#!/usr/bin/env python
""" Use this to help speed up manual conversion of e.g. GWT Java to e.g.
Pyjamas python
TODO: in java2pythonlinebyline and redofunctions, identify a list
of variables and functions, and do replace "variable" with "self.variable"
import sys
import string
def import_gwt_to_pyjamas(txt):
""" this bit is specifically hard-coded to deal with gwt-dnd
conversion. almost everything else is "generic" java-to-python
if txt.startswith("package "):
return ''
if not txt.startswith('import '):
return txt
if txt == 'import com.google.gwt.dom.client.NativeEvent;':
return 'from pyjamas.ui import Event'
if txt.startswith('import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.'):
module = txt[37:-1]
return "from pyjamas.ui.%s import %s" % (module, module)
if txt.startswith('import com.google.gwt.user.client.'):
module = txt[34:-1]
if module == 'Element':
return ''
return "from pyjamas import %s" % module
if txt.startswith('import com.allen_sauer.gwt.dnd.client.drop.'):
module = txt[43:-1]
return "from pyjamas.dnd.drop import %s" % module
if txt.startswith('import com.allen_sauer.gwt.dnd.client.util.'):
module = txt[43:-1]
return "from pyjamas.dnd.util import %s" % module
if txt.startswith('import com.googlecode.gchart.client.'):
module = txt[36:-1]
if module == 'GChart':
return "from pyjamas.chart.GChart import GChart"
return "from pyjamas.chart import %s" % module
if txt.startswith('import com.allen_sauer.gwt.dnd.client.'):
module = txt[38:-1]
return "from pyjamas.dnd import %s" % module
return ''
def convert_stupid_js_import_to_stupid_js_import(txt):
""" this is GWT-to-PyJS-specific conversion: support of assembly-like
direct insertion of javascript. again, it's one of the few bits
of non-generic java-to-python
txt = txt.replace("/*-{", '{\nJS("""')
txt = txt.replace("}-*/", '""")\n}')
return txt
def join_single_open_brace_to_previous_line(txt):
res = []
for l in txt.split("\n"):
x = l.strip()
if x == '{':
res[-1] += (' {')
return '\n'.join(res)
def countspaces(txt):
count = 0
while count < len(txt) and txt[count] == ' ':
count += 1
return count
def java2pythonlinebyline(txt):
if txt.find('if (') >= 0:
if not txt.strip().endswith("{"):
print txt
error # deliberate error on lines with no {
txt = txt.replace('if (', 'if ')
txt = txt.replace('!', 'not ')
txt = txt.replace('not =', '!=') # whoops
txt = txt.replace(') {', ':')
elif txt.endswith("else {"):
txt = txt.replace('else {', 'else:')
elif txt.find('class ') >= 0 and txt.endswith("{"):
txt = txt.replace('{', ':')
elif txt.find('try {') >= 0:
txt = txt.replace('try {', 'try:')
elif txt.find('} catch') >= 0:
txt = txt.replace('} catch', 'except')
elif txt.find('finally {') >= 0:
txt = txt.replace('finally {', 'except:')
elif txt.find('while (') >= 0:
txt = txt.replace('while (', 'while ')
txt = txt.replace(') {', ':')
elif txt.find('for (') >= 0:
txt = txt.replace('for (', 'for ')
txt = txt.replace(') {', ':')
count = countspaces(txt)
if txt[count:].startswith("}"):
txt = count * ' ' + txt[count+1:]
if txt[count:].startswith("protected ") >= 0:
# TODO: check if "class" in current line, add class name
# otherwise assume last word of line is variable
txt = txt.replace("protected ", "")
if txt[count:].startswith("public ") >= 0:
# TODO: check if "class" in current line, add class name
# otherwise assume last word of line is variable
txt = txt.replace("public ", "")
if txt[count:].startswith("private ") >= 0:
