# Part of the A-A-P recipe executive: copy and move files (remotely)
# Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Stichting NLnet Labs
# Permission to copy and use this file is specified in the file COPYING.
# If this file is missing you can find it here: http://www.a-a-p.org/COPYING
# These are functions to copy and move files. Not only on the local system,
# also to remote systems, using http://, ftp://, etc.
import os
import os.path
import string
import re
from Dictlist import str2dictlist
from Error import *
from Process import recipe_error,option_error
from Util import *
from Work import getrpstack
from Message import *
def copy_move(line_nr, recdict, arg, copy):
"""Implementation of ":copy -x from to" and ":move -x from to".
When "copy" is non-zero copying is done, otherwise moving.
"arg" is the whole argument.
"line_nr" is used for error messages."""
# Skip when not actually building.
cmdname = (copy and ':copy') or ':move'
if skip_commands():
msg_skip(line_nr, recdict, cmdname + ' ' + arg)
rpstack = getrpstack(recdict, line_nr)
# Get the arguments and check the options.
# TODO: check if all options are handled properly
from Commands import get_args
opt = {"f": "force", "force": "force",
"i": "interactive", "interactive": "interactive",
"e": "exist", "exist": "exist", "exists": "exist",
"m": "mkdir", "mkdir": "mkdir",
"c": "continue", "continue": "continue",
"q": "quiet", "quiet": "quiet"}
if copy:
"u": "unlink", "unlink": "unlink",
"p": "preserve", "preserve": "preserve",
"r": "recursive", "recursive": "recursive",
"k": "keepdir", "keepdir": "keepdir"})
optiondict, attrdict, argdictlist = get_args(line_nr, recdict, arg, opt)
if attrdict:
option_error(rpstack, attrdict, cmdname)
if len(argdictlist) < 2:
recipe_error(rpstack, _("%s command requires at least two arguments")
% cmdname)
remote_copy_move(rpstack, recdict, copy, argdictlist[:-1],
argdictlist[-1], optiondict, 1, errmsg = 1)
# Schemes handled by scheme_copy(). When changing this also need to change
# code and comments below!
scheme_copy_names = ["rcp", "scp", "rsync"]
def scheme_copy(rpstack, recdict, scheme, fromfile, tmach, destpath, fcount):
Use rcp, scp or rsync, specified with "scheme" to copy "fromfile" (with
"fcount" file names in quotes) to tmach:destpath.
Return non-zero for success.
# Install rcp/scp/rsync when needed.
from DoInstall import assert_pkg
assert_pkg(rpstack, recdict, scheme)
from Remote import get_progname_rsync,get_progname_rcp,get_progname_scp
if scheme == "rcp":
cmd = "%s %s '%s:%s'" % (get_progname_rcp(recdict),
fromfile, tmach, destpath)
elif scheme == "scp":
cmd = "%s %s '%s:%s'" % (get_progname_scp(recdict),
fromfile, tmach, destpath)
# A bug in rsync: it can't handle "file(with)parenthesis" in the
# destination, but escaping them in the source is not allowed!
d = re.sub("([()])", r"\\\1", destpath)
cmd = "%s %s '%s:%s'" % (get_progname_rsync(recdict),
fromfile, tmach, d)
if os.name == "posix":
# On Unix we can use "tee".
ok, text = redir_system_int(recdict, cmd)
# Scp may ask for a password. When we can't use "tee" we need to
# see the message. Can't catch the text output then...
ok = logged_system(recdict, "{interactive} " + cmd) == 0
text = ''
if text:
msg_log(recdict, text)
