Generates a calendar along the lines of this one (with month and day names in
the configured locale)::
< January 2003 >
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31
It walks through all your entries and marks the dates that have entries
so you can click on the date and see entries for that date.
You can set the start of the week using the 'calendar_firstweekday'
configuration setting, for example:
py['calendar_firstweekday'] = 0
will make the week start on Monday (day '0'), instead of Sunday (day '6').
Pycalendar is locale-aware. If you set the "locale" config property,
then month and day names will be displayed according to your locale.
It uses the following CSS classes:
- blosxomCalendar
- for the calendar table
- blosxomCalendarHead
- for the month year header (January 2003)
- blosxomCalendarWeekHeader
- for the week header (Su, Mo, Tu, ...)
- blosxomCalendarEmpty
- for filler days
- blosxomCalendarCell
- for calendar days that aren't today
- blosxomCalendarBlogged
- for calendar days that aren't today that
have entries
- blosxomCalendarSpecificDay
- for the specific day we're looking at
(if we're looking at a specific day)
- blosxomCalendarToday
- for today's calendar day
To use, place $calendar in your head/foot template.
This plugin is hereby placed in the public domain.
__author__ = "Will Guaraldi - willg at bluesock dot org"
__version__ = "$Id$"
__url__ = "http://pyblosxom.sourceforge.net/"
__description__ = "Displays a calendar on your blog."
from Pyblosxom import tools
import time, calendar, string, os
def verify_installation(request):
# there's no configuration needed for this plugin.
return 1
class PyblCalendar:
def __init__(self, request):
self._request = request
self._cal = None
self._today = None
self._view = None
self._specificday = None
self._entries = {}
def __str__(self):
Returns the on-demand generated string.
if self._cal == None:
return self._cal
def generate_calendar(self):
Generates the calendar. We'd like to walk the archives
for things that happen in this month and mark the dates
accordingly. After doing that we pass it to a formatting
method which turns the thing into HTML.
config = self._request.get_configuration()
data = self._request.get_data()
entry_list = data["entry_list"]
root = config["datadir"]
baseurl = config.get("base_url", "")
self._today = time.localtime()
if len(entry_list) == 0:
# if there are no entries, we shouldn't even try to
# do something fancy.
self._cal = ""
view = list(entry_list[0]["timetuple"])
# this comes in as 2001, 2002, 2003, ... so we can convert it
# without an issue
temp = data.get("pi_yr", time.strftime("%Y", self._today))
if temp:
view[0] = int(temp)
# the month is a bit harder since it can come in as "08", "", or
# "Aug" (in the example of August).
temp = data.get("pi_mo", time.strftime("%m", self._today))
if temp.isdigit():
temp = int(temp)
if tools.month2num.has_key(temp):
temp = int(tools.month2num[temp])
temp = view[1]
view[1] = temp
view = tuple(view)
self._view = view
# if we're looking at a specific day, we figure out what it is
if data["pi_yr"] and data["pi_mo"] and data["pi_da"]:
if data["pi_mo"].isdigit():
mon = data["pi_mo"]
mon = tools.month2num[data["pi_mo"]]
self._specificday = (int(data["pi_yr"]),
archive_list = tools.walk(self._request, root)
yearmonth = {}
for mem in archive_list:
timetuple = tools.filestat(self._request, mem)
# if we already have an entry for this date, we skip to the
# next one because we've already done this processing
day = str(timetuple[2]).rjust(2)
if self._entries.has_key(day):
# add an entry for yyyymm so we can figure out next/previous
year = str(timetuple[0])
dayzfill = string.zfill(timetuple[1], 2)
yearmonth[year + dayzfill] = time.strftime("%b", timetuple)
# if the entry isn't in the year/month we're looking at with
# the calendar, then we skip to the next one
if timetuple[0:2] != view[0:2]:
# mark the entry because it's one we want to show
datepiece = time.strftime("%Y/%b/%d", timetuple)
self._entries[day] = (baseurl + "/" + datepiece, day)
# Set the first day of the week (Sunday by default)
first = config.get('calendar_firstweekday', 6)
# create the calendar
cal = calendar.monthcalendar(view[0], view[1])
# insert the days of the week
cal.insert(0, calendar.weekheader(2).split())
# figure out next and previous links by taking the dict of yyyymm
# strings we created, turning it into a list, sorting them,
# and then finding "today"'s entry. then the one before it
# (index-1) is prev, and the one after (index+1) is next.
keys = yearmonth.keys()
thismonth = time.strftime("%Y%m", view)
# do some quick adjustment to make sure we didn't pick
# a yearmonth that's outside the yearmonths of the entries we
# know about.
if thismonth in keys:
index = keys.index(thismonth)
elif len(keys) == 0 or keys[0] > thismonth:
index = 0
index = len(keys) - 1
# build the prev link
if index == 0:
prev = None
prev = ("%s/%s/%s" % (baseurl, keys[index-1][:4],
# build the next link
if index == len(yearmonth)-1:
next = None
next = ("%s/%s/%s" % (baseurl, keys[index+1][:4],
# insert the month name and next/previous links
cal.insert(0, [prev, time.strftime("%B %Y", view), next])
self._cal = self.format_with_css(cal)
def _fixlink(self, link):
if link:
return "<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>" % (link[0], link[1])
return " "
def _fixday(self, day):
if day == 0:
return "<td class=\"blosxomCalendarEmpty\"> </td>"
strday = str(day).rjust(2)
if self._entries.has_key(strday):
entry = self._entries[strday]
link = "<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>" % (entry[0], entry[1])
link = strday
td_class_str = ""
# if it's today
if (self._view[0], self._view[1], day) == self._today[0:3]:
td_class_str += "blosxomCalendarToday "
if self._specificday:
# if it's the day we're viewing
if (self._view[0], self._view[1], day) == self._specificday:
td_class_str += "blosxomCalendarSpecificDay "
# if it's a day that's been blogged
if self._entries.has_key(strday):
td_class_str += "blosxomCalendarBlogged"
if td_class_str != "":
td_class_str = "<td class=\"" + td_class_str + "\">%s</td>" % link
td_class_str = "<td class=\"blosxomCalendarCell\">%s</td>" % strday
return td_class_str
def _fixweek(self, item):
return "<td class=\"blosxomCalendarWeekHeader\">%s</td>" % item
def format_with_css(self, cal):
This formats the calendar using HTML table and CSS. The output
can be made to look prettier.
cal2 = ["<table class=\"blosxomCalendar\">"]
cal2.append("<td align=\"left\">" + self._fixlink(cal[0][0]) + "</td>")
cal2.append("<td colspan=\"5\" align=\"center\" class=\"blosxomCalendarHead\">" + cal[0][1] + "</td>")
cal2.append("<td align=\"right\">" + self._fixlink(cal[0][2]) + "</td>")
cal2.append("<tr>%s</tr>" % "".join([self._fixweek(m) for m in cal[1]]))
for mem in cal[2:]:
mem = [self._fixday(m) for m in mem]
cal2.append("<tr>" + "".join(mem) + "</tr>")
return "\n".join(cal2)
def cb_prepare(args):
request = args["request"]
data = request.get_data()
if data.has_key("entry_list") and data["entry_list"]:
data["calendar"] = PyblCalendar(request)