# TODO: check if "class" in current line, add class name
# otherwise assume last word of line is variable e.g.
# private final Area >>>targetArea<<<;
txt = txt.replace("private ", "")
if txt[count:].startswith("static ") >= 0:
txt = txt.replace("static ", "")
if txt[count:].startswith("native ") >= 0:
txt = txt.replace("native ", "")
if txt[count:].startswith("final ") >= 0:
txt = txt.replace("final ", "")
if txt.endswith(";"):
txt = txt[:-1]
if txt.endswith(" :"):
txt = txt[:-2] + ":"
return txt
def redofunctions(txt):
if txt.strip().startswith("#"):
return txt
if not txt.endswith("{"):
return txt
lbr = txt.find("(")
rbr = txt.find(") {")
if lbr == -1 or rbr == -1 or lbr > rbr:
return txt
lbr2 = txt.find("(", lbr+1)
if lbr2 > 0:
return txt
count = countspaces(txt)
pre = txt[count:lbr]
args = txt[lbr+1:rbr]
if pre.strip() == 'switch':
return txt
is_exception = 0
if pre.find("except") >= 0:
is_exception = 1
pre = map(string.strip, pre.split(' '))
if len(pre) == 1: # assume it's a constructor
pre = '__init__'
elif len(pre) == 2:
pre = pre[-1] # drop the first word (return type)
print txt, pre
error # deliberately cause error - investigate 3-word thingies!
args = map(string.strip, args.split(','))
newargs = []
for arg in args:
if arg == '':
arg = map(string.strip, arg.split(' '))
if len(arg) == 2:
newargs.append(arg[1]) # drop first word (arg type)
print txt
print pre, args, arg
error # deliberately cause error - find out why arg no type
if count != 0 and not is_exception:
# assume class not global function - add self
newargs = ['self'] + newargs
newargs = ', '.join(newargs)
if is_exception:
return "%s%s%s:" % (count*' ', pre, newargs)
return "%sdef %s(%s):" % (count*' ', pre, newargs)
def reindent(txt):
""" reindents according to { and } braces. strips all whitespace,
possibly not smartest thing to do. oh well.
res = ''
indent = 0
for l in txt.split("\n"):
l = l.strip()
if l.startswith("}"):
indent -= 1
if indent < 0:
res += ' ' * indent + l + "\n"
if l.endswith("{"):
indent += 1
return res
def java_replace(txt, rep, repwith):
res = ''
while txt:
i = txt.find('JS("""')
if i == -1:
return res + txt.replace(rep, repwith)
j = txt.find('""")', i)
if (j == -1):
error # whoops
res += txt[:i].replace(rep, repwith) + txt[i:j]
txt = txt[j:]
return txt
def java_linemap(fn, lines):
res = []
in_stupid_js = False
for l in lines:
if in_stupid_js:
if l.find('""")') >= 0:
in_stupid_js = False
if l.find('JS("""') >= 0:
in_stupid_js = True
return res
def java2python(txt):
txt = txt.replace("\r\n", '\n') # yuk dos files.
txt = convert_stupid_js_import_to_stupid_js_import(txt)
txt = join_single_open_brace_to_previous_line(txt)
txt = reindent(txt)
txt = java_replace(txt, "/*", '"""')
txt = java_replace(txt, "*/", '"""')
txt = java_replace(txt, "<>", '!=')
txt = java_replace(txt, "&&", ' and ')
txt = java_replace(txt, "||", ' or ')
txt = java_replace(txt, "null", 'None')
txt = java_replace(txt, "!= None", 'is not None')
txt = java_replace(txt, "== None", 'is None')
txt = java_replace(txt, "throw ", 'raise ')
txt = java_replace(txt, "true", 'True')
txt = java_replace(txt, "false", 'False')
txt = java_replace(txt, "//", '#')
txt = java_replace(txt, "this.", 'self.')
txt = java_replace(txt, "else if", 'elif')
txt = java_replace(txt, "new ", '')
l = txt.split("\n")
l = java_linemap(import_gwt_to_pyjamas, l)
l = java_linemap(java2pythonlinebyline, l)
l = java_linemap(redofunctions, l)
txt = java_replace(txt, "}", '')
return '\n'.join(l)
if __name__ == "__main__":
fname = sys.argv[1]
f = open(fname + ".java", "r")
txt = java2python(f.read())
f = open(fname + ".py", "w")