# Check for an error connecting, scp doesn't exit with an error value
# then. Usual messages are:
# "Secure connection to vim.sf.net refused."
# "lost connection"
# "Read-only file system"
i = string.find(text, "connection to")
if i > 0:
e = string.find(text, "\n", i)
if e > 0:
i = string.find(text, "refused", i, e)
i = -1
if i > 0 or string.find(text, "lost connection") >= 0:
ok = 0
elif string.find(text, "Permission denied") >= 0:
# Happens when a file exists and permissions don't allow
# overwriting: scp: vim/new/con_cvs.php: Permission denied
# TODO: check the file name and only mark this one as failed.
ok = 0
elif string.find(text, "Read-only file system") >= 0:
# Happens when the file system was mounted read-only.
# TODO: check the file name and only mark this one as failed.
ok = 0
elif string.find(text, "Not a directory") >= 0:
# Happens when copying multiple files into a file.
ok = 0
elif string.find(text, "No such file or directory") >= 0:
ok = 0
_('looks like the directory does not exist, creating it'))
# TODO: This is just guessing; how do we know if the destination
# is a directory or a file?
if fcount > 1:
dirname = destpath
dirname = os.path.dirname(destpath)
mkdircmd = ('ssh %s mkdir -p %s' % (tmach, dirname))
if logged_system(recdict, mkdircmd) == 0:
# Try copying again.
ok = (logged_system(recdict, cmd) == 0)
return ok
# Cached ftp connections.
ftp_conn = {}
did_set_exitfunc = 0
old_exitfunc = None
def ftpCloseAll():
Close all cached ftp connections. Invoked on exit.
import ftplib
if old_exitfunc:
old_exitfunc() # Invoke previous exit function.
global ftp_conn
for ftp in ftp_conn.values():
except ftplib.all_errors, e:
msg_log({}, _("could not quit an ftp connection: %s") % e)
ftp_conn = {}
# Cached passwords for ftp connections.
ftp_pass = {}
def ftpConnect(mach):
Connect to an ftp server "mach".
If "mach" is in the form "user:passwd@ftp.com" use that.
Otherwise consult the netrc file or ask the user.
Returns a tuple. The first item is an ftp object.
If the connection was successful the second item is an empty string.
If the connection failed the second item is an error message.
# Use a cached connection if there is one.
if mach in ftp_conn.keys():
return ftp_conn[mach], ''
passwd = ''
acct = ''
key = None
msg = ''
# For "user:passwd@ftp.com" split at the @
i = string.find(mach, '@')
if i > 0:
user = mach[:i]
machname = mach[i+1:]
i = string.find(user, ':')
if i > 0:
passwd = user[i+1:]
user = user[:i]
key = user + "@" + machname
passwd = ftp_pass.get(key)
if not passwd:
prompt = (_('Enter password for user %s at %s: ')
% (user, machname))
import getpass
passwd = getpass.getpass(prompt)
# TODO: should display stars for typed chars
passwd = raw_input(prompt)
user = ''
machname = mach
import aapnetrc
# obtain the login name and password from the netrc file
n = aapnetrc.netrc()
res = n.authenticators(machname)
if res is None:
user = ''
user, acct, passwd = res
except (IOError, aapnetrc.NetrcParseError), e:
# Try to open the connection to the ftp server.
import ftplib
ftp = ftplib.FTP()
i = string.find(machname, ':')
if i > 0:
# Port number specified.
ftp.connect(machname[0:i], machname[i+1:])
# Use default port number.
if user != '':
if passwd != '':
if acct != '':
ftp.login(user, passwd, acct)
ftp.login(user, passwd)
except ftplib.all_errors, e:
msg = (_('Cannot open connection to "%s": %s') % (mach, str(e)))
if key and passwd:
# Remember the typed password, so that the user doesn't have to
# type it again.
ftp_pass[key] = passwd
# Cache the connection for another time.
ftp_conn[mach] = ftp
# Setup the exit function to close the connection.
global did_set_exitfunc
global old_exitfunc
if not did_set_exitfunc:
did_set_exitfunc = 1
old_exitfunc = getattr(sys, 'exitfunc', None)
sys.exitfunc = ftpCloseAll
return ftp, msg
def ftp_may_mkdir(recdict, error, ftp, destpath):
"""If "error" indicates we failed to upload through ftp because the
directory doesn't exist try creating that directory. This works
Return non-zero if the directory was created."""
if string.find(str(error), "No such file or dir") >= 0:
adir = os.path.dirname(destpath)
if len(adir) < len(destpath):
import ftplib
msg_info(recdict, _('Directory "%s" does not appear to exist, creating it...') % adir)
except ftplib.all_errors, e:
# Maybe the upper directory doesn't exist, try creating it.
if ftp_may_mkdir(recdict, e, ftp, adir):
except ftplib.all_errors, e:
msg_info(recdict, _('Could not create directory "%s"') % adir)
return 0
return 0
return 1
return 0
def remote_copy_move(rpstack, recdict, copy, from_items, to_item,
optiondict, argexpand, errmsg = 0):
"""Copy or move command. Copy when "copy" is non-zero.
"from_items" is a dictlist of the files to copy or move from.
"to_item" is the dictionary of the destination.
"optiondict" is a dictionary with options:
recursive: recursive copy.
exist: skip if destination exists
interactive: ask about overwriting.
preserve: keep mode bits and timestamp
quiet: don't report copied/moved files
continue: ignore wildcards without matches
mkdir: create directory when needed
"argexpand" is non-zero when wildcards are to be expanded (called from
":copy" or ":move").
When "errmsg" is non-zero, call recipe_error() for an error.
Returns a list of filenames that failed."""
from Remote import url_split3
import glob
failed = []
# -l: change symlinks to real files
#if optiondict.get("unlink"):
# keepsymlinks = 0
# keepsymlinks = 1
# Expand and check the "from" arguments.
fromlist = []
for a in from_items:
fname = a["name"]
fscheme, fmach, fpath = url_split3(fname)
if fscheme == '':
# It's a local file, may expand ~user and wildcards.
f = os.path.expanduser(fname)
if argexpand:
fl = glob.glob(f)
if len(fl) == 0:
if optiondict.get("continue") and has_wildcard(f):
recipe_error(rpstack, _('No match for "%s"') % fname)
fl = [ f ]
# For copy without {r} sources can't be a directory.
if copy and not optiondict.get("recursive"):
for l in fl:
if os.path.isdir(l):
_('Copying a directory requires {r} flag: %s') % l)
# It's a URL, append without expanding.
if not copy:
recipe_error(rpstack, _('Cannot move from a URL yet: "%s"')
% fname)
if argexpand:
# Do change [*] to *, we might support expanding later.
f = expand_unescape(fname)
f = fname
# Expand and check the "to" argument.
tname = to_item["name"]
tscheme, tmach, tpath = url_split3(tname)
if tscheme == '':
# For a local file expand "~/" and "~user/". Don't use "tname", it may
# start with "file:".
tpath = os.path.expanduser(tpath)
if argexpand:
if tscheme == '':
# For a local destination file expand wildcards. If expanding
# results in no matches use the name without expansion.
l = glob.glob(tpath)
if len(l) > 1:
recipe_error(rpstack, _('More than one match for "%s"') % tname)
if len(l) == 1:
tpath = l[0]
# Can't expand wildcards in a URL yet, at least remove escaped
# wildcards.
tpath = expand_unescape(tpath)
if tscheme == '' and optiondict.get("mkdir"):
# Create local target directory when it doesn't exist.
if len(fromlist) > 1:
dirpath = tpath;
dirpath = os.path.dirname(tpath)
may_create_dir(recdict, rpstack, dirpath, optiondict.get("quiet"))
# If there is more than one source, target must be a directory.
if tscheme == '' and len(fromlist) > 1 and not os.path.isdir(tpath):
recipe_error(rpstack, _('Destination must be a directory: "%s"')
% tname)
msg = ''
if tscheme == "ftp":
# Prepare for uploading through ftp.
ftp, msg = ftpConnect(tmach)
elif tscheme in scheme_copy_names:
