# $Id: user.py,v 1.17 2005/09/11 16:34:03 irmen Exp $
# User management (authenticated users, roles).
# This is part of "Snakelets" - Python Web Application Server
# which is (c) Irmen de Jong - irmen@users.sourceforge.net
# Notice that the user id is set once (when creating the user object) and cannot
# be changed, and that the password itself is not stored but its md5 hash instead.
# Privileges are stored and returned as a Set.
import md5, sets, time
class LoginUser(object):
def getuserid(self): return self.__userid
def getname(self): return self.__name
def setname(self, name): self.__name=name
def setpassword(self,passwd):
if passwd:
string = self.userid+passwd
if type(string) is unicode:
def getpassword(self): return self.__passwordhash
def getprivileges(self): return self.__privileges
def setprivileges(self, privs): self.__privileges=sets.Set(privs)
def delprivileges(self): self.__privileges=sets.Set()
userid=property(getuserid, None, None, "unique id")
name=property(getname, setname, None, "descriptive name")
password=property(getpassword,setpassword,None,"secret password. Only the md5 hash is stored, not the pw itself")
privileges=property(getprivileges, setprivileges, delprivileges, "set of the privileges this user has")
def __init__(self, userid, password=None, name=None, privileges=None, passwordhash=None):
if passwordhash:
# To initialize the password hash from an external source
# for instance when you're loading user data from a database
self.__passwordhash = passwordhash
self.privileges=privileges or []
def checkPassword(self, password):
string = self.userid+password
if type(string) is unicode:
return md5.new(string).digest() == self.__passwordhash
def hasPrivileges(self, privileges):
# does this user have ALL of the asked privileges?
return sets.Set(privileges).issubset(self.privileges)
def hasAnyPrivilege(self, privileges):
# does this user have any of the asked privileges?
return len(sets.Set(privileges) & self.privileges)>0 # intersection
def hasPrivilege(self, privilege):
# does this user have the given privilege?
return privilege in self.privileges
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s.%s object '%s' at 0x%08lx>" % (self.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, self.userid, id(self))
# the following class can be used as a base class for Ypages.
# note that the form fields must be called "login" and "password"
# They can occur both on the request form (examined first) and on the request context.
from YpageEngine import Ypage
import httpauth
class LoginPage:
def attemptLogin(self, fallbackReturnpage=None, successfulLoginFunc=None):
if self.requiresSession() == self.SESSION_NOT_NEEDED:
raise Ypage.PageAbortError("session type may not be 'no' for login pages")
login = self.Request.getParameter("login") or getattr(ctx, "login", None)
if login:
# a login attempt is made. Check for returnpage on the session
returnpage_session = getattr(self.Request.getSessionContext(),"_SNKLOGIN_RETURNPAGE",None)
MAINPAGE = getattr(ctx,"_SNKLOGIN_RETURNPAGE",None) or returnpage_session or fallbackReturnpage
# no login attempt (probably just entering the login page for the first time)
# don't get a returnpage from the session!
MAINPAGE = getattr(ctx,"_SNKLOGIN_RETURNPAGE",None) or fallbackReturnpage
if not MAINPAGE:
raise Ypage.PageAbortError("no RETURNPAGE")
# check if we are already logged in.
# in that case, go directly to the main page.
if self.User:
del self.Request.getSessionContext()._SNKLOGIN_RETURNPAGE
login = self.Request.getParameter("login") or getattr(ctx, "login", None)
password = self.Request.getParameter("password") or getattr(ctx, "password", None)
if not self.WebApp.authorizeUser:
raise httpauth.AuthError("no http user authenticator defined in webapp")
if login:
auth = self.WebApp.authorizeUser("loginpage", self.getURL(), login, password, self.Request)
if auth is None:
time.sleep(2) # to thwart brute-force password attacks
if isinstance(auth,LoginUser):
userobject = auth
userobject = LoginUser(login,privileges=auth)
# user is okay! log in and go to the returnpage.
del self.Request.getSessionContext()._SNKLOGIN_RETURNPAGE
if successfulLoginFunc: