System.out.print(" - " + tab[y].toString());
1302: XPDLApplication xpdlAppli = (XPDLApplication) appliMapping
1303: .get(tab[y]);
1304: // application name
1305: System.out.println(" Name= " + xpdlAppli.getName());
1306: // level package or project
1307: System.out
1308: .println(" For ProjectName (or all project) = "
1309: + xpdlAppli.getProjectName());
1310: // formal parameters set in hash table (key = Index, value = Id of the formal param)
1311: ArrayList formalParams = xpdlAppli.getFormalParam();
1312: if (!formalParams.isEmpty()) {
1313: System.out.println(" FormalParameters :");
1314: Iterator it_fp = formalParams.iterator();
1315: while (it_fp.hasNext()) {
1316: XPDLFormalParameter xpdlFormalParam = (XPDLFormalParameter) it_fp
1317: .next();
1318: System.out.print(" Id = "
1319: + xpdlFormalParam.getId());
1320: System.out.print("\t\tIndex = "
1321: + xpdlFormalParam.getIndex());
1322: System.out.println("\tMode = "
1323: + xpdlFormalParam.getMode());
1324: }
1325: }
1326: }
1328: // DataFields
1329: System.out
1330: .println("**** Hashtable for DataField: dataFieldMapping");
1331: // TODO
1332: Hashtable dataFieldMapping = (Hashtable) xpdlData
1333: .get("dataFieldMapping");
1334: tab = dataFieldMapping.keySet().toArray();
1335: for (int y = 0; y < tab.length; y++) {
1336: System.out.println(" - " + tab[y].toString());
1337: XPDLDataField xpdlDataField = (XPDLDataField) dataFieldMapping
1338: .get(tab[y]);
1339: System.out.println(" Name= " + xpdlDataField.getName()
1340: + " DataType = " + xpdlDataField.getDataType()
1341: + " BasicType = " + xpdlDataField.getBasicType()
1342: + " InitialValue = "
1343: + xpdlDataField.getInitialValue());
1344: if (xpdlDataField.getPropertyActivity())
1345: System.out
1346: .println(" Property for activity = true");
1347: else
1348: System.out
1349: .println(" Property for activity = false");
1350: System.out
1351: .println(" For ProjectName(or all project) = "
1352: + xpdlDataField.getProjectName());
1353: if ("EnumerationType".equals(xpdlDataField.getDataType())) {
1354: ArrayList ar_df = xpdlDataField.getEnumeration();
1355: Iterator it2 = ar_df.iterator();
1356: System.out.println(" Enumeration values:");
1357: while (it2.hasNext()) {
1358: String val = (String) it2.next();
1359: System.out.println(" . " + val);
1360: }
1361: }
1362: }
1363: }
1365: /*
1366: * Internal utility method used for dev.
1367: */
1368: private void printDomTree(BonitaTree Arb) {
1369: int i = 0;
1370: String type;
1371: switch (Arb.Noeud.getNodeType()) {
1372: case Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE:
1373: type = "attribut";
1374: break;
1375: case Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE:
1376: type = "CDATA";
1377: break;
1378: case Node.COMMENT_NODE:
1379: type = "comment";
1380: break;
1382: type = "document fragment";
1383: break;
1384: case Node.DOCUMENT_NODE:
1385: type = "document";
1386: break;
1387: case Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE:
1388: type = "document type";
1389: break;
1390: case Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
1391: type = "node";
1392: if (Arb.Noeud.hasAttributes()) {
1393: int length = Arb.Noeud.getAttributes().getLength();
1394: Attr attributes[] = new Attr[length];
1396: for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) {
1397: attributes[j] = (Attr) Arb.Noeud.getAttributes()
1398: .item(j);
1399: System.out
1400: .println("*************** Attr Name="
1401: + attributes[j].getNodeName());
1402: System.out
1403: .println("*************** Attr Value="
1404: + attributes[j].getNodeValue());
1405: System.out
1406: .println("----------------------------------------------------------");
1407: }
1408: }
1409: break;
1410: case Node.ENTITY_NODE:
1411: type = "entity";
1412: break;
1414: type = "entity reference";
1415: break;
1416: case Node.NOTATION_NODE:
1417: type = "notation";
1418: break;
1420: type = "processing instruction";
1421: break;
1422: case Node.TEXT_NODE:
1423: type = "text";
1424: break;
1425: default:
1426: type = "none";
1427: }
1428: System.out.println("type : " + type);
1429: System.out.println("noeud name : " + Arb.Noeud.getNodeName());
1430: System.out.println("value : " + Arb.Noeud.getNodeValue());
1432: System.out.println("Nb Fils = " + Arb.NbFils);
1434: if (Arb.NbFils > 0) {
1435: i = 0;
1436: while (i < Arb.NbFils) {
1437: printDomTree(Arb.Fils[i++]);
1438: }
1439: }
1440: }
1442: /*
1443: * To obtain the participant attribut definition
1444: * - Name
1445: * - Id
1446: */
1448: private void obtainParticipant(BonitaTree tree, String projectName,
1449: Hashtable xpdlData) throws XPDLException {
1450: if (tree != null) {
1451: if ((tree.Noeud.getNodeName())
1452: .equalsIgnoreCase(PARTICIPANTS)) {
1453: for (int j = 0; j < tree.NbFils; j++) {
1454: if ((tree.Fils[j].Noeud.getNodeName())
1455: .equalsIgnoreCase(PARTICIPANT)) {
1456: XPDLParticipant xpdlPart = new XPDLParticipant();
1457: Element ele = (Element) tree.Fils[j].Noeud;
1458: //set the participant Id
1459: xpdlPart
1460: .setId(ele.getAttribute(PARTICIPANT_ID));
1462: //set the participant name
1463: if (!ele.getAttribute(PARTICIPANT_TYPE_TYPE)
1464: .equalsIgnoreCase(
1466: xpdlPart.setName(ele
1467: .getAttribute(PARTICIPANT_NAME));
1468: else {
1469: //partMapping.put(xpdlPart.getId(),"InitialRole");
1470: xpdlPart.setName("InitialRole");
1471: }
1472: //set the level (WFProcess or package) in which application is accessible : not needed !
1473: xpdlPart.setProjectName(projectName);
1475: // Put the XPDLParticipant Bean in the HashMap
1476: Hashtable partMapping = (Hashtable) xpdlData
1477: .get("partMapping");
1478: partMapping.put(xpdlPart.getId(), xpdlPart);
1480: if (!("".equalsIgnoreCase(xpdlPart.getName())))
1481: // get and add data for package participants
1482: obtainParticipantData(tree.Fils[j],
1483: xpdlPart);
1484: }
1485: }
1486: }
1487: }
1488: }
1490: /*
1491: * To obtain the applications attribut definition
1492: * - Name
1493: * - Id
1494: */
1496: private void obtainApplication(BonitaTree tree, String projectName,
1497: Hashtable xpdlData) throws XPDLException {
1498: if (tree != null) {
1499: if ((tree.Noeud.getNodeName())
1500: .equalsIgnoreCase(APPLICATIONS)) {
1501: for (int j = 0; j < tree.NbFils; j++) {
1502: if ((tree.Fils[j].Noeud.getNodeName())
1503: .equalsIgnoreCase(APPLICATION)) {
1504: XPDLApplication xpdlAppli = new XPDLApplication();
1505: Element ele = (Element) tree.Fils[j].Noeud;
1506: //set the application Id
1507: xpdlAppli.setId(ele
1508: .getAttribute(APPLICATION_ID));
1509: xpdlAppli.setName(ele
1510: .getAttribute(APPLICATION_NAME));
1512: //set the level (WFProcess or package) in which application is accessible : not needed
1513: xpdlAppli.setProjectName(projectName);
1515: // Put the XPDLApplication in the HashMap
1516: Hashtable appliMapping = (Hashtable) xpdlData
1517: .get("appliMapping");
1518: appliMapping.put(xpdlAppli.getId(), xpdlAppli);
1520: if (!"".equalsIgnoreCase(xpdlAppli.getName()))
1521: // get and add data for package Applications
1522: obtainApplicationData(tree.Fils[j],
1523: xpdlAppli);
1524: }
1525: }
1526: }
1527: }
1528: }
1530: /*
1531: * To obtain the datafields attribut definition
1532: * - Name
1533: * - Id
1534: */
1536: private void obtainDataField(BonitaTree tree, String projectName,
1537: Hashtable xpdlData) {
1538: if (tree != null) {
1539: if ((tree.Noeud.getNodeName()).equalsIgnoreCase(DATAFIELDS)) {
1540: for (int j = 0; j < tree.NbFils; j++) {
1541: if ((tree.Fils[j].Noeud.getNodeName())
1542: .equalsIgnoreCase(DATAFIELD)) {
1543: XPDLDataField xpdlDataField = new XPDLDataField();
1544: Element ele = (Element) tree.Fils[j].Noeud;
1545: //set the dataField: Id, name, projectName or PACKAGE_LEVEL
1546: xpdlDataField.setId(ele
1547: .getAttribute(DATAFIELD_ID));
1548: xpdlDataField.setName(ele
1549: .getAttribute(DATAFIELD_NAME));
1551: //set the level (WFProcess or package) in which application is accessible
1552: if ("".equals(xpdlDataField.getProjectName()))
1553: xpdlDataField.setProjectName(projectName);
1554: //debug
1555: //System.out.println("****!!!**** In obtainDataField - projectName = " + projectName + " datafield Name = " + xpdlDataField.getName());
1557: // Put the XPDLApplication in the HashMap
1558: //TODO
1559: Hashtable dataFieldMapping = (Hashtable) xpdlData
1560: .get("dataFieldMapping");
1561: dataFieldMapping.put(xpdlDataField.getId(),
1562: xpdlDataField);
1563: // Add the key in an ArrayList to get the same order as it is expected in the Form Ed.