# TODO: Prepare for uploading through rcp/scp/rsync.
elif tscheme != '':
msg = _('Can only upload to rcp://, scp://, rsync:// and ftp://')
# If copy/move isn't possible either give an error message or return the
# whole list of sources.
if msg:
if argexpand:
msg_error(recdict, msg)
return map(lambda x : x["name"], from_items)
recipe_error(rpstack, msg)
# files to be copied with scp or rsync later.
scheme_files = {}
scheme_filelist = {}
for scheme in scheme_copy_names:
scheme_files[scheme] = ''
scheme_filelist[scheme] = []
# Loop over all "from" files.
for fname in fromlist:
fscheme, fmach, fpath = url_split3(fname)
# If the destination is a directory, append the source file name to the
# destination directory.
# "dest" includes the scheme (may be "file:" when "tscheme" is empty).
if ((tscheme != '' and len(fromlist) > 1)
or (tscheme == '' and os.path.isdir(tpath))):
if optiondict.get("keepdir"):
dest = os.path.join(tname, fpath)
destpath = os.path.join(tpath, fpath)
if tscheme == '' and os.path.dirname(fpath):
# Create the directory if it doesn't exist.
dirpath = os.path.dirname(destpath)
may_create_dir(recdict, rpstack, dirpath,
dest = os.path.join(tname, os.path.basename(fname))
destpath = os.path.join(tpath, os.path.basename(fname))
dest = tname
destpath = tpath
# If destination is a local file and exists:
# - When {exist} option used, silently ignore.
# - When {interactive} option used, ask for overwriting. Use a special
# string to allow translating the response characters.
if tscheme == '' and os.path.exists(destpath):
if optiondict.get("exist"):
msg = _('file already exists: "%s"') % dest
msg_note(recdict, msg)
if optiondict.get("interactive"):
reply = raw_input(_('"%s" exists, overwrite? (y/n) ') % dest)
if (len(reply) == 0 or not reply[0]
in _("yY up to four chars that mean yes")[:4]):
if copy:
msg_note(recdict, _("file not copied"))
msg_note(recdict, _("file not moved"))
if fscheme == '' and tscheme == '':
# local file copy or move
if not copy:
os.rename(fpath, destpath)
done = 1
done = 0 # renaming failed, try copying
if copy or not done:
import shutil
# TODO: handle symlinks and "keepsymlinks".
if os.path.isdir(fpath):
# Cannot use shutil.copytree here, it fails when the
# destination already exists.
if not os.path.exists(destpath):
# Call ourselves recursively
from Commands import dir_contents
flist = map(lambda x: {"name": x}, dir_contents(fpath))
if flist:
# Remove the "keepdir" attribute, the directory
# name is already in "destpath" now.
if optiondict.has_key("keepdir"):
opt = optiondict.copy()
del opt["keepdir"]
opt = optiondict
f = remote_copy_move(rpstack, recdict, copy, flist,
{"name": destpath}, opt, 0, errmsg)
if f:
elif not copy or optiondict.get("preserve"):
shutil.copy2(fpath, destpath)
shutil.copy(fpath, destpath)
except (IOError, OSError), e:
msg = (_('Cannot copy "%s" to "%s": %s')
% (fname, dest, str(e)))
if not argexpand and not errmsg:
msg_note(recdict, msg)
recipe_error(rpstack, msg)
if not copy:
if os.path.isdir(fpath):
if not optiondict.get("quiet"):
f = shorten_name(fpath)
if copy:
msg_info(recdict, _('Copied "%s" to "%s"') % (f, dest))
msg_info(recdict, _('Moved "%s" to "%s"') % (f, dest))
if fscheme != '':
# download to local file
from Remote import url_download
if tscheme != '':
tmpfile, rtime = url_download(recdict, fname, '')
tmpfile, rtime = url_download(recdict, fname, destpath)
except IOError, e:
msg = (_('Cannot download "%s" to "%s": %s')
% (fname, dest, str(e)))
if not argexpand and not errmsg:
msg_note(recdict, msg)
recipe_error(rpstack, msg)
if tscheme != '':
if fscheme != '':
# use temporary file
fromfile = tmpfile
fromfile = fpath
postponed = 0
if tscheme == 'ftp':
