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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » Workflow Engines » spring webflow 1.0.4 » org.springframework.webflow.action 
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0001:        /*
0002:         * Copyright 2004-2007 the original author or authors.
0003:         *
0004:         * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
0005:         * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
0006:         * You may obtain a copy of the License at
0007:         *
0008:         *
0009:         *
0010:         * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
0011:         * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
0012:         * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
0013:         * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
0014:         * limitations under the License.
0015:         */
0016:        package org.springframework.webflow.action;
0018:        import java.lang.reflect.Method;
0020:        import org.springframework.beans.MutablePropertyValues;
0021:        import org.springframework.beans.PropertyEditorRegistrar;
0022:        import org.springframework.beans.PropertyEditorRegistry;
0023:        import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean;
0024:        import org.springframework.beans.propertyeditors.PropertiesEditor;
0025:        import;
0026:        import org.springframework.util.Assert;
0027:        import org.springframework.util.ClassUtils;
0028:        import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;
0029:        import org.springframework.validation.BindException;
0030:        import org.springframework.validation.DataBinder;
0031:        import org.springframework.validation.Errors;
0032:        import org.springframework.validation.MessageCodesResolver;
0033:        import org.springframework.validation.Validator;
0034:        import org.springframework.web.bind.WebDataBinder;
0035:        import org.springframework.webflow.execution.Event;
0036:        import org.springframework.webflow.execution.RequestContext;
0037:        import org.springframework.webflow.execution.ScopeType;
0038:        import org.springframework.webflow.util.DispatchMethodInvoker;
0039:        import org.springframework.webflow.util.ReflectionUtils;
0041:        /**
0042:         * Multi-action that implements common logic dealing with input forms. This
0043:         * class leverages the Spring Web data binding code to do binding and
0044:         * validation.
0045:         * <p>
0046:         * Several action execution methods are provided:
0047:         * <ul>
0048:         * <li> {@link #setupForm(RequestContext)} - Prepares the form object for
0049:         * display on a form, {@link #createFormObject(RequestContext) creating it} and
0050:         * an associated {@link Errors errors object} if necessary, then caching them in
0051:         * the configured {@link #getFormObjectScope() form object scope} and
0052:         * {@link #getFormErrorsScope() form errors scope}, respectively. Also
0053:         * {@link #registerPropertyEditors(PropertyEditorRegistry) installs} any custom
0054:         * property editors for formatting form object field values. This action method
0055:         * will return the "success" event unless an exception is thrown. </li>
0056:         * <li> {@link #bindAndValidate(RequestContext)} - Binds all incoming request
0057:         * parameters to the form object and then validates the form object using a
0058:         * {@link #setValidator(Validator) registered validator}. This action method
0059:         * will return the "success" event if there are no binding or validation errors,
0060:         * otherwise it will return the "error" event. </li>
0061:         * <li> {@link #bind(RequestContext)} - Binds all incoming request parameters to
0062:         * the form object. No additional validation is performed. This action method
0063:         * will return the "success" event if there are no binding errors, otherwise it
0064:         * will return the "error" event. </li>
0065:         * <li> {@link #validate(RequestContext)} - Validates the form object using a
0066:         * registered validator. No data binding is performed. This action method will
0067:         * return the "success" event if there are no validation errors, otherwise it
0068:         * will return the "error" event. </li>
0069:         * <li> {@link #resetForm(RequestContext)} - Resets the form by reloading the
0070:         * backing form object and reinstalling any custom property editors. Returns
0071:         * "success" on completion, an exception is thrown when a failure occurs. </li>
0072:         * </ul>
0073:         * <p>
0074:         * Since this is a multi-action a subclass could add any number of additional
0075:         * action execution methods, e.g. "setupReferenceData(RequestContext)", or
0076:         * "processSubmit(RequestContext)".
0077:         * <p>
0078:         * Using this action, it becomes very easy to implement form preparation and
0079:         * submission logic in your flow. One way to do this follows:
0080:         * <ol>
0081:         * <li> Create a view state to display the form. In a render action of that
0082:         * state, invoke {@link #setupForm(RequestContext) setupForm} to prepare the new
0083:         * form for display. </li>
0084:         * <li> On a matching "submit" transition execute an action that invokes
0085:         * {@link #bindAndValidate(RequestContext) bindAndValidate} to bind incoming
0086:         * request parameters to the form object and validate the form object. </li>
0087:         * <li> If there are binding or validation errors, the transition will not be
0088:         * allowed and the view state will automatically be re-entered.
0089:         * <li> If binding and validation is successful go to an action state called
0090:         * "processSubmit" (or any other appropriate name). This will invoke an action
0091:         * method called "processSubmit" you must provide on a subclass to process form
0092:         * submission, e.g. interacting with the business logic. </li>
0093:         * <li> If business processing is ok, continue to a view state to display the
0094:         * success view. </li>
0095:         * </ol>
0096:         * <p>
0097:         * Here is an example implementation of such a compact form flow:
0098:         * 
0099:         * <pre>
0100:         *     &lt;view-state id=&quot;displayCriteria&quot; view=&quot;searchCriteria&quot;&gt;
0101:         *         &lt;render-actions&gt;
0102:         *             &lt;action bean=&quot;formAction&quot; method=&quot;setupForm&quot;/&gt;
0103:         *         &lt;/render-actions&gt;
0104:         *         &lt;transition on=&quot;search&quot; to=&quot;executeSearch&quot;&gt;
0105:         *             &lt;action bean=&quot;formAction&quot; method=&quot;bindAndValidate&quot;/&gt;
0106:         *         &lt;/transition&gt;
0107:         *     &lt;/view-state&gt;
0108:         *                                                                                
0109:         *     &lt;action-state id=&quot;executeSearch&quot;&gt;
0110:         *         &lt;action bean=&quot;formAction&quot; method=&quot;executeSearch&quot;/&gt;
0111:         *         &lt;transition on=&quot;success&quot; to=&quot;displayResults&quot;/&gt;
0112:         *     &lt;/action-state&gt;
0113:         * </pre>
0114:         * 
0115:         * <p>
0116:         * When you need additional flexibility consider splitting the view state above
0117:         * acting as a single logical <i>form state</i> into multiple states. For
0118:         * example, you could have one action state handle form setup, a view state
0119:         * trigger form display, another action state handle data binding and
0120:         * validation, and another process form submission. This would be a bit more
0121:         * verbose but would also give you more control over how you respond to specific
0122:         * results of fine-grained actions that occur within the flow.