1564: //TODO
1565: ArrayList array_dataFieldKey = (ArrayList) xpdlData
1566: .get("array_dataFieldKey");
1567: array_dataFieldKey.add(xpdlDataField.getId());
1569: if (!"".equalsIgnoreCase(xpdlDataField
1570: .getName()))
1571: // get and add data for package Applications
1572: obtainDataFieldData(tree.Fils[j],
1573: xpdlDataField);
1574: }
1575: }
1576: }
1577: }
1578: }
1580: /*
1581: * To obtain participants definition:
1582: * - TYPE
1584: * (But does not create role ou user in workflowProcess (this is done in activity when performer)
1585: */
1586: private void obtainParticipantData(BonitaTree n,
1587: XPDLParticipant xpdlPart) throws XPDLException {
1588: int type = n.Noeud.getNodeType();
1589: switch (type) {
1590: case Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE:
1591: break;
1593: case Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
1594: if (n.Noeud.getNodeName()
1595: .equalsIgnoreCase(PARTICIPANT_TYPE)) {
1597: Element ele = (Element) n.Noeud;
1598: //TYPE of participant
1599: xpdlPart.setType(ele
1600: .getAttribute(PARTICIPANT_TYPE_TYPE));
1601: }
1603: // EXTENDED ATTRIBUTES on paticipant for RoleMappers and for support to JaWE connexion to LDAP
1604: if (n.Noeud.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(
1606: for (int j = 0; j < n.NbFils; j++) {
1607: if ((n.Fils[j].Noeud.getNodeName())
1608: .equalsIgnoreCase(EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTE)) {
1609: Element ele = (Element) n.Fils[j].Noeud;
1610: if (ele.getAttribute(EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTE_NAME)
1611: .equalsIgnoreCase(
1613: // construct the name of the mapper based on the roleName
1614: String mapperName = "mapper"
1615: .concat(xpdlPart.getName());
1616: xpdlPart.setMapperName(mapperName);
1617: // LDAP
1618: if (ele
1619: .getAttribute(
1621: .equalsIgnoreCase(
1623: xpdlPart
1626: else if (ele
1627: .getAttribute(
1629: .equalsIgnoreCase(
1631: xpdlPart
1633: // CUSTOM
1634: else if (ele
1635: .getAttribute(
1637: .equalsIgnoreCase(
1639: xpdlPart
1641: }
1642: // Classname is required for the CUSTOM Mapper (No Error raised if this extended attribute is not set !!!!
1643: // TBD !!
1644: if (ele
1645: .getAttribute(EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTE_NAME)
1646: .equalsIgnoreCase(
1648: xpdlPart
1649: .setMapperClassName(ele
1650: .getAttribute(EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE));
1651: // The mapper name is also the name of the Mapper class
1652: xpdlPart
1653: .setMapperName(ele
1654: .getAttribute(EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE));
1655: }
1656: //Extended attributs supporting JaWE connexion to Ldap
1657: if (ele.getAttribute(EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTE_NAME)
1658: .equalsIgnoreCase(
1660: // Only Human type Partricipant needs to get uid from Dn (not Role type)
1662: .equalsIgnoreCase(xpdlPart
1663: .getType())) {
1664: //get uid providing the DN to the BnLdap Bean
1665: BnLdapHome ldapHome = null;
1666: BnLdap bnLdap = null;
1667: String uid = "";
1668: try {
1669: ldapHome = BnLdapUtil.getHome();
1670: } catch (NamingException na) {
1671: throw new XPDLException(
1672: "Error creating BnLdap Home : "
1673: + na.getMessage(),
1674: na);
1675: }
1676: try {
1677: bnLdap = ldapHome.create();
1678: } catch (Exception e) {
1679: throw new XPDLException(
1680: "Error creating BnLdap : "
1681: + e.getMessage(), e);
1682: }
1683: try {
1684: uid = bnLdap
1685: .getUserIdFromPartialDn(ele
1686: .getAttribute(EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE));
1687: } catch (Exception e) {
1688: throw new XPDLException(
1689: "Error getting uid with BnLdap Bean : "
1690: + e.getMessage(), e);
1691: }
1692: //replacing the participant full name by the got uid
1693: xpdlPart.setName(uid);
1694: }
1696: }
1697: }
1698: }
1699: }
1701: break;
1702: case Node.TEXT_NODE:
1703: if ((n.Noeud.getNodeName())
1704: .equalsIgnoreCase(PARTICIPANT_DESCRIPTION))
1705: xpdlPart.setDescription(n.Noeud.getNodeValue());
1706: break;
1708: default:
1709: break;
1710: }
1712: for (int k = 0; k < n.NbFils; k++) {
1713: obtainParticipantData(n.Fils[k], xpdlPart);
1714: }
1715: //return xpdlPart;
1716: }
1718: /*
1719: * Get activity definition and create the Bonita nodes with all components (deadlins, hooks, ....)
1720: */
1721: private void obtainCreateActivity(BonitaTree a,
1722: ProjectSessionLocal p, BonitaTree root, Hashtable xpdlData)
1723: throws XPDLException {
1725: if (a != null) {
1726: BonitaTree activity_type = null;
1727: String Sub_Id;
1728: if ((a.Noeud.getNodeName()).equalsIgnoreCase(ACTIVITIES)) {
1729: for (int i = 0; i < a.NbFils; i++) {
1730: if ((a.Fils[i].Noeud.getNodeName())
1731: .equalsIgnoreCase(ACTIVITY)) {
1732: XPDLActivity xpdlAct = new XPDLActivity();
1733: Element element = (Element) a.Fils[i].Noeud;
1734: // set Id and Name of the activity in xpdlAct Bean
1735: xpdlAct
1736: .setId(element
1737: .getAttribute(ACTIVITY_ID));
1738: xpdlAct.setName(element
1739: .getAttribute(ACTIVITY_NAME));
1741: // store xpdlAct Bean in a global hashtable (to be used for addNode, addedge , .....)
1742: //TODO
1743: Hashtable actMapping = (Hashtable) xpdlData
1744: .get("actMapping");
1745: actMapping.put(element
1746: .getAttribute(ACTIVITY_ID), xpdlAct);
1748: //*****************
1749: // SUBFLOW Activity
1750: //*****************
1751: if ((activity_type = getNode(a.Fils[i],
1753: String projectName = null;
1754: String defaultProjectName = null;
1755: String projectId = null;
1756: String projectVersion = null;
1757: xpdlAct
1758: .setImplementation(IMPLEMENTATION_SUBFLOW);
1759: Element element2 = (Element) activity_type.Noeud;
1760: defaultProjectName = element2
1761: .getAttribute(SUBFLOW_ID);
1762: /* get the process name :
1763: * - either in the wfProcessMapping if it has been already found in an defined external package
1764: * (xpdl generated by other tools than proed and imported with bonita ant target:
1765: * ant import-xpdl -Duser=xxx -Dpasswd=yyy -Dxpdl=<xpdl full path>)
1766: * - or in the extended attribute from xpdl/proed
1767: * <ExtendedAttribute Name="SubFlowName" Value="My Subflow" />
1768: * By default projectName = projectId if it has not been found thru the 2 previous cases
1769: */
1771: // search if the subflow exists in the defined external package
1772: projectId = element2
1773: .getAttribute(SUBFLOW_ID);
1774: //TODO
1775: Hashtable wfProcessMapping = (Hashtable) xpdlData
1776: .get("wfProcessMapping");
1777: XPDLWFProcess xpdlWFProcess = (XPDLWFProcess) wfProcessMapping
1778: .get(projectId);
1779: if (xpdlWFProcess != null) {
1780: projectName = xpdlWFProcess.getName();
1781: }
1782: // search if the name is defined in an extended attribut
1783: else {
1784: xpdlAct = obtainSubFlowName(a.Fils[i],
1785: xpdlAct);
1786: projectName = xpdlAct.getSubFlowName();
1787: }
1788: if ("".equals(projectName)) {
1789: projectName = defaultProjectName;
1790: }
1792: // Search for sub-process definition inside this package and then create it
1793: // With actual designer (proed), the definition of the sub-process is never in the same package
1794: // as the main process (decision to be not full xpdl compliant with proed)
1795: // But keep this fonction in the import code if this changes in the FUTUR
1796: /*
1797: * projectName = getCreateSubProject(Sub_Id,root);
1798: */
1800: // Get subflow version specified within an extended attribut
1801: xpdlAct = obtainSubFlowVersion(a.Fils[i],
1802: xpdlAct);
1803: projectVersion = xpdlAct
1804: .getSubFlowVersion();
1805: //debug
1806: //System.out.println(" ******** SubFlowversion = " + projectVersion);
1807: if (projectName != null
1808: && projectVersion != null) {
1809: if (projectExist(projectName,
1810: projectVersion)) {
1812: //get all the XPDL elements of this activity
1813: xpdlAct = obtainActivityData(
1814: a.Fils[i], p, xpdlAct,
1815: xpdlData);
1816: //debug
1817: //System.out.println("Adding subflow : xpdlAct.getName() = " + xpdlAct.getName() + " projectName = " + projectName);
1818: //if (projectName != null)
1819: try {
1820: p.addNodeSubProcess(xpdlAct
1821: .getName(),
1822: projectName,
1823: projectVersion);
1824: } catch (HeroException he) {
1825: he.printStackTrace();
1826: throw new XPDLException(
1827: "Error adding SubProcess Node "
1828: + he
1829: .getMessage()
1830: + " ", he);
1831: }
1832: /*
1833: else {
1834: // case projectName == null
1835: try {
1836: if (xpdlAct.getJoin().equalsIgnoreCase(MODE_TYPE_XOR))
1837: p.addNode(xpdlAct.getName(), Nd.OR_JOIN_AUTOMATIC_NODE);
1838: else p.addNode(xpdlAct.getName(), Nd.OR_JOIN_AUTOMATIC_NODE);
1840: //Set node non anticipable
1841: p.setNodeTraditional(xpdlAct.getName());
1842: } catch (HeroException he) {
1843: throw new XPDLException("Error adding SubProcess Node with projectName == null " + he.getMessage() + " ", he);
1844: }
1845: }
1846: */
1847: }// end project exist
1848: else {
1849: // project has not been found in the engine database
1850: // project is not searched into the the current or external packages !!
1851: throw new XPDLException(
1852: "Error : the process = "
1853: + projectName
1854: + " with version = "
1855: + projectVersion
1856: + " used as sub process has not been found in the Workflow engine database");
1857: }
1858: }
1859: // projectName or projectVersion is null
1860: else {
1861: throw new XPDLException(
1862: "Error: Wrong SubProcess Id syntax");
1863: }
1865: }
1867: //***************************
1868: // NO implementation Activity
1869: //***************************
1870: else if ((activity_type = getNode(a.Fils[i],
1871: IMPLEMENTATION_NO)) != null) {
1872: // get all the XPDL elements of this activity
1873: xpdlAct = obtainActivityData(a.Fils[i], p,
1874: xpdlAct, xpdlData);
1875: xpdlAct
1876: .setImplementation(IMPLEMENTATION_NO);
1878: try {
1879: if (xpdlAct.getMode().equalsIgnoreCase(
1880: MANUAL)) {
1881: if (xpdlAct.getJoin()
1882: .equalsIgnoreCase(
1884: p.addNode(xpdlAct.getName(),
1885: Nd.OR_JOIN_NODE);
1886: else
1887: p.addNode(xpdlAct.getName(),
1888: Nd.AND_JOIN_NODE);
1889: } else if (xpdlAct.getMode()
1890: .equalsIgnoreCase(AUTOMATIC)) {
1891: if (xpdlAct.getJoin()
1892: .equalsIgnoreCase(
1894: p
1895: .addNode(
1896: xpdlAct
1897: .getName(),
1899: else
1900: p
1901: .addNode(
1902: xpdlAct
1903: .getName(),
1905: }
1906: // Set node non anticipable
1907: p.setNodeTraditional(xpdlAct.getName());
1909: } catch (HeroException he) {
1910: throw new XPDLException(
1911: he.getMessage(), he);
1912: }
1913: /*
1914: * Extended Bonita properties within activity
1915: */
1917: //debug
1918: //System.out.println("Set the properties for Activity: " + xpdlAct.getName());
1919: /* properties ListArray contains id of the datafield (key of the Hashtable)
1920: * A remplacer par la création de l'un de ces type
1921: */
1922: if (!xpdlAct.getProperties().isEmpty()) {
1923: // get also the collection the propagation
1924: //debug
1925: //System.out.println(" xpdlAct.getProperties() is not empty");
1926: ArrayList ar_properties = xpdlAct
1927: .getProperties();
1929: //get also the collection the propagation
1930: ArrayList ar_propagations = xpdlAct
1931: .getPropagations();
1932: Iterator it_propagate = ar_propagations
1933: .iterator();
1935: Iterator it_prop = ar_properties
1936: .iterator();
1937: while (it_prop.hasNext()
1938: && it_propagate.hasNext()) {
1939: // get the datafield with the Id
1940: //TODO
1941: Hashtable dataFieldMapping = (Hashtable) xpdlData
1942: .get("dataFieldMapping");
1943: XPDLDataField xpdlDataField = (XPDLDataField) dataFieldMapping
1944: .get(it_prop.next());
1946: // get the propagation value: true or false
1947: boolean b_propagation = ((Boolean) it_propagate
1948: .next()).booleanValue();
1950: // STRING
1951: if (BASICTYPE
1952: .equalsIgnoreCase(xpdlDataField
1953: .getDataType())) {
1954: if ("String"
1955: .equalsIgnoreCase(xpdlDataField
1956: .getBasicType())) {
1957: try {
1958: p
1959: .setNodeProperty(
1960: xpdlAct
1961: .getName(),
1962: xpdlDataField
1963: .getName(),
1964: xpdlDataField
1965: .getInitialValue(),
1966: b_propagation);
1967: } catch (HeroException he) {
1968: throw new XPDLException(
1969: he.getMessage(),
1970: he);
1971: }
1972: }
1973: }
1976: .equalsIgnoreCase(xpdlDataField
1977: .getDataType())) {
1978: ArrayList ar = xpdlDataField
1979: .getEnumeration();
1980: ArrayList values = new ArrayList();
1981: Iterator it2 = ar.iterator();
1982: while (it2.hasNext()) {
1983: String val = (String) it2
1984: .next();
1985: values.add(val);
1986: }
1987: //Debug
1988: //System.out.println("createNodeProperties: create property Name = " + xpdlDataField.getName() + " Value = " + xpdlDataField.getInitialValue());
1989: //set the enum property
1990: try {
1991: p
1992: .setNodePropertyPossibleValues(
1993: xpdlAct
1994: .getName(),
1995: xpdlDataField
1996: .getName(),
1997: values);
1998: if (!""
1999: .equals(xpdlDataField
2000: .getInitialValue()))
2001: p
2002: .setNodeProperty(
2003: xpdlAct
2004: .getName(),
2005: xpdlDataField
2006: .getName(),
2007: xpdlDataField
2008: .getInitialValue(),
2009: b_propagation);
2010: } catch (HeroException he) {
2011: throw new XPDLException(
2012: "Error setting the initial value of: "
2013: + xpdlDataField
2014: .getName()
2015: + " "
2016: + he
2017: .getMessage(),
2018: he);
2019: }
2020: }
2021: }
2022: }
2024: /* >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
2025: * >>>>> DEADLINES <<<<<
2026: * <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
2027: */
2029: if (xpdlAct.getDeadline()) {
2030: // conditions could be either relative time: in milliseconds (ex.: 60000)
2031: // or fixed time: yy/MM/dd/hh/mm/ss (ex. 2005/01/21/14/00/00)
2032: // Separate the 2 types of deadlines into 2 separate arraylists
2033: ArrayList condition = xpdlAct
2034: .getDeadlineCondition();
2035: String regex = "/";
2036: Iterator it = condition.iterator();
2037: String[] tab;
2038: while (it.hasNext()) {
2039: String cond = (String) it.next();
2040: tab = cond.split(regex);
2041: if (tab.length > 1) {
2042: int year = (new Integer(tab[0]))
2043: .intValue();
2044: int month = (new Integer(tab[1]))
2045: .intValue();
2046: int date = (new Integer(tab[2]))
2047: .intValue();
2048: int hour = (new Integer(tab[3]))
2049: .intValue();
2050: int minute = (new Integer(
2051: tab[4])).intValue();
2052: int second = (new Integer(
2053: tab[5])).intValue();
2055: GregorianCalendar gc = new GregorianCalendar(
2056: year, month, date,
2057: hour, minute, second);
2058: long t = gc.getTimeInMillis();
2059: String time_s = (new Long(t))
2060: .toString();
2061: xpdlAct
2062: .setFixedTimeDeadline(time_s);
2063: //debug
2064: //System.out.println("Set Fixed time deadline with time = " + time_s );
2065: } else if (tab.length == 1) {
2066: xpdlAct
2067: .setRelativeTimeDeadline(cond);
2069: //System.out.println("Set Relative deadline with time = " + cond);
2070: } else {
2071: //debug
2072: //System.out.println("the following deadline condition is not correct: " + cond);
2073: // raise exception ??
2074: }
2075: }
2076: try {
2077: // set Node relative deadline if it exists
2078: ArrayList fixedTimeDeadlines = xpdlAct
2079: .getFixedTimeDeadline();
2080: p.setNodeDeadlines(xpdlAct
2081: .getName(),
2082: fixedTimeDeadlines);
2083: // set Node fixed deadline if it exists
2084: ArrayList relativeTimeDeadlines = xpdlAct
2085: .getRelativeTimeDeadline();
2086: p.setNodeRelativeDeadlines(xpdlAct
2087: .getName(),
2088: relativeTimeDeadlines);
2090: //add Node Hook
2091: String exception = xpdlAct
2092: .getExceptionName();
2093: // Not used at now ArrayList execution = xpdlAct.getDeadlineExecution();
2094: p
2095: .addNodeHook(
2096: xpdlAct.getName(),
2097: exception,
2098: hero.interfaces.Constants.Nd.ONDEADLINE,
2099: Hook.JAVA);
2100: } catch (HeroException he) {
2101: throw new XPDLException(he
2102: .getMessage(), he);
2103: }
2104: } // end deadlines
2106: /* >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
2107: * >>>>> HOOK <<<<<
2108: * <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
2109: */
2111: ArrayList ar = xpdlAct.getXpdlHook();
2112: Iterator it_phook = ar.iterator();
2113: String hookName = "";
2114: XPDLHook xpdlHook = null;
2115: while (it_phook.hasNext()) {
2116: xpdlHook = (XPDLHook) it_phook.next();
2117: hookName = xpdlHook.getHookName();
2118: if (!"".equals(hookName)) {
2119: //debug
2120: //System.out.println(">>> Add Hook to activity : " + xpdlAct.getName() + " HookName = " + hookName + " EventName = " + xpdlHook.getHookEventName() + " Script = " + xpdlHook.getHookScript());
2122: String hookEventName = "";
2123: String hookEvent = "";
2125: if (!"".equals(xpdlHook
2126: .getHookEventName())) {
2127: hookEventName = xpdlHook
2128: .getHookEventName();
2130: if (Nd.BEFORESTART
2131: .equalsIgnoreCase(hookEventName))
2132: hookEvent = Nd.BEFORESTART;
2133: else if (Nd.AFTERSTART
2134: .equalsIgnoreCase(hookEventName))
2135: hookEvent = Nd.AFTERSTART;
2136: else if (Nd.BEFORETERMINATE
2137: .equalsIgnoreCase(hookEventName))
2138: hookEvent = Nd.BEFORETERMINATE;
2139: else if (Nd.AFTERTERMINATE
2140: .equalsIgnoreCase(hookEventName))
2141: hookEvent = Nd.AFTERTERMINATE;
2142: else if (Nd.ONCANCEL
2143: .equalsIgnoreCase(hookEventName))
2144: hookEvent = Nd.ONCANCEL;
2145: else if (Nd.ONREADY
2146: .equalsIgnoreCase(hookEventName))
2147: hookEvent = Nd.ONREADY;
2148: else
2149: throw new XPDLException(
2150: "Syntax Error in Extended Attribut with Name = hook - "
2151: + hookEventName
2152: + " is Unknown hookEvent");
2153: }
2155: // By default AFTERSTART if the ext. attribute has not the complex type
2156: // <HookEventName> afterStart </HookEventName>
2158: else {
2159: hookEvent = Nd.AFTERSTART;
2160: }
2162: if ("".equals(xpdlHook
2163: .getHookScript())) {
2164: // javaHook with by default HookType = Constants.Hook.JAVA
2165: try {
2166: p
2167: .addNodeHook(
2168: xpdlAct
2169: .getName(),
2170: xpdlHook
2171: .getHookName(),
2172: hookEventName,
2173: Hook.JAVA);
2174: } catch (HeroException he) {
2175: throw new XPDLException(he
2176: .getMessage(), he);
2177: }
2178: //debug
2179: //System.out.println("Set JAVA Hook for Activity : Name = " + xpdlAct.getName() + " Hook Name = " + xpdlHook.getHookName() + " Event = " + hookEventName );
2180: } else {
2181: // interHook with by default HookType = Constants.Hook.BSINTERACTIVE
2182: String hookScript = "";
2183: hookScript = xpdlHook
2184: .getHookScript();
2186: String script = "import hero.interfaces.BnProjectLocal;\n"
2187: + "import hero.interfaces.BnNodeLocal;\n"
2188: //+ "afterStart (Object b,Object n) {\n\n\n"
2189: + hookEventName
2190: + " (Object b,Object n) {\n\n\n"
2191: //+ "System.out.println(\"InteractiveBnNodee Hook test, node: \"+n.getName());"
2192: + hookScript + "}";
2193: try {
2194: p
2195: .addNodeInterHook(
2196: xpdlAct
2197: .getName(),
2198: xpdlHook
2199: .getHookName(),
2200: hookEventName,
2202: script);
2203: } catch (HeroException he) {
2204: throw new XPDLException(he
2205: .getMessage(), he);
2206: }
2207: //debug
2208: //System.out.println("Set INTER Hook for Activity : Name = " + xpdlAct.getName() + " Hook Name = " + xpdlHook.getHookName()
2209: // + " Event = " + hookEventName + " Script = \n" + script);
2210: }
2211: } // end if
2212: else
2213: throw new XPDLException(
2214: "A Hook for activity : "
2215: + xpdlAct.getName()
2216: + " does not have HookName!");
2218: } //end while
2220: /* >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
2221: * >>>>> PERFORMER ASSIGNMENT <<<<<
2222: * <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
2223: */
2224: if (!"".equals(xpdlAct
2225: .getPerformerAssignName())) {
2226: String perfAssignType = xpdlAct
2227: .getPerformerAssignType();
2228: int pAType = PerformerAssigment.CALLBACK;
2229: //debug
2230: //System.out.println("obtainCreateActivity: perfAssignType = " + perfAssignType );
2232: if (perfAssignType
2233: .equalsIgnoreCase(PERFORMER_ASSIGN_PROPERTY))
2234: pAType = PerformerAssigment.PROPERTIES;
2235: else if (perfAssignType
2236: .equalsIgnoreCase(PERFORMER_ASSIGN_CALLBACK))
2237: pAType = PerformerAssigment.CALLBACK;
2238: //debug
2239: //System.out.println("obtainCreateActivity/addNodePerformerAssign : name = " + xpdlAct.getPerformerAssignName() + " type = "
2240: // + pAType + " property = " + xpdlAct.getPerformerAssignProperty());
2241: try {
2242: p
2243: .addNodePerformerAssign(
2244: xpdlAct.getName(),
2245: xpdlAct
2246: .getPerformerAssignName(),
2247: pAType,
2248: xpdlAct
2249: .getPerformerAssignProperty());
2250: } catch (HeroException he) {
2251: throw new XPDLException(he
2252: .getMessage(), he);
2253: }
2254: }
2256: } // end NO
2258: //*****************
2259: // TOOL Activity
2260: //*****************
2261: else if ((activity_type = getNode(a.Fils[i],
2262: TOOL)) != null) {
2263: Element tool = (Element) activity_type.Noeud;
2264: String appId = tool
2265: .getAttribute(APPLICATION_ID);
2267: //get all the XPDL elements of this activity (and specifically: application Id, Actual to formal mapping)
2268: xpdlAct = obtainActivityData(a.Fils[i], p,
2269: xpdlAct, xpdlData);
2270: xpdlAct
2271: .setImplementation(IMPLEMENTATION_TOOL);
2273: try {
2274: if (xpdlAct.getJoin().equalsIgnoreCase(
2276: p.addNode(xpdlAct.getName(),
2278: else
2279: p.addNode(xpdlAct.getName(),
2282: // Set node non anticipable
2283: p.setNodeTraditional(xpdlAct.getName());
2284: } catch (HeroException he) {
2285: throw new XPDLException(
2286: he.getMessage(), he);
2287: }
2288: //TODO
2289: Hashtable appliMapping = (Hashtable) xpdlData
2290: .get("appliMapping");
2291: XPDLApplication xpdlAppli = (XPDLApplication) appliMapping
2292: .get(appId);
2293: /*
2294: * check the Application definition level is package or the given WFProcess
2295: */
2296: String projectTarget = xpdlAppli
2297: .getProjectName();
2299: String applicationId = xpdlAppli.getId();
2300: String applicationNameMethode = xpdlAppli
2301: .getName();
2302: // get the application class by removing ".methode" from applicationNameMethode
2303: int index = 1;
2304: //Get applicationName from applicationNameMethode
2305: String applicationName = "";
2306: String[] tab;
2307: tab = applicationNameMethode.split("\\.");
2308: //debug
2309: //System.out.println("Java static methode : " + applicationNameMethode);
2310: for (int j = 0; j < tab.length - 1; j++) {
2311: //debug
2312: //System.out.println("tab[" + j + "]= " + tab[j] );
2313: if (j != tab.length - 2)
2314: applicationName = applicationName
2315: + tab[j] + ".";
2316: else
2317: applicationName = applicationName
2318: + tab[j];
2319: }
2321: //Get ActualParameters values and build the signature of the application with the these values
2322: ArrayList ar_ap = xpdlAct
2323: .getActualParameter();
2324: String signature = "";
2325: int nb = 0;
2326: String actualParameterValue = null;
2327: if (ar_ap.size() != 0) {
2328: Iterator it_ap = ar_ap.iterator();
2329: BnProjectPropertyValue bnProjectPropertyValue = null;
2330: while (it_ap.hasNext()) {
2331: String actualParameterId = (String) it_ap
2332: .next();
2333: //System.out.println(" . ActualParameter : " + actualParameter);
2334: // actual parameter Name
2335: //TODO
2336: Hashtable dataFieldMapping = (Hashtable) xpdlData
2337: .get("dataFieldMapping");
2338: XPDLDataField xpdlDataFieldActualParam = (XPDLDataField) dataFieldMapping
2339: .get(actualParameterId);
2340: String actualParameterName = xpdlDataFieldActualParam
2341: .getName();
2342: //debug
2343: //System.out.println("ObtainCreateActivity : actualParameterName = " + actualParameterName);
2345: try {
2346: bnProjectPropertyValue = p
2347: .getProperty(actualParameterName);
2348: } catch (HeroException he) {
2349: throw new XPDLException(
2350: "Error getting bnNodePropertyValue: "
2351: + he
2352: .getMessage(),
2353: he);
2354: }
2355: try {
2356: actualParameterValue = bnProjectPropertyValue
2357: .getTheValue();
2358: } catch (Exception e) {
2359: throw new XPDLException(
2360: "Error getting actualParameterValue for : "
2361: + actualParameterName
2362: + " "
2363: + e
2364: .getMessage(),
2365: e);
2366: }
2367: // Construct the signature of the application with the values of actualParameters
2368: // ex. of signature got: "toto.titi@bull.net","essai","ceci est un essai"
2369: // We have done the hypothesis:
2370: // - no check on dataType => risks at execution time
2371: // - the order of the formal parameters is the same as the actual one :
2372: // This is implicitly done by JaWE in the mapping screen
2373: // The Index , Id for Formal parameters has no role !!!
2374: // - We do not check the mode which is implicitly IN !!
2375: if (nb == ar_ap.size() - 1)
2376: signature = signature + "\""
2377: + actualParameterValue
2378: + "\"";
2379: else {
2380: signature = signature + "\""
2381: + actualParameterValue
2382: + "\"" + ",";
2383: nb++;
2384: }
2385: }
2386: //debug
2387: //System.out.println("ObtainCreateActivity: application signature = " + signature );
2389: }
2391: String script = "import hero.interfaces.*;\n"
2392: + "import hero.interfaces.BnNodeLocal;\n"
2393: + "beforeTerminate (Object b,Object n) {\n"
2394: + "import "
2395: + applicationName
2396: + ";\n";
2398: // debug
2399: //script = script + "System.out.println(\"interactive hook executed !!!\");\n";
2401: script = script + applicationNameMethode
2402: + "(" + signature + ");}";
2403: try {
2404: p.addNodeInterHook(xpdlAct.getName(),
2405: "Hook_" + appId,
2407: Hook.BSINTERACTIVE, script);
2408: } catch (HeroException he) {
2409: throw new XPDLException(
2410: he.getMessage(), he);
2411: }
2413: //debug
2414: // System.out.println("Set Tool for activity = " + xpdlAct.getName() + " InterHookName = Hook_" + appId);
2415: }
2417: //*****************
2418: // ROUTE Activity
2419: //*****************
2420: else if ((activity_type = getNode(a.Fils[i],
2421: ROUTE)) != null) {
2422: //get all the XPDL elements of this activity
2423: xpdlAct = obtainActivityData(a.Fils[i], p,
2424: xpdlAct, xpdlData);
2425: try {
2426: if (xpdlAct.getJoin().equalsIgnoreCase(
2428: p.addNode(xpdlAct.getName(),
2430: else
2431: p.addNode(xpdlAct.getName(),
2434: // Set node non anticipable
2435: p.setNodeTraditional(xpdlAct.getName());
2436: } catch (HeroException he) {
2437: throw new XPDLException(
2438: he.getMessage(), he);
2439: }
2440: }
2442: //*****************
2443: // BLOCK Activity
2444: //*****************
2446: else if ((activity_type = getNode(a.Fils[i],
2447: BLOCK)) != null) {
2448: try {
2449: Element ele = (Element) activity_type.Noeud;
2450: String blockId = ele
2451: .getAttribute(BLOCK_ID);
2453: //get all the XPDL elements of this activity
2454: xpdlAct = obtainActivityData(a.Fils[i],
2455: p, xpdlAct, xpdlData);
2457: if (xpdlAct.getMode().equalsIgnoreCase(
2458: MANUAL)) {
2459: if (xpdlAct.getJoin()
2460: .equalsIgnoreCase(
2462: p.addNode(xpdlAct.getName(),
2463: Nd.OR_JOIN_NODE);
2464: else
2465: p.addNode(xpdlAct.getName(),
2466: Nd.AND_JOIN_NODE);
2467: } else if (xpdlAct.getMode()
2468: .equalsIgnoreCase(AUTOMATIC)) {
2469: if (xpdlAct.getJoin()
2470: .equalsIgnoreCase(
2472: p
2473: .addNode(
2474: xpdlAct
2475: .getName(),
2477: else
2478: p
2479: .addNode(
2480: xpdlAct
2481: .getName(),
2483: }
2484: // Set node non anticipable
2485: p.setNodeTraditional(xpdlAct.getName());
2487: connectBlock(xpdlAct.getName(),
2488: blockId, p, xpdlData);
2489: } catch (HeroException he) {
2490: throw new XPDLException(
2491: he.getMessage(), he);
2492: }
2493: }
2494: //****************************************
2495: // Other attributs for all activity types:
2496: // - description
2497: // - performer & role mapper
2498: // - iteration
2499: //****************************************
2501: // ******* set the description of the activity *********
2502: //p.setNodeDescription((String)actMapping.get(xpdlAct.getId()), xpdlAct.getDescription());
2503: try {
2504: p.setNodeDescription(xpdlAct.getName(),
2505: xpdlAct.getDescription());
2506: } catch (HeroException he) {
2507: throw new XPDLException(he.getMessage(), he);
2508: }
2510: // set the PERFORMER of the activity if it exists
2511: String participant_type = null;
2512: if (!("".equalsIgnoreCase(xpdlAct
2513: .getPerformer()))) {
2514: //try {
2515: //get XPDLParticipant Bean with the Id
2516: //TODO
2517: Hashtable partMapping = (Hashtable) xpdlData
2518: .get("partMapping");
2519: XPDLParticipant xpdlPart = (XPDLParticipant) partMapping
2520: .get(xpdlAct.getPerformer());
2521: // Get the participant type
2522: if (xpdlPart != null) {
2523: participant_type = xpdlPart.getType();
2524: } else {
2525: throw new XPDLException(
2526: "Error: participant definition not defined for the performer = "
2527: + xpdlAct
2528: .getPerformer());
2529: }
2531: // performer == HUMAN => add user to the project
2532: // This will be also an role that will be added to the activity
2533: if (participant_type
2534: .equalsIgnoreCase(PARTICIPANT_TYPE_HUMAN)) {
2535: // test if the user already exists in the project
2536: try {
2537: Collection co = p.getUsers();
2538: Iterator it = co.iterator();
2539: ArrayList ar = new ArrayList();
2540: while (it.hasNext()) {
2541: //BnUserLocal user = (BnUserLocal)it.next();
2542: String userName = (String) it
2543: .next();
2544: //ar.add(user.getName());
2545: ar.add(userName);
2546: }
2548: if (!ar
2549: .contains(xpdlPart
2550: .getName())) {
2551: p.addUser(xpdlPart.getName());
2552: }
2553: } catch (HeroException he) {
2554: throw new XPDLException(he
2555: .getMessage(), he);
2556: }
2557: }
2559: // performer == (ROLE || OU)
2560: else if (participant_type
2561: .equalsIgnoreCase(PARTICIPANT_TYPE_ROLE)
2562: || participant_type
2564: try {
2565: //test if the role already exists in the project
2566: Collection co = p.getRoles();
2567: Iterator it = co.iterator();
2568: ArrayList ar = new ArrayList();
2569: while (it.hasNext()) {
2570: BnRoleLocal role = (BnRoleLocal) it
2571: .next();
2572: ar.add(role.getName());
2573: }
2574: if (!ar
2575: .contains(xpdlPart
2576: .getName())) {
2577: p
2578: .addRole(
2579: xpdlPart
2580: .getName(),
2581: xpdlPart
2582: .getDescription());
2583: }
2584: } catch (HeroException he) {
2585: throw new XPDLException(he
2586: .getMessage(), he);
2587: }
2588: /*
2589: * adding role mapper if extended attributs for role mapping
2590: */
2591: if (!""
2592: .equals(xpdlPart
2593: .getMapperName())) {
2594: try {
2595: if (xpdlPart
2596: .getMapperType()
2597: .equalsIgnoreCase(
2599: p
2600: .addRoleMapper(
2601: xpdlPart
2602: .getName(),
2603: xpdlPart
2604: .getMapperName(),
2605: Mapper.LDAP);
2606: } else if (xpdlPart
2607: .getMapperType()
2608: .equalsIgnoreCase(
2610: p
2611: .addRoleMapper(
2612: xpdlPart
2613: .getName(),
2614: xpdlPart
2615: .getMapperName(),
2616: Mapper.PROPERTIES);
2617: } else if (xpdlPart
2618: .getMapperType()
2619: .equalsIgnoreCase(
2621: //in this case MapperClassName = MapperName
2622: p
2623: .addRoleMapper(
2624: xpdlPart
2625: .getName(),
2626: xpdlPart
2627: .getMapperName(),
2628: Mapper.CUSTOM);
2629: }
2630: } catch (HeroException he) {
2631: throw new XPDLException(
2632: "Error setting RoleMappper for Role = "
2633: + xpdlPart
2634: .getName()
2635: + " "
2636: + he
2637: .getMessage(),
2638: he);
2639: }
2640: }
2641: }
2642: // set the role for the Node (activity) except for the Role : InitialRole (case of performer type = SYSTEM)
2643: if (!participant_type
2644: .equalsIgnoreCase(PARTICIPANT_TYPE_SYSTEM)) {
2645: //debug
2646: //System.out.println("Set the role: " + xpdlPart.getName() + " to activity: " + xpdlAct.getName());
2647: try {
2648: //p.setNodeRole((String)actMapping.get(xpdlAct.getId()), xpdlPart.getName() );
2649: p.setNodeRole(xpdlAct.getName(),
2650: xpdlPart.getName());
2651: } catch (HeroException he) {
2652: throw new XPDLException(he
2653: .getMessage(), he);
2654: }
2655: }
2656: }// end set performer
2657: }
2658: }
2659: }
2660: }
2661: }
2663: /*
2664: * Connect Block Activity with its corresponding activity set
2665: */
2666: private void connectBlock(String name, String blockId,
2667: ProjectSessionLocal p, Hashtable xpdlData)
2668: throws HeroException {
2669: try {
2670: //TODO
2671: Hashtable activitySetMapping = (Hashtable) xpdlData
2672: .get("activitySetMapping");
2673: String block = (String) activitySetMapping.get(blockId);
2674: int index = block.indexOf(ACT_SET_MAP_SEPARATOR);
2675: String actLast = block.substring(0, index);
2676: String actFirst = block.substring(index
2678: // Transition between block activity and the first one of the activitySet
2679: p.addEdge(name, actFirst);
2680: // add iteration between the last activity of the activitySet and the BlockActivity
2681: p.addIteration(actLast, name, "false");
2682: } catch (HeroException he) {
2683: throw new HeroException("Error in connectBlock: "
2684: + he.getMessage(), he);
2685: }
2687: catch (Exception e) {
2688: throw new HeroException("Error in connectBlock: "
2689: + e.getMessage(), e);
2690: }
2691: }
2693: /*
2694: * Obtain attributes for Application:
2695: * - Formal parameters
2696: */
2697: private XPDLApplication obtainApplicationData(BonitaTree n,
2698: XPDLApplication xpdlAppli) throws XPDLException {
2700: int type = n.Noeud.getNodeType();
2701: switch (type) {
2702: case Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE:
2703: break;
2705: case Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
2706: if (n.Noeud.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(
2708: for (int j = 0; j < n.NbFils; j++) {
2709: if ((n.Fils[j].Noeud.getNodeName())
