# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2003 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE).
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Observer Aspect example
__revision__ = '$Id: observer_example.py,v 1.5 2003/12/17 14:32:38 adim Exp $'
from logilab.aspects.lib.observer import ObserverAspect
from logilab.aspects.weaver import weaver,PointCut
class ForeignClass:
"""Consider that this class is written by someone else, and
that you don't want it to be modified.
But you may still want to make it observable !
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def set_value(self, val):
"""sets self.value to val.
This method should notify observers that self has changed. But
you do not want to change this code, and you don't want to
subclass ForeignClass.
self.value = val
class MyObserver:
"""An observer of ForeignClass ...
def update(self):
"""Called when a ForeignClass instance is changed
print "-"*10,"I'm an Observer : ForeignClass has changed !","-"*10
def run():
"""Observer example
foreign = ForeignClass(10)
obs = MyObserver()
print "*"*30
print "Before weaving ObserverAspect, changes on foo won't be observerd"
print ""
print "Changing foo ..."
print "Did the observer see anything ?"
print ""
print "Now : weave observer aspect, and re-change foo ..."
pcut = PointCut()
pcut.add_method(foreign, 'set_value')
weaver.weave_pointcut(pcut, ObserverAspect, [obs])
print "Did the observer see anything ?"
print "*"*30
if __name__ == '__main__':