0123:         * <p>
0124:         * <b>Subclassing hooks:</b>
0125:         * <ul>
0126:         * <li>A important hook is
0127:         * {@link #createFormObject(RequestContext) createFormObject}. You may override
0128:         * this to customize where the backing form object instance comes from (e.g
0129:         * instantiated transiently in memory or loaded from a database).</li>
0130:         * <li>An optional hook method provided by this class is
0131:         * {@link #initBinder(RequestContext, DataBinder) initBinder}. This is called
0132:         * after a new data binder is created.
0133:         * <li>Another optional ook method is
0134:         * {@link #registerPropertyEditors(PropertyEditorRegistry)}. By overriding it
0135:         * you can register any required property editors for your form. Instead of
0136:         * overriding this method, consider setting an explicit
0137:         * {@link org.springframework.beans.PropertyEditorRegistrar} strategy as a more
0138:         * reusable way to encapsulate custom PropertyEditor installation logic.</li>
0139:         * <li>Override {@link #validationEnabled(RequestContext)} to dynamically
0140:         * decide whether or not to do validation based on data available in the request
0141:         * context.
0142:         * </ul>
0143:         * <p>
0144:         * Note that this action does not provide a <i>referenceData()</i> hook method
0145:         * similar to that of Spring MVC's <code>SimpleFormController</code>. If you
0146:         * wish to expose reference data to populate form drop downs you can define a
0147:         * custom action method in your FormAction subclass that does just that. Simply
0148:         * invoke it as either a chained action as part of the setupForm state, or as a
0149:         * fine grained state definition itself.
0150:         * <p>
0151:         * For example, you might create this method in your subclass:
0152:         * 
0153:         * <pre>
0154:         * public Event setupReferenceData(RequestContext context) throws Exception {
0155:         *     MutableAttributeMap requestScope = context.getRequestScope();
0156:         *     requestScope.put(&quot;refData&quot;, lookupService.getSupportingFormData());
0157:         *     return success();
0158:         * }
0159:         * </pre>
0160:         * 
0161:         * ... and then invoke it like this:
0162:         * 
0163:         * <pre>
0164:         *     &lt;view-state id=&quot;displayCriteria&quot; view=&quot;searchCriteria&quot;&gt;
0165:         *         &lt;render-actions&gt;
0166:         *             &lt;action bean=&quot;searchFormAction&quot; method=&quot;setupForm&quot;/&gt;
0167:         *             &lt;action bean=&quot;searchFormAction&quot; method=&quot;setupReferenceData&quot;/&gt;
0168:         *         &lt;/render-actions&gt;
0169:         *         ...
0170:         *     &lt;/view-state&gt;
0171:         * </pre>
0172:         * 
0173:         * This style of calling multiple action methods in a chain (Chain of
0174:         * Responsibility) is preferred to overridding a single action method. In
0175:         * general, action method overriding is discouraged.
0176:         * <p>
0177:         * When it comes to validating submitted input data using a registered
0178:         * {@link org.springframework.validation.Validator}, this class offers the
0179:         * following options:
0180:         * <ul>
0181:         * <li>If you don't want validation at all, just call
0182:         * {@link #bind(RequestContext)} instead of
0183:         * {@link #bindAndValidate(RequestContext)} or don't register a validator.</li>
0184:         * <li>If you want piecemeal validation, e.g. in a multi-page wizard, call
0185:         * {@link #bindAndValidate(RequestContext)} or {@link #validate(RequestContext)}
0186:         * and specify a {@link #VALIDATOR_METHOD_ATTRIBUTE validatorMethod} action
0187:         * execution attribute. This will invoke the identified custom validator method
0188:         * on the validator. The validator method signature should follow the following
0189:         * pattern:
0190:         * 
0191:         * <pre>
0192:         *     public void ${validateMethodName}(${formObjectClass}, Errors)
0193:         * </pre>
0194:         * 
0195:         * For instance, having a action definition like this:
0196:         * 
0197:         * <pre>
0198:         *     &lt;action bean=&quot;searchFormAction&quot; method=&quot;bindAndValidate&quot;&gt;
0199:         *         &lt;attribute name=&quot;validatorMethod&quot; value=&quot;validateSearchCriteria&quot;/&gt;
0200:         *     &lt;/action&gt;
0201:         * </pre>
0202:         * 
0203:         * Would result in the
0204:         * <tt>public void validateSearchCriteria(SearchCriteria, Errors)</tt> method
0205:         * of the registered validator being called if the form object class would be
0206:         * <code>SearchCriteria</code>.</li>
0207:         * <li>If you want to do full validation using the
0208:         * {@link org.springframework.validation.Validator#validate(java.lang.Object, org.springframework.validation.Errors) validate}
0209:         * method of the registered validator, call
0210:         * {@link #bindAndValidate(RequestContext)} or {@link #validate(RequestContext)}
0211:         * without specifying a "validatorMethod" action execution attribute.</li>
0212:         * </ul>
0213:         * 
0214:         * <p>
0215:         * <b>FormAction configurable properties</b><br>
0216:         * <table border="1">
0217:         * <tr>
0218:         * <td><b>name</b></td>
0219:         * <td><b>default</b></td>
0220:         * <td><b>description</b></td>
0221:         * </tr>
0222:         * <tr>
0223:         * <td>formObjectName</td>
0224:         * <td>formObject</td>
0225:         * <td>The name of the form object. The form object will be set in the
0226:         * configured scope using this name.</td>
0227:         * </tr>
0228:         * <tr>
0229:         * <td>formObjectClass</td>
0230:         * <td>null</td>
0231:         * <td>The form object class for this action. An instance of this class will
0232:         * get populated and validated. Required when using a validator.</td>
0233:         * </tr>
0234:         * <tr>
0235:         * <td>formObjectScope</td>
0236:         * <td>{@link org.springframework.webflow.execution.ScopeType#FLOW flow}</td>
0237:         * <td>The scope in which the form object will be put. If put in flow scope the
0238:         * object will be cached and reused over the life of the flow, preserving
0239:         * previous values. Request scope will cause a new fresh form object instance to
0240:         * be created on each request into the flow execution.</td>
0241:         * </tr>
0242:         * <tr>
0243:         * <td>formErrorsScope</td>
0244:         * <td>{@link org.springframework.webflow.execution.ScopeType#FLASH flash}</td>
0245:         * <td>The scope in which the form object errors instance will be put. If put
0246:         * in flash scope form errors will be cached until the next user event is signaled.