# No system command, give a message about what we're doing,
# it may take a while.
if fscheme != '':
msg_info(recdict, _('Uploading to "%s"' % dest))
if not copy:
msg_info(recdict, _('Moving "%s" to "%s"'
% (fname, dest)))
msg_info(recdict, _('Uploading "%s" to "%s"'
% (fname, dest)))
# FTP must use '/' path separator characters,
# os.path.join() may have used something else.
if os.sep != '/':
destpath = string.replace(destpath, os.sep, '/')
def store_file(ftp, fromfile, destpath):
import ftplib # avoid warning message
error = None
f = open(fromfile, "rb")
except IOError, e:
return e
ftp.storbinary("STOR " + destpath, f, 8192)
except ftplib.all_errors, e:
error = e
return error
error = store_file(ftp, fromfile, destpath)
# If it looks like the directory doesn't exist, try
# creating it.
if error and ftp_may_mkdir(recdict, error, ftp, destpath):
msg_info(recdict, _('Directory created, attempt uploading again...'))
error = store_file(ftp, fromfile, destpath)
if error:
msg = (_('Cannot upload "%s" to "%s": %s')
% (fname, dest, str(error)))
if not argexpand and not errmsg:
msg_note(recdict, msg)
recipe_error(rpstack, msg)
if fscheme != '':
os.remove(tmpfile) # delete temporary file
elif tscheme in scheme_copy_names:
if fscheme == '' and len(fromlist) > 1:
# do all local files at once below
scheme_files[tscheme] = (scheme_files[tscheme]
+ "'" + fromfile + "' ")
postponed = 1
elif not scheme_copy(rpstack, recdict, tscheme,
"'" + fromfile + "'", tmach, destpath, 1):
msg = _('Cannot upload "%s" to "%s"') % (fname, dest)
if not argexpand and not errmsg:
msg_note(recdict, msg)
recipe_error(rpstack, msg)
if fscheme != '':
os.remove(tmpfile) # delete temporary file
if fscheme != '':
os.remove(tmpfile) # delete temporary file
msg_info(recdict, _('Uploaded to "%s"' % dest))
if not copy:
msg_info(recdict, _('Moved "%s" to "%s"'
% (shorten_name(fname), dest)))
elif not postponed:
msg_info(recdict, _('Uploaded "%s" to "%s"'
% (shorten_name(fname), dest)))
# End of loop over all "from" files.
if fscheme != '':
from Remote import url_cleanup
# Copy collected files with rcp, scp and rsync.
for scheme in scheme_copy_names:
files = scheme_files[scheme]
if files:
filelist = scheme_filelist[scheme]
# If there is only one file to copy, add its basename to the
# destination path to avoid creating a file by the name of the
# directory of that file.
if len(filelist) == 1:
tpath = os.path.join(tpath,
if scheme_copy(rpstack, recdict, scheme, files, tmach, tpath,
dl = shorten_dictlist(str2dictlist(rpstack, files))
flist = map(lambda x: x["name"], dl)
msg_info(recdict, _('Uploaded "%s" to "%s"' % (flist, tname)))
msg = _('Cannot upload "%s" to "%s"') % (files, tname)
if not argexpand and not errmsg:
msg_note(recdict, msg)
recipe_error(rpstack, msg)
return failed
def may_create_dir(recdict, rpstack, dir, quiet):
Create directory "dir" if it does not exist.
if not os.path.exists(dir):
if not quiet:
msg_info(recdict, _('Created directory "%s"') % dir)
except StandardError, e:
recipe_error(rpstack, _('Destination directory "%s" cannot be created: %s') % (dir, str(e)))
# vim: set sw=4 et sts=4 tw=79 fo+=l: