from thread import start_new_thread,allocate_lock
import time
class _Thread_return_stop_holder: pass
def timeout_2s_catch(self, *args, **keyw):
This function implements 2 second timeout advice
that catches exceptions raised by the thread.
The advice equals to the one you get by
a = create_timeout_advice( 2.0, 1 )
# Initialise tflock that is locked until thread
# finishes execution
tflock = allocate_lock()
ret = _Thread_return_stop_holder()
ret.value = None
def save_retval( ret ):
try: ret.value = self.__proceed(*args, **keyw)
except: pass
start_new_thread( save_retval, (ret,) )
if _wait_timeout( 2.0, tflock ):
return None
return ret.value
_num_of_advices = 0
def create_timeout_advice( timeout = 1.0, catch_exceptions = 1 ):
global _num_of_advices
_num_of_advices = _num_of_advices + 1
py = "def timeout_advice" + str( _num_of_advices ) + \
"(self, *args, **keyw):\n" + \
" tflock = allocate_lock()\n" + \
" tflock.acquire()\n" + \
" ret = _Thread_return_stop_holder()\n" + \
" ret.value = None\n" + \
" def save_retval( ret ):\n"
if catch_exceptions:
py = py + " try: ret.value = self.__proceed(*args,**keyw)\n" + \
" except: pass\n"
py = py + " ret.value = self.__proceed(*args,**keyw)\n"
py = py + " tflock.release()\n" + \
" start_new_thread( save_retval, (ret,) )\n" + \
" if _wait_timeout( "+str(timeout)+", tflock):\n" + \
" return None\n" + \
" return ret.value\n"
return _create_function( py, "timeout_advice"+str(_num_of_advices) )
def _create_function( function_code, function_name ):
# compile code
codeobj = compile( function_code, "", "exec" )
# execute code, new function is added to local name space
exec( codeobj )
return eval( function_name )
def _wait_timeout( max_time, lock ):
Return 1 if lock is not released before max_time
seconds have elapsed.
start_time = time.time()
while time.time() - start_time < max_time:
time.sleep( 0.01 )
if lock.acquire(0):
return 0
return 1