0247:         * </td>
0248:         * </tr>
0249:         * <tr>
0250:         * <td>propertyEditorRegistrar</td>
0251:         * <td>null</td>
0252:         * <td>The strategy used to register custom property editors with the data
0253:         * binder. This is an alternative to overriding the
0254:         * {@link #registerPropertyEditors(PropertyEditorRegistry)} hook method. </td>
0255:         * </tr>
0256:         * <tr>
0257:         * <td>validator</td>
0258:         * <td>null</td>
0259:         * <td>The validator for this action. The validator must support the specified
0260:         * form object class. </td>
0261:         * </tr>
0262:         * <tr>
0263:         * <td>messageCodesResolver</td>
0264:         * <td>null</td>
0265:         * <td>Set the strategy to use for resolving errors into message codes. </td>
0266:         * </tr>
0267:         * </table>
0268:         * 
0269:         * @see org.springframework.beans.PropertyEditorRegistrar
0270:         * @see org.springframework.validation.DataBinder
0271:         * @see ScopeType
0272:         * 
0273:         * @author Erwin Vervaet
0274:         * @author Keith Donald
0275:         */
0276:        public class FormAction extends MultiAction implements  InitializingBean {
0278:            /*
0279:             * Implementation note: Uses deprecated DataBinder.getErrors() to remain
0280:             * compatible with Spring 1.2.x.
0281:             */
0283:            /*
0284:             * Implementation note: Introspects BindException at class init time to
0285:             * preserve 1.2.x compatability.
0286:             */
0287:            private static boolean hasPropertyEditorRegistryAccessor;
0289:            static {
0290:                hasPropertyEditorRegistryAccessor = ClassUtils.hasMethod(
0291:                        BindException.class, "getPropertyEditorRegistry", null);
0292:            }
0294:            /**
0295:             * The default form object name ("formObject").
0296:             */
0297:            public static final String DEFAULT_FORM_OBJECT_NAME = "formObject";
0299:            /**
0300:             * Optional attribute that identifies the method that should be invoked on
0301:             * the configured validator instance, to support piecemeal wizard page
0302:             * validation ("validatorMethod").
0303:             */
0304:            public static final String VALIDATOR_METHOD_ATTRIBUTE = "validatorMethod";
0306:            /**
0307:             * The name the form object should be exposed under. Default is
0308:             * {@link #DEFAULT_FORM_OBJECT_NAME}.
0309:             */
0310:            private String formObjectName = DEFAULT_FORM_OBJECT_NAME;
0312:            /**
0313:             * The type of form object, typically an instantiable class. Required if
0314:             * {@link #createFormObject(RequestContext)} is not overidden or when
0315:             * a validator is used.
0316:             */
0317:            private Class formObjectClass;
0319:            /**
0320:             * The scope in which the form object should be exposed. Default is
0321:             * {@link ScopeType#FLOW}.
0322:             */
0323:            private ScopeType formObjectScope = ScopeType.FLOW;
0325:            /**
0326:             * The scope in which the form object errors holder should be exposed.
0327:             * Default is {@link ScopeType#FLASH}.
0328:             */
0329:            private ScopeType formErrorsScope = ScopeType.FLASH;
0331:            /**
0332:             * A centralized service for property editor registration, for applying type
0333:             * conversion during form object data binding. Can be used as an alternative
0334:             * to overriding {@link #registerPropertyEditors(PropertyEditorRegistry)}.
0335:             */
0336:            private PropertyEditorRegistrar propertyEditorRegistrar;
0338:            /**
0339:             * A validator for the form's form object.
0340:             */
0341:            private Validator validator;
0343:            /**
0344:             * Strategy for resolving error message codes.
0345:             */
0346:            private MessageCodesResolver messageCodesResolver;
0348:            /**
0349:             * A cache for dispatched validator methods.
0350:             */
0351:            private DispatchMethodInvoker validateMethodInvoker;
0353:            /**
0354:             * Bean-style default constructor; creates a initially unconfigured
0355:             * FormAction instance relying on default property values. Clients invoking
0356:             * this constructor directly must set the formObjectClass property
0357:             * or override {@link #createFormObject(RequestContext)}.
0358:             * @see #setFormObjectClass(Class)
0359:             */
0360:            public FormAction() {
0361:            }
0363:            /**
0364:             * Creates a new form action that manages instance(s) of the specified form
0365:             * object class.
0366:             * @param formObjectClass the class of the form object (must be instantiable)
0367:             */
0368:            public FormAction(Class formObjectClass) {
0369:                setFormObjectClass(formObjectClass);
0370:            }
0372:            /**
0373:             * Return the name of the form object in the configured scope.
0374:             */
0375:            public String getFormObjectName() {
0376:                return formObjectName;
0377:            }
0379:            /**
0380:             * Set the name of the form object in the configured scope. The form object
0381:             * will be included in the configured scope under this name.
0382:             */
0383:            public void setFormObjectName(String formObjectName) {
0384:                this .formObjectName = formObjectName;
0385:            }
0387:            /**
0388:             * Return the form object class for this action.
0389:             */
0390:            public Class getFormObjectClass() {
0391:                return formObjectClass;
0392:            }
0394:            /**
0395:             * Set the form object class for this action. An instance of this class will
0396:             * get populated and validated. This is a required property if you register
0397:             * a validator with the form action ({@link #setValidator(Validator)})!
0398:             * <p>
0399:             * If no form object name is set at the moment this method is called, a
0400:             * form object name will be automatically generated based on the provided
0401:             * form object class using
0402:             * {@link ClassUtils#getShortNameAsProperty(java.lang.Class)}.
