# -*- coding: ISO-8859-1 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2004 Sylvain Thnault
# http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
"""pytrace [options] <python program> [program options / arguments]
plug a logger aspect on some modules/classes before running the program
__revision__ = '$Id: pytrace.py,v 1.1 2005/01/19 10:27:46 adim Exp $'
version = ('0.1.0')
import os
import sys
import time
import threading
from logilab.common.configuration import OptionsManagerMixIn,\
from logilab.common.modutils import load_module_from_name
from logilab.aspects.weaver import weaver
from logilab.aspects.core import AbstractAspect
from logilab.aspects.prototypes import reassign_function_arguments
class LoggerAspect(AbstractAspect):
"""Logger Aspect Class.
The Logger will log all informations related to method calls
name = 'logging'
priority = 0
def filter(name):
"""log everything"""
return 1
filter = staticmethod(filter)
def __init__(self, pointcut, output, config):
cls : the class or class instance to aspect
method_name : the name of the method to wrap
output : the stream to write log messages in
AbstractAspect.__init__(self, pointcut)
self.config = config
self.output = output
def before(self, wobj, context, *args, **kwargs):
"""Before method"""
self.base_info(wobj, context)
write = self.output.write
if self.config.parameters:
method = self._get_base_method(wobj, context['method_name'])
call_dict = reassign_function_arguments(method, args, kwargs)
write(', '.join(['%s=%r' % (var, val)
for var, val in call_dict.items()]))
def after(self, wobj, context, *args, **kwargs):
"""After method.
Logs the return value or the exception raised
self.base_info(wobj, context)
exec_excpt = context['exception']
if exec_excpt is not None:
self.output.write(" exception : %s\n" % (exec_excpt,))
self.output.write(" exception : %s\n" % (exec_excpt.__class__,))
self.output.write(" return : %r\n" % (context['ret_v'],))
def base_info(self, wobj, context):
"""print base information according to context and configuration"""
write = self.output.write
if self.config.time:
write('[%s] ' % time.strftime('%X', time.localtime()))
if self.config.threads:
write('[%s] ' % threading.currentThread().getName())
if self.config.oid:
write("<%s at 0x%x>." % (wobj.__class__.__name__, id(wobj)))
write("%s." % wobj.__class__.__name__)
class Runner(OptionsProviderMixIn, OptionsManagerMixIn):
"""command line runner"""
name = "selection"
priority = 0
def __init__(self, args):
self.options = (("class",
{'type' : "string", 'metavar' : "<class name>",
'action' : "callback", 'callback': self.cb_plug_class,
'help' : """Plug the logger on the given class."""}),
{'type':'string', 'metavar' : "<module name>",
'action' : "callback", 'callback': self.cb_plug_module,
'help' : """Plug the logger on the given module."""}),
{'default' :0, 'type' : "yn", 'metavar' : "<y_or_n>",
'help' : """Log thread information."""}),
{'default': 0, 'type' : 'yn', 'metavar' : '<y_or_n>',
'help' : 'Log time information.'}),
{'default' :1, 'type' : "yn", 'metavar' : "<y_or_n>",
'help' : """Log object ids."""}),
{'default': 1, 'type' : 'yn', 'metavar' : '<y_or_n>',
'help' : 'Log arguments\'values.'}),
OptionsManagerMixIn.__init__(self, usage=__doc__,
#self._weaved = {}
# insert current working directory to the python path to have a correct
# behaviour
sys.path.insert(0, os.getcwd())
# load configuration
args = self.load_command_line_configuration(args)
if not args:
print self.help()
sys.argv = args
execfile(args[0], globals())
def cb_plug_module(self, option, opt_name, value, parser):
"""optik callback to plug the aspect on a module"""
module = load_module_from_name(value)
#self._weaved[value] = module
weaver.weave_module(module, LoggerAspect, sys.stderr, self.config)
def cb_plug_class(self, option, opt_name, value, parser):
"""optik callback to plug the aspect on a class"""
parts = value.split('.')
modulename, klassname = '.'.join(parts[:-1]), parts[-1]
module = load_module_from_name(modulename)
klass = getattr(module, klassname)
#self._weaved[modulename] = module
weaver.weave_methods(klass, LoggerAspect, sys.stderr, self.config)
def run():
if __name__ == '__main__':