2710: .equalsIgnoreCase(FORMAL_PARAMETER)) {
2711: Element ele = (Element) n.Fils[j].Noeud;
2712: //set XPDLFormalParameter Bean into xpdlAppli Bean
2713: XPDLFormalParameter xpdlFormalParam = new XPDLFormalParameter();
2714: xpdlFormalParam.setId(ele
2715: .getAttribute(FORMAL_PARAMETER_ID));
2716: xpdlFormalParam.setIndex(ele
2717: .getAttribute(FORMAL_PARAMETER_INDEX));
2718: xpdlFormalParam.setMode(ele
2719: .getAttribute(FORMAL_PARAMETER_MODE));
2720: xpdlAppli.setFormalParam(xpdlFormalParam);
2721: }
2722: }
2723: }
2724: break;
2726: default:
2727: break;
2728: }
2730: for (int k = 0; k < n.NbFils; k++) {
2731: obtainApplicationData(n.Fils[k], xpdlAppli);
2732: }
2733: return xpdlAppli;
2734: }
2736: /*
2737: * Obtain attributes for DataField:
2738: * - dataType
2739: * - basicType
2740: * - initial value
2741: */
2742: private XPDLDataField obtainDataFieldData(BonitaTree n,
2743: XPDLDataField xpdlDataField) {
2744: int type = n.Noeud.getNodeType();
2745: switch (type) {
2746: case Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE:
2747: break;
2749: case Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
2750: // get BasicType of Type STRING
2751: if ((n.Noeud.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(BASICTYPE))) {
2752: xpdlDataField.setDataType(n.Noeud.getNodeName());
2753: Element ele = (Element) n.Noeud;
2754: xpdlDataField.setBasicType(ele
2755: .getAttribute(DATATYPE_TYPE));
2756: } else if ((n.Noeud.getNodeName()
2757: .equalsIgnoreCase(ENUMERATIONTYPE))) {
2758: // Get EnumerationType
2759: xpdlDataField.setDataType(n.Noeud.getNodeName());
2760: for (int j = 0; j < n.NbFils; j++) {
2761: if ((n.Fils[j].Noeud.getNodeName())
2762: .equalsIgnoreCase(ENUMERATIONVALUE)) {
2763: Element ele = (Element) n.Fils[j].Noeud;
2764: xpdlDataField.setEnumeration(ele
2765: .getAttribute(ENUMERATIONVALUENAME));
2766: }
2767: }
2768: } else if ((n.Noeud.getNodeName()
2769: .equalsIgnoreCase(EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTES))) {
2770: for (int j = 0; j < n.NbFils; j++) {
2771: if ((n.Fils[j].Noeud.getNodeName())
2772: .equalsIgnoreCase(EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTE)) {
2773: Element ele = (Element) n.Fils[j].Noeud;
2774: // set the boolean "propertyActivity" to true (means this property is reserved for activity)
2775: if (ele
2776: .getAttribute(EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTE_NAME)
2777: .equalsIgnoreCase(
2779: //debug
2780: //System.out.println("obtainDataFieldData: set activityproperty for property = " + xpdlDataField.getName() );
2781: xpdlDataField.setPropertyActivity();
2782: }
2783: }
2784: }
2785: }
2786: break;
2788: case Node.TEXT_NODE:
2789: // Get initial Value attribut
2790: if ((n.Noeud.getParentNode().getNodeName())
2791: .equalsIgnoreCase(INITIALVALUE)) {
2792: xpdlDataField.setInitialValue(n.Noeud.getNodeValue());
2794: }
2795: break;
2797: default:
2798: break;
2799: }
2801: for (int k = 0; k < n.NbFils; k++) {
2802: obtainDataFieldData(n.Fils[k], xpdlDataField);
2803: }
2804: return xpdlDataField;
2805: }
2807: /*
2808: * Get the hook if it exists from External Attribute Bonita tree
2809: * giving the xpdlWFProcess bean
2810: *
2811: */
2812: private XPDLWFProcess obtainProcessHook(BonitaTree n,
2813: XPDLWFProcess xpdlWFProcess, XPDLHook xpdlHook) {
2814: int type = n.Noeud.getNodeType();
2815: switch (type) {
2816: case Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE:
2817: break;
2818: case Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
2820: // EXTENDED ATTRIBUTE : Properties & Hooks
2821: if (n.Noeud.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(
2823: Element element = (Element) n.Noeud;
2824: // Ex. for Process HOOKS
2825: /*
2826: * based on :
2827: * <ExtendedAttribute
2828: * Name="hook" Value="hero.hook.TestHook">
2829: * </ExtendedAttribute>
2830: *
2831: * And optionaly other complexe type can be added:
2832: * <HookEventName>
2834: * </HookEventName>
2835: *
2836: * <HookScript>
2837: * System.out.println("interactive hook executed !!!");
2838: * </HookScript>
2839: *
2840: */
2841: if (element.getAttribute(EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTE_NAME)
2842: .equalsIgnoreCase(EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_HOOK)) {
2843: //xpdlHook = new XPDLHook();
2844: xpdlHook.setHookName(element
2845: .getAttribute(EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE));
2846: xpdlWFProcess.setXpdlHook(xpdlHook);
2847: //debug
2848: //System.out.println("obtainProcessHook: Bonita Project = " + xpdlWFProcess.getName() + " extended attribut Name = Hook Value = "
2849: // + xpdlHook.getHookName());
2850: }
2852: else if (element
2853: .getAttribute(EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTE_NAME)
2854: .equalsIgnoreCase(
2856: //xpdlHook = new XPDLHook();
2857: xpdlHook.setHookName(element
2858: .getAttribute(EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE));
2859: xpdlWFProcess.setXpdlHook(xpdlHook);
2861: //debug
2862: //System.out.println("obtainProcessHook: Bonita Project = " + xpdlWFProcess.getName() + " extended attribut Name = InitiatorMapper Value = "
2863: // + xpdlHook.getHookName());
2864: }
2866: }
2867: break;
2869: case Node.TEXT_NODE:
2870: // Hook Event Name
2871: if (n.Noeud.getParentNode().getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(
2873: xpdlHook.setHookEventName(n.Noeud.getNodeValue());
2874: //debug
2875: //System.out.println("obtainProcessHook: Bonita Project = " + xpdlWFProcess.getName() + " Hook EventName = " + xpdlHook.getHookEventName());
2876: }
2877: // Hook Script
2878: if (n.Noeud.getParentNode().getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(
2879: HOOKSCRIPT)) {
2880: xpdlHook.setHookScript(n.Noeud.getNodeValue());
2881: //debug
2882: //System.out.println("obtainProcessHook: Bonita Project = " + xpdlWFProcess.getName() + " Hook Script = \n" + xpdlHook.getHookScript());
2883: }
2884: break;
2886: default:
2887: break;
2888: }
2889: for (int i = 0; i < n.NbFils; i++) {
2890: obtainProcessHook(n.Fils[i], xpdlWFProcess, xpdlHook);
2891: }
2892: return xpdlWFProcess;
2893: }
2895: /*
2896: * Get the subflow version from External Attribute of the activity with
2897: * SubFlow implementation
2898: *
2899: */
2900: private XPDLActivity obtainSubFlowVersion(BonitaTree n,
2901: XPDLActivity xpdlAct) {
2902: int type = n.Noeud.getNodeType();
2903: switch (type) {
2904: case Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE:
2905: break;
2906: case Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
2909: //debug
2910: //System.out.println("**** obtainSubFlowVersion: node name = " + n.Noeud.getNodeName()) ;
2912: if (n.Noeud.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(
2914: Element element = (Element) n.Noeud;
2915: // Ex. for subFlow version
2916: /*
2917: * <ExtendedAttribute Name="SubFlowVersion" Value="1.0" />
2918: */
2919: if (element
2920: .getAttribute(EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTE_NAME)
2921: .equalsIgnoreCase(
2923: xpdlAct.setSubFlowVersion(element
2924: .getAttribute(EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE));
2925: break;
2926: }
2928: }
2930: default:
2931: break;
2932: }
2933: for (int i = 0; i < n.NbFils; i++) {
2934: obtainSubFlowVersion(n.Fils[i], xpdlAct);
2935: }
2936: return xpdlAct;
2937: }
2939: /*
2940: * Get the subflow name from External Attribute of the activity with
2941: * SubFlow implementation
2942: *
2943: */
2944: private XPDLActivity obtainSubFlowName(BonitaTree n,
2945: XPDLActivity xpdlAct) {
2946: int type = n.Noeud.getNodeType();
2947: switch (type) {
2948: case Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE:
2949: break;
2950: case Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
2952: if (n.Noeud.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(
2954: Element element = (Element) n.Noeud;
2955: // Ex. for subFlow name
2956: /*
2957: * <ExtendedAttribute Name="SubFlowName" Value="childProcess" />
2958: */
2959: if (element.getAttribute(EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTE_NAME)
2960: .equalsIgnoreCase(
2962: xpdlAct.setSubFlowName(element
2963: .getAttribute(EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE));
2964: break;
2965: }
2966: }
2968: default:
2969: break;
2970: }
2971: for (int i = 0; i < n.NbFils; i++) {
2972: obtainSubFlowName(n.Fils[i], xpdlAct);
2973: }
2974: return xpdlAct;
2975: }
2977: /*
2978: * Get the initiator Mapper if it exists from External Attribute Bonita tree
2979: * giving the xpdlWFProcess bean
2980: *
2981: */
2982: private XPDLWFProcess obtainInitiatorMapper(BonitaTree n,
2983: XPDLWFProcess xpdlWFProcess,
2984: XPDLInitiatorMapper xpdlInitiatorMapper) {
2986: int type = n.Noeud.getNodeType();
2987: switch (type) {
2988: case Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE:
2989: break;
2990: case Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
2992: // EXTENDED ATTRIBUTE : Properties & Hooks
2993: if (n.Noeud.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(
2995: Element element = (Element) n.Noeud;
2996: /*
2997: * Ex. for Process Initiator Mapper
2998: *
2999: * <ExtendedAttribute
3000: * Name="initiatorMapper" Value="Custom" or "LDAP">
3001: * <CustomInitiatorClass>
3002: * hero.initiatorMapper.CustomGroupMembers
3003: * </CustomInitiatorClass>
3004: * </ExtendedAttribute>
3005: */
3007: if (element
3008: .getAttribute(EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTE_NAME)
3009: .equalsIgnoreCase(
3011: xpdlInitiatorMapper.setInitiatorMapperType(element
3012: .getAttribute(EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE));
3013: xpdlWFProcess
3014: .setInitiatorMapper(xpdlInitiatorMapper);
3016: //debug
3017: //System.out.println("obtainInitiatorMapper: Bonita Project = " + xpdlWFProcess.getName() + " extended attribut Name = InitiatorMapper Value = "
3018: // + xpdlInitiatorMapper.getInitiatorMapperType());
3019: }
3021: }
3022: break;
3024: case Node.TEXT_NODE:
3025: //Initiator Mapper Name
3026: if (n.Noeud.getParentNode().getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(
3028: xpdlInitiatorMapper.setInitiatorMapperName(n.Noeud
3029: .getNodeValue());
3030: //debug
3031: //System.out.println("obtainInitiatorMapper: Bonita Project = " + xpdlWFProcess.getName() + " Initiator Mapper Name = " + xpdlInitiatorMapper.getInitiatorMapperName());
3032: }
3033: break;
3035: default:
3036: break;
3037: }
3038: for (int i = 0; i < n.NbFils; i++) {
3039: obtainInitiatorMapper(n.Fils[i], xpdlWFProcess,
3040: xpdlInitiatorMapper);
3041: }
3042: return xpdlWFProcess;
3043: }
3045: /*
3046: * Get activity definition
3047: * (Join, deadlines, ext. attrib (properties, hooks), start mode, description, performer)
3048: */
3049: private XPDLActivity obtainActivityData(BonitaTree n,
3050: ProjectSessionLocal p, XPDLActivity xpdlAct,
3051: Hashtable xpdlData) throws XPDLException {
3053: int type = n.Noeud.getNodeType();
3054: XPDLHook xpdlHook = null;
3055: switch (type) {
3056: case Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE:
3057: break;
3058: case Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
3059: // Split
3060: if ((n.Noeud.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(ACTIVITY_SPLIT))) {
3061: Element element = (Element) n.Noeud;
3062: if (element.getAttribute(TYPE).equalsIgnoreCase(
3064: xpdlAct.setSplit(MODE_TYPE_XOR);
3065: else if (element.getAttribute(TYPE).equalsIgnoreCase(
3067: xpdlAct.setSplit(MODE_TYPE_AND);
3068: }
3069: // Join
3070: else if (n.Noeud.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(
3072: Element element = (Element) n.Noeud;
3073: if (element.getAttribute(TYPE).equalsIgnoreCase(
3075: xpdlAct.setJoin(MODE_TYPE_XOR);
3076: else if (element.getAttribute(TYPE).equalsIgnoreCase(
3078: xpdlAct.setJoin(MODE_TYPE_AND);
3079: }
3080: // deadlines Execution
3081: else if (n.Noeud.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(
3083: xpdlAct.setDeadline(true);
3084: Element element = (Element) n.Noeud;
3085: if (element.getAttribute(DEADLINE_EXECUTION)
3086: .equalsIgnoreCase(ASYNCHR))
3087: xpdlAct.setDeadlineExecution(ASYNCHR);
3088: else if (element.getAttribute(DEADLINE_EXECUTION)
3089: .equalsIgnoreCase(SYNCHR))
3090: xpdlAct.setDeadlineExecution(SYNCHR);
3091: }
3093: else if (n.Noeud.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(
3095: Element element = (Element) n.Noeud;
3096: // >>>>>>> Bonita PROPERTIES <<<<<<<<
3097: /* based on:
3098: * - extended attributes reference datafields attributes defined within the process
3099: * (these datafields have an extended attributes indicating that the datafield is defined for activities)
3100: * ex.: <ExtendedAttribute Name="property" Value="datafield_wfp_for_act_4"
3101: * <Propagated Value="No" />
3102: * /ExtendedAttribute>
3103: * (other possibility is: <Propagated Value="yes" /> )
3104: */
3105: if (element.getAttribute(EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTE_NAME)
3106: .equalsIgnoreCase(
3108: xpdlAct.setProperties(element
3109: .getAttribute(EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE));
3110: //debug
3111: //System.out.println("obtainActivityData: Activity = " + xpdlAct.getName() + " extended attribut Name = Property Value = "
3112: // + element.getAttribute(EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE));
3113: }
3114: // >>>>>>> Bonita HOOKS <<<<<<<<
3115: /*
3116: * based on :
3117: * <ExtendedAttribute Name="hook" Value="hero.hook.TestHook"> </ExtendedAttribute>
3118: *
3119: * And furthermore other complexe type can be added:
3120: * <HookEventName>BEFORETERMINATE</HookEventName>
3121: * <HookScript>
3122: * System.out.println("interactive hook executed !!!");
3123: * </HookScript>
3124: */
3126: if (element.getAttribute(EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTE_NAME)
3127: .equalsIgnoreCase(EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_HOOK)) {
3128: // set the XPDLHook Bean the activity Bean
3129: xpdlHook = new XPDLHook();
3130: xpdlAct.setXpdlHook(xpdlHook);
3131: xpdlHook.setHookName(element
3132: .getAttribute(EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE));
3134: // debug
3135: //System.out.println("obtainActivityData: Activity = " + xpdlAct.getName() + " extended attribut Name = Hook Value = "
3136: //+ element.getAttribute(EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE));
3137: }
3139: // >>>>>>> Bonita Iteration <<<<<<<<
3140: /*
3141: * based on :
3142: * <ExtendedAttribute Name="iteration" Value="data_process.equals("riri")"> </ExtendedAttribute>
3143: *
3144: * complexe type must added:
3145: * <from>activity_from</from>
3146: * <to>activity_to</to>
3147: */
3149: if (element.getAttribute(EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTE_NAME)
3150: .equalsIgnoreCase(
3153: // indicate that iteration exists on the activity
3154: //xpdlAct.setIterationName("Iteration");
3156: // set the "From" parameter of the iteration
3157: //xpdlAct.setIterationFrom(xpdlAct.getName());
3158: // set the "Condition" parameter
3159: if ((element.getAttribute(EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE) != null)) {
3160: //record the iteration condition
3161: xpdlAct
3162: .setTempIterationCondition(element
3163: .getAttribute(EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE));
3164: }
3165: // debug
3166: //System.out.println("obtainActivityData: Iteration Activity From = " + xpdlAct.getName() + " Condition = "
3167: // + element.getAttribute(EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE)) ;
3168: }
3170: //>>>>>>> Bonita Performer Assignment <<<<<<<<
3171: /*
3172: * <ExtendedAttribute Name="PerformerAssign" Value="property">
3173: * <Property>valideur</property>
3174: * </ExtendedAttribute>
3175: * or
3176: * <ExtendedAttribute Name="PerformerAssign" Value="Callback">
3177: * <Callback>hero.performAssignSelectActor</Callback>
3178: * </ExtendedAttribute>
3179: */
3180: if (element
3181: .getAttribute(EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTE_NAME)
3182: .equalsIgnoreCase(
3184: xpdlAct.setPerformerAssignType(element
3185: .getAttribute(EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE));
3186: }
3188: } else {
3189: // MANUAL
3190: if (n.Noeud.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(MANUAL)
3191: && n.Noeud.getParentNode().getNodeName()
3192: .equalsIgnoreCase(STARTMODE))
3193: xpdlAct.setMode(MANUAL);
3194: // AUTOMATIC
3195: if (n.Noeud.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(AUTOMATIC)
3196: && n.Noeud.getParentNode().getNodeName()
3197: .equalsIgnoreCase(STARTMODE))
3198: xpdlAct.setMode(AUTOMATIC);
3199: }
3201: break;
3203: case Node.TEXT_NODE:
3204: if (n.Noeud.getParentNode().getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(
3206: xpdlAct.setDescription(n.Noeud.getNodeValue());
3207: if (n.Noeud.getParentNode().getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(
3209: xpdlAct.setPerformer(n.Noeud.getNodeValue());
3210: // propagated property
3211: if (n.Noeud.getParentNode().getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(
3213: //debug
3214: //System.out.println("obtainActivityData: Activity = " + xpdlAct.getName() + "obtained propagation attribut !!!!!!");
3215: if ("Yes".equalsIgnoreCase(n.Noeud.getNodeValue())) {
3216: xpdlAct.setPropagations(new Boolean(true));
3217: //debug
3218: //System.out.println("obtainActivityData: Activity = " + xpdlAct.getName() + "propagated = Yes !!!!!!");
3219: } else if ("No"
3220: .equalsIgnoreCase(n.Noeud.getNodeValue()))
3221: xpdlAct.setPropagations(new Boolean(false));
3222: else
3223: xpdlAct.setPropagations(new Boolean(false));
3224: }
3226: //deadline Condition
3227: if (n.Noeud.getParentNode().getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(
3229: xpdlAct.setDeadlineCondition(n.Noeud.getNodeValue());
3230: //deadline Exception
3231: if (n.Noeud.getParentNode().getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(
3233: if (!"".equals(n.Noeud.getNodeValue()))
3234: xpdlAct.setExceptionName(n.Noeud.getNodeValue());
3235: // Hook Event Name
3236: if (n.Noeud.getParentNode().getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(
3238: // get the last element of xpdlHooks (ArrayList) and set HookEventName to the XPDLHook Bean
3239: xpdlHook = (XPDLHook) xpdlAct.getXpdlHook().get(
3240: xpdlAct.getXpdlHook().size() - 1);
3241: xpdlHook.setHookEventName(n.Noeud.getNodeValue());
3242: //debug
3243: //System.out.println("obtainActivityData: Activity = " + xpdlAct.getName() + " set hookEvent = "
3244: //+ xpdlHook.getHookEventName() + " for HookName = " + xpdlHook.getHookName());
3245: }
3246: // Hook Script
3247: if (n.Noeud.getParentNode().getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(
3248: HOOKSCRIPT)) {
3249: //get the last element of xpdlHooks (ArrayList) and set HookScript to the XPDLHook Bean
3250: xpdlHook = (XPDLHook) xpdlAct.getXpdlHook().get(
3251: xpdlAct.getXpdlHook().size() - 1);
3252: xpdlHook.setHookScript(n.Noeud.getNodeValue());
3253: //debug
3254: //System.out.println("obtainActivityData: Activity = " + xpdlAct.getName() + " set hookScript = "
3255: //+ xpdlHook.getHookScript() + " for HookName = " + xpdlHook.getHookName());
3256: }
3257: /*
3258: // Iteration From
3259: if (n.Noeud.getParentNode().getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(ITERATIONFROM))
3260: xpdlAct.setIterationFrom(n.Noeud.getNodeValue());
3261: */
3262: // Iteration To
3263: if (n.Noeud.getParentNode().getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(
3265: //xpdlAct.setIterationTo(n.Noeud.getNodeValue());
3266: // the new set for iteration
3267: xpdlAct.setIteration(n.Noeud.getNodeValue(), xpdlAct
3268: .getTempIterationCondition());
3269: // debug
3270: //System.out.println("obtainActivityData: iterationFrom = " + xpdlAct.getIterationFrom()
3271: // + " iterationTo = " + xpdlAct.getIterationTo());
3272: }
3274: // Performer Assignment Property
3275: if (n.Noeud.getParentNode().getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(
3277: //property name
3278: xpdlAct.setPerformerAssignProperty(n.Noeud
3279: .getNodeValue());
3280: //build the performer assignment name
3281: xpdlAct.setPerformerAssignName("perf_assign_"
3282: + n.Noeud.getNodeValue());
3283: }
3285: // Performer Assignment Callback
3286: if (n.Noeud.getParentNode().getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(
3288: xpdlAct.setPerformerAssignProperty("");
3289: xpdlAct.setPerformerAssignName(n.Noeud.getNodeValue());
3290: }
3292: // ActualParameters
3293: if (n.Noeud.getParentNode().getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(
3295: //property name
3296: xpdlAct.setActualParameter(n.Noeud.getNodeValue());
3297: }
3298: break;
3300: default:
3301: break;
3302: }
3303: for (int i = 0; i < n.NbFils; i++) {
3304: obtainActivityData(n.Fils[i], p, xpdlAct, xpdlData);
3305: }
3307: return xpdlAct;
3309: }
3311: private void obtainTransition(BonitaTree a, ProjectSessionLocal p,
3312: boolean inActivitySet, String ActivitySetId,
3313: Hashtable xpdlData) throws XPDLException {
3314: if (a != null) {
3315: String inst_mod = null;
3316: if ((a.Noeud.getNodeName()).equalsIgnoreCase(TRANSITIONS)) {
3317: //Set used in case we are into an activitySet to get the First and Last Activity
3318: Set setAll = new HashSet();
3319: Set setTo = new HashSet();
3320: Set setFrom = new HashSet();
3322: for (int j = 0; j < a.NbFils; j++) {
3323: if ((a.Fils[j].Noeud.getNodeName())
3324: .equalsIgnoreCase(TRANSITION)) {
3325: XPDLTransition xpdlTransition = new XPDLTransition();
3326: String edgeTo = null;
3327: String edgeFrom = null;
3328: String edgeName = null;
3329: String condition = null;
3330: // get the attributs of the node: Transition in an NamedNodeMaps
3331: NamedNodeMap atts = a.Fils[j].Noeud
3332: .getAttributes();
3334: for (int i = 0; i < atts.getLength(); i++) {
3335: Node att = atts.item(i);
3336: if (att.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(
3338: edgeName = att.getNodeValue();
3339: xpdlTransition.setName(att
3340: .getNodeValue());
3341: }
3343: else if (att.getNodeName()
3344: .equalsIgnoreCase(TRANSITION_TO)) {
3345: edgeTo = att.getNodeValue();
3346: xpdlTransition
3347: .setTo(att.getNodeValue());
3348: if (inActivitySet) {
3349: setTo.add(edgeTo);
3350: setAll.add(edgeTo);
3351: }
3352: }
3354: else if (att.getNodeName()
3355: .equalsIgnoreCase(TRANSITION_FROM)) {
3356: edgeFrom = att.getNodeValue();
3357: xpdlTransition.setFrom(att
3358: .getNodeValue());
3359: if (inActivitySet) {
3360: setFrom.add(edgeFrom);
3361: setAll.add(edgeFrom);
3362: }
3363: }
3365: else if (att.getNodeName()
3366: .equalsIgnoreCase(TRANSITION_ID)) {
3367: xpdlTransition
3368: .setId(att.getNodeValue());
3369: }
3370: }
3372: // get the Condition
3373: // For ex: <Condition Type="CONDITION">datafield_id_1.equals("tarte");</Condition>
3374: BonitaTree condTree = getNode(a.Fils[j],
3376: // Get of the condition set on the transition
3377: if (condTree != null) {
3378: if (condTree.Noeud.hasChildNodes()) {
3379: condition = condTree.Noeud
3380: .getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
3381: xpdlTransition.setCondition(condition);
3382: // Trace
3383: //System.out.println("Condition = " + condition);
3384: }
3385: }
3386: //Add to TransitionMapping the XPDLTransition bean
3387: //TODO
3388: Hashtable transitionMapping = (Hashtable) xpdlData
3389: .get("transitionMapping");
3390: transitionMapping.put(xpdlTransition.getId(),
3391: xpdlTransition);
3393: if ((edgeFrom != null) && (edgeTo != null)) {
3394: // Traces for transition
3395: //System.out.println("InNode: "+edgeFrom);
3396: //System.out.println("OutNode: "+edgeTo);
3397: //System.out.println("");
3398: // add transition into Bonita
3399: //inst_mod=p.addEdge((String)actMapping.get(edgeFrom), (String)actMapping.get(edgeTo))
3400: //TODO
3401: Hashtable actMapping = (Hashtable) xpdlData
3402: .get("actMapping");
3403: XPDLActivity xpdlActivity = (XPDLActivity) actMapping
3404: .get(edgeFrom);
3405: String actNameFrom = xpdlActivity.getName();
3406: xpdlActivity = (XPDLActivity) actMapping
3407: .get(edgeTo);
3408: String actNameTo = xpdlActivity.getName();
3409: try {
3410: inst_mod = p.addEdge(actNameFrom,
3411: actNameTo);
3412: } catch (HeroException he) {
3413: throw new XPDLException(
3414: "Error adding edge from activity: "
3415: + actNameFrom
3416: + " activity: "
3417: + actNameTo + " "
3418: + he.getMessage(), he);
3419: }
3420: try {
3421: // add condition on the transition
3422: if (condition != null) {
3423: //set condition on the transition
3424: p.setEdgeCondition(inst_mod,
3425: condition);
3426: }
3427: } catch (HeroException he) {
3428: throw new XPDLException(
3429: "Error setting edge condition from activity: "
3430: + actNameFrom
3431: + " activity: "
3432: + actNameTo + " "
3433: + he.getMessage(), he);
3434: }
3435: }
3436: }
3437: }
3439: // set the activitySetMapping with the Sets if we are in Activity Set (ActivitySet == true)
3440: if (inActivitySet && (ActivitySetId != null)) {
3441: Set setAllTemp = new HashSet();
3442: String firstAct = null;
3443: String lastAct = null;
3445: // get the first Activity of the Activity Set
3446: setAllTemp.addAll(setAll);
3447: setAllTemp.removeAll(setTo);
3448: Iterator itTo = setAllTemp.iterator();
3449: while (itTo.hasNext()) {
3450: firstAct = (String) itTo.next();
3451: }
3452: if (firstAct == null) {
3453: throw new XPDLException(
3454: "Error getting first activity of activitySet with Id = "
3455: + ActivitySetId);
3456: }
3458: //get the last Activity of the Activity Set
3459: setAllTemp.addAll(setAll);
3460: setAllTemp.removeAll(setFrom);
3461: Iterator itFrom = setAllTemp.iterator();
3462: while (itFrom.hasNext()) {
3463: lastAct = (String) itFrom.next();
3464: }
3465: if (lastAct == null) {
3466: throw new XPDLException(
3467: "Error getting last activity of activitySet with Id = "
3468: + ActivitySetId);
3469: }
3470: //TODO
3471: Hashtable activitySetMapping = (Hashtable) xpdlData
3472: .get("activitySetMapping");
3473: activitySetMapping.put(ActivitySetId, lastAct
3474: + ACT_SET_MAP_SEPARATOR + firstAct);
3475: //debug
3476: //System.out.println("XPDLSessionBean:obtainTransition : ActivitySetId = " + ActivitySetId + " lastAct = " + lastAct + " firstAct = " + firstAct);
3477: }
3478: }
3479: }
3480: }
3482: /**
3483: * Create the ArbreXPDLSession Bean
3484: *
3485: * @throws CreateException
3486: *
3487: * @ejb.permission unchecked="yes"
3488: * @ejb:create-method view-type="both"
3489: **/
3491: public void ejbCreate() throws CreateException {
3492: }
3494: public void setSessionContext(final javax.ejb.SessionContext context) {
3495: mContext = context;
3496: }
3498: public void ejbRemove() {
3499: }
3501: public void ejbActivate() {
3502: }
3504: public void ejbPassivate() {
3505: }
3507: }