0403:             */
0404:            public void setFormObjectClass(Class formObjectClass) {
0405:                this .formObjectClass = formObjectClass;
0406:                // generate a default form object name
0407:                if ((getFormObjectName() == null || getFormObjectName() == DEFAULT_FORM_OBJECT_NAME)
0408:                        && formObjectClass != null) {
0409:                    setFormObjectName(ClassUtils
0410:                            .getShortNameAsProperty(formObjectClass));
0411:                }
0412:            }
0414:            /**
0415:             * Get the scope in which the form object will be placed.
0416:             */
0417:            public ScopeType getFormObjectScope() {
0418:                return formObjectScope;
0419:            }
0421:            /**
0422:             * Set the scope in which the form object will be placed.  The default 
0423:             * if not set is {@link ScopeType#FLOW flow scope}.
0424:             */
0425:            public void setFormObjectScope(ScopeType scopeType) {
0426:                this .formObjectScope = scopeType;
0427:            }
0429:            /**
0430:             * Get the scope in which the Errors object will be placed.
0431:             */
0432:            public ScopeType getFormErrorsScope() {
0433:                return formErrorsScope;
0434:            }
0436:            /**
0437:             * Set the scope in which the Errors object will be placed.  The default 
0438:             * if not set is {@link ScopeType#FLASH flash scope}.
0439:             */
0440:            public void setFormErrorsScope(ScopeType errorsScope) {
0441:                this .formErrorsScope = errorsScope;
0442:            }
0444:            /**
0445:             * Get the property editor registration strategy for this action's data
0446:             * binders.
0447:             */
0448:            public PropertyEditorRegistrar getPropertyEditorRegistrar() {
0449:                return propertyEditorRegistrar;
0450:            }
0452:            /**
0453:             * Set a property editor registration strategy for this action's data
0454:             * binders. This is an alternative to overriding the
0455:             * {@link #registerPropertyEditors(PropertyEditorRegistry)} method.
0456:             */
0457:            public void setPropertyEditorRegistrar(
0458:                    PropertyEditorRegistrar propertyEditorRegistrar) {
0459:                this .propertyEditorRegistrar = propertyEditorRegistrar;
0460:            }
0462:            /**
0463:             * Returns the validator for this action.
0464:             */
0465:            public Validator getValidator() {
0466:                return validator;
0467:            }
0469:            /**
0470:             * Set the validator for this action. When setting a validator, you must also
0471:             * set the {@link #setFormObjectClass(Class) form object class}. The validator
0472:             * must support the specified form object class.
0473:             */
0474:            public void setValidator(Validator validator) {
0475:                this .validator = validator;
0476:            }
0478:            /**
0479:             * Return the strategy to use for resolving errors into message codes.
0480:             */
0481:            public MessageCodesResolver getMessageCodesResolver() {
0482:                return messageCodesResolver;
0483:            }
0485:            /**
0486:             * Set the strategy to use for resolving errors into message codes. Applies
0487:             * the given strategy to all data binders used by this action.
0488:             * <p>
0489:             * Default is null, i.e. using the default strategy of the data binder.
0490:             * @see #createBinder(RequestContext, Object)
0491:             * @see org.springframework.validation.DataBinder#setMessageCodesResolver(org.springframework.validation.MessageCodesResolver)
0492:             */
0493:            public void setMessageCodesResolver(
0494:                    MessageCodesResolver messageCodesResolver) {
0495:                this .messageCodesResolver = messageCodesResolver;
0496:            }
0498:            protected void initAction() {
0499:                if (getValidator() != null) {
0500:                    if (getFormObjectClass() != null
0501:                            && !getValidator().supports(getFormObjectClass())) {
0502:                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Validator ["
0503:                                + getValidator()
0504:                                + "] does not support form object class ["
0505:                                + getFormObjectClass() + "]");
0506:                    }
0507:                    // signature: public void ${validateMethodName}(${formObjectClass}, Errors)
0508:                    validateMethodInvoker = new DispatchMethodInvoker(
0509:                            getValidator(), new Class[] { getFormObjectClass(),
0510:                                    Errors.class });
0511:                }
0512:            }
0514:            // action methods
0516:            /**
0517:             * Prepares a form object for display in a new form, creating it and caching
0518:             * it in the {@link #getFormObjectScope()} if necessary. Also installs
0519:             * custom property editors for formatting form object values in UI controls
0520:             * such as text fields.
0521:             * <p>
0522:             * A new form object instance will only be created (or more generally
0523:             * acquired) with a call to {@link #createFormObject(RequestContext)},
0524:             * if the form object does not yet exist in the configured 
0525:             * {@link #getFormObjectScope() scope}. If you want to reset the form
0526:             * handling machinery, including creation or loading of a fresh form object
0527:             * instance, call {@link #resetForm(RequestContext)} instead.
0528:             * <p>
0529:             * NOTE: This action method is not designed to be overidden and might
0530:             * become <code>final</code> in a future version of Spring Web Flow. If
0531:             * you need to execute custom form setup logic have your flow call this
0532:             * method along with your own custom methods as part of a single action
0533:             * chain.
0534:             * @param context the action execution context, for accessing and setting
0535:             * data in "flow scope" or "request scope"
0536:             * @return "success" when binding and validation is successful
0537:             * @throws Exception an <b>unrecoverable</b> exception occurs, either
0538:             * checked or unchecked
0539:             * @see #createFormObject(RequestContext)
0540:             */
0541:            public Event setupForm(RequestContext context) throws Exception {
0542:                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
0543:                    logger.debug("Executing setupForm");
0544:                }
0545:                // retrieve the form object, creating it if necessary
0546:                Object formObject = getFormObject(context);
0547:                ensureFormErrorsExposed(context, formObject);
0548:                return success();
0549:            }
0551:            /**
0552:             * Bind incoming request parameters to allowed fields of the form object and
0553:             * then validate the bound form object if a validator is configured.
0554:             * <p>
0555:             * NOTE: This action method is not designed to be overidden and might
0556:             * become <code>final</code> in a future version of Spring Web Flow. If
0557:             * you need to execute custom bind and validate logic have your flow call
0558:             * this method along with your own custom methods as part of a single action
0559:             * chain. Alternatively, override the
0560:             * {@link #doBind(RequestContext, DataBinder)} or
0561:             * {@link #doValidate(RequestContext, Object, Errors)} hooks.
0562:             * @param context the action execution context, for accessing and setting
0563:             * data in "flow scope" or "request scope"
0564:             * @return "success" when binding and validation is successful, "error" if
0565:             * there were binding and/or validation errors
0566:             * @throws Exception an <b>unrecoverable</b> exception occured, either
0567:             * checked or unchecked
0568:             */
0569:            public Event bindAndValidate(RequestContext context)
0570:                    throws Exception {
0571:                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
0572:                    logger.debug("Executing bind");
0573:                }
0574:                Object formObject = getFormObject(context);
0575:                DataBinder binder = createBinder(context, formObject);
0576:                doBind(context, binder);
0577:                if (getValidator() != null && validationEnabled(context)) {
0578:                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
0579:                        logger.debug("Executing validation");
0580:                    }
0581:                    doValidate(context, formObject, binder.getErrors());
0582:                } else {
0583:                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
0584:                        if (getValidator() == null) {
0585:                            logger
0586:                                    .debug("No validator is configured, no validation will occur after binding");
0587:                        } else {
0588:                            logger
0589:                                    .debug("Validation was disabled for this bindAndValidate request");
0590:                        }
0591:                    }
0592:                }
0593:                putFormErrors(context, binder.getErrors());
0594:                return binder.getErrors().hasErrors() ? error() : success();
0595:            }
0597:            /**
0598:             * Bind incoming request parameters to allowed fields of the form object.
0599:             * <p>
0600:             * NOTE: This action method is not designed to be overidden and might
0601:             * become <code>final</code> in a future version of Spring Web Flow. If
0602:             * you need to execute custom data binding logic have your flow call this
0603:             * method along with your own custom methods as part of a single action
0604:             * chain. Alternatively, override the
0605:             * {@link #doBind(RequestContext, DataBinder)} hook.
0606:             * @param context the action execution context, for accessing and setting
0607:             * data in "flow scope" or "request scope"
0608:             * @return "success" if there are no binding errors, "error" otherwise
0609:             * @throws Exception an <b>unrecoverable</b> exception occured, either
0610:             * checked or unchecked
0611:             */
0612:            public Event bind(RequestContext context) throws Exception {
0613:                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
0614:                    logger.debug("Executing bind");
0615:                }
0616:                Object formObject = getFormObject(context);
0617:                DataBinder binder = createBinder(context, formObject);
0618:                doBind(context, binder);
0619:                putFormErrors(context, binder.getErrors());
0620:                return binder.getErrors().hasErrors() ? error() : success();
0621:            }
0623:            /**
0624:             * Validate the form object by invoking the validator if configured.
0625:             * <p>
0626:             * NOTE: This action method is not designed to be overidden and might
0627:             * become <code>final</code> in a future version of Spring Web Flow. If
0628:             * you need to execute custom validation logic have your flow call this
0629:             * method along with your own custom methods as part of a single action
0630:             * chain. Alternatively, override the
0631:             * {@link #doValidate(RequestContext, Object, Errors)} hook.
0632:             * @param context the action execution context, for accessing and setting
0633:             * data in "flow scope" or "request scope"
0634:             * @return "success" if there are no validation errors, "error" otherwise
0635:             * @throws Exception an <b>unrecoverable</b> exception occured, either
0636:             * checked or unchecked
0637:             * @see #getValidator()
0638:             */
0639:            public Event validate(RequestContext context) throws Exception {
0640:                if (getValidator() != null && validationEnabled(context)) {
0641:                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
0642:                        logger.debug("Executing validation");
0643:                    }
0644:                    Object formObject = getFormObject(context);
0645:                    Errors errors = getFormErrors(context);
0646:                    doValidate(context, formObject, errors);
0647:                    return errors.hasErrors() ? error() : success();
0648:                } else {
0649:                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
0650:                        if (getValidator() == null) {
0651:                            logger
0652:                                    .debug("No validator is configured, no validation will occur");
0653:                        } else {
0654:                            logger
0655:                                    .debug("Validation was disabled for this request");
0656:                        }
0657:                    }
0658:                    return success();
0659:                }
0660:            }
0662:            /**
0663:             * Resets the form by clearing out the form object in the specified scope
0664:             * and recreating it.
0665:             * <p>
0666:             * NOTE: This action method is not designed to be overidden and might
0667:             * become <code>final</code> in a future version of Spring Web Flow. If
0668:             * you need to execute custom reset logic have your flow call this method
0669:             * along with your own custom methods as part of a single action chain.
0670:             * @param context the request context
0671:             * @return "success" if the reset action completed successfully
0672:             * @throws Exception if an exception occured
0673:             * @see #createFormObject(RequestContext)
0674:             */
0675:            public Event resetForm(RequestContext context) throws Exception {
0676:                Object formObject = initFormObject(context);
0677:                initFormErrors(context, formObject);
0678:                return success();
0679:            }
0681:            // internal helpers
0683:            /**
0684:             * Create the new form object and put it in the configured
0685:             * {@link #getFormObjectScope() scope}.
0686:             * @param context the flow execution request context
0687:             * @return the new form object
0688:             * @throws Exception an exception occured creating the form object
0689:             */
0690:            private Object initFormObject(RequestContext context)
0691:                    throws Exception {
0692:                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
0693:                    logger.debug("Creating new form object with name '"
0694:                            + getFormObjectName() + "'");
0695:                }
0696:                Object formObject = createFormObject(context);
0697:                putFormObject(context, formObject);
0698:                return formObject;
0699:            }
0701:            /**
0702:             * Put given form object in the configured scope of given context.
0703:             */
0704:            private void putFormObject(RequestContext context, Object formObject) {
0705:                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
0706:                    logger.debug("Putting form object of type ["
0707:                            + formObject.getClass() + "] in scope "
0708:                            + getFormObjectScope() + " with name '"
0709:                            + getFormObjectName() + "'");
0710:                }
0711:                getFormObjectAccessor(context).putFormObject(formObject,
0712:                        getFormObjectName(), getFormObjectScope());
0713:            }
0715:            /**
0716:             * Initialize a new form object {@link Errors errors} instance in the
0717:             * configured {@link #getFormErrorsScope() scope}. This method also
0718:             * registers any {@link PropertiesEditor property editors} used to format
0719:             * form object property values.
0720:             * @param context the current flow execution request context
0721:             * @param formObject the form object for which errors will be tracked
0722:             */
0723:            private Errors initFormErrors(RequestContext context,
0724:                    Object formObject) throws Exception {
0725:                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
0726:                    logger
0727:                            .debug("Creating new form errors for object with name '"
0728:                                    + getFormObjectName() + "'");
0729:                }
0730:                Errors errors = createBinder(context, formObject).getErrors();
0731:                putFormErrors(context, errors);
0732:                return errors;
0733:            }
0735:            /**
0736:             * Put given errors instance in the configured scope of given context.
0737:             */
0738:            private void putFormErrors(RequestContext context, Errors errors) {
0739:                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
0740:                    logger.debug("Putting form errors instance in scope "
0741:                            + getFormErrorsScope());
0742:                }
0743:                getFormObjectAccessor(context).putFormErrors(errors,
0744:                        getFormErrorsScope());
0745:            }
0747:            /**
0748:             * Make sure a <i>valid</i> Errors instance for given form object is exposed
0749:             * in given context.
0750:             */
0751:            private void ensureFormErrorsExposed(RequestContext context,
0752:                    Object formObject) throws Exception {
0753:                if (!formErrorsExposed(context)) {
0754:                    // initialize and expose a fresh errors instance to the flow with
0755:                    // editors applied
0756:                    initFormErrors(context, formObject);
0757:                } else {
0758:                    // trying to reuse an existing errors instance
0759:                    if (formErrorsValid(context, formObject)) {
0760:                        // reapply property editors against the existing errors instance
0761:                        reinstallPropertyEditors(context);
0762:                    } else {
0763:                        // the existing errors instance seems to be invalid
0764:                        // initialize a new errors instance, but copy over error information
0765:                        if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
0766:                            logger
0767:                                    .info("Fixing inconsistent Errors instance: initializing a new Errors instance "
0768:                                            + "wrapping from object '"
0769:                                            + formObject
0770:                                            + "' in scope '"
0771:                                            + getFormErrorsScope()
0772:                                            + "' and copying over all existing error information.");
0773:                        }
0774:                        Errors invalidExistingErrors = getFormObjectAccessor(
0775:                                context).getFormErrors(getFormObjectName(),
0776:                                getFormErrorsScope());
0777:                        Errors newErrors = initFormErrors(context, formObject);
0778:                        newErrors.addAllErrors(invalidExistingErrors);
0779:                    }
0780:                }
0781:            }
0783:            /**
0784:             * Check if there is an Errors instance available in given
0785:             * context for given form object.
0786:             */
0787:            private boolean formErrorsExposed(RequestContext context) {
0788:                return getFormObjectAccessor(context).getFormErrors(
0789:                        getFormObjectName(), getFormErrorsScope()) != null;
0790:            }
0792:            /**
0793:             * Check if the Errors instance available in given context is valid for
0794:             * given form object.
0795:             */
0796:            private boolean formErrorsValid(RequestContext context,
0797:                    Object formObject) {
0798:                Errors errors = getFormObjectAccessor(context).getFormErrors(
0799:                        getFormObjectName(), getFormErrorsScope());
0800:                if (errors instanceof  BindException) {
0801:                    BindException be = (BindException) errors;
0802:                    if (be.getTarget() != formObject) {
0803:                        if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
0804:                            logger
0805:                                    .info("Inconsistency detected: the Errors instance in '"
0806:                                            + getFormErrorsScope()
0807:                                            + "' does NOT wrap the current form object '"
0808:                                            + formObject
0809:                                            + "' of class "
0810:                                            + formObject.getClass()
0811:                                            + "; instead this Errors instance unexpectedly wraps the target object '"
0812:                                            + be.getTarget()
0813:                                            + "' of class: "
0814:                                            + be.getTarget().getClass() + ".");
0815:                        }
0816:                        return false;
0817:                    } else {
0818:                        return true;
0819:                    }
0820:                } else {
0821:                    return true;
0822:                }
0823:            }
0825:            /**
0826:             * Re-registers property editors against the current form errors instance.
0827:             * @param context the flow execution request context
0828:             */
0829:            private void reinstallPropertyEditors(RequestContext context) {
0830:                BindException errors = (BindException) getFormObjectAccessor(
0831:                        context).getFormErrors(getFormObjectName(),
0832:                        getFormErrorsScope());
0833:                registerPropertyEditors(context,
0834:                        getPropertyEditorRegistry(errors));
0835:            }
0837:            /**
0838:             * Obtain a property editor registry from given bind exception (errors
0839:             * instance).
0840:             */
0841:            private PropertyEditorRegistry getPropertyEditorRegistry(
0842:                    BindException errors) {
0843:                Method accessor;
0844:                try {
0845:                    if (hasPropertyEditorRegistryAccessor) {
0846:                        accessor = errors.getClass().getMethod(
0847:                                "getPropertyEditorRegistry", null);
0848:                    } else {
0849:                        // only way to get at the registry in 1.2.8 or <.
0850:                        accessor = errors.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(
0851:                                "getBeanWrapper", null);
0852:                        accessor.setAccessible(true);
0853:                    }
0854:                } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
0855:                    throw new IllegalStateException(
0856:                            "Unable to resolve property editor registry accessor method as expected - this should not happen");
0857:                }
0858:                return (PropertyEditorRegistry) ReflectionUtils.invokeMethod(
0859:                        accessor, errors);
0860:            }
0862:            /**
0863:             * Invoke specified validator method on the validator registered with this
0864:             * action. The validator method for piecemeal validation should have the
0865:             * following signature:
0866:             * <pre>
0867:             *     public void ${validateMethodName}(${formObjectClass}, Errors)
0868:             * </pre>
0869:             * @param validatorMethod the name of the validator method to invoke
0870:             * @param formObject the form object
0871:             * @param errors possible binding errors
0872:             * @throws Exception when an unrecoverable exception occurs
0873:             */
0874:            private void invokeValidatorMethod(String validatorMethod,
0875:                    Object formObject, Errors errors) throws Exception {
0876:                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
0877:                    logger.debug("Invoking piecemeal validator method '"
0878:                            + validatorMethod + "(" + getFormObjectClass()
0879:                            + ", Errors)'");
0880:                }
0881:                getValidateMethodInvoker().invoke(validatorMethod,
0882:                        new Object[] { formObject, errors });
0883:            }
0885:            // accessible helpers (subclasses could override if necessary)
0887:            /**
0888:             * Convenience method that returns the form object for this form action. If
0889:             * not found in the configured scope, a new form object will be created by a
0890:             * call to {@link #createFormObject(RequestContext)} and exposed in the
0891:             * configured {@link #getFormObjectScope() scope}.
0892:             * <p>
0893:             * The returned form object will become the
0894:             * {@link FormObjectAccessor#setCurrentFormObject(Object, ScopeType) current}
0895:             * form object.
0896:             * @param context the flow execution request context
0897:             * @return the form object
0898:             * @throws Exception when an unrecoverable exception occurs
0899:             */
0900:            protected Object getFormObject(RequestContext context)
0901:                    throws Exception {
0902:                FormObjectAccessor accessor = getFormObjectAccessor(context);
0903:                Object formObject = accessor.getFormObject(getFormObjectName(),
0904:                        getFormObjectScope());
0905:                if (formObject == null) {
0906:                    formObject = initFormObject(context);
0907:                } else {
0908:                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
0909:                        logger.debug("Found existing form object with name '"
0910:                                + getFormObjectName() + "' of type ["
0911:                                + formObject.getClass() + "] in scope "
0912:                                + getFormObjectScope());
0913:                    }
0914:                    accessor.setCurrentFormObject(formObject,
0915:                            getFormObjectScope());
0916:                }
0917:                return formObject;
0918:            }
0920:            /**
0921:             * Convenience method that returns the form object errors for this form
0922:             * action. If not found in the configured scope, a new form object errors
0923:             * will be created, initialized, and exposed in the confgured
0924:             * {@link #getFormErrorsScope() scope}.
0925:             * <p>
0926:             * Keep in mind that an Errors instance wraps a form object, so a form
0927:             * object will also be created if required
0928:             * (see {@link #getFormObject(RequestContext)}).
0929:             * @param context the flow request context
0930:             * @return the form errors
0931:             * @throws Exception when an unrecoverable exception occurs
0932:             */
0933:            protected Errors getFormErrors(RequestContext context)
0934:                    throws Exception {
0935:                Object formObject = getFormObject(context);
0936:                ensureFormErrorsExposed(context, formObject);
0937:                return getFormObjectAccessor(context).getFormErrors(
0938:                        getFormObjectName(), getFormErrorsScope());
0939:            }
0941:            /**
0942:             * Create a new binder instance for the given form object and request
0943:             * context. Can be overridden to plug in custom DataBinder subclasses.
0944:             * <p>
0945:             * Default implementation creates a standard WebDataBinder, and invokes
0946:             * {@link #initBinder(RequestContext, DataBinder)} and
0947:             * {@link #registerPropertyEditors(PropertyEditorRegistry)}.
0948:             * @param context the action execution context, for accessing and setting
0949:             * data in "flow scope" or "request scope"
0950:             * @param formObject the form object to bind onto
0951:             * @return the new binder instance
0952:             * @throws Exception when an unrecoverable exception occurs
0953:             * @see WebDataBinder
0954:             * @see #initBinder(RequestContext, DataBinder)
0955:             * @see #setMessageCodesResolver(MessageCodesResolver)
0956:             */
0957:            protected DataBinder createBinder(RequestContext context,
0958:                    Object formObject) throws Exception {
0959:                DataBinder binder = new WebDataBinder(formObject,
0960:                        getFormObjectName());
0961:                if (getMessageCodesResolver() != null) {
0962:                    binder.setMessageCodesResolver(getMessageCodesResolver());
0963:                }
0964:                initBinder(context, binder);
0965:                registerPropertyEditors(context, binder);
0966:                return binder;
0967:            }
0969:            /**
0970:             * Bind allowed parameters in the external context request parameter map to
0971:             * the form object using given binder.
0972:             * @param context the action execution context, for accessing and setting
0973:             * data in "flow scope" or "request scope"
0974:             * @param binder the data binder to use
0975:             * @throws Exception when an unrecoverable exception occurs
0976:             */
0977:            protected void doBind(RequestContext context, DataBinder binder)
0978:                    throws Exception {
0979:                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
0980:                    logger.debug("Binding allowed request parameters in "
0981:                            +
0982:                                    .getRequestParameterMap())
0983:                            + " to form object with name '"
0984:                            + binder.getObjectName()
0985:                            + "', pre-bind formObject toString = "
0986:                            + binder.getTarget());
0987:                    if (binder.getAllowedFields() != null
0988:                            && binder.getAllowedFields().length > 0) {
0989:                        logger.debug("(Allowed fields are "
0990:                                +
0991:                                + ")");
0992:                    } else {
0993:                        logger.debug("(Any field is allowed)");
0994:                    }
0995:                }
0996:                binder.bind(new MutablePropertyValues(context
0997:                        .getRequestParameters().asMap()));
0998:                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
0999:                    logger
1000:                            .debug("Binding completed for form object with name '"
1001:                                    + binder.getObjectName()
1002:                                    + "', post-bind formObject toString = "
1003:                                    + binder.getTarget());
1004:                    logger.debug("There are ["
1005:                            + binder.getErrors().getErrorCount()
1006:                            + "] errors, details: "
1007:                            + binder.getErrors().getAllErrors());
1008:                }
1009:            }
1011:            /**
1012:             * Validate given form object using a registered validator. If a
1013:             * "validatorMethod" action property is specified for the currently
1014:             * executing action, the identified validator method will be invoked. When
1015:             * no such property is found, the defualt <code>validate()</code> method
1016:             * is invoked.
1017:             * @param context the action execution context, for accessing and setting
1018:             * data in "flow scope" or "request scope"
1019:             * @param formObject the form object
1020:             * @param errors the errors instance to record validation errors in
1021:             * @throws Exception when an unrecoverable exception occurs
1022:             */
1023:            protected void doValidate(RequestContext context,
1024:                    Object formObject, Errors errors) throws Exception {
1025:                Assert
1026:                        .notNull(getValidator(),
1027:                                "The validator must not be null when attempting validation -- programmer error");
1028:                String validatorMethodName = context.getAttributes().getString(
1029:                        VALIDATOR_METHOD_ATTRIBUTE);
1030:                if (StringUtils.hasText(validatorMethodName)) {
1031:                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
1032:                        logger.debug("Invoking validation method '"
1033:                                + validatorMethodName + "' on validator "
1034:                                + getValidator());
1035:                    }
1036:                    invokeValidatorMethod(validatorMethodName, formObject,
1037:                            errors);
1038:                } else {
1039:                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
1040:                        logger.debug("Invoking validator " + getValidator());
1041:                    }
1042:                    getValidator().validate(formObject, errors);
1043:                }
1044:                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
1045:                    logger.debug("Validation completed for form object");
1046:                    logger.debug("There are [" + errors.getErrorCount()
1047:                            + "] errors, details: " + errors.getAllErrors());
1048:                }
1049:            }
1051:            /**
1052:             * Returns a dispatcher to invoke validation methods. Subclasses could
1053:             * override this to return a custom dispatcher.
1054:             */
1055:            protected DispatchMethodInvoker getValidateMethodInvoker() {
1056:                return validateMethodInvoker;
1057:            }
1059:            /**
1060:             * Factory method that returns a new form object accessor for accessing form
1061:             * objects in the provided request context.
1062:             * @param context the flow request context
1063:             * @return the accessor
1064:             */
1065:            protected FormObjectAccessor getFormObjectAccessor(
1066:                    RequestContext context) {
1067:                return new FormObjectAccessor(context);
1068:            }
1070:            // common subclassing hook methods
1072:            /**
1073:             * Create the backing form object instance that should be managed by this
1074:             * {@link FormAction form action}. By default, will attempt to instantiate
1075:             * a new form object instance of type {@link #getFormObjectClass()}
1076:             * transiently in memory.
1077:             * <p>
1078:             * Subclasses should override if they need to load the form object from a
1079:             * specific location or resource such as a database or filesystem.
1080:             * <p>
1081:             * Subclasses should override if they need to customize how a transient form
1082:             * object is assembled during creation.
1083:             * @param context the action execution context for accessing flow data
1084:             * @return the form object
1085:             * @throws IllegalStateException if the {@link #getFormObjectClass()}
1086:             * property is not set and this method has not been overridden
1087:             * @throws Exception when an unrecoverable exception occurs
1088:             */
1089:            protected Object createFormObject(RequestContext context)
1090:                    throws Exception {
1091:                if (getFormObjectClass() == null) {
1092:                    throw new IllegalStateException(
1093:                            "Cannot create form object without formObjectClass property being set -- "
1094:                                    + "either set formObjectClass or override createFormObject");
1095:                }
1096:                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
1097:                    logger.debug("Creating new instance of form object class ["
1098:                            + getFormObjectClass() + "]");
1099:                }
1100:                return getFormObjectClass().newInstance();
1101:            }
1103:            /**
1104:             * Initialize a new binder instance. This hook allows customization of
1105:             * binder settings such as the {@link DataBinder#getAllowedFields() allowed fields},
1106:             * {@link DataBinder#getRequiredFields() required fields} and
1107:             * {@link DataBinder#initDirectFieldAccess() direct field access}. Called by
1108:             * {@link #createBinder(RequestContext, Object)}.
1109:             * <p>
1110:             * Note that registration of custom property editors should be done in
1111:             * {@link #registerPropertyEditors(PropertyEditorRegistry)}, not here! This
1112:             * method will only be called when a <b>new</b> data binder is created.
1113:             * @param context the action execution context, for accessing and setting
1114:             * data in "flow scope" or "request scope"
1115:             * @param binder new binder instance
1116:             * @see #createBinder(RequestContext, Object)
1117:             */
1118:            protected void initBinder(RequestContext context, DataBinder binder) {
1119:            }
1121:            /**
1122:             * Register custom editors to perform type conversion on fields of your form
1123:             * object during data binding and form display. This method is called on
1124:             * form errors initialization and
1125:             * {@link #initBinder(RequestContext, DataBinder) data binder} initialization.
1126:             * <p>
1127:             * Property editors give you full control over how objects are transformed
1128:             * to and from a formatted String form for display on a user interface such
1129:             * as a HTML page.
1130:             * <p>
1131:             * This default implementation will call the
1132:             * {@link #registerPropertyEditors(PropertyEditorRegistry) simpler form} of
1133:             * the method not taking a <tt>RequestContext</tt> parameter.
1134:             * @param context the action execution context, for accessing and setting
1135:             * data in "flow scope" or "request scope"
1136:             * @param registry the property editor registry to register editors in
1137:             * @see #registerPropertyEditors(PropertyEditorRegistry)
1138:             */
1139:            protected void registerPropertyEditors(RequestContext context,
1140:                    PropertyEditorRegistry registry) {
1141:                registerPropertyEditors(registry);
1142:            }
1144:            /**
1145:             * Register custom editors to perform type conversion on fields of your form
1146:             * object during data binding and form display. This method is called on
1147:             * form errors initialization and
1148:             * {@link #initBinder(RequestContext, DataBinder) data binder} initialization.
1149:             * <p>
1150:             * Property editors give you full control over how objects are transformed
1151:             * to and from a formatted String form for display on a user interface such
1152:             * as a HTML page.
1153:             * <p>
1154:             * This default implementation will simply call <tt>registerCustomEditors</tt>
1155:             * on the {@link #getPropertyEditorRegistrar() propertyEditorRegistrar} object
1156:             * that has been set for the action, if any.
1157:             * @param registry the property editor registry to register editors in
1158:             */
1159:            protected void registerPropertyEditors(
1160:                    PropertyEditorRegistry registry) {
1161:                if (getPropertyEditorRegistrar() != null) {
1162:                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
1163:                        logger
1164:                                .debug("Registering custom property editors using configured registrar");
1165:                    }
1166:                    getPropertyEditorRegistrar()
1167:                            .registerCustomEditors(registry);
1168:                } else {
1169:                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
1170:                        logger
1171:                                .debug("No property editor registrar set, no custom editors to register");
1172:                    }
1173:                }
1174:            }
1176:            /**
1177:             * Return whether validation should be performed given the state of the flow
1178:             * request context. Default implementation always returns true.
1179:             * @param context the request context, for accessing and setting data in
1180:             * "flow scope" or "request scope"
1181:             * @return whether or not validation is enabled
1182:             */
1183:            protected boolean validationEnabled(RequestContext context) {
1184:                return true;
1185:            }
1186:        } | Contact Us
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